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diff --git a/ b/
index 01b21ba91c..18f5831f20 100644
--- a/
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Expressions
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
Expr ::= (Bindings | id | `_') `=>' Expr
| Expr1
Expr1 ::= `if' `(' Expr `)' {nl} Expr [[semi] else Expr]
@@ -65,14 +65,14 @@ type $T$ and let $t_1[\mathit{tps}_1] >: L_1 <: U_1 , \ldots , t_n[\mathit{tps}_
all the type variables created by skolemization of some part of $e$ which are free in $T$.
Then the _packed type_ of $e$ is
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
$T$ forSome { type $t_1[\mathit{tps}_1] >: L_1 <: U_1$; $\ldots$; type $t_n[\mathit{tps}_n] >: L_n <: U_n$ }.
## Literals
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
SimpleExpr ::= Literal
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ A reference to any other member of the ``null'' object causes a
## Designators
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
SimpleExpr ::= Path
| SimpleExpr `.' id
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ is thrown.
## This and Super
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
SimpleExpr ::= [id `.'] `this'
| [id '.'] `super' [ClassQualifier] `.' id
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ it must be concrete.
(@super) Consider the following class definitions
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
class Root { def x = "Root" }
class A extends Root { override def x = "A" ; def superA = super.x }
trait B extends Root { override def x = "B" ; def superB = super.x }
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ it must be concrete.
the linearization of class `D` is `{D, B, A, Root}`.
Then we have:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(new A).superA == "Root",
(new C).superB = "Root", (new C).superC = "B",
(new D).superA == "Root", (new D).superB = "A", (new D).superD = "B",
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ it must be concrete.
## Function Applications
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
SimpleExpr ::= SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs
ArgumentExprs ::= `(' [Exprs] `)'
| `(' [Exprs `,'] PostfixExpr `:' `_' `*' ')'
@@ -320,20 +320,20 @@ of the caller.
(@) Assume the following function which computes the sum of a
variable number of arguments:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def sum(xs: Int*) = (0 /: xs) ((x, y) => x + y)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
sum(1, 2, 3, 4)
sum(List(1, 2, 3, 4): _*)
both yield `10` as result. On the other hand,
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
sum(List(1, 2, 3, 4))
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ If the function $f$
has the form `$p.m$[$\mathit{targs}$]` it is transformed into the
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
{ val q = $p$
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ If the function $f$ is itself an application expression the transformation
is applied recursively on $f$. The result of transforming $f$ is a block of
the form
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
{ val q = $p$
val $x_1$ = expr$_1$
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ that the position of each name matches the position of its corresponding
parameter in the method type `($p_1:T_1 , \ldots , p_n:T_n$)$U$`.
The final result of the transformation is a block of the form
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
{ val q = $p$
val $x_1$ = expr$_1$
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ The final result of the transformation is a block of the form
## Method Values
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
SimpleExpr ::= SimpleExpr1 `_'
@@ -432,10 +432,10 @@ parameterlist `()`.
[anonymous functions](#anonymous-functions) on their right.
------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
- `Math.sin _`{.scala} `x => Math.sin(x)`{.scala}
- `Array.range _`{.scala} `(x1, x2) => Array.range(x1, x2)`{.scala}
- `List.map2 _`{.scala} `(x1, x2) => (x3) => List.map2(x1, x2)(x3)`{.scala}
- `List.map2(xs, ys)_`{.scala} `x => List.map2(xs, ys)(x)`{.scala}
+ `Math.sin _` `x => Math.sin(x)`
+ `Array.range _` `(x1, x2) => Array.range(x1, x2)`
+ `List.map2 _` `(x1, x2) => (x3) => List.map2(x1, x2)(x3)`
+ `List.map2(xs, ys)_` `x => List.map2(xs, ys)(x)`
------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------
Note that a space is necessary between a method name and the trailing underscore
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ parameterlist `()`.
## Type Applications
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
SimpleExpr ::= SimpleExpr TypeArgs
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ and the expected result type.
## Tuples
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
SimpleExpr ::= `(' [Exprs] `)'
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ The empty tuple
## Instance Creation Expressions
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
SimpleExpr ::= `new' (ClassTemplate | TemplateBody)
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ $T$. The concrete self type is normally
$T$, except if the expression `new $c$` appears as the
right hand side of a value definition
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
val $x$: $S$ = new $c$
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ A general instance creation expression is of the form
`new $t$` for some [class template](#templates) $t$.
Such an expression is equivalent to the block
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
{ class $a$ extends $t$; new $a$ }
@@ -529,19 +529,19 @@ types: If `{$D$}` is a class body, then
(@) Consider the following structural instance creation expression:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
new { def getName() = "aaron" }
This is a shorthand for the general instance creation expression
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
new AnyRef{ def getName() = "aaron" }
The latter is in turn a shorthand for the block
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
{ class anon\$X extends AnyRef{ def getName() = "aaron" }; new anon\$X }
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ types: If `{$D$}` is a class body, then
## Blocks
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
BlockExpr ::= `{' Block `}'
Block ::= {BlockStat semi} [ResultExpr]
@@ -595,14 +595,14 @@ $e$, which defines the result of the block.
(@) Assuming a class `Ref[T](x: T)`, the block
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
{ class C extends B {$\ldots$} ; new Ref(new C) }
has the type `Ref[_1] forSome { type _1 <: B }`.
The block
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
{ class C extends B {$\ldots$} ; new C }
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ $e$, which defines the result of the block.
## Prefix, Infix, and Postfix Operations
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
PostfixExpr ::= InfixExpr [id [nl]]
InfixExpr ::= PrefixExpr
| InfixExpr id [nl] InfixExpr
@@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ operation `$l$ += $r$`, where $l$, $r$ are expressions.
This operation can be re-interpreted as an operation which corresponds
to the assignment
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
$l$ = $l$ + $r$
@@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ The re-interpretation occurs if the following two conditions are fulfilled.
## Typed Expressions
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
Expr1 ::= PostfixExpr `:' CompoundType
@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ the expression is the value of $e$ converted to type $T$.
(@) Here are examples of well-typed and illegally typed expressions.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1: Int // legal, of type Int
1: Long // legal, of type Long
// 1: string // ***** illegal
@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ the expression is the value of $e$ converted to type $T$.
## Annotated Expressions
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
Expr1 ::= PostfixExpr `:' Annotation {Annotation}
@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ expression $e$.
## Assignments
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
Expr1 ::= [SimpleExpr `.'] id `=' Expr
| SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs `=' Expr
@@ -803,15 +803,15 @@ the invocation of an `update` function defined by $f$.
(@) Here are some assignment expressions and their equivalent expansions.
-------------------------- ---------------------
- `x.f = e`{.scala} x.f_=(e)
- `x.f() = e`{.scala} x.f.update(e)
- `x.f(i) = e`{.scala} x.f.update(i, e)
- `x.f(i, j) = e`{.scala} x.f.update(i, j, e)
+ `x.f = e` x.f_=(e)
+ `x.f() = e` x.f.update(e)
+ `x.f(i) = e` x.f.update(i, e)
+ `x.f(i, j) = e` x.f.update(i, j, e)
-------------------------- ---------------------
(@imp-mat-mul) Here is the usual imperative code for matrix multiplication.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def matmul(xss: Array[Array[Double]], yss: Array[Array[Double]]) = {
val zss: Array[Array[Double]] = new Array(xss.length, yss(0).length)
var i = 0
@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ the invocation of an `update` function defined by $f$.
Desugaring the array accesses and assignments yields the following
expanded version:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def matmul(xss: Array[Array[Double]], yss: Array[Array[Double]]) = {
val zss: Array[Array[Double]] = new Array(xss.length, yss.apply(0).length)
var i = 0
@@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ the invocation of an `update` function defined by $f$.
## Conditional Expressions
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
Expr1 ::= `if' `(' Expr `)' {nl} Expr [[semi] `else' Expr]
@@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ evaluated as if it was `if ($e_1$) $e_2$ else ()`.
## While Loop Expressions
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
Expr1 ::= `while' `(' Expr ')' {nl} Expr
@@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ The while loop expression `while ($e_1$) $e_2$` is typed and
evaluated as if it was an application of `whileLoop ($e_1$) ($e_2$)` where
the hypothetical function `whileLoop` is defined as follows.
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
def whileLoop(cond: => Boolean)(body: => Unit): Unit =
if (cond) { body ; whileLoop(cond)(body) } else {}
@@ -903,7 +903,7 @@ def whileLoop(cond: => Boolean)(body: => Unit): Unit =
## Do Loop Expressions
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
Expr1 ::= `do' Expr [semi] `while' `(' Expr ')'
@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ A semicolon preceding the `while` symbol of a do loop expression is ignored.
## For Comprehensions and For Loops
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
Expr1 ::= `for' (`(' Enumerators `)' | `{' Enumerators `}')
{nl} [`yield'] Expr
Enumerators ::= Generator {semi Enumerator}
@@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ The translation scheme is as follows. In a first step, every
generator `$p$ <- $e$`, where $p$ is not [irrefutable](#patterns)
for the type of $e$ is replaced by
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
$p$ <- $e$.withFilter { case $p$ => true; case _ => false }
@@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ comprehensions have been eliminated.
`$e$.foreach { case $p$ => $e'$ }`.
- A for comprehension
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
for ($p$ <- $e$; $p'$ <- $e'; \ldots$) yield $e''$
@@ -971,13 +971,13 @@ comprehensions have been eliminated.
sequence of generators, definitions, or guards,
is translated to
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
$e$.flatMap { case $p$ => for ($p'$ <- $e'; \ldots$) yield $e''$ }
- A for loop
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
for ($p$ <- $e$; $p'$ <- $e'; \ldots$) $e''$
@@ -985,7 +985,7 @@ comprehensions have been eliminated.
sequence of generators, definitions, or guards,
is translated to
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
$e$.foreach { case $p$ => for ($p'$ <- $e'; \ldots$) $e''$ }
@@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ comprehensions have been eliminated.
`$p'$ = $e'$` is translated to the following generator of pairs of values, where
$x$ and $x'$ are fresh names:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
($p$, $p'$) <- for ($x @ p$ <- $e$) yield { val $x' @ p'$ = $e'$; ($x$, $x'$) }
@@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ comprehensions have been eliminated.
(@) The following code produces all pairs of numbers between $1$ and $n-1$
whose sums are prime.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
for { i <- 1 until n
j <- 1 until i
if isPrime(i+j)
@@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ comprehensions have been eliminated.
The for comprehension is translated to:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(1 until n)
.flatMap {
case i => (1 until i)
@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ comprehensions have been eliminated.
<!-- see test/files/run/t0421.scala -->
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def transpose[A](xss: Array[Array[A]]) = {
for (i <- Array.range(0, xss(0).length)) yield
for (xs <- xss) yield xs(i)
@@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@ comprehensions have been eliminated.
Here is a function to compute the scalar product of two vectors:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def scalprod(xs: Array[Double], ys: Array[Double]) = {
var acc = 0.0
for ((x, y) <- xs zip ys) acc = acc + x * y
@@ -1049,7 +1049,7 @@ comprehensions have been eliminated.
Finally, here is a function to compute the product of two matrices.
Compare with the imperative version of \ref{ex:imp-mat-mul}.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def matmul(xss: Array[Array[Double]], yss: Array[Array[Double]]) = {
val ysst = transpose(yss)
for (xs <- xss) yield
@@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ comprehensions have been eliminated.
## Return Expressions
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
Expr1 ::= `return' [Expr]
@@ -1103,7 +1103,7 @@ and will propagate up the call stack.
## Throw Expressions
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
Expr1 ::= `throw' Expr
@@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@ is `scala.Nothing`.
## Try Expressions
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
Expr1 ::= `try' `{' Block `}' [`catch' `{' CaseClauses `}']
[`finally' Expr]
@@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@ A try expression is of the form `try { $b$ } catch $h$`
where the handler $h$ is a
[pattern matching anonymous function](#pattern-matching-anonymous-functions)
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
{ case $p_1$ => $b_1$ $\ldots$ case $p_n$ => $b_n$ }
@@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@ for `try { try { $b$ } catch $e_1$ } finally $e_2$`.
## Anonymous Functions
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
Expr ::= (Bindings | [`implicit'] id | `_') `=>' Expr
ResultExpr ::= (Bindings | ([`implicit'] id | `_') `:' CompoundType) `=>' Block
Bindings ::= `(' Binding {`,' Binding} `)'
@@ -1204,7 +1204,7 @@ type which does not refer to any of the formal parameters $x_i$.
The anonymous function is evaluated as the instance creation expression
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
new scala.Function$n$[$T_1 , \ldots , T_n$, $T$] {
def apply($x_1$: $T_1 , \ldots , x_n$: $T_n$): $T$ = $e$
@@ -1229,7 +1229,7 @@ anonymous functions always have to be given explicitly.
(@) Examples of anonymous functions:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
x => x // The identity function
f => g => x => f(g(x)) // Curried function composition
@@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ anonymous functions always have to be given explicitly.
### Placeholder Syntax for Anonymous Functions
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
SimpleExpr1 ::= `_'
@@ -1276,12 +1276,12 @@ $e'$ results from $e$ by replacing each underscore section $u_i$ by $u_i'$.
syntax. Each of these is equivalent to the anonymous function on its right.
--------------------------- ------------------------------------
- `_ + 1`{.scala} `x => x + 1`{.scala}
- `_ * _`{.scala} `(x1, x2) => x1 * x2`{.scala}
- `(_: Int) * 2`{.scala} `(x: Int) => (x: Int) * 2`{.scala}
- `if (_) x else y`{.scala} `z => if (z) x else y`{.scala}
- ``{.scala} `x =>`{.scala}
- ` + 1)`{.scala} `x => => y + 1)`{.scala}
+ `_ + 1` `x => x + 1`
+ `_ * _` `(x1, x2) => x1 * x2`
+ `(_: Int) * 2` `(x: Int) => (x: Int) * 2`
+ `if (_) x else y` `z => if (z) x else y`
+ `` `x =>`
+ ` + 1)` `x => => y + 1)`
--------------------------- ------------------------------------
@@ -1304,7 +1304,7 @@ include at least the expressions of the following forms:
## Statements
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.grammar}
BlockStat ::= Import
| {Annotation} [`implicit'] Def
| {Annotation} {LocalModifier} TmplDef
@@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ is applied to pick a unique member.
_Type Instantiation_ \
An expression $e$ of polymorphic type
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
[$a_1$ >: $L_1$ <: $U_1 , \ldots , a_n$ >: $L_n$ <: $U_n$]$T$
@@ -1526,7 +1526,7 @@ alternatives in $\mathscr{B}$.
(@) Consider the following definitions:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
class A extends B {}
def f(x: B, y: B) = $\ldots$
def f(x: A, y: B) = $\ldots$
@@ -1538,7 +1538,7 @@ alternatives in $\mathscr{B}$.
definition of $f$ whereas the application `f(a, a)`
refers to the second. Assume now we add a third overloaded definition
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def f(x: B, y: A) = $\ldots$
@@ -1640,14 +1640,14 @@ any one of them.
(@) Consider the two methods:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def cons[A](x: A, xs: List[A]): List[A] = x :: xs
def nil[B]: List[B] = Nil
and the definition
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
val xs = cons(1, nil)
@@ -1663,7 +1663,7 @@ any one of them.
itself polymorphic. One tries to type-check `nil` with an
expected type `List[a]`. This leads to the constraint system
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
List[b?] <: List[a]
@@ -1672,14 +1672,14 @@ any one of them.
Because class `List` is covariant, the optimal
solution of this constraint is
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
b = scala.Nothing
In a second step, one solves the following constraint system for
the type parameter `a` of `cons`:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Int <: a?
List[scala.Nothing] <: List[a?]
List[a?] <: $\mbox{\sl undefined}$
@@ -1687,7 +1687,7 @@ any one of them.
The optimal solution of this constraint system is
- ~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~
a = Int
@@ -1696,7 +1696,7 @@ any one of them.
(@) Consider now the definition
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
val ys = cons("abc", xs)
@@ -1714,7 +1714,7 @@ any one of them.
In a second step, one solves the following constraint system for
the type parameter `a` of `cons`:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
String <: a?
List[Int] <: List[a?]
List[a?] <: $\mbox{\sl undefined}$
@@ -1722,7 +1722,7 @@ any one of them.
The optimal solution of this constraint system is
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
a = scala.Any
@@ -1742,7 +1742,7 @@ corresponding fresh name $x_i$. Second, one creates a fresh name $y_i$
for every argument type $T_i$ of the method ($i = 1 , \ldots ,
n$). The result of eta-conversion is then:
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
{ val $x_1$ = $e_1$;
val $x_m$ = $e_m$;
@@ -1755,7 +1755,7 @@ n$). The result of eta-conversion is then:
The standard Scala library defines a trait `scala.Dynamic` which defines a member
\@invokeDynamic@ as follows:
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
package scala
trait Dynamic {
def applyDynamic (name: String, args: Any*): Any
@@ -1766,14 +1766,14 @@ trait Dynamic {
Assume a selection of the form $e.x$ where the type of $e$ conforms to `scala.Dynamic`.
Further assuming the selection is not followed by any function arguments, such an expression can be rewitten under the conditions given [here](#implicit-conversions) to:
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
If the selection is followed by some arguments, e.g.\ $e.x(\mathit{args})$, then that expression
is rewritten to
-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {.scala}
$e$.applyDynamic("$x$", $\mathit{args}$)