path: root/2.11/index.markdown
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1 files changed, 233 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/2.11/index.markdown b/2.11/index.markdown
index e0509bae88..19859912b9 100644
--- a/2.11/index.markdown
+++ b/2.11/index.markdown
@@ -38,7 +38,237 @@ Improve performance of reflection SI-6638
- - @som-snytt added and improved several commands (:javap, :paste, :edit,...)
- - @folone and @eed3si9n contributed the `:kind` command to help to tell ground types from type constructors (#2340)
- - @rjolly made it possible to embed the repl as a JSR-223 Scripting Engine (#2206).
+The REPL is improved with several new commands that ease its usage. An overview of the commands can be seen by typing `:help` into the REPL.
+### `:paste` ([#2725](
+`:load` can only interpret a file from top to bottom which is for example a problem when there is a reference to a definition that is defined later. `:paste` is overworked to solve this limitation. It now can not only load a file but also handle it as a single unit.
+Contents of file `test.scala`:
+// Foo has a companion object
+class Foo { private val foo = 7 }
+object Foo { def apply(f: Foo) = }
+Foo(new Foo)
+REPL session:
+scala> :paste test.scala
+Pasting file y.scala...
+defined class Foo
+defined object Foo
+res4: Int = 7
+Theres is also the `-raw` option available, which denotes that the following is not a script anymore, but a normal Scala file:
+scala> :paste -raw
+// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
+package abc
+case class Foo(bar: Int)
+// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
+scala> abc.Foo(5)
+res5: abc.Foo = Foo(5)
+Furthermore, there is a bug fixed that led to the problem that no error message is reported when the read code was incomplete ([#2672](
+### `:save` ([#2697](
+With `:save` it is now possible to store the current REPL session to a file which allows one to extend the current state of the REPL at a later time:
+scala> val i = 7
+i: Int = 7
+scala> val j = 8
+j: Int = 8
+scala> i*j
+res0: Int = 56
+scala> :save session.scala
+scala> :load session.scala
+Loading session.repl...
+i: Int = 7
+j: Int = 8
+res1: Int = 56
+The `:save` command does only save the Scala commands to file not the full REPL output:
+$ cat session.scala
+val i = 7
+val j = 8
+### `:settings` ([#2701](
+Sometimes one get warnings from the compiler about some code snippets. Previously it was needed to switch to `:power` mode in order to enable a full output of the warnings. Changing some other variables required a switch to the `:power` mode too. With this release it is possible to do this directly with the `:settings` command. By prefixing an property with a `+` sign the setting is enabled, an `-` disables it:
+scala> new BigInt(java.math.BigInteger.TEN)
+res16: scala.math.BigInt = 10
+scala> new BigInt(java.math.BigInteger.TEN) {}
+warning: there were 1 deprecation warning(s); re-run with -deprecation for details
+res17: BigInt = 10
+scala> :settings +deprecation
+scala> new BigInt(java.math.BigInteger.TEN) {}
+<console>:11: warning: inheritance from class BigInt in package math is deprecated: This class will be made final.
+ new BigInt(java.math.BigInteger.TEN) {}
+ ^
+res18: BigInt = 10
+scala> :settings -deprecation
+scala> new BigInt(java.math.BigInteger.TEN) {}
+res19: BigInt = 10
+### `:edit` ([#2706](
+This command allows a user to change already inserted commands. It is possible to change a range of lines. The syntax is:
+- line number: 123 (only the line 123)
+- range: 123-130 (the lines 123 to 130)
+- offset: 123+7 (the lines 127 to 130)
+- remaining: 123- (all lines up from 123)
+- previous: -10 (the last ten lines)
+The environment variable EDITOR is used to specify the editor to invoke. If EDITOR is not set or if the `:line` command is used instead of `:edit`, the selected text is added to the end of the history in order to allow fast editing by navigating through the history with the arrow keys.
+scala> :history
+2505 val i = 5
+2506 val j = 7
+2507 :history
+scala> :edit 2505+2
++val i = 5
++val j = 12
+i: Int = 5
+j: Int = 12
+scala> :history
+2505 val i = 5
+2506 val j = 7
+2507 :history
+2508 :edit 2505+2
+2509 val i = 5
+2510 val j = 12
+2511 :history
+### `:javap` ([#1880](
+The command to dissasemble Java output got some bugfixes and new features. It is now possible to filter out members of classes:
+- `Bar#foo` filters out all `foo` members
+- `Bar#` filters out all `apply` members
+- `-fun Bar#foo` filters out all anonfuns of `foo` members
+- `-fun Bar#` filters out all anonfuns of `apply` members
+- `-app Bar` filters out `Bar.delayedInit`
+Example usage:
+scala> object Foo { def apply = 10; def bar = 5 }
+defined object Foo
+scala> :javap Foo#bar
+ public int bar();
+ flags: ACC_PUBLIC
+ Code:
+ stack=1, locals=1, args_size=1
+ 0: iconst_5
+ 1: ireturn
+ LocalVariableTable:
+ Start Length Slot Name Signature
+ 0 2 0 this LFoo$;
+ LineNumberTable:
+ line 7: 0
+scala> :javap Foo#
+ public int apply();
+ flags: ACC_PUBLIC
+ Code:
+ stack=1, locals=1, args_size=1
+ 0: bipush 10
+ 2: ireturn
+ LocalVariableTable:
+ Start Length Slot Name Signature
+ 0 3 0 this LFoo$;
+ LineNumberTable:
+ line 7: 0
+### `:kind` ([#2340](
+Because Scala supports working with higher kinded types, we might want to be able to inspects kinds as well as types:
+scala> :kind Either
+scala.util.Either's kind is F[+A1,+A2]
+scala> :kind -v Either
+scala.util.Either's kind is F[+A1,+A2]
+* -(+)-> * -(+)-> *
+This is a type constructor: a 1st-order-kinded type.
+scala> :k -v Int
+scala.Int's kind is A
+This is a proper type.
+scala> :k -v scala.Function1
+scala.Function1's kind is F[-A1,+A2]
+* -(-)-> * -(+)-> *
+This is a type constructor: a 1st-order-kinded type.
+For a more detailful explanation on the notation see the discussion of the PR.
+### JSR-223 Scripting Engine support ([#2206](
+It is now possible to use the REPL as a Scripting Engine:
+scala> import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager
+import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager
+scala> import
+scala> val e = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("scala")
+e: javax.script.ScriptEngine =
+scala> e.put("n", 10)
+n: Object = 10
+scala> e.eval("1 to n.asInstanceOf[Int] foreach println")
+res4: Object = null