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+Basic Declarations and Definitions
+ Dcl ::= `val' ValDcl
+ | `var' VarDcl
+ | `def' FunDcl
+ | `type' {nl} TypeDcl
+ PatVarDef ::= `val' PatDef
+ | `var' VarDef
+ Def ::= PatVarDef
+ | `def' FunDef
+ | `type' {nl} TypeDef
+ | TmplDef
+A {\em declaration} introduces names and assigns them types. It can
+form part of a class definition (\sref{sec:templates}) or of a
+refinement in a compound type (\sref{sec:refinements}).
+A {\em definition} introduces names that denote terms or types. It can
+form part of an object or class definition or it can be local to a
+block. Both declarations and definitions produce {\em bindings} that
+associate type names with type definitions or bounds, and that
+associate term names with types.
+The scope of a name introduced by a declaration or definition is the
+whole statement sequence containing the binding. However, there is a
+restriction on forward references in blocks: In a statement sequence
+$s_1 \ldots s_n$ making up a block, if a simple name in $s_i$ refers
+to an entity defined by $s_j$ where $j \geq i$, then for all $s_k$
+between and including $s_i$ and $s_j$,
+\item $s_k$ cannot be a variable definition.
+\item If $s_k$ is a value definition, it must be lazy.
+Every basic definition may introduce several defined names, separated
+by commas. These are expanded according to the following scheme:
+\VAL;x, y: T = e && \VAL; x: T = e \\
+ && \VAL; y: T = x \\[0.5em]
+\LET;x, y: T = e && \LET; x: T = e \\
+ && \VAL; y: T = x \\[0.5em]
+\DEF;x, y (ps): T = e &\tab\mbox{expands to}\tab& \DEF; x(ps): T = e \\
+ && \DEF; y(ps): T = x(ps)\\[0.5em]
+\VAR;x, y: T := e && \VAR;x: T := e\\
+ && \VAR;y: T := x\\[0.5em]
+\TYPE;t,u = T && \TYPE; t = T\\
+ && \TYPE; u = t\\[0.5em]
+All definitions have a ``repeated form'' where the initial
+definition keyword is followed by several constituent definitions
+which are separated by commas. A repeated definition is
+always interpreted as a sequence formed from the
+constituent definitions. E.g.\ the function definition
+~\lstinline@def f(x) = x, g(y) = y@~ expands to
+~\lstinline@def f(x) = x; def g(y) = y@~ and
+the type definition
+~\lstinline@type T, U <: B@~ expands to
+~\lstinline@type T; type U <: B@.
+If an element in such a sequence introduces only the defined name,
+possibly with some type or value parameters, but leaves out any
+additional parts in the definition, then those parts are implicitly
+copied from the next subsequent sequence element which consists of
+more than just a defined name and parameters. Examples:
+The variable declaration ~\lstinline@var x, y: Int@~
+expands to ~\lstinline@var x: Int; var y: Int@.
+The value definition ~\lstinline@val x, y: Int = 1@~
+expands to ~\lstinline@val x: Int = 1; val y: Int = 1@.
+The class definition ~\lstinline@case class X(), Y(n: Int) extends Z@~ expands to
+~\lstinline@case class X extends Z; case class Y(n: Int) extends Z@.
+The object definition ~\lstinline@case object Red, Green, Blue extends Color@~
+expands to
+case object Red extends Color
+case object Green extends Color
+case object Blue extends Color .
+\section{Value Declarations and Definitions}
+ Dcl ::= `val' ValDcl
+ ValDcl ::= ids `:' Type
+ PatVarDef ::= `val' PatDef
+ PatDef ::= Pattern2 {`,' Pattern2} [`:' Type] `=' Expr
+ ids ::= id {`,' id}
+A value declaration ~\lstinline@val $x$: $T$@~ introduces $x$ as a name of a value of
+type $T$.
+A value definition ~\lstinline@val $x$: $T$ = $e$@~ defines $x$ as a
+name of the value that results from the evaluation of $e$.
+If the value definition is not recursive, the type
+$T$ may be omitted, in which case the packed type (\sref{sec:expr-typing}) of expression $e$ is
+assumed. If a type $T$ is given, then $e$ is expected to conform to
+Evaluation of the value definition implies evaluation of its
+right-hand side $e$, unless it has the modifier \lstinline@lazy@. The
+effect of the value definition is to bind $x$ to the value of $e$
+converted to type $T$. A \lstinline@lazy@ value definition evaluates
+its right hand side $e$ the first time the value is accessed.
+A {\em constant value definition} is of the form
+final val x = e
+where \lstinline@e@ is a constant expression
+The \lstinline@final@ modifier must be
+present and no type annotation may be given. References to the
+constant value \lstinline@x@ are themselves treated as constant expressions; in the
+generated code they are replaced by the definition's right-hand side \lstinline@e@.
+Value definitions can alternatively have a pattern
+(\sref{sec:patterns}) as left-hand side. If $p$ is some pattern other
+than a simple name or a name followed by a colon and a type, then the
+value definition ~\lstinline@val $p$ = $e$@~ is expanded as follows:
+1. If the pattern $p$ has bound variables $x_1 \commadots x_n$, where $n > 1$:
+val $\Dollar x$ = $e$ match {case $p$ => {$x_1 \commadots x_n$}}
+val $x_1$ = $\Dollar x$._1
+val $x_n$ = $\Dollar x$._n .
+Here, $\Dollar x$ is a fresh name.
+2. If $p$ has a unique bound variable $x$:
+val $x$ = $e$ match { case $p$ => $x$ }
+3. If $p$ has no bound variables:
+$e$ match { case $p$ => ()}
+The following are examples of value definitions
+val pi = 3.1415
+val pi: Double = 3.1415 // equivalent to first definition
+val Some(x) = f() // a pattern definition
+val x :: xs = mylist // an infix pattern definition
+The last two definitions have the following expansions.
+val x = f() match { case Some(x) => x }
+val x$\Dollar$ = mylist match { case x :: xs => {x, xs} }
+val x = x$\Dollar$._1
+val xs = x$\Dollar$._2
+The name of any declared or defined value may not end in \lstinline@_=@.
+A value declaration ~\lstinline@val $x_1 \commadots x_n$: $T$@~
+is a
+shorthand for the sequence of value declarations
+~\lstinline@val $x_1$: $T$; ...; val $x_n$: $T$@.
+A value definition ~\lstinline@val $p_1 \commadots p_n$ = $e$@~
+is a
+shorthand for the sequence of value definitions
+~\lstinline@val $p_1$ = $e$; ...; val $p_n$ = $e$@.
+A value definition ~\lstinline@val $p_1 \commadots p_n: T$ = $e$@~
+is a
+shorthand for the sequence of value definitions
+~\lstinline@val $p_1: T$ = $e$; ...; val $p_n: T$ = $e$@.
+\section{Variable Declarations and Definitions}
+ Dcl ::= `var' VarDcl
+ PatVarDef ::= `var' VarDef
+ VarDcl ::= ids `:' Type
+ VarDef ::= PatDef
+ | ids `:' Type `=' `_'
+A variable declaration ~\lstinline@var $x$: $T$@~ is equivalent to declarations
+of a {\em getter function} $x$ and a {\em setter function}
+\lstinline@$x$_=@, defined as follows:
+ def $x$: $T$
+ def $x$_= ($y$: $T$): Unit
+An implementation of a class containing variable declarations
+may define these variables using variable definitions, or it may
+define setter and getter functions directly.
+A variable definition ~\lstinline@var $x$: $T$ = $e$@~ introduces a
+mutable variable with type $T$ and initial value as given by the
+expression $e$. The type $T$ can be omitted, in which case the type of
+$e$ is assumed. If $T$ is given, then $e$ is expected to conform to it
+Variable definitions can alternatively have a pattern
+(\sref{sec:patterns}) as left-hand side. A variable definition
+ ~\lstinline@var $p$ = $e$@~ where $p$ is a pattern other
+than a simple name or a name followed by a colon and a type is expanded in the same way
+as a value definition ~\lstinline@val $p$ = $e$@, except that
+the free names in $p$ are introduced as mutable variables, not values.
+The name of any declared or defined variable may not end in \lstinline@_=@.
+A variable definition ~\lstinline@var $x$: $T$ = _@~ can appear only
+as a member of a template. It introduces a mutable field with type
+\ $T$ and a default initial value. The default value depends on the
+type $T$ as follows:
+\code{0} & if $T$ is \code{Int} or one of its subrange types, \\
+\code{0L} & if $T$ is \code{Long},\\
+\lstinline@0.0f@ & if $T$ is \code{Float},\\
+\lstinline@0.0d@ & if $T$ is \code{Double},\\
+\code{false} & if $T$ is \code{Boolean},\\
+\lstinline@{}@ & if $T$ is \code{Unit}, \\
+\code{null} & for all other types $T$.
+When they occur as members of a template, both forms of variable
+definition also introduce a getter function $x$ which returns the
+value currently assigned to the variable, as well as a setter function
+\lstinline@$x$_=@ which changes the value currently assigned to the variable.
+The functions have the same signatures as for a variable declaration.
+The template then has these getter and setter functions as
+members, whereas the original variable cannot be accessed directly as
+a template member.
+\example The following example shows how {\em properties} can be
+simulated in Scala. It defines a class \code{TimeOfDayVar} of time
+values with updatable integer fields representing hours, minutes, and
+seconds. Its implementation contains tests that allow only legal
+values to be assigned to these fields. The user code, on the other
+hand, accesses these fields just like normal variables.
+class TimeOfDayVar {
+ private var h: Int = 0
+ private var m: Int = 0
+ private var s: Int = 0
+ def hours = h
+ def hours_= (h: Int) = if (0 <= h && h < 24) this.h = h
+ else throw new DateError()
+ def minutes = m
+ def minutes_= (m: Int) = if (0 <= m && m < 60) this.m = m
+ else throw new DateError()
+ def seconds = s
+ def seconds_= (s: Int) = if (0 <= s && s < 60) this.s = s
+ else throw new DateError()
+val d = new TimeOfDayVar
+d.hours = 8; d.minutes = 30; d.seconds = 0
+d.hours = 25 // throws a DateError exception
+A variable declaration ~\lstinline@var $x_1 \commadots x_n$: $T$@~
+is a
+shorthand for the sequence of variable declarations
+~\lstinline@var $x_1$: $T$; ...; var $x_n$: $T$@.
+A variable definition ~\lstinline@var $x_1 \commadots x_n$ = $e$@~
+is a
+shorthand for the sequence of variable definitions
+~\lstinline@var $x_1$ = $e$; ...; var $x_n$ = $e$@.
+A variable definition ~\lstinline@var $x_1 \commadots x_n: T$ = $e$@~
+is a
+shorthand for the sequence of variable definitions
+~\lstinline@var $x_1: T$ = $e$; ...; var $x_n: T$ = $e$@.
+Type Declarations and Type Aliases
+\todo{Higher-kinded tdecls should have a separate section}
+ Dcl ::= `type' {nl} TypeDcl
+ TypeDcl ::= id [TypeParamClause] [`>:' Type] [`<:' Type]
+ Def ::= type {nl} TypeDef
+ TypeDef ::= id [TypeParamClause] `=' Type
+A {\em type declaration} ~\lstinline@type $t$[$\tps\,$] >: $L$ <: $U$@~ declares
+$t$ to be an abstract type with lower bound type $L$ and upper bound
+type $U$. If the type parameter clause \lstinline@[$\tps\,$]@ is omitted, $t$ abstracts over a first-order type, otherwise $t$ stands for a type constructor that accepts type arguments as described by the type parameter clause.
+If a type declaration appears as a member declaration of a
+type, implementations of the type may implement $t$ with any type $T$
+for which $L \conforms T \conforms U$. It is a compile-time error if
+$L$ does not conform to $U$. Either or both bounds may be omitted.
+If the lower bound $L$ is absent, the bottom type
+\lstinline@scala.Nothing@ is assumed. If the upper bound $U$ is absent,
+the top type \lstinline@scala.Any@ is assumed.
+A type constructor declaration imposes additional restrictions on the
+concrete types for which $t$ may stand. Besides the bounds $L$ and
+$U$, the type parameter clause may impose higher-order bounds and
+variances, as governed by the conformance of type constructors
+The scope of a type parameter extends over the bounds ~\lstinline@>: $L$ <: $U$@ and the type parameter clause $\tps$ itself. A
+higher-order type parameter clause (of an abstract type constructor
+$tc$) has the same kind of scope, restricted to the declaration of the
+type parameter $tc$.
+To illustrate nested scoping, these declarations are all equivalent: ~\lstinline@type t[m[x] <: Bound[x], Bound[x]]@, ~\lstinline@type t[m[x] <: Bound[x], Bound[y]]@ and ~\lstinline@type t[m[x] <: Bound[x], Bound[_]]@, as the scope of, e.g., the type parameter of $m$ is limited to the declaration of $m$. In all of them, $t$ is an abstract type member that abstracts over two type constructors: $m$ stands for a type constructor that takes one type parameter and that must be a subtype of $Bound$, $t$'s second type constructor parameter. ~\lstinline@t[MutableList, Iterable]@ is a valid use of $t$.
+A {\em type alias} ~\lstinline@type $t$ = $T$@~ defines $t$ to be an alias
+name for the type $T$. The left hand side of a type alias may
+have a type parameter clause, e.g. ~\lstinline@type $t$[$\tps\,$] = $T$@. The scope
+of a type parameter extends over the right hand side $T$ and the
+type parameter clause $\tps$ itself.
+The scope rules for definitions (\sref{sec:defs}) and type parameters
+(\sref{sec:funsigs}) make it possible that a type name appears in its
+own bound or in its right-hand side. However, it is a static error if
+a type alias refers recursively to the defined type constructor itself.
+That is, the type $T$ in a type alias ~\lstinline@type $t$[$\tps\,$] = $T$@~ may not
+refer directly or indirectly to the name $t$. It is also an error if
+an abstract type is directly or indirectly its own upper or lower bound.
+\example The following are legal type declarations and definitions:
+type IntList = List[Integer]
+type T <: Comparable[T]
+type Two[A] = Tuple2[A, A]
+type MyCollection[+X] <: Iterable[X]
+The following are illegal:
+type Abs = Comparable[Abs] // recursive type alias
+type S <: T // S, T are bounded by themselves.
+type T <: S
+type T >: Comparable[T.That] // Cannot select from T.
+ // T is a type, not a value
+type MyCollection <: Iterable // Type constructor members must explicitly state their type parameters.
+If a type alias ~\lstinline@type $t$[$\tps\,$] = $S$@~ refers to a class type
+$S$, the name $t$ can also be used as a constructor for
+objects of type $S$.
+\example The \code{Predef} object contains a definition which establishes \code{Pair}
+as an alias of the parameterized class \code{Tuple2}:
+type Pair[+A, +B] = Tuple2[A, B]
+object Pair {
+ def apply[A, B](x: A, y: B) = Tuple2(x, y)
+ def unapply[A, B](x: Tuple2[A, B]): Option[Tuple2[A, B]] = Some(x)
+As a consequence, for any two types $S$ and $T$, the type
+~\lstinline@Pair[$S$, $T\,$]@~ is equivalent to the type ~\lstinline@Tuple2[$S$, $T\,$]@.
+\code{Pair} can also be used as a constructor instead of \code{Tuple2}, as in:
+val x: Pair[Int, String] = new Pair(1, "abc")
+\section{Type Parameters}\label{sec:type-params}
+ TypeParamClause ::= `[' VariantTypeParam {`,' VariantTypeParam} `]'
+ VariantTypeParam ::= {Annotation} [`+' | `-'] TypeParam
+ TypeParam ::= (id | `_') [TypeParamClause] [`>:' Type] [`<:' Type] [`:' Type]
+Type parameters appear in type definitions, class definitions, and
+function definitions. In this section we consider only type parameter
+definitions with lower bounds ~\lstinline@>: $L$@~ and upper bounds
+~\lstinline@<: $U$@~ whereas a discussion of context bounds
+~\lstinline@: $U$@~ and view bounds ~\lstinline@<% $U$@~
+is deferred to Section~\ref{sec:context-bounds}.
+The most general form of a first-order type parameter is
+~\lstinline!$@a_1\ldots@a_n$ $\pm$ $t$ >: $L$ <: $U$!.
+Here, $L$, and $U$ are lower and upper bounds that
+constrain possible type arguments for the parameter. It is a
+compile-time error if $L$ does not conform to $U$. $\pm$ is a {\em
+variance}, i.e.\ an optional prefix of either \lstinline@+@, or
+\lstinline@-@. One or more annotations may precede the type parameter.
+The upper bound $U$ in a type parameter clauses may not be a final
+class. The lower bound may not denote a value type.\todo{Why}
+\comment{@M TODO this is a pretty awkward description of scoping and distinctness of binders}
+The names of all type parameters must be pairwise different in their enclosing type parameter clause. The scope of a type parameter includes in each case the whole type parameter clause. Therefore it is possible that a type parameter appears as part of its own bounds or the bounds of other type parameters in the same clause. However, a type parameter may not be bounded directly or indirectly by itself.\
+A type constructor parameter adds a nested type parameter clause to the type parameter. The most general form of a type constructor parameter is ~\lstinline!$@a_1\ldots@a_n$ $\pm$ $t[\tps\,]$ >: $L$ <: $U$!.
+The above scoping restrictions are generalized to the case of nested type parameter clauses, which declare higher-order type parameters. Higher-order type parameters (the type parameters of a type parameter $t$) are only visible in their immediately surrounding parameter clause (possibly including clauses at a deeper nesting level) and in the bounds of $t$. Therefore, their names must only be pairwise different from the names of other visible parameters. Since the names of higher-order type parameters are thus often irrelevant, they may be denoted with a `\lstinline@_@', which is nowhere visible.
+\example Here are some well-formed type parameter clauses:
+[S, T]
+[@specialized T, U]
+[Ex <: Throwable]
+[A <: Comparable[B], B <: A]
+[A, B >: A, C >: A <: B]
+[M[X], N[X]]
+[M[_], N[_]] // equivalent to previous clause
+[M[X <: Bound[X]], Bound[_]]
+[M[+X] <: Iterable[X]]
+The following type parameter clauses are illegal:
+[A >: A] // illegal, `A' has itself as bound
+[A <: B, B <: C, C <: A] // illegal, `A' has itself as bound
+[A, B, C >: A <: B] // illegal lower bound `A' of `C' does
+ // not conform to upper bound `B'.
+\section{Variance Annotations}\label{sec:variances}
+Variance annotations indicate how instances of parameterized types
+vary with respect to subtyping (\sref{sec:conformance}). A
+`\lstinline@+@' variance indicates a covariant dependency, a
+`\lstinline@-@' variance indicates a contravariant dependency, and a
+missing variance indication indicates an invariant dependency.
+A variance annotation constrains the way the annotated type variable
+may appear in the type or class which binds the type parameter. In a
+type definition ~\lstinline@type $T$[$\tps\,$] = $S$@, or a type
+declaration ~\lstinline@type $T$[$\tps\,$] >: $L$ <: $U$@~ type parameters labeled
+`\lstinline@+@' must only appear in covariant position whereas
+type parameters labeled `\lstinline@-@' must only appear in contravariant
+position. Analogously, for a class definition
+~\lstinline@class $C$[$\tps\,$]($\ps\,$) extends $T$ { $x$: $S$ => ...}@,
+type parameters labeled
+`\lstinline@+@' must only appear in covariant position in the
+self type $S$ and the template $T$, whereas type
+parameters labeled `\lstinline@-@' must only appear in contravariant
+The variance position of a type parameter in a type or template is
+defined as follows. Let the opposite of covariance be contravariance,
+and the opposite of invariance be itself. The top-level of the type
+or template is always in covariant position. The variance position
+changes at the following constructs.
+The variance position of a method parameter is the opposite of the
+variance position of the enclosing parameter clause.
+The variance position of a type parameter is the opposite of the
+variance position of the enclosing type parameter clause.
+The variance position of the lower bound of a type declaration or type parameter
+is the opposite of the variance position of the type declaration or parameter.
+The type of a mutable variable is always in invariant position.
+The prefix $S$ of a type selection \lstinline@$S$#$T$@ is always in invariant position.
+For a type argument $T$ of a type ~\lstinline@$S$[$\ldots T \ldots$ ]@: If the
+corresponding type parameter is invariant, then $T$ is in
+invariant position. If the corresponding type parameter is
+contravariant, the variance position of $T$ is the opposite of
+the variance position of the enclosing type ~\lstinline@$S$[$\ldots T \ldots$ ]@.
+\todo{handle type aliases}
+References to the type parameters in object-private values, variables,
+or methods (\sref{sec:modifiers}) of the class are not checked for their variance
+position. In these members the type parameter may appear anywhere
+without restricting its legal variance annotations.
+\example The following variance annotation is legal.
+abstract class P[+A, +B] {
+ def fst: A; def snd: B
+With this variance annotation, type instances
+of $P$ subtype covariantly with respect to their arguments.
+For instance,
+P[IOException, String] <: P[Throwable, AnyRef] .
+If the members of $P$ are mutable variables,
+the same variance annotation becomes illegal.
+abstract class Q[+A, +B](x: A, y: B) {
+ var fst: A = x // **** error: illegal variance:
+ var snd: B = y // `A', `B' occur in invariant position.
+If the mutable variables are object-private, the class definition
+becomes legal again:
+abstract class R[+A, +B](x: A, y: B) {
+ private[this] var fst: A = x // OK
+ private[this] var snd: B = y // OK
+\example The following variance annotation is illegal, since $a$ appears
+in contravariant position in the parameter of \code{append}:
+abstract class Sequence[+A] {
+ def append(x: Sequence[A]): Sequence[A]
+ // **** error: illegal variance:
+ // `A' occurs in contravariant position.
+The problem can be avoided by generalizing the type of \code{append}
+by means of a lower bound:
+abstract class Sequence[+A] {
+ def append[B >: A](x: Sequence[B]): Sequence[B]
+\example Here is a case where a contravariant type parameter is useful.
+abstract class OutputChannel[-A] {
+ def write(x: A): Unit
+With that annotation, we have that
+\lstinline@OutputChannel[AnyRef]@ conforms to \lstinline@OutputChannel[String]@.
+That is, a
+channel on which one can write any object can substitute for a channel
+on which one can write only strings.
+Function Declarations and Definitions
+Dcl ::= `def' FunDcl
+FunDcl ::= FunSig `:' Type
+Def ::= `def' FunDef
+FunDef ::= FunSig [`:' Type] `=' Expr
+FunSig ::= id [FunTypeParamClause] ParamClauses
+FunTypeParamClause ::= `[' TypeParam {`,' TypeParam} `]'
+ParamClauses ::= {ParamClause} [[nl] `(' `implicit' Params `)']
+ParamClause ::= [nl] `(' [Params] `)'}
+Params ::= Param {`,' Param}
+Param ::= {Annotation} id [`:' ParamType] [`=' Expr]
+ParamType ::= Type
+ | `=>' Type
+ | Type `*'
+A function declaration has the form ~\lstinline@def $f\,\psig$: $T$@, where
+$f$ is the function's name, $\psig$ is its parameter
+signature and $T$ is its result type. A function definition
+~\lstinline@def $f\,\psig$: $T$ = $e$@~ also includes a {\em function body} $e$,
+i.e.\ an expression which defines the function's result. A parameter
+signature consists of an optional type parameter clause \lstinline@[$\tps\,$]@,
+followed by zero or more value parameter clauses
+~\lstinline@($\ps_1$)$\ldots$($\ps_n$)@. Such a declaration or definition
+introduces a value with a (possibly polymorphic) method type whose
+parameter types and result type are as given.
+The type of the function body is expected to conform (\sref{sec:expr-typing})
+to the function's declared
+result type, if one is given. If the function definition is not
+recursive, the result type may be omitted, in which case it is
+determined from the packed type of the function body.
+A type parameter clause $\tps$ consists of one or more type
+declarations (\sref{sec:typedcl}), which introduce type parameters,
+possibly with bounds. The scope of a type parameter includes
+the whole signature, including any of the type parameter bounds as
+well as the function body, if it is present.
+A value parameter clause $\ps$ consists of zero or more formal
+parameter bindings such as \lstinline@$x$: $T$@ or \lstinline@$x: T = e$@, which bind value
+parameters and associate them with their types. Each value parameter
+declaration may optionally define a default argument. The default argument
+expression $e$ is type-checked with an expected type $T'$ obtained
+by replacing all occurences of the function's type parameters in $T$ by
+the undefined type.
+For every parameter $p_{i,j}$ with a default argument a method named
+\lstinline@$f\Dollar$default$\Dollar$n@ is generated which computes the default argument
+expression. Here, $n$ denotes the parameter's position in the method
+declaration. These methods are parametrized by the type parameter clause
+\lstinline@[$\tps\,$]@ and all value parameter clauses
+~\lstinline@($\ps_1$)$\ldots$($\ps_{i-1}$)@ preceeding $p_{i,j}$.
+The \lstinline@$f\Dollar$default$\Dollar$n@ methods are inaccessible for
+user programs.
+The scope of a formal value parameter name $x$ comprises all subsequent parameter
+clauses, as well as the method return type and the function body, if
+they are given.\footnote{However, at present singleton types of method
+parameters may only appear in the method body; so {\em dependent method
+types} are not supported.} Both type parameter names
+and value parameter names must be pairwise distinct.
+\example In the method
+def compare[T](a: T = 0)(b: T = a) = (a == b)
+the default expression \code{0} is type-checked with an undefined expected
+type. When applying \code{compare()}, the default value \code{0} is inserted
+and \code{T} is instantiated to \code{Int}. The methods computing the default
+arguments have the form:
+def compare$\Dollar$default$\Dollar$1[T]: Int = 0
+def compare$\Dollar$default$\Dollar$2[T](a: T): T = a
+\subsection{By-Name Parameters}\label{sec:by-name-params}
+ParamType ::= `=>' Type
+The type of a value parameter may be prefixed by \code{=>}, e.g.\
+~\lstinline@$x$: => $T$@. The type of such a parameter is then the
+parameterless method type ~\lstinline@=> $T$@. This indicates that the
+corresponding argument is not evaluated at the point of function
+application, but instead is evaluated at each use within the
+function. That is, the argument is evaluated using {\em call-by-name}.
+The by-name modifier is disallowed for parameters of classes that
+carry a \code{val} or \code{var} prefix, including parameters of case
+classes for which a \code{val} prefix is implicitly generated. The
+by-name modifier is also disallowed for implicit parameters (\sref{sec:impl-params}).
+\example The declaration
+def whileLoop (cond: => Boolean) (stat: => Unit): Unit
+indicates that both parameters of \code{whileLoop} are evaluated using
+\subsection{Repeated Parameters}\label{sec:repeated-params}
+ParamType ::= Type `*'
+The last value parameter of a parameter section may be suffixed by
+``\code{*}'', e.g.\ ~\lstinline@(..., $x$:$T$*)@. The type of such a
+{\em repeated} parameter inside the method is then the sequence type
+\lstinline@scala.Seq[$T$]@. Methods with repeated parameters
+\lstinline@$T$*@ take a variable number of arguments of type $T$.
+That is, if a method $m$ with type ~\lstinline@($p_1:T_1 \commadots p_n:T_n,
+p_s:S$*)$U$@~ is applied to arguments $(e_1 \commadots e_k)$ where $k \geq
+n$, then $m$ is taken in that application to have type $(p_1:T_1
+\commadots p_n:T_n, p_s:S \commadots p_{s'}S)U$, with $k - n$ occurrences of type
+$S$ where any parameter names beyond $p_s$ are fresh. The only exception to this rule is if the last argument is
+marked to be a {\em sequence argument} via a \lstinline@_*@ type
+annotation. If $m$ above is applied to arguments
+~\lstinline@($e_1 \commadots e_n, e'$: _*)@, then the type of $m$ in
+that application is taken to be
+~\lstinline@($p_1:T_1\commadots p_n:T_n,p_{s}:$scala.Seq[$S$])@.
+It is not allowed to define any default arguments in a parameter section
+with a repeated parameter.
+\example The following method definition computes the sum of the squares of a variable number
+of integer arguments.
+def sum(args: Int*) = {
+ var result = 0
+ for (arg <- args) result += arg * arg
+ result
+The following applications of this method yield \code{0}, \code{1},
+\code{6}, in that order.
+sum(1, 2, 3)
+Furthermore, assume the definition:
+val xs = List(1, 2, 3)
+The following application of method \lstinline@sum@ is ill-formed:
+sum(xs) // ***** error: expected: Int, found: List[Int]
+By contrast, the following application is well formed and yields again
+the result \code{6}:
+sum(xs: _*)
+ FunDcl ::= FunSig
+ FunDef ::= FunSig [nl] `{' Block `}'
+Special syntax exists for procedures, i.e.\ functions that return the
+\verb@Unit@ value \verb@{}@.
+A procedure declaration is a function declaration where the result type
+is omitted. The result type is then implicitly completed to the
+\verb@Unit@ type. E.g., ~\lstinline@def $f$($\ps$)@~ is equivalent to
+~\lstinline@def $f$($\ps$): Unit@.
+A procedure definition is a function definition where the result type
+and the equals sign are omitted; its defining expression must be a block.
+E.g., ~\lstinline@def $f$($\ps$) {$\stats$}@~ is equivalent to
+~\lstinline@def $f$($\ps$): Unit = {$\stats$}@.
+\example Here is a declaration and a definition of a procedure named \lstinline@write@:
+trait Writer {
+ def write(str: String)
+object Terminal extends Writer {
+ def write(str: String) { System.out.println(str) }
+The code above is implicitly completed to the following code:
+trait Writer {
+ def write(str: String): Unit
+object Terminal extends Writer {
+ def write(str: String): Unit = { System.out.println(str) }
+\subsection{Method Return Type Inference}\label{sec:meth-type-inf}
+Functions that are members of a class $C$ may define parameters
+without type annotations. The types of such parameters are inferred as
+follows. Say, a method $m$ in a class $C$ has a parameter $p$ which
+does not have a type annotation. We first determine methods $m'$ in
+$C$ that might be overridden (\sref{sec:overriding}) by $m$, assuming
+that appropriate types are assigned to all parameters of $m$ whose
+types are missing. If there is exactly one such method, the type of
+the parameter corresponding to $p$ in that method -- seen as a member
+of $C$ -- is assigned to $p$. It is a compile-time error if there are
+several such overridden methods $m'$, or if there is none.
+A class member definition $m$ that overrides some other function $m'$
+in a base class of $C$ may leave out the return type, even if it is
+recursive. In this case, the return type $R'$ of the overridden
+function $m'$, seen as a member of $C$, is taken as the return type of
+$m$ for each recursive invocation of $m$. That way, a type $R$ for the
+right-hand side of $m$ can be determined, which is then taken as the
+return type of $m$. Note that $R$ may be different from $R'$, as long
+as $R$ conforms to $R'$.
+\example Assume the following definitions:
+trait I[A] {
+ def f(x: A)(y: A): A
+class C extends I[Int] {
+ def f(x)(y) = x + y
+Here, the parameter and return types of \lstinline@f@ in \lstinline@C@ are
+inferred from the corresponding types of \lstinline@f@ in \lstinline@I@. The
+signature of \lstinline@f@ in \lstinline@C@ is thus inferred to be
+ def f(x: Int)(y: Int): Int
+\example Assume the following definitions:
+trait I {
+ def factorial(x: Int): Int
+class C extends I {
+ def factorial(x: Int) = if (x == 0) 1 else x * factorial(x - 1)
+Here, it is OK to leave out the result type of \lstinline@factorial@
+in \lstinline@C@, even though the method is recursive.
+For any index $i$ let $\fsig_i$ be a function signature consisting of a function
+name, an optional type parameter section, and zero or more parameter
+sections. Then a function declaration
+~\lstinline@def $\fsig_1 \commadots \fsig_n$: $T$@~
+is a shorthand for the sequence of function
+declarations ~\lstinline@def $\fsig_1$: $T$; ...; def $\fsig_n$: $T$@.
+A function definition ~\lstinline@def $\fsig_1 \commadots \fsig_n$ = $e$@~ is a
+shorthand for the sequence of function definitions
+~\lstinline@def $\fsig_1$ = $e$; ...; def $\fsig_n$ = $e$@.
+A function definition
+~\lstinline@def $\fsig_1 \commadots \fsig_n: T$ = $e$@~ is a shorthand for the
+sequence of function definitions
+~\lstinline@def $\fsig_1: T$ = $e$; ...; def $\fsig_n: T$ = $e$@.
+\section{Overloaded Definitions}
+An overloaded definition is a set of $n > 1$ value or function
+definitions in the same statement sequence that define the same name,
+binding it to types ~\lstinline@$T_1 \commadots T_n$@, respectively.
+The individual definitions are called {\em alternatives}. Overloaded
+definitions may only appear in the statement sequence of a template.
+Alternatives always need to specify the type of the defined entity
+completely. It is an error if the types of two alternatives $T_i$ and
+$T_j$ have the same erasure (\sref{sec:erasure}).
+\todo{Say something about bridge methods.}
+%This must be a well-formed
+%overloaded type
+\section{Import Clauses}
+ Import ::= `import' ImportExpr {`,' ImportExpr}
+ ImportExpr ::= StableId `.' (id | `_' | ImportSelectors)
+ ImportSelectors ::= `{' {ImportSelector `,'}
+ (ImportSelector | `_') `}'
+ ImportSelector ::= id [`=>' id | `=>' `_']
+An import clause has the form ~\lstinline@import $p$.$I$@~ where $p$ is a stable
+identifier (\sref{sec:paths}) and $I$ is an import expression.
+The import expression determines a set of names of importable members of $p$
+which are made available without qualification. A member $m$ of $p$ is
+{\em importable} if it is not object-private (\sref{sec:modifiers}).
+The most general form of an import expression is a list of {\em import
+{ $x_1$ => $y_1 \commadots x_n$ => $y_n$, _ } .
+for $n \geq 0$, where the final wildcard `\lstinline@_@' may be absent. It
+makes available each importable member \lstinline@$p$.$x_i$@ under the unqualified name
+$y_i$. I.e.\ every import selector ~\lstinline@$x_i$ => $y_i$@~ renames
+\lstinline@$p$.$x_i$@ to
+$y_i$. If a final wildcard is present, all importable members $z$ of
+$p$ other than ~\lstinline@$x_1 \commadots x_n,y_1 \commadots y_n$@~ are also made available
+under their own unqualified names.
+Import selectors work in the same way for type and term members. For
+instance, an import clause ~\lstinline@import $p$.{$x$ => $y\,$}@~ renames the term
+name \lstinline@$p$.$x$@ to the term name $y$ and the type name \lstinline@$p$.$x$@
+to the type name $y$. At least one of these two names must
+reference an importable member of $p$.
+If the target in an import selector is a wildcard, the import selector
+hides access to the source member. For instance, the import selector
+~\lstinline@$x$ => _@~ ``renames'' $x$ to the wildcard symbol (which is
+unaccessible as a name in user programs), and thereby effectively
+prevents unqualified access to $x$. This is useful if there is a
+final wildcard in the same import selector list, which imports all
+members not mentioned in previous import selectors.
+The scope of a binding introduced by an import-clause starts
+immediately after the import clause and extends to the end of the
+enclosing block, template, package clause, or compilation unit,
+whichever comes first.
+Several shorthands exist. An import selector may be just a simple name
+$x$. In this case, $x$ is imported without renaming, so the
+import selector is equivalent to ~\lstinline@$x$ => $x$@. Furthermore, it is
+possible to replace the whole import selector list by a single
+identifier or wildcard. The import clause ~\lstinline@import $p$.$x$@~ is
+equivalent to ~\lstinline@import $p$.{$x\,$}@~, i.e.\ it makes available without
+qualification the member $x$ of $p$. The import clause
+~\lstinline@import $p$._@~ is equivalent to
+~\lstinline@import $p$.{_}@,
+i.e.\ it makes available without qualification all members of $p$
+(this is analogous to ~\lstinline@import $p$.*@~ in Java).
+An import clause with multiple import expressions
+~\lstinline@import $p_1$.$I_1 \commadots p_n$.$I_n$@~ is interpreted as a
+sequence of import clauses
+~\lstinline@import $p_1$.$I_1$; $\ldots$; import $p_n$.$I_n$@.
+\example Consider the object definition:
+object M {
+ def z = 0, one = 1
+ def add(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y
+Then the block
+{ import M.{one, z => zero, _}; add(zero, one) }
+is equivalent to the block
+{ M.add(M.z, } .