diff options
-rw-r--r--src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/immutable/List.scala (renamed from src/dotnet-library/scalax/collection/immutable/List.scala)224
-rw-r--r--src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/mutable/StringBuilder.scala (renamed from src/dotnet-library/scala/StringBuilder.scala)311
-rw-r--r--src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/mutable/WeakHashMap.scala (renamed from src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/WeakHashMap.scala)0
49 files changed, 1006 insertions, 1838 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
index ea31126324..5ca3f2e0aa 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ abstract class UnCurry extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
* return statements. These are disallowed in the CLR. By lifting
* such returns will be converted to throws.
- def shouldBeLiftedAnyway(tree: Tree) =
+ def shouldBeLiftedAnyway(tree: Tree) = false && // buggy, see #1981
forMSIL && lookForReturns.found(tree)
/** Transform tree `t' to { def f = t; f } where `f' is a fresh name
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/List.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/List.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aef6126cd..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/List.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1433 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2009, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-// $Id$
-package scala
-import scala.collection.mutable.{ListBuffer, LinkedHashMap}
-import annotation.tailrec
-import Predef._
-/** This object provides methods for creating specialized lists, and for
- * transforming special kinds of lists (e.g. lists of lists).
- *
- * @author Martin Odersky and others
- * @version 1.0, 15/07/2003
- */
-object List {
- /** Create a list with given elements.
- *
- * @param xs the elements to put in the list
- * @return the list containing elements xs.
- */
- def apply[A](xs: A*): List[A] = xs.toList
- /** for unapply matching
- */
- def unapplySeq[A](x: List[A]): Some[List[A]] = Some(x)
- /** Create a sorted list of all integers in a range.
- *
- * @param from the start value of the list
- * @param end the end value of the list
- * @return the sorted list of all integers in range [from;end).
- */
- def range(start: Int, end: Int): List[Int] =
- range(start, end, 1)
- /** Create a list with element values
- * <code>v<sub>n+1</sub> = v<sub>n</sub> + step</code>
- * where <code>v<sub>0</sub> = start</code>
- * and elements are in the range between <code>start</code> (inclusive)
- * and <code>end</code> (exclusive)
- *
- * @param start the start value of the list
- * @param end the end value of the list
- * @param step the increment value of the list
- * @return the sorted list of all integers in range [start;end).
- */
- def range(start: Int, end: Int, step: Int): List[Int] = {
- if (step == 0)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("step is zero")
- val b = new ListBuffer[Int]
- var i = start
- while ((step <= 0 || i < end) && (step >= 0 || i > end)) {
- b += i
- i += step
- }
- b.toList
- }
- /** Create a sorted list with element values
- * <code>v<sub>n+1</sub> = step(v<sub>n</sub>)</code>
- * where <code>v<sub>0</sub> = start</code>
- * and elements are in the range between <code>start</code> (inclusive)
- * and <code>end</code> (exclusive)
- *
- * @param start the start value of the list
- * @param end the end value of the list
- * @param step the increment function of the list, which given <code>v<sub>n</sub></code>,
- * computes <code>v<sub>n+1</sub></code>. Must be monotonically increasing
- * or decreasing.
- * @return the sorted list of all integers in range [start;end).
- */
- def range(start: Int, end: Int, step: Int => Int): List[Int] = {
- val up = step(start) > start
- val down = step(start) < start
- val b = new ListBuffer[Int]
- var i = start
- while ((!up || i < end) && (!down || i > end)) {
- b += i
- val next = step(i)
- if (i == next)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("the step function did not make any progress on "+ i)
- i = next
- }
- b.toList
- }
- /** Create a list containing several copies of an element.
- *
- * @param n the length of the resulting list
- * @param elem the element composing the resulting list
- * @return a list composed of n elements all equal to elem
- */
- def make[A](n: Int, elem: A): List[A] = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[A]
- var i = 0
- while (i < n) {
- b += elem
- i += 1
- }
- b.toList
- }
- /** Create a list by applying a function to successive integers.
- *
- * @param n the length of the resulting list
- * @param maker the procedure which, given an integer <code>n</code>,
- * returns the nth element of the resulting list, where
- * <code>n</code> is in interval <code>[0;n)</code>.
- * @return the list obtained by applying the maker function to
- * successive integers from 0 to n (exclusive).
- */
- def tabulate[A](n: Int, maker: Int => A): List[A] = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[A]
- var i = 0
- while (i < n) {
- b += maker(i)
- i += 1
- }
- b.toList
- }
- /** Concatenate all the elements of a given list of lists.
- *
- * @param xss the list of lists that are to be concatenated
- * @return the concatenation of all the lists
- */
- def flatten[A](xss: List[List[A]]): List[A] = concat(xss: _*)
- /** Concatenate all the argument lists into a single list.
- *
- * @param xss the lists that are to be concatenated
- * @return the concatenation of all the lists
- */
- def concat[A](xss: List[A]*): List[A] = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[A]
- for (xs <- xss) {
- var xc = xs
- while (!xc.isEmpty) {
- b += xc.head
- xc = xc.tail
- }
- }
- b.toList
- }
- /** Transforms a list of pairs into a pair of lists.
- *
- * @param xs the list of pairs to unzip
- * @return a pair of lists.
- */
- def unzip[A,B](xs: List[(A,B)]): (List[A], List[B]) = {
- val b1 = new ListBuffer[A]
- val b2 = new ListBuffer[B]
- var xc = xs
- while (!xc.isEmpty) {
- b1 += xc.head._1
- b2 += xc.head._2
- xc = xc.tail
- }
- (b1.toList, b2.toList)
- }
- /** Transforms an iterable of pairs into a pair of lists.
- *
- * @param xs the iterable of pairs to unzip
- * @return a pair of lists.
- */
- def unzip[A,B](xs: Iterable[(A,B)]): (List[A], List[B]) =
- xs.foldRight[(List[A], List[B])]((Nil, Nil)) {
- case ((x, y), (xs, ys)) => (x :: xs, y :: ys)
- }
- /**
- * Returns the <code>Left</code> values in the given <code>Iterable</code> of <code>Either</code>s.
- */
- def lefts[A, B](es: Iterable[Either[A, B]]) =
- es.foldRight[List[A]](Nil)((e, as) => e match {
- case Left(a) => a :: as
- case Right(_) => as
- })
- /**
- * Returns the <code>Right</code> values in the given<code>Iterable</code> of <code>Either</code>s.
- */
- def rights[A, B](es: Iterable[Either[A, B]]) =
- es.foldRight[List[B]](Nil)((e, bs) => e match {
- case Left(_) => bs
- case Right(b) => b :: bs
- })
- /** Transforms an Iterable of Eithers into a pair of lists.
- *
- * @param xs the iterable of Eithers to separate
- * @return a pair of lists.
- */
- def separate[A,B](es: Iterable[Either[A,B]]): (List[A], List[B]) =
- es.foldRight[(List[A], List[B])]((Nil, Nil)) {
- case (Left(a), (lefts, rights)) => (a :: lefts, rights)
- case (Right(b), (lefts, rights)) => (lefts, b :: rights)
- }
- /** Converts an iterator to a list.
- *
- * @param it the iterator to convert
- * @return a list that contains the elements returned by successive
- * calls to <code></code>
- */
- def fromIterator[A](it: Iterator[A]): List[A] = it.toList
- /** Converts an array into a list.
- *
- * @param arr the array to convert
- * @return a list that contains the same elements than <code>arr</code>
- * in the same order
- */
- def fromArray[A](arr: Array[A]): List[A] = fromArray(arr, 0, arr.length)
- /** Converts a range of an array into a list.
- *
- * @param arr the array to convert
- * @param start the first index to consider
- * @param len the lenght of the range to convert
- * @return a list that contains the same elements than <code>arr</code>
- * in the same order
- */
- def fromArray[A](arr: Array[A], start: Int, len: Int): List[A] = {
- var res: List[A] = Nil
- var i = start + len
- while (i > start) {
- i -= 1
- res = arr(i) :: res
- }
- res
- }
- /** Parses a string which contains substrings separated by a
- * separator character and returns a list of all substrings.
- *
- * @param str the string to parse
- * @param separator the separator character
- * @return the list of substrings
- */
- def fromString(str: String, separator: Char): List[String] = {
- var words: List[String] = Nil
- var pos = str.length()
- while (pos > 0) {
- val pos1 = str.lastIndexOf(separator, pos - 1)
- if (pos1 + 1 < pos)
- words = str.substring(pos1 + 1, pos) :: words
- pos = pos1
- }
- words
- }
- /** Returns the given string as a list of characters.
- *
- * @param str the string to convert.
- * @return the string as a list of characters.
- * @deprecated use <code>str.toList</code> instead
- */
- @deprecated def fromString(str: String): List[Char] =
- str.toList
- /** Returns the given list of characters as a string.
- *
- * @param xs the list to convert.
- * @return the list in form of a string.
- */
- def toString(xs: List[Char]): String = {
- val sb = new StringBuilder()
- var xc = xs
- while (!xc.isEmpty) {
- sb.append(xc.head)
- xc = xc.tail
- }
- sb.toString()
- }
- /** Like xs map f, but returns <code>xs</code> unchanged if function
- * <code>f</code> maps all elements to themselves.
- *
- * @param xs ...
- * @param f ...
- * @return ...
- */
- def mapConserve[A <: AnyRef](xs: List[A])(f: A => A): List[A] = {
- def loop(ys: List[A]): List[A] =
- if (ys.isEmpty) xs
- else {
- val head0 = ys.head
- val head1 = f(head0)
- if (head1 eq head0) {
- loop(ys.tail)
- } else {
- val ys1 = head1 :: mapConserve(ys.tail)(f)
- if (xs eq ys) ys1
- else {
- val b = new ListBuffer[A]
- var xc = xs
- while (xc ne ys) {
- b += xc.head
- xc = xc.tail
- }
- b.prependToList(ys1)
- }
- }
- }
- loop(xs)
- }
- /** Returns the list resulting from applying the given function <code>f</code>
- * to corresponding elements of the argument lists.
- *
- * @param f function to apply to each pair of elements.
- * @return <code>[f(a0,b0), ..., f(an,bn)]</code> if the lists are
- * <code>[a0, ..., ak]</code>, <code>[b0, ..., bl]</code> and
- * <code>n = min(k,l)</code>
- */
- def map2[A,B,C](xs: List[A], ys: List[B])(f: (A, B) => C): List[C] = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[C]
- var xc = xs
- var yc = ys
- while (!xc.isEmpty && !yc.isEmpty) {
- b += f(xc.head, yc.head)
- xc = xc.tail
- yc = yc.tail
- }
- b.toList
- }
- /** Returns the list resulting from applying the given function
- * <code>f</code> to corresponding elements of the argument lists.
- *
- * @param f function to apply to each pair of elements.
- * @return <code>[f(a<sub>0</sub>,b<sub>0</sub>,c<sub>0</sub>),
- * ..., f(a<sub>n</sub>,b<sub>n</sub>,c<sub>n</sub>)]</code>
- * if the lists are <code>[a<sub>0</sub>, ..., a<sub>k</sub>]</code>,
- * <code>[b<sub>0</sub>, ..., b<sub>l</sub>]</code>,
- * <code>[c<sub>0</sub>, ..., c<sub>m</sub>]</code> and
- * <code>n = min(k,l,m)</code>
- */
- def map3[A,B,C,D](xs: List[A], ys: List[B], zs: List[C])(f: (A, B, C) => D): List[D] = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[D]
- var xc = xs
- var yc = ys
- var zc = zs
- while (!xc.isEmpty && !yc.isEmpty && !zc.isEmpty) {
- b += f(xc.head, yc.head, zc.head)
- xc = xc.tail
- yc = yc.tail
- zc = zc.tail
- }
- b.toList
- }
- /** Tests whether the given predicate <code>p</code> holds
- * for all corresponding elements of the argument lists.
- *
- * @param p function to apply to each pair of elements.
- * @return <code>(p(a<sub>0</sub>,b<sub>0</sub>) &amp;&amp;
- * ... &amp;&amp; p(a<sub>n</sub>,b<sub>n</sub>))]</code>
- * if the lists are <code>[a<sub>0</sub>, ..., a<sub>k</sub>]</code>;
- * <code>[b<sub>0</sub>, ..., b<sub>l</sub>]</code>
- * and <code>n = min(k,l)</code>
- */
- def forall2[A,B](xs: List[A], ys: List[B])(f: (A, B) => Boolean): Boolean = {
- var xc = xs
- var yc = ys
- while (!xc.isEmpty && !yc.isEmpty) {
- if (!f(xc.head, yc.head)) return false
- xc = xc.tail
- yc = yc.tail
- }
- true
- }
- /** Tests whether the given predicate <code>p</code> holds
- * for some corresponding elements of the argument lists.
- *
- * @param p function to apply to each pair of elements.
- * @return <code>n != 0 &amp;&amp; (p(a<sub>0</sub>,b<sub>0</sub>) ||
- * ... || p(a<sub>n</sub>,b<sub>n</sub>))]</code> if the lists are
- * <code>[a<sub>0</sub>, ..., a<sub>k</sub>]</code>,
- * <code>[b<sub>0</sub>, ..., b<sub>l</sub>]</code> and
- * <code>n = min(k,l)</code>
- */
- def exists2[A,B](xs: List[A], ys: List[B])(f: (A, B) => Boolean): Boolean = {
- var xc = xs
- var yc = ys
- while (!xc.isEmpty && !yc.isEmpty) {
- if (f(xc.head, yc.head)) return true
- xc = xc.tail
- yc = yc.tail
- }
- false
- }
- /** Transposes a list of lists.
- * pre: All element lists have the same length.
- *
- * @param xss the list of lists
- * @return the transposed list of lists
- */
- def transpose[A](xss: List[List[A]]): List[List[A]] = {
- val buf = new ListBuffer[List[A]]
- var yss = xss
- while (!yss.head.isEmpty) {
- buf += (yss map (_.head))
- yss = (yss map (_.tail))
- }
- buf.toList
- }
- /** Lists with ordered elements are ordered
- implicit def list2ordered[a <% Ordered[a]](x: List[a]): Ordered[List[a]] = new Ordered[List[a]] {
- def compare [b >: List[a] <% Ordered[b]](y: b): Int = y match {
- case y1: List[a] => compareLists(x, y1);
- case _ => -(y compare x)
- }
- private def compareLists(xs: List[a], ys: List[a]): Int = {
- if (xs.isEmpty && ys.isEmpty) 0
- else if (xs.isEmpty) -1
- else if (ys.isEmpty) 1
- else {
- val s = xs.head compare ys.head;
- if (s != 0) s
- else compareLists(xs.tail, ys.tail)
- }
- }
- }
- */
-/** A class representing an ordered collection of elements of type
- * <code>a</code>. This class comes with two implementing case
- * classes <code>scala.Nil</code> and <code>scala.::</code> that
- * implement the abstract members <code>isEmpty</code>,
- * <code>head</code> and <code>tail</code>.
- *
- * @author Martin Odersky and others
- * @version 1.0, 16/07/2003
- */
-sealed abstract class List[+A] extends Seq[A] with Product {
- /** Returns true if the list does not contain any elements.
- * @return <code>true</code>, iff the list is empty.
- */
- override def isEmpty: Boolean
- /** Returns this first element of the list.
- *
- * @return the first element of this list.
- * @throws Predef.NoSuchElementException if the list is empty.
- */
- def head: A
- /** Result of comparing <code>length</code> with operand <code>l</code>.
- * returns <code>x</code> where
- * <code>x &lt; 0</code> iff <code>this.length &lt; l</code>
- * <code>x == 0</code> iff <code>this.length == l</code>
- * <code>x &gt; 0</code> iff <code>this.length &gt; that</code>.
- *
- * This method is used by matching streams against right-ignoring (...,_*) patterns.
- *
- * This method does not call <code>List.length</code>, it works for <code>O(l)</code>,
- * not for <code>O(length)</code>.
- */
- override def lengthCompare(l: Int) = {
- if (isEmpty) 0 - l
- else if (l <= 0) 1
- else tail.lengthCompare(l - 1)
- }
- /** Returns this list without its first element.
- *
- * @return this list without its first element.
- * @throws Predef.NoSuchElementException if the list is empty.
- */
- def tail: List[A]
- /** <p>
- * Add an element <code>x</code> at the beginning of this list.
- * </p>
- *
- * @param x the element to prepend.
- * @return the list with <code>x</code> added at the beginning.
- * @ex <code>1 :: List(2, 3) = List(2, 3).::(1) = List(1, 2, 3)</code>
- */
- def ::[B >: A] (x: B): List[B] =
- new scala.::(x, this)
- /** <p>
- * Add an element <code>x</code> at the end of this list.
- * </p>
- *
- * @deprecated Replace uses of <code>l + e</code> with <code>l ::: List(e)</code>.
- *
- * @param x the element to append.
- * @return the list with <code>x</code> added at the end.
- */
- @deprecated def +[B >: A](x: B): List[B] =
- if (isEmpty) List(x)
- else {
- val buf = new ListBuffer[B]
- this copyToBuffer buf
- buf += x
- buf.toList
- }
- /** <p>
- * Returns a list resulting from the concatenation of the given
- * list <code>prefix</code> and this list.
- * </p>
- *
- * @param prefix the list to concatenate at the beginning of this list.
- * @return the concatenation of the two lists.
- * @ex <code>List(1, 2) ::: List(3, 4) = List(3, 4).:::(List(1, 2)) = List(1, 2, 3, 4)</code>
- */
- def :::[B >: A](prefix: List[B]): List[B] =
- if (isEmpty) prefix
- else {
- val b = new ListBuffer[B]
- var those = prefix
- while (!those.isEmpty) {
- b += those.head
- those = those.tail
- }
- b.prependToList(this)
- }
- /** Appends two list objects.
- */
- override def ++[B >: A](that: Iterable[B]): List[B] =
- this ::: that.toList
- /** Reverse the given prefix and append the current list to that.
- * This function is equivalent to an application of <code>reverse</code>
- * on the prefix followed by a call to <code>:::</code>, but more
- * efficient.
- *
- * @param prefix the prefix to reverse and then prepend
- * @return the concatenation of the reversed prefix and the current list.
- */
- def reverse_:::[B >: A](prefix: List[B]): List[B] = {
- var these: List[B] = this
- var pres = prefix
- while (!pres.isEmpty) {
- these = pres.head :: these
- pres = pres.tail
- }
- these
- }
- /** Returns the number of elements in the list.
- *
- * @return the number of elements in the list.
- */
- def length: Int = {
- var these = this
- var len = 0
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- len += 1
- these = these.tail
- }
- len
- }
- /** Creates a list with all indices in the list. This is
- * equivalent to a call to <code>List.range(0, xs.length)</code>.
- *
- * @return a list of all indices in the list.
- */
- def indices: List[Int] = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[Int]
- var i = 0
- var these = this
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- b += i
- i += 1
- these = these.tail
- }
- b.toList
- }
- /** Returns the elements in the list as an iterator
- *
- * @return an iterator on the list elements.
- */
- override def elements: Iterator[A] = new Iterator[A] {
- var these = List.this
- def hasNext: Boolean = !these.isEmpty
- def next: A =
- if (!hasNext)
- throw new NoSuchElementException("next on empty Iterator")
- else {
- val result = these.head; these = these.tail; result
- }
- override def toList: List[A] = these
- }
- /** Overrides the method in Iterable for efficiency.
- *
- * @return the list itself
- */
- override def toList: List[A] = this
- /** Returns the list without its last element.
- *
- * @return the list without its last element.
- * @throws Predef.UnsupportedOperationException if the list is empty.
- */
- def init: List[A] =
- if (isEmpty) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Nil.init")
- else {
- val b = new ListBuffer[A]
- var elem = head
- var next = tail
- while (!next.isEmpty) {
- b += elem
- elem = next.head
- next = next.tail
- }
- b.toList
- }
- /** Returns the last element of this list.
- *
- * @return the last element of the list.
- * @throws Predef.NoSuchElementException if the list is empty.
- */
- override def last: A =
- if (isEmpty) throw new Predef.NoSuchElementException("Nil.last")
- else {
- var cur = this
- var next = this.tail
- while (!next.isEmpty) {
- cur = next
- next = next.tail
- }
- cur.head
- }
- /** Returns the <code>n</code> first elements of this list, or else the whole
- * list, if it has less than <code>n</code> elements.
- *
- * @param n the number of elements to take.
- * @return the <code>n</code> first elements of this list.
- */
- override def take(n: Int): List[A] = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[A]
- var i = 0
- var these = this
- while (!these.isEmpty && i < n) {
- i += 1
- b += these.head
- these = these.tail
- }
- if (these.isEmpty) this
- else b.toList
- }
- /** Returns the list with elements belonging to the given index range.
- *
- * @param start the start position of the list slice.
- * @param end the end position (exclusive) of the list slice.
- * @return the list with elements belonging to the given index range.
- */
- override def slice(start: Int, end: Int): List[A] = {
- val s = start max 0
- val e = end min this.length
- drop(s) take (e - s)
- }
- /** Returns the list without its <code>n</code> first elements.
- * If this list has less than <code>n</code> elements, the empty list is returned.
- *
- * @param n the number of elements to drop.
- * @return the list without its <code>n</code> first elements.
- */
- override def drop(n: Int): List[A] = {
- var these = this
- var count = n
- while (!these.isEmpty && count > 0) {
- these = these.tail
- count -= 1
- }
- these
- }
- /** Returns the rightmost <code>n</code> elements from this list.
- *
- * @param n the number of elements to take
- * @return the suffix of length <code>n</code> of the list
- */
- def takeRight(n: Int): List[A] = {
- @tailrec
- def loop(lead: List[A], lag: List[A]): List[A] = lead match {
- case Nil => lag
- case _ :: tail => loop(tail, lag.tail)
- }
- loop(drop(n), this)
- }
- /** Returns the list wihout its rightmost <code>n</code> elements.
- *
- * @param n the number of elements to take
- * @return the list without its rightmost <code>n</code> elements
- */
- def dropRight(n: Int): List[A] = {
- def loop(lead: List[A], lag: List[A]): List[A] = lead match {
- case Nil => Nil
- case _ :: tail => lag.head :: loop(tail, lag.tail)
- }
- loop(drop(n), this)
- }
- /** Split the list at a given point and return the two parts thus
- * created.
- *
- * @param n the position at which to split
- * @return a pair of lists composed of the first <code>n</code>
- * elements, and the other elements.
- */
- def splitAt(n: Int): (List[A], List[A]) = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[A]
- var i = 0
- var these = this
- while (!these.isEmpty && i < n) {
- i += 1
- b += these.head
- these = these.tail
- }
- (b.toList, these)
- }
- /** Returns the longest prefix of this list whose elements satisfy
- * the predicate <code>p</code>.
- *
- * @param p the test predicate.
- * @return the longest prefix of this list whose elements satisfy
- * the predicate <code>p</code>.
- */
- override def takeWhile(p: A => Boolean): List[A] = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[A]
- var these = this
- while (!these.isEmpty && p(these.head)) {
- b += these.head
- these = these.tail
- }
- b.toList
- }
- /** Returns the longest suffix of this list whose first element
- * does not satisfy the predicate <code>p</code>.
- *
- * @param p the test predicate.
- * @return the longest suffix of the list whose first element
- * does not satisfy the predicate <code>p</code>.
- */
- override def dropWhile(p: A => Boolean): List[A] = {
- @tailrec
- def loop(xs: List[A]): List[A] =
- if (xs.isEmpty || !p(xs.head)) xs
- else loop(xs.tail)
- loop(this)
- }
- /** Returns the longest prefix of the list whose elements all satisfy
- * the given predicate, and the rest of the list.
- *
- * @param p the test predicate
- * @return a pair consisting of the longest prefix of the list whose
- * elements all satisfy <code>p</code>, and the rest of the list.
- */
- def span(p: A => Boolean): (List[A], List[A]) = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[A]
- var these = this
- while (!these.isEmpty && p(these.head)) {
- b += these.head
- these = these.tail
- }
- (b.toList, these)
- }
- /** Like <code>span</code> but with the predicate inverted.
- */
- def break(p: A => Boolean): (List[A], List[A]) = span { x => !p(x) }
- /** Returns the <code>n</code>-th element of this list. The first element
- * (head of the list) is at position 0.
- *
- * @param n index of the element to return
- * @return the element at position <code>n</code> in this list.
- * @throws Predef.NoSuchElementException if the list is too short.
- */
- def apply(n: Int): A = drop(n).head
- /** Returns the list resulting from applying the given function <code>f</code> to each
- * element of this list.
- *
- * @param f function to apply to each element.
- * @return <code>[f(a0), ..., f(an)]</code> if this list is <code>[a0, ..., an]</code>.
- */
- final override def map[B](f: A => B): List[B] = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[B]
- var these = this
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- b += f(these.head)
- these = these.tail
- }
- b.toList
- }
- /** Apply a function to all the elements of the list, and return the
- * reversed list of results. This is equivalent to a call to <code>map</code>
- * followed by a call to <code>reverse</code>, but more efficient.
- *
- * @param f the function to apply to each elements.
- * @return the reversed list of results.
- */
- def reverseMap[B](f: A => B): List[B] = {
- @tailrec
- def loop(l: List[A], res: List[B]): List[B] = l match {
- case Nil => res
- case head :: tail => loop(tail, f(head) :: res)
- }
- loop(this, Nil)
- }
- /** Apply the given function <code>f</code> to each element of this list
- * (while respecting the order of the elements).
- *
- * @param f the treatment to apply to each element.
- */
- final override def foreach(f: A => Unit) {
- var these = this
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- f(these.head)
- these = these.tail
- }
- }
- /** Returns all the elements of this list that satisfy the
- * predicate <code>p</code>. The order of the elements is preserved.
- * It is guarenteed that the receiver list itself is returned iff all its
- * elements satisfy the predicate `p'. Hence the following equality is valid:
- *
- * (xs filter p) eq xs == xs forall p
- *
- * @param p the predicate used to filter the list.
- * @return the elements of this list satisfying <code>p</code>.
- */
- final override def filter(p: A => Boolean): List[A] = {
- // return same list if all elements satisfy p
- var these = this
- while (!these.isEmpty && p(these.head)) {
- these = these.tail
- }
- if (these.isEmpty) this
- else {
- val b = new ListBuffer[A]
- var these1 = this
- while (these1 ne these) {
- b += these1.head
- these1 = these1.tail
- }
- these = these.tail // prevent the second evaluation of the predicate
- // on the element on which it first failed
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- if (p(these.head)) b += these.head
- these = these.tail
- }
- b.toList
- }
- }
-// final def filterMap[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): List[B] =
-// this filter f.isDefinedAt map f
- /** Removes all elements of the list which satisfy the predicate
- * <code>p</code>. This is like <code>filter</code> with the
- * predicate inversed.
- *
- * @param p the predicate to use to test elements
- * @return the list without all elements which satisfy <code>p</code>
- */
- def remove(p: A => Boolean): List[A] = filter (x => !p(x))
- /** Partition the list in two sub-lists according to a predicate.
- *
- * @param p the predicate on which to partition
- * @return a pair of lists: the list of all elements which satisfy
- * <code>p</code> and the list of all elements which do not.
- * The relative order of the elements in the sub-lists is the
- * same as in the original list.
- */
- override def partition(p: A => Boolean): (List[A], List[A]) = {
- val btrue = new ListBuffer[A]
- val bfalse = new ListBuffer[A]
- var these = this
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- (if (p(these.head)) btrue else bfalse) += these.head
- these = these.tail
- }
- (btrue.toList, bfalse.toList)
- }
- /** <p>
- * Sort the list according to the comparison function
- * <code>&lt;(e1: a, e2: a) =&gt; Boolean</code>,
- * which should be true iff <code>e1</code> is smaller than
- * <code>e2</code>.
- * </p>
- *
- * @param lt the comparison function
- * @return a list sorted according to the comparison function
- * <code>&lt;(e1: a, e2: a) =&gt; Boolean</code>.
- * @ex <pre>
- * List("Steve", "Tom", "John", "Bob")
- * .sort((e1, e2) => (e1 compareTo e2) &lt; 0) =
- * List("Bob", "John", "Steve", "Tom")</pre>
- */
- def sort(lt : (A,A) => Boolean): List[A] = {
- /** Merge two already-sorted lists */
- def merge(l1: List[A], l2: List[A]): List[A] = {
- val res = new ListBuffer[A]
- var left1 = l1
- var left2 = l2
- while (!left1.isEmpty && !left2.isEmpty) {
- if(lt(left1.head, left2.head)) {
- res += left1.head
- left1 = left1.tail
- } else {
- res += left2.head
- left2 = left2.tail
- }
- }
- res ++= left1
- res ++= left2
- res.toList
- }
- /** Split a list into two lists of about the same size */
- def split(lst: List[A]) = {
- val res1 = new ListBuffer[A]
- val res2 = new ListBuffer[A]
- var left = lst
- while (!left.isEmpty) {
- res1 += left.head
- left = left.tail
- if (!left.isEmpty) {
- res2 += left.head
- left = left.tail
- }
- }
- (res1.toList, res2.toList)
- }
- /** Merge-sort the specified list */
- def ms(lst: List[A]): List[A] =
- lst match {
- case Nil => lst
- case x :: Nil => lst
- case x :: y :: Nil =>
- if (lt(x,y))
- lst
- else
- y :: x :: Nil
- case lst =>
- val (l1, l2) = split(lst)
- val l1s = ms(l1)
- val l2s = ms(l2)
- merge(l1s, l2s)
- }
- ms(this)
- }
- /** Count the number of elements in the list which satisfy a predicate.
- *
- * @param p the predicate for which to count
- * @return the number of elements satisfying the predicate <code>p</code>.
- */
- def count(p: A => Boolean): Int = {
- var cnt = 0
- var these = this
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- if (p(these.head)) cnt += 1
- these = these.tail
- }
- cnt
- }
- /** Tests if the predicate <code>p</code> is satisfied by all elements
- * in this list.
- *
- * @param p the test predicate.
- * @return <code>true</code> iff all elements of this list satisfy the
- * predicate <code>p</code>.
- */
- override def forall(p: A => Boolean): Boolean = {
- var these = this
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- if (!p(these.head)) return false
- these = these.tail
- }
- true
- }
- /** Tests the existence in this list of an element that satisfies the
- * predicate <code>p</code>.
- *
- * @param p the test predicate.
- * @return <code>true</code> iff there exists an element in this list that
- * satisfies the predicate <code>p</code>.
- */
- override def exists(p: A => Boolean): Boolean = {
- var these = this
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- if (p(these.head)) return true
- these = these.tail
- }
- false
- }
- /** Find and return the first element of the list satisfying a
- * predicate, if any.
- *
- * @param p the predicate
- * @return the first element in the list satisfying <code>p</code>,
- * or <code>None</code> if none exists.
- */
- override def find(p: A => Boolean): Option[A] = {
- var these = this
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- if (p(these.head)) return Some(these.head)
- these = these.tail
- }
- None
- }
- /** Combines the elements of this list together using the binary
- * function <code>f</code>, from left to right, and starting with
- * the value <code>z</code>.
- *
- * @return <code>f(... (f(f(z, a<sub>0</sub>), a<sub>1</sub>) ...),
- * a<sub>n</sub>)</code> if the list is
- * <code>[a<sub>0</sub>, a<sub>1</sub>, ..., a<sub>n</sub>]</code>.
- */
- override def foldLeft[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B = {
- var acc = z
- var these = this
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- acc = f(acc, these.head)
- these = these.tail
- }
- acc
- }
- /** Combines the elements of this list together using the binary
- * function <code>f</code>, from right to left, and starting with
- * the value <code>z</code>.
- *
- * @return <code>f(a<sub>0</sub>, f(a<sub>1</sub>, f(..., f(a<sub>n</sub>, z)...)))</code>
- * if the list is <code>[a<sub>0</sub>, a1, ..., a<sub>n</sub>]</code>.
- */
- override def foldRight[B](z: B)(f: (A, B) => B): B = this match {
- case Nil => z
- case x :: xs => f(x, xs.foldRight(z)(f))
- }
- /** Combines the elements of this list together using the binary
- * operator <code>op</code>, from left to right
- * @param op The operator to apply
- * @return <code>op(... op(a<sub>0</sub>,a<sub>1</sub>), ..., a<sub>n</sub>)</code>
- if the list has elements
- * <code>a<sub>0</sub>, a<sub>1</sub>, ..., a<sub>n</sub></code>.
- * @throws Predef.UnsupportedOperationException if the list is empty.
- */
- override def reduceLeft[B >: A](f: (B, A) => B): B = this match {
- case Nil => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Nil.reduceLeft")
- case x :: Nil => x
- case x0 :: x1 :: xs =>
- var acc : B = f(x0, x1)
- var these : List[A] = xs
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- acc = f(acc, these.head)
- these = these.tail
- }
- acc
- }
- /** Combines the elements of this list together using the binary
- * operator <code>op</code>, from right to left
- * @param op The operator to apply
- *
- * @return <code>a<sub>0</sub> op (... op (a<sub>n-1</sub> op a<sub>n</sub>)...)</code>
- * if the list has elements <code>a<sub>0</sub>, a<sub>1</sub>, ...,
- * a<sub>n</sub></code>.
- *
- * @throws Predef.UnsupportedOperationException if the list is empty.
- */
- override def reduceRight[B >: A](f: (A, B) => B): B = this match {
- case Nil => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Nil.reduceRight")
- case x :: Nil => x
- case x :: xs => f(x, xs reduceRight f)
- }
- /** Applies the given function <code>f</code> to each element of
- * this list, then concatenates the results.
- *
- * @param f the function to apply on each element.
- * @return <code>f(a<sub>0</sub>) ::: ... ::: f(a<sub>n</sub>)</code> if
- * this list is <code>[a<sub>0</sub>, ..., a<sub>n</sub>]</code>.
- */
- final override def flatMap[B](f: A => Iterable[B]): List[B] = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[B]
- var these = this
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- var those = f(these.head).elements
- while (those.hasNext) {
- b +=
- }
- these = these.tail
- }
- b.toList
- }
- /** A list consisting of all elements of this list in reverse order.
- */
- override def reverse: List[A] = {
- var result: List[A] = Nil
- var these = this
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- result = these.head :: result
- these = these.tail
- }
- result
- }
- /** Returns a list formed from this list and the specified list
- * <code>that</code> by associating each element of the former with
- * the element at the same position in the latter.
- * If one of the two lists is longer than the other, its remaining elements are ignored.
- *
- * @return <code>List((a<sub>0</sub>,b<sub>0</sub>), ...,
- * (a<sub>min(m,n)</sub>,b<sub>min(m,n)</sub>))</code> when
- * <code>List(a<sub>0</sub>, ..., a<sub>m</sub>)
- * zip List(b<sub>0</sub>, ..., b<sub>n</sub>)</code> is invoked.
- */
- def zip[B](that: List[B]): List[(A, B)] = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[(A, B)]
- var these = this
- var those = that
- while (!these.isEmpty && !those.isEmpty) {
- b += ((these.head, those.head))
- these = these.tail
- those = those.tail
- }
- b.toList
- }
- /** Returns a list that pairs each element of this list
- * with its index, counting from 0.
- *
- * @return the list <code>List((a<sub>0</sub>,0), (a<sub>1</sub>,1), ...)</code>
- * where <code>a<sub>i</sub></code> are the elements of this list.
- */
- def zipWithIndex: List[(A, Int)] = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[(A, Int)]
- var these = this
- var idx = 0
- while(!these.isEmpty) {
- b += ((these.head, idx))
- these = these.tail
- idx += 1
- }
- b.toList
- }
- /** Returns a list formed from this list and the specified list
- * <code>that</code> by associating each element of the former with
- * the element at the same position in the latter.
- *
- * @param that list <code>that</code> may have a different length
- * as the self list.
- * @param thisElem element <code>thisElem</code> is used to fill up the
- * resulting list if the self list is shorter than
- * <code>that</code>
- * @param thatElem element <code>thatElem</code> is used to fill up the
- * resulting list if <code>that</code> is shorter than
- * the self list
- * @return <code>List((a<sub>0</sub>,b<sub>0</sub>), ...,
- * (a<sub>n</sub>,b<sub>n</sub>), (elem,b<sub>n+1</sub>),
- * ..., {elem,b<sub>m</sub>})</code>
- * when <code>[a<sub>0</sub>, ..., a<sub>n</sub>] zip
- * [b<sub>0</sub>, ..., b<sub>m</sub>]</code> is
- * invoked where <code>m &gt; n</code>.
- */
- def zipAll[B, C >: A, D >: B](that: List[B], thisElem: C, thatElem: D): List[(C, D)] = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[(C, D)]
- var these = this
- var those = that
- while (!these.isEmpty && !those.isEmpty) {
- b += ((these.head, those.head))
- these = these.tail
- those = those.tail
- }
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- b += ((these.head, thatElem))
- these = these.tail
- }
- while (!those.isEmpty) {
- b += ((thisElem, those.head))
- those = those.tail
- }
- b.toList
- }
- /** <p>
- * Computes the multiset union of this list and the given list
- * <code>that</code>. For example:
- * </p><pre>
- * <b>val</b> xs = List(1, 1, 2)
- * <b>val</b> ys = List(1, 2, 2, 3)
- * println(xs union ys) // prints "List(1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3)"
- * println(ys union xs) // prints "List(1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2)"
- * </pre>
- *
- * @param that the list of elements to add to the list.
- * @return a list containing the elements of this
- * list and those of the given list <code>that</code>.
- */
- def union[B >: A](that: List[B]): List[B] = this ++ that
- /** <p>
- * Computes the multiset intersection between this list and the
- * given list <code>that</code>; the intersection contains <i>m</i>
- * copies of an element contained in both lists, where <i>m</i> is
- * the smaller of the number of times the element appears in this
- * list or in <code>that</code>. For example:
- * </p><pre>
- * <b>val</b> xs = List(1, 1, 2)
- * <b>val</b> ys = List(3, 2, 2, 1)
- * println(xs intersect ys) // prints "List(1, 2)"
- * println(ys intersect xs) // prints "List(2, 1)"
- * </pre>
- *
- * @param that the list to intersect.
- * @return the list of elements contained both in this list and
- * in the given list <code>that</code>.
- */
- def intersect[B >: A](that: List[B]): List[B] = {
- val occ = new LinkedHashMap[B, Int]
- that foreach (e => if (occ contains e) occ(e) += 1 else occ(e) = 1)
- val buf = new ListBuffer[B]
- for (e <- this if occ contains e) {
- if (occ(e) > 0) { occ(e) -= 1; buf += e }
- }
- buf.toList
- }
- /** <p>
- * Computes the multiset difference between this list and the
- * given list <code>that</code>. If an element appears more
- * than once in both lists, the difference contains <i>m</i> copies
- * of that element, where <i>m</i> is the difference between the
- * number of times the element appears in this list and the number
- * of times it appears in <code>that</code>. For example:
- * </p><pre>
- * <b>val</b> xs = List(1, 1, 2)
- * <b>val</b> ys = List(1, 2, 2, 3)
- * println(xs diff ys) // prints "List(1)"
- * println(xs -- ys) // prints "List()"
- * </pre>
- *
- * @param that the list of elements to remove from this list.
- * @return the list of elements contained only in this list plus
- * <i>m</i> copies of each element present in both lists,
- * where <i>m</i> is defined as above.
- */
- def diff[B >: A](that: List[B]): List[B] = {
- val occ = new LinkedHashMap[B, Int]
- that foreach (e => if (occ contains e) occ(e) += 1 else occ(e) = 1)
- val buf = new ListBuffer[B]
- for (e <- this) {
- if (occ contains e)
- if (occ(e) > 0) occ(e) -= 1
- else buf += e
- else buf += e
- }
- buf.toList
- }
- /** Computes the difference between this list and the given list
- * <code>that</code>.
- *
- * @param that the list of elements to remove from this list.
- * @return this list without the elements of the given list
- * <code>that</code>.
- */
- def -- [B >: A](that: List[B]): List[B] = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[B]
- var these = this
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- if (!that.contains(these.head)) b += these.head
- these = these.tail
- }
- b.toList
- }
- /** Computes the difference between this list and the given object
- * <code>x</code>.
- *
- * @param x the object to remove from this list.
- * @return this list without the elements of the given object
- * <code>x</code>.
- */
- def - [B >: A](x: B): List[B] = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[B]
- var these = this
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- if (these.head != x) b += these.head
- these = these.tail
- }
- b.toList
- }
- /** Concatenate the elements of this list. The elements of this list
- * should be a <code>Iterables</code>.
- *
- * Note: The compiler might not be able to infer the type parameter,
- * so it is recommended to provide an explicit type argument.
- *
- * Example:
- * <code>List(List(1, 3), List(2)).flatten[Int]</code>
- * returns
- * <code>List(1, 3, 2)</code>
- *
- * @param f An implicit conversion to an <code>Iterable</code> instance.
- * @return The concatenation of all elements of iterables in this list.
- */
- def flatten[B](implicit f : A => Iterable[B]) : List[B] = {
- val buf = new ListBuffer[B]
- foreach(f(_).foreach(buf += _))
- buf.toList
- }
- /** Removes redundant elements from the list. Uses the method <code>==</code>
- * to decide if two elements are identical.
- *
- * @return the list without doubles.
- */
- def removeDuplicates: List[A] = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[A]
- var these = this
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- if (!these.tail.contains(these.head)) b += these.head
- these = these.tail
- }
- b.toList
- }
- override protected def stringPrefix = "List"
- override def projection = toStream
- override def toStream : Stream[A] = new Stream.Definite[A] {
- override def force : List[A] = List.this
- override def isEmpty = List.this.isEmpty
- override def head = List.this.head
- override def tail = List.this.tail.toStream
- protected def addDefinedElems(buf: StringBuilder, prefix: String): StringBuilder = if (!isEmpty) {
- var prefix0 = prefix
- var buf1 = buf.append(prefix0).append(head)
- prefix0 = ", "
- var tail0 = tail
- while (!tail0.isEmpty) {
- buf1 = buf.append(prefix0).append(tail0.head)
- tail0 = tail0.tail
- }
- buf1
- } else buf
- }
-/** The empty list.
- *
- * @author Martin Odersky
- * @version 1.0, 15/07/2003
- */
-@SerialVersionUID(0 - 8256821097970055419L)
-case object Nil extends List[Nothing] {
- override def isEmpty = true
- def head: Nothing =
- throw new NoSuchElementException("head of empty list")
- def tail: List[Nothing] =
- throw new NoSuchElementException("tail of empty list")
-/** A non empty list characterized by a head and a tail.
- *
- * @author Martin Odersky
- * @version 1.0, 15/07/2003
- */
-@SerialVersionUID(0L - 8476791151983527571L)
-final case class ::[B](private var hd: B, private[scala] var tl: List[B]) extends List[B] {
- def head : B = hd
- def tail : List[B] = tl
- override def isEmpty: Boolean = false
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/Numeric.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/Numeric.scala
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..4f122dd475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotnet-library/scala/Numeric.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+package scala
+object Numeric {
+// trait BigIntIsIntegral extends Integral[BigInt] {
+// def plus(x: BigInt, y: BigInt): BigInt = x + y
+// def minus(x: BigInt, y: BigInt): BigInt = x - y
+// def times(x: BigInt, y: BigInt): BigInt = x * y
+// def quot(x: BigInt, y: BigInt): BigInt = x / y
+// def rem(x: BigInt, y: BigInt): BigInt = x % y
+// def negate(x: BigInt): BigInt = -x
+// def abs(x: BigInt): BigInt = if (x < 0) -x else x
+// def signum(x: BigInt): BigInt = if (x < 0) -1 else if (x > 0) 1 else 0
+// def fromInt(x: Int): BigInt = BigInt(x)
+// def toInt(x: BigInt): Int = x.intValue
+// def toLong(x: BigInt): Long = x.longValue
+// def toFloat(x: BigInt): Float = x.longValue.toFloat
+// def toDouble(x: BigInt): Double = x.longValue.toDouble
+// }
+// implicit object BigIntIsIntegral extends BigIntIsIntegral
+ trait IntIsIntegral extends Integral[Int] {
+ def plus(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y
+ def minus(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x - y
+ def times(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x * y
+ def quot(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x / y
+ def rem(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x % y
+ def negate(x: Int): Int = -x
+ def abs(x: Int): Int = if (x < 0) -x else x
+ def signum(x: Int): Int = if (x < 0) -1 else if (x > 0) 1 else 0
+ def fromInt(x: Int): Int = x
+ def toInt(x: Int): Int = x
+ def toLong(x: Int): Long = x
+ def toFloat(x: Int): Float = x
+ def toDouble(x: Int): Double = x
+ }
+ implicit object IntIsIntegral extends IntIsIntegral
+ trait LongIsIntegral extends Integral[Long] {
+ def plus(x: Long, y: Long): Long = x + y
+ def minus(x: Long, y: Long): Long = x - y
+ def times(x: Long, y: Long): Long = x * y
+ def quot(x: Long, y: Long): Long = x / y
+ def rem(x: Long, y: Long): Long = x % y
+ def negate(x: Long): Long = -x
+ def abs(x: Long): Long = if (x < 0) -x else x
+ def signum(x: Long): Long = if (x < 0) -1 else if (x > 0) 1 else 0
+ def fromInt(x: Int): Long = x
+ def toInt(x: Long): Int = x.toInt
+ def toLong(x: Long): Long = x
+ def toFloat(x: Long): Float = x
+ def toDouble(x: Long): Double = x
+ }
+ implicit object LongIsIntegral extends LongIsIntegral
+ trait FloatIsFractional extends Fractional[Float] {
+ def plus(x: Float, y: Float): Float = x + y
+ def minus(x: Float, y: Float): Float = x - y
+ def times(x: Float, y: Float): Float = x * y
+ def div(x: Float, y: Float): Float = x / y
+ def negate(x: Float): Float = -x
+ def abs(x: Float): Float = if (x < 0) -x else x
+ def signum(x: Float): Float = if (x < 0) -1 else if (x > 0) 1 else 0
+ def fromInt(x: Int): Float = x
+ def toInt(x: Float): Int = x.toInt
+ def toLong(x: Float): Long = x.toLong
+ def toFloat(x: Float): Float = x
+ def toDouble(x: Float): Double = x
+ }
+ implicit object FloatIsFractional extends FloatIsFractional
+ trait DoubleIsFractional extends Fractional[Double] {
+ def plus(x: Double, y: Double): Double = x + y
+ def minus(x: Double, y: Double): Double = x - y
+ def times(x: Double, y: Double): Double = x * y
+ def div(x: Double, y: Double): Double = x / y
+ def negate(x: Double): Double = -x
+ def abs(x: Double): Double = if (x < 0) -x else x
+ def signum(x: Double): Double = if (x < 0) -1 else if (x > 0) 1 else 0
+ def fromInt(x: Int): Double = x
+ def toInt(x: Double): Int = x.toInt
+ def toLong(x: Double): Long = x.toLong
+ def toFloat(x: Double): Float = x.toFloat
+ def toDouble(x: Double): Double = x
+ }
+ implicit object DoubleIsFractional extends DoubleIsFractional
+trait Numeric[T] {
+ def plus(x: T, y: T): T
+ def minus(x: T, y: T): T
+ def times(x: T, y: T): T
+ def negate(x: T): T
+ def abs(x: T): T
+ def signum(x: T): T
+ def fromInt(x: Int): T
+ def toInt(x: T): Int
+ def toLong(x: T): Long
+ def toFloat(x: T): Float
+ def toDouble(x: T): Double
+ def zero = fromInt(0)
+ def one = fromInt(1)
+ class Ops(lhs: T) {
+ def +(rhs: T) = plus(lhs, rhs)
+ def -(rhs: T) = minus(lhs, rhs)
+ def *(rhs: T) = times(lhs, rhs)
+ def unary_-() = negate(lhs)
+ def abs(): T = Numeric.this.abs(lhs)
+ def signum(): T = Numeric.this.signum(lhs)
+ def toInt(): Int = Numeric.this.toInt(lhs)
+ def toLong(): Long = Numeric.this.toLong(lhs)
+ def toFloat(): Float = Numeric.this.toFloat(lhs)
+ def toDouble(): Double = Numeric.this.toDouble(lhs)
+ }
+ implicit def mkNumericOps(lhs: T): Ops = new Ops(lhs)
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/Ordering.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/Ordering.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..625f5977aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotnet-library/scala/Ordering.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+/* __ *\
+** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
+** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2009, LAMP/EPFL **
+** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
+** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
+** |/ **
+\* */
+// $Id: Ordering.scala 17712 2009-05-12 14:30:04Z extempore $
+package scala
+/** A trait for representing total orderings. It is important to
+ * distinguish between a type that has a total order and a representation
+ * of total ordering on some type. This trait is for representing the
+ * latter.
+ *
+ * A <a href="">total ordering</a>
+ * is a binary relation on a type <code>T</code> that is also an equivalence relation
+ * and partial ordering on values of type <code>T</code>. This relation is exposed as
+ * the <code>compare</code> method of the <code>Ordering</code> trait.
+ * This relation must be:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>reflexive: <code>compare(x, x) == 0</code>, for any <code>x</code> of
+ * type <code>T</code>.</li>
+ * <li>symmetry: <code>compare(x, y) == z</code> and <code>compare(y, x) == w</code>
+ * then <code>Math.signum(z) == -Math.signum(w)</code>, for any <code>x</code> and <code>y</code> of
+ * type <code>T</code> and <code>z</code> and <code>w</code> of type <code>Int</code>.</li>
+ * <li>transitive: if <code>compare(x, y) == z</code> and <code>compare(y, w) == v</code>
+ * and <code>Math.signum(z) &gt;= 0</code> and <code>Math.signum(v) &gt;= 0</code> then
+ * <code>compare(x, w) == u</code> and <code>Math.signum(z + v) == Math.signum(u)</code>,
+ * for any <code>x</code>, <code>y</code>,
+ * and <code>w</code> of type <code>T</code> and <code>z</code>, <code>v</code>, and <code>u</code>
+ * of type <code>Int</code>.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * @author Geoffrey Washburn
+ * @version 0.9.5, 2008-04-15
+ */
+trait Ordering[T] extends PartialOrdering[T] {
+ /** Returns a negative integer iff <code>x</code> comes before
+ * <code>y</code> in the ordering, returns 0 iff <code>x</code>
+ * is the same in the ordering as <code>y</code>, and returns a
+ * positive number iff <code>x</code> comes after
+ * <code>y</code> in the ordering.
+ */
+ def compare(x: T, y: T): Int
+ /** Returns <code>true</code> iff <code>x</code> comes before
+ * <code>y</code> in the ordering.
+ */
+ override def lteq(x: T, y: T): Boolean = compare(x, y) <= 0
+ /** Returns <code>true</code> iff <code>y</code> comes before
+ * <code>x</code> in the ordering.
+ */
+ override def gteq(x: T, y: T): Boolean = compare(x, y) >= 0
+ /** Returns <code>true</code> iff <code>x</code> comes before
+ * <code>y</code> in the ordering and is not the same as <code>y</code>.
+ */
+ override def lt(x: T, y: T): Boolean = compare(x, y) < 0
+ /** Returns <code>true</code> iff <code>y</code> comes before
+ * <code>x</code> in the ordering and is not the same as <code>x</code>.
+ */
+ override def gt(x: T, y: T): Boolean = compare(x, y) > 0
+ /** Returns <code>true</code> iff <code>x</code> is equivalent to
+ * <code>y</code> in the ordering.
+ */
+ override def equiv(x: T, y: T): Boolean = compare(x, y) == 0
+ class Ops(lhs: T) {
+ def <(rhs: T) = lt(lhs, rhs)
+ def <=(rhs: T) = lteq(lhs, rhs)
+ def >(rhs: T) = gt(lhs, rhs)
+ def >=(rhs: T) = gteq(lhs, rhs)
+ def ===(rhs: T) = equiv(lhs, rhs)
+ def !==(rhs: T) = !equiv(lhs, rhs)
+ }
+ implicit def mkOrderingOps(lhs: T): Ops = new Ops(lhs)
+object Ordering
+ def apply[T](implicit ord : Ordering[T]) = ord
+ implicit val Unit : Ordering[Unit] = new Ordering[Unit] {
+ def compare(x : Unit, y : Unit) = 0;
+ }
+ implicit val Boolean : Ordering[Boolean] = new Ordering[Boolean] {
+ def compare(x : Boolean, y : Boolean) = (x, y) match {
+ case (false, true) => -1;
+ case (true, false) => 1;
+ case _ => 0;
+ }
+ }
+ implicit val Byte : Ordering[Byte] = new Ordering[Byte] {
+ def compare(x : Byte, y : Byte) = x.toInt - y.toInt;
+ }
+ implicit val Char : Ordering[Char] = new Ordering[Char] {
+ def compare(x : Char, y : Char) = x.toInt - y.toInt;
+ }
+ implicit val Short : Ordering[Short] = new Ordering[Short] {
+ def compare(x : Short, y : Short) = x.toInt - y.toInt;
+ }
+ implicit val Int : Ordering[Int] = new Ordering[Int] {
+ def compare(x : Int, y : Int) =
+ if(x < y) -1;
+ else if (x == y) 0;
+ else 1
+ }
+ implicit val Long : Ordering[Long] = new Ordering[Long] {
+ def compare(x : Long, y : Long) =
+ if(x < y) -1;
+ else if (x == y) 0;
+ else 1
+ }
+ implicit val Float : Ordering[Float] = new Ordering[Float] {
+ def compare(x : Float, y : Float) =
+ if(x < y) -1;
+ else if (x == y) 0;
+ else 1
+ }
+ implicit val Double : Ordering[Double] = new Ordering[Double] {
+ def compare(x : Double, y : Double) =
+ if(x < y) -1;
+ else if (x == y) 0;
+ else 1
+ }
+// implicit val BigInt : Ordering[BigInt] = new Ordering[BigInt] {
+// def compare(x : BigInt, y : BigInt) =;
+// }
+ implicit val String : Ordering[String] = new Ordering[String] {
+ def compare(x : String, y : String) = x.compareTo(y);
+ }
+ implicit def Option[T](implicit ord : Ordering[T]) : Ordering[Option[T]] =
+ new Ordering[Option[T]] {
+ def compare(x : Option[T], y : Option[T]) = (x, y) match {
+ case (None, None) => 0;
+ case (None, _) => -1;
+ case (_, None) => 1
+ case (Some(x), Some(y)) =>, y);
+ }
+ }
+ implicit def Iterable[T](implicit ord : Ordering[T]) : Ordering[Iterable[T]] =
+ new Ordering[Iterable[T]] {
+ def compare(x : Iterable[T], y : Iterable[T]) : Int = {
+ val xe = x.elements;
+ val ye = y.elements;
+ while (xe.hasNext && ye.hasNext){
+ val res =,;
+ if (res != 0) return res;
+ }
+, ye.hasNext);
+ }
+ }
+ implicit def Tuple2[T1, T2](implicit ord1 : Ordering[T1], ord2 : Ordering[T2]) : Ordering[(T1, T2)] =
+ new Ordering[(T1, T2)]{
+ def compare(x : Tuple2[T1, T2], y : Tuple2[T1, T2]) : Int = {
+ val compare1 =, y._1);
+ if (compare1 != 0) return compare1;
+ val compare2 =, y._2);
+ if (compare2 != 0) return compare2;
+ 0;
+ }
+ }
+ implicit def Tuple3[T1, T2, T3](implicit ord1 : Ordering[T1], ord2 : Ordering[T2], ord3 : Ordering[T3]) : Ordering[(T1, T2, T3)] =
+ new Ordering[(T1, T2, T3)]{
+ def compare(x : Tuple3[T1, T2, T3], y : Tuple3[T1, T2, T3]) : Int = {
+ val compare1 =, y._1);
+ if (compare1 != 0) return compare1;
+ val compare2 =, y._2);
+ if (compare2 != 0) return compare2;
+ val compare3 =, y._3);
+ if (compare3 != 0) return compare3;
+ 0;
+ }
+ }
+ implicit def Tuple4[T1, T2, T3, T4](implicit ord1 : Ordering[T1], ord2 : Ordering[T2], ord3 : Ordering[T3], ord4 : Ordering[T4]) : Ordering[(T1, T2, T3, T4)] =
+ new Ordering[(T1, T2, T3, T4)]{
+ def compare(x : Tuple4[T1, T2, T3, T4], y : Tuple4[T1, T2, T3, T4]) : Int = {
+ val compare1 =, y._1);
+ if (compare1 != 0) return compare1;
+ val compare2 =, y._2);
+ if (compare2 != 0) return compare2;
+ val compare3 =, y._3);
+ if (compare3 != 0) return compare3;
+ val compare4 =, y._4);
+ if (compare4 != 0) return compare4;
+ 0;
+ }
+ }
+ implicit def Tuple5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5](implicit ord1 : Ordering[T1], ord2 : Ordering[T2], ord3 : Ordering[T3], ord4 : Ordering[T4], ord5 : Ordering[T5]) : Ordering[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)] =
+ new Ordering[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5)]{
+ def compare(x : Tuple5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5], y : Tuple5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5]) : Int = {
+ val compare1 =, y._1);
+ if (compare1 != 0) return compare1;
+ val compare2 =, y._2);
+ if (compare2 != 0) return compare2;
+ val compare3 =, y._3);
+ if (compare3 != 0) return compare3;
+ val compare4 =, y._4);
+ if (compare4 != 0) return compare4;
+ val compare5 =, y._5);
+ if (compare5 != 0) return compare5;
+ 0;
+ }
+ }
+ implicit def Tuple6[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6](implicit ord1 : Ordering[T1], ord2 : Ordering[T2], ord3 : Ordering[T3], ord4 : Ordering[T4], ord5 : Ordering[T5], ord6 : Ordering[T6]) : Ordering[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6)] =
+ new Ordering[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6)]{
+ def compare(x : Tuple6[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6], y : Tuple6[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6]) : Int = {
+ val compare1 =, y._1);
+ if (compare1 != 0) return compare1;
+ val compare2 =, y._2);
+ if (compare2 != 0) return compare2;
+ val compare3 =, y._3);
+ if (compare3 != 0) return compare3;
+ val compare4 =, y._4);
+ if (compare4 != 0) return compare4;
+ val compare5 =, y._5);
+ if (compare5 != 0) return compare5;
+ val compare6 =, y._6);
+ if (compare6 != 0) return compare6;
+ 0;
+ }
+ }
+ implicit def Tuple7[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7](implicit ord1 : Ordering[T1], ord2 : Ordering[T2], ord3 : Ordering[T3], ord4 : Ordering[T4], ord5 : Ordering[T5], ord6 : Ordering[T6], ord7 : Ordering[T7]) : Ordering[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7)] =
+ new Ordering[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7)]{
+ def compare(x : Tuple7[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7], y : Tuple7[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7]) : Int = {
+ val compare1 =, y._1);
+ if (compare1 != 0) return compare1;
+ val compare2 =, y._2);
+ if (compare2 != 0) return compare2;
+ val compare3 =, y._3);
+ if (compare3 != 0) return compare3;
+ val compare4 =, y._4);
+ if (compare4 != 0) return compare4;
+ val compare5 =, y._5);
+ if (compare5 != 0) return compare5;
+ val compare6 =, y._6);
+ if (compare6 != 0) return compare6;
+ val compare7 =, y._7);
+ if (compare7 != 0) return compare7;
+ 0;
+ }
+ }
+ implicit def Tuple8[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8](implicit ord1 : Ordering[T1], ord2 : Ordering[T2], ord3 : Ordering[T3], ord4 : Ordering[T4], ord5 : Ordering[T5], ord6 : Ordering[T6], ord7 : Ordering[T7], ord8 : Ordering[T8]) : Ordering[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8)] =
+ new Ordering[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8)]{
+ def compare(x : Tuple8[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8], y : Tuple8[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8]) : Int = {
+ val compare1 =, y._1);
+ if (compare1 != 0) return compare1;
+ val compare2 =, y._2);
+ if (compare2 != 0) return compare2;
+ val compare3 =, y._3);
+ if (compare3 != 0) return compare3;
+ val compare4 =, y._4);
+ if (compare4 != 0) return compare4;
+ val compare5 =, y._5);
+ if (compare5 != 0) return compare5;
+ val compare6 =, y._6);
+ if (compare6 != 0) return compare6;
+ val compare7 =, y._7);
+ if (compare7 != 0) return compare7;
+ val compare8 =, y._8);
+ if (compare8 != 0) return compare8;
+ 0;
+ }
+ }
+ implicit def Tuple9[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9](implicit ord1 : Ordering[T1], ord2 : Ordering[T2], ord3 : Ordering[T3], ord4 : Ordering[T4], ord5 : Ordering[T5], ord6 : Ordering[T6], ord7 : Ordering[T7], ord8 : Ordering[T8], ord9 : Ordering[T9]) : Ordering[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9)] =
+ new Ordering[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9)]{
+ def compare(x : Tuple9[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9], y : Tuple9[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9]) : Int = {
+ val compare1 =, y._1);
+ if (compare1 != 0) return compare1;
+ val compare2 =, y._2);
+ if (compare2 != 0) return compare2;
+ val compare3 =, y._3);
+ if (compare3 != 0) return compare3;
+ val compare4 =, y._4);
+ if (compare4 != 0) return compare4;
+ val compare5 =, y._5);
+ if (compare5 != 0) return compare5;
+ val compare6 =, y._6);
+ if (compare6 != 0) return compare6;
+ val compare7 =, y._7);
+ if (compare7 != 0) return compare7;
+ val compare8 =, y._8);
+ if (compare8 != 0) return compare8;
+ val compare9 =, y._9);
+ if (compare9 != 0) return compare9;
+ 0;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/Predef.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/Predef.scala
index da2255e3a9..eae88b94bc 100644
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/Predef.scala
+++ b/src/dotnet-library/scala/Predef.scala
@@ -52,10 +52,15 @@ object Predef {
type UnsupportedOperationException = System.InvalidOperationException
type IllegalArgumentException = System.ArgumentException
type NoSuchElementException = System.InvalidOperationException
- //type NumberFormatException = java.lang.NumberFormatException
+ type NumberFormatException = System.FormatException
+ type AbstractMethodError = System.InvalidOperationException
// miscelleaneous -----------------------------------------------------
+ private val P = scala.`package` // to force scala package object to be seen.
+ private val L = scala.collection.immutable.List // to force Nil, :: to be seen.
+ private val S = scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder // to force StringBuilder to be seen.
//val $scope = scala.xml.TopScope
type Function[-A, +B] = Function1[A, B]
@@ -184,7 +189,6 @@ object Predef {
implicit def unitWrapper(x: Boolean) = new runtime.RichUnit
implicit def stringWrapper(x: String) = new runtime.RichString(x)
- //implicit def stringBuilderWrapper(x : StringBuilder): runtime.RichStringBuilder = new runtime.RichStringBuilder(x)
implicit def any2stringadd(x: Any) = new runtime.StringAdd(x)
@@ -323,7 +327,7 @@ object Predef {
implicit def float2double(x: Float): Double = x.toDouble
- implicit def forceArrayProjection[A](x : Array.Projection[A]) : Array[A] = x.force
+ //implicit def forceArrayProjection[A](x : Array.Projection[A]) : Array[A] = x.force !!! re-enable?
def currentThread = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/Range.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/Range.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..617a0f78b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotnet-library/scala/Range.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+/* __ *\
+** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
+** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2006-2009, LAMP/EPFL **
+** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
+** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
+** |/ **
+\* */
+// $Id: Range.scala 17726 2009-05-13 19:53:43Z extempore $
+package scala
+import collection.immutable.Vector
+import collection.generic.VectorView
+/** <p>
+ * <code>GenericRange</code> is a generified version of the
+ * <code>Range</code> class which works with arbitrary types.
+ * It must be supplied with Integral and Ordering implementations
+ * of the range type.
+ *
+ * Factories for likely types include Range.BigInt and Range.Long.
+ * Range.Int exists for completeness, but the Int-based scala.Range
+ * should be more performant.
+ * </p><pre>
+ * <b>val</b> r1 = new Range(0, 100, 1)
+ * <b>val</b> veryBig = Math.MAX_INT.toLong + 1
+ * <b>val</b> r2 = Range.Long(veryBig, veryBig + 100, 1)
+ * assert(r1 sameElements - veryBig))
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * @author Paul Phillips
+ * @version 2.8
+ */
+abstract class GenericRange[T]
+ (val start: T, val end: T, val step: T)
+ (implicit num: Integral[T], ord: Ordering[T])
+extends VectorView[T, Vector[T]] with RangeToString[T] {
+ import num._
+ import ord._
+ // this lets us pretend all ranges are exclusive
+ val isInclusive: Boolean
+ private val trueEnd = if (isInclusive) end + one else end
+ // todo? - we could lift the length restriction by implementing a range as a sequence of
+ // subranges and limiting the subranges to MAX_INT. There's no other way around it because
+ // the generics we inherit assume integer-based indexing (as well they should.)
+ require(step !== zero)
+ require(genericLength <= fromInt(Math.MAX_INT), "Implementation restricts ranges to Math.MAX_INT elements.")
+ protected def underlying = Vector.empty[T]
+ /** Create a new range with the start and end values of this range and
+ * a new <code>step</code>.
+ */
+ def by(step: T): GenericRange[T] =
+ if (isInclusive) GenericRange.inclusive(start, end, step)
+ else GenericRange(start, end, step)
+ override def foreach[U](f: T => U) {
+ var i = start
+ if (step > zero) {
+ while (i < trueEnd) {
+ f(i)
+ i = i + step
+ }
+ } else {
+ while (i > trueEnd) {
+ f(i)
+ i = i + step
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lazy val genericLength: T = {
+ def plen(start: T, end: T, step: T) =
+ if (trueEnd <= start) zero
+ else (trueEnd - start - one) / step + one
+ if (step > zero) plen(start, trueEnd, step)
+ else plen(trueEnd, start, -step)
+ }
+ lazy val length: Int = toInt(genericLength)
+ // Since apply(Int) already exists, we are not allowed apply(T) since
+ // they erase to the same thing.
+ def apply(idx: Int): T = applyAt(fromInt(idx))
+ def applyAt(idx: T): T = {
+ if (idx < zero || idx >= genericLength) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(idx.toString)
+ start + idx * step
+ }
+ override def contains(_x: Any): Boolean = {
+ // XXX - can we avoid this cast and still have a contains method?
+ val x =
+ try { _x.asInstanceOf[T] }
+ catch { case _: ClassCastException => return false }
+ if (step > zero) start <= x && x < trueEnd
+ else start >= x && x > trueEnd
+ }
+private[scala] trait RangeToString[T] extends VectorView[T, Vector[T]] {
+ // The default toString() tries to print every element and will exhaust memory
+ // if the Range is unduly large. This interacts poorly with the REPL.
+ override def toString() = {
+ val MAX_PRINT = 512 // some arbitrary value
+ val str = (this take MAX_PRINT).toString
+ if (length > MAX_PRINT) str.substring(0, str.length-1) + "...)"
+ else str
+ }
+object GenericRange {
+ import Numeric._
+ import Ordering._
+ class Inclusive[T](start: T, end: T, step: T)(implicit num: Integral[T], ord: Ordering[T])
+ extends GenericRange(start, end, step)
+ {
+ val isInclusive = true
+ def exclusive: Exclusive[T] = new Exclusive(start, end, step)
+ }
+ class Exclusive[T](start: T, end: T, step: T)(implicit num: Integral[T], ord: Ordering[T])
+ extends GenericRange(start, end, step)
+ {
+ val isInclusive = false
+ def inclusive: Inclusive[T] = new Inclusive(start, end, step)
+ }
+ def apply[T](start: T, end: T, step: T)(implicit num: Integral[T], ord: Ordering[T]) =
+ new Exclusive(start, end, step)
+ def inclusive[T](start: T, end: T, step: T)(implicit num: Integral[T], ord: Ordering[T]) =
+ new Inclusive(start, end, step)
+/** <p>
+ * The <code>Range</code> class represents integer values in range
+ * <code>[start;end)</code> with non-zero step value <code>step</code>.
+ * Sort of acts like a sequence also (supports length and contains).
+ * For example:
+ * </p><pre>
+ * <b>val</b> r1 = 0 until 10
+ * <b>val</b> r2 = r1.start until r1.end by r1.step + 1
+ * println(r2.length) // = 5
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * @author Martin Odersky
+ * @version 2.8
+ */
+class Range(val start: Int, val end: Int, val step: Int)
+extends VectorView[Int, Vector[Int]] with RangeToString[Int]
+ require(step != 0)
+ protected def underlying = Vector.empty[Int]
+ /** Create a new range with the start and end values of this range and
+ * a new <code>step</code>.
+ */
+ def by(step: Int): Range = new Range(start, end, step)
+ final override def foreach[U](f: Int => U) {
+ var i = start
+ if (step > 0) {
+ while (i < end) {
+ f(i)
+ i += step
+ }
+ } else {
+ while (i > end) {
+ f(i)
+ i += step
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lazy val length: Int = {
+ def plen(start: Int, end: Int, step: Int) =
+ if (end <= start) 0 else (end - start - 1) / step + 1
+ if (step > 0) plen(start, end, step)
+ else plen(end, start, -step)
+ }
+ @inline
+ final def apply(idx: Int): Int = {
+ if (idx < 0 || idx >= length) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(idx.toString)
+ start + idx * step
+ }
+ def contains(x: Int): Boolean =
+ if (step > 0) start <= x && x < end
+ else start >= x && x > end
+ def inclusive = Range.inclusive(start, end, step)
+object Range {
+ /** @deprecated use Range.inclusive instead */
+ final class Inclusive(start: Int, end0: Int, step: Int)
+ extends Range(start, if (step > 0) end0 + 1 else end0 - 1, step) { self =>
+ override def by(step: Int): Range = new Inclusive(start, end0, step)
+ }
+ def apply(start: Int, end: Int, step: Int) =
+ new Range(start, end, step)
+ def inclusive(start: Int, end: Int, step: Int): Range =
+ new Range.Inclusive(start, end, step)
+// object BigInt {
+// def apply(start: BigInt, end: BigInt, step: BigInt) = GenericRange(start, end, step)
+// def inclusive(start: BigInt, end: BigInt, step: BigInt) = GenericRange.inclusive(start, end, step)
+// }
+ object Long {
+ def apply(start: Long, end: Long, step: Long) = GenericRange(start, end, step)
+ def inclusive(start: Long, end: Long, step: Long) = GenericRange.inclusive(start, end, step)
+ }
+ // Illustrating genericity with Int Range, which should have the same behavior
+ // as the original Range class. However we leave the original Range
+ // indefinitely, for performance and because the compiler seems to bootstrap
+ // off it and won't do so with our parameterized version without modifications.
+ object Int {
+ def apply(start: Int, end: Int, step: Int) = GenericRange(start, end, step)
+ def inclusive(start: Int, end: Int, step: Int) = GenericRange.inclusive(start, end, step)
+ }
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/JavaConversions.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/JavaConversions.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..381f93aaaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/JavaConversions.scala
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/* JavaConversions does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scalax/collection/immutable/List.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/immutable/List.scala
index 72af5a0278..dd3ed146c3 100644
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scalax/collection/immutable/List.scala
+++ b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/immutable/List.scala
@@ -9,11 +9,10 @@
// $Id: List.scala 16287 2008-10-18 13:41:36Z nielsen $
-package scalax.collection.immutable
+package scala.collection.immutable
import mutable.ListBuffer
-import generic.{SequenceTemplate, SequenceFactory, EmptyIterableFactory, Builder}
-import annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
+import generic._
/** A class representing an ordered collection of elements of type
* <code>a</code>. This class comes with two implementing case
@@ -24,11 +23,13 @@ import annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
* @author Martin Odersky and others
* @version 2.8
-sealed abstract class List[+A] extends Stream[A]
- with SequenceTemplate[List, A @uncheckedVariance]
- with Product {
+sealed abstract class List[+A] extends LinearSequence[A]
+ with Product
+ with TraversableClass[A, List]
+ with LinearSequenceTemplate[A, List[A]] {
+ override def companion: Companion[List] = List
- import collection.{Iterable, OrderedIterable, Sequence, Vector}
+ import collection.{Iterable, Traversable, Sequence, Vector}
/** Returns true if the list does not contain any elements.
* @return <code>true</code>, iff the list is empty.
@@ -49,9 +50,6 @@ sealed abstract class List[+A] extends Stream[A]
def tail: List[A]
- /** Creates a list buffer as builder for this class */
- override def newBuilder[B]: Builder[List, B] = new ListBuffer[B]
// New methods in List
/** <p>
@@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ sealed abstract class List[+A] extends Stream[A]
* @ex <code>1 :: List(2, 3) = List(2, 3).::(1) = List(1, 2, 3)</code>
def ::[B >: A] (x: B): List[B] =
- new scalax.collection.immutable.::(x, this)
+ new scala.collection.immutable.::(x, this)
/** <p>
* Returns a list resulting from the concatenation of the given
@@ -99,7 +97,7 @@ sealed abstract class List[+A] extends Stream[A]
/** Apply a function to all the elements of the list, and return the
* reversed list of results. This is equivalent to a call to <code>map</code>
* followed by a call to <code>reverse</code>, but more efficient.
- * !!! should we deprecate this? Why have reverseMap, but not filterMap, say?
+ * !!! should we deprecate this? Why have reverseMap, but not filterMap or reverseFilter, say?
* @param f the function to apply to each elements.
* @return the reversed list of results.
@@ -112,8 +110,8 @@ sealed abstract class List[+A] extends Stream[A]
/** Like xs map f, but returns <code>xs</code> unchanged if function
- * <code>f</code> maps all elements to themselves (wrt eq)
- * @note Unlike `map`, `mapConserve` is not tail-recursive
+ * <code>f</code> maps all elements to themselves (wrt ==).
+ * @note Unlike `map`, `mapConserve` is not tail-recursive.
def mapConserve[B >: A] (f: A => B): List[B] = {
def loop(ys: List[A]): List[B] =
@@ -121,7 +119,7 @@ sealed abstract class List[+A] extends Stream[A]
else {
val head0 = ys.head
val head1 = f(head0)
- if (head1.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq head0.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) {
+ if (head1 == head0) {
} else {
val ys1 = head1 :: ys.tail.mapConserve(f)
@@ -142,10 +140,20 @@ sealed abstract class List[+A] extends Stream[A]
// Overridden methods from IterableTemplate or overloaded variants of such methods
- /** Appends two list objects.
+ /** Create a new list which contains all elements of this list
+ * followed by all elements of Traversable `that'
+ */
+ override def ++[B >: A, That](that: Traversable[B])(implicit bf: BuilderFactory[B, That, List[A]]): That = {
+ val b = bf(this)
+ if (b.isInstanceOf[ListBuffer[_]]) (this ::: that.toList).asInstanceOf[That]
+ else super.++(that)
+ }
+ /** Create a new list which contains all elements of this list
+ * followed by all elements of Iterator `that'
- override def ++[B >: A](that: Iterable[B]): List[B] =
- this ::: that.toList
+ override def ++[B >: A, That](that: Iterator[B])(implicit bf: BuilderFactory[B, That, List[A]]): That =
+ this ++ that.toList
/** Overrides the method in Iterable for efficiency.
@@ -195,9 +203,9 @@ sealed abstract class List[+A] extends Stream[A]
* @return the list with elements belonging to the given index range.
override def slice(start: Int, end: Int): List[A] = {
- val s = start max 0
- val e = end min this.length
- drop(s) take (e - s)
+ var len = end
+ if (start > 0) len -= start
+ drop(start) take len
/** Returns the rightmost <code>n</code> elements from this list.
@@ -279,128 +287,25 @@ sealed abstract class List[+A] extends Stream[A]
(b.toList, these)
- /** Returns the list resulting from applying the given function <code>f</code> to each
- * element of this list.
- *
- * @param f function to apply to each element.
- * @return <code>[f(a0), ..., f(an)]</code> if this list is <code>[a0, ..., an]</code>.
+ /** A list consisting of all elements of this list in reverse order.
- final override def map[B](f: A => B): List[B] = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[B]
+ override def reverse: List[A] = {
+ var result: List[A] = Nil
var these = this
while (!these.isEmpty) {
- b += f(these.head)
+ result = these.head :: result
these = these.tail
- b.toList
- }
- /** Returns all the elements of this list that satisfy the
- * predicate <code>p</code>. The order of the elements is preserved.
- * It is guarenteed that the receiver list itself is returned iff all its
- * elements satisfy the predicate `p'. Hence the following equality is valid:
- *
- * (xs filter p) eq xs == xs forall p
- *
- * @param p the predicate used to filter the list.
- * @return the elements of this list satisfying <code>p</code>.
- */
- final override def filter(p: A => Boolean): List[A] = {
- // return same list if all elements satisfy p
- var these = this
- var allTrue = true
- val b = new ListBuffer[A]
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- if (p(these.head)) b += these.head
- else allTrue = false
- these = these.tail
- }
- if (allTrue) this else b.toList
- }
- /** Applies the given function <code>f</code> to each element of
- * this list, then concatenates the results.
- *
- * @param f the function to apply on each element.
- * @return <code>f(a<sub>0</sub>) ::: ... ::: f(a<sub>n</sub>)</code> if
- * this list is <code>[a<sub>0</sub>, ..., a<sub>n</sub>]</code>.
- */
- final override def flatMap[B](f: A => Iterable[B]): List[B] = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[B]
- var these = this
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- b ++= f(these.head)
- these = these.tail
- }
- b.toList
- }
- /** Returns a list formed from this list and the specified list
- * <code>that</code> by associating each element of the former with
- * the element at the same position in the latter.
- * If one of the two lists is longer than the other, its remaining elements are ignored.
- *
- * !!! todo: perform speed with inherited version from Iterable, and drop
- * if not significantly better
- * @return <code>List((a<sub>0</sub>,b<sub>0</sub>), ...,
- * (a<sub>min(m,n)</sub>,b<sub>min(m,n)</sub>))</code> when
- * <code>List(a<sub>0</sub>, ..., a<sub>m</sub>)
- * zip List(b<sub>0</sub>, ..., b<sub>n</sub>)</code> is invoked.
- */
- def zip[B](that: List[B]): List[(A, B)] = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[(A, B)]
- var these = this
- var those = that
- while (!these.isEmpty && !those.isEmpty) {
- b += ((these.head, those.head))
- these = these.tail
- those = those.tail
- }
- b.toList
- }
- /** Returns a list formed from this list and the specified list
- * <code>that</code> by associating each element of the former with
- * the element at the same position in the latter.
- *
- * @param that list <code>that</code> may have a different length
- * as the self list.
- * @param thisElem element <code>thisElem</code> is used to fill up the
- * resulting list if the self list is shorter than
- * <code>that</code>
- * @param thatElem element <code>thatElem</code> is used to fill up the
- * resulting list if <code>that</code> is shorter than
- * the self list
- * @return <code>List((a<sub>0</sub>,b<sub>0</sub>), ...,
- * (a<sub>n</sub>,b<sub>n</sub>), (elem,b<sub>n+1</sub>),
- * ..., {elem,b<sub>m</sub>})</code>
- * when <code>[a<sub>0</sub>, ..., a<sub>n</sub>] zip
- * [b<sub>0</sub>, ..., b<sub>m</sub>]</code> is
- * invoked where <code>m &gt; n</code>.
- */
- def zipAll[B, C >: A, D >: B](that: List[B], thisElem: C, thatElem: D): List[(C, D)] = {
- val b = new ListBuffer[(C, D)]
- var these = this
- var those = that
- while (!these.isEmpty && !those.isEmpty) {
- b += ((these.head, those.head))
- these = these.tail
- those = those.tail
- }
- while (!these.isEmpty) {
- b += ((these.head, thatElem))
- these = these.tail
- }
- while (!those.isEmpty) {
- b += ((thisElem, those.head))
- those = those.tail
- }
- b.toList
+ result
override def stringPrefix = "List"
- override def toStream : Stream[A] = this
+ override def toStream : Stream[A] =
+ if (isEmpty) Stream.Empty
+ else new Stream.Cons(head, tail.toStream)
+ // !!! todo: work in patch
/** Computes the difference between this list and the given list
* <code>that</code>.
@@ -424,7 +329,7 @@ sealed abstract class List[+A] extends Stream[A]
* <code>x</code>.
* @param x the object to remove from this list.
- * @return this list without the elements of the given object
+ * @return this list without occurrences of the given object
* <code>x</code>.
* @deprecated use diff instead
@@ -532,6 +437,10 @@ case object Nil extends List[Nothing] {
throw new NoSuchElementException("head of empty list")
override def tail: List[Nothing] =
throw new NoSuchElementException("tail of empty list")
+ override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
+ case that1: Sequence[_] => that1.isEmpty
+ case _ => false
+ }
/** A non empty list characterized by a head and a tail.
@@ -540,25 +449,51 @@ case object Nil extends List[Nothing] {
* @version 1.0, 15/07/2003
@SerialVersionUID(0L - 8476791151983527571L)
-final case class ::[B](private var hd: B, private[scalax] var tl: List[B]) extends List[B] {
+final case class ::[B](private var hd: B, private[scala] var tl: List[B]) extends List[B] {
override def head : B = hd
override def tail : List[B] = tl
override def isEmpty: Boolean = false
+// import
+// private def writeObject(out: ObjectOutputStream) {
+// var xs: List[B] = this
+// while (!xs.isEmpty) { out.writeObject(xs.head); xs = xs.tail }
+// out.writeObject(ListSerializeEnd)
+// }
+// private def readObject(in: ObjectInputStream) {
+// hd = in.readObject.asInstanceOf[B]
+// assert(hd != ListSerializeEnd)
+// var current: ::[B] = this
+// while (true) in.readObject match {
+// case ListSerializeEnd =>
+// = Nil
+// return
+// case a : Any =>
+// val list : ::[B] = new ::(a.asInstanceOf[B], Nil)
+// = list
+// current = list
+// }
+// }
/** This object provides methods for creating specialized lists, and for
* transforming special kinds of lists (e.g. lists of lists).
- * @author Martin Odersky and others
- * @version 1.0, 15/07/2003
+ * @author Martin Odersky
+ * @version 2.8
-object List extends SequenceFactory[List] with EmptyIterableFactory[List] {
+object List extends SequenceFactory[List] {
+ import collection.{Iterable, Sequence, Vector}
- override val empty: List[Nothing] = Nil
+ implicit def builderFactory[A]: BuilderFactory[A, List[A], Coll] = new VirtualBuilderFactory[A]
+ def newBuilder[A]: Builder[A, List[A]] = new ListBuffer[A]
- override def apply[A](xs: A*) = xs.asInstanceOf[Iterable[A]].toList // !@!
+ override def empty[A]: List[A] = Nil
- override def newBuilder[B]: Builder[List, B] = new ListBuffer[B]
+ override def apply[A](xs: A*): List[A] = xs.toList
/** Create a sorted list with element values
* <code>v<sub>n+1</sub> = step(v<sub>n</sub>)</code>
@@ -748,8 +683,7 @@ object List extends SequenceFactory[List] with EmptyIterableFactory[List] {
* @return the string as a list of characters.
* @deprecated use <code>str.toList</code> instead
- @deprecated def fromString(str: String): List[Char] =
- str.toList.asInstanceOf[List[Char]] // !@!
+ @deprecated def fromString(str: String): List[Char] = str.toList
/** Returns the given list of characters as a string.
@@ -925,5 +859,5 @@ object List extends SequenceFactory[List] with EmptyIterableFactory[List] {
/** Only used for list serialization */
@SerialVersionUID(0L - 8476791151975527571L)
-private[scalax] case object ListSerializeEnd
+private[scala] case object ListSerializeEnd
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/ArrayList.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/ArrayList.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b708c82a82..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/ArrayList.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* ArrayList does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Buffer.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Buffer.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e90266c12c..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Buffer.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* Buffer does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/BufferIterator.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/BufferIterator.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4807032991..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/BufferIterator.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* BufferIterator does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/BufferWrapper.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/BufferWrapper.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ba776946e2..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/BufferWrapper.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* BufferWrapper does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Collection.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Collection.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6972e147bb..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Collection.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* Collection does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/CollectionWrapper.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/CollectionWrapper.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 7006b11d7e..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/CollectionWrapper.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* CollectionWrapper does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Conversions.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Conversions.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 97c99f62a9..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Conversions.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* Conversions does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/HashMap.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/HashMap.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e62738f04f..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/HashMap.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* HashMap does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/HashSet.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/HashSet.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c2599b23ad..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/HashSet.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* HashSet does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Hashtable.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Hashtable.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index cf07705526..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Hashtable.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* Hashtable does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/IdentityHashMap.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/IdentityHashMap.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e121285da2..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/IdentityHashMap.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* IdentityHashMap does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/IterableWrapper.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/IterableWrapper.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 076d707d99..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/IterableWrapper.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* IterableWrapper does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/LinkedHashMap.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/LinkedHashMap.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 77de6a4f44..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/LinkedHashMap.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* LinkedHashMap does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/LinkedHashSet.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/LinkedHashSet.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3de125b5b1..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/LinkedHashSet.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* LinkedHashSet does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/LinkedList.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/LinkedList.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e512dd45f3..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/LinkedList.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* LinkedList does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Map.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Map.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index aed3a996e8..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Map.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* Map does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/MapWrapper.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/MapWrapper.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 77d4700908..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/MapWrapper.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* MapWrapper does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/MutableIterable.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/MutableIterable.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 87b2d9f639..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/MutableIterable.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* MutableIterable does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/MutableIterator.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/MutableIterator.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ada29b861..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/MutableIterator.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* MutableIterator does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/MutableSeq.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/MutableSeq.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 60132e8785..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/MutableSeq.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* MutableSeq does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Ranged.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Ranged.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5394b8b56c..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Ranged.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* Ranged does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/SeqIterator.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/SeqIterator.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d952baa0e..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/SeqIterator.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* SeqIterator does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Set.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Set.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c5bae7b48..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Set.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* Set does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/SetWrapper.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/SetWrapper.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 448b137163..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/SetWrapper.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* SetWrapper does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Sorted.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Sorted.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fcfe8a6b1..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Sorted.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* Sorted does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/SortedMap.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/SortedMap.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index dbbc1032d3..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/SortedMap.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* SortedMap does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/SortedMapWrapper.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/SortedMapWrapper.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index dbf001f4ef..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/SortedMapWrapper.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* SortedMapWrapper does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/SortedSet.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/SortedSet.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b7351bae2..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/SortedSet.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* SortedSet does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/SortedSetWrapper.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/SortedSetWrapper.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e2667debd2..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/SortedSetWrapper.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* SortedSetWrapper does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Tests.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Tests.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3939b18a48..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/Tests.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* Tests does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/TreeMap.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/TreeMap.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c6efabca1..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/TreeMap.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* TreeMap does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/TreeSet.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/TreeSet.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a32c527f3..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/TreeSet.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* TreeSet does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/mutable/JavaMapAdaptor.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/mutable/JavaMapAdaptor.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index fec485876c..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/mutable/JavaMapAdaptor.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* JavaMapAdaptor does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/mutable/JavaSetAdaptor.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/mutable/JavaSetAdaptor.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 36ba221cb0..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/mutable/JavaSetAdaptor.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* JavaSetAdaptor does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/StringBuilder.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/mutable/StringBuilder.scala
index fc65e6335a..2a1da07232 100644
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/StringBuilder.scala
+++ b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/mutable/StringBuilder.scala
@@ -6,29 +6,34 @@
** |/ **
\* */
-// $Id$
+// $Id: StringBuilder.scala 16884 2009-01-09 16:52:09Z cunei $
-package scala
+package scala.collection.mutable
-import Predef._
+import collection.generic._
+import scala.runtime.RichString
/** <p>
* A mutable sequence of characters. This class provides an API compatible
* with <a class="java/lang/StringBuilder" href="" target="_top">
* <code>java.lang.StringBuilder</code></a>.
- * </p>
+ * </p>generic/
* @author Stephane Micheloud
- * @version 1.0
+ * @author Martin Odersky
+ * @version 2.8
+//@SerialVersionUID(0 - 8525408645367278351L)
final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
- extends (Int => Char) {
- if (initCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException
- if (initValue eq null) throw new NullPointerException
+ extends Builder[Char, String]
+ with Vector[Char] {
+ require(initCapacity > 0)
/** The value is used for character storage. */
- private var value = new Array[Char](initCapacity + initValue.length)
+ private var array = new Array[Char](initCapacity + initValue.length)
/** The count is the number of characters used. */
private var count: Int = 0
@@ -47,31 +52,31 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
def this(capacity: Int) = this(capacity, "")
+ /** Constructs a string builder with initial characters
+ * equal to characters of `str`.
+ */
def this(str: String) = this(16, str)
- def toArray: Array[Char] = value
+ def toArray: Array[Char] = array
def length: Int = count
def length_=(n: Int) { setLength(n) }
- /** Sets the length of the character sequence.
+ /** Clears the builder contents.
+ */
+ def clear(): Unit = setLength(0)
+ /** Sets the length of the character sequence.
* @param newLength the new length
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the <code>n</code> argument is negative.
def setLength(n: Int) {
- if (n < 0)
- throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException//(n)
- if (n > value.length) expandCapacity(n)
- if (count < n)
- while (count < n) {
- value(count) = '\0'; count += 1
- }
- else
- count = n
+ require(n >= 0, n)
+ while (count < n) append('\0')
+ count = n
/** Returns the current capacity. The capacity is the amount of storage
@@ -80,10 +85,13 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
* @return the current capacity
- def capacity: Int = value.length
+ def capacity: Int = array.length
- /** Same as <code>ensureCapacity</code>. */
- def capacity_=(n: Int) { ensureCapacity(n) }
+ /** Same as <code>ensureCapacity</code>.
+ * @deprecated use `ensureCapacity` instead. An assignment is misleading
+ * because it can never decrease the capacity.
+ */
+ @deprecated def capacity_=(n: Int) { ensureCapacity(n) }
/** <p>
* Ensures that the capacity is at least equal to the specified minimum.
@@ -102,15 +110,14 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
* @param n the minimum desired capacity.
def ensureCapacity(n: Int) {
- if (n > value.length) expandCapacity(n)
- }
- private def expandCapacity(n: Int) {
- val newCapacity = (value.length + 1) * 2
- value = StringBuilder.copyOf(
- value,
- if (newCapacity < 0) Math.MAX_INT else if (n > newCapacity) n else newCapacity
- )
+ if (n > array.length) {
+ var newsize = array.length * 2
+ while (n > newsize)
+ newsize = newsize * 2
+ val newar = new Array[Char](newsize)
+ Array.copy(array, 0, newar, 0, count)
+ array = newar
+ }
/** <p>
@@ -131,7 +138,7 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
def charAt(index: Int): Char = {
if (index < 0 || index >= count)
throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException//(index)
- value(index)
+ array(index)
/** Same as <code>charAt</code>. */
@@ -150,7 +157,7 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
def deleteCharAt(index: Int): StringBuilder = {
if (index < 0 || index >= count)
throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException//(index)
- compat.Platform.arraycopy(value, index + 1, value, index, count - index - 1)
+ compat.Platform.arraycopy(array, index + 1, array, index, count - index - 1)
count -= 1
@@ -174,7 +181,7 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
def setCharAt(index: Int, ch: Char) {
if (index < 0 || index >= count)
throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException//(index)
- value(index) = ch
+ array(index) = ch
/** Same as <code>setCharAt</code>. */
@@ -212,17 +219,26 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException//(end)
if (start > end)
throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException//(end - start)
- new String(value, start, end - start)
+ new String(array, start, end - start)
+// def subSequence(start: Int, end: Int): java.lang.CharSequence = substring(start, end)
+ /* Appends the string representation of the <code>Any</code> argument.
+ */
+ def +=(x: Char): this.type = { append(x); this }
+ def +(x: Char): this.type = { +=(x); this }
/** <p>
* Appends the string representation of the <code>Any</code>
* argument.
* </p>
* <p>
* The argument is converted to a string as if by the method
- * <code>System.Convert.ToString</code>, and the characters of
- * that string are then appended to this sequence.
+ * <code>System.Convert.ToString</code>, and the characters of that
+ * string are then appended to this sequence.
* </p>
* @param x an <code>Any</code> object.
@@ -239,12 +255,9 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
def append(s: String): StringBuilder = {
val str = if (s == null) "null" else s
val len = str.length
- if (len > 0) {
- val newCount = count + len
- if (newCount > value.length) expandCapacity(newCount)
- compat.Platform.arraycopy(str.ToCharArray, 0, value, count, len)
- count = newCount
- }
+ ensureCapacity(count + len)
+ compat.Platform.arraycopy(str.ToCharArray, 0, array, count, len)
+ count += len
@@ -258,10 +271,9 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
else {
val len = sb.length
- val newCount = count + len
- if (newCount > value.length) expandCapacity(newCount)
- compat.Platform.arraycopy(sb.toArray, 0, value, count, len)
- count = newCount
+ ensureCapacity(count + len)
+ compat.Platform.arraycopy(sb.toArray, 0, array, count, len)
+ count += len
@@ -278,8 +290,14 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
* @param x the characters to be appended.
* @return a reference to this object.
- def append(x: Seq[Char]): StringBuilder =
- append(x.toArray, 0, x.length)
+ def appendAll(x: Seq[Char]): StringBuilder =
+ appendAll(x.toArray, 0, x.length)
+ /* @deprecated use appendAll instead. This method is deprecated
+ * because of the possible confusion with `append(Any)`.
+ */
+ @deprecated def append(x: Seq[Char]): StringBuilder =
+ appendAll(x)
/** <p>
* Appends the string representation of the <code>Char</code> array
@@ -294,8 +312,14 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
* @param x the characters to be appended.
* @return a reference to this object.
- def append(x: Array[Char]): StringBuilder =
- append(x, 0, x.length)
+ def appendAll(x: Array[Char]): StringBuilder =
+ appendAll(x, 0, x.length)
+ /** @deprecated use appendAll instead. This method is deprecated
+ * because of the possible confusion with `append(Any)`.
+ */
+ @deprecated def append(x: Array[Char]): StringBuilder =
+ appendAll(x)
/** <p>
* Appends the string representation of a subarray of the
@@ -313,51 +337,39 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
* @param len the number of <code>Char</code>s to append.
* @return a reference to this object.
- def append(x: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): StringBuilder = {
- val newCount = count + len
- if (newCount > value.length) expandCapacity(newCount)
- compat.Platform.arraycopy(x, offset, value, count, len)
- count = newCount
+ def appendAll(x: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): StringBuilder = {
+ ensureCapacity(count + len)
+ compat.Platform.arraycopy(x, offset, array, count, len)
+ count += len
+ /** @deprecated use appendAll instead. This method is deprecated
+ * because of the possible confusion with `append(Any, Int, Int)`.
+ */
+ @deprecated def append(x: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): StringBuilder =
+ appendAll(x, offset, len)
/** <p>
* Appends the string representation of the <code>Boolean</code>
* argument to the sequence.
* </p>
* <p>
* The argument is converted to a string as if by the method
- * <code>System.Convert.ToString</code>, and the characters of
- * that string are then appended to this sequence.
+ * <code>System.Convert.ToString</code>, and the characters of that
+ * string are then appended to this sequence.
* </p>
* @param x a <code>Boolean</code>.
* @return a reference to this object.
- def append(x: Boolean): StringBuilder = {
- if (x) {
- val newCount = count + 4
- if (newCount > value.length) expandCapacity(newCount)
- value(count) = 't'; count += 1
- value(count) = 'r'; count += 1
- value(count) = 'u'; count += 1
- value(count) = 'e'; count += 1
- } else {
- val newCount = count + 5
- if (newCount > value.length) expandCapacity(newCount)
- value(count) = 'f'; count += 1
- value(count) = 'a'; count += 1
- value(count) = 'l'; count += 1
- value(count) = 's'; count += 1
- value(count) = 'e'; count += 1
- }
- this
- }
+ def append(x: Boolean): StringBuilder = append(System.Convert.ToString(x))
+// def append(x: Byte): StringBuilder = append(System.Convert.ToString(x))
def append(x: Char): StringBuilder = {
- val newCount = count + 1
- if (newCount > value.length) expandCapacity(newCount)
- value(count) = x; count += 1
+ ensureCapacity(count + 1)
+ array(count) = x
+ count += 1
@@ -395,7 +407,7 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
val end0 = if (end > count) count else end
val len = end0 - start
if (len > 0) {
- compat.Platform.arraycopy(value, start + len, value, start, count - end0)
+ compat.Platform.arraycopy(array, start + len, array, start, count - end0)
count -= len
@@ -423,10 +435,10 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
val end0 = if (end > count) count else end
val len = str.length()
val newCount = count + len - (end0 - start)
- if (newCount > value.length) expandCapacity(newCount)
+ ensureCapacity(newCount)
- compat.Platform.arraycopy(value, end, value, start + len, count - end)
- compat.Platform.arraycopy(str.ToCharArray, 0, value, start, len)
+ compat.Platform.arraycopy(array, end, array, start + len, count - end)
+ compat.Platform.arraycopy(str.ToCharArray, 0, array, start, len)
count = newCount
@@ -451,21 +463,26 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
* <code>(offset+len)</code> is greater than
* <code>str.length</code>.
- def insert(index: Int, str: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): StringBuilder = {
+ def insertAll(index: Int, str: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): StringBuilder = {
if (index < 0 || index > count)
throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException//(index)
if (offset < 0 || len < 0 || offset > str.length - len)
- throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException/*(
- "offset " + offset + ", len " + len +
- ", str.length " + str.length)*/
- val newCount = count + len
- if (newCount > value.length) expandCapacity(newCount)
- compat.Platform.arraycopy(value, index, value, index + len, count - index)
- compat.Platform.arraycopy(str, offset, value, index, len)
- count = newCount
+ throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException//(
+// "offset " + offset + ", len " + len +
+// ", str.length " + str.length)
+ ensureCapacity(count + len)
+ compat.Platform.arraycopy(array, index, array, index + len, count - index)
+ compat.Platform.arraycopy(str, offset, array, index, len)
+ count += len
+ /** @deprecated use insertAll instead. This method is deprecated
+ * because of the possible confusion with `insert(Int, Any, Int, Int)`.
+ */
+ @deprecated def insert(index: Int, str: Array[Char], offset: Int, len: Int): StringBuilder =
+ insertAll(index, str, offset, len)
/** <p>
* Inserts the string representation of the <code>Any</code>
* argument into this character sequence.
@@ -502,11 +519,10 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException//(at)
val str = if (x == null) "null" else x
val len = str.length
- val newCount = count + len
- if (newCount > value.length) expandCapacity(newCount)
- compat.Platform.arraycopy(value, at, value, at + len, count - at)
- compat.Platform.arraycopy(str.ToCharArray, 0, value, at, len)
- count = newCount
+ ensureCapacity(count + len)
+ compat.Platform.arraycopy(array, at, array, at + len, count - at)
+ compat.Platform.arraycopy(str.ToCharArray, 0, array, at, len)
+ count += len
@@ -518,8 +534,14 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
* @return a reference to this object.
* @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if the offset is invalid.
- def insert(at: Int, x: Seq[Char]): StringBuilder =
- insert(at, x.toArray)
+ def insertAll(at: Int, x: Seq[Char]): StringBuilder =
+ insertAll(at, x.toArray)
+ /* @deprecated use insertAll instead. This method is deprecated
+ * because of the possible confusion with `insert(Int, Any)`.
+ */
+ @deprecated def insert(at: Int, x: Seq[Char]): StringBuilder =
+ insertAll(at, x)
/** Inserts the string representation of the <code>Char</code> array
* argument into this sequence.
@@ -529,18 +551,23 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
* @return a reference to this object.
* @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if the offset is invalid.
- def insert(at: Int, x: Array[Char]): StringBuilder = {
+ def insertAll(at: Int, x: Array[Char]): StringBuilder = {
if (at < 0 || at > count)
throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException//(at)
val len = x.length
- val newCount = count + len
- if (newCount > value.length) expandCapacity(newCount)
- compat.Platform.arraycopy(value, at, value, at + len, count - at)
- compat.Platform.arraycopy(x, 0, value, at, len)
- count = newCount
+ ensureCapacity(count + len)
+ compat.Platform.arraycopy(array, at, array, at + len, count - at)
+ compat.Platform.arraycopy(x, 0, array, at, len)
+ count += len
+ /* @deprecated use insertAll instead. This method is deprecated
+ * because of the possible confusion with `insert(Int, Any)`.
+ */
+ @deprecated def insert(at: Int, x: Array[Char]): StringBuilder =
+ insertAll(at, x)
/** <p>
* Inserts the string representation of the <code>Boolean</code> argument
* into this sequence.
@@ -557,6 +584,21 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
def insert(at: Int, x: Boolean): StringBuilder =
insert(at, System.Convert.ToString(x))
+ /** <p>
+ * Inserts the string representation of the <code>Byte</code> argument
+ * into this sequence.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * The offset argument must be greater than or equal to 0, and less than
+ * or equal to the length of this sequence.
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * @param at the offset position.
+ * @param x a <code>Byte</code> value.
+ * @return a reference to this object.
+ */
+// def insert(at: Int, x: Byte): StringBuilder =
+// insert(at, System.Convert.ToString(x))
/** <p>
* Inserts the string representation of the <code>Char</code> argument
@@ -574,11 +616,10 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
def insert(at: Int, x: Char): StringBuilder = {
if (at < 0 || at > count)
throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException//(at)
- val newCount = count + 1
- if (newCount > value.length) expandCapacity(newCount)
- compat.Platform.arraycopy(value, at, value, at + 1, count - at)
- value(at) = x
- count = newCount
+ ensureCapacity(count + 1)
+ compat.Platform.arraycopy(array, at, array, at + 1, count - at)
+ array(at) = x
+ count += 1
@@ -701,7 +742,7 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
* of the specified substring, starting at the specified index.
def indexOf(str: String, fromIndex: Int): Int =
- StringBuilder.indexOf(value, 0, count, str.ToCharArray, 0, str.length(), fromIndex)
+ StringBuilder.indexOf(array, 0, count, str.ToCharArray, 0, str.length(), fromIndex)
/** <p>
* Returns the index within this string of the rightmost occurrence
@@ -729,7 +770,7 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
* Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the
* specified substring. The integer returned is the largest value
* <code>k</code> such that:
- * </p><pre>
+ * </p><pre>val
* k <= Math.min(fromIndex, str.length()) &&
* this.toString().startsWith(str, k)</pre>
* <p>
@@ -743,7 +784,7 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
* of the specified substring.
def lastIndexOf(str: String, fromIndex: Int): Int =
- StringBuilder.lastIndexOf(value, 0, count, str.ToCharArray, 0, str.length(), fromIndex)
+ StringBuilder.lastIndexOf(array, 0, count, str.ToCharArray, 0, str.length(), fromIndex)
/** <p>
* Causes this character sequence to be replaced by the reverse of the
@@ -762,32 +803,31 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
* @return a reference to this object.
- def reverse(): StringBuilder = {
- import StringBuilder._
+ override def reverse(): StringBuilder = {
var hasSurrogate = false
val n = count - 1
var j = (n-1) >> 1
while (j >= 0) {
- val temp = value(j)
- val temp2 = value(n - j)
+ val temp = array(j)
+ val temp2 = array(n - j)
if (!hasSurrogate)
hasSurrogate =
- (temp >= MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE && temp <= MAX_LOW_SURROGATE) ||
- value(j) = temp2
- value(n - j) = temp
+ (temp >= StringBuilder.MIN_SURROGATE && temp <= StringBuilder.MAX_SURROGATE) ||
+ (temp2 >= StringBuilder.MIN_SURROGATE && temp2 <= StringBuilder.MAX_SURROGATE)
+ array(j) = temp2
+ array(n - j) = temp
j -= 1
if (hasSurrogate) {
// Reverse back all valid surrogate pairs
var i = 0
while (i < count - 1) {
- val c2 = value(i)
- if (isLowSurrogate(c2)) {
- val c1 = value(i + 1)
- if (isHighSurrogate(c1)) {
- value(i) = c1; i += 1
- value(i) = c2
+ val c2 = array(i)
+ if (StringBuilder.isLowSurrogate(c2)) {
+ val c1 = array(i + 1)
+ if (StringBuilder.isHighSurrogate(c1)) {
+ array(i) = c1; i += 1
+ array(i) = c2
i += 1
@@ -805,13 +845,16 @@ final class StringBuilder(initCapacity: Int, private val initValue: String)
* @return a string representation of this sequence of characters.
- override def toString(): String = new String(value, 0, count)
+ override def toString: String = new String(array, 0, count)
+ def result(): String = toString
-object StringBuilder
+object StringBuilder {
+ type Array[T] = scala.Array[T] // !!!
private val MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE = '\uD800'
private val MAX_HIGH_SURROGATE = '\uDBFF'
@@ -839,6 +882,8 @@ object StringBuilder
private def indexOf(source: Array[Char], sourceOffset: Int, sourceCount: Int,
target: Array[Char], targetOffset: Int, targetCount: Int,
fromIndex: Int): Int =
+ // todo: There are faster string search algorithms than this!
+ // we should use at least KMP here.
if (fromIndex >= sourceCount)
if (targetCount == 0) sourceCount else -1
else {
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/WeakHashMap.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/mutable/WeakHashMap.scala
index dbe2039713..dbe2039713 100644
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/jcl/WeakHashMap.scala
+++ b/src/dotnet-library/scala/collection/mutable/WeakHashMap.scala
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/runtime/RichChar.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/runtime/RichChar.scala
index 75599e3744..5c88cce137 100644
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/runtime/RichChar.scala
+++ b/src/dotnet-library/scala/runtime/RichChar.scala
@@ -11,8 +11,10 @@
package scala.runtime
-import Predef.NoSuchElementException
+//import java.lang.Character
+import collection.Vector
+import collection.generic.VectorView
+import Predef.{require, NoSuchElementException}
/** <p>
* For example, in the following code
@@ -51,24 +53,22 @@ final class RichChar(x: Char) extends Proxy with Ordered[Char] {
def toLowerCase: Char = System.Char.ToLower(x)
def toUpperCase: Char = System.Char.ToUpper(x)
- /** Create a <code>RandomAccessSeq.Projection[Char]</code> over the characters from 'x' to 'y' - 1
+ /** Create a <code>[Char]</code> over the characters from 'x' to 'y' - 1
- def until(limit: Char): RandomAccessSeq.Projection[Char] =
- if (limit <= x) RandomAccessSeq.empty.projection
+ def until(limit: Char): VectorView[Char, Vector[Char]] =
+ if (limit <= x) Vector.empty.view
- new RandomAccessSeq.Projection[Char] {
+ new VectorView[Char, Vector[Char]] {
+ protected def underlying = Vector.empty[Char]
def length = limit - x
def apply(i: Int): Char = {
- Predef.require(i >= 0 && i < length)
+ require(i >= 0 && i < length)
(x + i).toChar
- override def stringPrefix = "RandomAccessSeq.Projection"
- }
- //def until(y: Char): Iterator[Char] = to(y)
+ }
/** Create a <code>RandomAccessSeq.Projection[Char]</code> over the characters from 'x' to 'y'
- def to(y: Char): RandomAccessSeq.Projection[Char] = until((y + 1).toChar)
+ def to(y: Char): VectorView[Char, Vector[Char]] = until((y + 1).toChar)
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/runtime/RichInt.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/runtime/RichInt.scala
index 5d73aa83e8..3ebfc12a89 100644
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/runtime/RichInt.scala
+++ b/src/dotnet-library/scala/runtime/RichInt.scala
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
package scala.runtime
-final class RichInt(start: Int) extends Proxy with Ordered[Int] {
+final class RichInt(val start: Int) extends Proxy with Ordered[Int] {
// Proxy
def self: Any = start
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ final class RichInt(start: Int) extends Proxy with Ordered[Int] {
def until(end: Int, step: Int): Range = new Range(start, end, step)
/** like <code>until</code>, but includes the last index */
- def to(end: Int) = new Range.Inclusive(start, end, 1)
+ def to(end: Int) = Range.inclusive(start, end, 1)
def min(that: Int): Int = if (start < that) start else that
def max(that: Int): Int = if (start > that) start else that
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/runtime/RichString.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/runtime/RichString.scala
index 1151174b00..9ffdee8017 100644
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/runtime/RichString.scala
+++ b/src/dotnet-library/scala/runtime/RichString.scala
@@ -11,67 +11,40 @@
package scala.runtime
-import Predef._
+//import scala.util.matching.Regex
+import collection.generic._
+//import collection.mutable.StringBuilder
+import collection.immutable.Vector
-final class RichString(val self: String) extends Proxy with RandomAccessSeq[Char] with Ordered[String] {
- import RichString._
- override def apply(n: Int) = self charAt n
- override def length = self.length
- override def toString = self
- override def mkString = self
- override def slice(from: Int, until: Int): RichString = {
- val len = self.length
- new RichString(
- if (from >= until || from >= len)
- ""
- else {
- val from0 = if (from < 0) 0 else from
- val until0 = if (until > len) len else until
- self.substring(from0, until0)
- }
- )
- }
+object RichString {
- //override def ++ [B >: A](that: Iterable[B]): Seq[B] = {
- override def ++[B >: Char](that: Iterable[B]): RandomAccessSeq[B] = that match {
- case that: RichString => new RichString(self + that.self)
- case that => super.++(that)
- }
+ def newBuilder: Builder[Char, RichString] = new StringBuilder() mapResult (new RichString(_))
+ implicit def builderFactory: BuilderFactory[Char, RichString, RichString] = new BuilderFactory[Char, RichString, RichString] { def apply(from: RichString) = newBuilder }
+ implicit def builderFactory2: BuilderFactory[Char, RichString, String] = new BuilderFactory[Char, RichString, String] { def apply(from: String) = newBuilder }
- override def take(until: Int): RichString = slice(0, until)
+ // just statics for rich string.
+ private final val LF: Char = 0x0A
+ private final val FF: Char = 0x0C
+ private final val CR: Char = 0x0D
+ private final val SU: Char = 0x1A
- override def drop(from: Int): RichString = slice(from, self.length)
+import RichString._
- override def startsWith[B](that: Seq[B]) = that match {
- case that: RichString => self startsWith that.self
- case that => super.startsWith(that)
- }
+class RichString(val self: String) extends Proxy with Vector[Char] with VectorTemplate[Char, RichString] with PartialFunction[Int, Char] with Ordered[String] {
- override def endsWith[B](that: Seq[B]) = that match {
- case that: RichString => self endsWith that.self
- case that => super.endsWith(that)
- }
+ /** Creates a string builder buffer as builder for this class */
+ override protected[this] def newBuilder = RichString.newBuilder
- override def indexOf[B](that: Seq[B]) = that match {
- case that: RichString => self indexOf that.self
- case that => super.indexOf(that)
- }
+ /** Return element at index `n`
+ * @throws IndexOutofBoundsException if the index is not valid
+ */
+ def apply(n: Int): Char = self charAt n
- override def containsSlice[B](that: Seq[B]) = that match {
- case that: RichString => self contains that.self
- case that => super.containsSlice(that)
- }
+ def length: Int = self.length
- override def reverse: RichString = {
- val buf = new StringBuilder
- var i = self.length - 1
- while (i >= 0) {
- buf append (self charAt i)
- i -= 1
- }
- new RichString(buf.toString)
- }
+ override def mkString = self
+ override def toString = self
/** return n times the current string
@@ -184,9 +157,23 @@ final class RichString(val self: String) extends Proxy with RandomAccessSeq[Char
def stripMargin: String = stripMargin('|')
- def split(separator: Char): Array[String] = self.Split(Array(separator))
+// private def escape(ch: Char): String = "\\Q" + ch + "\\E"
+// @throws(classOf[java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException])
+// def split(separator: Char): Array[String] = self.split(escape(separator))
- def split(separators: Array[Char]): Array[String] = self.Split(separators)
+// @throws(classOf[java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException])
+// def split(separators: Array[Char]): Array[String] = {
+// val re = separators.foldLeft("[")(_+escape(_)) + "]"
+// self.split(re)
+// }
+ /** You can follow a string with `.r', turning
+ * it into a Regex. E.g.
+ *
+ * """A\w*""".r is the regular expression for identifiers starting with `A'.
+ */
+// def r: Regex = new Regex(self)
def toBoolean: Boolean = System.Boolean.Parse(self)
def toByte: Byte = System.Byte.Parse(self)
@@ -196,8 +183,19 @@ final class RichString(val self: String) extends Proxy with RandomAccessSeq[Char
def toFloat: Float = System.Single.Parse(self)
def toDouble: Double = System.Double.Parse(self)
+ private def parseBoolean(s: String): Boolean =
+ if (s != null) s.toLowerCase match {
+ case "true" => true
+ case "false" => false
+ case _ => throw new NumberFormatException("For input string: \""+s+"\"")
+ }
+ else
+ throw new NumberFormatException("For input string: \"null\"")
def toArray: Array[Char] = {
- self.ToCharArray()
+ val result = new Array[Char](length)
+ compat.Platform.arraycopy(self.ToCharArray, 0, result, 0, length)
+ result
/** <p>
@@ -214,24 +212,7 @@ final class RichString(val self: String) extends Proxy with RandomAccessSeq[Char
* @param args the arguments used to instantiating the pattern.
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- // def format(args : Any*) : String =
- // the toList is necessary right now because Array(1,2,3).toArray[Any] throws a CCE
- // Predef.format(self, args.toList.toArray[Any].asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]: _*)
+// def format(args : Any*) : String =
+// java.lang.String.format(self, args.toArray[Any].asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]]: _*)
-object RichString {
- // just statics for rich string.
- private final val LF: Char = 0x0A
- private final val FF: Char = 0x0C
- private final val CR: Char = 0x0D
- private final val SU: Char = 0x1A
- private def parseBoolean(s: String): Boolean =
- if (s != null) s.toLowerCase match {
- case "true" => true
- case "false" => false
- case _ => throw new System.FormatException("For input string: \""+s+"\"")
- }
- else
- throw new System.FormatException("For input string: \"null\"")
diff --git a/src/dotnet-library/scala/runtime/RichStringBuilder.scala b/src/dotnet-library/scala/runtime/RichStringBuilder.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 67c1c793e6..0000000000
--- a/src/dotnet-library/scala/runtime/RichStringBuilder.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-/* RichStringBuilder does not exist for the dotnet target */
diff --git a/src/library/scala/Predef.scala b/src/library/scala/Predef.scala
index 600ea56dd3..c1a7024117 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/Predef.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/Predef.scala
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ object Predef {
type IllegalArgumentException = java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
type NoSuchElementException = java.util.NoSuchElementException
type NumberFormatException = java.lang.NumberFormatException
+ type AbstractMethodError = java.lang.AbstractMethodError
// miscelleaneous -----------------------------------------------------