path: root/
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diff --git a/ b/
index 2d1c79e538..fd63d3fbc9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ variables in the pattern to the corresponding components of the value
(or sequence of values). The same variable name may not be bound more
than once in a pattern.
-(@) Some examples of patterns are:
+###### Example
+Some examples of patterns are:
1. The pattern `ex: IOException` matches all instances of class
`IOException`, binding variable \verb@ex@ to the instance.
1. The pattern `Some(x)` matches values of the form `Some($v$)`,
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ than once in a pattern.
second element, and `xs` to the remainder.
1. The pattern `1 | 2 | 3` matches the integers between 1 and 3.
- Pattern matching is always done in a context which supplies an
- expected type of the pattern. We distinguish the following kinds of
- patterns.
+Pattern matching is always done in a context which supplies an
+expected type of the pattern. We distinguish the following kinds of
### Variable Patterns
@@ -113,32 +113,33 @@ stable identifier pattern may not be a simple name starting with a lower-case
letter. However, it is possible to enclose a such a variable name in
backquotes; then it is treated as a stable identifier pattern.
-(@) Consider the following function definition:
+###### Example
+Consider the following function definition:
- ```
- def f(x: Int, y: Int) = x match {
- case y => ...
- }
- ```
+def f(x: Int, y: Int) = x match {
+ case y => ...
- Here, `y` is a variable pattern, which matches any value.
- If we wanted to turn the pattern into a stable identifier pattern, this
- can be achieved as follows:
+Here, `y` is a variable pattern, which matches any value.
+If we wanted to turn the pattern into a stable identifier pattern, this
+can be achieved as follows:
- ```
- def f(x: Int, y: Int) = x match {
- case `y` => ...
- }
- ```
+def f(x: Int, y: Int) = x match {
+ case `y` => ...
- Now, the pattern matches the `y` parameter of the enclosing function `f`.
- That is, the match succeeds only if the `x` argument and the `y`
- argument of `f` are equal.
+Now, the pattern matches the `y` parameter of the enclosing function `f`.
+That is, the match succeeds only if the `x` argument and the `y`
+argument of `f` are equal.
### Constructor Patterns
- SimplePattern ::= StableId `(' [Patterns] `)
+SimplePattern ::= StableId `(' [Patterns] `)
A constructor pattern is of the form $c(p_1 , \ldots , p_n)$ where $n
@@ -211,31 +212,32 @@ result type is of the form `Option[$S$]`, where $S$ is a subtype of
`Seq[$T$]` for some element type $T$.
This case is further discussed [here](#pattern-seqs).
-(@) The `Predef` object contains a definition of an
- extractor object `Pair`:
+###### Example
+The `Predef` object contains a definition of an
+extractor object `Pair`:
- ```
- object Pair {
- def apply[A, B](x: A, y: B) = Tuple2(x, y)
- def unapply[A, B](x: Tuple2[A, B]): Option[Tuple2[A, B]] = Some(x)
- }
- ```
+object Pair {
+ def apply[A, B](x: A, y: B) = Tuple2(x, y)
+ def unapply[A, B](x: Tuple2[A, B]): Option[Tuple2[A, B]] = Some(x)
- This means that the name `Pair` can be used in place of `Tuple2` for tuple
- formation as well as for deconstruction of tuples in patterns.
- Hence, the following is possible:
+This means that the name `Pair` can be used in place of `Tuple2` for tuple
+formation as well as for deconstruction of tuples in patterns.
+Hence, the following is possible:
- ```
- val x = (1, 2)
- val y = x match {
- case Pair(i, s) => Pair(s + i, i * i)
- }
- ```
+val x = (1, 2)
+val y = x match {
+ case Pair(i, s) => Pair(s + i, i * i)
### Pattern Sequences
- SimplePattern ::= StableId `(' [Patterns `,'] [varid `@'] `_' `*' `)'
+SimplePattern ::= StableId `(' [Patterns `,'] [varid `@'] `_' `*' `)'
A pattern sequence $p_1 , \ldots , p_n$ appears in two
@@ -451,76 +453,79 @@ has type type parameters $a_1 , \ldots , a_n$. These type parameters
are inferred in the same way as for the typed pattern
`(_: $C[a_1 , \ldots , a_n]$)`.
-(@) Consider the program fragment:
- ```
- val x: Any
- x match {
- case y: List[a] => ...
- }
- ```
- Here, the type pattern `List[a]` is matched against the
- expected type `Any`. The pattern binds the type variable
- `a`. Since `List[a]` conforms to `Any`
- for every type argument, there are no constraints on `a`.
- Hence, `a` is introduced as an abstract type with no
- bounds. The scope of `a` is right-hand side of its case clause.
- On the other hand, if `x` is declared as
- ```
- val x: List[List[String]],
- ```
- this generates the constraint
- `List[a] <: List[List[String]]`, which simplifies to
- `a <: List[String]`, because `List` is covariant. Hence,
- `a` is introduced with upper bound
- `List[String]`.
-(@) Consider the program fragment:
- ```
- val x: Any
- x match {
- case y: List[String] => ...
- }
- ```
- Scala does not maintain information about type arguments at run-time,
- so there is no way to check that `x` is a list of strings.
- Instead, the Scala compiler will [erase](#type-erasure) the
- pattern to `List[_]`; that is, it will only test whether the
- top-level runtime-class of the value `x` conforms to
- `List`, and the pattern match will succeed if it does. This
- might lead to a class cast exception later on, in the case where the
- list `x` contains elements other than strings. The Scala
- compiler will flag this potential loss of type-safety with an
- ``unchecked'' warning message.
-(@) Consider the program fragment
- ```
- class Term[A]
- class Number(val n: Int) extends Term[Int]
- def f[B](t: Term[B]): B = t match {
- case y: Number => y.n
- }
- ```
- The expected type of the pattern `y: Number` is
- `Term[B]`. The type `Number` does not conform to
- `Term[B]`; hence Case 2 of the rules above
- applies. This means that `b` is treated as another type
- variable for which subtype constraints are inferred. In our case the
- applicable constraint is `Number <: Term[B]`, which
- entails `B = Int`. Hence, `B` is treated in
- the case clause as an abstract type with lower and upper bound
- `Int`. Therefore, the right hand side of the case clause,
- `y.n`, of type `Int`, is found to conform to the
- function's declared result type, `Number`.
+###### Example
+Consider the program fragment:
+val x: Any
+x match {
+ case y: List[a] => ...
+Here, the type pattern `List[a]` is matched against the
+expected type `Any`. The pattern binds the type variable
+`a`. Since `List[a]` conforms to `Any`
+for every type argument, there are no constraints on `a`.
+Hence, `a` is introduced as an abstract type with no
+bounds. The scope of `a` is right-hand side of its case clause.
+On the other hand, if `x` is declared as
+val x: List[List[String]],
+this generates the constraint
+`List[a] <: List[List[String]]`, which simplifies to
+`a <: List[String]`, because `List` is covariant. Hence,
+`a` is introduced with upper bound
+###### Example
+Consider the program fragment:
+val x: Any
+x match {
+ case y: List[String] => ...
+Scala does not maintain information about type arguments at run-time,
+so there is no way to check that `x` is a list of strings.
+Instead, the Scala compiler will [erase](#type-erasure) the
+pattern to `List[_]`; that is, it will only test whether the
+top-level runtime-class of the value `x` conforms to
+`List`, and the pattern match will succeed if it does. This
+might lead to a class cast exception later on, in the case where the
+list `x` contains elements other than strings. The Scala
+compiler will flag this potential loss of type-safety with an
+``unchecked'' warning message.
+###### Example
+Consider the program fragment
+class Term[A]
+class Number(val n: Int) extends Term[Int]
+def f[B](t: Term[B]): B = t match {
+ case y: Number => y.n
+The expected type of the pattern `y: Number` is
+`Term[B]`. The type `Number` does not conform to
+`Term[B]`; hence Case 2 of the rules above
+applies. This means that `b` is treated as another type
+variable for which subtype constraints are inferred. In our case the
+applicable constraint is `Number <: Term[B]`, which
+entails `B = Int`. Hence, `B` is treated in
+the case clause as an abstract type with lower and upper bound
+`Int`. Therefore, the right hand side of the case clause,
+`y.n`, of type `Int`, is found to conform to the
+function's declared result type, `Number`.
## Pattern Matching Expressions
@@ -601,43 +606,45 @@ the compilation of pattern matching can emit warnings which diagnose
that a given set of patterns is not exhaustive, i.e.\ that there is a
possibility of a `MatchError` being raised at run-time.
-(@eval) Consider the following definitions of arithmetic terms:
- ```
- abstract class Term[T]
- case class Lit(x: Int) extends Term[Int]
- case class Succ(t: Term[Int]) extends Term[Int]
- case class IsZero(t: Term[Int]) extends Term[Boolean]
- case class If[T](c: Term[Boolean],
- t1: Term[T],
- t2: Term[T]) extends Term[T]
- ```
- There are terms to represent numeric literals, incrementation, a zero
- test, and a conditional. Every term carries as a type parameter the
- type of the expression it representes (either `Int` or `Boolean`).
- A type-safe evaluator for such terms can be written as follows.
- ```
- def eval[T](t: Term[T]): T = t match {
- case Lit(n) => n
- case Succ(u) => eval(u) + 1
- case IsZero(u) => eval(u) == 0
- case If(c, u1, u2) => eval(if (eval(c)) u1 else u2)
- }
- ```
- Note that the evaluator makes crucial use of the fact that type
- parameters of enclosing methods can acquire new bounds through pattern
- matching.
- For instance, the type of the pattern in the second case,
- `Succ(u)`, is `Int`. It conforms to the selector type
- `T` only if we assume an upper and lower bound of `Int` for `T`.
- Under the assumption `Int <: T <: Int` we can also
- verify that the type right hand side of the second case, `Int`
- conforms to its expected type, `T`.
+###### Example: `eval`
+Consider the following definitions of arithmetic terms:
+abstract class Term[T]
+case class Lit(x: Int) extends Term[Int]
+case class Succ(t: Term[Int]) extends Term[Int]
+case class IsZero(t: Term[Int]) extends Term[Boolean]
+case class If[T](c: Term[Boolean],
+ t1: Term[T],
+ t2: Term[T]) extends Term[T]
+There are terms to represent numeric literals, incrementation, a zero
+test, and a conditional. Every term carries as a type parameter the
+type of the expression it representes (either `Int` or `Boolean`).
+A type-safe evaluator for such terms can be written as follows.
+def eval[T](t: Term[T]): T = t match {
+ case Lit(n) => n
+ case Succ(u) => eval(u) + 1
+ case IsZero(u) => eval(u) == 0
+ case If(c, u1, u2) => eval(if (eval(c)) u1 else u2)
+Note that the evaluator makes crucial use of the fact that type
+parameters of enclosing methods can acquire new bounds through pattern
+For instance, the type of the pattern in the second case,
+`Succ(u)`, is `Int`. It conforms to the selector type
+`T` only if we assume an upper and lower bound of `Int` for `T`.
+Under the assumption `Int <: T <: Int` we can also
+verify that the type right hand side of the second case, `Int`
+conforms to its expected type, `T`.
## Pattern Matching Anonymous Functions
@@ -701,23 +708,24 @@ types of all $b_i$. The final default case in the `isDefinedAt`
method is omitted if one of the patterns $p_1 , \ldots , p_n$ is
already a variable or wildcard pattern.
-(@) Here is a method which uses a fold-left operation
- `/:` to compute the scalar product of
- two vectors:
- ```
- def scalarProduct(xs: Array[Double], ys: Array[Double]) =
- (0.0 /: (xs zip ys)) {
- case (a, (b, c)) => a + b * c
- }
- ```
- The case clauses in this code are equivalent to the following
- anonymous function:
- ```
- (x, y) => (x, y) match {
- case (a, (b, c)) => a + b * c
- }
- ```
+###### Example
+Here is a method which uses a fold-left operation
+`/:` to compute the scalar product of
+two vectors:
+def scalarProduct(xs: Array[Double], ys: Array[Double]) =
+ (0.0 /: (xs zip ys)) {
+ case (a, (b, c)) => a + b * c
+ }
+The case clauses in this code are equivalent to the following
+anonymous function:
+(x, y) => (x, y) match {
+ case (a, (b, c)) => a + b * c