diff options
17 files changed, 400 insertions, 459 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
index ca123f8782..16c803e2e8 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform
val fn1 = transform(fn)
val args1 = transformTrees( match {
case nme.unapply => args
- case nme.unapplySeq => transformArgs(tree.pos, fn.symbol, args, analyzer.unapplyTypeList(fn.pos, fn.symbol, fn.tpe, args))
+ case nme.unapplySeq => transformArgs(tree.pos, fn.symbol, args, localTyper.expectedPatternTypes(fn, args))
case _ => sys.error("internal error: UnApply node has wrong symbol")
treeCopy.UnApply(tree, fn1, args1)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchCodeGen.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchCodeGen.scala
index 77a6b3940c..52055dea85 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchCodeGen.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchCodeGen.scala
@@ -83,15 +83,14 @@ trait MatchCodeGen extends Interface {
trait PureMatchMonadInterface extends MatchMonadInterface {
val matchStrategy: Tree
- def inMatchMonad(tp: Type): Type = appliedType(oneSig, List(tp)).finalResultType
- def pureType(tp: Type): Type = appliedType(oneSig, List(tp)).paramTypes.headOption getOrElse NoType // fail gracefully (otherwise we get crashes)
- protected def matchMonadSym = oneSig.finalResultType.typeSymbol
import CODE._
def _match(n: Name): SelectStart = matchStrategy DOT n
- private lazy val oneSig: Type = typer.typedOperator(_match( // TODO: error message
+ // TODO: error message
+ private lazy val oneType = typer.typedOperator(_match(
+ private def oneApplied(tp: Type): Type = appliedType(oneType, tp :: Nil)
+ override def pureType(tp: Type): Type = firstParamType(oneApplied(tp))
+ override def mapResultType(prev: Type, elem: Type): Type = oneApplied(elem).finalResultType
trait PureCodegen extends CodegenCore with PureMatchMonadInterface {
@@ -123,13 +122,7 @@ trait MatchCodeGen extends Interface {
- trait OptimizedMatchMonadInterface extends MatchMonadInterface {
- override def inMatchMonad(tp: Type): Type = optionType(tp)
- override def pureType(tp: Type): Type = tp
- override protected def matchMonadSym = OptionClass
- }
- trait OptimizedCodegen extends CodegenCore with TypedSubstitution with OptimizedMatchMonadInterface {
+ trait OptimizedCodegen extends CodegenCore with TypedSubstitution with MatchMonadInterface {
override def codegen: AbsCodegen = optimizedCodegen
// when we know we're targetting Option, do some inlining the optimizer won't do
@@ -195,15 +188,14 @@ trait MatchCodeGen extends Interface {
// next: MatchMonad[U]
// returns MatchMonad[U]
def flatMap(prev: Tree, b: Symbol, next: Tree): Tree = {
- val tp = inMatchMonad(b.tpe)
- val prevSym = freshSym(prev.pos, tp, "o")
- val isEmpty = tp member vpmName.isEmpty
- val get = tp member vpmName.get
+ val prevSym = freshSym(prev.pos, prev.tpe, "o")
VAL(prevSym) === prev,
// must be isEmpty and get as we don't control the target of the call (prev is an extractor call)
- ifThenElseZero(NOT(prevSym DOT isEmpty), Substitution(b, prevSym DOT get)(next))
+ ifThenElseZero(
+ NOT(prevSym DOT vpmName.isEmpty),
+ Substitution(b, prevSym DOT vpmName.get)(next)
+ )
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchOptimization.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchOptimization.scala
index 9854e4ef62..ec45789687 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchOptimization.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchOptimization.scala
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ trait MatchOptimization extends MatchTreeMaking with MatchAnalysis {
// }
//// SWITCHES -- TODO: operate on Tests rather than TreeMakers
- trait SwitchEmission extends TreeMakers with OptimizedMatchMonadInterface {
+ trait SwitchEmission extends TreeMakers with MatchMonadInterface {
import treeInfo.isGuardedCase
abstract class SwitchMaker {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala
index c14b8919dd..5ddcd3528b 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala
@@ -347,9 +347,8 @@ trait MatchTranslation extends CpsPatternHacks {
// don't fail here though (or should we?)
val translationStep = patTree match {
case WildcardPattern() => none()
- case UnApply(unfun, args) => translateExtractorPattern(ExtractorCall(unfun, args))
- case Apply(fun, args) => ExtractorCall.fromCaseClass(fun, args) map translateExtractorPattern getOrElse noFurtherSubPats()
- case MaybeBoundTyped(subPatBinder, pt) => one(TypeTestTreeMaker(subPatBinder, patBinder, pt, glb(List(dealiasWiden(, pt)).normalize)(pos))
+ case _: UnApply | _: Apply => translateExtractorPattern(ExtractorCall(patTree))
+ case MaybeBoundTyped(subPatBinder, pt) => one(TypeTestTreeMaker(subPatBinder, patBinder, pt, glbWithBinder(pt))(pos))
case Bound(subpatBinder, p) => withSubPats(List(SubstOnlyTreeMaker(subpatBinder, patBinder)), (patBinder, p))
case Literal(Constant(_)) | Ident(_) | Select(_, _) | This(_) => one(EqualityTestTreeMaker(patBinder, patTree, pos))
case Alternative(alts) => one(AlternativesTreeMaker(patBinder, alts map (translatePattern(patBinder, _)), alts.head.pos))
@@ -421,22 +420,37 @@ trait MatchTranslation extends CpsPatternHacks {
object ExtractorCall {
- def apply(unfun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): ExtractorCall = new ExtractorCallRegular(unfun, args)
- def fromCaseClass(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Option[ExtractorCall] = Some(new ExtractorCallProd(fun, args))
+ // TODO: check unargs == args
+ def apply(tree: Tree): ExtractorCall = tree match {
+ case UnApply(unfun, args) => new ExtractorCallRegular(unfun, args) // extractor
+ case Apply(fun, args) => new ExtractorCallProd(fun, args) // case class
+ }
- abstract class ExtractorCall(val args: List[Tree]) {
- val nbSubPats = args.length
+ abstract class ExtractorCall {
+ import CODE._
- // everything okay, captain?
- def isTyped : Boolean
+ def fun: Tree
+ def args: List[Tree]
+ val nbSubPats = args.length
+ val starLength = if (hasStar) 1 else 0
+ val nonStarLength = args.length - starLength
+ // everything okay, captain?
+ def isTyped: Boolean
def isSeq: Boolean
- lazy val lastIsStar = (nbSubPats > 0) && treeInfo.isStar(args.last)
+ private def hasStar = nbSubPats > 0 && isStar(args.last)
+ private def isNonEmptySeq = nbSubPats > 0 && isSeq
+ def isSingle = nbSubPats == 0 && !isSeq
// to which type should the previous binder be casted?
def paramType : Type
+ protected def rawSubPatTypes: List[Type]
/** Create the TreeMaker that embodies this extractor call
* `binder` has been casted to `paramType` if necessary
@@ -467,68 +481,83 @@ trait MatchTranslation extends CpsPatternHacks {
// never store these in local variables (for PreserveSubPatBinders)
- lazy val ignoredSubPatBinders = (subPatBinders zip args).collect{
- case (b, PatternBoundToUnderscore()) => b
- }.toSet
- def subPatTypes: List[Type] =
- if(isSeq) {
- val TypeRef(pre, SeqClass, args) = seqTp
- // do repeated-parameter expansion to match up with the expected number of arguments (in casu, subpatterns)
- val formalsWithRepeated = rawSubPatTypes.init :+ typeRef(pre, RepeatedParamClass, args)
- if (lastIsStar) formalTypes(formalsWithRepeated, nbSubPats - 1) :+ seqTp
- else formalTypes(formalsWithRepeated, nbSubPats)
- } else rawSubPatTypes
- protected def rawSubPatTypes: List[Type]
- protected def seqTp = rawSubPatTypes.last baseType SeqClass
- protected def seqLenCmp = rawSubPatTypes.last member nme.lengthCompare
- protected lazy val firstIndexingBinder = rawSubPatTypes.length - 1 // rawSubPatTypes.last is the Seq, thus there are `rawSubPatTypes.length - 1` non-seq elements in the tuple
- protected lazy val lastIndexingBinder = if(lastIsStar) nbSubPats-2 else nbSubPats-1
- protected lazy val expectedLength = lastIndexingBinder - firstIndexingBinder + 1
- protected lazy val minLenToCheck = if(lastIsStar) 1 else 0
- protected def seqTree(binder: Symbol) = tupleSel(binder)(firstIndexingBinder+1)
+ lazy val ignoredSubPatBinders: Set[Symbol] = subPatBinders zip args collect { case (b, PatternBoundToUnderscore()) => b } toSet
+ // do repeated-parameter expansion to match up with the expected number of arguments (in casu, subpatterns)
+ private def nonStarSubPatTypes = formalTypes(rawInit :+ repeatedType, nonStarLength)
+ def subPatTypes: List[Type] = (
+ if (rawSubPatTypes.isEmpty || !isSeq) rawSubPatTypes
+ else if (hasStar) nonStarSubPatTypes :+ rawLast
+ else nonStarSubPatTypes
+ )
+ private def emptySub = rawSubPatTypes.isEmpty
+ private def rawLast = if (emptySub) NothingTpe else rawSubPatTypes.last
+ private def rawInit = rawSubPatTypes dropRight 1
+ protected def sequenceType = if (emptySub) NothingTpe else rawLast
+ protected def elementType = if (emptySub) NothingTpe else unapplySeqElementType(rawLast)
+ protected def repeatedType = if (emptySub) NothingTpe else scalaRepeatedType(elementType)
+ // rawSubPatTypes.last is the Seq, thus there are `rawSubPatTypes.length - 1` non-seq elements in the tuple
+ protected def firstIndexingBinder = rawSubPatTypes.length - 1
+ protected def lastIndexingBinder = nbSubPats - 1 - starLength
+ protected def expectedLength = lastIndexingBinder - firstIndexingBinder + 1
+ private def productElemsToN(binder: Symbol, n: Int): List[Tree] = 1 to n map tupleSel(binder) toList
+ private def genTake(binder: Symbol, n: Int): List[Tree] = (0 until n).toList map (codegen index seqTree(binder))
+ private def genDrop(binder: Symbol, n: Int): List[Tree] = codegen.drop(seqTree(binder))(expectedLength) :: Nil
+ // codegen.drop(seqTree(binder))(nbIndexingIndices)))).toList
+ protected def seqTree(binder: Symbol) = tupleSel(binder)(firstIndexingBinder + 1)
protected def tupleSel(binder: Symbol)(i: Int): Tree = codegen.tupleSel(binder)(i)
// the trees that select the subpatterns on the extractor's result,
// referenced by `binder`
protected def subPatRefsSeq(binder: Symbol): List[Tree] = {
- val indexingIndices = (0 to (lastIndexingBinder-firstIndexingBinder))
- val nbIndexingIndices = indexingIndices.length
+ def lastTrees: List[Tree] = (
+ if (!hasStar) Nil
+ else if (expectedLength == 0) seqTree(binder) :: Nil
+ else genDrop(binder, expectedLength)
+ )
// this error-condition has already been checked by checkStarPatOK:
// if(isSeq) assert(firstIndexingBinder + nbIndexingIndices + (if(lastIsStar) 1 else 0) == nbSubPats, "(resultInMonad, ts, subPatTypes, subPats)= "+(resultInMonad, ts, subPatTypes, subPats))
- // there are `firstIndexingBinder` non-seq tuple elements preceding the Seq
- (((1 to firstIndexingBinder) map tupleSel(binder)) ++
- // then we have to index the binder that represents the sequence for the remaining subpatterns, except for...
- (indexingIndices map codegen.index(seqTree(binder))) ++
- // the last one -- if the last subpattern is a sequence wildcard: drop the prefix (indexed by the refs on the line above), return the remainder
- (if(!lastIsStar) Nil else List(
- if(nbIndexingIndices == 0) seqTree(binder)
- else codegen.drop(seqTree(binder))(nbIndexingIndices)))).toList
+ // [1] there are `firstIndexingBinder` non-seq tuple elements preceding the Seq
+ // [2] then we have to index the binder that represents the sequence for the remaining subpatterns, except for...
+ // [3] the last one -- if the last subpattern is a sequence wildcard:
+ // drop the prefix (indexed by the refs on the preceding line), return the remainder
+ ( productElemsToN(binder, firstIndexingBinder)
+ ++ genTake(binder, expectedLength)
+ ++ lastTrees
+ ).toList
// the trees that select the subpatterns on the extractor's result, referenced by `binder`
// require (nbSubPats > 0 && (!lastIsStar || isSeq))
protected def subPatRefs(binder: Symbol): List[Tree] =
- if (nbSubPats == 0) Nil
- else if (isSeq) subPatRefsSeq(binder)
- else ((1 to nbSubPats) map tupleSel(binder)).toList
+ if (isNonEmptySeq) subPatRefsSeq(binder) else productElemsToN(binder, nbSubPats)
+ private def compareInts(t1: Tree, t2: Tree) =
+ gen.mkMethodCall(termMember(ScalaPackage, "math"), TermName("signum"), Nil, (t1 INT_- t2) :: Nil)
protected def lengthGuard(binder: Symbol): Option[Tree] =
// no need to check unless it's an unapplySeq and the minimal length is non-trivially satisfied
- checkedLength map { expectedLength => import CODE._
+ checkedLength map { expectedLength =>
// `binder.lengthCompare(expectedLength)`
- def checkExpectedLength = (seqTree(binder) DOT seqLenCmp)(LIT(expectedLength))
+ // ...if binder has a lengthCompare method, otherwise
+ // `scala.math.signum(binder.length - expectedLength)`
+ def checkExpectedLength = sequenceType member nme.lengthCompare match {
+ case NoSymbol => compareInts(Select(seqTree(binder), nme.length), LIT(expectedLength))
+ case lencmp => (seqTree(binder) DOT lencmp)(LIT(expectedLength))
+ }
// the comparison to perform
// when the last subpattern is a wildcard-star the expectedLength is but a lower bound
// (otherwise equality is required)
def compareOp: (Tree, Tree) => Tree =
- if (lastIsStar) _ INT_>= _
- else _ INT_== _
+ if (hasStar) _ INT_>= _
+ else _ INT_== _
// `if (binder != null && $checkExpectedLength [== | >=] 0) then else zero`
(seqTree(binder) ANY_!= NULL) AND compareOp(checkExpectedLength, ZERO)
@@ -536,14 +565,14 @@ trait MatchTranslation extends CpsPatternHacks {
def checkedLength: Option[Int] =
// no need to check unless it's an unapplySeq and the minimal length is non-trivially satisfied
- if (!isSeq || (expectedLength < minLenToCheck)) None
+ if (!isSeq || expectedLength < starLength) None
else Some(expectedLength)
// TODO: to be called when there's a def unapplyProd(x: T): U
// U must have N members _1,..., _N -- the _i are type checked, call their type Ti,
// for now only used for case classes -- pretending there's an unapplyProd that's the identity (and don't call it)
- class ExtractorCallProd(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) extends ExtractorCall(args) {
+ class ExtractorCallProd(val fun: Tree, val args: List[Tree]) extends ExtractorCall {
// TODO: fix the illegal type bound in pos/t602 -- type inference messes up before we get here:
/*override def equals(x$1: Any): Boolean = ...
val o5: Option[[Any]] = // Span[Any] --> Any is not a legal type argument for Span!
@@ -588,17 +617,17 @@ trait MatchTranslation extends CpsPatternHacks {
else codegen.tupleSel(binder)(i) // this won't type check for case classes, as they do not inherit ProductN
- override def toString(): String = "case class "+ (if (constructorTp eq null) fun else paramType.typeSymbol) +" with arguments "+ args
+ override def toString() = s"ExtractorCallProd($fun:${fun.tpe} / ${fun.symbol} / args=$args)"
- class ExtractorCallRegular(extractorCallIncludingDummy: Tree, args: List[Tree]) extends ExtractorCall(args) {
- private lazy val Some(Apply(extractorCall, _)) = extractorCallIncludingDummy.find{ case Apply(_, List(Ident(nme.SELECTOR_DUMMY))) => true case _ => false }
+ class ExtractorCallRegular(extractorCallIncludingDummy: Tree, val args: List[Tree]) extends ExtractorCall {
+ val Unapplied(fun) = extractorCallIncludingDummy
- def tpe = extractorCall.tpe
- def isTyped = (tpe ne NoType) && extractorCall.isTyped && (resultInMonad ne ErrorType)
- def paramType = tpe.paramTypes.head
- def resultType = tpe.finalResultType
- def isSeq = == nme.unapplySeq
+ def tpe = fun.tpe
+ def paramType = firstParamType(tpe)
+ def resultType = fun.tpe.finalResultType
+ def isTyped = (tpe ne NoType) && fun.isTyped && (resultInMonad ne ErrorType)
+ def isSeq = == nme.unapplySeq
def isBool = resultType =:= BooleanTpe
/** Create the TreeMaker that embodies this extractor call
@@ -656,15 +685,16 @@ trait MatchTranslation extends CpsPatternHacks {
// turn an extractor's result type into something `monadTypeToSubPatTypesAndRefs` understands
protected lazy val resultInMonad: Type = if (isBool) UnitTpe else matchMonadResult(resultType) // the type of "get"
- protected lazy val rawSubPatTypes =
- if (resultInMonad.typeSymbol eq UnitClass) Nil
- else if(!isSeq && nbSubPats == 1) List(resultInMonad)
- else getProductArgs(resultInMonad) match {
- case Nil => List(resultInMonad)
+ protected lazy val rawSubPatTypes = (
+ if (isBool) Nil
+ else if (!isSeq && nbSubPats == 1) resultInMonad :: Nil
+ else getNameBasedProductSelectorTypes(resultInMonad) match {
+ case Nil => resultInMonad :: Nil
case x => x
+ )
- override def toString() = extractorCall +": "+ extractorCall.tpe +" (symbol= "+ extractorCall.symbol +")."
+ override def toString() = s"ExtractorCallRegular($fun:${fun.tpe} / ${fun.symbol})"
/** A conservative approximation of which patterns do not discern anything.
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala
index aa923b1059..616abaaf3b 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala
@@ -171,6 +171,42 @@ trait Interface extends ast.TreeDSL {
trait MatchMonadInterface {
val typer: Typer
val matchOwner = typer.context.owner
+ def pureType(tp: Type): Type = tp
+ // Extracting from the monad: tp == Option[T], result == T
+ def matchMonadResult(tp: Type) = definitions typeOfMemberNamedGet tp
+ // prev == CC[T]
+ // elem == U
+ // result == CC[U]
+ // where "CC" here is Option or any other single-type-parameter container
+ //
+ // TODO - what if it has multiple type parameters?
+ // If we have access to the zero, maybe we can infer the
+ // type parameter by contrasting with the zero's application.
+ def mapResultType(prev: Type, elem: Type): Type = {
+ // default to Option[U] if we can't reliably infer the types
+ def fallback(elem: Type): Type = elem match {
+ case TypeRef(_, sym, _) if sym.isTypeParameterOrSkolem => fallback(
+ case _ => optionType(elem)
+ }
+ // optionType(elem) //pack(elem))
+ // The type of "get" in CC[T] is what settles what was wrapped.
+ val prevElem = matchMonadResult(prev)
+ if (prevElem =:= elem) prev
+ else prev.typeArgs match {
+ case targ :: Nil if targ =:= prevElem =>
+ // the type of "get" in the result should be elem.
+ // If not, the type arguments are doing something nonobvious
+ // so fall back on Option.
+ val result = appliedType(prev.typeConstructor, elem :: Nil)
+ val newElem = matchMonadResult(result)
+ if (elem =:= newElem) result else fallback(newElem)
+ case _ =>
+ fallback(AnyTpe)
+ }
+ }
def reportUnreachable(pos: Position) = typer.context.unit.warning(pos, "unreachable code")
def reportMissingCases(pos: Position, counterExamples: List[String]) = {
@@ -180,16 +216,6 @@ trait Interface extends ast.TreeDSL {
typer.context.unit.warning(pos, "match may not be exhaustive.\nIt would fail on the following "+ ceString)
- def inMatchMonad(tp: Type): Type
- def pureType(tp: Type): Type
- final def matchMonadResult(tp: Type): Type =
- tp.baseType(matchMonadSym).typeArgs match {
- case arg :: Nil => arg
- case _ => ErrorType
- }
- protected def matchMonadSym: Symbol
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Infer.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Infer.scala
index a7c43361fa..b199176d90 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Infer.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Infer.scala
@@ -76,96 +76,6 @@ trait Infer extends Checkable {
override def complete(sym: Symbol) = ()
- /** Returns `(formals, formalsExpanded)` where `formalsExpanded` are the expected types
- * for the `nbSubPats` sub-patterns of an extractor pattern, of which the corresponding
- * unapply[Seq] call is assumed to have result type `resTp`.
- *
- * `formals` are the formal types before expanding a potential repeated parameter (must come last in `formals`, if at all)
- *
- * @param nbSubPats The number of arguments to the extractor pattern
- * @param effectiveNbSubPats `nbSubPats`, unless there is one sub-pattern which, after unwrapping
- * bind patterns, is a Tuple pattern, in which case it is the number of
- * elements. Used to issue warnings about binding a `TupleN` to a single value.
- * @throws TypeError when the unapply[Seq] definition is ill-typed
- * @returns (null, null) when the expected number of sub-patterns cannot be satisfied by the given extractor
- *
- * This is the spec currently implemented -- TODO: update it.
- *
- * 8.1.8 ExtractorPatterns
- *
- * An extractor pattern x(p1, ..., pn) where n ≥ 0 is of the same syntactic form as a constructor pattern.
- * However, instead of a case class, the stable identifier x denotes an object which has a member method named unapply or unapplySeq that matches the pattern.
- *
- * An `unapply` method with result type `R` in an object `x` matches the
- * pattern `x(p_1, ..., p_n)` if it takes exactly one argument and, either:
- * - `n = 0` and `R =:= Boolean`, or
- * - `n = 1` and `R <:< Option[T]`, for some type `T`.
- * The argument pattern `p1` is typed in turn with expected type `T`.
- * - Or, `n > 1` and `R <:< Option[Product_n[T_1, ..., T_n]]`, for some
- * types `T_1, ..., T_n`. The argument patterns `p_1, ..., p_n` are
- * typed with expected types `T_1, ..., T_n`.
- *
- * An `unapplySeq` method in an object `x` matches the pattern `x(p_1, ..., p_n)`
- * if it takes exactly one argument and its result type is of the form `Option[S]`,
- * where either:
- * - `S` is a subtype of `Seq[U]` for some element type `U`, (set `m = 0`)
- * - or `S` is a `ProductX[T_1, ..., T_m]` and `T_m <: Seq[U]` (`m <= n`).
- *
- * The argument patterns `p_1, ..., p_n` are typed with expected types
- * `T_1, ..., T_m, U, ..., U`. Here, `U` is repeated `n-m` times.
- *
- */
- def extractorFormalTypes(pos: Position, resTp: Type, nbSubPats: Int,
- unappSym: Symbol, effectiveNbSubPats: Int): (List[Type], List[Type]) = {
- val isUnapplySeq = == nme.unapplySeq
- val booleanExtractor = resTp.typeSymbolDirect == BooleanClass
- def seqToRepeatedChecked(tp: Type) = {
- val toRepeated = seqToRepeated(tp)
- if (tp eq toRepeated) throw new TypeError("(the last tuple-component of) the result type of an unapplySeq must be a Seq[_]")
- else toRepeated
- }
- // empty list --> error, otherwise length == 1
- lazy val optionArgs = resTp.baseType(OptionClass).typeArgs
- // empty list --> not a ProductN, otherwise product element types
- def productArgs = getProductArgs(optionArgs.head)
- val formals =
- // convert Seq[T] to the special repeated argument type
- // so below we can use formalTypes to expand formals to correspond to the number of actuals
- if (isUnapplySeq) {
- if (optionArgs.nonEmpty)
- productArgs match {
- case Nil => List(seqToRepeatedChecked(optionArgs.head))
- case normalTps :+ seqTp => normalTps :+ seqToRepeatedChecked(seqTp)
- }
- else throw new TypeError(s"result type $resTp of unapplySeq defined in ${unappSym.fullLocationString} does not conform to Option[_]")
- } else {
- if (booleanExtractor && nbSubPats == 0) Nil
- else if (optionArgs.nonEmpty)
- if (nbSubPats == 1) {
- val productArity = productArgs.size
- if (productArity > 1 && productArity != effectiveNbSubPats && settings.lint)
- global.currentUnit.warning(pos,
- s"extractor pattern binds a single value to a Product${productArity} of type ${optionArgs.head}")
- optionArgs
- }
- // TODO: update spec to reflect we allow any ProductN, not just TupleN
- else productArgs
- else
- throw new TypeError(s"result type $resTp of unapply defined in ${unappSym.fullLocationString} does not conform to Option[_] or Boolean")
- }
- // for unapplySeq, replace last vararg by as many instances as required by nbSubPats
- val formalsExpanded =
- if (isUnapplySeq && formals.nonEmpty) formalTypes(formals, nbSubPats)
- else formals
- if (formalsExpanded.lengthCompare(nbSubPats) != 0) (null, null)
- else (formals, formalsExpanded)
- }
/** A fresh type variable with given type parameter as origin.
def freshVar(tparam: Symbol): TypeVar = TypeVar(tparam)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/PatternTypers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/PatternTypers.scala
index 990de0ca1f..13926ca18b 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/PatternTypers.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/PatternTypers.scala
@@ -38,6 +38,13 @@ trait PatternTypers {
import global._
import definitions._
+ private object FixedAndRepeatedTypes {
+ def unapply(types: List[Type]) = types match {
+ case init :+ last if isRepeatedParamType(last) => Some((init, dropRepeated(last)))
+ case _ => Some((types, NoType))
+ }
+ }
// when true:
// - we may virtualize matches (if -Xexperimental and there's a suitable __match in scope)
// - we synthesize PartialFunction implementations for `x => x match {...}` and `match {...}` when the expected type is PartialFunction
@@ -52,75 +59,118 @@ trait PatternTypers {
private def unit = context.unit
- /** Type trees in `args0` against corresponding expected type in `adapted0`.
- *
- * The mode in which each argument is typed is derived from `mode` and
- * whether the arg was originally by-name or var-arg (need `formals0` for that)
- * the default is by-val, of course.
- *
- * (docs reverse-engineered -- AM)
- */
- def typedArgs(args0: List[Tree], mode: Mode, formals0: List[Type], adapted0: List[Type]): List[Tree] = {
- def loop(args: List[Tree], formals: List[Type], adapted: List[Type]): List[Tree] = {
- if (args.isEmpty || adapted.isEmpty) Nil
- else {
- // No formals left or * indicates varargs.
- val isVarArgs = formals.isEmpty || formals.tail.isEmpty && isRepeatedParamType(formals.head)
- val isByName = formals.nonEmpty && isByNameParamType(formals.head)
- def typedMode = if (isByName) mode.onlySticky else mode.onlySticky | BYVALmode
- def body = typedArg(args.head, mode, typedMode, adapted.head)
- def arg1 = if (isVarArgs) context.withinStarPatterns(body) else body
- // formals may be empty, so don't call tail
- arg1 :: loop(args.tail, formals drop 1, adapted.tail)
- }
+ // If the tree's symbol's type does not define an extractor, maybe the tree's type does.
+ // this is the case when we encounter an arbitrary tree as the target of an unapply call
+ // (rather than something that looks like a constructor call.) (for now, this only happens
+ // due to wrapClassTagUnapply, but when we support parameterized extractors, it will become
+ // more common place)
+ private def hasUnapplyMember(tpe: Type): Boolean = reallyExists(unapplyMember(tpe))
+ private def hasUnapplyMember(sym: Symbol): Boolean = hasUnapplyMember(sym.tpe_*)
+ private def hasUnapplyMember(fun: Tree): Boolean = hasUnapplyMember(fun.symbol) || hasUnapplyMember(fun.tpe)
+ // ad-hoc overloading resolution to deal with unapplies and case class constructors
+ // If some but not all alternatives survive filtering the tree's symbol with `p`,
+ // then update the tree's symbol and type to exclude the filtered out alternatives.
+ private def inPlaceAdHocOverloadingResolution(fun: Tree)(p: Symbol => Boolean): Tree = fun.symbol filter p match {
+ case sym if sym.exists && (sym ne fun.symbol) => fun setSymbol sym modifyType (tp => filterOverloadedAlts(tp)(p))
+ case _ => fun
+ }
+ private def filterOverloadedAlts(tpe: Type)(p: Symbol => Boolean): Type = tpe match {
+ case OverloadedType(pre, alts) => overloadedType(pre, alts filter p)
+ case tp => tp
+ }
+ def typedConstructorPattern(fun0: Tree, pt: Type) = {
+ // Do some ad-hoc overloading resolution and update the tree's symbol and type
+ // do not update the symbol if the tree's symbol's type does not define an unapply member
+ // (e.g. since it's some method that returns an object with an unapply member)
+ val fun = inPlaceAdHocOverloadingResolution(fun0)(hasUnapplyMember)
+ def caseClass = fun.tpe.typeSymbol.linkedClassOfClass
+ // Dueling test cases: pos/overloaded-unapply.scala, run/case-class-23.scala, pos/t5022.scala
+ // A case class with 23+ params has no unapply method.
+ // A case class constructor be overloaded with unapply methods in the companion.
+ if (caseClass.isCase && !unapplyMember(fun.tpe).isOverloaded)
+ convertToCaseConstructor(fun, caseClass, pt)
+ else if (hasUnapplyMember(fun))
+ fun
+ else
+ CaseClassConstructorError(fun)
+ }
+ def expectedPatternTypes(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): List[Type] =
+ newExtractorShape(fun, args).expectedPatternTypes
+ def typedPatternArgs(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree], mode: Mode): List[Tree] =
+ typedArgsForFormals(args, newExtractorShape(fun, args).formals, mode)
+ def typedArgsForFormals(args: List[Tree], formals: List[Type], mode: Mode): List[Tree] = {
+ def typedArgWithFormal(arg: Tree, pt: Type) = {
+ val newMode = if (isByNameParamType(pt)) mode.onlySticky else mode.onlySticky | BYVALmode
+ typedArg(arg, mode, newMode, dropByName(pt))
+ }
+ val FixedAndRepeatedTypes(fixed, elem) = formals
+ val front = (args, fixed).zipped map typedArgWithFormal
+ def rest = context withinStarPatterns (args drop front.length map (typedArgWithFormal(_, elem)))
+ elem match {
+ case NoType => front
+ case _ => front ::: rest
- loop(args0, formals0, adapted0)
+ }
+ private def boundedArrayType(bound: Type): Type = {
+ val tparam = context.owner freshExistential "" setInfo (TypeBounds upper bound)
+ newExistentialType(tparam :: Nil, arrayType(tparam.tpe_*))
protected def typedStarInPattern(tree: Tree, mode: Mode, pt: Type) = {
val Typed(expr, tpt) = tree
- val exprTyped = typed(expr, mode.onlySticky)
- def subArrayType(pt: Type) =
- if (isPrimitiveValueClass(pt.typeSymbol) || !isFullyDefined(pt)) arrayType(pt)
- else {
- val tparam = context.owner freshExistential "" setInfo TypeBounds.upper(pt)
- newExistentialType(List(tparam), arrayType(tparam.tpe))
- }
- val (exprAdapted, baseClass) = exprTyped.tpe.typeSymbol match {
- case ArrayClass => (adapt(exprTyped, mode.onlySticky, subArrayType(pt)), ArrayClass)
- case _ => (adapt(exprTyped, mode.onlySticky, seqType(pt)), SeqClass)
+ val exprTyped = typed(expr, mode)
+ val baseClass = exprTyped.tpe.typeSymbol match {
+ case ArrayClass => ArrayClass
+ case _ => SeqClass
+ }
+ val starType = baseClass match {
+ case ArrayClass if isPrimitiveValueType(pt) || !isFullyDefined(pt) => arrayType(pt)
+ case ArrayClass => boundedArrayType(pt)
+ case _ => seqType(pt)
- exprAdapted.tpe.baseType(baseClass) match {
- case TypeRef(_, _, List(elemtp)) =>
- treeCopy.Typed(tree, exprAdapted, tpt setType elemtp) setType elemtp
- case _ =>
- setError(tree)
+ val exprAdapted = adapt(exprTyped, mode, starType)
+ exprAdapted.tpe baseType baseClass match {
+ case TypeRef(_, _, elemtp :: Nil) => treeCopy.Typed(tree, exprAdapted, tpt setType elemtp) setType elemtp
+ case _ => setError(tree)
protected def typedInPattern(tree: Typed, mode: Mode, pt: Type) = {
val Typed(expr, tpt) = tree
- val tptTyped = typedType(tpt, mode)
- val exprTyped = typed(expr, mode.onlySticky, tptTyped.tpe.deconst)
- val treeTyped = treeCopy.Typed(tree, exprTyped, tptTyped)
- if (mode.inPatternMode) {
- val uncheckedTypeExtractor = extractorForUncheckedType(tpt.pos, tptTyped.tpe)
- // make fully defined to avoid bounded wildcard types that may be in pt from calling dropExistential (SI-2038)
- val ptDefined = ensureFullyDefined(pt) // FIXME this is probably redundant now that we don't dropExistenial in pattern mode.
- val ownType = inferTypedPattern(tptTyped, tptTyped.tpe, ptDefined, canRemedy = uncheckedTypeExtractor.nonEmpty)
- treeTyped setType ownType
- uncheckedTypeExtractor match {
- case None => treeTyped
- case Some(extractor) => wrapClassTagUnapply(treeTyped, extractor, tptTyped.tpe)
- }
- } else
- treeTyped setType tptTyped.tpe
+ val tptTyped = typedType(tpt, mode)
+ val tpe = tptTyped.tpe
+ val exprTyped = typed(expr, mode, tpe.deconst)
+ val extractor = extractorForUncheckedType(tpt.pos, tpe)
+ val canRemedy = tpe match {
+ case RefinedType(_, decls) if !decls.isEmpty => false
+ case RefinedType(parents, _) if parents exists isUncheckable => false
+ case _ => extractor.nonEmpty
+ }
+ val ownType = inferTypedPattern(tptTyped, tpe, pt, canRemedy)
+ val treeTyped = treeCopy.Typed(tree, exprTyped, tptTyped) setType ownType
+ extractor match {
+ case EmptyTree => treeTyped
+ case _ => wrapClassTagUnapply(treeTyped, extractor, tpe)
+ }
+ def newExtractorShape(tree: Tree): ExtractorShape = tree match {
+ case Apply(fun, args) => ExtractorShape(fun, args)
+ case UnApply(fun, args) => ExtractorShape(fun, args)
+ }
+ def newExtractorShape(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): ExtractorShape = ExtractorShape(fun, args)
case class CaseClassInfo(clazz: Symbol, classType: Type) {
def constructor = clazz.primaryConstructor
def constructorType = classType.prefix memberType clazz memberType constructor
@@ -243,7 +293,6 @@ trait PatternTypers {
case tp1 => tp1
* To deal with the type slack between actual (run-time) types and statically known types, for each abstract type T,
* reflect its variance as a skolem that is upper-bounded by T (covariant position), or lower-bounded by T (contravariant).
@@ -271,91 +320,39 @@ trait PatternTypers {
* see test/files/../t5189*.scala
- def adaptConstrPattern(tree: Tree, pt: Type): Tree = { // (5)
- def hasUnapplyMember(tp: Type) = reallyExists(unapplyMember(tp))
- val overloadedExtractorOfObject = tree.symbol filter (sym => hasUnapplyMember(sym.tpe))
- // if the tree's symbol's type does not define an extractor, maybe the tree's type does.
- // this is the case when we encounter an arbitrary tree as the target of an unapply call
- // (rather than something that looks like a constructor call.) (for now, this only happens
- // due to wrapClassTagUnapply, but when we support parameterized extractors, it will become
- // more common place)
- val extractor = overloadedExtractorOfObject orElse unapplyMember(tree.tpe)
- def convertToCaseConstructor(clazz: Symbol): TypeTree = {
- // convert synthetic unapply of case class to case class constructor
- val prefix = tree.tpe.prefix
- val tree1 = TypeTree(clazz.primaryConstructor.tpe.asSeenFrom(prefix, clazz.owner))
- .setOriginal(tree)
- val skolems = new mutable.ListBuffer[TypeSymbol]
- object variantToSkolem extends TypeMap(trackVariance = true) {
- def apply(tp: Type) = mapOver(tp) match {
- // !!! FIXME - skipping this when variance.isInvariant allows unsoundness, see SI-5189
- case TypeRef(NoPrefix, tpSym, Nil) if !variance.isInvariant && tpSym.isTypeParameterOrSkolem && tpSym.owner.isTerm =>
- // must initialize or tpSym.tpe might see random type params!!
- // without this, we'll get very weird types inferred in test/scaladoc/run/SI-5933.scala
- // TODO: why is that??
- tpSym.initialize
- val bounds = if (variance.isPositive) TypeBounds.upper(tpSym.tpe) else TypeBounds.lower(tpSym.tpe)
- // origin must be the type param so we can deskolemize
- val skolem = context.owner.newGADTSkolem(unit.freshTypeName("?", tpSym, bounds)
- // println("mapping "+ tpSym +" to "+ skolem + " : "+ bounds +" -- pt= "+ pt +" in "+ context.owner +" at "+ context.tree )
- skolems += skolem
- skolem.tpe
- case tp1 => tp1
- }
- }
- // have to open up the existential and put the skolems in scope
- // can't simply package up pt in an ExistentialType, because that takes us back to square one (List[_ <: T] == List[T] due to covariance)
- val ptSafe = variantToSkolem(pt) // TODO: pt.skolemizeExistential(context.owner, tree) ?
- val freeVars = skolems.toList
- // use "tree" for the context, not context.tree: don't make another CaseDef context,
- // as instantiateTypeVar's bounds would end up there
- val ctorContext = context.makeNewScope(tree, context.owner)
- freeVars foreach ctorContext.scope.enter
- newTyper(ctorContext).infer.inferConstructorInstance(tree1, clazz.typeParams, ptSafe)
- // simplify types without losing safety,
- // so that we get rid of unnecessary type slack, and so that error messages don't unnecessarily refer to skolems
- val extrapolate = new ExistentialExtrapolation(freeVars) extrapolate (_: Type)
- val extrapolated = tree1.tpe match {
- case MethodType(ctorArgs, res) => // ctorArgs are actually in a covariant position, since this is the type of the subpatterns of the pattern represented by this Apply node
- ctorArgs foreach (p => = extrapolate( // no need to clone, this is OUR method type
- copyMethodType(tree1.tpe, ctorArgs, extrapolate(res))
- case tp => tp
- }
- // once the containing CaseDef has been type checked (see typedCase),
- // tree1's remaining type-slack skolems will be deskolemized (to the method type parameter skolems)
- tree1 setType extrapolated
- }
- if (extractor != NoSymbol) {
- // if we did some ad-hoc overloading resolution, update the tree's symbol
- // do not update the symbol if the tree's symbol's type does not define an unapply member
- // (e.g. since it's some method that returns an object with an unapply member)
- if (overloadedExtractorOfObject != NoSymbol)
- tree setSymbol overloadedExtractorOfObject
- tree.tpe match {
- case OverloadedType(pre, alts) => tree setType overloadedType(pre, alts filter (alt => hasUnapplyMember(alt.tpe)))
- case _ =>
- }
- val unapply = unapplyMember(extractor.tpe)
- val clazz = unapplyParameterType(unapply)
- if (unapply.isCase && clazz.isCase) {
- convertToCaseConstructor(clazz)
- } else {
- tree
- }
- } else {
- val clazz = tree.tpe.typeSymbol.linkedClassOfClass
- if (clazz.isCase)
- convertToCaseConstructor(clazz)
- else
- CaseClassConstructorError(tree)
+ private def convertToCaseConstructor(tree: Tree, caseClass: Symbol, pt: Type): Tree = {
+ val variantToSkolem = new VariantToSkolemMap
+ val caseConstructorType = tree.tpe.prefix memberType caseClass memberType caseClass.primaryConstructor
+ val tree1 = TypeTree(caseConstructorType) setOriginal tree
+ // have to open up the existential and put the skolems in scope
+ // can't simply package up pt in an ExistentialType, because that takes us back to square one (List[_ <: T] == List[T] due to covariance)
+ val ptSafe = variantToSkolem(pt) // TODO: pt.skolemizeExistential(context.owner, tree) ?
+ val freeVars = variantToSkolem.skolems
+ // use "tree" for the context, not context.tree: don't make another CaseDef context,
+ // as instantiateTypeVar's bounds would end up there
+ log(sm"""|convert to case constructor {
+ | tree: $tree: ${tree.tpe}
+ | ptSafe: $ptSafe
+ | context.tree: ${context.tree}: ${context.tree.tpe}
+ |}""".trim)
+ val ctorContext = context.makeNewScope(tree, context.owner)
+ freeVars foreach ctorContext.scope.enter
+ newTyper(ctorContext).infer.inferConstructorInstance(tree1, caseClass.typeParams, ptSafe)
+ // simplify types without losing safety,
+ // so that we get rid of unnecessary type slack, and so that error messages don't unnecessarily refer to skolems
+ val extrapolator = new ExistentialExtrapolation(freeVars)
+ def extrapolate(tp: Type) = extrapolator extrapolate tp
+ // once the containing CaseDef has been type checked (see typedCase),
+ // tree1's remaining type-slack skolems will be deskolemized (to the method type parameter skolems)
+ tree1 modifyType {
+ case MethodType(ctorArgs, restpe) => // ctorArgs are actually in a covariant position, since this is the type of the subpatterns of the pattern represented by this Apply node
+ copyMethodType(tree1.tpe, ctorArgs map (_ modifyInfo extrapolate), extrapolate(restpe)) // no need to clone ctorArgs, this is OUR method type
+ case tp => tp
@@ -363,75 +360,61 @@ trait PatternTypers {
def duplErrTree = setError(treeCopy.Apply(tree, fun0, args))
def duplErrorTree(err: AbsTypeError) = { issue(err); duplErrTree }
- val otpe = fun.tpe
if (args.length > MaxTupleArity)
return duplErrorTree(TooManyArgsPatternError(fun))
- //
- def freshArgType(tp: Type): (List[Symbol], Type) = tp match {
- case MethodType(param :: _, _) =>
- (Nil, param.tpe)
- case PolyType(tparams, restpe) =>
- createFromClonedSymbols(tparams, freshArgType(restpe)._2)((ps, t) => ((ps, t)))
- // No longer used, see test case neg/t960.scala (#960 has nothing to do with it)
- case OverloadedType(_, _) =>
- OverloadedUnapplyError(fun)
- (Nil, ErrorType)
- case _ =>
- UnapplyWithSingleArgError(fun)
- (Nil, ErrorType)
+ def freshArgType(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
+ case MethodType(param :: _, _) => param.tpe
+ case PolyType(tparams, restpe) => createFromClonedSymbols(tparams, freshArgType(restpe))(polyType)
+ case OverloadedType(_, _) => OverloadedUnapplyError(fun) ; ErrorType
+ case _ => UnapplyWithSingleArgError(fun) ; ErrorType
+ }
+ val shape = newExtractorShape(fun, args)
+ import shape.{ unapplyParamType, unapplyType, unapplyMethod }
+ def extractor = extractorForUncheckedType(shape.pos, unapplyParamType)
+ def canRemedy = unapplyParamType match {
+ case RefinedType(_, decls) if !decls.isEmpty => false
+ case RefinedType(parents, _) if parents exists isUncheckable => false
+ case _ => extractor.nonEmpty
- val unapp = unapplyMember(otpe)
- val unappType = otpe.memberType(unapp)
- val argDummy = context.owner.newValue(nme.SELECTOR_DUMMY, fun.pos, Flags.SYNTHETIC) setInfo pt
- val arg = Ident(argDummy) setType pt
- val uncheckedTypeExtractor =
- if (unappType.paramTypes.nonEmpty)
- extractorForUncheckedType(tree.pos, unappType.paramTypes.head)
- else None
- if (!isApplicableSafe(Nil, unappType, List(pt), WildcardType)) {
- //Console.println(s"UNAPP: need to typetest, arg: ${arg.tpe} unappType: $unappType")
- val (freeVars, unappFormal) = freshArgType(unappType.skolemizeExistential(context.owner, tree))
+ def freshUnapplyArgType(): Type = {
+ val GenPolyType(freeVars, unappFormal) = freshArgType(unapplyType.skolemizeExistential(context.owner, tree))
val unapplyContext = context.makeNewScope(context.tree, context.owner)
freeVars foreach unapplyContext.scope.enter
- val typer1 = newTyper(unapplyContext)
- val pattp = typer1.infer.inferTypedPattern(tree, unappFormal, arg.tpe, canRemedy = uncheckedTypeExtractor.nonEmpty)
+ val pattp = newTyper(unapplyContext).infer.inferTypedPattern(tree, unappFormal, pt, canRemedy)
// turn any unresolved type variables in freevars into existential skolems
val skolems = freeVars map (fv => unapplyContext.owner.newExistentialSkolem(fv, fv))
- arg setType pattp.substSym(freeVars, skolems)
- argDummy setInfo arg.tpe
+ pattp.substSym(freeVars, skolems)
+ val unapplyArg = (
+ context.owner.newValue(nme.SELECTOR_DUMMY, fun.pos, Flags.SYNTHETIC) setInfo (
+ if (isApplicableSafe(Nil, unapplyType, pt :: Nil, WildcardType)) pt
+ else freshUnapplyArgType()
+ )
+ )
// clearing the type is necessary so that ref will be stabilized; see bug 881
- val fun1 = typedPos(fun.pos)(Apply(Select(fun.clearType(), unapp), List(arg)))
- if (fun1.tpe.isErroneous) duplErrTree
- else {
- val resTp = fun1.tpe.finalResultType.dealiasWiden
- val nbSubPats = args.length
- val (formals, formalsExpanded) =
- extractorFormalTypes(fun0.pos, resTp, nbSubPats, fun1.symbol, treeInfo.effectivePatternArity(args))
- if (formals == null) duplErrorTree(WrongNumberOfArgsError(tree, fun))
- else {
- val args1 = typedArgs(args, mode, formals, formalsExpanded)
- val pt1 = ensureFullyDefined(pt) // SI-1048
- val itype = glb(List(pt1, arg.tpe))
- arg setType pt1 // restore type (arg is a dummy tree, just needs to pass typechecking)
- val unapply = UnApply(fun1, args1) setPos tree.pos setType itype
- // if the type that the unapply method expects for its argument is uncheckable, wrap in classtag extractor
- // skip if the unapply's type is not a method type with (at least, but really it should be exactly) one argument
- // also skip if we already wrapped a classtag extractor (so we don't keep doing that forever)
- if (uncheckedTypeExtractor.isEmpty || fun1.symbol.owner.isNonBottomSubClass(ClassTagClass)) unapply
- else wrapClassTagUnapply(unapply, uncheckedTypeExtractor.get, unappType.paramTypes.head)
- }
+ val fun1 = typedPos(fun.pos)(Apply(Select(fun.clearType(), unapplyMethod), Ident(unapplyArg) :: Nil))
+ def makeTypedUnApply() = {
+ // the union of the expected type and the inferred type of the argument to unapply
+ val glbType = glb(ensureFullyDefined(pt) :: unapplyArg.tpe_* :: Nil)
+ val wrapInTypeTest = canRemedy && !(fun1.symbol.owner isNonBottomSubClass ClassTagClass)
+ val args1 = typedPatternArgs(fun1, args, mode)
+ val result = UnApply(fun1, args1) setPos tree.pos setType glbType
+ if (wrapInTypeTest)
+ wrapClassTagUnapply(result, extractor, glbType)
+ else
+ result
+ if (fun1.tpe.isErroneous)
+ duplErrTree
+ else
+ makeTypedUnApply()
def wrapClassTagUnapply(uncheckedPattern: Tree, classTagExtractor: Tree, pt: Type): Tree = {
@@ -459,28 +442,23 @@ trait PatternTypers {
// if there's a ClassTag that allows us to turn the unchecked type test for `pt` into a checked type test
// return the corresponding extractor (an instance of ClassTag[`pt`])
- def extractorForUncheckedType(pos: Position, pt: Type): Option[Tree] = if (isPastTyper) None else {
- // only look at top-level type, can't (reliably) do anything about unchecked type args (in general)
- // but at least make a proper type before passing it elsewhere
- val pt1 = pt.dealiasWiden match {
- case tr @ TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if args.nonEmpty => copyTypeRef(tr, pre, sym, sym.typeParams map (_.tpeHK)) // replace actual type args with dummies
- case pt1 => pt1
- }
- pt1 match {
- // if at least one of the types in an intersection is checkable, use the checkable ones
- // this avoids problems as in run/matchonseq.scala, where the expected type is `Coll with scala.collection.SeqLike`
- // Coll is an abstract type, but SeqLike of course is not
- case RefinedType(ps, _) if ps.length > 1 && (ps exists infer.isCheckable) =>
- None
- case ptCheckable if infer isUncheckable ptCheckable =>
- val classTagExtractor = resolveClassTag(pos, ptCheckable)
- if (classTagExtractor != EmptyTree && unapplyMember(classTagExtractor.tpe) != NoSymbol)
- Some(classTagExtractor)
- else None
- case _ => None
+ def extractorForUncheckedType(pos: Position, pt: Type): Tree = {
+ if (isPastTyper || (pt eq NoType)) EmptyTree else {
+ pt match {
+ case RefinedType(parents, decls) if !decls.isEmpty || (parents exists isUncheckable) => return EmptyTree
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ // only look at top-level type, can't (reliably) do anything about unchecked type args (in general)
+ // but at least make a proper type before passing it elsewhere
+ val pt1 = pt.dealiasWiden match {
+ case tr @ TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if args.nonEmpty => copyTypeRef(tr, pre, sym, sym.typeParams map (_.tpeHK)) // replace actual type args with dummies
+ case pt1 => pt1
+ }
+ if (isCheckable(pt1)) EmptyTree
+ else resolveClassTag(pos, pt1) match {
+ case tree if unapplyMember(tree.tpe).exists => tree
+ case _ => devWarning(s"Cannot create runtime type test for $pt1") ; EmptyTree
+ }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
index a1fb5816b9..fc452db737 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ trait Typers extends Adaptations with Tags with TypersTracking with PatternTyper
else if (mode.typingExprNotFun && treeInfo.isMacroApplication(tree))
macroExpandApply(this, tree, mode, pt)
else if (mode.typingConstructorPattern)
- adaptConstrPattern(tree, pt)
+ typedConstructorPattern(tree, pt)
else if (shouldInsertApply(tree))
else if (hasUndetsInMonoMode) { // (9)
@@ -3154,7 +3154,7 @@ trait Typers extends Adaptations with Tags with TypersTracking with PatternTyper
if (noExpectedType)
typedArgs(args, forArgMode(fun, mode))
- typedArgs(args, forArgMode(fun, mode), paramTypes, formals)
+ typedArgsForFormals(args, paramTypes, forArgMode(fun, mode))
// instantiate dependent method types, must preserve singleton types where possible (stableTypeFor) -- example use case:
@@ -4937,7 +4937,7 @@ trait Typers extends Adaptations with Tags with TypersTracking with PatternTyper
// we should get here only when something before failed
// and we try again (@see tryTypedApply). In that case we can assign
// whatever type to tree; we just have to survive until a real error message is issued.
- devWarning(tree.pos, s"Assigning Any type to TypeTree because tree.original == null")
+ devWarning(tree.pos, s"Assigning Any type to TypeTree because tree.original is null: tree is $tree/${System.identityHashCode(tree)}, sym=${tree.symbol}, tpe=${tree.tpe}")
tree setType AnyTpe
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Unapplies.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Unapplies.scala
index 18b8f8a9ce..5049fec65b 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Unapplies.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Unapplies.scala
@@ -30,22 +30,6 @@ trait Unapplies extends ast.TreeDSL {
// moduleClass symbol of the companion module.
class ClassForCaseCompanionAttachment(val caseClass: ClassDef)
- /** returns type list for return type of the extraction
- * @see extractorFormalTypes
- */
- def unapplyTypeList(pos: Position, ufn: Symbol, ufntpe: Type, args: List[Tree]) = {
- assert(ufn.isMethod, ufn)
- val nbSubPats = args.length
- //Console.println("utl "+ufntpe+" "+ufntpe.typeSymbol)
- match {
- case nme.unapply | nme.unapplySeq =>
- val (formals, _) = extractorFormalTypes(pos, unapplyUnwrap(ufntpe), nbSubPats, ufn, treeInfo.effectivePatternArity(args))
- if (formals == null) throw new TypeError(s"$ufn of type $ufntpe cannot extract $nbSubPats sub-patterns")
- else formals
- case _ => throw new TypeError(ufn+" is not an unapply or unapplySeq")
- }
- }
/** Returns unapply or unapplySeq if available, without further checks.
def directUnapplyMember(tp: Type): Symbol = (tp member nme.unapply) orElse (tp member nme.unapplySeq)
@@ -59,12 +43,6 @@ trait Unapplies extends ast.TreeDSL {
def unapply(tp: Type): Option[Symbol] = unapplyMember(tp).toOption
- /** returns unapply member's parameter type. */
- def unapplyParameterType(extractor: Symbol) = extractor.tpe.params match {
- case p :: Nil => p.tpe.typeSymbol
- case _ => NoSymbol
- }
def copyUntyped[T <: Tree](tree: T): T =
returning[T](tree.duplicate)(UnTyper traverse _)
diff --git a/test/files/neg/t4425.check b/test/files/neg/t4425.check
index cb5da6e7dc..95b88a6b3d 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/t4425.check
+++ b/test/files/neg/t4425.check
@@ -2,4 +2,12 @@ t4425.scala:3: error: object X is not a case class constructor, nor does it have
Note: def unapply(x: Int)(y: Option[Int]): None.type exists in object X, but it cannot be used as an extractor due to its second non-implicit parameter list
42 match { case _ X _ => () }
-one error found
+t4425.scala:8: error: object X is not a case class constructor, nor does it have an unapply/unapplySeq method
+Note: def unapply(x: Int)(y: Int): Some[(Int, Int)] exists in object X, but it cannot be used as an extractor due to its second non-implicit parameter list
+ 42 match { case _ X _ => () }
+ ^
+t4425.scala:13: error: object X is not a case class constructor, nor does it have an unapply/unapplySeq method
+Note: def unapply(x: String)(y: String): Some[(Int, Int)] exists in object X, but it cannot be used as an extractor due to its second non-implicit parameter list
+ "" match { case _ X _ => () }
+ ^
+three errors found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/t4425.scala b/test/files/neg/t4425.scala
index d8cc6922f7..1714955c27 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/t4425.scala
+++ b/test/files/neg/t4425.scala
@@ -2,3 +2,13 @@ object Foo {
object X { def unapply(x : Int)(y : Option[Int] = None) = None }
42 match { case _ X _ => () }
+object Foo2 {
+ object X { def unapply(x : Int)(y: Int) = Some((2,2)) }
+ 42 match { case _ X _ => () }
+object Foo3 {
+ object X { def unapply(x : String)(y: String) = Some((2,2)) }
+ "" match { case _ X _ => () }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/files/neg/t4425b.check b/test/files/neg/t4425b.check
index e43c489586..3af3027da1 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/t4425b.check
+++ b/test/files/neg/t4425b.check
@@ -22,34 +22,40 @@ t4425b.scala:10: error: object X is not a case class constructor, nor does it ha
Note: def unapply(x: String)(y: String): Nothing exists in object X, but it cannot be used as an extractor due to its second non-implicit parameter list
println((X: Any) match { case X(_, _) => "ok" ; case _ => "fail" })
-t4425b.scala:18: error: result type Nothing of unapply defined in method unapply in object X does not conform to Option[_] or Boolean
+t4425b.scala:18: error: wrong number of patterns for object X offering <notype>: expected 1, found 2
println( "" match { case _ X _ => "ok" ; case _ => "fail" })
-t4425b.scala:19: error: result type Nothing of unapply defined in method unapply in object X does not conform to Option[_] or Boolean
+t4425b.scala:19: error: wrong number of patterns for object X offering <notype>: expected 1, found 2
println((X: Any) match { case _ X _ => "ok" ; case _ => "fail" })
-t4425b.scala:20: error: result type Nothing of unapply defined in method unapply in object X does not conform to Option[_] or Boolean
- println( "" match { case X(_) => "ok" ; case _ => "fail" })
- ^
-t4425b.scala:21: error: result type Nothing of unapply defined in method unapply in object X does not conform to Option[_] or Boolean
- println((X: Any) match { case X(_) => "ok" ; case _ => "fail" })
- ^
-t4425b.scala:22: error: result type Nothing of unapply defined in method unapply in object X does not conform to Option[_] or Boolean
+t4425b.scala:22: error: wrong number of patterns for object X offering <notype>: expected 1, found 2
+ println( "" match { case X(_, _) => "ok" ; case _ => "fail" })
+ ^
+t4425b.scala:22: error: wrong number of patterns for object X offering <notype>: expected 1, found 2
println( "" match { case X(_, _) => "ok" ; case _ => "fail" })
-t4425b.scala:23: error: result type Nothing of unapply defined in method unapply in object X does not conform to Option[_] or Boolean
+t4425b.scala:23: error: wrong number of patterns for object X offering <notype>: expected 1, found 2
+ println((X: Any) match { case X(_, _) => "ok" ; case _ => "fail" })
+ ^
+t4425b.scala:23: error: wrong number of patterns for object X offering <notype>: expected 1, found 2
println((X: Any) match { case X(_, _) => "ok" ; case _ => "fail" })
-t4425b.scala:31: error: wrong number of arguments for object X
+t4425b.scala:31: error: wrong number of patterns for object X offering Nothing: expected 1, found 2
println( "" match { case _ X _ => "ok" ; case _ => "fail" })
-t4425b.scala:32: error: wrong number of arguments for object X
+t4425b.scala:32: error: wrong number of patterns for object X offering Nothing: expected 1, found 2
println((X: Any) match { case _ X _ => "ok" ; case _ => "fail" })
-t4425b.scala:35: error: wrong number of arguments for object X
+t4425b.scala:35: error: wrong number of patterns for object X offering Nothing: expected 1, found 2
+ println( "" match { case X(_, _) => "ok" ; case _ => "fail" })
+ ^
+t4425b.scala:35: error: wrong number of patterns for object X offering Nothing: expected 1, found 2
println( "" match { case X(_, _) => "ok" ; case _ => "fail" })
-t4425b.scala:36: error: wrong number of arguments for object X
+t4425b.scala:36: error: wrong number of patterns for object X offering Nothing: expected 1, found 2
+ println((X: Any) match { case X(_, _) => "ok" ; case _ => "fail" })
+ ^
+t4425b.scala:36: error: wrong number of patterns for object X offering Nothing: expected 1, found 2
println((X: Any) match { case X(_, _) => "ok" ; case _ => "fail" })
-16 errors found
+18 errors found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/t6675.check b/test/files/neg/t6675.check
index 3a277af866..aecf04cb68 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/t6675.check
+++ b/test/files/neg/t6675.check
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-t6675.scala:10: warning: extractor pattern binds a single value to a Product3 of type (Int, Int, Int)
+t6675.scala:10: warning: object X expects 3 patterns to hold (Int, Int, Int) but crushing into 3-tuple to fit single pattern (SI-6675)
"" match { case X(b) => b } // should warn under -Xlint. Not an error because of SI-6111
error: No warnings can be incurred under -Xfatal-warnings.
diff --git a/test/files/neg/t997.check b/test/files/neg/t997.check
index 186095f44a..be1e92c369 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/t997.check
+++ b/test/files/neg/t997.check
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
-t997.scala:13: error: wrong number of arguments for object Foo
+t997.scala:13: error: wrong number of patterns for object Foo offering (String, String): expected 2, found 3
+"x" match { case Foo(a, b, c) => Console.println((a,b,c)) }
+ ^
+t997.scala:13: error: wrong number of patterns for object Foo offering (String, String): expected 2, found 3
"x" match { case Foo(a, b, c) => Console.println((a,b,c)) }
t997.scala:13: error: not found: value a
"x" match { case Foo(a, b, c) => Console.println((a,b,c)) }
-two errors found
+three errors found
diff --git a/test/files/pos/annotated-treecopy/Impls_Macros_1.scala b/test/files/pos/annotated-treecopy/Impls_Macros_1.scala
index cf58bc3dfd..ecf8916c46 100644
--- a/test/files/pos/annotated-treecopy/Impls_Macros_1.scala
+++ b/test/files/pos/annotated-treecopy/Impls_Macros_1.scala
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ object Macros {
var b1 = new Transformer {
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
case Ident(x) if (x==n) => Ident(TermName("_arg"))
- case tt @ TypeTree() if tt.original != null => TypeTree(tt.tpe) setOriginal transform(tt.original)
+ case tt: TypeTree if tt.original != null => TypeTree(tt.tpe) setOriginal transform(tt.original)
// without the fix to LazyTreeCopier.Annotated, we would need to uncomment the line below to make the macro work
// that's because the pattern match in the input expression gets expanded into Typed(<x>, TypeTree(<Int @unchecked>))
// with the original of the TypeTree being Annotated(<@unchecked>, Ident(<x>))
diff --git a/test/files/run/matchonseq.scala b/test/files/run/matchonseq.scala
index 49b406a6ec..f6f320245a 100644
--- a/test/files/run/matchonseq.scala
+++ b/test/files/run/matchonseq.scala
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-object Test extends App{
- Vector(1,2,3) match {
- case head +: tail => println("It worked! head=" + head)
+object Test extends App {
+ Vector(1,2,3) match {
+ case head +: tail => println("It worked! head=" + head)
- Vector(1,2,3) match {
- case init :+ last => println("It worked! last=" + last)
+ Vector(1,2,3) match {
+ case init :+ last => println("It worked! last=" + last)
diff --git a/test/files/run/t7214.scala b/test/files/run/t7214.scala
index ff1ea8082d..15c2c24fa0 100644
--- a/test/files/run/t7214.scala
+++ b/test/files/run/t7214.scala
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class Crash {
def unapply(a: Alias): Option[Any] = None
(t: Any) match {
- case Extractor() =>
+ case Extractor(_) =>
case _ =>