path: root/test/junit
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authorGrzegorz Kossakowski <>2013-06-16 18:26:10 -0400
committerGrzegorz Kossakowski <>2013-06-16 18:26:10 -0400
commit173e709017f5cd489e5526bec92da8dc904fc436 (patch)
tree152937c37664d45bff2fdffb96218c0f2fba3d6c /test/junit
parent7eeb6586963ac857680855f781b810656d570f8f (diff)
Move WeakHashSetTest to junit tests.
The WeakHashSetTest was written as unit test but put into partest's `run` category as we were missing direct unit testing support. That got fixed so moving the test now.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/junit')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/reflect/internal/util/WeakHashSetTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/reflect/internal/util/WeakHashSetTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e3b35c7d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/reflect/internal/util/WeakHashSetTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+package scala.reflect.internal.util
+import org.junit.Assert._
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+class WeakHashSetTest {
+ // a class guaranteed to provide hash collisions
+ case class Collider(x : String) extends Comparable[Collider] with Serializable {
+ override def hashCode = 0
+ def compareTo(y : Collider) = this.x compareTo y.x
+ }
+ // basic emptiness check
+ @Test
+ def checkEmpty {
+ val hs = new WeakHashSet[String]()
+ assert(hs.size == 0)
+ hs.diagnostics.fullyValidate
+ }
+ // make sure += works
+ @Test
+ def checkPlusEquals {
+ val hs = new WeakHashSet[String]()
+ val elements = List("hello", "goodbye")
+ elements foreach (hs += _)
+ assert(hs.size == 2)
+ assert(hs contains "hello")
+ assert(hs contains "goodbye")
+ hs.diagnostics.fullyValidate
+ }
+ // make sure += works when there are collisions
+ @Test
+ def checkPlusEqualsCollisions {
+ val hs = new WeakHashSet[Collider]()
+ val elements = List("hello", "goodbye") map Collider
+ elements foreach (hs += _)
+ assert(hs.size == 2)
+ assert(hs contains Collider("hello"))
+ assert(hs contains Collider("goodbye"))
+ hs.diagnostics.fullyValidate
+ }
+ // add a large number of elements to force rehashing and then validate
+ @Test
+ def checkRehashing {
+ val size = 200
+ val hs = new WeakHashSet[String]()
+ val elements = (0 until size).toList map ("a" + _)
+ elements foreach (hs += _)
+ elements foreach {i => assert(hs contains i)}
+ hs.diagnostics.fullyValidate
+ }
+ // make sure rehashing works properly when the set is rehashed
+ @Test
+ def checkRehashCollisions {
+ val size = 200
+ val hs = new WeakHashSet[Collider]()
+ val elements = (0 until size).toList map {x => Collider("a" + x)}
+ elements foreach (hs += _)
+ elements foreach {i => assert(hs contains i)}
+ hs.diagnostics.fullyValidate
+ }
+ // test that unreferenced objects are removed
+ // not run in an automated environment because gc behavior can't be relied on
+ //@Test
+ def checkRemoveUnreferencedObjects {
+ val size = 200
+ val hs = new WeakHashSet[Collider]()
+ val elements = (0 until size).toList map {x => Collider("a" + x)}
+ elements foreach (hs += _)
+ // don't throw the following into a retained collection so gc
+ // can remove them
+ for (i <- 0 until size) {
+ hs += Collider("b" + i)
+ }
+ System.gc()
+ Thread.sleep(1000)
+ assert(hs.size == 200)
+ elements foreach {i => assert(hs contains i)}
+ for (i <- 0 until size) {
+ assert(!(hs contains Collider("b" + i)))
+ }
+ hs.diagnostics.fullyValidate
+ }
+ // make sure findOrUpdate returns the originally entered element
+ @Test
+ def checkFindOrUpdate {
+ val size = 200
+ val hs = new WeakHashSet[Collider]()
+ val elements = (0 until size).toList map {x => Collider("a" + x)}
+ elements foreach {x => assert(hs findEntryOrUpdate x eq x)}
+ for (i <- 0 until size) {
+ // when we do a lookup the result should be the same reference we
+ // original put in
+ assert(hs findEntryOrUpdate(Collider("a" + i)) eq elements(i))
+ }
+ hs.diagnostics.fullyValidate
+ }
+ // check -= functionality
+ @Test
+ def checkMinusEquals {
+ val hs = new WeakHashSet[String]()
+ val elements = List("hello", "goodbye")
+ elements foreach (hs += _)
+ hs -= "goodbye"
+ assert(hs.size == 1)
+ assert(hs contains "hello")
+ assert(!(hs contains "goodbye"))
+ hs.diagnostics.fullyValidate
+ }
+ // check -= when there are collisions
+ @Test
+ def checkMinusEqualsCollisions {
+ val hs = new WeakHashSet[Collider]
+ val elements = List(Collider("hello"), Collider("goodbye"))
+ elements foreach (hs += _)
+ hs -= Collider("goodbye")
+ assert(hs.size == 1)
+ assert(hs contains Collider("hello"))
+ assert(!(hs contains Collider("goodbye")))
+ hs -= Collider("hello")
+ assert(hs.size == 0)
+ assert(!(hs contains Collider("hello")))
+ hs.diagnostics.fullyValidate
+ }
+ // check that the clear method actually cleans everything
+ @Test
+ def checkClear {
+ val size = 200
+ val hs = new WeakHashSet[String]()
+ val elements = (0 until size).toList map ("a" + _)
+ elements foreach (hs += _)
+ hs.clear()
+ assert(hs.size == 0)
+ elements foreach {i => assert(!(hs contains i))}
+ hs.diagnostics.fullyValidate
+ }
+ // check that the iterator covers all the contents
+ @Test
+ def checkIterator {
+ val hs = new WeakHashSet[String]()
+ val elements = (0 until 20).toList map ("a" + _)
+ elements foreach (hs += _)
+ assert(elements.iterator.toList.sorted == elements.sorted)
+ hs.diagnostics.fullyValidate
+ }
+ // check that the iterator covers all the contents even when there is a collision
+ @Test
+ def checkIteratorCollisions {
+ val hs = new WeakHashSet[Collider]
+ val elements = (0 until 20).toList map {x => Collider("a" + x)}
+ elements foreach (hs += _)
+ assert(elements.iterator.toList.sorted == elements.sorted)
+ hs.diagnostics.fullyValidate
+ }