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4 files changed, 167 insertions, 160 deletions
diff --git a/src/library/scala/reflect/DynamicProxy.scala b/src/library/scala/reflect/DynamicProxy.scala
index 8449cb4063..ffd1e7a39f 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/reflect/DynamicProxy.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/reflect/DynamicProxy.scala
@@ -1,67 +1,74 @@
-package scala.reflect
- * A dynamic proxy which redirect method calls and attribute access to a given
- * target object at runtime using reflection.
- * A usage example can be found in test/files/run/dynamic-reflect.scala
- * Not supported (yet):
- * - implicit conversions and parameters
- * - multiple arguments lists
- * - explicit type arguments
- */
-trait DynamicProxy extends Dynamic{
- val dynamicProxyTarget : AnyRef
- import scala.reflect.mirror._
- /**
- * boxing to preserve information on primitive types for overloading resolution
- */
- case class DynamicReflectBoxed( class_ : Class[_], value: Any )
- object DynamicReflectBoxed{
- implicit def box[@specialized T]( v:T ) = DynamicReflectBoxed( v.getClass, v )
- }
- def selectDynamic( method:String ) = {
- val symbol = classToType( dynamicProxyTarget.getClass ).member( newTermName(method).encodedName )
- invoke( dynamicProxyTarget, symbol )()
- }
- def updateDynamic( method:String )( value : Any ) = {
- val symbol = classToType( dynamicProxyTarget.getClass ).member( newTermName(method+"_=").encodedName )
- invoke( dynamicProxyTarget, symbol )( value )
- }
- def applyDynamic( method:String )( args:DynamicReflectBoxed* ) : Any
- = applyDynamicNamed( method )( value => ("",value) ) :_* )
- def applyDynamicNamed( method:String )( args:(String,DynamicReflectBoxed)* ) : Any = {
- val class_ = dynamicProxyTarget.getClass
- var i = 0
- val toolbox = mkToolBox(mkConsoleReporter(),"")
- val symbol = classToType( dynamicProxyTarget.getClass ).member( newTermName(method).encodedName )
- if(args.size == 0){
- invoke( dynamicProxyTarget, symbol )()
- } else {
- val call =
- Apply(
- Select(
- TypeApply(
- Select(
- Select(
- Ident(newFreeTerm("__this", symbolForName("scala.reflect.DynamicProxy").asType, this, null))
- , newTermName("dynamicProxyTarget")
- ),
- newTermName("asInstanceOf") )
- , List(TypeTree().setType(classToType(class_)))
- )
- ,newTermName(method).encodedName
- )
- ,{ case(name,box) =>
- val value = Ident(newFreeTerm("__arg"+({i+=1;i}.toString), classToType(box.class_), box.value, null))
- if( name == "" ) value
- else AssignOrNamedArg( Ident(name), value )
- }.toList
- )
- toolbox.runExpr( call )
- }
- }
+package scala.reflect
+ * A dynamic proxy which redirects method calls and attribute access to a given
+ * target object at runtime using reflection.
+ *
+ * Usage example:
+ *
+ * object x{ def hello = "hello world" }
+ * val d = new DynamicProxy{ val dynamicProxyTarget = x }
+ * assert( d.hello == "hello world" )
+ *
+ * Not supported (yet):
+ * - implicit conversions and parameters
+ * - multiple arguments lists
+ * - explicit type arguments
+ */
+trait DynamicProxy extends Dynamic{
+ /** Method calls on DynamicProxy are redirected to this object. Needs to be defined in a subclass. */
+ val dynamicProxyTarget : AnyRef
+ import scala.reflect.mirror._
+ /**
+ * boxing to preserve information on primitive types for overloading resolution
+ */
+ case class DynamicReflectBoxed( class_ : Class[_], value: Any )
+ object DynamicReflectBoxed{
+ implicit def box[@specialized T]( v:T ) = DynamicReflectBoxed( v.getClass, v )
+ }
+ def selectDynamic( method:String ) = {
+ val symbol = classToType( dynamicProxyTarget.getClass ).member( newTermName(method).encodedName )
+ invoke( dynamicProxyTarget, symbol )()
+ }
+ def updateDynamic( method:String )( value : Any ) = {
+ val symbol = classToType( dynamicProxyTarget.getClass ).member( newTermName(method+"_=").encodedName )
+ invoke( dynamicProxyTarget, symbol )( value )
+ }
+ def applyDynamic( method:String )( args:DynamicReflectBoxed* ) : Any
+ = applyDynamicNamed( method )( value => ("",value) ) :_* )
+ def applyDynamicNamed( method:String )( args:(String,DynamicReflectBoxed)* ) : Any = {
+ val class_ = dynamicProxyTarget.getClass
+ var i = 0
+ val toolbox = mkToolBox(mkConsoleReporter(),"")
+ val symbol = classToType( dynamicProxyTarget.getClass ).member( newTermName(method).encodedName )
+ if(args.size == 0){
+ invoke( dynamicProxyTarget, symbol )()
+ } else {
+ val call =
+ Apply(
+ Select(
+ TypeApply(
+ Select(
+ Select(
+ Ident(newFreeTerm("__this", symbolForName("scala.reflect.DynamicProxy").asType, this, null))
+ , newTermName("dynamicProxyTarget")
+ ),
+ newTermName("asInstanceOf") )
+ , List(TypeTree().setType(classToType(class_)))
+ )
+ ,newTermName(method).encodedName
+ )
+ ,{ case(name,box) =>
+ val value = Ident(newFreeTerm("__arg"+({i+=1;i}.toString), classToType(box.class_), box.value, null))
+ if( name == "" ) value
+ else AssignOrNamedArg( Ident(name), value )
+ }.toList
+ )
+ toolbox.runExpr( call )
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/run/dynamic-proxy.check b/test/files/run/dynamic-proxy.check
index 83c386812d..d1b85daff4 100644
--- a/test/files/run/dynamic-proxy.check
+++ b/test/files/run/dynamic-proxy.check
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-symbolic with args
-non-existent method
-before mutation
-mutation 1
-after mutation 1
-mutation 2
-after mutation 2
-overloaded with object
-overloaded with primitive
-overloaded with object in var
-overloaded with object in var 2
-typeArgs: I am a car
-default: 4
-default: 3
-named: 6
+symbolic with args
+non-existent method
+before mutation
+mutation 1
+after mutation 1
+mutation 2
+after mutation 2
+overloaded with object
+overloaded with primitive
+overloaded with object in var
+overloaded with object in var 2
+typeArgs: I am a car
+default: 4
+default: 3
+named: 6
diff --git a/test/files/run/dynamic-proxy.flags b/test/files/run/dynamic-proxy.flags
index 68ecfa03f8..48fd867160 100644
--- a/test/files/run/dynamic-proxy.flags
+++ b/test/files/run/dynamic-proxy.flags
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/test/files/run/dynamic-proxy.scala b/test/files/run/dynamic-proxy.scala
index 194da2d092..ab5a8b1d66 100644
--- a/test/files/run/dynamic-proxy.scala
+++ b/test/files/run/dynamic-proxy.scala
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-import scala.reflect._
-class Car{ override def toString = "I am a car" }
-object x{
- def nullary = "nullary"
- def noargs() = "noargs"
- def - = "symbolic"
- def $(s:String) = "symbolic with args"
- val value = "value"
- def overloaded(i:Int) = "overloaded with primitive"
- def overloaded(s:String) = s
- def default( a:Int, b:Int = 2 ) = "default: "+(a+b)
- def named( a:Int, b:Int, c:Int ) = "named: "+(a+b+c)
- def typeArgs[T]( v:T ) = "typeArgs: "+v
- var mutable = "before mutation"
- def multiArgLists( a:String )( b:String ) = "multiArgList " + a + b
- def bar( s:String )(implicit car:Car) = s + car.toString
-object Test extends App{
- val d = new DynamicProxy{ val dynamicProxyTarget = x }
- println( d.noargs )
- println( d.noargs() )
- println( d.nullary )
- println( d.value )
- println( d.- )
- println( d.$("x") )
- try{
- println( d.test )
- } catch {
- case _ => println("non-existent method")
- }
- println( d.mutable )
- println("mutation 1")
- d.mutable_=("after mutation 1")
- println( d.mutable )
- println("mutation 2")
- d.mutable = "after mutation 2"
- println( d.mutable )
- println( d.overloaded("overloaded with object") )
- println( d.overloaded(1) )
- // test some non-constant arguments
- def s = "overloaded with object in var"
- println( d.overloaded(s) )
- println( d.overloaded(s + " 2") )
- val car = new Car
- println( d.typeArgs(car) ) // inferred
- // println( d.typeArgs[Car](car) ) // explicit not working (yet)
- println( d.default( 1,3 ) )
- println( d.default( 1 ) )
- println( d.named(1,c=3,b=2) ) // applyDynamicNamed seems to be broken
- // println( d.multiArgLists("a")("b") ) // not working yet
- /*
- // may never work
- // testing implicit parameters (first test works when moving x into TestDynamicReflect)
- implicit val car2 = new Car
- println( "Yeah, ") ); // FAILS: could not find implicit value for parameter car
- {println( "Yeah, ") )} // FAILS: could not find implicit value for parameter car
- */
+import scala.reflect._
+class Car{ override def toString = "I am a car" }
+object x{
+ def nullary = "nullary"
+ def noargs() = "noargs"
+ def - = "symbolic"
+ def $(s:String) = "symbolic with args"
+ val value = "value"
+ def overloaded(i:Int) = "overloaded with primitive"
+ def overloaded(s:String) = s
+ def default( a:Int, b:Int = 2 ) = "default: "+(a+b)
+ def named( a:Int, b:Int, c:Int ) = "named: "+(a+b+c)
+ def typeArgs[T]( v:T ) = "typeArgs: "+v
+ var mutable = "before mutation"
+ def multiArgLists( a:String )( b:String ) = "multiArgList " + a + b
+ def bar( s:String )(implicit car:Car) = s + car.toString
+object Test extends App{
+ val d = new DynamicProxy{ val dynamicProxyTarget = x }
+ println( d.noargs )
+ println( d.noargs() )
+ println( d.nullary )
+ println( d.value )
+ println( d.- )
+ println( d.$("x") )
+ try{
+ println( d.test )
+ } catch {
+ case _ => println("non-existent method")
+ }
+ println( d.mutable )
+ println("mutation 1")
+ d.mutable_=("after mutation 1")
+ println( d.mutable )
+ println("mutation 2")
+ d.mutable = "after mutation 2"
+ println( d.mutable )
+ println( d.overloaded("overloaded with object") )
+ println( d.overloaded(1) )
+ // test some non-constant arguments
+ def s = "overloaded with object in var"
+ println( d.overloaded(s) )
+ println( d.overloaded(s + " 2") )
+ val car = new Car
+ println( d.typeArgs(car) ) // inferred
+ // println( d.typeArgs[Car](car) ) // explicit not working (yet)
+ println( d.default( 1,3 ) )
+ println( d.default( 1 ) )
+ println( d.named(1,c=3,b=2) ) // applyDynamicNamed seems to be broken
+ // println( d.multiArgLists("a")("b") ) // not working yet
+ /*
+ // may never work
+ // testing implicit parameters (first test works when moving x into TestDynamicReflect)
+ implicit val car2 = new Car
+ println( "Yeah, ") ); // FAILS: could not find implicit value for parameter car
+ {println( "Yeah, ") )} // FAILS: could not find implicit value for parameter car
+ */