path: root/test
diff options
authorAleksandar Prokopec <>2012-05-01 15:00:27 +0200
committerAleksandar Prokopec <>2012-05-01 15:00:27 +0200
commit5f29da78e954d93e5bc8b878565de8c2a2abe561 (patch)
tree0ef8d37ad1a12cc5d84ca635eff696f2500a0010 /test
parentce04a62391bdc879db0eca015a420711e1a07212 (diff)
Widen types in signatures of Future companion methods, refactor OnceCanBuildFrom.
Removed the implicit modifier on the OnceCanBuildFrom, as we don't support implicit classes with zero arguments. Added an implicit OnceCanBuildFrom method. The idea behind OnceCanBuildFrom is for it to be used by methods which construct collections, but are defined outside of collection classes. OnceCanBuildFrom so far worked only for objects of type TraversableOnce: shuffle(List(1, 2, 3).iterator: TraversableOnce[Int]) but this used to result in an implicit resolution error: shuffle(List(1, 2, 3).iterator) because after the type parameter M for `shuffle` was inferred to Iterator, no implicit of type CanBuildFrom[Iterator[_], A, Iterator[A]] could be found. Introduced another CanBuildFrom to the Iterator companion object. Modified Future tests appropriately.
Diffstat (limited to 'test')
2 files changed, 267 insertions, 238 deletions
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/future-spec/FutureTests.scala b/test/files/jvm/future-spec/FutureTests.scala
index 90ed10b93a..9a9cf951bb 100644
--- a/test/files/jvm/future-spec/FutureTests.scala
+++ b/test/files/jvm/future-spec/FutureTests.scala
@@ -162,10 +162,12 @@ object FutureTests extends MinimalScalaTest {
"firstCompletedOf" in {
- val futures = Vector.fill[Future[Int]](10) {
+ def futures = Vector.fill[Future[Int]](10) {
} :+ Promise.successful[Int](5).future
Await.result(Future.firstCompletedOf(futures), defaultTimeout) mustBe (5)
+ Await.result(Future.firstCompletedOf(futures.iterator), defaultTimeout) mustBe (5)
"find" in {
@@ -176,7 +178,7 @@ object FutureTests extends MinimalScalaTest {
val result = Future.find[Int](futures)(_ == 3)
Await.result(result, defaultTimeout) mustBe (Some(3))
- val notFound = Future.find[Int](futures)(_ == 11)
+ val notFound = Future.find[Int](futures.iterator)(_ == 11)
Await.result(notFound, defaultTimeout) mustBe (None)
@@ -208,11 +210,18 @@ object FutureTests extends MinimalScalaTest {
- def futures = (0 to 9) map {
+ val futures = (0 to 9) map {
idx => async(idx, idx * 200)
- def folded = Future.fold(futures)(0)(_ + _)
+ val folded = Future.fold(futures)(0)(_ + _)
Await.result(folded, timeout) mustBe (45)
+ val futuresit = (0 to 9) map {
+ idx => async(idx, idx * 200)
+ }
+ val foldedit = Future.fold(futures)(0)(_ + _)
+ Await.result(foldedit, timeout) mustBe (45)
"fold by composing" in {
@@ -273,9 +282,14 @@ object FutureTests extends MinimalScalaTest {
val timeout = 10000 millis
val futures = (0 to 9) map { async }
val reduced = Future.reduce(futures)(_ + _)
Await.result(reduced, timeout) mustBe (45)
+ val futuresit = (0 to 9) map { async }
+ val reducedit = Future.reduce(futuresit)(_ + _)
+ Await.result(reducedit, timeout) mustBe (45)
"shouldReduceResultsWithException" in {
@@ -310,13 +324,17 @@ object FutureTests extends MinimalScalaTest {
- val oddFutures = List.fill(100)(future { counter.incAndGet() })
+ val oddFutures = List.fill(100)(future { counter.incAndGet() }).iterator
val traversed = Future.sequence(oddFutures)
Await.result(traversed, defaultTimeout).sum mustBe (10000)
val list = (1 to 100).toList
val traversedList = Future.traverse(list)(x => Future(x * 2 - 1))
Await.result(traversedList, defaultTimeout).sum mustBe (10000)
+ val iterator = (1 to 100).toList.iterator
+ val traversedIterator = Future.traverse(iterator)(x => Future(x * 2 - 1))
+ Await.result(traversedIterator, defaultTimeout).sum mustBe (10000)
"shouldHandleThrowables" in {
@@ -491,236 +509,3 @@ object FutureTests extends MinimalScalaTest {
-object PromiseTests extends MinimalScalaTest {
- val defaultTimeout = Inf
- /* promise specification */
- "An empty Promise" should {
- "not be completed" in {
- val p = Promise()
- p.future.isCompleted mustBe (false)
- }
- "have no value" in {
- val p = Promise()
- p.future.value mustBe (None)
- }
- "return supplied value on timeout" in {
- val failure = Promise.failed[String](new RuntimeException("br0ken")).future
- val otherFailure = Promise.failed[String](new RuntimeException("last")).future
- val empty = Promise[String]().future
- val timedOut = Promise.successful[String]("Timedout").future
- Await.result(failure fallbackTo timedOut, defaultTimeout) mustBe ("Timedout")
- Await.result(timedOut fallbackTo empty, defaultTimeout) mustBe ("Timedout")
- Await.result(failure fallbackTo failure fallbackTo timedOut, defaultTimeout) mustBe ("Timedout")
- intercept[RuntimeException] {
- Await.result(failure fallbackTo otherFailure, defaultTimeout)
- }.getMessage mustBe ("last")
- }
- }
- "A successful Promise" should {
- val result = "test value"
- val future = Promise[String]().complete(Right(result)).future
- futureWithResult(_(future, result))
- }
- "A failed Promise" should {
- val message = "Expected Exception"
- val future = Promise[String]().complete(Left(new RuntimeException(message))).future
- futureWithException[RuntimeException](_(future, message))
- }
- "An interrupted Promise" should {
- val message = "Boxed InterruptedException"
- val future = Promise[String]().complete(Left(new InterruptedException(message))).future
- futureWithException[ExecutionException](_(future, message))
- }
- "A NonLocalReturnControl failed Promise" should {
- val result = "test value"
- val future = Promise[String]().complete(Left(new NonLocalReturnControl[String]("test", result))).future
- futureWithResult(_(future, result))
- }
- def futureWithResult(f: ((Future[Any], Any) => Unit) => Unit) {
- "be completed" in { f((future, _) => future.isCompleted mustBe (true)) }
- "contain a value" in { f((future, result) => future.value mustBe (Some(Right(result)))) }
- "return result with 'blocking'" in { f((future, result) => blocking(future, defaultTimeout) mustBe (result)) }
- "return result with 'Await.result'" in { f((future, result) => Await.result(future, defaultTimeout) mustBe (result)) }
- "not timeout" in { f((future, _) => Await.ready(future, 0 millis)) }
- "filter result" in {
- f {
- (future, result) =>
- Await.result((future filter (_ => true)), defaultTimeout) mustBe (result)
- intercept[NoSuchElementException] {
- Await.result((future filter (_ => false)), defaultTimeout)
- }
- }
- }
- "transform result with map" in { f((future, result) => Await.result((future map (_.toString.length)), defaultTimeout) mustBe (result.toString.length)) }
- "compose result with flatMap" in {
- f { (future, result) =>
- val r = for (r <- future; p <- Promise.successful("foo").future) yield r.toString + p
- Await.result(r, defaultTimeout) mustBe (result.toString + "foo")
- }
- }
- "perform action with foreach" in {
- f {
- (future, result) =>
- val p = Promise[Any]()
- future foreach p.success
- Await.result(p.future, defaultTimeout) mustBe (result)
- }
- }
- "zip properly" in {
- f {
- (future, result) =>
- Await.result(future zip Promise.successful("foo").future, defaultTimeout) mustBe ((result, "foo"))
- intercept[RuntimeException] {
- Await.result(future zip Promise.failed(new RuntimeException("ohnoes")).future, defaultTimeout)
- }.getMessage mustBe ("ohnoes")
- }
- }
- "not recover from exception" in { f((future, result) => Await.result(future.recover({ case _ => "pigdog" }), defaultTimeout) mustBe (result)) }
- "perform action on result" in {
- f {
- (future, result) =>
- val p = Promise[Any]()
- future.onSuccess { case x => p.success(x) }
- Await.result(p.future, defaultTimeout) mustBe (result)
- }
- }
- "not project a failure" in {
- f {
- (future, result) =>
- intercept[NoSuchElementException] {
- Await.result(future.failed, defaultTimeout)
- }.getMessage mustBe ("Future.failed not completed with a throwable. Instead completed with: " + result)
- }
- }
- "cast using mapTo" in {
- f {
- (future, result) =>
- Await.result(future.mapTo[Boolean].recover({ case _: ClassCastException ⇒ false }), defaultTimeout) mustBe (false)
- }
- }
- }
- def futureWithException[E <: Throwable: Manifest](f: ((Future[Any], String) => Unit) => Unit) {
- "be completed" in {
- f((future, _) => future.isCompleted mustBe (true))
- }
- "contain a value" in {
- f((future, message) => {
- future.value.get.left.get.getMessage mustBe (message)
- })
- }
- "throw exception with 'blocking'" in {
- f {
- (future, message) =>
- intercept[E] {
- blocking(future, defaultTimeout)
- }.getMessage mustBe (message)
- }
- }
- "throw exception with 'Await.result'" in {
- f {
- (future, message) =>
- intercept[E] {
- Await.result(future, defaultTimeout)
- }.getMessage mustBe (message)
- }
- }
- "retain exception with filter" in {
- f {
- (future, message) =>
- intercept[E] { Await.result(future filter (_ => true), defaultTimeout) }.getMessage mustBe (message)
- intercept[E] { Await.result(future filter (_ => false), defaultTimeout) }.getMessage mustBe (message)
- }
- }
- "retain exception with map" in {
- f {
- (future, message) =>
- intercept[E] { Await.result(future map (_.toString.length), defaultTimeout) }.getMessage mustBe (message)
- }
- }
- "retain exception with flatMap" in {
- f {
- (future, message) =>
- intercept[E] { Await.result(future flatMap (_ => Promise.successful("foo").future), defaultTimeout) }.getMessage mustBe (message)
- }
- }
- "zip properly" in {
- f {
- (future, message) =>
- intercept[E] {
- Await.result(future zip Promise.successful("foo").future, defaultTimeout)
- }.getMessage mustBe (message)
- }
- }
- "recover from exception" in {
- f {
- (future, message) =>
- Await.result(future.recover({ case e if e.getMessage == message ⇒ "pigdog" }), defaultTimeout) mustBe ("pigdog")
- }
- }
- "project a failure" in {
- f((future, message) => Await.result(future.failed, defaultTimeout).getMessage mustBe (message))
- }
- "perform action on exception" in {
- f {
- (future, message) =>
- val p = Promise[Any]()
- future.onFailure { case _ => p.success(message) }
- Await.result(p.future, defaultTimeout) mustBe (message)
- }
- }
- "always cast successfully using mapTo" in {
- f {
- (future, message) =>
- intercept[E] { Await.result(future.mapTo[java.lang.Thread], defaultTimeout) }.getMessage mustBe (message)
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/future-spec/PromiseTests.scala b/test/files/jvm/future-spec/PromiseTests.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6016746a23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/jvm/future-spec/PromiseTests.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+import scala.concurrent._
+import scala.concurrent.util.duration._
+import scala.concurrent.util.Duration.Inf
+import scala.collection._
+import scala.runtime.NonLocalReturnControl
+object PromiseTests extends MinimalScalaTest {
+ val defaultTimeout = Inf
+ /* promise specification */
+ "An empty Promise" should {
+ "not be completed" in {
+ val p = Promise()
+ p.future.isCompleted mustBe (false)
+ }
+ "have no value" in {
+ val p = Promise()
+ p.future.value mustBe (None)
+ }
+ "return supplied value on timeout" in {
+ val failure = Promise.failed[String](new RuntimeException("br0ken")).future
+ val otherFailure = Promise.failed[String](new RuntimeException("last")).future
+ val empty = Promise[String]().future
+ val timedOut = Promise.successful[String]("Timedout").future
+ Await.result(failure fallbackTo timedOut, defaultTimeout) mustBe ("Timedout")
+ Await.result(timedOut fallbackTo empty, defaultTimeout) mustBe ("Timedout")
+ Await.result(failure fallbackTo failure fallbackTo timedOut, defaultTimeout) mustBe ("Timedout")
+ intercept[RuntimeException] {
+ Await.result(failure fallbackTo otherFailure, defaultTimeout)
+ }.getMessage mustBe ("last")
+ }
+ }
+ "A successful Promise" should {
+ val result = "test value"
+ val future = Promise[String]().complete(Right(result)).future
+ futureWithResult(_(future, result))
+ }
+ "A failed Promise" should {
+ val message = "Expected Exception"
+ val future = Promise[String]().complete(Left(new RuntimeException(message))).future
+ futureWithException[RuntimeException](_(future, message))
+ }
+ "An interrupted Promise" should {
+ val message = "Boxed InterruptedException"
+ val future = Promise[String]().complete(Left(new InterruptedException(message))).future
+ futureWithException[ExecutionException](_(future, message))
+ }
+ "A NonLocalReturnControl failed Promise" should {
+ val result = "test value"
+ val future = Promise[String]().complete(Left(new NonLocalReturnControl[String]("test", result))).future
+ futureWithResult(_(future, result))
+ }
+ def futureWithResult(f: ((Future[Any], Any) => Unit) => Unit) {
+ "be completed" in { f((future, _) => future.isCompleted mustBe (true)) }
+ "contain a value" in { f((future, result) => future.value mustBe (Some(Right(result)))) }
+ "return result with 'blocking'" in { f((future, result) => blocking(future, defaultTimeout) mustBe (result)) }
+ "return result with 'Await.result'" in { f((future, result) => Await.result(future, defaultTimeout) mustBe (result)) }
+ "not timeout" in { f((future, _) => Await.ready(future, 0 millis)) }
+ "filter result" in {
+ f {
+ (future, result) =>
+ Await.result((future filter (_ => true)), defaultTimeout) mustBe (result)
+ intercept[NoSuchElementException] {
+ Await.result((future filter (_ => false)), defaultTimeout)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "transform result with map" in { f((future, result) => Await.result((future map (_.toString.length)), defaultTimeout) mustBe (result.toString.length)) }
+ "compose result with flatMap" in {
+ f { (future, result) =>
+ val r = for (r <- future; p <- Promise.successful("foo").future) yield r.toString + p
+ Await.result(r, defaultTimeout) mustBe (result.toString + "foo")
+ }
+ }
+ "perform action with foreach" in {
+ f {
+ (future, result) =>
+ val p = Promise[Any]()
+ future foreach p.success
+ Await.result(p.future, defaultTimeout) mustBe (result)
+ }
+ }
+ "zip properly" in {
+ f {
+ (future, result) =>
+ Await.result(future zip Promise.successful("foo").future, defaultTimeout) mustBe ((result, "foo"))
+ intercept[RuntimeException] {
+ Await.result(future zip Promise.failed(new RuntimeException("ohnoes")).future, defaultTimeout)
+ }.getMessage mustBe ("ohnoes")
+ }
+ }
+ "not recover from exception" in { f((future, result) => Await.result(future.recover({ case _ => "pigdog" }), defaultTimeout) mustBe (result)) }
+ "perform action on result" in {
+ f {
+ (future, result) =>
+ val p = Promise[Any]()
+ future.onSuccess { case x => p.success(x) }
+ Await.result(p.future, defaultTimeout) mustBe (result)
+ }
+ }
+ "not project a failure" in {
+ f {
+ (future, result) =>
+ intercept[NoSuchElementException] {
+ Await.result(future.failed, defaultTimeout)
+ }.getMessage mustBe ("Future.failed not completed with a throwable. Instead completed with: " + result)
+ }
+ }
+ "cast using mapTo" in {
+ f {
+ (future, result) =>
+ Await.result(future.mapTo[Boolean].recover({ case _: ClassCastException ⇒ false }), defaultTimeout) mustBe (false)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def futureWithException[E <: Throwable: Manifest](f: ((Future[Any], String) => Unit) => Unit) {
+ "be completed" in {
+ f((future, _) => future.isCompleted mustBe (true))
+ }
+ "contain a value" in {
+ f((future, message) => {
+ future.value.get.left.get.getMessage mustBe (message)
+ })
+ }
+ "throw exception with 'blocking'" in {
+ f {
+ (future, message) =>
+ intercept[E] {
+ blocking(future, defaultTimeout)
+ }.getMessage mustBe (message)
+ }
+ }
+ "throw exception with 'Await.result'" in {
+ f {
+ (future, message) =>
+ intercept[E] {
+ Await.result(future, defaultTimeout)
+ }.getMessage mustBe (message)
+ }
+ }
+ "retain exception with filter" in {
+ f {
+ (future, message) =>
+ intercept[E] { Await.result(future filter (_ => true), defaultTimeout) }.getMessage mustBe (message)
+ intercept[E] { Await.result(future filter (_ => false), defaultTimeout) }.getMessage mustBe (message)
+ }
+ }
+ "retain exception with map" in {
+ f {
+ (future, message) =>
+ intercept[E] { Await.result(future map (_.toString.length), defaultTimeout) }.getMessage mustBe (message)
+ }
+ }
+ "retain exception with flatMap" in {
+ f {
+ (future, message) =>
+ intercept[E] { Await.result(future flatMap (_ => Promise.successful("foo").future), defaultTimeout) }.getMessage mustBe (message)
+ }
+ }
+ "zip properly" in {
+ f {
+ (future, message) =>
+ intercept[E] {
+ Await.result(future zip Promise.successful("foo").future, defaultTimeout)
+ }.getMessage mustBe (message)
+ }
+ }
+ "recover from exception" in {
+ f {
+ (future, message) =>
+ Await.result(future.recover({ case e if e.getMessage == message ⇒ "pigdog" }), defaultTimeout) mustBe ("pigdog")
+ }
+ }
+ "project a failure" in {
+ f((future, message) => Await.result(future.failed, defaultTimeout).getMessage mustBe (message))
+ }
+ "perform action on exception" in {
+ f {
+ (future, message) =>
+ val p = Promise[Any]()
+ future.onFailure { case _ => p.success(message) }
+ Await.result(p.future, defaultTimeout) mustBe (message)
+ }
+ }
+ "always cast successfully using mapTo" in {
+ f {
+ (future, message) =>
+ intercept[E] { Await.result(future.mapTo[java.lang.Thread], defaultTimeout) }.getMessage mustBe (message)
+ }
+ }
+ }