path: root/test/junit
diff options
authorJason Zaugg <>2016-02-04 11:38:41 +1000
committerJason Zaugg <>2016-02-04 11:38:41 +1000
commit288d4ef1509160b21134e3ddacca5ee8311919ba (patch)
treeb7b335b7f26bf6dbcda43d024c554eb06cbd97f1 /test/junit
parentda46355a90442636ee7634c31a69eae8e8b9cd42 (diff)
parent333187a7c020b7d51d68c5435852305e70d89d41 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.12.x' into merge/2.11.x-to-2.12.x-20160203
Diffstat (limited to 'test/junit')
6 files changed, 497 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/collection/ReusableBuildersTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/collection/ReusableBuildersTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8dd1a37adf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/collection/ReusableBuildersTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package scala.collection
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+import org.junit.Test
+/* Tests various maps by making sure they all agree on the same answers. */
+class ReusableBuildersTest {
+ // GrowingBuilders are NOT reusable but can clear themselves
+ @Test
+ def test_SI8648() {
+ val b = collection.mutable.HashSet.newBuilder[Int]
+ b += 3
+ b.clear
+ assert(!b.isInstanceOf[collection.mutable.ReusableBuilder[_,_]])
+ assert(b.isInstanceOf[collection.mutable.GrowingBuilder[_,_]])
+ assert(b.result == Set[Int]())
+ }
+ // ArrayBuilders ARE reusable, regardless of whether they returned their internal array or not
+ @Test
+ def test_SI9564() {
+ val b = Array.newBuilder[Float]
+ b += 3f
+ val three = b.result
+ b.clear
+ b ++= (1 to 16).map(_.toFloat)
+ val sixteen = b.result
+ b.clear
+ b += 0f
+ val zero = b.result
+ assert(b.isInstanceOf[collection.mutable.ReusableBuilder[_,_]])
+ assert(three.toList == 3 :: Nil)
+ assert(sixteen.toList == (1 to 16))
+ assert(zero.toList == 0 :: Nil)
+ }
+ @Test
+ def test_reusability() {
+ val bl = List.newBuilder[String]
+ val bv = Vector.newBuilder[String]
+ val ba = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.newBuilder[String]
+ assert(bl.isInstanceOf[collection.mutable.ReusableBuilder[_, _]])
+ assert(bv.isInstanceOf[collection.mutable.ReusableBuilder[_, _]])
+ assert(!ba.isInstanceOf[collection.mutable.ReusableBuilder[_, _]])
+ }
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/issues/OptimizedBytecodeTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/issues/OptimizedBytecodeTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c6f1ff25e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/issues/OptimizedBytecodeTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+package scala.issues
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.Assert._
+import{AsmUtils, CodeGenTools}
+import CodeGenTools._
+import ASMConverters._
+import AsmUtils._
+object OptimizedBytecodeTest extends ClearAfterClass.Clearable {
+ val args = "-Yopt:l:classpath -Yopt-warnings"
+ var compiler = newCompiler(extraArgs = args)
+ def clear(): Unit = { compiler = null }
+class OptimizedBytecodeTest extends ClearAfterClass {
+ ClearAfterClass.stateToClear = OptimizedBytecodeTest
+ val compiler = OptimizedBytecodeTest.compiler
+ @Test
+ def t2171(): Unit = {
+ val code =
+ """class C {
+ | final def m(msg: => String) = try 0 catch { case ex: Throwable => println(msg) }
+ | def t(): Unit = while (true) m("...")
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ val List(c) = compileClasses(compiler)(code)
+ assertSameCode(getSingleMethod(c, "t").instructions.dropNonOp, List(Label(0), Jump(GOTO, Label(0))))
+ }
+ @Test
+ def t3430(): Unit = {
+ val code =
+ """class C {
+ | final def m(f: String => Boolean) = f("a")
+ | def t(): Boolean =
+ | m { s1 =>
+ | m { s2 =>
+ | while (true) { }
+ | true
+ | }
+ | }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ val List(c) = compileClasses(compiler)(code)
+ assertEquals(
+ getSingleMethod(c, "t").instructions.summary,
+ List(LDC, ASTORE, ALOAD /*0*/, ALOAD /*1*/, "C$$$anonfun$1", IRETURN))
+ assertEquals(
+ getSingleMethod(c, "C$$$anonfun$1").instructions.summary,
+ List(LDC, "C$$$anonfun$2", IRETURN))
+ assertEquals(
+ getSingleMethod(c, "C$$$anonfun$2").instructions.summary,
+ List(-1 /*A*/, GOTO /*A*/))
+ }
+ @Test
+ def t3252(): Unit = {
+ val code =
+ """class C {
+ | def t(x: Boolean): Thread = {
+ | g {
+ | x match {
+ | case false => Tat.h { }
+ | }
+ | }
+ | }
+ |
+ | private def g[T](block: => T) = ???
+ |}
+ |object Tat {
+ | def h(block: => Unit): Nothing = ???
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ val List(c, t, tMod) = compileClasses(compiler)(code, allowMessage = _.msg.contains("not be exhaustive"))
+ assertEquals(
+ getSingleMethod(c, "t").instructions.summary,
+ List(GETSTATIC, "$qmark$qmark$qmark", ATHROW))
+ }
+ @Test
+ def t6157(): Unit = {
+ val code =
+ """class C {
+ | def t = println(ErrorHandler.defaultIfIOException("String")("String"))
+ |}
+ |object ErrorHandler {
+ | import
+ | @inline
+ | def defaultIfIOException[T](default: => T)(closure: => T): T = try closure catch {
+ | case e: IOException => default
+ | }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ val msg =
+ """ErrorHandler$::defaultIfIOException(Lscala/Function0;Lscala/Function0;)Ljava/lang/Object; is annotated @inline but could not be inlined:
+ |The operand stack at the callsite in C::t()V contains more values than the
+ |arguments expected by the callee ErrorHandler$::defaultIfIOException(Lscala/Function0;Lscala/Function0;)Ljava/lang/Object;. These values would be discarded
+ |when entering an exception handler declared in the inlined method.""".stripMargin
+ compileClasses(compiler)(code, allowMessage = _.msg == msg)
+ }
+ @Test
+ def t6547(): Unit = { // "pos" test -- check that it compiles
+ val code =
+ """trait ConfigurableDefault[@specialized V] {
+ | def fillArray(arr: Array[V], v: V) = (arr: Any) match {
+ | case x: Array[Int] => null
+ | case x: Array[Long] => v.asInstanceOf[Long]
+ | }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ compileClasses(compiler)(code)
+ }
+ @Test
+ def t8062(): Unit = {
+ val c1 =
+ """package warmup
+ |object Warmup { def filter[A](p: Any => Boolean): Any = filter[Any](p) }
+ """.stripMargin
+ val c2 = "class C { def t = warmup.Warmup.filter[Any](x => false) }"
+ val List(c, _, _) = compileClassesSeparately(List(c1, c2), extraArgs = OptimizedBytecodeTest.args)
+ assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "t"), "warmup/Warmup$", "filter")
+ }
+ @Test
+ def t8306(): Unit = { // "pos" test
+ val code =
+ """class C {
+ | def foo: Int = 123
+ | lazy val extension: Int = foo match {
+ | case idx if idx != -1 => 15
+ | case _ => 17
+ | }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ compileClasses(compiler)(code)
+ }
+ @Test
+ def t8359(): Unit = { // "pos" test
+ // This is a minimization of code that crashed the compiler during bootstrapping
+ // in the first iteration of, the PR
+ // that adjusted the order of free and declared params in LambdaLift.
+ // Was:
+ // java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed:
+ // Record Record(<$anon: Function1>,Map(value a$1 -> Deref(LocalVar(value b)))) does not contain a field value b$1
+ // at
+ // at$copyLattice$State.getFieldNonRecordValue(CopyPropagation.scala:113)
+ // at$copyLattice$State.getFieldNonRecordValue(CopyPropagation.scala:122)
+ // at$ClosureElim$$anonfun$analyzeMethod$1$$anonfun$apply$2.replaceFieldAccess$1(ClosureElimination.scala:124)
+ val code =
+ """package test
+ |class Typer {
+ | def bar(a: Boolean, b: Boolean): Unit = {
+ | @inline
+ | def baz(): Unit = {
+ | ((_: Any) => (Typer.this, a, b)).apply("")
+ | }
+ | ((_: Any) => baz()).apply("")
+ | }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ compileClasses(compiler)(code)
+ }
+ @Test
+ def t9123(): Unit = { // "pos" test
+ val code =
+ """trait Setting {
+ | type T
+ | def value: T
+ |}
+ |object Test {
+ | def test(x: Some[Setting]) = x match {
+ | case Some(dep) => Some(dep.value) map (_ => true)
+ | }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ compileClasses(compiler)(code)
+ }
+ @Test
+ def traitForceInfo(): Unit = {
+ // This did NOT crash unless it's in the interactive package.
+ // error: java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: trait Contexts.NoContext$ linkedModule: <none>List()
+ // at scala.Predef$.assert(Predef.scala:160)
+ // at$innerClasses$.innerSymbol$1(ClassfileParser.scala:1211)
+ // at$innerClasses$.classSymbol(ClassfileParser.scala:1223)
+ // at
+ // at$1(ClassfileParser.scala:757)
+ // at$1(ClassfileParser.scala:789)
+ val code =
+ """package
+ |package interactive
+ |
+ |trait MyContextTrees {
+ | val self: Global
+ | val NoContext = self.analyzer.NoContext
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ compileClasses(compiler)(code)
+ }
+ @Test
+ def t9160(): Unit = {
+ val code =
+ """class C {
+ | def getInt: Int = 0
+ | def t(trees: Object): Int = {
+ | trees match {
+ | case Some(elems) =>
+ | case tree => getInt
+ | }
+ | 55
+ | }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ val List(c) = compileClasses(compiler)(code)
+ assertEquals(
+ getSingleMethod(c, "t").instructions.summary,
+ List(
+ ALOAD /*1*/, INSTANCEOF /*Some*/, IFNE /*A*/,
+ ALOAD /*0*/, "getInt", POP,
+ -1 /*A*/, BIPUSH, IRETURN))
+ }
+ @Test
+ def t8796(): Unit = {
+ val code =
+ """final class C {
+ | def pr(): Unit = ()
+ | def t(index: Int): Unit = index match {
+ | case 0 => pr()
+ | case 1 => pr()
+ | case _ => t(index - 2)
+ | }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ val List(c) = compileClasses(compiler)(code)
+ assertEquals(
+ getSingleMethod(c, "t").instructions.summary,
+ List(
+ -1 /*A*/, ILOAD /*1*/, TABLESWITCH,
+ -1, ALOAD, "pr", RETURN,
+ -1, ALOAD, "pr", RETURN,
+ }
+ @Test
+ def t8524(): Unit = {
+ val c1 =
+ """package library
+ |object Library {
+ | @inline def pleaseInlineMe() = 1
+ | object Nested { @inline def pleaseInlineMe() = 2 }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ val c2 =
+ """class C {
+ | def t = library.Library.pleaseInlineMe() + library.Library.Nested.pleaseInlineMe()
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ val cls = compileClassesSeparately(List(c1, c2), extraArgs = OptimizedBytecodeTest.args)
+ val c = cls.find( == "C").get
+ assertEquals(
+ getSingleMethod(c, "t").instructions.summary,
+ List(
+ GETSTATIC, IFNONNULL, ACONST_NULL, ATHROW, // module load and null checks not yet eliminated
+ }
+ @Test
+ def privateInline(): Unit = {
+ val code =
+ """final class C {
+ | private var x1 = false
+ | var x2 = false
+ |
+ | @inline private def wrapper1[T](body: => T): T = {
+ | val saved = x1
+ | x1 = true
+ | try body
+ | finally x1 = saved
+ | }
+ |
+ | @inline private def wrapper2[T](body: => T): T = {
+ | val saved = x2
+ | x2 = true
+ | try body
+ | finally x2 = saved
+ | }
+ | // inlined
+ | def f1a() = wrapper1(5)
+ | // not inlined: even after inlining `identity`, the Predef module is already on the stack for the
+ | // subsequent null check (the receiver of an inlined method, in this case Predef, is checked for
+ | // nullness, to ensure an NPE is thrown)
+ | def f1b() = identity(wrapper1(5))
+ |
+ | def f2a() = wrapper2(5) // inlined
+ | def f2b() = identity(wrapper2(5)) // not inlined
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ val List(c) = compileClasses(compiler)(code, allowMessage = _.msg.contains("exception handler declared in the inlined method"))
+ assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "f1a"), "C", "C$$$anonfun$1")
+ assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "f1b"), "C", "wrapper1")
+ assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "f2a"), "C", "C$$$anonfun$3")
+ assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "f2b"), "C", "wrapper2")
+ }
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/CodeGenTools.scala b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/CodeGenTools.scala
index 342f403426..0d353e930e 100644
--- a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/CodeGenTools.scala
+++ b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/CodeGenTools.scala
@@ -50,9 +50,11 @@ object CodeGenTools {
def newCompilerWithoutVirtualOutdir(defaultArgs: String = "-usejavacp", extraArgs: String = ""): Global = {
- val settings = new Settings()
+ def showError(s: String) = throw new Exception(s)
+ val settings = new Settings(showError)
val args = (CommandLineParser tokenize defaultArgs) ++ (CommandLineParser tokenize extraArgs)
- settings.processArguments(args, processAll = true)
+ val (_, nonSettingsArgs) = settings.processArguments(args, processAll = true)
+ if (nonSettingsArgs.nonEmpty) showError("invalid compiler flags: " + nonSettingsArgs.mkString(" "))
new Global(settings, new StoreReporter)
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/StringConcatTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/StringConcatTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..80cde6c9a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/StringConcatTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+package backend.jvm
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.Assert._
+import CodeGenTools._
+import ASMConverters._
+object StringConcatTest extends ClearAfterClass.Clearable {
+ var compiler = newCompiler()
+ def clear(): Unit = { compiler = null }
+class StringConcatTest extends ClearAfterClass {
+ ClearAfterClass.stateToClear = StringConcatTest
+ val compiler = StringConcatTest.compiler
+ val commonPreInstructions = List(Label(0), LineNumber(1, Label(0)), TypeOp(NEW, "java/lang/StringBuilder"), Op(DUP), Invoke(INVOKESPECIAL, "java/lang/StringBuilder", "<init>", "()V", false), Ldc(LDC, "abc"), Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/StringBuilder", "append", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;", false), VarOp(ALOAD, 0))
+ val commonPostInstructions = List(Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/StringBuilder", "toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;", false), Op(ARETURN), Label(12))
+ def instructionsWithCommonParts(instructions: List[Instruction]) = commonPreInstructions ++ instructions ++ commonPostInstructions
+ def instructionsForResultMethod(code: String): List[Instruction] = {
+ val methods = compileMethods(compiler)(code)
+ val resultMethod = methods.find( == "result").get
+ instructionsFromMethod(resultMethod)
+ }
+ @Test
+ def concatStringToStringBuilder: Unit = {
+ val code = """ def string = "def"; def result = "abc" + string """
+ val actualInstructions = instructionsForResultMethod(code)
+ val expectedInstructions = instructionsWithCommonParts(List(Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "C", "string", "()Ljava/lang/String;", false), Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/StringBuilder", "append", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;", false)))
+ assertSameCode(actualInstructions, expectedInstructions)
+ }
+ @Test
+ def concatStringBufferToStringBuilder: Unit = {
+ val code = """ def stringBuffer = new java.lang.StringBuffer("def"); def result = "abc" + stringBuffer """
+ val actualInstructions = instructionsForResultMethod(code)
+ val expectedInstructions = instructionsWithCommonParts(List(Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "C", "stringBuffer", "()Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;", false), Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/StringBuilder", "append", "(Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;", false)))
+ assertSameCode(actualInstructions, expectedInstructions)
+ }
+ @Test
+ def concatCharSequenceToStringBuilder: Unit = {
+ val code = """ def charSequence: CharSequence = "def"; def result = "abc" + charSequence """
+ val actualInstructions = instructionsForResultMethod(code)
+ val expectedInstructions = instructionsWithCommonParts(List(Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "C", "charSequence", "()Ljava/lang/CharSequence;", false), Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/StringBuilder", "append", "(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;", false)))
+ assertSameCode(actualInstructions, expectedInstructions)
+ }
+ @Test
+ def concatIntToStringBuilder: Unit = {
+ val code = """ def int = 123; def result = "abc" + int """
+ val actualInstructions = instructionsForResultMethod(code)
+ val expectedInstructions = instructionsWithCommonParts(List(Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "C", "int", "()I", false), Invoke(INVOKESTATIC, "scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime", "boxToInteger", "(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;", false), Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/StringBuilder", "append", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;", false)))
+ assertSameCode(actualInstructions, expectedInstructions)
+ }
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/SimplifyJumpsTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/SimplifyJumpsTest.scala
index a685ae7dd5..99acb318de 100644
--- a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/SimplifyJumpsTest.scala
+++ b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/SimplifyJumpsTest.scala
@@ -96,10 +96,22 @@ class SimplifyJumpsTest {
List(VarOp(ILOAD, 1), Jump(IFLT, Label(3))) ::: rest.tail )
- // no label allowed between begin and rest. if there's another label, then there could be a
- // branch that label. eliminating the GOTO would change the behavior.
- val nonOptMethod = genMethod()(begin ::: Label(22) :: rest: _*)
- assertFalse(LocalOptImpls.simplifyJumps(nonOptMethod))
+ // branch over goto is OK even if there's a label in between, if that label is not a jump target
+ val withNonJumpTargetLabel = genMethod()(begin ::: Label(22) :: rest: _*)
+ assertTrue(LocalOptImpls.simplifyJumps(withNonJumpTargetLabel))
+ assertSameCode(
+ instructionsFromMethod(withNonJumpTargetLabel),
+ List(VarOp(ILOAD, 1), Jump(IFLT, Label(3)), Label(22)) ::: rest.tail )
+ // if the Label(22) between IFGE and GOTO is the target of some jump, we cannot rewrite the IFGE
+ // and remove the GOTO: removing the GOTO would change semantics. However, the jump that targets
+ // Label(22) will be re-written (jump-chain collapsing), so in a second round, the IFGE is still
+ // rewritten to IFLT
+ val twoRounds = genMethod()(List(VarOp(ILOAD, 1), Jump(IFLE, Label(22))) ::: begin ::: Label(22) :: rest: _*)
+ assertTrue(LocalOptImpls.simplifyJumps(twoRounds))
+ assertSameCode(
+ instructionsFromMethod(twoRounds),
+ List(VarOp(ILOAD, 1), Jump(IFLE, Label(3)), VarOp(ILOAD, 1), Jump(IFLT, Label(3)), Label(22)) ::: rest.tail )
@@ -167,6 +179,9 @@ class SimplifyJumpsTest {
VarOp(ILOAD, 1),
Jump(IFGE, Label(target)),
+ VarOp(ILOAD, 1), // some code to prevent rewriting the conditional jump
Jump(GOTO, Label(3)),
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatmatBytecodeTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatmatBytecodeTest.scala
index ec4621b230..3fc3144eb2 100644
--- a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatmatBytecodeTest.scala
+++ b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatmatBytecodeTest.scala
@@ -134,4 +134,29 @@ class PatmatBytecodeTest extends ClearAfterClass {
NEW, DUP, ALOAD /*1*/, "<init>", ATHROW,
/*R*/ -1, ALOAD /*2*/, ARETURN))
+ @Test
+ def t6941(): Unit = {
+ val code =
+ """class C {
+ | def a(xs: List[Int]) = xs match {
+ | case x :: _ => x
+ | }
+ | def b(xs: List[Int]) = xs match {
+ | case xs: ::[Int] => xs.head
+ | }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ val c = compileClasses(optCompiler)(code, allowMessage = _.msg.contains("may not be exhaustive")).head
+ val expected = List(
+ ALOAD /*1*/ , INSTANCEOF /*::*/ , IFEQ /*A*/ ,
+ ALOAD, CHECKCAST /*::*/ , "head", "unboxToInt",
+ ISTORE, GOTO /*B*/ ,
+ -1 /*A*/ , NEW /*MatchError*/ , DUP, ALOAD /*1*/ , "<init>", ATHROW,
+ -1 /*B*/ , ILOAD, IRETURN)
+ assertEquals(textify(findAsmMethod(c, "a")), getSingleMethod(c, "a").instructions.summary, expected)
+ assertEquals(textify(findAsmMethod(c, "b")), getSingleMethod(c, "b").instructions.summary, expected)
+ }