path: root/test/junit
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authorRex Kerr <>2013-12-29 07:52:08 -0800
committerRex Kerr <>2014-01-14 01:28:08 -0800
commit29541ce3961a797836b232ccc12a60cc09f5de3e (patch)
treed2503fdb387659c91bc821fe2643b361e19d2f00 /test/junit
parentef4c5d2f43e912b5562c1372228e9c6ec9f25bb0 (diff)
Quasi-comprehensive BigDecimal soundness/correctness fix.
This fixes issues SI-6153, SI-6173, SI-6456, SI-6699, and SI-8116, along with a number of other similar possible issues. Relevant changes include * Changes to avoid heap explosion when working with BigInt - to isWhole - to hashCode - to equals - to BigInt's equals * Changes to enable equality matching hashCode - Only for sufficiently small BigInt - For identical values with different precision * Changes to isValidDouble - Takes precision into account now - New methods added to test whether even if the Double is not represented exactly, it's a representation of a certain type - New companion methods added to allow intended expansion of Double (binary/decimal difference) * Changes to constructor - Null arguments are not allowed (these can throw NPEs later at awkward/unexpected times) * New JUnit test to test all these things * Fixed existing tests to expect new behavior * Modified scaladocs to explain the issues * Deprecated problematic methods * Made application of MathContext more consistent (it is where you expect it and not where you don't) These changes are coordinated, for the most part, hence the monolithic commit.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/junit')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/math/BigDecimalTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/math/BigDecimalTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1ba96fcc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/math/BigDecimalTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+package scala.math
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+import org.junit.Test
+import java.math.{BigDecimal => BD, MathContext => MC}
+/* Tests various maps by making sure they all agree on the same answers. */
+class BigDecimalTest {
+ // Motivated by SI-6173: BigDecimal#isWhole implementation is very heap intensive
+ @Test
+ def isWholeTest() {
+ val wholes = List(
+ BigDecimal(1),
+ BigDecimal(10L),
+ BigDecimal(14.000),
+ BigDecimal(new BD("19127981892347012385719827340123471923850195")),
+ BigDecimal("1e1000000000"),
+ BigDecimal(14.1928857191985e22),
+ BigDecimal(14.12519823759817, new MC(2))
+ )
+ val fracs = List(
+ BigDecimal(0.1),
+ BigDecimal(new BD("1.000000000000000000000000000000000001")),
+ BigDecimal(new BD("275712375971892375127591745810580123751.99999")),
+ BigDecimal("14.19238571927581e6"),
+ BigDecimal("912834718237510238591285")/2
+ )
+ assert(wholes.forall(_.isWhole) && fracs.forall(! _.isWhole))
+ }
+ // Motivated by SI-6699: BigDecimal.isValidDouble behaves unexpectedly
+ @Test
+ def isValidDoubleTest() {
+ val valids = List(
+ BigDecimal(1),
+ BigDecimal(19571.125),
+ BigDecimal.decimal(0.1),
+ BigDecimal(1e15)
+ )
+ val invalids = List(
+ BigDecimal(new BD("1.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001")),
+ BigDecimal("10e1000000"),
+ BigDecimal("10e-1000000")
+ )
+ assert(
+ valids.forall(_.isDecimalDouble) &&
+ invalids.forall(! _.isDecimalDouble)
+ )
+ }
+ // Motivated by SI-6173: BigDecimal#isWhole implementation is very heap intensive
+ @Test
+ def doesNotExplodeTest() {
+ val troublemaker = BigDecimal("1e1000000000")
+ val reasonable = BigDecimal("1e1000")
+ val reasonableInt = reasonable.toBigInt
+ assert(
+ reasonable.hashCode == reasonableInt.hashCode &&
+ reasonable == reasonableInt &&
+ reasonableInt == reasonable &&
+ troublemaker.hashCode != reasonable.hashCode &&
+ !(troublemaker == reasonableInt) &&
+ !(reasonableInt == troublemaker)
+ )
+ }
+ // Motivated by SI-6456: scala.math.BigDecimal should not accept a null value
+ @Test
+ def refusesNullTest() {
+ def isIAE[A](a: => A) = try { a; false } catch { case iae: IllegalArgumentException => true }
+ def isNPE[A](a: => A) = try { a; false } catch { case npe: NullPointerException => true }
+ assert(
+ isIAE(new BigDecimal(null: BD, new MC(2))) &&
+ isIAE(new BigDecimal(new BD("5.7"), null: MC)) &&
+ isNPE(BigDecimal(null: BigInt)) &&
+ isNPE(BigDecimal(null: String)) &&
+ isNPE(BigDecimal(null: Array[Char]))
+ )
+ }
+ // Motivated by SI-6153: BigDecimal.hashCode() has high collision rate
+ @Test
+ def hashCodesAgreeTest() {
+ val bi: BigInt = 100000
+ val bd: BigDecimal = 100000
+ val l: Long = 100000
+ val d: Double = 100000
+ assert(
+ d.## == l.## &&
+ l.## == bd.## &&
+ bd.## == bi.## &&
+ (bd pow 4).hashCode == (bi pow 4).hashCode &&
+ BigDecimal("1e150000").hashCode != BigDecimal("1e150000").toBigInt.hashCode
+ )
+ }
+ // Motivated by noticing BigDecimal(0.1f) != BigDecimal(0.1)
+ @Test
+ def consistentTenthsTest() {
+ def tenths = List[Any](
+ BigDecimal("0.1"),
+ 0.1,
+ BigDecimal.decimal(0.1f),
+ BigDecimal.decimal(0.1),
+ BigDecimal(0.1),
+ BigDecimal(BigInt(1), 1),
+ BigDecimal(new BD("0.1")),
+ BigDecimal(1L, 1),
+ BigDecimal(1) / BigDecimal(10),
+ BigDecimal(10).pow(-1)
+ )
+ for (a <- tenths; b <- tenths) assert(a == b, s"$a != $b but both should be 0.1")
+ }
+ // Motivated by noticing BigDecimal(123456789, mc6) != BigDecimal(123456789L, mc6)
+ // where mc6 is a MathContext that rounds to six digits
+ @Test
+ def consistentRoundingTest() {
+ val mc6 = new MC(6)
+ val sameRounding = List(
+ List(
+ 123457000,
+ 123457000L,
+ 123457e3,
+ BigDecimal(123456789, mc6),
+ BigDecimal(123456789L, mc6),
+ BigDecimal(123456789d, mc6),
+ BigDecimal("123456789", mc6),
+ BigDecimal(Array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'), mc6),
+ BigDecimal(BigInt(123456789), mc6),
+ BigDecimal(BigInt(1234567890), 1, mc6),
+ BigDecimal.decimal(123456789, mc6),
+ BigDecimal.decimal(123456789d, mc6),
+ BigDecimal.decimal(new BD("123456789"), mc6)
+ ),
+ List(
+ 123456789,
+ 123456789L,
+ 123456789d,
+ new BigDecimal(new BD("123456789"), mc6),
+ new BigDecimal(new BD("123456789")),
+ BigDecimal(123456789),
+ BigDecimal(123456789L),
+ BigDecimal(123456789d),
+ BigDecimal("123456789"),
+ BigDecimal(Array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9')),
+ BigDecimal(BigInt(123456789)),
+ BigDecimal(BigInt(1234567890), 1),
+ BigDecimal.decimal(123456789),
+ BigDecimal.decimal(123456789d),
+ BigDecimal.valueOf(123456789d, mc6)
+ )
+ )
+{ case xs =>
+ for ((a,i) <- xs; (b,j) <- xs) {
+ assert(a == b, s"$a != $b (#$i != #$j) but should be the same")
+ assert(a.## == b.##, s"Hash code mismatch in equal BigDecimals: #$i != #$j")
+ }
+ }
+ val List(xs, ys) =
+ for ((a,i) <- xs; (b,j) <- ys) assert(a != b, s"$a == $b (#$i == #$j) but should be different")
+ }
+ // This was unexpectedly truncated in 2.10
+ @Test
+ def noPrematureRoundingTest() {
+ val text = "9791375983750284059237954823745923845928547807345082378340572986452364"
+ val same = List[Any](
+ BigInt(text), BigDecimal(text), BigDecimal(new BD(text))
+ )
+ for (a <- same; b <- same) assert(a == b, s"$a != $b but should be the same")
+ }
+ // Tests attempts to make sane the representation of IEEE binary32 and binary64
+ // (i.e. Float and Double) with Scala's text-is-King BigDecimal policy
+ @Test
+ def churnRepresentationTest() {
+ val rn = new scala.util.Random(42)
+ for (i <- 1 to 1000) {
+ val d = rn.nextDouble
+ assert({
+ BigDecimal.decimal(d).isDecimalDouble &&
+ BigDecimal.binary(d).isBinaryDouble &&
+ BigDecimal.exact(d).isExactDouble
+ }, s"At least one wrong BigDecimal representation for $d")
+ }
+ for (i <- 1 to 1000) {
+ val f = rn.nextFloat
+ assert({
+ BigDecimal.decimal(f).isDecimalFloat &&
+ BigDecimal.binary(f).isBinaryFloat &&
+ BigDecimal.exact(f).isExactFloat
+ }, s"At least one wrong BigDecimal representation for $f")
+ }
+ for (i <- 1 to 1000) {
+ val ndig = 15+rn.nextInt(5)
+ val s = Array.fill(ndig)((rn.nextInt(10)+'0').toChar).mkString
+ val bi = BigInt(s)
+ val l = bi.toLong
+ val d = bi.toDouble
+ val bd = BigDecimal(bi)
+ val bd2 = BigDecimal.decimal(d)
+ assert(!bi.isValidLong || bi == l, s"Should be invalid or equal: $bi $l")
+ assert(!bi.isValidDouble || bi == d, s"Should be invalid or equal: $bi $d")
+ assert(bd == bi, s"Should be equal $bi $bd")
+ assert(bd.## == bi.##, s"Hash codes for $bi, $bd should be equal")
+ assert(bd == bd2 || bd2 != BigDecimal.exact(d) || !bi.isValidDouble,
+ s"$bd != $bd2 should only be when inexact or invalid")
+ assert(d == bd2 && bd2 == d, s"$d != $bd2 but they should equal")
+ }
+ val different = List(
+ BigDecimal.decimal(0.1),
+ BigDecimal.binary(0.1),
+ BigDecimal.binary(0.1, new MC(25)),
+ BigDecimal.exact(0.1),
+ BigDecimal.exact(0.1f),
+ BigDecimal.decimal((0.1f).toDouble)
+ )
+ for (a <- different; b <- different if (a ne b))
+ assert(a != b, "BigDecimal representations of Double mistakenly conflated")
+ }