diff options
10 files changed, 323 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TreeGen.scala b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TreeGen.scala
index e537c6b83f..cc882ad5ed 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TreeGen.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/reflect/internal/TreeGen.scala
@@ -250,20 +250,19 @@ abstract class TreeGen {
* var x: T = _
* which is appropriate to the given Type.
- def mkZero(tp: Type): Tree = {
- val tree = tp.typeSymbol match {
- case UnitClass => Literal(Constant())
- case BooleanClass => Literal(Constant(false))
- case FloatClass => Literal(Constant(0.0f))
- case DoubleClass => Literal(Constant(0.0d))
- case ByteClass => Literal(Constant(0.toByte))
- case ShortClass => Literal(Constant(0.toShort))
- case IntClass => Literal(Constant(0))
- case LongClass => Literal(Constant(0L))
- case CharClass => Literal(Constant(0.toChar))
- case _ => Literal(Constant(null))
- }
- tree setType tp
+ def mkZero(tp: Type): Tree = Literal(mkConstantZero(tp)) setType tp
+ def mkConstantZero(tp: Type): Constant = tp.typeSymbol match {
+ case UnitClass => Constant(())
+ case BooleanClass => Constant(false)
+ case FloatClass => Constant(0.0f)
+ case DoubleClass => Constant(0.0d)
+ case ByteClass => Constant(0.toByte)
+ case ShortClass => Constant(0.toShort)
+ case IntClass => Constant(0)
+ case LongClass => Constant(0L)
+ case CharClass => Constant(0.toChar)
+ case _ => Constant(null)
def mkZeroContravariantAfterTyper(tp: Type): Tree = {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
index b458d305a5..69bf006036 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
@@ -452,16 +452,17 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
- /** For removing calls to specially designated methods.
+ /** Called if a tree's symbol is elidable. If it's a DefDef,
+ * replace only the body/rhs with 0/false/()/null; otherwise replace
+ * the whole tree with it.
- def elideIntoUnit(tree: Tree): Tree = Literal(Constant()) setPos tree.pos setType UnitClass.tpe
- def isElidable(tree: Tree) = {
- val sym = treeInfo.methPart(tree).symbol
- // XXX settings.noassertions.value temporarily retained to avoid
- // breakage until a reasonable interface is settled upon.
- sym != null && sym.elisionLevel.exists(x => x < settings.elidebelow.value || settings.noassertions.value) && {
- log("Eliding call from " + tree.symbol.owner + " to " + sym + " based on its elision threshold of " + sym.elisionLevel.get)
- true
+ private def replaceElidableTree(tree: Tree): Tree = {
+ tree match {
+ case DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) =>
+ val newRhs = Block(Nil, gen.mkZero(rhs.tpe)) setType rhs.tpe
+ treeCopy.DefDef(tree, mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, newRhs) setSymbol tree.symbol setType tree.tpe
+ case _ =>
+ gen.mkZero(tree.tpe) setType tree.tpe
@@ -502,109 +503,96 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
finally this.inConstructorFlag = saved
- if (isElidable(tree)) elideIntoUnit(tree)
- else tree match {
- case dd @ DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) =>
- if (dd.symbol hasAnnotation VarargsClass) saveRepeatedParams(dd)
- withNeedLift(false) {
- if (tree.symbol.isClassConstructor) {
- atOwner(tree.symbol) {
- val rhs1 = (rhs: @unchecked) match {
- case Block(stats, expr) =>
- def transformInConstructor(stat: Tree) =
- withInConstructorFlag(INCONSTRUCTOR) { transform(stat) }
- val presupers = treeInfo.preSuperFields(stats) map transformInConstructor
- val rest = stats drop presupers.length
- val supercalls = rest take 1 map transformInConstructor
- val others = rest drop 1 map transform
- treeCopy.Block(rhs, presupers ::: supercalls ::: others, transform(expr))
+ val sym = tree.symbol
+ val result = (
+ // TODO - settings.noassertions.value temporarily retained to avoid
+ // breakage until a reasonable interface is settled upon.
+ if ((sym ne null) && (sym.elisionLevel.exists (_ < settings.elidebelow.value || settings.noassertions.value)))
+ super.transform(replaceElidableTree(tree))
+ else tree match {
+ case dd @ DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) =>
+ if (dd.symbol hasAnnotation VarargsClass) saveRepeatedParams(dd)
+ withNeedLift(false) {
+ if (dd.symbol.isClassConstructor) {
+ atOwner(sym) {
+ val rhs1 = (rhs: @unchecked) match {
+ case Block(stats, expr) =>
+ def transformInConstructor(stat: Tree) =
+ withInConstructorFlag(INCONSTRUCTOR) { transform(stat) }
+ val presupers = treeInfo.preSuperFields(stats) map transformInConstructor
+ val rest = stats drop presupers.length
+ val supercalls = rest take 1 map transformInConstructor
+ val others = rest drop 1 map transform
+ treeCopy.Block(rhs, presupers ::: supercalls ::: others, transform(expr))
+ }
+ treeCopy.DefDef(
+ tree, mods, name, transformTypeDefs(tparams),
+ transformValDefss(vparamss), transform(tpt), rhs1)
- treeCopy.DefDef(
- tree, mods, name, transformTypeDefs(tparams),
- transformValDefss(vparamss), transform(tpt), rhs1)
+ } else {
+ super.transform(tree)
- } else {
- super.transform(tree)
- }
- }
- case ValDef(_, _, _, rhs) =>
- val sym = tree.symbol
- if (sym eq NoSymbol) throw new IllegalStateException("Encountered Valdef without symbol: "+ tree + " in "+ unit)
- // a local variable that is mutable and free somewhere later should be lifted
- // as lambda lifting (coming later) will wrap 'rhs' in an Ref object.
- if (!sym.owner.isSourceMethod)
- withNeedLift(true) { super.transform(tree) }
- else
- super.transform(tree)
- case Apply(Select(Block(List(), Function(vparams, body)), nme.apply), args) =>
- // perform beta-reduction; this helps keep view applications small
- println("beta-reduce1: "+tree)
- withNeedLift(true) {
- mainTransform(new TreeSubstituter(vparams map (_.symbol), args).transform(body))
- }
- case Apply(Select(Function(vparams, body), nme.apply), args) =>
-// if (List.forall2(vparams, args)((vparam, arg) => treeInfo.isAffineIn(body) ||
-// treeInfo.isExprSafeToInline(arg))) =>
- // perform beta-reduction; this helps keep view applications small
- println("beta-reduce2: "+tree)
- withNeedLift(true) {
- mainTransform(new TreeSubstituter(vparams map (_.symbol), args).transform(body))
- }
- case UnApply(fn, args) =>
- val fn1 = withInPattern(false)(transform(fn))
- val args1 = transformTrees( match {
- case nme.unapply => args
- case nme.unapplySeq => transformArgs(tree.pos, fn.symbol, args, analyzer.unapplyTypeListFromReturnTypeSeq(fn.tpe))
- case _ => sys.error("internal error: UnApply node has wrong symbol")
- })
- treeCopy.UnApply(tree, fn1, args1)
- case Apply(fn, args) =>
- if (fn.symbol == Object_synchronized && shouldBeLiftedAnyway(args.head))
- transform(treeCopy.Apply(tree, fn, List(liftTree(args.head))))
- else
- withNeedLift(true) {
- val formals = fn.tpe.paramTypes
- treeCopy.Apply(tree, transform(fn), transformTrees(transformArgs(tree.pos, fn.symbol, args, formals)))
+ case ValDef(_, _, _, rhs) =>
+ if (sym eq NoSymbol) throw new IllegalStateException("Encountered Valdef without symbol: "+ tree + " in "+ unit)
+ // a local variable that is mutable and free somewhere later should be lifted
+ // as lambda lifting (coming later) will wrap 'rhs' in an Ref object.
+ if (!sym.owner.isSourceMethod)
+ withNeedLift(true) { super.transform(tree) }
+ else
+ super.transform(tree)
+ case UnApply(fn, args) =>
+ val fn1 = withInPattern(false)(transform(fn))
+ val args1 = transformTrees( match {
+ case nme.unapply => args
+ case nme.unapplySeq => transformArgs(tree.pos, fn.symbol, args, analyzer.unapplyTypeListFromReturnTypeSeq(fn.tpe))
+ case _ => sys.error("internal error: UnApply node has wrong symbol")
+ })
+ treeCopy.UnApply(tree, fn1, args1)
+ case Apply(fn, args) =>
+ if (fn.symbol == Object_synchronized && shouldBeLiftedAnyway(args.head))
+ transform(treeCopy.Apply(tree, fn, List(liftTree(args.head))))
+ else
+ withNeedLift(true) {
+ val formals = fn.tpe.paramTypes
+ treeCopy.Apply(tree, transform(fn), transformTrees(transformArgs(tree.pos, fn.symbol, args, formals)))
+ }
- case Assign(Select(_, _), _) =>
- withNeedLift(true) { super.transform(tree) }
+ case Assign(Select(_, _), _) =>
+ withNeedLift(true) { super.transform(tree) }
- case Assign(lhs, _) if lhs.symbol.owner != currentMethod || lhs.symbol.hasFlag(LAZY | ACCESSOR) =>
- withNeedLift(true) { super.transform(tree) }
+ case Assign(lhs, _) if lhs.symbol.owner != currentMethod || lhs.symbol.hasFlag(LAZY | ACCESSOR) =>
+ withNeedLift(true) { super.transform(tree) }
- case Try(block, catches, finalizer) =>
- if (needTryLift || shouldBeLiftedAnyway(tree)) transform(liftTree(tree))
- else super.transform(tree)
+ case Try(block, catches, finalizer) =>
+ if (needTryLift || shouldBeLiftedAnyway(tree)) transform(liftTree(tree))
+ else super.transform(tree)
- case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) =>
- val pat1 = withInPattern(true)(transform(pat))
- treeCopy.CaseDef(tree, pat1, transform(guard), transform(body))
+ case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) =>
+ val pat1 = withInPattern(true)(transform(pat))
+ treeCopy.CaseDef(tree, pat1, transform(guard), transform(body))
- case fun @ Function(_, _) =>
- mainTransform(transformFunction(fun))
+ case fun @ Function(_, _) =>
+ mainTransform(transformFunction(fun))
- case Template(_, _, _) =>
- withInConstructorFlag(0) { super.transform(tree) }
+ case Template(_, _, _) =>
+ withInConstructorFlag(0) { super.transform(tree) }
- case _ =>
- val tree1 = super.transform(tree)
- if (isByNameRef(tree1)) {
- val tree2 = tree1 setType functionType(Nil, tree1.tpe)
- return {
- if (noApply contains tree2) tree2
- else localTyper.typedPos(tree1.pos)(Apply(Select(tree2, nme.apply), Nil))
+ case _ =>
+ val tree1 = super.transform(tree)
+ if (isByNameRef(tree1)) {
+ val tree2 = tree1 setType functionType(Nil, tree1.tpe)
+ return {
+ if (noApply contains tree2) tree2
+ else localTyper.typedPos(tree1.pos)(Apply(Select(tree2, nme.apply), Nil))
+ }
- }
- tree1
- }
- } setType {
- assert(tree.tpe != null, tree + " tpe is null")
- uncurryTreeType(tree.tpe)
+ tree1
+ }
+ )
+ assert(result.tpe != null, result + " tpe is null")
+ result setType uncurryTreeType(result.tpe)
def postTransform(tree: Tree): Tree = atPhase( {
diff --git a/test/files/neg/elide-to-nothing.check b/test/files/neg/elide-to-nothing.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ef05aac9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/neg/elide-to-nothing.check
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+elide-to-nothing.scala:14: error: Cannot elide where Nothing is required.
+ val b: Nothing = unimplemented()
+ ^
+one error found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/elide-to-nothing.flags b/test/files/neg/elide-to-nothing.flags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59a512e547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/neg/elide-to-nothing.flags
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+-Xelide-below 500
diff --git a/test/files/neg/elide-to-nothing.scala b/test/files/neg/elide-to-nothing.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5008e8bc1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/neg/elide-to-nothing.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/** Test which should fail compilation */
+class ElysianFailed {
+ import ElysianField._
+ // fine
+ val a: Int = myInt
+ // fine
+ unimplemented()
+ // not fine
+ val b: Nothing = unimplemented()
+object ElysianField {
+ import annotation.elidable
+ @elidable(100) def unimplemented(): Nothing = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
+ @elidable(100) def myInt: Int = 17
diff --git a/test/files/run/elidable-opt.check b/test/files/run/elidable-opt.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88cf98e0d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/elidable-opt.check
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Good for me, I was not elided. Test.f3
+Good for me, I was not elided. O.f3
+Good for me, I was not elided. C.f1
+Good for me, I was not elided. C.f2
diff --git a/test/files/run/elidable-opt.flags b/test/files/run/elidable-opt.flags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62897ff218
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/elidable-opt.flags
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+-optimise -Xelide-below 900
diff --git a/test/files/run/elidable-opt.scala b/test/files/run/elidable-opt.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2f29d2caf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/elidable-opt.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+import annotation._
+import elidable._
+trait T {
+ @elidable(FINEST) def f1()
+ @elidable(SEVERE) def f2()
+ @elidable(FINEST) def f3() = assert(false, "Should have been elided.")
+ def f4()
+class C extends T {
+ def f1() = println("Good for me, I was not elided. C.f1")
+ def f2() = println("Good for me, I was not elided. C.f2")
+ @elidable(FINEST) def f4() = assert(false, "Should have been elided.")
+object O {
+ @elidable(FINEST) def f1() = assert(false, "Should have been elided.")
+ @elidable(INFO) def f2() = assert(false, "Should have been elided.")
+ @elidable(SEVERE) def f3() = println("Good for me, I was not elided. O.f3")
+ @elidable(INFO) def f4 = assert(false, "Should have been elided (no parens).")
+object Test {
+ @elidable(FINEST) def f1() = assert(false, "Should have been elided.")
+ @elidable(INFO) def f2() = assert(false, "Should have been elided.")
+ @elidable(SEVERE) def f3() = println("Good for me, I was not elided. Test.f3")
+ @elidable(INFO) def f4 = assert(false, "Should have been elided (no parens).")
+ @elidable(FINEST) def f5() = {}
+ @elidable(FINEST) def f6() = true
+ @elidable(FINEST) def f7() = 1:Byte
+ @elidable(FINEST) def f8() = 1:Short
+ @elidable(FINEST) def f9() = 1:Char
+ @elidable(FINEST) def fa() = 1
+ @elidable(FINEST) def fb() = 1l
+ @elidable(FINEST) def fc() = 1.0f
+ @elidable(FINEST) def fd() = 1.0
+ @elidable(FINEST) def fe() = "s"
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ f1()
+ f2()
+ f3()
+ f4
+ O.f1()
+ O.f2()
+ O.f3()
+ O.f4
+ val c = new C
+ c.f1()
+ c.f2()
+ c.f3()
+ c.f4()
+ // make sure a return value is still available when eliding a call
+ println(f5())
+ println(f6())
+ println(f7())
+ println(f8())
+ println(f9().toInt)
+ println(fa())
+ println(fb())
+ println(fc())
+ println(fd())
+ println(fe())
+ // this one won't show up in the output because a call to f1 is elidable when accessed through T
+ (c:T).f1()
+ // Test whether the method definitions are still available.
+ List("Test", "Test$", "O", "O$", "C", "T") foreach { className =>
+ List("f1", "f2", "f3", "f4") foreach { methodName =>
+ Class.forName(className).getMethod(methodName)
+ }
+ }
+ List("Test", "Test$") foreach { className =>
+ List("f5", "f6", "f7", "f8", "f9", "fa", "fb", "fc", "fd", "fe") foreach { methodName =>
+ Class.forName(className).getMethod(methodName)
+ }
+ }
+ Class.forName("T$class").getMethod("f3", classOf[T])
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/run/elidable.check b/test/files/run/elidable.check
index 4ce04f0040..88cf98e0d1 100644
--- a/test/files/run/elidable.check
+++ b/test/files/run/elidable.check
@@ -1 +1,14 @@
-Good for me, I was not elided.
+Good for me, I was not elided. Test.f3
+Good for me, I was not elided. O.f3
+Good for me, I was not elided. C.f1
+Good for me, I was not elided. C.f2
diff --git a/test/files/run/elidable.scala b/test/files/run/elidable.scala
index 264efbad59..a2f29d2caf 100644
--- a/test/files/run/elidable.scala
+++ b/test/files/run/elidable.scala
@@ -1,16 +1,85 @@
import annotation._
import elidable._
+trait T {
+ @elidable(FINEST) def f1()
+ @elidable(SEVERE) def f2()
+ @elidable(FINEST) def f3() = assert(false, "Should have been elided.")
+ def f4()
+class C extends T {
+ def f1() = println("Good for me, I was not elided. C.f1")
+ def f2() = println("Good for me, I was not elided. C.f2")
+ @elidable(FINEST) def f4() = assert(false, "Should have been elided.")
+object O {
+ @elidable(FINEST) def f1() = assert(false, "Should have been elided.")
+ @elidable(INFO) def f2() = assert(false, "Should have been elided.")
+ @elidable(SEVERE) def f3() = println("Good for me, I was not elided. O.f3")
+ @elidable(INFO) def f4 = assert(false, "Should have been elided (no parens).")
object Test {
@elidable(FINEST) def f1() = assert(false, "Should have been elided.")
@elidable(INFO) def f2() = assert(false, "Should have been elided.")
- @elidable(SEVERE) def f3() = println("Good for me, I was not elided.")
+ @elidable(SEVERE) def f3() = println("Good for me, I was not elided. Test.f3")
@elidable(INFO) def f4 = assert(false, "Should have been elided (no parens).")
+ @elidable(FINEST) def f5() = {}
+ @elidable(FINEST) def f6() = true
+ @elidable(FINEST) def f7() = 1:Byte
+ @elidable(FINEST) def f8() = 1:Short
+ @elidable(FINEST) def f9() = 1:Char
+ @elidable(FINEST) def fa() = 1
+ @elidable(FINEST) def fb() = 1l
+ @elidable(FINEST) def fc() = 1.0f
+ @elidable(FINEST) def fd() = 1.0
+ @elidable(FINEST) def fe() = "s"
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ O.f1()
+ O.f2()
+ O.f3()
+ O.f4
+ val c = new C
+ c.f1()
+ c.f2()
+ c.f3()
+ c.f4()
+ // make sure a return value is still available when eliding a call
+ println(f5())
+ println(f6())
+ println(f7())
+ println(f8())
+ println(f9().toInt)
+ println(fa())
+ println(fb())
+ println(fc())
+ println(fd())
+ println(fe())
+ // this one won't show up in the output because a call to f1 is elidable when accessed through T
+ (c:T).f1()
+ // Test whether the method definitions are still available.
+ List("Test", "Test$", "O", "O$", "C", "T") foreach { className =>
+ List("f1", "f2", "f3", "f4") foreach { methodName =>
+ Class.forName(className).getMethod(methodName)
+ }
+ }
+ List("Test", "Test$") foreach { className =>
+ List("f5", "f6", "f7", "f8", "f9", "fa", "fb", "fc", "fd", "fe") foreach { methodName =>
+ Class.forName(className).getMethod(methodName)
+ }
+ }
+ Class.forName("T$class").getMethod("f3", classOf[T])