diff options
217 files changed, 4030 insertions, 1044 deletions
diff --git a/build.number b/build.number
index dc85ecb777..5f8ed6d6b6 100644
--- a/build.number
+++ b/build.number
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#Tue Sep 11 19:21:09 CEST 2007
# This is the -N part of a version. if it's 0, it's dropped from maven versions.
-# Note: To build a release run ant with -Dbuild.release=true
-# To build an RC, run ant with -Dmaven.version.suffix=-RCN
+# To build a release, see scripts/jobs/scala-release-2.11.x-build
+# (normally run by the eponymous job on \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/jobs/scala-release-2.11.x-build b/scripts/jobs/scala-release-2.11.x-build
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..09a97dc34b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/jobs/scala-release-2.11.x-build
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# TODO: different scripts for the different phases -- usually we don't need to bootstrap the modules,
+# since we can use the previous version of scala for STARR as well as for compiling the modules (assuming it's binary compatible)
+# We should move away from the complicated bootstrap and set up our release schedule so we always have a previous build that satisfies these criteria.
+# (Potentially trivially, by splitting up this script, and publishing locker as if it were a real release.)
+# requirements:
+# sbtCmd must point to sbt from sbt-extras (this is the standard on the Scala jenkins, so we only support that one)
+# - ~/.sonatype-curl that consists of user = USER:PASS
+# - ~/.m2/settings.xml with credentials for sonatype
+ # <server>
+ # <id>private-repo</id>
+ # <username>jenkinside</username>
+ # <password></password>
+ # </server>
+# - ~/.credentials (for sonatype)
+ # realm=Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager
+ #
+ # user=lamp
+ # password=
+# - ~/.credentials-private-repo for, as follows:
+ # realm=Artifactory Realm
+ #
+ # user=jenkinside
+ # password=
+# - ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/gpg.sbt with:
+# addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-pgp" % "0.8.1")
+# Modus operandi:
+# Determine Scala version as:
+# $SCALA_VER_BASE$SCALA_VER_SUFFIX (if former variable is set)
+# By parsing the tag (if HEAD is tagged as v$base$suffix)
+# By parsing build.number for the base version, suffixing with -$sha-nightly
+# Serialize these versions to, which are passed downstream to scala-release-2.11.x-dist.
+# This also removes the need to tag scala/scala-dist (not possible for nightlies, still encouraged for releases, but not a hard requirement).
+# Determine Module Versions
+# When running in "" mode (the default), derive tags from these versions and build, publishing only those modules that are not available yet.
+# Otherwise, build HEAD for all modules, derive a -nightly version for them.
+# Bootstrap:
+# Build minimal core of Scala as this version (aka locker), publish to private-repo
+# Build modules required to bootstrap, publish to private-repo
+# Build Scala using the previously built core and bootstrap modules, publish to private-repo This overwrites the minimal core on private-repo
+# Stage to sonatype (unless building a -nightly release):
+# Stage this Scala build on sonatype
+# Rebuild modules with this Scala build, and stage them on sonatype as well
+# This script can be run in multiple modes. It is design to work without any input,
+# so that it could be run in Travis CI. In that mode, it'll build a release when
+# the current HEAD of the checkout in $WORKSPACE is tagged, and stage to sonatype. Otherwise,
+# it'll build a nightly.
+# Since the nightlies are intended to be a drop in replacement, all modules are built with the
+# full Scala version as their binary version, so that you can just set scalaVersion to the
+# nightly's sha-derived version and be good to go.
+# The other way to trigger a release is by setting the SCALA_VER_BASE env var.
+# By default, we build the versions of the modules as specified by
+# (as specified in the HEAD commit). Set moduleVersioning to something random
+# to trigger building HEAD of each module, generating a fresh -$(git describe)-nightly version for each.
+# PS: set publishToSonatype to anything but "yes" to avoid publishing to sonatype
+# (publishing only done when $WORKSPACE checkout's HEAD is tagged / SCALA_VER_BASE is set.)
+# set to something besides the default to build nightly snapshots of the modules instead of some tagged version
+publishLockerPrivateTask=${publishLockerPrivateTask-$publishPrivateTask} # set to "init" to speed up testing of the script (if you already built locker before)
+sbtCmd=${sbtCmd-sbt} # TESTING (this is a marker for defaults to change when testing locally: should be sbtx on my mac)
+# 0.13.5 does not respect "set every scalaVersion", see
+sbtCmd="$sbtCmd -sbt-version 0.13.2"
+# publishToSonatype
+# set to anything but "yes" to avoid publishing to sonatype
+# overridden to "no" when no SCALA_VER_BASE is passed and HEAD is not tagged with a valid version tag
+antBuildTask="${antBuildTask-nightly}" # TESTING leave empty to avoid the sanity check (don't set it to "init" because ant will croak)
+clean="clean" # TESTING leave empty to speed up testing
+# This is for forcibly stopping the job from a subshell (see test
+# below).
+trap "exit 1" TERM
+export TOP_PID=$$
+set -e
+# Known problems : does not fare well with interrupted, partial
+# compilations. We should perhaps have a multi-dependency version
+# of do_i_have below
+mkdir -p $LOGGINGDIR
+unset SBT_HOME
+mkdir -p $SBT_HOME
+mkdir -p $IVY_CACHE
+rm -rf $IVY_CACHE/cache/org.scala-lang
+# temp dir where all 'non-build' operation are performed
+TMP_ROOT_DIR=$(mktemp -d -t pr-scala.XXXX)
+mkdir "${TMP_DIR}"
+# detect sed version and how to enable extended regexes
+SEDARGS="-n$(if (echo "a" | sed -nE "s/a/b/" &> /dev/null); then echo E; else echo r; fi)"
+# :docstring test:
+# Usage: test <argument ..>
+# Executes <argument ..>, logging the launch of the command to the
+# main log file, and kills global script execution with the TERM
+# signal if the commands ends up failing.
+# :end docstring:
+function test() {
+ echo "### $@"
+ "$@"
+ status=$?
+ if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then
+ say "### ERROR with $1"
+ kill -s TERM $TOP_PID
+ fi
+# :docstring say:
+# Usage: say <argument ..>
+# Prints <argument ..> to both console and the main log file.
+# :end docstring:
+function say(){
+ (echo "$@") | tee -a $LOGGINGDIR/compilation-$SCALADATE-$SCALAHASH.log
+# we must change ivy home to get a fresh ivy cache, otherwise we get half-bootstrapped scala
+# rm it in case it existed (and there's no ivy2-shadow, which indicates we're running in a TESTING environment)...
+# we don't nuke the whole ws since that clobbers the git clones needlessly
+[[ -d $baseDir/ivy2-shadow ]] || rm -rf $baseDir/ivy2
+mkdir -p $baseDir/ivy2
+rm -rf $baseDir/resolutionScratch_
+mkdir -p $baseDir/resolutionScratch_
+# repo used to publish "locker" scala to (to start the bootstrap)
+function parseScalaProperties(){
+ propFile="$baseDir/$1"
+ if [ ! -f $propFile ]; then
+ echo "Property file $propFile not found."
+ exit 1
+ else
+ awk -f "$scriptsDir/readproperties.awk" "$propFile" > "$"
+ . "$" # yeah yeah, not that secure, improvements welcome (I tried, but bash made me cry again)
+ fi
+##### git
+gfxd() {
+ git clean -fxd # TESTING
+update() {
+ [[ -d $baseDir ]] || mkdir -p $baseDir
+ cd $baseDir
+ if [ ! -d $baseDir/$2 ]; then git clone "$1/$2.git"; fi
+ cd $2
+ git fetch --tags "$1/$2.git"
+ (git fetch "$1/$2.git" $3 && git checkout -q FETCH_HEAD) #|| git checkout -q $3 # || fallback is for local testing on tag
+ git reset --hard
+##### sonatype interface
+function st_curl(){
+ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "accept: application/json,application/vnd.siesta-error-v1+json,application/vnd.siesta-validation-errors-v1+json" -K ~/.sonatype-curl -s -o - $@
+function st_stagingReposOpen() {
+ st_curl "$stApi/staging/profile_repositories" | jq '.data[] | select(.profileName == "org.scala-lang") | select(.type == "open")'
+function st_stagingRepoDrop() {
+ repo=$1
+ message=$2
+ echo "{\"data\":{\"description\":\"$message\",\"stagedRepositoryIds\":[\"$repo\"]}}" | st_curl -X POST -d @- "$stApi/staging/bulk/drop"
+function st_stagingRepoClose() {
+ repo=$1
+ message=$2
+ echo "{\"data\":{\"description\":\"$message\",\"stagedRepositoryIds\":[\"$repo\"]}}" | st_curl -X POST -d @- "$stApi/staging/bulk/close"
+# ARGH trying to get this to work on multiple versions of sbt-extras...
+# the old version (on jenkins, and I don't want to upgrade for risk of breaking other builds) honors -sbt-dir
+# the new version of sbt-extras ignores sbt-dir, so we pass it in as
+# need to set sbt-dir to one that has the gpg.sbt plugin config
+sbtArgs="-no-colors -ivy $baseDir/ivy2 -Dsbt.repository.config=$scriptsDir/repositories-scala-release$HOME/.sbt/0.13 -sbt-dir $HOME/.sbt/0.13"
+sbtBuild() {
+ echo "### sbtBuild: "$sbtCmd $sbtArgs "${scalaVersionTasks[@]}" "${publishTasks[@]}" "$@"
+ $sbtCmd $sbtArgs "${scalaVersionTasks[@]}" "${publishTasks[@]}" "$@" >> $baseDir/logs/builds 2>&1
+sbtResolve() {
+ cd $baseDir/resolutionScratch_
+ touch build.sbt
+ cross=${4-binary} # Disabled / binary / full
+ echo "### sbtResolve: $sbtCmd $sbtArgs " "${scalaVersionTasks[@]}" "\"$1\" % \"$2\" % \"$3\" cross CrossVersion.$cross"
+ $sbtCmd $sbtArgs "${scalaVersionTasks[@]}" \
+ "set libraryDependencies := Seq(\"$1\" % \"$2\" % \"$3\" cross CrossVersion.$cross)" \
+ 'show update' >> $baseDir/logs/resolution 2>&1
+# Oh boy... can't use scaladoc to document scala-xml/scala-parser-combinators
+# if scaladoc depends on the same version of scala-xml/scala-parser-combinators.
+# Even if that version is available through the project's resolvers, sbt won't look past this project.
+# SOOOOO, we set the version to a dummy (-DOC), generate documentation,
+# then set the version to the right one and publish (which won't re-gen the docs).
+# Also tried publish-local without docs using 'set publishArtifact in (Compile, packageDoc) := false' and republishing, no dice.
+# Each buildModule() function is invoked twice: first to build against locker and publish to private-repo, then
+# to build against the release and publish to sonatype (or publish-local if publishToSonatype is not "yes").
+# In the second round, sbtResolve is always true: the module will be found in the private-repo!
+# Therefore, if MODULE_BUILT is "yes" (in the second round), we know that we need to build (and publish) the
+# module again.
+# Note: we tried an alternative solution in which sbtResolve would not look at private-repo, but that fails. For example,
+# scala-xml depends on scala-library, so sbt tries to find the scala-library of the version that we are currently building,
+# which exists only in private-repo.
+buildXML() {
+ if [ "$XML_BUILT" != "yes" ] && [ "$forceRebuild" != "yes" ] && ( sbtResolve "org.scala-lang.modules" "scala-xml" $XML_VER )
+ then echo "Found scala-xml $XML_VER; not building."
+ else
+ update scala scala-xml "$XML_REF" && gfxd
+ sbtBuild 'set version := "'$XML_VER'-DOC"' $clean doc 'set version := "'$XML_VER'"' test "${buildTasks[@]}"
+ XML_BUILT="yes" # ensure the module is built and published when buildXML is invoked for the second time, see comment above
+ fi
+buildParsers() {
+ if [ "$PARSERS_BUILT" != "yes" ] && [ "$forceRebuild" != "yes" ] && ( sbtResolve "org.scala-lang.modules" "scala-parser-combinators" $PARSERS_VER )
+ then echo "Found scala-parser-combinators $PARSERS_VER; not building."
+ else
+ update scala scala-parser-combinators "$PARSERS_REF" && gfxd
+ sbtBuild 'set version := "'$PARSERS_VER'-DOC"' $clean doc 'set version := "'$PARSERS_VER'"' test "${buildTasks[@]}"
+ fi
+buildPartest() {
+ if [ "$PARTEST_BUILT" != "yes" ] && [ "$forceRebuild" != "yes" ] && ( sbtResolve "org.scala-lang.modules" "scala-partest" $PARTEST_VER )
+ then echo "Found scala-partest $PARTEST_VER; not building."
+ else
+ update scala scala-partest "$PARTEST_REF" && gfxd
+ sbtBuild 'set version :="'$PARTEST_VER'"' 'set VersionKeys.scalaXmlVersion := "'$XML_VER'"' 'set VersionKeys.scalaCheckVersion := "'$SCALACHECK_VER'"' $clean test "${buildTasks[@]}"
+ fi
+# buildPartestIface() {
+# if [ "$forceRebuild" != "yes" ] && ( sbtResolve "org.scala-lang.modules" "scala-partest-interface" $PARTEST_IFACE_VER )
+# then echo "Found scala-partest-interface $PARTEST_IFACE_VER; not building."
+# else
+# update scala scala-partest-interface "$PARTEST_IFACE_REF" && gfxd
+# sbtBuild 'set version :="'$PARTEST_IFACE_VER'"' $clean "${buildTasks[@]}"
+# fi
+# }
+buildContinuations() {
+ if [ "$CONT_PLUG_BUILT" != "yes" ] && [ "$forceRebuild" != "yes" ] && ( sbtResolve "org.scala-lang.plugins" "scala-continuations-plugin" $CONTINUATIONS_VER full )
+ then echo "Found scala-continuations-plugin $CONTINUATIONS_VER; not building."
+ else
+ update scala scala-continuations $CONTINUATIONS_REF && gfxd
+ $sbtCmd $sbtArgs 'project plugin' "${scalaVersionTasks[@]}" "${publishTasks[@]}" \
+ 'set version := "'$CONTINUATIONS_VER'"' $clean "compile:package" test "${buildTasks[@]}" #
+ fi
+ if [ "$CONT_LIB_BUILT" != "yes" ] && [ "$forceRebuild" != "yes" ] && ( sbtResolve "org.scala-lang.plugins" "scala-continuations-library" $CONTINUATIONS_VER )
+ then echo "Found scala-continuations-library $CONTINUATIONS_VER; not building."
+ else
+ update scala scala-continuations $CONTINUATIONS_REF && gfxd
+ $sbtCmd $sbtArgs 'project library' "${scalaVersionTasks[@]}" "${publishTasks[@]}" \
+ 'set version := "'$CONTINUATIONS_VER'"' $clean test "${buildTasks[@]}"
+ fi
+buildSwing() {
+ if [ "$SWING_BUILT" != "yes" ] && [ "$forceRebuild" != "yes" ] && ( sbtResolve "org.scala-lang.modules" "scala-swing" $SWING_VER )
+ then echo "Found scala-swing $SWING_VER; not building."
+ else
+ update scala scala-swing "$SWING_REF" && gfxd
+ sbtBuild 'set version := "'$SWING_VER'"' $clean test "${buildTasks[@]}"
+ fi
+ if [ "$ACTORS_MIGRATION_BUILT" != "yes" ] && [ "$forceRebuild" != "yes" ] && ( sbtResolve "org.scala-lang" "scala-actors-migration" $ACTORS_MIGRATION_VER )
+ then echo "Found scala-actors-migration $ACTORS_MIGRATION_VER; not building."
+ else
+ update scala actors-migration "$ACTORS_MIGRATION_REF" && gfxd
+ # not running tests because
+ # [error] Test scala.actors.migration.NestedReact.testNestedReactAkka failed: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Futures timed out after [20 seconds]
+ sbtBuild 'set version := "'$ACTORS_MIGRATION_VER'"' 'set VersionKeys.continuationsVersion := "'$CONTINUATIONS_VER'"' $clean "${buildTasks[@]}"
+ fi
+ if [ "$SCALACHECK_BUILT" != "yes" ] && [ "$forceRebuild" != "yes" ] && ( sbtResolve "org.scalacheck" "scalacheck" $SCALACHECK_VER )
+ then echo "Found scalacheck $SCALACHECK_VER; not building."
+ else
+ update rickynils scalacheck $SCALACHECK_REF && gfxd
+ sbtBuild 'set version := "'$SCALACHECK_VER'"' 'set VersionKeys.scalaParserCombinatorsVersion := "'$PARSERS_VER'"' $clean $publishPrivateTask # test times out NOTE: never published to sonatype
+ fi
+# build modules, using ${buildTasks[@]} (except for Scalacheck, which is hard-coded to publish to private-repo)
+buildModules() {
+ buildXML
+ buildParsers
+ buildContinuations
+ buildSwing
+ buildActorsMigration
+ buildScalacheck
+ buildPartest
+ # buildPartestIface
+determineScalaVersion() {
+ parseScalaProperties ""
+ if [ -z "$SCALA_VER_BASE" ]; then
+ echo "No SCALA_VER_BASE specified."
+ scalaTag=$(git describe --exact-match ||:)
+ SCALA_BINARY_VER=${SCALA_BINARY_VER-"$scala_binary_version"}
+ if [ -z "$scalaTag" ]
+ then
+ echo "No tag found, building nightly snapshot."
+ parseScalaProperties "build.number"
+ SCALA_VER_BASE="$version_major.$version_minor.$version_patch"
+ SCALA_VER_SUFFIX="-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)-nightly"
+ # TODO: publish nightly snapshot using this script
+ publishToSonatype="no"
+ echo "repo_ref=2.11.x" >> $baseDir/ # for the -dist downstream jobs that build the actual archives
+ else
+ echo "HEAD is tagged as $scalaTag."
+ # borrowed from
+ local RE='v*\([0-9]*\)[.]\([0-9]*\)[.]\([0-9]*\)\([0-9A-Za-z-]*\)' # don't change this to make it more accurate, it's not worth it
+ SCALA_VER_BASE="$(echo $scalaTag | sed -e "s#$RE#\1.\2.\3#")"
+ SCALA_VER_SUFFIX="$(echo $scalaTag | sed -e "s#$RE#\4#")"
+ if [ "$SCALA_VER_BASE" == "$scalaTag" ]; then
+ echo "Could not parse version $scalaTag"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ publishToSonatype=${publishToSonatype-"yes"} # unless forced previously, publish
+ fi
+ else
+ publishToSonatype=${publishToSonatype-"yes"} # unless forced previously, publish
+ # if version base/suffix are provided, we assume a corresponding tag exists for the scaladoc source links
+ fi
+ echo "version=$SCALA_VER" >> $baseDir/
+ echo "sbtDistVersionOverride=-Dproject.version=$SCALA_VER" >> $baseDir/
+ # We don't override the scala binary version: when running in -nightly + versioning mode,
+ # we intend to be a drop-in replacement -- all you need to do is change the Scala version
+ # In order to override this, add 'set every scalaBinaryVersion := "'$SCALA_BINARY_VER'"',
+ # which, when used with pre-release Scala version numbers, will require tweaking at the sbt usage site as well.
+ scalaVersionTasks=('set every scalaVersion := "'$SCALA_VER'"')
+ echo "Building Scala $SCALA_VER."
+deriveVersion() {
+ update $1 $2 $3 &> /dev/null
+ echo "$(git describe --match=v* | cut -dv -f2)-nightly"
+deriveVersionAnyTag() {
+ update $1 $2 $3 &> /dev/null
+ echo "$(git describe | cut -dv -f2)-nightly"
+# determineScalaVersion must have been called
+deriveModuleVersions() {
+ if [ "$moduleVersioning" == "" ]
+ then
+ # use as defaults when no version specified on command line
+ XML_VER=${XML_VER-$scala_xml_version_number}
+ PARSERS_VER=${PARSERS_VER-$scala_parser_combinators_version_number}
+ CONTINUATIONS_VER=${CONTINUATIONS_VER-$scala_continuations_plugin_version_number}
+ SWING_VER=${SWING_VER-$scala_swing_version_number}
+ ACTORS_MIGRATION_VER=${ACTORS_MIGRATION_VER-$actors_migration_version_number}
+ PARTEST_VER=${PARTEST_VER-$partest_version_number}
+ SCALACHECK_VER=${SCALACHECK_VER-$scalacheck_version_number}
+ # If a _VER was not specified, the corresponding _REF will be non-empty by now (as specified, or HEAD)
+ else
+ XML_VER=${XML_VER-$(deriveVersion scala scala-xml "$XML_REF")}
+ PARSERS_VER=${PARSERS_VER-$(deriveVersion scala scala-parser-combinators "$PARSERS_REF")}
+ CONTINUATIONS_VER=${CONTINUATIONS_VER-$(deriveVersion scala scala-continuations "$CONTINUATIONS_REF")}
+ SWING_VER=${SWING_VER-$(deriveVersion scala scala-swing "$SWING_REF")}
+ ACTORS_MIGRATION_VER=${ACTORS_MIGRATION_VER-$(deriveVersion scala actors-migration "$ACTORS_MIGRATION_REF")}
+ PARTEST_VER=${PARTEST_VER-$(deriveVersion scala scala-partest "$PARTEST_REF")}
+ SCALACHECK_VER=${SCALACHECK_VER-$(deriveVersionAnyTag rickynils scalacheck "$SCALACHECK_REF")}
+ fi
+ echo "Module versions (versioning strategy: $moduleVersioning):"
+ echo "XML = $XML_VER at $XML_REF"
+ # PARTEST_IFACE_VER=${PARTEST_IFACE_VER-$(deriveVersion scala scala-partest-interface "$PARTEST_IFACE_REF")}
+constructUpdatedModuleVersions() {
+ updatedModuleVersions=()
+ # force the new module versions for building the core. these may be different from the values in,
+ # either because the variables (XML_VER) were provided, or because we're building the modules from HEAD.
+ # in the common case, the values are the same as in
+ updatedModuleVersions=("${updatedModuleVersions[@]}" "-Dactors-migration.version.number=$ACTORS_MIGRATION_VER")
+ updatedModuleVersions=("${updatedModuleVersions[@]}" "-Dscala-continuations-library.version.number=$CONTINUATIONS_VER")
+ updatedModuleVersions=("${updatedModuleVersions[@]}" "-Dscala-continuations-plugin.version.number=$CONTINUATIONS_VER")
+ updatedModuleVersions=("${updatedModuleVersions[@]}" "-Dscala-parser-combinators.version.number=$PARSERS_VER")
+ updatedModuleVersions=("${updatedModuleVersions[@]}" "-Dscala-swing.version.number=$SWING_VER")
+ updatedModuleVersions=("${updatedModuleVersions[@]}" "-Dscala-xml.version.number=$XML_VER")
+ updatedModuleVersions=("${updatedModuleVersions[@]}" "-Dpartest.version.number=$PARTEST_VER")
+ updatedModuleVersions=("${updatedModuleVersions[@]}" "-Dscalacheck.version.number=$SCALACHECK_VER")
+ # allow overriding the akka-actors and jline version using a jenkins build parameter
+ if [ ! -z "$AKKA_ACTOR_VER" ]; then updatedModuleVersions=("${updatedModuleVersions[@]}" "-Dakka-actor.version.number=$AKKA_ACTOR_VER"); fi
+ if [ ! -z "$JLINE_VER" ] ; then updatedModuleVersions=("${updatedModuleVersions[@]}" "-Djline.version=$JLINE_VER"); fi
+ if [ ! -z "$SCALA_BINARY_VER" ]; then updatedModuleVersions=("${updatedModuleVersions[@]}" "-Dscala.binary.version=$SCALA_BINARY_VER"); fi
+ if [ ! -z "$SCALA_FULL_VER" ] ; then updatedModuleVersions=("${updatedModuleVersions[@]}" "-Dscala.full.version=$SCALA_FULL_VER"); fi
+# build locker (scala + modules) and quick, publishing everything to private-repo
+bootstrap() {
+ echo "### Bootstrapping"
+ #### LOCKER
+ echo "### Building locker"
+ # for bootstrapping, publish core (or at least smallest subset we can get away with)
+ # so that we can build modules with this version of Scala and publish them locally
+ # must publish under $SCALA_VER so that the modules will depend on this (binary) version of Scala
+ # publish more than just core: partest needs scalap
+ # in sabbus lingo, the resulting Scala build will be used as starr to build the released Scala compiler
+ ant -Dmaven.version.number=$SCALA_VER\
+ -Dremote.snapshot.repository=NOPE\
+ -Dremote.release.repository=$privateRepo\
+ -Dscalac.args.optimise=-optimise\
+ -Ddocs.skip=1\
+ -Dlocker.skip=1\
+ $publishLockerPrivateTask >> $baseDir/logs/builds 2>&1
+ echo "### Building modules using locker"
+ # build, test and publish modules with this core
+ # publish to our internal repo (so we can resolve the modules in the scala build below)
+ # we only need to build the modules necessary to build Scala itself
+ # since the version of locker and quick are the same
+ publishTasks=('set credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".credentials-private-repo")' "set every publishTo := Some(\"private-repo\" at \"$privateRepo\")")
+ buildTasks=($publishPrivateTask)
+ buildModules
+ constructUpdatedModuleVersions
+ #### QUICK
+ echo "### Bootstrapping Scala using locker"
+ # # TODO: close all open staging repos so that we can be reaonably sure the only open one we see after publishing below is ours
+ # # the ant call will create a new one
+ #
+ # Rebuild Scala with these modules so that all binary versions are consistent.
+ # Update to new modules.
+ # Sanity check: make sure the Scala test suite passes / docs can be generated with these modules.
+ # don't skip locker (-Dlocker.skip=1), or stability will fail
+ # overwrite "locker" version of scala at private-repo with bootstrapped version
+ cd $baseDir
+ rm -rf build/ # must leave everything else in $baseDir for downstream jobs
+ ant -Dstarr.version=$SCALA_VER\
+ -Dextra.repo.url=$privateRepo\
+ -Dmaven.version.suffix=$SCALA_VER_SUFFIX\
+ ${updatedModuleVersions[@]} \
+ -Dupdate.versions=1\
+ -Dscaladoc.git.commit=$SCALADOC_SOURCE_LINKS_VER\
+ -Dremote.snapshot.repository=NOPE\
+ -Dremote.release.repository=$privateRepo\
+ -Dscalac.args.optimise=-optimise\
+ $antBuildTask $publishPrivateTask
+ # clear ivy cache (and to be sure, local as well), so the next round of sbt builds sees the fresh scala
+ rm -rf $baseDir/ivy2
+ # TODO: create PR with following commit (note that release will have been tagged already)
+ # git commit -m"Bump for $SCALA_VER."
+# assumes we just bootstrapped, and current directory is $baseDir
+# publishes locker to sonatype, then builds modules again (those for which version numbers were provided),
+# and publishes those to sonatype as well
+# finally, the staging repos are closed
+publishSonatype() {
+ # stage to sonatype, along with all modules -Dmaven.version.suffix/-Dbuild.release not necessary,
+ # since we're just publishing an existing build
+ echo "### Publishing core to sonatype"
+ ant -Dmaven.version.number=$SCALA_VER $publishSonatypeTaskCore
+ echo "### Publishing modules to sonatype"
+ # build/test/publish scala core modules to sonatype (this will start a new staging repo)
+ # (was hoping we could make everything go to the same staging repo, but it's not timing that causes two staging repos to be opened)
+ # NOTE: only publish those for which versions are set
+ # test and publish to sonatype, assuming you have ~/.sbt/0.13/sonatype.sbt and ~/.sbt/0.13/plugin/gpg.sbt
+ publishTasks=('set credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".credentials-sonatype")' "set pgpPassphrase := Some(Array.empty)")
+ buildTasks=($publishSonatypeTaskModules)
+ buildModules
+ open=$(st_stagingReposOpen)
+ allOpenUrls=$(echo $open | jq '.repositoryURI' | tr -d \")
+ allOpen=$(echo $open | jq '.repositoryId' | tr -d \")
+ echo "Closing open repos: $allOpen"
+ for repo in $allOpen; do st_stagingRepoClose $repo; done
+ echo "Closed sonatype staging repos: $allOpenUrls."
+#### MAIN
+if [ "$publishToSonatype" == "yes" ]
+ then publishSonatype
+ else # build modules one more time, just to mimic the regular build as much when running as nightly
+ echo "### Rebuilding modules with quick, publishing to $baseDir/ivy/local"
+ buildTasks=(publish-local)
+ # buildScalacheck always uses publishPrivateTask (not buildTasks). we override it to avoid publishing to private-repo.
+ publishPrivateTask="publish-local"
+ forceRebuild="yes"
+ buildModules
diff --git a/scripts/readproperties.awk b/scripts/readproperties.awk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96da94775b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/readproperties.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Adapted from
+ FS="=";
+ n="";
+ v="";
+ c=0; # Not a line continuation.
+/^\#/ { # The line is a comment. Breaks line continuation.
+ c=0;
+ next;
+/\\$/ && (c==0) && (NF>=2) { # Name value pair with a line continuation...
+ e=index($0,"=");
+ n=substr($0,1,e-1);
+ v=substr($0,e+1,length($0) - e - 1); # Trim off the backslash.
+ c=1; # Line continuation mode.
+ next;
+/^[^\\]+\\$/ && (c==1) { # Line continuation. Accumulate the value.
+ v= "" v substr($0,1,length($0)-1);
+ next;
+((c==1) || (NF>=2)) && !/^[^\\]+\\$/ { # End of line continuation, or a single line name/value pair
+ if (c==0) { # Single line name/value pair
+ e=index($0,"=");
+ n=substr($0,1,e-1);
+ v=substr($0,e+1,length($0) - e);
+ } else { # Line continuation mode - last line of the value.
+ c=0; # Turn off line continuation mode.
+ v= "" v $0;
+ }
+ # Make sure the name is a legal shell variable name
+ gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/,"_",n);
+ # Silently drop everything that might confuse bash.
+ gsub(/[\n\r\\\t'"\$!]/,"",v);
+ print "export " n "=\"" v "\" || echo \"Failed to set " n "\""; # don't make bash crap out when a property could not be parsed
+ n = "";
+ v = "";
diff --git a/scripts/repositories-scala-release b/scripts/repositories-scala-release
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00538a08ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/repositories-scala-release
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ plugins:, [organisation]/[module]/(scala_[scalaVersion]/)(sbt_[sbtVersion]/)[revision]/[type]s/[artifact](-[classifier]).[ext]
+ private-repo:
+ typesafe-ivy-releases:, [organization]/[module]/[revision]/[type]s/[artifact](-[classifier]).[ext], bootOnly
+ sbt-plugin-releases:, [organization]/[module]/(scala_[scalaVersion]/)(sbt_[sbtVersion]/)[revision]/[type]s/[artifact](-[classifier]).[ext]
+ maven-central
+ local \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spec/ b/spec/
index aca1c63d22..65d79dd5f4 100644
--- a/spec/
+++ b/spec/
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ For every parameter $p_{i,j}$ with a default argument a method named
expression. Here, $n$ denotes the parameter's position in the method
declaration. These methods are parametrized by the type parameter clause
`[$\mathit{tps}\,$]` and all value parameter clauses
-`($\mathit{ps}_1$)$\ldots$($\mathit{ps}_{i-1}$)` preceeding $p_{i,j}$.
+`($\mathit{ps}_1$)$\ldots$($\mathit{ps}_{i-1}$)` preceding $p_{i,j}$.
The `$f\$$default$\$$n` methods are inaccessible for
user programs.
diff --git a/spec/ b/spec/
index ef854b2abb..fd20d6ae2c 100644
--- a/spec/
+++ b/spec/
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ consists of the following steps.
occurrence in the linearization.
- Finally the statement sequence $\mathit{stats}\,$ is evaluated.
-###### Delayed Initializaton
+###### Delayed Initialization
The initialization code of an object or class (but not a trait) that follows
the superclass
constructor invocation and the mixin-evaluation of the template's base
diff --git a/spec/ b/spec/
index afd1492744..bb6cc2a89a 100644
--- a/spec/
+++ b/spec/
@@ -410,6 +410,19 @@ The final result of the transformation is a block of the form
+### Signature Polymorphic Methods
+For invocations of signature polymorphic methods of the target platform `$f$($e_1 , \ldots , e_m$)`,
+the invoked function has a different method type `($p_1$:$T_1 , \ldots , p_n$:$T_n$)$U$` at each call
+site. The parameter types `$T_ , \ldots , T_n$` are the types of the argument expressions
+`$e_1 , \ldots , e_m$` and `$U$` is the expected type at the call site. If the expected type is
+undefined then `$U$` is `scala.AnyRef`. The parameter names `$p_1 , \ldots , p_n$` are fresh.
+###### Note
+On the Java platform version 7 and later, the methods `invoke` and `invokeExact` in class
+`java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle` are signature polymorphic.
## Method Values
@@ -666,7 +679,7 @@ followed by operators starting with ``|`', etc.
There's one exception to this rule, which concerns
[_assignment operators_](#assignment-operators).
-The precedence of an assigment operator is the same as the one
+The precedence of an assignment operator is the same as the one
of simple assignment `(=)`. That is, it is lower than the
precedence of any other operator.
@@ -1761,7 +1774,7 @@ trait Dynamic {
Assume a selection of the form $e.x$ where the type of $e$ conforms to `scala.Dynamic`.
-Further assuming the selection is not followed by any function arguments, such an expression can be rewitten under the conditions given [here](#implicit-conversions) to:
+Further assuming the selection is not followed by any function arguments, such an expression can be rewritten under the conditions given [here](#implicit-conversions) to:
diff --git a/spec/ b/spec/
index 3538457b5c..e75bddc096 100644
--- a/spec/
+++ b/spec/
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ case class If[T](c: Term[Boolean],
There are terms to represent numeric literals, incrementation, a zero
test, and a conditional. Every term carries as a type parameter the
-type of the expression it representes (either `Int` or `Boolean`).
+type of the expression it represents (either `Int` or `Boolean`).
A type-safe evaluator for such terms can be written as follows.
diff --git a/spec/ b/spec/
index 847fab548d..e3185d8b7d 100644
--- a/spec/
+++ b/spec/
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ The `main` method of a program can be directly defined in the
object, or it can be inherited. The scala library defines a special class
`scala.App` whose body acts as a `main` method.
An objects $m$ inheriting from this class is thus a program,
-which executes the initializaton code of the object $m$.
+which executes the initialization code of the object $m$.
###### Example
The following example will create a hello world program by defining
diff --git a/spec/ b/spec/
index 3815265ad5..ee9c2a5f78 100644
--- a/spec/
+++ b/spec/
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ layout: toc
# The Scala Language Specification
# Version 2.11
+### Maintained online at [](
### Martin Odersky, Philippe Altherr, Vincent Cremet, Gilles Dubochet, Burak Emir, Philipp Haller, Stéphane Micheloud, Nikolay Mihaylov, Adriaan Moors, Lukas Rytz, Michel Schinz, Erik Stenman, Matthias Zenger
### Markdown Conversion by Iain McGinniss.
diff --git a/src/actors/scala/actors/Actor.scala b/src/actors/scala/actors/Actor.scala
index 75160fa18f..293335f720 100644
--- a/src/actors/scala/actors/Actor.scala
+++ b/src/actors/scala/actors/Actor.scala
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ object Actor extends Combinators {
* Actions in `f` have to contain the rest of the computation of `self`,
* as this method will never return.
- * A common method of continuting the computation is to send a message
+ * A common method of continuing the computation is to send a message
* to another actor:
* {{{
* react {
diff --git a/src/actors/scala/actors/ b/src/actors/scala/actors/
index 796f428cf5..3f7b93c386 100644
--- a/src/actors/scala/actors/
+++ b/src/actors/scala/actors/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ package scala.actors;
* and takes when the queue is not empty.
* Normally a put and a take can proceed simultaneously.
* (Although it does not allow multiple concurrent puts or takes.)
- * This class tends to perform more efficently than
+ * This class tends to perform more efficiently than
* other Channel implementations in producer/consumer
* applications.
* <p>[<a href=""> Introduction to this package. </a>]
diff --git a/src/actors/scala/actors/remote/Proxy.scala b/src/actors/scala/actors/remote/Proxy.scala
index 9949b36181..2cb03544f2 100644
--- a/src/actors/scala/actors/remote/Proxy.scala
+++ b/src/actors/scala/actors/remote/Proxy.scala
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ private[remote] class Proxy(node: Node, name: Symbol, @transient var kernel: Net
// Proxy is private[remote], but these classes are public and use it in a public
-// method signature. That makes the only method they have non-overriddable.
+// method signature. That makes the only method they have non-overridable.
// So I made them final, which seems appropriate anyway.
final class LinkToFun extends Function2[AbstractActor, Proxy, Unit] with Serializable {
diff --git a/src/actors/scala/actors/threadpool/ b/src/actors/scala/actors/threadpool/
index f3dc1e1292..195a0064ab 100644
--- a/src/actors/scala/actors/threadpool/
+++ b/src/actors/scala/actors/threadpool/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Written by Dawid Kurzyniec, based on public domain code written by Doug Lea
- * and publictly available documentation, and released to the public domain, as
+ * and publicly available documentation, and released to the public domain, as
* explained at
diff --git a/src/actors/scala/actors/threadpool/ b/src/actors/scala/actors/threadpool/
index 9a4a4fb71c..02e9bbe297 100644
--- a/src/actors/scala/actors/threadpool/
+++ b/src/actors/scala/actors/threadpool/
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ public class ExecutorCompletionService implements CompletionService {
* @param completionQueue the queue to use as the completion queue
* normally one dedicated for use by this service. This queue is
* treated as unbounded -- failed attempted <tt>Queue.add</tt>
- * operations for completed taskes cause them not to be
+ * operations for completed tasks cause them not to be
* retrievable.
* @throws NullPointerException if executor or completionQueue are <tt>null</tt>
diff --git a/src/actors/scala/actors/threadpool/locks/ b/src/actors/scala/actors/threadpool/locks/
index 437af77c7a..914d242100 100644
--- a/src/actors/scala/actors/threadpool/locks/
+++ b/src/actors/scala/actors/threadpool/locks/
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ import scala.actors.threadpool.helpers.*;
* <p>The order of entry
* to the read and write lock is unspecified, subject to reentrancy
- * constraints. A nonfair lock that is continously contended may
+ * constraints. A nonfair lock that is continuously contended may
* indefinitely postpone one or more reader or writer threads, but
* will normally have higher throughput than a fair lock.
* <p>
* DEPARTURE FROM java.util.concurrent: this implementation impose
- * a writer-preferrence and thus its acquisition order may be different
+ * a writer-preference and thus its acquisition order may be different
* than in java.util.concurrent.
* <li><b>Reentrancy</b>
diff --git a/src/asm/scala/tools/asm/ b/src/asm/scala/tools/asm/
index 5d5529ce74..c094eba408 100644
--- a/src/asm/scala/tools/asm/
+++ b/src/asm/scala/tools/asm/
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ public class Label {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Overriden Object methods
+ // Overridden Object methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/asm/scala/tools/asm/tree/analysis/ b/src/asm/scala/tools/asm/tree/analysis/
index 0134555f10..ff840aabde 100644
--- a/src/asm/scala/tools/asm/tree/analysis/
+++ b/src/asm/scala/tools/asm/tree/analysis/
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ public class Analyzer<V extends Value> implements Opcodes {
* instruction of the method. The size of the returned array is
* equal to the number of instructions (and labels) of the method. A
* given frame is <tt>null</tt> if the corresponding instruction
- * cannot be reached, or if an error occured during the analysis of
+ * cannot be reached, or if an error occurred during the analysis of
* the method.
public Frame<V>[] getFrames() {
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ public class Analyzer<V extends Value> implements Opcodes {
* Creates a control flow graph edge. The default implementation of this
- * method does nothing. It can be overriden in order to construct the
+ * method does nothing. It can be overridden in order to construct the
* control flow graph of a method (this method is called by the
* {@link #analyze analyze} method during its visit of the method's code).
diff --git a/src/asm/scala/tools/asm/tree/analysis/ b/src/asm/scala/tools/asm/tree/analysis/
index 56f4bedc00..00fe6c8bff 100644
--- a/src/asm/scala/tools/asm/tree/analysis/
+++ b/src/asm/scala/tools/asm/tree/analysis/
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public abstract class Interpreter<V extends Value> {
* the bytecode instruction to be interpreted.
* @return the result of the interpretation of the given instruction.
* @throws AnalyzerException
- * if an error occured during the interpretation.
+ * if an error occurred during the interpretation.
public abstract V newOperation(AbstractInsnNode insn)
throws AnalyzerException;
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ public abstract class Interpreter<V extends Value> {
* @return the result of the interpretation of the given instruction. The
* returned value must be <tt>equal</tt> to the given value.
* @throws AnalyzerException
- * if an error occured during the interpretation.
+ * if an error occurred during the interpretation.
public abstract V copyOperation(AbstractInsnNode insn, V value)
throws AnalyzerException;
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ public abstract class Interpreter<V extends Value> {
* the argument of the instruction to be interpreted.
* @return the result of the interpretation of the given instruction.
* @throws AnalyzerException
- * if an error occured during the interpretation.
+ * if an error occurred during the interpretation.
public abstract V unaryOperation(AbstractInsnNode insn, V value)
throws AnalyzerException;
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ public abstract class Interpreter<V extends Value> {
* the second argument of the instruction to be interpreted.
* @return the result of the interpretation of the given instruction.
* @throws AnalyzerException
- * if an error occured during the interpretation.
+ * if an error occurred during the interpretation.
public abstract V binaryOperation(AbstractInsnNode insn, V value1, V value2)
throws AnalyzerException;
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ public abstract class Interpreter<V extends Value> {
* the third argument of the instruction to be interpreted.
* @return the result of the interpretation of the given instruction.
* @throws AnalyzerException
- * if an error occured during the interpretation.
+ * if an error occurred during the interpretation.
public abstract V ternaryOperation(AbstractInsnNode insn, V value1,
V value2, V value3) throws AnalyzerException;
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ public abstract class Interpreter<V extends Value> {
* the arguments of the instruction to be interpreted.
* @return the result of the interpretation of the given instruction.
* @throws AnalyzerException
- * if an error occured during the interpretation.
+ * if an error occurred during the interpretation.
public abstract V naryOperation(AbstractInsnNode insn,
List<? extends V> values) throws AnalyzerException;
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ public abstract class Interpreter<V extends Value> {
* @param expected
* the expected return type of the analyzed method.
* @throws AnalyzerException
- * if an error occured during the interpretation.
+ * if an error occurred during the interpretation.
public abstract void returnOperation(AbstractInsnNode insn, V value,
V expected) throws AnalyzerException;
diff --git a/src/asm/scala/tools/asm/util/ b/src/asm/scala/tools/asm/util/
index 4135672c6b..773f129ad9 100644
--- a/src/asm/scala/tools/asm/util/
+++ b/src/asm/scala/tools/asm/util/
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ public abstract class Printer {
public Printer visitClassTypeAnnotation(final int typeRef,
final TypePath typePath, final String desc, final boolean visible) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Must be overriden");
+ throw new RuntimeException("Must be overridden");
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ public abstract class Printer {
public Printer visitFieldTypeAnnotation(final int typeRef,
final TypePath typePath, final String desc, final boolean visible) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Must be overriden");
+ throw new RuntimeException("Must be overridden");
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ public abstract class Printer {
* {@link, int)}.
public void visitParameter(String name, int access) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Must be overriden");
+ throw new RuntimeException("Must be overridden");
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ public abstract class Printer {
public Printer visitMethodTypeAnnotation(final int typeRef,
final TypePath typePath, final String desc, final boolean visible) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Must be overriden");
+ throw new RuntimeException("Must be overridden");
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ public abstract class Printer {
visitMethodInsn(opcode, owner, name, desc, itf);
- throw new RuntimeException("Must be overriden");
+ throw new RuntimeException("Must be overridden");
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ public abstract class Printer {
visitMethodInsn(opcode, owner, name, desc);
- throw new RuntimeException("Must be overriden");
+ throw new RuntimeException("Must be overridden");
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ public abstract class Printer {
public Printer visitInsnAnnotation(final int typeRef,
final TypePath typePath, final String desc, final boolean visible) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Must be overriden");
+ throw new RuntimeException("Must be overridden");
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ public abstract class Printer {
public Printer visitTryCatchAnnotation(final int typeRef,
final TypePath typePath, final String desc, final boolean visible) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Must be overriden");
+ throw new RuntimeException("Must be overridden");
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ public abstract class Printer {
public Printer visitLocalVariableAnnotation(final int typeRef,
final TypePath typePath, final Label[] start, final Label[] end,
final int[] index, final String desc, final boolean visible) {
- throw new RuntimeException("Must be overriden");
+ throw new RuntimeException("Must be overridden");
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/ant/Scalac.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/ant/Scalac.scala
index 8905c94eeb..13bf0ef4c6 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/ant/Scalac.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/ant/Scalac.scala
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ class Scalac extends ScalaMatchingTask with ScalacShared {
/** Tests if a file exists and prints a warning in case it doesn't. Always
* returns the file, even if it doesn't exist.
- * @param file A file to test for existance.
+ * @param file A file to test for existence.
* @return The same file. */
protected def existing(file: File): File = {
if (!file.exists)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala
index 733664c30a..1c9dbad4dd 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter)
/** Called by ScalaDocAnalyzer when a doc comment has been parsed. */
def signalParsedDocComment(comment: String, pos: Position) = {
- // TODO: this is all very borken (only works for scaladoc comments, not regular ones)
+ // TODO: this is all very broken (only works for scaladoc comments, not regular ones)
// --> add hooks to parser and refactor Interactive global to handle comments directly
// in any case don't use reporter for parser hooks
reporter.comment(pos, comment)
@@ -1461,7 +1461,7 @@ class Global(var currentSettings: Settings, var reporter: Reporter)
- /** Caching member symbols that are def-s in Defintions because they might change from Run to Run. */
+ /** Caching member symbols that are def-s in Definitions because they might change from Run to Run. */
val runDefinitions: definitions.RunDefinitions = new definitions.RunDefinitions
/** Compile list of source files,
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/PhaseAssembly.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/PhaseAssembly.scala
index 1eb6c9da2c..e1cfa63960 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/PhaseAssembly.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/PhaseAssembly.scala
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ trait PhaseAssembly {
* Aux datastructure for solving the constraint system
- * The depency graph container with helper methods for node and edge creation
+ * The dependency graph container with helper methods for node and edge creation
private class DependencyGraph {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/ast/parser/Scanners.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/ast/parser/Scanners.scala
index 9ebc94b5fc..92833d647b 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/ast/parser/Scanners.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/ast/parser/Scanners.scala
@@ -453,18 +453,15 @@ trait Scanners extends ScannersCommon {
case '0' =>
- def fetchZero() = {
- putChar(ch)
+ def fetchLeadingZero(): Unit = {
- if (ch == 'x' || ch == 'X') {
- nextChar()
- base = 16
- } else {
- base = 8
+ ch match {
+ case 'x' | 'X' => base = 16 ; nextChar()
+ case _ => base = 8 // single decimal zero, perhaps
- getNumber()
- fetchZero()
+ fetchLeadingZero()
+ getNumber()
case '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' =>
base = 10
@@ -902,62 +899,61 @@ trait Scanners extends ScannersCommon {
def charVal: Char = if (strVal.length > 0) strVal.charAt(0) else 0
- /** Convert current strVal, base to long value
+ /** Convert current strVal, base to long value.
* This is tricky because of max negative value.
+ *
+ * Conversions in base 10 and 16 are supported. As a permanent migration
+ * path, attempts to write base 8 literals except `0` emit a verbose error.
def intVal(negated: Boolean): Long = {
- if (token == CHARLIT && !negated) {
- charVal.toLong
- } else {
- var value: Long = 0
- val divider = if (base == 10) 1 else 2
- val limit: Long =
- if (token == LONGLIT) Long.MaxValue else Int.MaxValue
- var i = 0
+ def malformed: Long = {
+ if (base == 8) syntaxError("Decimal integer literals may not have a leading zero. (Octal syntax is obsolete.)")
+ else syntaxError("malformed integer number")
+ 0
+ }
+ def tooBig: Long = {
+ syntaxError("integer number too large")
+ 0
+ }
+ def intConvert: Long = {
val len = strVal.length
- while (i < len) {
- val d = digit2int(strVal charAt i, base)
- if (d < 0) {
- syntaxError("malformed integer number")
- return 0
- }
- if (value < 0 ||
- limit / (base / divider) < value ||
- limit - (d / divider) < value * (base / divider) &&
- !(negated && limit == value * base - 1 + d)) {
- syntaxError("integer number too large")
- return 0
- }
- value = value * base + d
- i += 1
+ if (len == 0) {
+ if (base != 8) syntaxError("missing integer number") // e.g., 0x;
+ 0
+ } else {
+ val divider = if (base == 10) 1 else 2
+ val limit: Long = if (token == LONGLIT) Long.MaxValue else Int.MaxValue
+ @tailrec def convert(value: Long, i: Int): Long =
+ if (i >= len) value
+ else {
+ val d = digit2int(strVal charAt i, base)
+ if (d < 0)
+ malformed
+ else if (value < 0 ||
+ limit / (base / divider) < value ||
+ limit - (d / divider) < value * (base / divider) &&
+ !(negated && limit == value * base - 1 + d))
+ tooBig
+ else
+ convert(value * base + d, i + 1)
+ }
+ val result = convert(0, 0)
+ if (base == 8) malformed else if (negated) -result else result
- if (negated) -value else value
+ if (token == CHARLIT && !negated) charVal.toLong else intConvert
def intVal: Long = intVal(negated = false)
/** Convert current strVal, base to double value
- */
+ */
def floatVal(negated: Boolean): Double = {
- val limit: Double =
- if (token == DOUBLELIT) Double.MaxValue else Float.MaxValue
+ val limit: Double = if (token == DOUBLELIT) Double.MaxValue else Float.MaxValue
try {
val value: Double = java.lang.Double.valueOf(strVal).doubleValue()
- def isDeprecatedForm = {
- val idx = strVal indexOf '.'
- (idx == strVal.length - 1) || (
- (idx >= 0)
- && (idx + 1 < strVal.length)
- && (!Character.isDigit(strVal charAt (idx + 1)))
- )
- }
if (value > limit)
syntaxError("floating point number too large")
- if (isDeprecatedForm)
- syntaxError("floating point number is missing digit after dot")
if (negated) -value else value
} catch {
case _: NumberFormatException =>
@@ -968,86 +964,44 @@ trait Scanners extends ScannersCommon {
def floatVal: Double = floatVal(negated = false)
- def checkNoLetter(): Unit = {
+ def checkNoLetter(): Unit = {
if (isIdentifierPart(ch) && ch >= ' ')
syntaxError("Invalid literal number")
- /** Read a number into strVal and set base */
- protected def getNumber(): Unit = {
- val base1 = if (base < 10) 10 else base
- // Read 8,9's even if format is octal, produce a malformed number error afterwards.
- // At this point, we have already read the first digit, so to tell an innocent 0 apart
- // from an octal literal 0123... (which we want to disallow), we check whether there
- // are any additional digits coming after the first one we have already read.
- var notSingleZero = false
- while (digit2int(ch, base1) >= 0) {
- putChar(ch)
- nextChar()
- notSingleZero = true
- }
- token = INTLIT
- /* When we know for certain it's a number after using a touch of lookahead */
- def restOfNumber() = {
- putChar(ch)
- nextChar()
+ /** Read a number into strVal.
+ *
+ * The `base` can be 8, 10 or 16, where base 8 flags a leading zero.
+ * For ints, base 8 is legal only for the case of exactly one zero.
+ */
+ protected def getNumber(): Unit = {
+ // consume digits of a radix
+ def consumeDigits(radix: Int): Unit =
+ while (digit2int(ch, radix) >= 0) {
+ putChar(ch)
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ // adding decimal point is always OK because `Double valueOf "0."` is OK
+ def restOfNonIntegralNumber(): Unit = {
+ putChar('.')
+ if (ch == '.') nextChar()
- def restOfUncertainToken() = {
- def isEfd = ch match { case 'e' | 'E' | 'f' | 'F' | 'd' | 'D' => true ; case _ => false }
- def isL = ch match { case 'l' | 'L' => true ; case _ => false }
- if (base <= 10 && isEfd)
- getFraction()
- else {
- // Checking for base == 8 is not enough, because base = 8 is set
- // as soon as a 0 is read in `case '0'` of method fetchToken.
- if (base == 8 && notSingleZero) syntaxError("Non-zero integral values may not have a leading zero.")
- setStrVal()
- if (isL) {
- nextChar()
- token = LONGLIT
- }
- else checkNoLetter()
+ // after int: 5e7f, 42L, 42.toDouble but not 42b. Repair 0d.
+ def restOfNumber(): Unit = {
+ ch match {
+ case 'e' | 'E' | 'f' | 'F' |
+ 'd' | 'D' => if (cbuf.isEmpty) putChar('0'); restOfNonIntegralNumber()
+ case 'l' | 'L' => token = LONGLIT ; setStrVal() ; nextChar()
+ case _ => token = INTLIT ; setStrVal() ; checkNoLetter()
- if (base > 10 || ch != '.')
- restOfUncertainToken()
- else {
- val lookahead = lookaheadReader
- val c = lookahead.getc()
- /* Prohibit 1. */
- if (!isDigit(c))
- return setStrVal()
- val isDefinitelyNumber = (c: @switch) match {
- /** Another digit is a giveaway. */
- case '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' =>
- true
+ // consume leading digits, provisionally an Int
+ consumeDigits(if (base == 16) 16 else 10)
- /* Backquoted idents like 22.`foo`. */
- case '`' =>
- return setStrVal() /** Note the early return */
- /* These letters may be part of a literal, or a method invocation on an Int.
- */
- case 'd' | 'D' | 'f' | 'F' =>
- !isIdentifierPart(lookahead.getc())
- /* A little more special handling for e.g. 5e7 */
- case 'e' | 'E' =>
- val ch = lookahead.getc()
- !isIdentifierPart(ch) || (isDigit(ch) || ch == '+' || ch == '-')
- case x =>
- !isIdentifierStart(x)
- }
- if (isDefinitelyNumber) restOfNumber()
- else restOfUncertainToken()
- }
+ val detectedFloat: Boolean = base != 16 && ch == '.' && isDigit(lookaheadReader.getc)
+ if (detectedFloat) restOfNonIntegralNumber() else restOfNumber()
/** Parse character literal if current character is followed by \',
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/GenICode.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/GenICode.scala
index d9f56b47fa..cf52ad6636 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/GenICode.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/GenICode.scala
@@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ abstract class GenICode extends SubComponent {
case (_, UNIT) =>, pos)
- // otherwise we'd better be doing a primtive -> primitive coercion or there's a problem
+ // otherwise we'd better be doing a primitive -> primitive coercion or there's a problem
case _ if !from.isRefOrArrayType && !to.isRefOrArrayType =>
coerce(from, to)
case _ =>
@@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@ abstract class GenICode extends SubComponent {
if (!settings.optimise) {
if (l.tpe <:< BoxedNumberClass.tpe) {
if (r.tpe <:< BoxedNumberClass.tpe) platform.externalEqualsNumNum
- else if (r.tpe <:< BoxedCharacterClass.tpe) platform.externalEqualsNumChar
+ else if (r.tpe <:< BoxedCharacterClass.tpe) platform.externalEqualsNumObject // will be externalEqualsNumChar in 2.12, SI-9030
else platform.externalEqualsNumObject
} else platform.externalEquals
} else {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Primitives.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Primitives.scala
index f81c42d836..27bf836484 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Primitives.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Primitives.scala
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ trait Primitives { self: ICodes =>
// type : (buf,el) => buf
// range: lf,rg <- { BOOL, Ix, Ux, Rx, REF, STR }
- // jvm : It should call the appropiate 'append' method on StringBuffer
+ // jvm : It should call the appropriate 'append' method on StringBuffer
case class StringConcat(el: TypeKind) extends Primitive
/** Signals the beginning of a series of concatenations.
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/TypeFlowAnalysis.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/TypeFlowAnalysis.scala
index 676ee12683..b0ad5bdaf9 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/TypeFlowAnalysis.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/TypeFlowAnalysis.scala
@@ -332,13 +332,13 @@ abstract class TypeFlowAnalysis {
`remainingCALLs` also caches info about the typestack just before the callsite, so as to spare computing them again at inlining time.
Besides caching, a further optimization involves skipping those basic blocks whose in-flow and out-flow isn't needed anyway (as explained next).
- A basic block lacking a callsite in `remainingCALLs`, when visisted by the standard algorithm, won't cause any inlining.
+ A basic block lacking a callsite in `remainingCALLs`, when visited by the standard algorithm, won't cause any inlining.
But as we know from the way type-flows are computed, computing the in- and out-flow for a basic block relies in general on those of other basic blocks.
In detail, we want to focus on that sub-graph of the CFG such that control flow may reach a remaining candidate callsite.
Those basic blocks not in that subgraph can be skipped altogether. That's why:
- `forwardAnalysis()` in `MTFAGrowable` now checks for inclusion of a basic block in `relevantBBs`
- same check is performed before adding a block to the worklist, and as part of choosing successors.
- The bookkeeping supporting on-the-fly pruning of irrelevant blocks requires overridding most methods of the dataflow-analysis.
+ The bookkeeping supporting on-the-fly pruning of irrelevant blocks requires overriding most methods of the dataflow-analysis.
The rest of the story takes place in Inliner, which does not visit all of the method's basic blocks but only on those represented in `remainingCALLs`.
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/AsmUtils.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/AsmUtils.scala
index 7269910af6..75aa0fc984 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/AsmUtils.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/AsmUtils.scala
@@ -5,10 +5,11 @@
-import{AbstractInsnNode, ClassNode, MethodNode}
+import{InsnList, AbstractInsnNode, ClassNode, MethodNode}
+import{StringWriter, PrintWriter}
import{TraceClassVisitor, TraceMethodVisitor, Textifier}
+import scala.collection.convert.decorateAsScala._
object AsmUtils {
@@ -36,19 +37,12 @@ object AsmUtils {
def traceMethod(mnode: MethodNode): Unit = {
println(s"Bytecode for method ${}")
- val p = new Textifier
- val tracer = new TraceMethodVisitor(p)
- mnode.accept(tracer)
- val w = new PrintWriter(System.out)
- p.print(w)
- w.flush()
+ println(textify(mnode))
def traceClass(cnode: ClassNode): Unit = {
println(s"Bytecode for class ${}")
- val w = new PrintWriter(System.out)
- cnode.accept(new TraceClassVisitor(w))
- w.flush()
+ println(textify(cnode))
def traceClass(bytes: Array[Byte]): Unit = traceClass(readClass(bytes))
@@ -59,8 +53,56 @@ object AsmUtils {
- def instructionString(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): String = instruction.getOpcode match {
- case -1 => instruction.toString
- case op =>
+ /**
+ * Returns a human-readable representation of the cnode ClassNode.
+ */
+ def textify(cnode: ClassNode): String = {
+ val trace = new TraceClassVisitor(new PrintWriter(new StringWriter))
+ cnode.accept(trace)
+ val sw = new StringWriter
+ val pw = new PrintWriter(sw)
+ trace.p.print(pw)
+ sw.toString
+ /**
+ * Returns a human-readable representation of the code in the mnode MethodNode.
+ */
+ def textify(mnode: MethodNode): String = {
+ val trace = new TraceClassVisitor(new PrintWriter(new StringWriter))
+ mnode.accept(trace)
+ val sw = new StringWriter
+ val pw = new PrintWriter(sw)
+ trace.p.print(pw)
+ sw.toString
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a human-readable representation of the given instruction.
+ */
+ def textify(insn: AbstractInsnNode): String = {
+ val trace = new TraceMethodVisitor(new Textifier)
+ insn.accept(trace)
+ val sw = new StringWriter
+ val pw = new PrintWriter(sw)
+ trace.p.print(pw)
+ sw.toString.trim
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a human-readable representation of the given instruction sequence.
+ */
+ def textify(insns: Iterator[AbstractInsnNode]): String = {
+ val trace = new TraceMethodVisitor(new Textifier)
+ insns.foreach(_.accept(trace))
+ val sw: StringWriter = new StringWriter
+ val pw: PrintWriter = new PrintWriter(sw)
+ trace.p.print(pw)
+ sw.toString.trim
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a human-readable representation of the given instruction sequence.
+ */
+ def textify(insns: InsnList): String = textify(insns.iterator().asScala)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeAsmCommon.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeAsmCommon.scala
index 328ec8a033..a5f33aa786 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeAsmCommon.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeAsmCommon.scala
@@ -162,4 +162,32 @@ final class BCodeAsmCommon[G <: Global](val global: G) {
assoc.collectFirst {
case (`nme`.value, LiteralAnnotArg(Constant(value: Symbol))) => value
+ def implementedInterfaces(classSym: Symbol): List[Symbol] = {
+ // Additional interface parents based on annotations and other cues
+ def newParentForAnnotation(ann: AnnotationInfo): Option[Type] = ann.symbol match {
+ case RemoteAttr => Some(RemoteInterfaceClass.tpe)
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ def isInterfaceOrTrait(sym: Symbol) = sym.isInterface || sym.isTrait
+ val allParents = ++ classSym.annotations.flatMap(newParentForAnnotation)
+ // We keep the superClass when computing minimizeParents to eliminate more interfaces.
+ // Example: T can be eliminated from D
+ // trait T
+ // class C extends T
+ // class D extends C with T
+ val interfaces = erasure.minimizeParents(allParents) match {
+ case superClass :: ifs if !isInterfaceOrTrait(superClass.typeSymbol) =>
+ ifs
+ case ifs =>
+ // minimizeParents removes the superclass if it's redundant, for example:
+ // trait A
+ // class C extends Object with A // minimizeParents removes Object
+ ifs
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeBodyBuilder.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeBodyBuilder.scala
index daf36ce374..062daa4eac 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeBodyBuilder.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeBodyBuilder.scala
@@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@ abstract class BCodeBodyBuilder extends BCodeSkelBuilder {
val equalsMethod: Symbol = {
if (l.tpe <:< BoxedNumberClass.tpe) {
if (r.tpe <:< BoxedNumberClass.tpe) platform.externalEqualsNumNum
- else if (r.tpe <:< BoxedCharacterClass.tpe) platform.externalEqualsNumChar
+ else if (r.tpe <:< BoxedCharacterClass.tpe) platform.externalEqualsNumObject // will be externalEqualsNumChar in 2.12, SI-9030
else platform.externalEqualsNumObject
} else platform.externalEquals
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeHelpers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeHelpers.scala
index 806d4b277c..8d1c37532e 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeHelpers.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeHelpers.scala
@@ -791,32 +791,28 @@ abstract class BCodeHelpers extends BCodeIdiomatic with BytecodeWriters {
assert(moduleClass.companionClass == NoSymbol, moduleClass)
this.cunit = cunit
- val moduleName = internalName(moduleClass) // + "$"
- val mirrorName = moduleName.substring(0, moduleName.length() - 1)
- val flags = (asm.Opcodes.ACC_SUPER | asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL)
+ val bType = mirrorClassClassBType(moduleClass)
val mirrorClass = new asm.tree.ClassNode
- flags,
- mirrorName,
+ bType.internalName,
null /* no java-generic-signature */,
- if (emitSource) {
- mirrorClass.visitSource("" + cunit.source,
- null /* SourceDebugExtension */)
- }
+ if (emitSource)
+ mirrorClass.visitSource("" + cunit.source, null /* SourceDebugExtension */)
- val ssa = getAnnotPickle(mirrorName, moduleClass.companionSymbol)
+ val ssa = getAnnotPickle(bType.internalName, moduleClass.companionSymbol)
mirrorClass.visitAttribute(if (ssa.isDefined) pickleMarkerLocal else pickleMarkerForeign)
emitAnnotations(mirrorClass, moduleClass.annotations ++ ssa)
- addForwarders(isRemote(moduleClass), mirrorClass, mirrorName, moduleClass)
+ addForwarders(isRemote(moduleClass), mirrorClass, bType.internalName, moduleClass)
- innerClassBufferASM ++= classBTypeFromSymbol(moduleClass).info.memberClasses
+ innerClassBufferASM ++=
addInnerClassesASM(mirrorClass, innerClassBufferASM.toList)
@@ -932,7 +928,7 @@ abstract class BCodeHelpers extends BCodeIdiomatic with BytecodeWriters {
constructor.visitMaxs(0, 0) // just to follow protocol, dummy arguments
- innerClassBufferASM ++= classBTypeFromSymbol(cls).info.memberClasses
+ innerClassBufferASM ++= classBTypeFromSymbol(cls).info.nestedClasses
addInnerClassesASM(beanInfoClass, innerClassBufferASM.toList)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeIdiomatic.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeIdiomatic.scala
index d58368b19d..c3db28151b 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeIdiomatic.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeIdiomatic.scala
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ abstract class BCodeIdiomatic extends SubComponent {
assert(from != BOOL && to != BOOL, s"inconvertible types : $from -> $to")
// We're done with BOOL already
- from match {
+ (from: @unchecked) match {
// using `asm.Type.SHORT` instead of `BType.SHORT` because otherwise "warning: could not emit switch for @switch annotated match"
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ abstract class BCodeIdiomatic extends SubComponent {
val rand = {
// using `asm.Type.SHORT` instead of `BType.SHORT` because otherwise "warning: could not emit switch for @switch annotated match"
- elem match {
+ (elem: @unchecked) match {
case BOOL => Opcodes.T_BOOLEAN
case BYTE => Opcodes.T_BYTE
case SHORT => Opcodes.T_SHORT
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeSkelBuilder.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeSkelBuilder.scala
index 03bc32061b..142c901c21 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeSkelBuilder.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeSkelBuilder.scala
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ abstract class BCodeSkelBuilder extends BCodeHelpers {
- innerClassBufferASM ++= classBTypeFromSymbol(claszSymbol).info.memberClasses
+ innerClassBufferASM ++= classBTypeFromSymbol(claszSymbol).info.nestedClasses
addInnerClassesASM(cnode, innerClassBufferASM.toList)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeSyncAndTry.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeSyncAndTry.scala
index 7c95b7fc3b..b94208c1a5 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeSyncAndTry.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeSyncAndTry.scala
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ abstract class BCodeSyncAndTry extends BCodeBodyBuilder {
* ------
- // a note on terminology: this is not "postHandlers", despite appearences.
+ // a note on terminology: this is not "postHandlers", despite appearances.
// "postHandlers" as in the source-code view. And from that perspective, both (3.A) and (3.B) are invisible implementation artifacts.
if (hasFinally) {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BTypes.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BTypes.scala
index 53ac5bfdc7..a9bce82acd 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BTypes.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BTypes.scala
@@ -8,16 +8,35 @@ package backend.jvm
import asm.Opcodes
+import{InnerClassNode, ClassNode}
+import opt.ByteCodeRepository
+import scala.collection.convert.decorateAsScala._
- * The BTypes component defines The BType class hierarchy. BTypes encapsulates all type information
- * that is required after building the ASM nodes. This includes optimizations, geneartion of
+ * The BTypes component defines The BType class hierarchy. BTypes encapsulate all type information
+ * that is required after building the ASM nodes. This includes optimizations, generation of
* InnerClass attributes and generation of stack map frames.
* This representation is immutable and independent of the compiler data structures, hence it can
* be queried by concurrent threads.
abstract class BTypes {
+ import BTypes.InternalName
+ // Some core BTypes are required here, in class BType, where no Global instance is available.
+ // The Global is only available in the subclass BTypesFromSymbols. We cannot depend on the actual
+ // implementation (CoreBTypesProxy) here because it has members that refer to global.Symbol.
+ val coreBTypes: CoreBTypesProxyGlobalIndependent[this.type]
+ import coreBTypes._
+ /**
+ * Tools for parsing classfiles, used by the inliner.
+ */
+ val byteCodeRepository: ByteCodeRepository
+ // Allows to define per-run caches here and in the CallGraph component, which don't have a global
+ def recordPerRunCache[T <: collection.generic.Clearable](cache: T): T
* A map from internal names to ClassBTypes. Every ClassBType is added to this map on its
* construction.
@@ -29,30 +48,83 @@ abstract class BTypes {
* Concurrent because stack map frames are computed when in the class writer, which might run
* on multiple classes concurrently.
- protected val classBTypeFromInternalNameMap: collection.concurrent.Map[String, ClassBType]
+ val classBTypeFromInternalName: collection.concurrent.Map[InternalName, ClassBType] = recordPerRunCache(collection.concurrent.TrieMap.empty[InternalName, ClassBType])
- * The string represented by the `offset` / `length` values of a ClassBType, see comment of that
- * class.
+ * Parse the classfile for `internalName` and construct the [[ClassBType]].
- protected def internalNameString(offset: Int, lenght: Int): String
+ def classBTypeFromParsedClassfile(internalName: InternalName): ClassBType = {
+ classBTypeFromClassNode(byteCodeRepository.classNode(internalName))
+ }
- * Obtain a previously constructed ClassBType for a given internal name.
+ * Construct the [[ClassBType]] for a parsed classfile.
- def classBTypeFromInternalName(internalName: String) = classBTypeFromInternalNameMap(internalName)
+ def classBTypeFromClassNode(classNode: ClassNode): ClassBType = {
+ classBTypeFromInternalName.getOrElse(, {
+ setClassInfo(classNode, ClassBType(
+ })
+ }
- // Some core BTypes are required here, in class BType, where no Global instance is available.
- // The Global is only available in the subclass BTypesFromSymbols. We cannot depend on the actual
- // implementation (CoreBTypesProxy) here because it has members that refer to global.Symbol.
- val coreBTypes: CoreBTypesProxyGlobalIndependent[this.type]
- import coreBTypes._
+ private def setClassInfo(classNode: ClassNode, classBType: ClassBType): ClassBType = {
+ val superClass = classNode.superName match {
+ case null =>
+ assert( == ObjectReference.internalName, s"class with missing super type: ${}")
+ None
+ case superName =>
+ Some(classBTypeFromParsedClassfile(superName))
+ }
+ val interfaces: List[ClassBType] =
+ val flags = classNode.access
+ /**
+ * Find all nested classes of classNode. The innerClasses attribute contains all nested classes
+ * that are declared inside classNode or used in the bytecode of classNode. So some of them are
+ * nested in some other class than classNode, and we need to filter them.
+ *
+ * For member classes, innerClassNode.outerName is defined, so we compare that to
+ *
+ * For local and anonymous classes, innerClassNode.outerName is null. Such classes are required
+ * to have an EnclosingMethod attribute declaring the outer class. So we keep those local and
+ * anonymous classes whose outerClass is
+ *
+ */
+ def nestedInCurrentClass(innerClassNode: InnerClassNode): Boolean = {
+ (innerClassNode.outerName != null && innerClassNode.outerName == ||
+ (innerClassNode.outerName == null && byteCodeRepository.classNode( ==
+ }
+ val nestedClasses: List[ClassBType] = classNode.innerClasses.asScala.collect({
+ case i if nestedInCurrentClass(i) => classBTypeFromParsedClassfile(
+ })(collection.breakOut)
+ // if classNode is a nested class, it has an innerClass attribute for itself. in this
+ // case we build the NestedInfo.
+ val nestedInfo = classNode.innerClasses.asScala.find( == map {
+ case innerEntry =>
+ val enclosingClass =
+ if (innerEntry.outerName != null) {
+ // if classNode is a member class, the outerName is non-null
+ classBTypeFromParsedClassfile(innerEntry.outerName)
+ } else {
+ // for anonymous or local classes, the outerName is null, but the enclosing class is
+ // stored in the EnclosingMethod attribute (which ASM encodes in classNode.outerClass).
+ classBTypeFromParsedClassfile(classNode.outerClass)
+ }
+ val staticFlag = (innerEntry.access & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) != 0
+ NestedInfo(enclosingClass, Option(innerEntry.outerName), Option(innerEntry.innerName), staticFlag)
+ }
+ = ClassInfo(superClass, interfaces, flags, nestedClasses, nestedInfo)
+ classBType
+ }
- * A BType is either a primitve type, a ClassBType, an ArrayBType of one of these, or a MethodType
+ * A BType is either a primitive type, a ClassBType, an ArrayBType of one of these, or a MethodType
* referring to BTypes.
- /*sealed*/ trait BType { // Not sealed for now due to SI-8546
+ sealed trait BType {
final override def toString: String = this match {
case UNIT => "V"
case BOOL => "Z"
@@ -171,6 +243,9 @@ abstract class BTypes {
assert(other.isRef, s"Cannot compute maxType: $this, $other")
// Approximate `lub`. The common type of two references is always ObjectReference.
+ case _: MethodBType =>
+ throw new AssertionError(s"unexpected method type when computing maxType: $this")
@@ -369,7 +444,7 @@ abstract class BTypes {
* - Initializer block (JLS 8.6 / 8.7): block of statements in a java class
* - static initializer: executed before constructor body
- * - instance initializer: exectued when class is initialized (instance creation, static
+ * - instance initializer: executed when class is initialized (instance creation, static
* field access, ...)
* - A static nested class can be defined as
@@ -540,7 +615,7 @@ abstract class BTypes {
* class A {
* void f() { class B {} }
- * static void g() { calss C {} }
+ * static void g() { class C {} }
* }
* B has an outer pointer, C doesn't. Both B and C are NOT marked static in the InnerClass table.
@@ -568,28 +643,14 @@ abstract class BTypes {
* A ClassBType represents a class or interface type. The necessary information to build a
* ClassBType is extracted from compiler symbols and types, see BTypesFromSymbols.
- *
- * The `offset` and `length` fields are used to represent the internal name of the class. They
- * are indices into some character array. The internal name can be obtained through the method
- * `internalNameString`, which is abstract in this component. Name creation is assumed to be
- * hash-consed, so if two ClassBTypes have the same internal name, they NEED to have the same
- * `offset` and `length`.
- *
- * The actual implementation in subclass BTypesFromSymbols uses the global `chrs` array from the
- * name table. This representation is efficient because the JVM class name is obtained through
- * `classSymbol.javaBinaryName`. This already adds the necessary string to the `chrs` array,
- * so it makes sense to reuse the same name table in the backend.
- *
- * ClassBType is not a case class because we want a custom equals method, and because the
- * extractor extracts the internalName, which is what you typically need.
- final class ClassBType(val offset: Int, val length: Int) extends RefBType {
+ final case class ClassBType(internalName: InternalName) extends RefBType {
* Write-once variable allows initializing a cyclic graph of infos. This is required for
* nested classes. Example: for the definition `class A { class B }` we have
* == A
- * contains B
+ * contains B
private var _info: ClassInfo = null
@@ -604,7 +665,7 @@ abstract class BTypes {
- classBTypeFromInternalNameMap(internalName) = this
+ classBTypeFromInternalName(internalName) = this
private def checkInfoConsistency(): Unit = {
// we assert some properties. however, some of the linked ClassBType (members, superClass,
@@ -612,7 +673,7 @@ abstract class BTypes {
// best-effort verification.
def ifInit(c: ClassBType)(p: ClassBType => Boolean): Boolean = c._info == null || p(c)
- def isJLO(t: ClassBType) = t.internalName == "java/lang/Object"
+ def isJLO(t: ClassBType) = t.internalName == ObjectReference.internalName
assert(!ClassBType.isInternalPhantomType(internalName), s"Cannot create ClassBType for phantom type $this")
@@ -627,16 +688,10 @@ abstract class BTypes {
s"Invalid interfaces in $this: ${info.interfaces}"
- assert(info.memberClasses.forall(c => ifInit(c)(_.isNestedClass)), info.memberClasses)
+ assert(info.nestedClasses.forall(c => ifInit(c)(_.isNestedClass)), info.nestedClasses)
- * The internal name of a class is the string returned by java.lang.Class.getName, with all '.'
- * replaced by '/'. For example "java/lang/String".
- */
- def internalName: String = internalNameString(offset, length)
- /**
* @return The class name without the package prefix
def simpleName: String = internalName.split("/").last
@@ -661,8 +716,9 @@ abstract class BTypes {
- info.flags,
- if (isStaticNestedClass) asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC else 0
+ // the static flag in the InnerClass table has a special meaning, see InnerClass comment
+ info.flags & ~Opcodes.ACC_STATIC,
+ if (isStaticNestedClass) Opcodes.ACC_STATIC else 0
@@ -736,33 +792,10 @@ abstract class BTypes {
} while (fcs == null)
- /**
- * Custom equals / hashCode: we only compare the name (offset / length)
- */
- override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = (this eq o.asInstanceOf[Object]) || (o match {
- case c: ClassBType => c.offset == this.offset && c.length == this.length
- case _ => false
- })
- override def hashCode: Int = {
- import scala.runtime.Statics
- var acc: Int = -889275714
- acc = Statics.mix(acc, offset)
- acc = Statics.mix(acc, length)
- Statics.finalizeHash(acc, 2)
- }
object ClassBType {
- * Pattern matching on a ClassBType extracts the `internalName` of the class.
- */
- def unapply(c: ClassBType): Option[String] =
- if (c == null) None
- else Some(c.internalName)
- /**
* Valid flags for InnerClass attribute entry.
* See
@@ -801,12 +834,12 @@ abstract class BTypes {
* through the superclass.
* @param flags The java flags, obtained through `javaFlags`. Used also to derive
* the flags for InnerClass entries.
- * @param memberClasses Classes nested in this class. Those need to be added to the
+ * @param nestedClasses Classes nested in this class. Those need to be added to the
* InnerClass table, see the InnerClass spec summary above.
* @param nestedInfo If this describes a nested class, information for the InnerClass table.
- case class ClassInfo(superClass: Option[ClassBType], interfaces: List[ClassBType], flags: Int,
- memberClasses: List[ClassBType], nestedInfo: Option[NestedInfo])
+ final case class ClassInfo(superClass: Option[ClassBType], interfaces: List[ClassBType], flags: Int,
+ nestedClasses: List[ClassBType], nestedInfo: Option[NestedInfo])
* Information required to add a class to an InnerClass table.
@@ -820,13 +853,13 @@ abstract class BTypes {
* (*) Note that the STATIC flag in ClassInfo.flags, obtained through javaFlags(classSym), is not
* correct for the InnerClass entry, see javaFlags. The static flag in the InnerClass describes
- * a source-level propety: if the class is in a static context (does not have an outer pointer).
+ * a source-level property: if the class is in a static context (does not have an outer pointer).
* This is checked when building the NestedInfo.
- case class NestedInfo(enclosingClass: ClassBType,
- outerName: Option[String],
- innerName: Option[String],
- isStaticNestedClass: Boolean)
+ final case class NestedInfo(enclosingClass: ClassBType,
+ outerName: Option[String],
+ innerName: Option[String],
+ isStaticNestedClass: Boolean)
* This class holds the data for an entry in the InnerClass table. See the InnerClass summary
@@ -839,9 +872,9 @@ abstract class BTypes {
* @param innerName The simple name of the inner class, may be null.
* @param flags The flags for this class in the InnerClass entry.
- case class InnerClassEntry(name: String, outerName: String, innerName: String, flags: Int)
+ final case class InnerClassEntry(name: String, outerName: String, innerName: String, flags: Int)
- case class ArrayBType(componentType: BType) extends RefBType {
+ final case class ArrayBType(componentType: BType) extends RefBType {
def dimension: Int = componentType match {
case a: ArrayBType => 1 + a.dimension
case _ => 1
@@ -853,7 +886,7 @@ abstract class BTypes {
- case class MethodBType(argumentTypes: List[BType], returnType: BType) extends BType
+ final case class MethodBType(argumentTypes: List[BType], returnType: BType) extends BType
/* Some definitions that are required for the implementation of BTypes. They are abstract because
* initializing them requires information from types / symbols, which is not accessible here in
@@ -873,3 +906,12 @@ abstract class BTypes {
def isCompilingPrimitive: Boolean
+object BTypes {
+ /**
+ * A marker for strings that represent class internal names.
+ * Ideally the type would be incompatible with String, for example by making it a value class.
+ * But that would create overhead in a Collection[InternalName].
+ */
+ type InternalName = String
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BTypesFromSymbols.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BTypesFromSymbols.scala
index 3b7cbd6392..94f9b585d9 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BTypesFromSymbols.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BTypesFromSymbols.scala
@@ -7,10 +7,14 @@ package
package backend.jvm
+import opt.ByteCodeRepository
+import BTypes.InternalName
* This class mainly contains the method classBTypeFromSymbol, which extracts the necessary
- * information from a symbol and its type to create the correpsonding ClassBType. It requires
+ * information from a symbol and its type to create the corresponding ClassBType. It requires
* access to the compiler (global parameter).
* The mixin CoreBTypes defines core BTypes that are used in the backend. Building these BTypes
@@ -32,20 +36,13 @@ class BTypesFromSymbols[G <: Global](val global: G) extends BTypes {
val coreBTypes = new CoreBTypesProxy[this.type](this)
import coreBTypes._
- final def intializeCoreBTypes(): Unit = {
- coreBTypes.setBTypes(new CoreBTypes[this.type](this))
- }
+ val byteCodeRepository = new ByteCodeRepository(global.classPath, recordPerRunCache(collection.concurrent.TrieMap.empty[InternalName, (ClassNode, Source)]))
- def internalNameString(offset: Int, length: Int) = new String(global.chrs, offset, length)
- protected val classBTypeFromInternalNameMap = {
- global.perRunCaches.recordCache(collection.concurrent.TrieMap.empty[String, ClassBType])
+ final def initializeCoreBTypes(): Unit = {
+ coreBTypes.setBTypes(new CoreBTypes[this.type](this))
- /**
- * Cache for the method classBTypeFromSymbol.
- */
- private val convertedClasses = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, ClassBType]()
+ def recordPerRunCache[T <: collection.generic.Clearable](cache: T): T = perRunCaches.recordCache(cache)
// helpers that need access to global.
// TODO @lry create a separate component, they don't belong to BTypesFromSymbols
@@ -89,13 +86,11 @@ class BTypesFromSymbols[G <: Global](val global: G) extends BTypes {
(classSym != NothingClass && classSym != NullClass),
s"Cannot create ClassBType for special class symbol ${classSym.fullName}")
- convertedClasses.getOrElse(classSym, {
- val internalName = classSym.javaBinaryName.toTypeName
- // We first create and add the ClassBType to the hash map before computing its info. This
- // allows initializing cylic dependencies, see the comment on variable ClassBType._info.
- val classBType = new ClassBType(internalName.start, internalName.length)
- convertedClasses(classSym) = classBType
- setClassInfo(classSym, classBType)
+ val internalName = classSym.javaBinaryName.toString
+ classBTypeFromInternalName.getOrElse(internalName, {
+ // The new ClassBType is added to the map in its constructor, before we set its info. This
+ // allows initializing cyclic dependencies, see the comment on variable ClassBType._info.
+ setClassInfo(classSym, ClassBType(internalName))
@@ -114,7 +109,7 @@ class BTypesFromSymbols[G <: Global](val global: G) extends BTypes {
val superClass = if (superClassSym == NoSymbol) None
else Some(classBTypeFromSymbol(superClassSym))
- val interfaces = getSuperInterfaces(classSym).map(classBTypeFromSymbol)
+ val interfaces = implementedInterfaces(classSym).map(classBTypeFromSymbol)
val flags = javaFlags(classSym)
@@ -126,25 +121,35 @@ class BTypesFromSymbols[G <: Global](val global: G) extends BTypes {
* code generation, but those duplicates will be eliminated when emitting the InnerClass
* attribute.
- * Why doe we need to collect classes into innerClassBufferASM at all? To collect references to
+ * Why do we need to collect classes into innerClassBufferASM at all? To collect references to
* nested classes, but NOT nested in C, that are used within C.
val nestedClassSymbols = {
// The lambdalift phase lifts all nested classes to the enclosing class, so if we collect
// member classes right after lambdalift, we obtain all nested classes, including local and
// anonymous ones.
- val nestedClasses = exitingPhase(currentRun.lambdaliftPhase)(memberClassesOf(classSym))
+ val nestedClasses = {
+ val nested = exitingPhase(currentRun.lambdaliftPhase)(memberClassesOf(classSym))
+ if (isTopLevelModuleClass(classSym)) {
+ // For Java compatibility, member classes of top-level objects are treated as members of
+ // the top-level companion class, see comment below.
+ val members = exitingPickler(memberClassesOf(classSym))
+ nested diff members
+ } else {
+ nested
+ }
+ }
- // If this is a top-level class, and it has a companion object, the member classes of the
- // companion are added as members of the class. For example:
+ // If this is a top-level class, the member classes of the companion object are added as
+ // members of the class. For example:
// class C { }
// object C {
// class D
// def f = { class E }
// }
- // The class D is added as a member of class C. The reason is that the InnerClass attribute
- // for D will containt class "C" and NOT the module class "C$" as the outer class of D.
- // This is done by buildNestedInfo, the reason is Java compatibility, see comment in BTypes.
+ // The class D is added as a member of class C. The reason is: for Java compatibility, the
+ // InnerClass attribute for D has "C" (NOT the module class "C$") as the outer class of D
+ // (done by buildNestedInfo). See comment in BTypes.
// For consistency, the InnerClass entry for D needs to be present in C - to Java it looks
// like D is a member of C, not C$.
val linkedClass = exitingPickler(classSym.linkedClassOfClass) // linkedCoC does not work properly in late phases
@@ -174,75 +179,51 @@ class BTypesFromSymbols[G <: Global](val global: G) extends BTypes {
} else true
- val memberClasses =
+ val nestedClasses =
val nestedInfo = buildNestedInfo(classSym)
- = ClassInfo(superClass, interfaces, flags, memberClasses, nestedInfo)
+ = ClassInfo(superClass, interfaces, flags, nestedClasses, nestedInfo)
- /**
- * All interfaces implemented by a class, except for those inherited through the superclass.
- *
- * TODO @lry share code with GenASM
- */
- private def getSuperInterfaces(classSym: Symbol): List[Symbol] = {
- // Additional interface parents based on annotations and other cues
- def newParentForAnnotation(ann: AnnotationInfo): Symbol = ann.symbol match {
- case RemoteAttr => RemoteInterfaceClass
- case _ => NoSymbol
- }
- val superInterfaces0: List[Symbol] = classSym.mixinClasses
- val superInterfaces = existingSymbols(superInterfaces0 ++
- assert(!superInterfaces.contains(NoSymbol), s"found NoSymbol among: ${superInterfaces.mkString(", ")}")
- assert(superInterfaces.forall(s => s.isInterface || s.isTrait), s"found non-interface among: ${superInterfaces.mkString(", ")}")
- erasure.minimizeInterfaces(
- }
private def buildNestedInfo(innerClassSym: Symbol): Option[NestedInfo] = {
assert(innerClassSym.isClass, s"Cannot build NestedInfo for non-class symbol $innerClassSym")
- val isNested = !innerClassSym.rawowner.isPackageClass
- if (!isNested) None
+ val isTopLevel = innerClassSym.rawowner.isPackageClass
+ if (isTopLevel) None
else {
// See comment in BTypes, when is a class marked static in the InnerClass table.
val isStaticNestedClass = isOriginallyStaticOwner(innerClassSym.originalOwner)
// After lambdalift (which is where we are), the rawowoner field contains the enclosing class.
- val enclosingClassSym = {
- if (innerClassSym.isJavaDefined && innerClassSym.rawowner.isModuleClass) {
- // Example java source: class C { static class D { } }
- // The Scala compiler creates a class and a module symbol for C. Because D is a static
- // nested class, the symbol for D is nested in the module class C (not in the class C).
- // For the InnerClass attribute, we use the class symbol C, which represents the situation
- // in the source code.
- // Cannot use innerClassSym.isStatic: this method looks at the owner, which is a package
- // at this pahse (after lambdalift, flatten).
- assert(isOriginallyStaticOwner(innerClassSym.originalOwner), innerClassSym.originalOwner)
+ val enclosingClass = {
+ // (1) Example java source: class C { static class D { } }
+ // The Scala compiler creates a class and a module symbol for C. Because D is a static
+ // nested class, the symbol for D is nested in the module class C (not in the class C).
+ // For the InnerClass attribute, we use the class symbol C, which represents the situation
+ // in the source code.
+ // (2) Java compatibility. See the big comment in BTypes that summarizes the InnerClass spec.
+ if ((innerClassSym.isJavaDefined && innerClassSym.rawowner.isModuleClass) || // (1)
+ (!isAnonymousOrLocalClass(innerClassSym) && isTopLevelModuleClass(innerClassSym.rawowner))) { // (2)
// phase travel for linkedCoC - does not always work in late phases
- exitingPickler(innerClassSym.rawowner.linkedClassOfClass)
+ exitingPickler(innerClassSym.rawowner.linkedClassOfClass) match {
+ case NoSymbol =>
+ // For top-level modules without a companion class, see doc of mirrorClassClassBType.
+ mirrorClassClassBType(exitingPickler(innerClassSym.rawowner))
+ case companionClass =>
+ classBTypeFromSymbol(companionClass)
+ }
+ } else {
+ classBTypeFromSymbol(innerClassSym.rawowner)
- else innerClassSym.rawowner
- val enclosingClass: ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(enclosingClassSym)
val outerName: Option[String] = {
- if (isAnonymousOrLocalClass(innerClassSym)) {
- None
- } else {
- val outerName = innerClassSym.rawowner.javaBinaryName
- // Java compatibility. See the big comment in BTypes that summarizes the InnerClass spec.
- val outerNameModule = if (isTopLevelModuleClass(innerClassSym.rawowner)) outerName.dropModule
- else outerName
- Some(outerNameModule.toString)
- }
+ if (isAnonymousOrLocalClass(innerClassSym)) None
+ else Some(enclosingClass.internalName)
val innerName: Option[String] = {
@@ -255,6 +236,29 @@ class BTypesFromSymbols[G <: Global](val global: G) extends BTypes {
+ * For top-level objects without a companion class, the compilere generates a mirror class with
+ * static forwarders (Java compat). There's no symbol for the mirror class, but we still need a
+ * ClassBType (its info.nestedClasses will hold the InnerClass entries, see comment in BTypes).
+ */
+ def mirrorClassClassBType(moduleClassSym: Symbol): ClassBType = {
+ assert(isTopLevelModuleClass(moduleClassSym), s"not a top-level module class: $moduleClassSym")
+ val internalName = moduleClassSym.javaBinaryName.dropModule.toString
+ classBTypeFromInternalName.getOrElse(internalName, {
+ val c = ClassBType(internalName)
+ // class info consistent with BCodeHelpers.genMirrorClass
+ val nested = exitingPickler(memberClassesOf(moduleClassSym)) map classBTypeFromSymbol
+ = ClassInfo(
+ superClass = Some(ObjectReference),
+ interfaces = Nil,
+ flags = asm.Opcodes.ACC_SUPER | asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL,
+ nestedClasses = nested,
+ nestedInfo = None
+ )
+ c
+ })
+ }
+ /**
* True for module classes of package level objects. The backend will generate a mirror class for
* such objects.
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/CoreBTypes.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/CoreBTypes.scala
index fac3c93be2..246235f395 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/CoreBTypes.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/CoreBTypes.scala
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ package backend.jvm
import scala.annotation.switch
- * Core BTypes and some other definitions. The initialization of these definitions requies access
+ * Core BTypes and some other definitions. The initialization of these definitions requires access
* to symbols / types (global).
* The symbols used to initialize the ClassBTypes may change from one compiler run to the next. To
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ import scala.annotation.switch
* The definitions in `CoreBTypes` need to be lazy vals to break an initialization cycle. When
* creating a new instance to assign to the proxy, the `classBTypeFromSymbol` invoked in the
- * constructor will actucally go through the proxy. The lazy vals make sure the instance is assigned
+ * constructor will actually go through the proxy. The lazy vals make sure the instance is assigned
* in the proxy before the fields are initialized.
* Note: if we did not re-create the core BTypes on each compiler run, BType.classBTypeFromInternalNameMap
- * could not be a perRunCache anymore: the classes defeined here need to be in that map, they are
+ * could not be a perRunCache anymore: the classes defined here need to be in that map, they are
* added when the ClassBTypes are created. The per run cache removes them, so they would be missing
* in the second run.
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ class CoreBTypes[BTFS <: BTypesFromSymbols[_ <: Global]](val bTypes: BTFS) {
- * This trait make some core BTypes availalbe that don't depend on a Global instance. Some core
+ * This trait make some core BTypes available that don't depend on a Global instance. Some core
* BTypes are required to be accessible in the BTypes trait, which does not have access to Global.
* BTypes cannot refer to CoreBTypesProxy because some of its members depend on global, for example
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/GenASM.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/GenASM.scala
index e56a20c2e7..abe3bc512c 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/GenASM.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/GenASM.scala
@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ abstract class GenASM extends SubComponent with BytecodeWriters { self =>
def isDeprecated(sym: Symbol): Boolean = { sym.annotations exists (_ matches definitions.DeprecatedAttr) }
- def addInnerClasses(csym: Symbol, jclass: asm.ClassVisitor) {
+ def addInnerClasses(csym: Symbol, jclass: asm.ClassVisitor, isMirror: Boolean = false) {
/* The outer name for this inner class. Note that it returns null
* when the inner class should not get an index in the constant pool.
* That means non-member classes (anonymous). See Section 4.7.5 in the JVMS.
@@ -698,11 +698,19 @@ abstract class GenASM extends SubComponent with BytecodeWriters { self =>
innerSym.rawname + innerSym.moduleSuffix
- // This collects all inner classes of csym, including local and anonymous: lambdalift makes
- // them members of their enclosing class.
- innerClassBuffer ++= exitingPhase(currentRun.lambdaliftPhase)(memberClassesOf(csym))
+ innerClassBuffer ++= {
+ val members = exitingPickler(memberClassesOf(csym))
+ // lambdalift makes all classes (also local, anonymous) members of their enclosing class
+ val allNested = exitingPhase(currentRun.lambdaliftPhase)(memberClassesOf(csym))
- // Add members of the companion object (if top-level). why, see comment in BTypes.scala.
+ // for the mirror class, we take the members of the companion module class (Java compat,
+ // see doc in BTypes.scala). for module classes, we filter out those members.
+ if (isMirror) members
+ else if (isTopLevelModule(csym)) allNested diff members
+ else allNested
+ }
+ // If this is a top-level class, add members of the companion object.
val linkedClass = exitingPickler(csym.linkedClassOfClass) // linkedCoC does not work properly in late phases
if (isTopLevelModule(linkedClass)) {
// phase travel to exitingPickler: this makes sure that memberClassesOf only sees member classes,
@@ -1206,22 +1214,6 @@ abstract class GenASM extends SubComponent with BytecodeWriters { self =>
def serialVUID: Option[Long] = genBCode.serialVUID(clasz.symbol)
- private def getSuperInterfaces(c: IClass): Array[String] = {
- // Additional interface parents based on annotations and other cues
- def newParentForAttr(ann: AnnotationInfo): Symbol = ann.symbol match {
- case RemoteAttr => RemoteInterfaceClass
- case _ => NoSymbol
- }
- val ps =
- val superInterfaces0: List[Symbol] = if(ps.isEmpty) Nil else c.symbol.mixinClasses
- val superInterfaces = existingSymbols(superInterfaces0 ++
- if(superInterfaces.isEmpty) EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY
- else mkArray(erasure.minimizeInterfaces( => javaName(t.typeSymbol)))
- }
var clasz: IClass = _ // this var must be assigned only by genClass()
var jclass: asm.ClassWriter = _ // the classfile being emitted
var thisName: String = _ // the internal name of jclass
@@ -1242,7 +1234,7 @@ abstract class GenASM extends SubComponent with BytecodeWriters { self =>
val ps =
val superClass: String = if(ps.isEmpty) JAVA_LANG_OBJECT.getInternalName else javaName(ps.head.typeSymbol)
- val ifaces = getSuperInterfaces(c)
+ val ifaces: Array[String] = implementedInterfaces(c.symbol).map(javaName)(collection.breakOut)
val thisSignature = getGenericSignature(c.symbol, c.symbol.owner)
val flags = mkFlags(
@@ -2812,7 +2804,7 @@ abstract class GenASM extends SubComponent with BytecodeWriters { self =>
addForwarders(isRemote(modsym), mirrorClass, mirrorName, modsym)
- addInnerClasses(modsym, mirrorClass)
+ addInnerClasses(modsym, mirrorClass, isMirror = true)
writeIfNotTooBig("" +, mirrorName, mirrorClass, modsym)
@@ -2947,7 +2939,7 @@ abstract class GenASM extends SubComponent with BytecodeWriters { self =>
} // end of class JBeanInfoBuilder
/** A namespace for utilities to normalize the code of an IMethod, over and beyond what IMethod.normalize() strives for.
- * In particualr, IMethod.normalize() doesn't collapseJumpChains().
+ * In particular, IMethod.normalize() doesn't collapseJumpChains().
* TODO Eventually, these utilities should be moved to IMethod and reused from normalize() (there's nothing JVM-specific about them).
@@ -3162,7 +3154,7 @@ abstract class GenASM extends SubComponent with BytecodeWriters { self =>
- // remove the unusued exception handler references
+ // remove the unused exception handler references
if (settings.debug)
for (exh <- unusedExceptionHandlers) debuglog(s"eliding exception handler $exh because it does not cover any reachable blocks")
m.exh = m.exh filterNot unusedExceptionHandlers
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/GenBCode.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/GenBCode.scala
index a45f586666..d5e95c47cf 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/GenBCode.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/GenBCode.scala
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ abstract class GenBCode extends BCodeSyncAndTry {
val initStart = Statistics.startTimer(BackendStats.bcodeInitTimer)
arrivalPos = 0 // just in case
- bTypes.intializeCoreBTypes()
+ bTypes.initializeCoreBTypes()
Statistics.stopTimer(BackendStats.bcodeInitTimer, initStart)
// initBytecodeWriter invokes fullName, thus we have to run it before the typer-dependent thread is activated.
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/ByteCodeRepository.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/ByteCodeRepository.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b424d2107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/ByteCodeRepository.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005-2014 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author Martin Odersky
+ */
+package backend.jvm
+package opt
+import asm.tree._
+import scala.collection.convert.decorateAsScala._
+import OptimizerReporting._
+import ByteCodeRepository._
+import BTypes.InternalName
+ * The ByteCodeRepository provides utilities to read the bytecode of classfiles from the compilation
+ * classpath. Parsed classes are cached in the `classes` map.
+ *
+ * @param classPath The compiler classpath where classfiles are searched and read from.
+ * @param classes Cache for parsed ClassNodes. Also stores the source of the bytecode:
+ * [[Classfile]] if read from `classPath`, [[CompilationUnit]] if the bytecode
+ * corresponds to a class being compiled.
+ */
+class ByteCodeRepository(val classPath: ClassFileLookup[AbstractFile], val classes: collection.concurrent.Map[InternalName, (ClassNode, Source)]) {
+ /**
+ * The class node and source for an internal name. If the class node is not yet available, it is
+ * parsed from the classfile on the compile classpath.
+ */
+ def classNodeAndSource(internalName: InternalName): (ClassNode, Source) = {
+ classes.getOrElseUpdate(internalName, (parseClass(internalName), Classfile))
+ }
+ /**
+ * The class node for an internal name. If the class node is not yet available, it is parsed from
+ * the classfile on the compile classpath.
+ */
+ def classNode(internalName: InternalName) = classNodeAndSource(internalName)._1
+ /**
+ * The field node for a field matching `name` and `descriptor`, accessed in class `classInternalName`.
+ * The declaration of the field may be in one of the superclasses.
+ *
+ * @return The [[FieldNode]] of the requested field and the [[InternalName]] of its declaring class.
+ */
+ def fieldNode(classInternalName: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String): Option[(FieldNode, InternalName)] = {
+ val c = classNode(classInternalName)
+ c.fields.asScala.find(f => == name && f.desc == descriptor).map((_, classInternalName)) orElse {
+ Option(c.superName).flatMap(n => fieldNode(n, name, descriptor))
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * The method node for a method matching `name` and `descriptor`, accessed in class `classInternalName`.
+ * The declaration of the method may be in one of the parents.
+ *
+ * @return The [[MethodNode]] of the requested method and the [[InternalName]] of its declaring class.
+ */
+ def methodNode(classInternalName: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String): Option[(MethodNode, InternalName)] = {
+ val c = classNode(classInternalName)
+ c.methods.asScala.find(m => == name && m.desc == descriptor).map((_, classInternalName)) orElse {
+ val parents = Option(c.superName) ++ c.interfaces.asScala
+ // `view` to stop at the first result
+ parents.view.flatMap(methodNode(_, name, descriptor)).headOption
+ }
+ }
+ private def parseClass(internalName: InternalName): ClassNode = {
+ val fullName = internalName.replace('/', '.')
+ classPath.findClassFile(fullName) map { classFile =>
+ val classNode = new asm.tree.ClassNode()
+ val classReader = new asm.ClassReader(classFile.toByteArray)
+ // We don't need frames when inlining, but we want to keep the local variable table, so we
+ // don't use SKIP_DEBUG.
+ classReader.accept(classNode, asm.ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES)
+ // SKIP_FRAMES leaves line number nodes. Remove them because they are not correct after
+ // inlining.
+ // TODO: we need to remove them also for classes that are not parsed from classfiles, why not simplify and do it once when inlining?
+ // OR: instead of skipping line numbers for inlined code, use write a SourceDebugExtension
+ // attribute that contains JSR-45 data that encodes debugging info.
+ //
+ //
+ removeLineNumberNodes(classNode)
+ classNode
+ } getOrElse {
+ inlineFailure(s"Class file for class $fullName not found.")
+ }
+ }
+ private def removeLineNumberNodes(classNode: ClassNode): Unit = {
+ for (method <- classNode.methods.asScala) {
+ val iter = method.instructions.iterator()
+ while (iter.hasNext) match {
+ case _: LineNumberNode => iter.remove()
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ }
+ }
+object ByteCodeRepository {
+ /**
+ * The source of a ClassNode in the ByteCodeRepository. Can be either [[CompilationUnit]] if the
+ * class is being compiled or [[Classfile]] if the class was parsed from the compilation classpath.
+ */
+ sealed trait Source
+ object CompilationUnit extends Source
+ object Classfile extends Source
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/LocalOpt.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/LocalOpt.scala
index 273112b93c..87ad715e4d 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/LocalOpt.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/LocalOpt.scala
@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@ import
* Optimizations within a single method.
* unreachable code
- * - removes instrucions of basic blocks to which no branch instruction points
+ * - removes instructions of basic blocks to which no branch instruction points
* + enables eliminating some exception handlers and local variable descriptors
* > eliminating them is required for correctness, as explained in `removeUnreachableCode`
* empty exception handlers
* - removes exception handlers whose try block is empty
* + eliminating a handler where the try block is empty and reachable will turn the catch block
- * unreachble. in this case "unreachable code" is invoked recursively until reaching a fixpiont.
+ * unreachable. in this case "unreachable code" is invoked recursively until reaching a fixpoint.
* > for try blocks that are unreachable, "unreachable code" removes also the instructions of the
- * catch block, and the recrusive invocation is not necessary.
+ * catch block, and the recursive invocation is not necessary.
* simplify jumps
* - various simplifications, see doc domments of individual optimizations
@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ class LocalOpt(settings: ScalaSettings) {
* cleanups to the bytecode.
* @param clazz The class whose methods are optimized
- * @return `true` if unreachable code was elminated in some method, `false` otherwise.
+ * @return `true` if unreachable code was eliminated in some method, `false` otherwise.
def methodOptimizations(clazz: ClassNode): Boolean = {
- settings.Yopt.value.nonEmpty && clazz.methods.asScala.foldLeft(false) {
+ !settings.YoptNone && clazz.methods.asScala.foldLeft(false) {
case (changed, method) => methodOptimizations(method, || changed
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class LocalOpt(settings: ScalaSettings) {
* We rely on dead code elimination provided by the ASM framework, as described in the ASM User
* Guide (, Section 8.2.1. It runs a data flow analysis, which only
* computes Frame information for reachable instructions. Instructions for which no Frame data is
- * available after the analyis are unreachable.
+ * available after the analysis are unreachable.
* Also simplifies branching instructions, removes unused local variable descriptors, empty
* exception handlers, unnecessary label declarations and empty line number nodes.
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ class LocalOpt(settings: ScalaSettings) {
- * The number of local varialbe slots used for parameters and for the `this` reference.
+ * The number of local variable slots used for parameters and for the `this` reference.
private def parametersSize(method: MethodNode): Int = {
// Double / long fields occupy two slots, so we sum up the sizes. Since getSize returns 0 for
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ class LocalOpt(settings: ScalaSettings) {
* In order to run an Analyzer, the maxLocals / maxStack fields need to be available. The ASM
* framework only computes these values during bytecode generation.
- * Sicne there's currently no better way, we run a bytecode generator on the method and extract
+ * Since there's currently no better way, we run a bytecode generator on the method and extract
* the computed values. This required changes to the ASM codebase:
* - the [[MethodWriter]] class was made public
* - accessors for maxLocals / maxStack were added to the MethodWriter class
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ class LocalOpt(settings: ScalaSettings) {
* Removes LineNumberNodes that don't describe any executable instructions.
* This method expects (and asserts) that the `start` label of each LineNumberNode is the
- * lexically preceeding label declaration.
+ * lexically preceding label declaration.
def removeEmptyLineNumbers(method: MethodNode): Boolean = {
def isEmpty(node: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = node.getNext match {
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ class LocalOpt(settings: ScalaSettings) {
* CondJump l; [nops, no labels]; GOTO m; [nops]; l: [...]
* => NegatedCondJump m; [nops, no labels]; [nops]; l: [...]
- * Note that no label definitions are allowed in the first [nops] section. Otherwsie, there could
+ * Note that no label definitions are allowed in the first [nops] section. Otherwise, there could
* be some other jump to the GOTO, and eliminating it would change behavior.
* For technical reasons, we cannot remove the GOTO here (*).Instead this method returns an Option
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ class LocalOpt(settings: ScalaSettings) {
* => xRETURN/ATHROW; [any ops]; l: xRETURN/ATHROW
* inlining is only done if the GOTO instruction is not part of a try block, otherwise the
- * rewrite might change the behavior. For xRETURN, the reason is that return insructions may throw
+ * rewrite might change the behavior. For xRETURN, the reason is that return instructions may throw
* an IllegalMonitorStateException, as described here:
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/OptimizerReporting.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/OptimizerReporting.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7002e43d98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/OptimizerReporting.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005-2014 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author Martin Odersky
+ */
+package backend.jvm
+import asm.tree._
+ * Reporting utilities used in the optimizer.
+ */
+object OptimizerReporting {
+ def methodSignature(className: String, methodName: String, methodDescriptor: String): String = {
+ className + "::" + methodName + methodDescriptor
+ }
+ def methodSignature(className: String, method: MethodNode): String = methodSignature(className,, method.desc)
+ def inlineFailure(reason: String): Nothing = MissingRequirementError.signal(reason)
+ def assertionError(message: String): Nothing = throw new AssertionError(message)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/ConstantOptimization.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/ConstantOptimization.scala
index c6e699373b..0e6ee76eb2 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/ConstantOptimization.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/ConstantOptimization.scala
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import scala.annotation.tailrec
* With some more work it could be extended to
* - cache stable values (final fields, modules) in locals
- * - replace the copy propagation in ClosureElilmination
+ * - replace the copy propagation in ClosureElimination
* - fold constants
* - eliminate unnecessary stores and loads
* - propagate knowledge gathered from conditionals for further optimization
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ abstract class ConstantOptimization extends SubComponent {
// TODO if we do all that we need to be careful in the
// case that success and failure are the same target block
// because we're using a Map and don't want one possible state to clobber the other
- // alternative mayb we should just replace the conditional with a jump if both targets are the same
+ // alternative maybe we should just replace the conditional with a jump if both targets are the same
def mightEqual = val1 mightEqual val2
def mightNotEqual = val1 mightNotEqual val2
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/DeadCodeElimination.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/DeadCodeElimination.scala
index 4b419b210c..3704acb055 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/DeadCodeElimination.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/DeadCodeElimination.scala
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ abstract class DeadCodeElimination extends SubComponent {
debuglog("Marking instr: \tBB_" + bb + ": " + idx + " " + bb(idx))
val instr = bb(idx)
- // adds the instrutions that define the stack values about to be consumed to the work list to
+ // adds the instructions that define the stack values about to be consumed to the work list to
// be marked useful
def addDefs() = for ((bb1, idx1) <- rdef.findDefs(bb, idx, instr.consumed) if !useful(bb1)(idx1)) {
debuglog(s"\t${bb1(idx1)} is consumed by $instr")
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/Inliners.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/Inliners.scala
index aa18b26d93..8f6fc65706 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/Inliners.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/Inliners.scala
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ abstract class Inliners extends SubComponent {
* A transformation local to the body of the IMethod received as argument.
- * An linining decision consists in replacing a callsite with the body of the callee.
+ * An inlining decision consists in replacing a callsite with the body of the callee.
* Please notice that, because `analyzeMethod()` itself may modify a method body,
* the particular callee bodies that end up being inlined depend on the particular order in which methods are visited
* (no topological sorting over the call-graph is attempted).
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/classpath/FlatClassPath.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/classpath/FlatClassPath.scala
index 26b5429e23..cb201617d2 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/classpath/FlatClassPath.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/classpath/FlatClassPath.scala
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ trait FlatClassPath extends ClassFileLookup[AbstractFile] {
/** Allows to get entries for packages and classes merged with sources possibly in one pass. */
private[nsc] def list(inPackage: String): FlatClassPathEntries
- // A default implementation which should be overriden, if we can create more efficient
- // solution for given type of FlatClassPath
+ // A default implementation which should be overridden, if we can create the more efficient
+ // solution for a given type of FlatClassPath
override def findClass(className: String): Option[ClassRepresentation[AbstractFile]] = {
val (pkg, simpleClassName) = PackageNameUtils.separatePkgAndClassNames(className)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/ScalaSettings.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/ScalaSettings.scala
index 18e639b81c..a5b722612d 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/ScalaSettings.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/ScalaSettings.scala
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ trait ScalaSettings extends AbsScalaSettings
val termConflict = ChoiceSetting ("-Yresolve-term-conflict", "strategy", "Resolve term conflicts", List("package", "object", "error"), "error")
val inline = BooleanSetting ("-Yinline", "Perform inlining when possible.")
val inlineHandlers = BooleanSetting ("-Yinline-handlers", "Perform exception handler inlining when possible.")
- val YinlinerWarnings= BooleanSetting ("-Yinline-warnings", "Emit inlining warnings. (Normally surpressed due to high volume)")
+ val YinlinerWarnings= BooleanSetting ("-Yinline-warnings", "Emit inlining warnings. (Normally suppressed due to high volume)")
val Xlinearizer = ChoiceSetting ("-Ylinearizer", "which", "Linearizer to use", List("normal", "dfs", "rpo", "dump"), "rpo")
val log = PhasesSetting ("-Ylog", "Log operations during")
val Ylogcp = BooleanSetting ("-Ylog-classpath", "Output information about what classpath is being applied.")
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ trait ScalaSettings extends AbsScalaSettings
val Yreplsync = BooleanSetting ("-Yrepl-sync", "Do not use asynchronous code for repl startup")
val Yreplclassbased = BooleanSetting ("-Yrepl-class-based", "Use classes to wrap REPL snippets instead of objects")
val Yreploutdir = StringSetting ("-Yrepl-outdir", "path", "Write repl-generated classfiles to given output directory (use \"\" to generate a temporary dir)" , "")
- val YmethodInfer = BooleanSetting ("-Yinfer-argument-types", "Infer types for arguments of overriden methods.")
+ val YmethodInfer = BooleanSetting ("-Yinfer-argument-types", "Infer types for arguments of overridden methods.")
val etaExpandKeepsStar = BooleanSetting ("-Yeta-expand-keeps-star", "Eta-expand varargs methods to T* rather than Seq[T]. This is a temporary option to ease transition.").withDeprecationMessage(removalIn212)
val inferByName = BooleanSetting ("-Yinfer-by-name", "Allow inference of by-name types. This is a temporary option to ease transition. See SI-7899.").withDeprecationMessage(removalIn212)
val YclasspathImpl = ChoiceSetting ("-YclasspathImpl", "implementation", "Choose classpath scanning method.", List(ClassPathRepresentationType.Recursive, ClassPathRepresentationType.Flat), ClassPathRepresentationType.Recursive)
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ trait ScalaSettings extends AbsScalaSettings
object YoptChoices extends MultiChoiceEnumeration {
val unreachableCode = Choice("unreachable-code", "Eliminate unreachable code, exception handlers protecting no instructions, debug information of eliminated variables.")
- val simplifyJumps = Choice("simplify-jumps", "Simplify branching instructions, eliminate unnecessery ones.")
+ val simplifyJumps = Choice("simplify-jumps", "Simplify branching instructions, eliminate unnecessary ones.")
val recurseUnreachableJumps = Choice("recurse-unreachable-jumps", "Recursively apply unreachable-code and simplify-jumps (if enabled) until reaching a fixpoint.")
val emptyLineNumbers = Choice("empty-line-numbers", "Eliminate unnecessary line number information.")
val emptyLabels = Choice("empty-labels", "Eliminate and collapse redundant labels in the bytecode.")
@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@ trait ScalaSettings extends AbsScalaSettings
descr = "Enable optimizations",
domain = YoptChoices)
+ def YoptNone = Yopt.isSetByUser && Yopt.value.isEmpty
def YoptUnreachableCode = !Yopt.isSetByUser || Yopt.contains(YoptChoices.unreachableCode)
def YoptSimplifyJumps = Yopt.contains(YoptChoices.simplifyJumps)
def YoptRecurseUnreachableJumps = Yopt.contains(YoptChoices.recurseUnreachableJumps)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/Warnings.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/Warnings.scala
index c400e8c29c..d174dc86c7 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/Warnings.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/Warnings.scala
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ trait Warnings {
// Experimental lint warnings that are turned off, but which could be turned on programmatically.
// These warnings are said to blind those who dare enable them.
// They are not activated by -Xlint and can't be enabled on the command line.
- val warnValueOverrides = { // currently turned off as experimental. creaded using constructor (new BS), so not available on the command line.
+ val warnValueOverrides = { // Currently turned off as experimental. Created using constructor (new BS), so not available on the command line.
val flag = new BooleanSetting("value-overrides", "Generated value class method overrides an implementation")
flag.value = false
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/SymbolLoaders.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/SymbolLoaders.scala
index 9af3efbece..8fd2ea45e4 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/SymbolLoaders.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/SymbolLoaders.scala
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ abstract class SymbolLoaders {
/** Create a new loader from a binary classfile.
- * This is intented as a hook allowing to support loading symbols from
+ * This is intended as a hook allowing to support loading symbols from
* files other than .class files.
protected def newClassLoader(bin: AbstractFile): SymbolLoader =
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala
index 1abbdb50b0..4d08be3c24 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ abstract class ClassfileParser {
info = MethodType(newParams, clazz.tpe)
- // Note: the info may be overrwritten later with a generic signature
+ // Note: the info may be overwritten later with a generic signature
// parsed from SignatureATTR
sym setInfo info
propagatePackageBoundary(jflags, sym)
@@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ abstract class ClassfileParser {
classTParams = tparams
val parents = new ListBuffer[Type]()
while (index < end) {
- parents += sig2type(tparams, skiptvs = false) // here the variance doesnt'matter
+ parents += sig2type(tparams, skiptvs = false) // here the variance doesn't matter
ClassInfoType(parents.toList, instanceScope, sym)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Constructors.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Constructors.scala
index f471440293..362cbde04f 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Constructors.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Constructors.scala
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ abstract class Constructors extends Statics with Transform with ast.TreeDSL {
* whether `sym` denotes a param-accessor (ie a field) that fulfills all of:
* (a) has stationary value, ie the same value provided via the corresponding ctor-arg; and
* (b) isn't subject to specialization. We might be processing statements for:
- * (b.1) the constructur in the generic (super-)class; or
+ * (b.1) the constructor in the generic (super-)class; or
* (b.2) the constructor in the specialized (sub-)class.
* (c) isn't part of a DelayedInit subclass.
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Delambdafy.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Delambdafy.scala
index f7b1021ea2..d2c511a2d1 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Delambdafy.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Delambdafy.scala
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import scala.reflect.internal.Symbols
import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap
- * This transformer is responisble for turning lambdas into anonymous classes.
+ * This transformer is responsible for turning lambdas into anonymous classes.
* The main assumption it makes is that a lambda {args => body} has been turned into
* {args => liftedBody()} where lifted body is a top level method that implements the body of the lambda.
* Currently Uncurry is responsible for that transformation.
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap
* From a lambda, Delambdafy will create
* 1) a static forwarder at the top level of the class that contained the lambda
* 2) a new top level class that
- a) has fields and a constructor taking the captured environment (including possbily the "this"
+ a) has fields and a constructor taking the captured environment (including possibly the "this"
* reference)
* b) an apply method that calls the static forwarder
* c) if needed a bridge method for the apply method
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ abstract class Delambdafy extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.Tre
// when we encounter a template (basically the thing that holds body of a class/trait)
- // we need to updated it to include newly created accesor methods after transforming it
+ // we need to updated it to include newly created accessor methods after transforming it
case Template(_, _, _) =>
try {
// during this call accessorMethods will be populated from the Function case
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ abstract class Delambdafy extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.Tre
else "$" + + "$"
val oldClassPart =
- // make sure the class name doesn't contain $anon, otherwsie isAnonymousClass/Function may be true
+ // make sure the class name doesn't contain $anon, otherwise isAnonymousClass/Function may be true
val name = unit.freshTypeName(s"$oldClassPart$suffix".replace("$anon", "$nestedInAnon"))
val lambdaClass = pkg newClassSymbol(name, originalFunction.pos, FINAL | SYNTHETIC) addAnnotation SerialVersionUIDAnnotation
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ abstract class Delambdafy extends Transform with TypingTransformers with ast.Tre
- * Get the symbol of the target lifted lambad body method from a function. I.e. if
+ * Get the symbol of the target lifted lambda body method from a function. I.e. if
* the function is {args => anonfun(args)} then this method returns anonfun's symbol
private def targetMethod(fun: Function): Symbol = fun match {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Erasure.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Erasure.scala
index b6af19250e..5c72bb3258 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Erasure.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Erasure.scala
@@ -185,22 +185,22 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
private def isErasedValueType(tpe: Type) = tpe.isInstanceOf[ErasedValueType]
- /* Drop redundant interfaces (ones which are implemented by some other parent) from the immediate parents.
+ /* Drop redundant types (ones which are implemented by some other parent) from the immediate parents.
* This is important on Android because there is otherwise an interface explosion.
- def minimizeInterfaces(lstIfaces: List[Type]): List[Type] = {
- var rest = lstIfaces
- var leaves = List.empty[Type]
- while(!rest.isEmpty) {
+ def minimizeParents(parents: List[Type]): List[Type] = {
+ var rest = parents
+ var leaves = collection.mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Type]
+ while(rest.nonEmpty) {
val candidate = rest.head
val nonLeaf = leaves exists { t => t.typeSymbol isSubClass candidate.typeSymbol }
if(!nonLeaf) {
- leaves = candidate :: (leaves filterNot { t => candidate.typeSymbol isSubClass t.typeSymbol })
+ leaves = leaves filterNot { t => candidate.typeSymbol isSubClass t.typeSymbol }
+ leaves += candidate
rest = rest.tail
- leaves.reverse
+ leaves.toList
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
case _ => tps
- val minParents = minimizeInterfaces(parents)
+ val minParents = minimizeParents(parents)
val validParents =
if (isTraitSignature)
// java is unthrilled about seeing interfaces inherit from classes
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
* a name clash. The present method guards against these name clashes.
* @param member The original member
- * @param other The overidden symbol for which the bridge was generated
+ * @param other The overridden symbol for which the bridge was generated
* @param bridge The bridge
def checkBridgeOverrides(member: Symbol, other: Symbol, bridge: Symbol): Seq[(Position, String)] = {
@@ -1153,7 +1153,7 @@ abstract class Erasure extends AddInterfaces
- /** The main transform function: Pretransfom the tree, and then
+ /** The main transform function: Pretransform the tree, and then
* re-type it at phase
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala
index c291961447..6225b486c2 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ abstract class ExplicitOuter extends InfoTransform
else atPos(tree.pos)(outerPath(outerValue, currentClass.outerClass, sym)) // (5)
case Select(qual, name) =>
- // make not private symbol acessed from inner classes, as well as
+ // make not private symbol accessed from inner classes, as well as
// symbols accessed from @inline methods
// See SI-6552 for an example of why `sym.owner.enclMethod hasAnnotation ScalaInlineClass`
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Flatten.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Flatten.scala
index 4662ef6224..6149e40fa7 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Flatten.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Flatten.scala
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ abstract class Flatten extends InfoTransform {
if (sym.isTerm && !sym.isStaticModule) {
decls1 enter sym
if (sym.isModule) {
- // In theory, we could assert(sym.isMethod), because nested, non-static moduls are
+ // In theory, we could assert(sym.isMethod), because nested, non-static modules are
// transformed to methods (lateMETHOD flag added in RefChecks). But this requires
// forcing (see comment on isModuleNotMethod), which forces stub symbols
// too eagerly (SI-8907).
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/LambdaLift.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/LambdaLift.scala
index d69c9d9a65..fa0c1f797b 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/LambdaLift.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/LambdaLift.scala
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ abstract class LambdaLift extends InfoTransform {
/* SI-6231: Something like this will be necessary to eliminate the implementation
- * restiction from paramGetter above:
+ * restriction from paramGetter above:
* We need to pass getters to the interface of an implementation class.
private def fixTraitGetters(lifted: List[Tree]): List[Tree] =
for (stat <- lifted) yield stat match {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/OverridingPairs.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/OverridingPairs.scala
index c1c025ad48..e4082eb376 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/OverridingPairs.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/OverridingPairs.scala
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ abstract class OverridingPairs extends SymbolPairs {
override protected def matches(lo: Symbol, high: Symbol) = lo.isType || (
(lo.owner != high.owner) // don't try to form pairs from overloaded members
- && !high.isPrivate // private or private[this] members never are overriden
+ && !high.isPrivate // private or private[this] members never are overridden
&& !exclude(lo) // this admits private, as one can't have a private member that matches a less-private member.
&& relatively.matches(lo, high)
) // TODO we don't call exclude(high), should we?
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/SpecializeTypes.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/SpecializeTypes.scala
index 9c81e31ad9..1691b01e3e 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/SpecializeTypes.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/SpecializeTypes.scala
@@ -894,7 +894,6 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
val specMember = subst(outerEnv)(specializedOverload(owner, sym, spec))
typeEnv(specMember) = typeEnv(sym) ++ outerEnv ++ spec
wasSpecializedForTypeVars(specMember) ++= spec collect { case (s, tp) if s.tpe == tp => s }
@@ -1291,7 +1290,7 @@ abstract class SpecializeTypes extends InfoTransform with TypingTransformers {
* // even in the specialized variant, the local X class
* // doesn't extend Parent$mcI$sp, since its symbol has
* // been created after specialization and was not seen
- * // by specialzation's info transformer.
+ * // by specialization's info transformer.
* ...
* }
* }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Logic.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Logic.scala
index e6ddf8b758..0b53dc37de 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Logic.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Logic.scala
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ trait Logic extends Debugging {
import PatternMatchingStats._
private def max(xs: Seq[Int]) = if (xs isEmpty) 0 else xs max
- private def alignedColumns(cols: Seq[AnyRef]): Seq[String] = {
- def toString(x: AnyRef) = if (x eq null) "" else x.toString
+ private def alignedColumns(cols: Seq[Any]): Seq[String] = {
+ def toString(x: Any) = if (x == null) "" else x.toString
if (cols.isEmpty || cols.tails.isEmpty) cols map toString
else {
val colLens = cols map (c => toString(c).length)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ trait Logic extends Debugging {
- def alignAcrossRows(xss: List[List[AnyRef]], sep: String, lineSep: String = "\n"): String = {
+ def alignAcrossRows(xss: List[List[Any]], sep: String, lineSep: String = "\n"): String = {
val maxLen = max(xss map (_.length))
val padded = xss map (xs => xs ++ List.fill(maxLen - xs.length)(null)) map (_.mkString(sep)) mkString(lineSep)
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ trait Logic extends Debugging {
type Tree
class Prop
- case class Eq(p: Var, q: Const) extends Prop
+ final case class Eq(p: Var, q: Const) extends Prop
type Const
@@ -105,43 +105,157 @@ trait Logic extends Debugging {
// would be nice to statically check whether a prop is equational or pure,
// but that requires typing relations like And(x: Tx, y: Ty) : (if(Tx == PureProp && Ty == PureProp) PureProp else Prop)
- case class And(a: Prop, b: Prop) extends Prop
- case class Or(a: Prop, b: Prop) extends Prop
- case class Not(a: Prop) extends Prop
+ final case class And(ops: Set[Prop]) extends Prop
+ object And {
+ def apply(ops: Prop*) = new And(ops.toSet)
+ }
+ final case class Or(ops: Set[Prop]) extends Prop
+ object Or {
+ def apply(ops: Prop*) = new Or(ops.toSet)
+ }
+ final case class Not(a: Prop) extends Prop
case object True extends Prop
case object False extends Prop
// symbols are propositions
- abstract case class Sym(variable: Var, const: Const) extends Prop {
+ final class Sym private[PropositionalLogic] (val variable: Var, val const: Const) extends Prop {
+ override def equals(other: scala.Any): Boolean = other match {
+ case that: Sym => this.variable == that.variable &&
+ this.const == that.const
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ override def hashCode(): Int = {
+ variable.hashCode * 41 + const.hashCode
+ }
private val id: Int = Sym.nextSymId
- override def toString = variable +"="+ const +"#"+ id
+ override def toString = s"$variable=$const#$id"
- class UniqueSym(variable: Var, const: Const) extends Sym(variable, const)
object Sym {
private val uniques: HashSet[Sym] = new HashSet("uniques", 512)
def apply(variable: Var, const: Const): Sym = {
- val newSym = new UniqueSym(variable, const)
+ val newSym = new Sym(variable, const)
(uniques findEntryOrUpdate newSym)
- private def nextSymId = {_symId += 1; _symId}; private var _symId = 0
+ def nextSymId = {_symId += 1; _symId}; private var _symId = 0
implicit val SymOrdering: Ordering[Sym] =
- def /\(props: Iterable[Prop]) = if (props.isEmpty) True else props.reduceLeft(And(_, _))
- def \/(props: Iterable[Prop]) = if (props.isEmpty) False else props.reduceLeft(Or(_, _))
+ def /\(props: Iterable[Prop]) = if (props.isEmpty) True else And(props.toSeq: _*)
+ def \/(props: Iterable[Prop]) = if (props.isEmpty) False else Or(props.toSeq: _*)
+ /**
+ * Simplifies propositional formula according to the following rules:
+ * - eliminate double negation (avoids unnecessary Tseitin variables)
+ * - flatten trees of same connectives (avoids unnecessary Tseitin variables)
+ * - removes constants and connectives that are in fact constant because of their operands
+ * - eliminates duplicate operands
+ * - convert formula into NNF: all sub-expressions have a positive polarity
+ * which makes them amenable for the subsequent Plaisted transformation
+ * and increases chances to figure out that the formula is already in CNF
+ *
+ * Complexity: DFS over formula tree
+ *
+ * See
+ */
+ def simplify(f: Prop): Prop = {
+ // limit size to avoid blow up
+ def hasImpureAtom(ops: Seq[Prop]): Boolean = ops.size < 10 &&
+ ops.combinations(2).exists {
+ case Seq(a, Not(b)) if a == b => true
+ case Seq(Not(a), b) if a == b => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ // push negation inside formula
+ def negationNormalFormNot(p: Prop): Prop = p match {
+ case And(ops) => Or( // De'Morgan
+ case Or(ops) => And( // De'Morgan
+ case Not(p) => negationNormalForm(p)
+ case True => False
+ case False => True
+ case s: Sym => Not(s)
+ }
+ def negationNormalForm(p: Prop): Prop = p match {
+ case And(ops) => And(
+ case Or(ops) => Or(
+ case Not(negated) => negationNormalFormNot(negated)
+ case True
+ | False
+ | (_: Sym) => p
+ }
+ def simplifyProp(p: Prop): Prop = p match {
+ case And(fv) =>
+ // recurse for nested And (pulls all Ands up)
+ val ops = - True // ignore `True`
+ // build up Set in order to remove duplicates
+ val opsFlattened = ops.flatMap {
+ case And(fv) => fv
+ case f => Set(f)
+ }.toSeq
+ if (hasImpureAtom(opsFlattened) || opsFlattened.contains(False)) {
+ False
+ } else {
+ opsFlattened match {
+ case Seq() => True
+ case Seq(f) => f
+ case ops => And(ops: _*)
+ }
+ }
+ case Or(fv) =>
+ // recurse for nested Or (pulls all Ors up)
+ val ops = - False // ignore `False`
+ val opsFlattened = ops.flatMap {
+ case Or(fv) => fv
+ case f => Set(f)
+ }.toSeq
+ if (hasImpureAtom(opsFlattened) || opsFlattened.contains(True)) {
+ True
+ } else {
+ opsFlattened match {
+ case Seq() => False
+ case Seq(f) => f
+ case ops => Or(ops: _*)
+ }
+ }
+ case Not(Not(a)) =>
+ simplify(a)
+ case Not(p) =>
+ Not(simplify(p))
+ case p =>
+ p
+ }
+ val nnf = negationNormalForm(f)
+ simplifyProp(nnf)
+ }
trait PropTraverser {
def apply(x: Prop): Unit = x match {
- case And(a, b) => apply(a); apply(b)
- case Or(a, b) => apply(a); apply(b)
+ case And(ops) => ops foreach apply
+ case Or(ops) => ops foreach apply
case Not(a) => apply(a)
case Eq(a, b) => applyVar(a); applyConst(b)
+ case s: Sym => applySymbol(s)
case _ =>
def applyVar(x: Var): Unit = {}
def applyConst(x: Const): Unit = {}
+ def applySymbol(x: Sym): Unit = {}
def gatherVariables(p: Prop): Set[Var] = {
@@ -152,36 +266,27 @@ trait Logic extends Debugging {
+ def gatherSymbols(p: Prop): Set[Sym] = {
+ val syms = new mutable.HashSet[Sym]()
+ (new PropTraverser {
+ override def applySymbol(s: Sym) = syms += s
+ })(p)
+ syms.toSet
+ }
trait PropMap {
def apply(x: Prop): Prop = x match { // TODO: mapConserve
- case And(a, b) => And(apply(a), apply(b))
- case Or(a, b) => Or(apply(a), apply(b))
+ case And(ops) => And(ops map apply)
+ case Or(ops) => Or(ops map apply)
case Not(a) => Not(apply(a))
case p => p
- // to govern how much time we spend analyzing matches for unreachability/exhaustivity
- object AnalysisBudget {
- private val budgetProp = scala.sys.Prop[String]("scalac.patmat.analysisBudget")
- private val budgetOff = "off"
- val max: Int = {
- val DefaultBudget = 256
- budgetProp.option match {
- case Some(`budgetOff`) =>
- Integer.MAX_VALUE
- case Some(x) =>
- x.toInt
- case None =>
- DefaultBudget
- }
- }
- abstract class Exception(val advice: String) extends RuntimeException("CNF budget exceeded")
- object exceeded extends Exception(
- s"(The analysis required more space than allowed. Please try with scalac -D${budgetProp.key}=${AnalysisBudget.max*2} or -D${budgetProp.key}=${budgetOff}.)")
+ // TODO: remove since deprecated
+ val budgetProp = scala.sys.Prop[String]("scalac.patmat.analysisBudget")
+ if (budgetProp.isSet) {
+ reportWarning(s"Please remove -D${budgetProp.key}, it is ignored.")
// convert finite domain propositional logic with subtyping to pure boolean propositional logic
@@ -202,7 +307,7 @@ trait Logic extends Debugging {
// TODO: for V1 representing x1 and V2 standing for x1.head, encode that
// V1 = Nil implies -(V2 = Ci) for all Ci in V2's domain (i.e., it is unassignable)
// may throw an AnalysisBudget.Exception
- def removeVarEq(props: List[Prop], modelNull: Boolean = false): (Formula, List[Formula]) = {
+ def removeVarEq(props: List[Prop], modelNull: Boolean = false): (Prop, List[Prop]) = {
val start = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startTimer(patmatAnaVarEq) else null
val vars = new mutable.HashSet[Var]
@@ -226,10 +331,10 @@ trait Logic extends Debugging {
props foreach gatherEqualities.apply
if (modelNull) vars foreach (_.registerNull())
- val pure = props map (p => eqFreePropToSolvable(rewriteEqualsToProp(p)))
+ val pure = props map (p => rewriteEqualsToProp(p))
- val eqAxioms = formulaBuilder
- @inline def addAxiom(p: Prop) = addFormula(eqAxioms, eqFreePropToSolvable(p))
+ val eqAxioms = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Prop]()
+ @inline def addAxiom(p: Prop) = eqAxioms += p
debug.patmat("removeVarEq vars: "+ vars)
vars.foreach { v =>
@@ -255,49 +360,32 @@ trait Logic extends Debugging {
- debug.patmat("eqAxioms:\n"+ cnfString(toFormula(eqAxioms)))
- debug.patmat("pure:"+ => cnfString(p)).mkString("\n"))
+ debug.patmat(s"eqAxioms:\n${eqAxioms.mkString("\n")}")
+ debug.patmat(s"pure:${pure.mkString("\n")}")
if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(patmatAnaVarEq, start)
- (toFormula(eqAxioms), pure)
+ (And(eqAxioms: _*), pure)
+ type Solvable
- // an interface that should be suitable for feeding a SAT solver when the time comes
- type Formula
- type FormulaBuilder
- // creates an empty formula builder to which more formulae can be added
- def formulaBuilder: FormulaBuilder
- // val f = formulaBuilder; addFormula(f, f1); ... addFormula(f, fN)
- // toFormula(f) == andFormula(f1, andFormula(..., fN))
- def addFormula(buff: FormulaBuilder, f: Formula): Unit
- def toFormula(buff: FormulaBuilder): Formula
- // the conjunction of formulae `a` and `b`
- def andFormula(a: Formula, b: Formula): Formula
- // equivalent formula to `a`, but simplified in a lightweight way (drop duplicate clauses)
- def simplifyFormula(a: Formula): Formula
- // may throw an AnalysisBudget.Exception
- def propToSolvable(p: Prop): Formula = {
- val (eqAxioms, pure :: Nil) = removeVarEq(List(p), modelNull = false)
- andFormula(eqAxioms, pure)
+ def propToSolvable(p: Prop): Solvable = {
+ val (eqAxiom, pure :: Nil) = removeVarEq(List(p), modelNull = false)
+ eqFreePropToSolvable(And(eqAxiom, pure))
- // may throw an AnalysisBudget.Exception
- def eqFreePropToSolvable(p: Prop): Formula
- def cnfString(f: Formula): String
+ def eqFreePropToSolvable(f: Prop): Solvable
type Model = Map[Sym, Boolean]
val EmptyModel: Model
val NoModel: Model
- def findModelFor(f: Formula): Model
- def findAllModelsFor(f: Formula): List[Model]
+ final case class Solution(model: Model, unassigned: List[Sym])
+ def findModelFor(solvable: Solvable): Model
+ def findAllModelsFor(solvable: Solvable): List[Solution]
@@ -547,7 +635,7 @@ trait ScalaLogic extends Interface with Logic with TreeAndTypeAnalysis {
if (!t.symbol.isStable) {
// Create a fresh type for each unstable value, since we can never correlate it to another value.
- // For example `case X => case X =>` should not complaing about the second case being unreachable,
+ // For example `case X => case X =>` should not complain about the second case being unreachable,
// if X is mutable.
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchAnalysis.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchAnalysis.scala
index 21e90b1d78..34ebbc7463 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchAnalysis.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchAnalysis.scala
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import scala.collection.immutable.{IndexedSeq, Iterable}
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Statistics
@@ -266,7 +268,7 @@ trait MatchApproximation extends TreeAndTypeAnalysis with ScalaLogic with MatchT
// the type of the binder passed to the first invocation
// determines the type of the tree that'll be returned for that binder as of then
final def binderToUniqueTree(b: Symbol) =
- unique(accumSubst(normalize(CODE.REF(b))), b.tpe)
+ unique(accumSubst(normalize(gen.mkAttributedStableRef(b))), b.tpe)
// note that the sequencing of operations is important: must visit in same order as match execution
// binderToUniqueTree uses the type of the first symbol that was encountered as the type for all future binders
@@ -363,7 +365,7 @@ trait MatchApproximation extends TreeAndTypeAnalysis with ScalaLogic with MatchT
def handleUnknown(tm: TreeMaker) = handler(tm)
- // used for CSE -- rewrite all unknowns to False (the most conserative option)
+ // used for CSE -- rewrite all unknowns to False (the most conservative option)
object conservative extends TreeMakerToProp {
def handleUnknown(tm: TreeMaker) = False
@@ -397,7 +399,6 @@ trait MatchAnalysis extends MatchApproximation {
trait MatchAnalyzer extends MatchApproximator {
def uncheckedWarning(pos: Position, msg: String) = currentRun.reporting.uncheckedWarning(pos, msg)
- def warn(pos: Position, ex: AnalysisBudget.Exception, kind: String) = uncheckedWarning(pos, s"Cannot check match for $kind.\n${ex.advice}")
def reportWarning(message: String) = global.reporter.warning(typer.context.tree.pos, message)
// TODO: model dependencies between variables: if V1 corresponds to (x: List[_]) and V2 is (x.hd), V2 cannot be assigned when V1 = null or V1 = Nil
@@ -428,49 +429,44 @@ trait MatchAnalysis extends MatchApproximation {
val propsCasesOk = approximate(True) map caseWithoutBodyToProp
val propsCasesFail = approximate(False) map (t => Not(caseWithoutBodyToProp(t)))
- try {
- val (eqAxiomsFail, symbolicCasesFail) = removeVarEq(propsCasesFail, modelNull = true)
- val (eqAxiomsOk, symbolicCasesOk) = removeVarEq(propsCasesOk, modelNull = true)
- val eqAxioms = simplifyFormula(andFormula(eqAxiomsOk, eqAxiomsFail)) // I'm pretty sure eqAxiomsOk == eqAxiomsFail, but not 100% sure.
- val prefix = formulaBuilder
- addFormula(prefix, eqAxioms)
- var prefixRest = symbolicCasesFail
- var current = symbolicCasesOk
- var reachable = true
- var caseIndex = 0
- debug.patmat("reachability, vars:\n"+ ((propsCasesFail flatMap gatherVariables).distinct map (_.describe) mkString ("\n")))
- debug.patmat("equality axioms:\n"+ cnfString(eqAxiomsOk))
- // invariant (prefixRest.length == current.length) && (prefix.reverse ++ prefixRest == symbolicCasesFail)
- // termination: prefixRest.length decreases by 1
- while (prefixRest.nonEmpty && reachable) {
- val prefHead = prefixRest.head
- caseIndex += 1
- prefixRest = prefixRest.tail
- if (prefixRest.isEmpty) reachable = true
- else {
- addFormula(prefix, prefHead)
- current = current.tail
- val model = findModelFor(andFormula(current.head, toFormula(prefix)))
+ val (eqAxiomsFail, symbolicCasesFail) = removeVarEq(propsCasesFail, modelNull = true)
+ val (eqAxiomsOk, symbolicCasesOk) = removeVarEq(propsCasesOk, modelNull = true)
+ val eqAxioms = simplify(And(eqAxiomsOk, eqAxiomsFail)) // I'm pretty sure eqAxiomsOk == eqAxiomsFail, but not 100% sure.
- // debug.patmat("trying to reach:\n"+ cnfString(current.head) +"\nunder prefix:\n"+ cnfString(prefix))
- // if (NoModel ne model) debug.patmat("reached: "+ modelString(model))
+ val prefix = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Prop]()
+ prefix += eqAxioms
- reachable = NoModel ne model
- }
- }
+ var prefixRest = symbolicCasesFail
+ var current = symbolicCasesOk
+ var reachable = true
+ var caseIndex = 0
+ debug.patmat("reachability, vars:\n" + ((propsCasesFail flatMap gatherVariables).distinct map (_.describe) mkString ("\n")))
+ debug.patmat(s"equality axioms:\n$eqAxiomsOk")
+ // invariant (prefixRest.length == current.length) && (prefix.reverse ++ prefixRest == symbolicCasesFail)
+ // termination: prefixRest.length decreases by 1
+ while (prefixRest.nonEmpty && reachable) {
+ val prefHead = prefixRest.head
+ caseIndex += 1
+ prefixRest = prefixRest.tail
+ if (prefixRest.isEmpty) reachable = true
+ else {
+ prefix += prefHead
+ current = current.tail
+ val and = And((current.head +: prefix): _*)
+ val model = findModelFor(eqFreePropToSolvable(and))
- if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(patmatAnaReach, start)
+ // debug.patmat("trying to reach:\n"+ cnfString(current.head) +"\nunder prefix:\n"+ cnfString(prefix))
+ // if (NoModel ne model) debug.patmat("reached: "+ modelString(model))
- if (reachable) None else Some(caseIndex)
- } catch {
- case ex: AnalysisBudget.Exception =>
- warn(prevBinder.pos, ex, "unreachability")
- None // CNF budget exceeded
+ reachable = NoModel ne model
+ }
+ if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(patmatAnaReach, start)
+ if (reachable) None else Some(caseIndex)
// exhaustivity
@@ -518,24 +514,25 @@ trait MatchAnalysis extends MatchApproximation {
// debug.patmat("\nvars:\n"+ (vars map (_.describe) mkString ("\n")))
// debug.patmat("\nmatchFails as CNF:\n"+ cnfString(propToSolvable(matchFails)))
- try {
- // find the models (under which the match fails)
- val matchFailModels = findAllModelsFor(propToSolvable(matchFails))
- val scrutVar = Var(prevBinderTree)
- val counterExamples = matchFailModels.flatMap(modelToCounterExample(scrutVar))
- // sorting before pruning is important here in order to
- // keep neg/t7020.scala stable
- // since e.g. List(_, _) would cover List(1, _)
- val pruned = CounterExample.prune(counterExamples.sortBy(_.toString)).map(_.toString)
- if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(patmatAnaExhaust, start)
- pruned
- } catch {
- case ex : AnalysisBudget.Exception =>
- warn(prevBinder.pos, ex, "exhaustivity")
- Nil // CNF budget exceeded
+ // find the models (under which the match fails)
+ val matchFailModels = findAllModelsFor(propToSolvable(matchFails))
+ val scrutVar = Var(prevBinderTree)
+ val counterExamples = {
+ matchFailModels.flatMap {
+ model =>
+ val varAssignments = expandModel(model)
+ varAssignments.flatMap(modelToCounterExample(scrutVar) _)
+ }
+ // sorting before pruning is important here in order to
+ // keep neg/t7020.scala stable
+ // since e.g. List(_, _) would cover List(1, _)
+ val pruned = CounterExample.prune(counterExamples.sortBy(_.toString)).map(_.toString)
+ if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(patmatAnaExhaust, start)
+ pruned
@@ -600,6 +597,8 @@ trait MatchAnalysis extends MatchApproximation {
case object WildcardExample extends CounterExample { override def toString = "_" }
case object NoExample extends CounterExample { override def toString = "??" }
+ // returns a mapping from variable to
+ // equal and notEqual symbols
def modelToVarAssignment(model: Model): Map[Var, (Seq[Const], Seq[Const])] =
model.toSeq.groupBy{f => f match {case (sym, value) => sym.variable} }.mapValues{ xs =>
val (trues, falses) = xs.partition(_._2)
@@ -613,20 +612,110 @@ trait MatchAnalysis extends MatchApproximation {
v +"(="+ v.path +": "+ v.staticTpCheckable +") "+ assignment
- // return constructor call when the model is a true counter example
- // (the variables don't take into account type information derived from other variables,
- // so, naively, you might try to construct a counter example like _ :: Nil(_ :: _, _ :: _),
- // since we didn't realize the tail of the outer cons was a Nil)
- def modelToCounterExample(scrutVar: Var)(model: Model): Option[CounterExample] = {
+ /**
+ * The models we get from the DPLL solver need to be mapped back to counter examples.
+ * However there's no precalculated mapping model -> counter example. Even worse,
+ * not every valid model corresponds to a valid counter example.
+ * The reason is that restricting the valid models further would for example require
+ * a quadratic number of additional clauses. So to keep the optimistic case fast
+ * (i.e., all cases are covered in a pattern match), the infeasible counter examples
+ * are filtered later.
+ *
+ * The DPLL procedure keeps the literals that do not contribute to the solution
+ * unassigned, e.g., for `(a \/ b)`
+ * only {a = true} or {b = true} is required and the other variable can have any value.
+ *
+ * This function does a smart expansion of the model and avoids models that
+ * have conflicting mappings.
+ *
+ * For example for in case of the given set of symbols (taken from `t7020.scala`):
+ * "V2=2#16"
+ * "V2=6#19"
+ * "V2=5#18"
+ * "V2=4#17"
+ * "V2=7#20"
+ *
+ * One possibility would be to group the symbols by domain but
+ * this would only work for equality tests and would not be compatible
+ * with type tests.
+ * Another observation leads to a much simpler algorithm:
+ * Only one of these symbols can be set to true,
+ * since `V2` can at most be equal to one of {2,6,5,4,7}.
+ */
+ def expandModel(solution: Solution): List[Map[Var, (Seq[Const], Seq[Const])]] = {
+ val model = solution.model
// x1 = ...
// x1.hd = ...
// = ...
// x1.hd.hd = ...
// ...
val varAssignment = modelToVarAssignment(model)
+ debug.patmat("var assignment for model " + model + ":\n" + varAssignmentString(varAssignment))
+ // group symbols that assign values to the same variables (i.e., symbols are mutually exclusive)
+ // (thus the groups are sets of disjoint assignments to variables)
+ val groupedByVar: Map[Var, List[Sym]] = solution.unassigned.groupBy(_.variable)
+ val expanded = for {
+ (variable, syms) <- groupedByVar.toList
+ } yield {
- debug.patmat("var assignment for model "+ model +":\n"+ varAssignmentString(varAssignment))
+ val (equal, notEqual) = varAssignment.getOrElse(variable, Nil -> Nil)
+ def addVarAssignment(equalTo: List[Const], notEqualTo: List[Const]) = {
+ Map(variable ->(equal ++ equalTo, notEqual ++ notEqualTo))
+ }
+ // this assignment is needed in case that
+ // there exists already an assign
+ val allNotEqual = addVarAssignment(Nil,
+ // this assignment is conflicting on purpose:
+ // a list counter example could contain wildcards: e.g. `List(_,_)`
+ val allEqual = addVarAssignment(, Nil)
+ if(equal.isEmpty) {
+ val oneHot = for {
+ s <- syms
+ } yield {
+ addVarAssignment(List(s.const), syms.filterNot(_ == s).map(_.const))
+ }
+ allEqual :: allNotEqual :: oneHot
+ } else {
+ allEqual :: allNotEqual :: Nil
+ }
+ }
+ if (expanded.isEmpty) {
+ List(varAssignment)
+ } else {
+ // we need the cartesian product here,
+ // since we want to report all missing cases
+ // (i.e., combinations)
+ val cartesianProd = expanded.reduceLeft((xs, ys) =>
+ for {map1 <- xs
+ map2 <- ys} yield {
+ map1 ++ map2
+ })
+ // add expanded variables
+ // note that we can just use `++`
+ // since the Maps have disjoint keySets
+ for {
+ m <- cartesianProd
+ } yield {
+ varAssignment ++ m
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // return constructor call when the model is a true counter example
+ // (the variables don't take into account type information derived from other variables,
+ // so, naively, you might try to construct a counter example like _ :: Nil(_ :: _, _ :: _),
+ // since we didn't realize the tail of the outer cons was a Nil)
+ def modelToCounterExample(scrutVar: Var)(varAssignment: Map[Var, (Seq[Const], Seq[Const])]): Option[CounterExample] = {
// chop a path into a list of symbols
def chop(path: Tree): List[Symbol] = path match {
case Ident(_) => List(path.symbol)
@@ -755,7 +844,7 @@ trait MatchAnalysis extends MatchApproximation {
// then we can safely ignore these counter examples since we will eventually encounter
// both counter examples separately
case _ if inSameDomain => None
// not a valid counter-example, possibly since we have a definite type but there was a field mismatch
// TODO: improve reasoning -- in the mean time, a false negative is better than an annoying false positive
case _ => Some(NoExample)
@@ -774,12 +863,12 @@ trait MatchAnalysis extends MatchApproximation {
def analyzeCases(prevBinder: Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type, suppression: Suppression): Unit = {
- if (!suppression.unreachable) {
+ if (!suppression.suppressUnreachable) {
unreachableCase(prevBinder, cases, pt) foreach { caseIndex =>
- if (!suppression.exhaustive) {
+ if (!suppression.suppressExhaustive) {
val counterExamples = exhaustive(prevBinder, cases, pt)
if (counterExamples.nonEmpty)
reportMissingCases(prevBinder.pos, counterExamples)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchOptimization.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchOptimization.scala
index e9c81f4728..b3aef8a20e 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchOptimization.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchOptimization.scala
@@ -46,16 +46,16 @@ trait MatchOptimization extends MatchTreeMaking with MatchAnalysis {
val cond = test.prop
def simplify(c: Prop): Set[Prop] = c match {
- case And(a, b) => simplify(a) ++ simplify(b)
- case Or(_, _) => Set(False) // TODO: make more precise
- case Not(Eq(Var(_), NullConst)) => Set(True) // not worth remembering
+ case And(ops) => ops.toSet flatMap simplify
+ case Or(ops) => Set(False) // TODO: make more precise
+ case Not(Eq(Var(_), NullConst)) => Set(True) // not worth remembering
case _ => Set(c)
val conds = simplify(cond)
if (conds(False)) false // stop when we encounter a definite "no" or a "not sure"
else {
- val nonTrivial = conds filterNot (_ == True)
+ val nonTrivial = conds - True
if (nonTrivial nonEmpty) {
tested ++= nonTrivial
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala
index 22661d6ccf..6302e34ac9 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ trait MatchTranslation {
case _ => (cases, None)
- checkMatchVariablePatterns(nonSyntheticCases)
+ if (!settings.XnoPatmatAnalysis) checkMatchVariablePatterns(nonSyntheticCases)
// we don't transform after uncurry
// (that would require more sophistication when generating trees,
@@ -248,7 +248,10 @@ trait MatchTranslation {
if (caseDefs forall treeInfo.isCatchCase) caseDefs
else {
val swatches = { // switch-catches
- val bindersAndCases = caseDefs map { caseDef =>
+ // SI-7459 must duplicate here as we haven't commited to switch emission, and just figuring out
+ // if we can ends up mutating `caseDefs` down in the use of `substituteSymbols` in
+ // `TypedSubstitution#Substitution`. That is called indirectly by `emitTypeSwitch`.
+ val bindersAndCases = map { caseDef =>
// generate a fresh symbol for each case, hoping we'll end up emitting a type-switch (we don't have a global scrut there)
// if we fail to emit a fine-grained switch, have to do translateCase again with a single scrutSym (TODO: uniformize substitution on treemakers so we can avoid this)
val caseScrutSym = freshSym(pos, pureType(ThrowableTpe))
@@ -518,7 +521,7 @@ trait MatchTranslation {
// reference the (i-1)th case accessor if it exists, otherwise the (i-1)th tuple component
override protected def tupleSel(binder: Symbol)(i: Int): Tree = {
val accessors = binder.caseFieldAccessors
- if (accessors isDefinedAt (i-1)) REF(binder) DOT accessors(i-1)
+ if (accessors isDefinedAt (i-1)) gen.mkAttributedStableRef(binder) DOT accessors(i-1)
else codegen.tupleSel(binder)(i) // this won't type check for case classes, as they do not inherit ProductN
@@ -580,7 +583,7 @@ trait MatchTranslation {
// duplicated with the extractor Unapplied
case Apply(x, List(i @ Ident(nme.SELECTOR_DUMMY))) =>
treeCopy.Apply(t, x, binderRef(i.pos) :: Nil)
- // SI-7868 Account for numeric widening, e.g. <unappplySelector>.toInt
+ // SI-7868 Account for numeric widening, e.g. <unapplySelector>.toInt
case Apply(x, List(i @ (sel @ Select(Ident(nme.SELECTOR_DUMMY), name)))) =>
treeCopy.Apply(t, x, treeCopy.Select(sel, binderRef(i.pos), name) :: Nil)
case _ =>
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTreeMaking.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTreeMaking.scala
index 3fd9ce76f8..b703b5bc6d 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTreeMaking.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTreeMaking.scala
@@ -21,9 +21,10 @@ trait MatchTreeMaking extends MatchCodeGen with Debugging {
import global._
import definitions._
- final case class Suppression(exhaustive: Boolean, unreachable: Boolean)
+ final case class Suppression(suppressExhaustive: Boolean, suppressUnreachable: Boolean)
object Suppression {
val NoSuppression = Suppression(false, false)
+ val FullSuppression = Suppression(true, true)
@@ -166,8 +167,17 @@ trait MatchTreeMaking extends MatchCodeGen with Debugging {
val usedBinders = new mutable.HashSet[Symbol]()
// all potentially stored subpat binders
val potentiallyStoredBinders = stored.unzip._1.toSet
+ def ref(sym: Symbol) =
+ if (potentiallyStoredBinders(sym)) usedBinders += sym
// compute intersection of all symbols in the tree `in` and all potentially stored subpat binders
- in.foreach(t => if (potentiallyStoredBinders(t.symbol)) usedBinders += t.symbol)
+ in.foreach {
+ case tt: TypeTree =>
+ tt.tpe foreach { // SI-7459 e.g. case Prod(t) => new t.u.Foo
+ case SingleType(_, sym) => ref(sym)
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ case t => ref(t.symbol)
+ }
if (usedBinders.isEmpty) in
else {
@@ -517,7 +527,7 @@ trait MatchTreeMaking extends MatchCodeGen with Debugging {
def removeSubstOnly(makers: List[TreeMaker]) = makers filterNot (_.isInstanceOf[SubstOnlyTreeMaker])
// a foldLeft to accumulate the localSubstitution left-to-right
- // it drops SubstOnly tree makers, since their only goal in life is to propagate substitutions to the next tree maker, which is fullfilled by propagateSubstitution
+ // it drops SubstOnly tree makers, since their only goal in life is to propagate substitutions to the next tree maker, which is fulfilled by propagateSubstitution
def propagateSubstitution(treeMakers: List[TreeMaker], initial: Substitution): List[TreeMaker] = {
var accumSubst: Substitution = initial
treeMakers foreach { maker =>
@@ -542,7 +552,7 @@ trait MatchTreeMaking extends MatchCodeGen with Debugging {
debug.patmat("combining cases: "+ (" >> ")).mkString("{", "\n", "}")))
val (suppression, requireSwitch): (Suppression, Boolean) =
- if (settings.XnoPatmatAnalysis) (Suppression.NoSuppression, false)
+ if (settings.XnoPatmatAnalysis) (Suppression.FullSuppression, false)
else scrut match {
case Typed(tree, tpt) =>
val suppressExhaustive = tpt.tpe hasAnnotation UncheckedClass
@@ -574,7 +584,7 @@ trait MatchTreeMaking extends MatchCodeGen with Debugging {
(Suppression.NoSuppression, false)
- emitSwitch(scrut, scrutSym, casesNoSubstOnly, pt, matchFailGenOverride, suppression.exhaustive).getOrElse{
+ emitSwitch(scrut, scrutSym, casesNoSubstOnly, pt, matchFailGenOverride, unchecked = suppression.suppressExhaustive).getOrElse{
if (requireSwitch) reporter.warning(scrut.pos, "could not emit switch for @switch annotated match")
if (casesNoSubstOnly nonEmpty) {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala
index ef50e083a1..d35aad964d 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Statistics
-import scala.reflect.internal.Types
+import scala.reflect.internal.{Mode, Types}
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Position
/** Translate pattern matching.
@@ -198,33 +198,57 @@ trait Interface extends ast.TreeDSL {
class Substitution(val from: List[Symbol], val to: List[Tree]) {
- import global.{Transformer, Ident, NoType}
+ import global.{Transformer, Ident, NoType, TypeTree, SingleType}
// We must explicitly type the trees that we replace inside some other tree, since the latter may already have been typed,
// and will thus not be retyped. This means we might end up with untyped subtrees inside bigger, typed trees.
def apply(tree: Tree): Tree = {
// according to -Ystatistics 10% of translateMatch's time is spent in this method...
// since about half of the typedSubst's end up being no-ops, the check below shaves off 5% of the time spent in typedSubst
- if (!tree.exists { case i@Ident(_) => from contains i.symbol case _ => false}) tree
- else (new Transformer {
+ val toIdents = to.forall(_.isInstanceOf[Ident])
+ val containsSym = tree.exists {
+ case i@Ident(_) => from contains i.symbol
+ case tt: TypeTree => tt.tpe.exists {
+ case SingleType(_, sym) =>
+ (from contains sym) && {
+ if (!toIdents) global.devWarning(s"Unexpected substitution of non-Ident into TypeTree `$tt`, subst= $this")
+ true
+ }
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ val toSyms =
+ object substIdentsForTrees extends Transformer {
private def typedIfOrigTyped(to: Tree, origTp: Type): Tree =
if (origTp == null || origTp == NoType) to
// important: only type when actually substing and when original tree was typed
// (don't need to use origTp as the expected type, though, and can't always do this anyway due to unknown type params stemming from polymorphic extractors)
else typer.typed(to)
+ def typedStable(t: Tree) = typer.typed(t.shallowDuplicate, Mode.MonoQualifierModes | Mode.TYPEPATmode)
+ lazy val toTypes: List[Type] = to map (tree => typedStable(tree).tpe)
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
def subst(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Tree]): Tree =
if (from.isEmpty) tree
- else if (tree.symbol == from.head) typedIfOrigTyped(to.head.shallowDuplicate.setPos(tree.pos), tree.tpe)
+ else if (tree.symbol == from.head) typedIfOrigTyped(typedStable(to.head).setPos(tree.pos), tree.tpe)
else subst(from.tail, to.tail)
- tree match {
+ val tree1 = tree match {
case Ident(_) => subst(from, to)
case _ => super.transform(tree)
+ tree1.modifyType(_.substituteTypes(from, toTypes))
- }).transform(tree)
+ }
+ if (containsSym) {
+ if (to.forall(_.isInstanceOf[Ident]))
+ tree.duplicate.substituteSymbols(from, // SI-7459 catches `case t => new t.Foo`
+ else
+ substIdentsForTrees.transform(tree)
+ }
+ else tree
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Solving.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Solving.scala
index 4330781013..27217f0dc2 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Solving.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Solving.scala
@@ -6,252 +6,380 @@
-import scala.collection.mutable
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Statistics
import scala.language.postfixOps
+import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Collections._
-// naive CNF translation and simple DPLL solver
+// a literal is a (possibly negated) variable
+class Lit(val v: Int) extends AnyVal {
+ def unary_- : Lit = Lit(-v)
+ def variable: Int = Math.abs(v)
+ def positive = v >= 0
+ override def toString(): String = s"Lit#$v"
+object Lit {
+ def apply(v: Int): Lit = new Lit(v)
+ implicit val LitOrdering: Ordering[Lit] =
+/** Solve pattern matcher exhaustivity problem via DPLL.
+ */
trait Solving extends Logic {
import PatternMatchingStats._
- trait CNF extends PropositionalLogic {
- import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
- type FormulaBuilder = ArrayBuffer[Clause]
- def formulaBuilder = ArrayBuffer[Clause]()
- def formulaBuilderSized(init: Int) = new ArrayBuffer[Clause](init)
- def addFormula(buff: FormulaBuilder, f: Formula): Unit = buff ++= f
- def toFormula(buff: FormulaBuilder): Formula = buff
- // CNF: a formula is a conjunction of clauses
- type Formula = FormulaBuilder
- def formula(c: Clause*): Formula = ArrayBuffer(c: _*)
+ trait CNF extends PropositionalLogic {
type Clause = Set[Lit]
// a clause is a disjunction of distinct literals
def clause(l: Lit*): Clause = l.toSet
- type Lit
- def Lit(sym: Sym, pos: Boolean = true): Lit
- def andFormula(a: Formula, b: Formula): Formula = a ++ b
- def simplifyFormula(a: Formula): Formula = a.distinct
- private def merge(a: Clause, b: Clause) = a ++ b
- // throws an AnalysisBudget.Exception when the prop results in a CNF that's too big
- // TODO: be smarter/more efficient about this (
- def eqFreePropToSolvable(p: Prop): Formula = {
- def negationNormalFormNot(p: Prop, budget: Int): Prop =
- if (budget <= 0) throw AnalysisBudget.exceeded
- else p match {
- case And(a, b) => Or(negationNormalFormNot(a, budget - 1), negationNormalFormNot(b, budget - 1))
- case Or(a, b) => And(negationNormalFormNot(a, budget - 1), negationNormalFormNot(b, budget - 1))
- case Not(p) => negationNormalForm(p, budget - 1)
- case True => False
- case False => True
- case s: Sym => Not(s)
+ /** Conjunctive normal form (of a Boolean formula).
+ * A formula in this form is amenable to a SAT solver
+ * (i.e., solver that decides satisfiability of a formula).
+ */
+ type Cnf = Array[Clause]
+ class SymbolMapping(symbols: Set[Sym]) {
+ val variableForSymbol: Map[Sym, Int] = {
+ {
+ case (sym, i) => sym -> (i + 1)
+ }.toMap
+ }
+ val symForVar: Map[Int, Sym] =
+ val relevantVars: Set[Int] =
+ def lit(sym: Sym): Lit = Lit(variableForSymbol(sym))
+ def size = symbols.size
+ }
+ case class Solvable(cnf: Cnf, symbolMapping: SymbolMapping)
+ trait CnfBuilder {
+ private[this] val buff = ArrayBuffer[Clause]()
+ var literalCount: Int
+ /**
+ * @return new Tseitin variable
+ */
+ def newLiteral(): Lit = {
+ literalCount += 1
+ Lit(literalCount)
+ }
+ lazy val constTrue: Lit = {
+ val constTrue = newLiteral()
+ addClauseProcessed(clause(constTrue))
+ constTrue
+ }
+ def constFalse: Lit = -constTrue
+ def isConst(l: Lit): Boolean = l == constTrue || l == constFalse
+ def addClauseProcessed(clause: Clause) {
+ if (clause.nonEmpty) {
+ buff += clause
+ }
+ def buildCnf: Array[Clause] = buff.toArray
+ }
- def negationNormalForm(p: Prop, budget: Int = AnalysisBudget.max): Prop =
- if (budget <= 0) throw AnalysisBudget.exceeded
- else p match {
- case And(a, b) => And(negationNormalForm(a, budget - 1), negationNormalForm(b, budget - 1))
- case Or(a, b) => Or(negationNormalForm(a, budget - 1), negationNormalForm(b, budget - 1))
- case Not(negated) => negationNormalFormNot(negated, budget - 1)
- case True
- | False
- | (_ : Sym) => p
+ /** Plaisted transformation: used for conversion of a
+ * propositional formula into conjunctive normal form (CNF)
+ * (input format for SAT solver).
+ * A simple conversion into CNF via Shannon expansion would
+ * also be possible but it's worst-case complexity is exponential
+ * (in the number of variables) and thus even simple problems
+ * could become untractable.
+ * The Plaisted transformation results in an _equisatisfiable_
+ * CNF-formula (it generates auxiliary variables)
+ * but runs with linear complexity.
+ * The common known Tseitin transformation uses bi-implication,
+ * whereas the Plaisted transformation uses implication only, thus
+ * the resulting CNF formula has (on average) only half of the clauses
+ * of a Tseitin transformation.
+ * The Plaisted transformation uses the polarities of sub-expressions
+ * to figure out which part of the bi-implication can be omitted.
+ * However, if all sub-expressions have positive polarity
+ * (e.g., after transformation into negation normal form)
+ * then the conversion is rather simple and the pseudo-normalization
+ * via NNF increases chances only one side of the bi-implication
+ * is needed.
+ */
+ class TransformToCnf(symbolMapping: SymbolMapping) extends CnfBuilder {
+ // new literals start after formula symbols
+ var literalCount: Int = symbolMapping.size
+ def convertSym(sym: Sym): Lit = symbolMapping.lit(sym)
+ def apply(p: Prop): Solvable = {
+ def convert(p: Prop): Lit = {
+ p match {
+ case And(fv) =>
+ and(
+ case Or(fv) =>
+ or(
+ case Not(a) =>
+ not(convert(a))
+ case sym: Sym =>
+ convertSym(sym)
+ case True =>
+ constTrue
+ case False =>
+ constFalse
+ case _: Eq =>
+ throw new MatchError(p)
+ }
- val TrueF = formula()
- val FalseF = formula(clause())
- def lit(s: Sym) = formula(clause(Lit(s)))
- def negLit(s: Sym) = formula(clause(Lit(s, pos = false)))
- def conjunctiveNormalForm(p: Prop, budget: Int = AnalysisBudget.max): Formula = {
- def distribute(a: Formula, b: Formula, budget: Int): Formula =
- if (budget <= 0) throw AnalysisBudget.exceeded
- else
- (a, b) match {
- // true \/ _ = true
- // _ \/ true = true
- case (trueA, trueB) if trueA.size == 0 || trueB.size == 0 => TrueF
- // lit \/ lit
- case (a, b) if a.size == 1 && b.size == 1 => formula(merge(a(0), b(0)))
- // (c1 /\ ... /\ cn) \/ d = ((c1 \/ d) /\ ... /\ (cn \/ d))
- // d \/ (c1 /\ ... /\ cn) = ((d \/ c1) /\ ... /\ (d \/ cn))
- case (cs, ds) =>
- val (big, small) = if (cs.size > ds.size) (cs, ds) else (ds, cs)
- big flatMap (c => distribute(formula(c), small, budget - (big.size*small.size)))
- }
+ def and(bv: Set[Lit]): Lit = {
+ if (bv.isEmpty) {
+ // this case can actually happen because `removeVarEq` could add no constraints
+ constTrue
+ } else if (bv.size == 1) {
+ bv.head
+ } else if (bv.contains(constFalse)) {
+ constFalse
+ } else {
+ // op1 /\ op2 /\ ... /\ opx <==>
+ // (o -> op1) /\ (o -> op2) ... (o -> opx) /\ (!op1 \/ !op2 \/... \/ !opx \/ o)
+ // (!o \/ op1) /\ (!o \/ op2) ... (!o \/ opx) /\ (!op1 \/ !op2 \/... \/ !opx \/ o)
+ val new_bv = bv - constTrue // ignore `True`
+ val o = newLiteral() // auxiliary Tseitin variable
+ => addClauseProcessed(clause(op, -o)))
+ o
+ }
+ }
- if (budget <= 0) throw AnalysisBudget.exceeded
- p match {
- case True => TrueF
- case False => FalseF
- case s: Sym => lit(s)
- case Not(s: Sym) => negLit(s)
- case And(a, b) =>
- val cnfA = conjunctiveNormalForm(a, budget - 1)
- val cnfB = conjunctiveNormalForm(b, budget - cnfA.size)
- cnfA ++ cnfB
- case Or(a, b) =>
- val cnfA = conjunctiveNormalForm(a)
- val cnfB = conjunctiveNormalForm(b)
- distribute(cnfA, cnfB, budget - (cnfA.size + cnfB.size))
+ def or(bv: Set[Lit]): Lit = {
+ if (bv.isEmpty) {
+ constFalse
+ } else if (bv.size == 1) {
+ bv.head
+ } else if (bv.contains(constTrue)) {
+ constTrue
+ } else {
+ // op1 \/ op2 \/ ... \/ opx <==>
+ // (op1 -> o) /\ (op2 -> o) ... (opx -> o) /\ (op1 \/ op2 \/... \/ opx \/ !o)
+ // (!op1 \/ o) /\ (!op2 \/ o) ... (!opx \/ o) /\ (op1 \/ op2 \/... \/ opx \/ !o)
+ val new_bv = bv - constFalse // ignore `False`
+ val o = newLiteral() // auxiliary Tseitin variable
+ addClauseProcessed(new_bv + (-o))
+ o
+ }
+ // no need for auxiliary variable
+ def not(a: Lit): Lit = -a
+ // add intermediate variable since we want the formula to be SAT!
+ addClauseProcessed(clause(convert(p)))
+ Solvable(buildCnf, symbolMapping)
+ }
- val start = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startTimer(patmatCNF) else null
- val res = conjunctiveNormalForm(negationNormalForm(p))
+ class AlreadyInCNF(symbolMapping: SymbolMapping) {
- if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(patmatCNF, start)
+ object ToLiteral {
+ def unapply(f: Prop): Option[Lit] = f match {
+ case Not(ToLiteral(lit)) => Some(-lit)
+ case sym: Sym => Some(symbolMapping.lit(sym))
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
- if (Statistics.canEnable) patmatCNFSizes(res.size).value += 1
+ object ToDisjunction {
+ def unapply(f: Prop): Option[Array[Clause]] = f match {
+ case Or(fv) =>
+ val cl = fv.foldLeft(Option(clause())) {
+ case (Some(clause), ToLiteral(lit)) =>
+ Some(clause + lit)
+ case (_, _) =>
+ None
+ }
+ case True => Some(Array()) // empty, no clauses needed
+ case False => Some(Array(clause())) // empty clause can't be satisfied
+ case ToLiteral(lit) => Some(Array(clause(lit)))
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
-// debug.patmat("cnf for\n"+ p +"\nis:\n"+cnfString(res))
- res
+ /**
+ * Checks if propositional formula is already in CNF
+ */
+ object ToCnf {
+ def unapply(f: Prop): Option[Solvable] = f match {
+ case ToDisjunction(clauses) => Some(Solvable(clauses, symbolMapping) )
+ case And(fv) =>
+ val clauses = fv.foldLeft(Option(mutable.ArrayBuffer[Clause]())) {
+ case (Some(cnf), ToDisjunction(clauses)) =>
+ Some(cnf ++= clauses)
+ case (_, _) =>
+ None
+ }
+ => Solvable(c.toArray, symbolMapping))
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def eqFreePropToSolvable(p: Prop): Solvable = {
+ // collect all variables since after simplification / CNF conversion
+ // they could have been removed from the formula
+ val symbolMapping = new SymbolMapping(gatherSymbols(p))
+ val simplified = simplify(p)
+ val cnfExtractor = new AlreadyInCNF(symbolMapping)
+ simplified match {
+ case cnfExtractor.ToCnf(solvable) =>
+ // this is needed because t6942 would generate too many clauses with Tseitin
+ // already in CNF, just add clauses
+ solvable
+ case p =>
+ new TransformToCnf(symbolMapping).apply(p)
+ }
// simple solver using DPLL
trait Solver extends CNF {
- // a literal is a (possibly negated) variable
- def Lit(sym: Sym, pos: Boolean = true) = new Lit(sym, pos)
- class Lit(val sym: Sym, val pos: Boolean) {
- override def toString = if (!pos) "-"+ sym.toString else sym.toString
- override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
- case o: Lit => (o.sym eq sym) && (o.pos == pos)
- case _ => false
- }
- override def hashCode = sym.hashCode + pos.hashCode
+ import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
- def unary_- = Lit(sym, !pos)
+ def cnfString(f: Array[Clause]): String = {
+ val lits: Array[List[String]] = f map (
+ val xss: List[List[String]] = lits toList
+ val aligned: String = alignAcrossRows(xss, "\\/", " /\\\n")
+ aligned
- def cnfString(f: Formula) = alignAcrossRows(f map (_.toList) toList, "\\/", " /\\\n")
// adapted from (original by Hossein Hojjat)
+ // empty set of clauses is trivially satisfied
val EmptyModel = Map.empty[Sym, Boolean]
+ // no model: originates from the encounter of an empty clause, i.e.,
+ // happens if all variables have been assigned in a way that makes the corresponding literals false
+ // thus there is no possibility to satisfy that clause, so the whole formula is UNSAT
val NoModel: Model = null
+ // this model contains the auxiliary variables as well
+ type TseitinModel = Set[Lit]
+ val EmptyTseitinModel = Set.empty[Lit]
+ val NoTseitinModel: TseitinModel = null
// returns all solutions, if any (TODO: better infinite recursion backstop -- detect fixpoint??)
- def findAllModelsFor(f: Formula): List[Model] = {
+ def findAllModelsFor(solvable: Solvable): List[Solution] = {
+ debug.patmat("find all models for\n"+ cnfString(solvable.cnf))
- debug.patmat("find all models for\n"+ cnfString(f))
+ // we must take all vars from non simplified formula
+ // otherwise if we get `T` as formula, we don't expand the variables
+ // that are not in the formula...
+ val relevantVars: Set[Int] = solvable.symbolMapping.relevantVars
- val vars: Set[Sym] = f.flatMap(_ collect {case l: Lit => l.sym}).toSet
// debug.patmat("vars "+ vars)
// the negation of a model -(S1=True/False /\ ... /\ SN=True/False) = clause(S1=False/True, ...., SN=False/True)
- def negateModel(m: Model) = clause({ case (sym, pos) => Lit(sym, !pos) } : _*)
- /**
- * The DPLL procedure only returns a minimal mapping from literal to value
- * such that the CNF formula is satisfied.
- * E.g. for:
- * `(a \/ b)`
- * The DPLL procedure will find either {a = true} or {b = true}
- * as solution.
- *
- * The expansion step will amend both solutions with the unassigned variable
- * i.e., {a = true} will be expanded to {a = true, b = true} and {a = true, b = false}.
- */
- def expandUnassigned(unassigned: List[Sym], model: Model): List[Model] = {
- // the number of solutions is doubled for every unassigned variable
- val expandedModels = 1 << unassigned.size
- var current = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Model]()
- var next = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Model]()
- current.sizeHint(expandedModels)
- next.sizeHint(expandedModels)
- current += model
- // we use double buffering:
- // read from `current` and create a two models for each model in `next`
- for {
- s <- unassigned
- } {
- for {
- model <- current
- } {
- def force(l: Lit) = model + (l.sym -> l.pos)
- next += force(Lit(s, pos = true))
- next += force(Lit(s, pos = false))
- }
- val tmp = current
- current = next
- next = tmp
- next.clear()
- }
- current.toList
+ // (i.e. the blocking clause - used for ALL-SAT)
+ def negateModel(m: TseitinModel) = {
+ // filter out auxiliary Tseitin variables
+ val relevantLits = m.filter(l => relevantVars.contains(l.variable))
+ => -lit)
- def findAllModels(f: Formula,
- models: List[Model],
- recursionDepthAllowed: Int = global.settings.YpatmatExhaustdepth.value): List[Model]=
+ final case class TseitinSolution(model: TseitinModel, unassigned: List[Int]) {
+ def projectToSolution(symForVar: Map[Int, Sym]) = Solution(projectToModel(model, symForVar), unassigned map symForVar)
+ }
+ def findAllModels(clauses: Array[Clause],
+ models: List[TseitinSolution],
+ recursionDepthAllowed: Int = global.settings.YpatmatExhaustdepth.value): List[TseitinSolution]=
if (recursionDepthAllowed == 0) {
val maxDPLLdepth = global.settings.YpatmatExhaustdepth.value
reportWarning("(Exhaustivity analysis reached max recursion depth, not all missing cases are reported. " +
s"Please try with scalac -Ypatmat-exhaust-depth ${maxDPLLdepth * 2} or -Ypatmat-exhaust-depth off.)")
} else {
- val model = findModelFor(f)
+ debug.patmat("find all models for\n" + cnfString(clauses))
+ val model = findTseitinModelFor(clauses)
// if we found a solution, conjunct the formula with the model's negation and recurse
- if (model ne NoModel) {
- val unassigned = (vars -- model.keySet).toList
+ if (model ne NoTseitinModel) {
+ // note that we should not expand the auxiliary variables (from Tseitin transformation)
+ // since they are existentially quantified in the final solution
+ val unassigned: List[Int] = (relevantVars -- => lit.variable)).toList
debug.patmat("unassigned "+ unassigned +" in "+ model)
- val forced = expandUnassigned(unassigned, model)
- debug.patmat("forced "+ forced)
+ val solution = TseitinSolution(model, unassigned)
val negated = negateModel(model)
- findAllModels(f :+ negated, forced ++ models, recursionDepthAllowed - 1)
+ findAllModels(clauses :+ negated, solution :: models, recursionDepthAllowed - 1)
else models
- findAllModels(f, Nil)
+ val tseitinSolutions = findAllModels(solvable.cnf, Nil)
- private def withLit(res: Model, l: Lit): Model = if (res eq NoModel) NoModel else res + (l.sym -> l.pos)
- private def dropUnit(f: Formula, unitLit: Lit): Formula = {
+ private def withLit(res: TseitinModel, l: Lit): TseitinModel = {
+ if (res eq NoTseitinModel) NoTseitinModel else res + l
+ }
+ /** Drop trivially true clauses, simplify others by dropping negation of `unitLit`.
+ *
+ * Disjunctions that contain the literal we're making true in the returned model are trivially true.
+ * Clauses can be simplified by dropping the negation of the literal we're making true
+ * (since False \/ X == X)
+ */
+ private def dropUnit(clauses: Array[Clause], unitLit: Lit): Array[Clause] = {
val negated = -unitLit
- // drop entire clauses that are trivially true
- // (i.e., disjunctions that contain the literal we're making true in the returned model),
- // and simplify clauses by dropping the negation of the literal we're making true
- // (since False \/ X == X)
- val dropped = formulaBuilderSized(f.size)
- for {
- clause <- f
- if !(clause contains unitLit)
- } dropped += (clause - negated)
- dropped
+ val simplified = new ArrayBuffer[Clause](clauses.size)
+ clauses foreach {
+ case trivial if trivial contains unitLit => // drop
+ case clause => simplified += clause - negated
+ }
+ simplified.toArray
+ }
+ def findModelFor(solvable: Solvable): Model = {
+ projectToModel(findTseitinModelFor(solvable.cnf), solvable.symbolMapping.symForVar)
- def findModelFor(f: Formula): Model = {
- @inline def orElse(a: Model, b: => Model) = if (a ne NoModel) a else b
+ def findTseitinModelFor(clauses: Array[Clause]): TseitinModel = {
+ @inline def orElse(a: TseitinModel, b: => TseitinModel) = if (a ne NoTseitinModel) a else b
- debug.patmat("DPLL\n"+ cnfString(f))
+ debug.patmat(s"DPLL\n${cnfString(clauses)}")
val start = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startTimer(patmatAnaDPLL) else null
- val satisfiableWithModel: Model =
- if (f isEmpty) EmptyModel
- else if(f exists (_.isEmpty)) NoModel
- else f.find(_.size == 1) match {
+ val satisfiableWithModel: TseitinModel =
+ if (clauses isEmpty) EmptyTseitinModel
+ else if (clauses exists (_.isEmpty)) NoTseitinModel
+ else clauses.find(_.size == 1) match {
case Some(unitClause) =>
val unitLit = unitClause.head
- // debug.patmat("unit: "+ unitLit)
- withLit(findModelFor(dropUnit(f, unitLit)), unitLit)
+ withLit(findTseitinModelFor(dropUnit(clauses, unitLit)), unitLit)
case _ =>
// partition symbols according to whether they appear in positive and/or negative literals
- val pos = new mutable.HashSet[Sym]()
- val neg = new mutable.HashSet[Sym]()
- mforeach(f)(lit => if (lit.pos) pos += lit.sym else neg += lit.sym)
+ val pos = new mutable.HashSet[Int]()
+ val neg = new mutable.HashSet[Int]()
+ mforeach(clauses)(lit => if (lit.positive) pos += lit.variable else neg += lit.variable)
// appearing in both positive and negative
val impures = pos intersect neg
@@ -259,23 +387,38 @@ trait Solving extends Logic {
val pures = (pos ++ neg) -- impures
if (pures nonEmpty) {
- val pureSym = pures.head
+ val pureVar = pures.head
// turn it back into a literal
// (since equality on literals is in terms of equality
// of the underlying symbol and its positivity, simply construct a new Lit)
- val pureLit = Lit(pureSym, pos(pureSym))
+ val pureLit = Lit(if (neg(pureVar)) -pureVar else pureVar)
// debug.patmat("pure: "+ pureLit +" pures: "+ pures +" impures: "+ impures)
- val simplified = f.filterNot(_.contains(pureLit))
- withLit(findModelFor(simplified), pureLit)
+ val simplified = clauses.filterNot(_.contains(pureLit))
+ withLit(findTseitinModelFor(simplified), pureLit)
} else {
- val split = f.head.head
+ val split = clauses.head.head
// debug.patmat("split: "+ split)
- orElse(findModelFor(f :+ clause(split)), findModelFor(f :+ clause(-split)))
+ orElse(findTseitinModelFor(clauses :+ clause(split)), findTseitinModelFor(clauses :+ clause(-split)))
if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(patmatAnaDPLL, start)
+ private def projectToModel(model: TseitinModel, symForVar: Map[Int, Sym]): Model =
+ if (model == NoTseitinModel) NoModel
+ else if (model == EmptyTseitinModel) EmptyModel
+ else {
+ val mappedModels = model.toList collect {
+ case lit if symForVar isDefinedAt lit.variable => (symForVar(lit.variable), lit.positive)
+ }
+ if (mappedModels.isEmpty) {
+ // could get an empty model if mappedModels is a constant like `True`
+ EmptyModel
+ } else {
+ mappedModels.toMap
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala
index 866ca37303..5c36bd9d28 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ trait ContextErrors {
// 2) provide the type of the implicit parameter for which we got diverging expansion
// (pt at the point of divergence gives less information to the user)
// Note: it is safe to delay error message generation in this case
- // becasue we don't modify implicits' infos.
+ // because we don't modify implicits' infos.
case class DivergentImplicitTypeError(underlyingTree: Tree, pt0: Type, sym: Symbol)
extends TreeTypeError {
def errMsg: String = errMsgForPt(pt0)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Contexts.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Contexts.scala
index a7d0d32c6f..ca25e59c4b 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Contexts.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Contexts.scala
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
* - A variety of bits that track the current error reporting policy (more on this later);
* whether or not implicits/macros are enabled, whether we are in a self or super call or
* in a constructor suffix. These are represented as bits in the mask `contextMode`.
- * - Some odds and ends: undetermined type pararameters of the current line of type inference;
+ * - Some odds and ends: undetermined type parameters of the current line of type inference;
* contextual augmentation for error messages, tracking of the nesting depth.
* And behaviour:
@@ -154,19 +154,19 @@ trait Contexts { self: Analyzer =>
* to buffer these for use in 'silent' type checking, when some recovery might be possible.
* - `Context` is something of a Zipper for the tree were are typechecking: it `enclosingContextChain`
* is the path back to the root. This is exactly what we need to resolve names (`lookupSymbol`)
- * and to collect in-scope implicit defintions (`implicitss`)
+ * and to collect in-scope implicit definitions (`implicitss`)
* Supporting these are `imports`, which represents all `Import` trees in in the enclosing context chain.
- * - In a similar vein, we can assess accessiblity (`isAccessible`.)
+ * - In a similar vein, we can assess accessibility (`isAccessible`.)
* More on error buffering:
* When are type errors recoverable? In quite a few places, it turns out. Some examples:
* trying to type an application with/without the expected type, or with/without implicit views
* enabled. This is usually mediated by `Typer.silent`, `Inferencer#tryTwice`.
- * Intially, starting from the `typer` phase, the contexts either buffer or report errors;
+ * Initially, starting from the `typer` phase, the contexts either buffer or report errors;
* afterwards errors are thrown. This is configured in `rootContext`. Additionally, more
* fine grained control is needed based on the kind of error; ambiguity errors are often
- * suppressed during exploraratory typing, such as determining whether `a == b` in an argument
+ * suppressed during exploratory typing, such as determining whether `a == b` in an argument
* position is an assignment or a named argument, when `Infererencer#isApplicableSafe` type checks
* applications with and without an expected type, or whtn `Typer#tryTypedApply` tries to fit arguments to
* a function type with/without implicit views.
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Implicits.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Implicits.scala
index 74c28122a1..71558273a6 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Implicits.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Implicits.scala
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* @author Martin Odersky
-//todo: rewrite or disllow new T where T is a mixin (currently: <init> not a member of T)
+//todo: rewrite or disallow new T where T is a mixin (currently: <init> not a member of T)
//todo: use inherited type info also for vars and values
//todo: disallow C#D in superclass
//todo: treat :::= correctly
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ trait Implicits {
* @param tree The tree representing the implicit
* @param subst A substituter that represents the undetermined type parameters
* that were instantiated by the winning implicit.
- * @param undetparams undeterminted type parameters
+ * @param undetparams undetermined type parameters
class SearchResult(val tree: Tree, val subst: TreeTypeSubstituter, val undetparams: List[Symbol]) {
override def toString = "SearchResult(%s, %s)".format(tree,
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Infer.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Infer.scala
index 8979b26719..cf97474d9a 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Infer.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Infer.scala
@@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@ trait Infer extends Checkable {
/** Substitute free type variables `undetparams` of type constructor
* `tree` in pattern, given prototype `pt`.
- * @param tree the constuctor that needs to be instantiated
+ * @param tree the constructor that needs to be instantiated
* @param undetparams the undetermined type parameters
* @param pt0 the expected result type of the instance
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Namers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Namers.scala
index 0bb94be636..711cfba24d 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Namers.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Namers.scala
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ trait Namers extends MethodSynthesis {
val newFlags = (sym.flags & LOCKED) | flags
sym.rawInfo match {
case tr: TypeRef =>
- // !!! needed for: pos/t5954d; the uniques type cache will happilly serve up the same TypeRef
+ // !!! needed for: pos/t5954d; the uniques type cache will happily serve up the same TypeRef
// over this mutated symbol, and we witness a stale cache for `parents`.
case _ =>
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/NamesDefaults.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/NamesDefaults.scala
index b6387fd56b..50f658f68d 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/NamesDefaults.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/NamesDefaults.scala
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ trait NamesDefaults { self: Analyzer =>
* of arguments.
* @param args The list of arguments
- * @param params The list of parameter sybols of the invoked method
+ * @param params The list of parameter symbols of the invoked method
* @param argName A function that extracts the name of an argument expression, if it is a named argument.
def missingParams[T](args: List[T], params: List[Symbol], argName: T => Option[Name]): (List[Symbol], Boolean) = {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/PatternTypers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/PatternTypers.scala
index bb8c3c3c6d..fa4a764f1b 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/PatternTypers.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/PatternTypers.scala
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ trait PatternTypers {
val app = atPos(uncheckedPattern.pos)(Apply(classTagExtractor, args))
// must call doTypedUnapply directly, as otherwise we get undesirable rewrites
// and re-typechecks of the target of the unapply call in PATTERNmode,
- // this breaks down when the classTagExtractor (which defineds the unapply member) is not a simple reference to an object,
+ // this breaks down when the classTagExtractor (which defines the unapply member) is not a simple reference to an object,
// but an arbitrary tree as is the case here
val res = doTypedUnapply(app, classTagExtractor, classTagExtractor, args, PATTERNmode, pt)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/SyntheticMethods.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/SyntheticMethods.scala
index 1daff02c23..d2046a158c 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/SyntheticMethods.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/SyntheticMethods.scala
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ trait SyntheticMethods extends ast.TreeDSL {
def thatCast(eqmeth: Symbol): Tree =
gen.mkCast(Ident(eqmeth.firstParam), clazz.tpe)
- /* The equality method core for case classes and inline clases.
+ /* The equality method core for case classes and inline classes.
* 1+ args:
* (that.isInstanceOf[this.C]) && {
* val x$1 = that.asInstanceOf[this.C]
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
index aaa75b5ee1..e6fa9a0142 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
@@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ trait Typers extends Adaptations with Tags with TypersTracking with PatternTyper
// Ignore type errors raised in later phases that are due to mismatching types with existential skolems
// We have lift crashing in 2.9 with an adapt failure in the pattern matcher.
- // Here's my hypothsis why this happens. The pattern matcher defines a variable of type
+ // Here's my hypothesis why this happens. The pattern matcher defines a variable of type
// val x: T = expr
@@ -3281,6 +3281,22 @@ trait Typers extends Adaptations with Tags with TypersTracking with PatternTyper
+ case _ if isPolymorphicSignature(fun.symbol) =>
+ // Mimic's Java's treatment of polymorphic signatures as described in
+ //
+ //
+ // One can think of these methods as being infinitely overloaded. We create
+ // a ficticious new cloned method symbol for each call site that takes on a signature
+ // governed by a) the argument types and b) the expected type
+ val args1 = typedArgs(args, forArgMode(fun, mode))
+ val pts =
+ val clone = fun.symbol.cloneSymbol
+ val cloneParams = pts map (pt => clone.newValueParameter(currentUnit.freshTermName()).setInfo(pt))
+ val resultType = if (isFullyDefined(pt)) pt else ObjectTpe
+ clone.modifyInfo(mt => copyMethodType(mt, cloneParams, resultType))
+ val fun1 = fun.setSymbol(clone).setType(
+ doTypedApply(tree, fun1, args1, mode, resultType).setType(resultType)
case mt @ MethodType(params, _) =>
val paramTypes = mt.paramTypes
// repeat vararg as often as needed, remove by-name
@@ -3776,8 +3792,12 @@ trait Typers extends Adaptations with Tags with TypersTracking with PatternTyper
case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
if (sym.isAliasType && containsLocal(tp) && (tp.dealias ne tp)) apply(tp.dealias)
else {
- if (pre.isVolatile)
- InferTypeWithVolatileTypeSelectionError(tree, pre)
+ if (pre.isVolatile) pre match {
+ case SingleType(_, sym) if sym.isSynthetic && isPastTyper =>
+ debuglog(s"ignoring volatility of prefix in pattern matcher generated inferred type: $tp") // See pos/t7459c.scala
+ case _ =>
+ InferTypeWithVolatileTypeSelectionError(tree, pre)
+ }
case _ =>
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/DocStrings.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/DocStrings.scala
index ba44126df2..352816803f 100755
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/DocStrings.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/util/DocStrings.scala
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ package util
import scala.reflect.internal.Chars._
-/** Utilitity methods for doc comment strings
+/** Utility methods for doc comment strings
object DocStrings {
diff --git a/src/intellij-14/repl.iml.SAMPLE b/src/intellij-14/repl.iml.SAMPLE
index 2437aaae2d..5a7476b1ef 100644
--- a/src/intellij-14/repl.iml.SAMPLE
+++ b/src/intellij-14/repl.iml.SAMPLE
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
<orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />
<orderEntry type="module" module-name="library" />
<orderEntry type="module" module-name="compiler" />
+ <orderEntry type="module" module-name="asm" />
<orderEntry type="module" module-name="reflect" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="repl-deps" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="starr-no-deps" level="project" />
diff --git a/src/intellij/test/files/neg/virtpatmat_exhaust_big.check b/src/intellij/test/files/neg/virtpatmat_exhaust_big.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fddc85a362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/intellij/test/files/neg/virtpatmat_exhaust_big.check
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+virtpatmat_exhaust_big.scala:27: warning: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following input: Z11()
+ def foo(z: Z) = z match {
+ ^
+error: No warnings can be incurred under -Xfatal-warnings.
+one warning found
+one error found
diff --git a/src/intellij/test/files/neg/virtpatmat_exhaust_big.flags b/src/intellij/test/files/neg/virtpatmat_exhaust_big.flags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5a8748652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/intellij/test/files/neg/virtpatmat_exhaust_big.flags
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+-Xfatal-warnings -unchecked
diff --git a/src/intellij/test/files/neg/virtpatmat_exhaust_big.scala b/src/intellij/test/files/neg/virtpatmat_exhaust_big.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd639eb56e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/intellij/test/files/neg/virtpatmat_exhaust_big.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+sealed abstract class Z
+object Z {
+ object Z0 extends Z
+ case class Z1() extends Z
+ object Z2 extends Z
+ case class Z3() extends Z
+ object Z4 extends Z
+ case class Z5() extends Z
+ object Z6 extends Z
+ case class Z7() extends Z
+ object Z8 extends Z
+ case class Z9() extends Z
+ object Z10 extends Z
+ case class Z11() extends Z
+ object Z12 extends Z
+ case class Z13() extends Z
+ object Z14 extends Z
+ case class Z15() extends Z
+ object Z16 extends Z
+ case class Z17() extends Z
+ object Z18 extends Z
+ case class Z19() extends Z
+object Test {
+ import Z._
+ def foo(z: Z) = z match {
+ case Z0 | Z1() | Z2 | Z3() | Z4 | Z5() | Z6 | Z7() | Z8 | Z9() |
+ Z10 | Z12 | Z13() | Z14 | Z15() | Z16 | Z17() | Z18 | Z19()
+ =>
+ }
diff --git a/src/intellij/test/files/pos/virtpatmat_exhaust_big.scala b/src/intellij/test/files/pos/virtpatmat_exhaust_big.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41aef3226e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/intellij/test/files/pos/virtpatmat_exhaust_big.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+sealed abstract class Z
+object Z {
+ object Z0 extends Z
+ case class Z1() extends Z
+ object Z2 extends Z
+ case class Z3() extends Z
+ object Z4 extends Z
+ case class Z5() extends Z
+ object Z6 extends Z
+ case class Z7() extends Z
+ object Z8 extends Z
+ case class Z9() extends Z
+ object Z10 extends Z
+ case class Z11() extends Z
+ object Z12 extends Z
+ case class Z13() extends Z
+ object Z14 extends Z
+ case class Z15() extends Z
+ object Z16 extends Z
+ case class Z17() extends Z
+ object Z18 extends Z
+ case class Z19() extends Z
+// drop any case and it will report an error
+object Test {
+ import Z._
+ def foo(z: Z) = z match {
+ case Z0 | Z1() | Z2 | Z3() | Z4 | Z5() | Z6 | Z7() | Z8 | Z9() |
+ Z10 | Z11() | Z12 | Z13() | Z14 | Z15() | Z16 | Z17() | Z18 | Z19()
+ =>
+ }
diff --git a/src/interactive/scala/tools/nsc/interactive/Global.scala b/src/interactive/scala/tools/nsc/interactive/Global.scala
index 5d00141e6a..9b34a39e02 100644
--- a/src/interactive/scala/tools/nsc/interactive/Global.scala
+++ b/src/interactive/scala/tools/nsc/interactive/Global.scala
@@ -78,7 +78,11 @@ trait InteractiveAnalyzer extends Analyzer {
val owningInfo =
val existingDerivedSym = owningInfo.decl( => sym.isSynthetic && sym.isMethod)
existingDerivedSym.alternatives foreach (owningInfo.decls.unlink)
- enterImplicitWrapper(tree.asInstanceOf[ClassDef])
+ val defTree = tree match {
+ case dd: DocDef => dd.definition // See SI-9011, Scala IDE's presentation compiler incorporates ScalaDocGlobal with InterativeGlobal, so we have to unwrap DocDefs.
+ case _ => tree
+ }
+ enterImplicitWrapper(defTree.asInstanceOf[ClassDef])
super.enterExistingSym(sym, tree)
@@ -522,7 +526,7 @@ class Global(settings: Settings, _reporter: Reporter, projectName: String = "")
/** The current presentation compiler runner */
@volatile private[interactive] var compileRunner: Thread = newRunnerThread()
- /** Check that the currenyly executing thread is the presentation compiler thread.
+ /** Check that the currently executing thread is the presentation compiler thread.
* Compiler initialization may happen on a different thread (signalled by globalPhase being NoPhase)
@@ -1188,7 +1192,7 @@ class Global(settings: Settings, _reporter: Reporter, projectName: String = "")
- /** Parses and enters given source file, stroring parse tree in response */
+ /** Parses and enters given source file, storing parse tree in response */
private def getParsedEnteredNow(source: SourceFile, response: Response[Tree]) {
respond(response) {
onUnitOf(source) { unit =>
diff --git a/src/interactive/scala/tools/nsc/interactive/Pickler.scala b/src/interactive/scala/tools/nsc/interactive/Pickler.scala
index 83f3fab925..ddc0c8a068 100644
--- a/src/interactive/scala/tools/nsc/interactive/Pickler.scala
+++ b/src/interactive/scala/tools/nsc/interactive/Pickler.scala
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
/** An abstract class for writing and reading Scala objects to and
- * from a legible representation. The presesentation follows the following grammar:
+ * from a legible representation. The representation follows the following grammar:
* {{{
* Pickled = `true` | `false` | `null` | NumericLit | StringLit |
* Labelled | Pickled `,` Pickled
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ abstract class Pickler[T] {
object Pickler {
/** A base class representing unpickler result. It has two subclasses:
- * `UnpickleSucess` for successful unpicklings and `UnpickleFailure` for failures,
+ * `UnpickleSuccess` for successful unpicklings and `UnpickleFailure` for failures,
* where a value of the given type `T` could not be unpickled from input.
* @tparam T the type of unpickled values in case of success.
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ object Pickler {
def pkl[T: Pickler] = implicitly[Pickler[T]]
- /** A class represenenting `~`-pairs */
+ /** A class representing `~`-pairs */
case class ~[+S, +T](fst: S, snd: T)
/** A wrapper class to be able to use `~` s an infix method */
diff --git a/src/library/scala/Enumeration.scala b/src/library/scala/Enumeration.scala
index e11d1b35d7..c4aa511cd7 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/Enumeration.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/Enumeration.scala
@@ -121,7 +121,8 @@ abstract class Enumeration (initial: Int) extends Serializable {
* @throws NoSuchElementException if no `Value` with a matching
* name is in this `Enumeration`
- final def withName(s: String): Value = values.find(_.toString == s).get
+ final def withName(s: String): Value = values.find(_.toString == s).getOrElse(
+ throw new NoSuchElementException(s"No value found for '$s'"))
/** Creates a fresh value, part of this enumeration. */
protected final def Value: Value = Value(nextId)
diff --git a/src/library/scala/Option.scala b/src/library/scala/Option.scala
index 41224f4c6c..f134f5ce3d 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/Option.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/Option.scala
@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ sealed abstract class Option[+A] extends Product with Serializable {
* Although the use of null is discouraged, code written to use
* $option must often interface with code that expects and returns nulls.
* @example {{{
- * val initalText: Option[String] = getInitialText
- * val textField = new JComponent(initalText.orNull,20)
+ * val initialText: Option[String] = getInitialText
+ * val textField = new JComponent(initialText.orNull,20)
* }}}
@inline final def orNull[A1 >: A](implicit ev: Null <:< A1): A1 = this getOrElse ev(null)
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/GenSeqLike.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/GenSeqLike.scala
index 1c4f233e22..cf1de0c8e6 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/GenSeqLike.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/GenSeqLike.scala
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ trait GenSeqLike[+A, +Repr] extends Any with GenIterableLike[A, Repr] with Equal
* @inheritdoc
* Another way to express this
- * is that `xs union ys` computes the order-presevring multi-set union of `xs` and `ys`.
+ * is that `xs union ys` computes the order-preserving multi-set union of `xs` and `ys`.
* `union` is hence a counter-part of `diff` and `intersect` which also work on multi-sets.
* $willNotTerminateInf
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala
index 20712f918c..0783beac0f 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ trait Iterator[+A] extends TraversableOnce[A] {
- /** Produces a collection containing cummulative results of applying the
+ /** Produces a collection containing cumulative results of applying the
* operator going left to right.
* $willNotTerminateInf
@@ -502,8 +502,8 @@ trait Iterator[+A] extends TraversableOnce[A] {
} else
- /** Produces a collection containing cummulative results of applying the operator going right to left.
- * The head of the collection is the last cummulative result.
+ /** Produces a collection containing cumulative results of applying the operator going right to left.
+ * The head of the collection is the last cumulative result.
* $willNotTerminateInf
* $orderDependent
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/LinearSeqOptimized.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/LinearSeqOptimized.scala
index 64248aa755..9c336e8e31 100755
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/LinearSeqOptimized.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/LinearSeqOptimized.scala
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ trait LinearSeqOptimized[+A, +Repr <: LinearSeqOptimized[A, Repr]] extends Linea
* $willNotTerminateInf
- * Note: the execution of `length` may take time proportial to the length of the sequence.
+ * Note: the execution of `length` may take time proportional to the length of the sequence.
def length: Int = {
var these = self
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ trait LinearSeqOptimized[+A, +Repr <: LinearSeqOptimized[A, Repr]] extends Linea
/** Selects an element by its index in the $coll.
- * Note: the execution of `apply` may take time proportial to the index value.
+ * Note: the execution of `apply` may take time proportional to the index value.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if `idx` does not satisfy `0 <= idx < length`.
def apply(n: Int): A = {
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/SeqViewLike.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/SeqViewLike.scala
index ef6d2272cb..59e0e73e89 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/SeqViewLike.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/SeqViewLike.scala
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ trait SeqViewLike[+A,
trait Sliced extends super.Sliced with Transformed[A] {
def length = iterator.size
def apply(idx: Int): A =
- if (idx + from < until) self.apply(idx + from)
+ if (idx >= 0 && idx + from < until) self.apply(idx + from)
else throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(idx.toString)
override def foreach[U](f: A => U) = iterator foreach f
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/HashSet.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/HashSet.scala
index e4b7371ed4..f548eac88d 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/HashSet.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/HashSet.scala
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ object HashSet extends ImmutableSetFactory[HashSet] {
// create a new HashSet1 with the hash we already know
new HashSet1(ks1.head, hash)
case _ =>
- // create a new HashSetCollison with the hash we already know and the new keys
+ // create a new HashSetCollision with the hash we already know and the new keys
new HashSetCollision1(hash, ks1)
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ object HashSet extends ImmutableSetFactory[HashSet] {
// create a new HashSet1 with the hash we already know
new HashSet1(ks1.head, hash)
case _ =>
- // create a new HashSetCollison with the hash we already know and the new keys
+ // create a new HashSetCollision with the hash we already know and the new keys
new HashSetCollision1(hash, ks1)
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ object HashSet extends ImmutableSetFactory[HashSet] {
// Should only have HSC1 if size > 1
case _ =>
- // create a new HashSetCollison with the hash we already know and the new keys
+ // create a new HashSetCollision with the hash we already know and the new keys
new HashSetCollision1(hash, ks1)
} else this
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/Stream.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/Stream.scala
index 09a69b8096..9ed5162061 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/Stream.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/Stream.scala
@@ -944,7 +944,7 @@ self =>
* @param p the test predicate.
* @return A new `Stream` representing the results of applying `p` to the
- * oringal `Stream`.
+ * original `Stream`.
* @example {{{
* // Assume we have a Stream that takes the first 20 natural numbers
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/ArrayBuffer.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/ArrayBuffer.scala
index 8f77114746..011fd415ee 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/ArrayBuffer.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/ArrayBuffer.scala
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ class ArrayBuffer[A](override protected val initialSize: Int)
override def ++=:(xs: TraversableOnce[A]): this.type = { insertAll(0, xs.toTraversable); this }
/** Inserts new elements at the index `n`. Opposed to method
- * `update`, this method will not replace an element with a
+ * `update`, this method will not replace an element with a new
* one. Instead, it will insert a new element at index `n`.
* @param n the index where a new element will be inserted.
@@ -137,12 +137,13 @@ class ArrayBuffer[A](override protected val initialSize: Int)
def insertAll(n: Int, seq: Traversable[A]) {
if (n < 0 || n > size0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(n.toString)
- val xs = seq.toList
- val len = xs.length
- ensureSize(size0 + len)
+ val len = seq.size
+ val newSize = size0 + len
+ ensureSize(newSize)
copy(n, n + len, size0 - n)
- xs.copyToArray(array.asInstanceOf[scala.Array[Any]], n)
- size0 += len
+ seq.copyToArray(array.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]], n)
+ size0 = newSize
/** Removes the element on a given index position. It takes time linear in
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/DoubleLinkedList.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/DoubleLinkedList.scala
index 671b79f8c2..fd95e74fbc 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/DoubleLinkedList.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/DoubleLinkedList.scala
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import generic._
* @define mayNotTerminateInf
* @define willNotTerminateInf
-@deprecated("Low-level linked lists are deprecated due to idiosyncracies in interface and incomplete features.", "2.11.0")
+@deprecated("Low-level linked lists are deprecated due to idiosyncrasies in interface and incomplete features.", "2.11.0")
class DoubleLinkedList[A]() extends AbstractSeq[A]
with LinearSeq[A]
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/DoubleLinkedListLike.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/DoubleLinkedListLike.scala
index a43fe34c99..aafe34f50a 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/DoubleLinkedListLike.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/DoubleLinkedListLike.scala
@@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ import scala.annotation.migration
* @define Coll `DoubleLinkedList`
* @define coll double linked list
-@deprecated("Low-level linked lists are deprecated due to idiosyncracies in interface and incomplete features.", "2.11.0")
+@deprecated("Low-level linked lists are deprecated due to idiosyncrasies in interface and incomplete features.", "2.11.0")
trait DoubleLinkedListLike[A, This <: Seq[A] with DoubleLinkedListLike[A, This]] extends SeqLike[A, This] with LinkedListLike[A, This] { self =>
- /** A reference to the node in the linked list preceeding the current node. */
+ /** A reference to the node in the linked list preceding the current node. */
var prev: This = _
// returns that list if this list is empty
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/IndexedSeqView.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/IndexedSeqView.scala
index 31a4749960..7acdeeff18 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/IndexedSeqView.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/IndexedSeqView.scala
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ self =>
trait Sliced extends super.Sliced with Transformed[A] {
override def length = endpoints.width
def update(idx: Int, elem: A) =
- if (idx + from < until) self.update(idx + from, elem)
+ if (idx >= 0 && idx + from < until) self.update(idx + from, elem)
else throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(idx.toString)
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/LinkedList.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/LinkedList.scala
index 092698ac0b..b3500367af 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/LinkedList.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/LinkedList.scala
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ import generic._
* }}}
-@deprecated("Low-level linked lists are deprecated due to idiosyncracies in interface and incomplete features.", "2.11.0")
+@deprecated("Low-level linked lists are deprecated due to idiosyncrasies in interface and incomplete features.", "2.11.0")
class LinkedList[A]() extends AbstractSeq[A]
with LinearSeq[A]
with GenericTraversableTemplate[A, LinkedList]
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/LinkedListLike.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/LinkedListLike.scala
index 987b83d23b..a9d385bc5b 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/LinkedListLike.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/LinkedListLike.scala
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ import scala.annotation.tailrec
* }}}
-@deprecated("Low-level linked lists are deprecated due to idiosyncracies in interface and incomplete features.", "2.11.0")
+@deprecated("Low-level linked lists are deprecated due to idiosyncrasies in interface and incomplete features.", "2.11.0")
trait LinkedListLike[A, This <: Seq[A] with LinkedListLike[A, This]] extends SeqLike[A, This] { self =>
var elem: A = _
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/LongMap.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/LongMap.scala
index 5fafe23d9f..c124f35cd7 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/LongMap.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/LongMap.scala
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import generic.CanBuildFrom
* on a map that will no longer have elements removed but will be
* used heavily may save both time and storage space.
- * This map is not indended to contain more than 2^29 entries (approximately
+ * This map is not intended to contain more than 2^29 entries (approximately
* 500 million). The maximum capacity is 2^30, but performance will degrade
* rapidly as 2^30 is approached.
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/MapLike.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/MapLike.scala
index 471cd1cdde..af28df1b88 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/MapLike.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/MapLike.scala
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ trait MapLike[A, B, +This <: MapLike[A, B, This] with Map[A, B]]
/** Creates a new map containing the key/value mappings provided by the specified traversable object
* and all the key/value mappings of this map.
- * Note that existing mappings from this map with the same key as those in `xs` will be overriden.
+ * Note that existing mappings from this map with the same key as those in `xs` will be overridden.
* @param xs the traversable object.
* @return a new map containing mappings of this map and those provided by `xs`.
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/OpenHashMap.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/OpenHashMap.scala
index aade2ed6fb..24f5761cf5 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/OpenHashMap.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/OpenHashMap.scala
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ object OpenHashMap {
/** A mutable hash map based on an open hashing scheme. The precise scheme is
* undefined, but it should make a reasonable effort to ensure that an insert
- * with consecutive hash codes is not unneccessarily penalised. In particular,
+ * with consecutive hash codes is not unnecessarily penalised. In particular,
* mappings of consecutive integer keys should work without significant
* performance loss.
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/package.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/package.scala
index 26b061b2a5..6a2b6de75a 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/package.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/package.scala
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ package scala
* == Using Collections ==
- * It is convienient to treat all collections as either
+ * It is convenient to treat all collections as either
* a [[scala.collection.Traversable]] or [[scala.collection.Iterable]], as
* these traits define the vast majority of operations
* on a collection.
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/ParIterableLike.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/ParIterableLike.scala
index 2b54e05841..016255dca4 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/ParIterableLike.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/ParIterableLike.scala
@@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ self: ParIterableLike[T, Repr, Sequential] =>
* The index flag is initially set to maximum integer value.
* @param pred the predicate used to test the elements
- * @return the longest prefix of this $coll of elements that satisy the predicate `pred`
+ * @return the longest prefix of this $coll of elements that satisfy the predicate `pred`
def takeWhile(pred: T => Boolean): Repr = {
val cbf = combinerFactory
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/package.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/package.scala
index 91c54fa8f1..d77dcb0658 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/package.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/parallel/package.scala
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ package parallel {
* Methods `beforeCombine` and `afterCombine` are called before and after
* combining the buckets, respectively, given that the argument to `combine`
* is not `this` (as required by the `combine` contract).
- * They can be overriden in subclasses to provide custom behaviour by modifying
+ * They can be overridden in subclasses to provide custom behaviour by modifying
* the receiver (which will be the return value).
private[parallel] abstract class BucketCombiner[-Elem, +To, Buck, +CombinerType <: BucketCombiner[Elem, To, Buck, CombinerType]]
diff --git a/src/library/scala/concurrent/Future.scala b/src/library/scala/concurrent/Future.scala
index e93a3284dc..914646320c 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/concurrent/Future.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/concurrent/Future.scala
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ object Future {
* The result becomes available once the asynchronous computation is completed.
* @tparam T the type of the result
- * @param body the asychronous computation
+ * @param body the asynchronous computation
* @param executor the execution context on which the future is run
* @return the `Future` holding the result of the computation
diff --git a/src/library/scala/concurrent/SyncVar.scala b/src/library/scala/concurrent/SyncVar.scala
index 494c955833..9634f6d900 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/concurrent/SyncVar.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/concurrent/SyncVar.scala
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class SyncVar[A] {
// [Heather] the reason why: it doesn't take into consideration
// whether or not the SyncVar is already defined. So, set has been
// deprecated in order to eventually be able to make "setting" private
- @deprecated("Use `put` instead, as `set` is potentionally error-prone", "2.10.0")
+ @deprecated("Use `put` instead, as `set` is potentially error-prone", "2.10.0")
// NOTE: Used by SBT 0.13.0-M2 and below
def set(x: A): Unit = setVal(x)
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ class SyncVar[A] {
// [Heather] the reason why: it doesn't take into consideration
// whether or not the SyncVar is already defined. So, unset has been
// deprecated in order to eventually be able to make "unsetting" private
- @deprecated("Use `take` instead, as `unset` is potentionally error-prone", "2.10.0")
+ @deprecated("Use `take` instead, as `unset` is potentially error-prone", "2.10.0")
// NOTE: Used by SBT 0.13.0-M2 and below
def unset(): Unit = synchronized {
isDefined = false
diff --git a/src/library/scala/io/Source.scala b/src/library/scala/io/Source.scala
index 74c3e06839..9f0b56b4fe 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/io/Source.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/io/Source.scala
@@ -169,9 +169,20 @@ object Source {
createBufferedSource(is, reset = () => fromInputStream(is)(codec), close = () => is.close())(codec)
-/** The class `Source` implements an iterable representation of source data.
- * Calling method `reset` returns an identical, resetted source, where
- * possible.
+/** An iterable representation of source data.
+ * It may be reset with the optional `reset` method.
+ *
+ * Subclasses must supply [[ the underlying iterator]].
+ *
+ * Error handling may be customized by overriding the [[ report]] method.
+ *
+ * The [[ current input]] and [[ position]],
+ * as well as the [[ next character]] methods delegate to
+ * [[$Positioner the positioner]].
+ *
+ * The default positioner encodes line and column numbers in the position passed to `report`.
+ * This behavior can be changed by supplying a
+ * [[ custom positioner]].
* @author Burak Emir
* @version 1.0
diff --git a/src/library/scala/io/StdIn.scala b/src/library/scala/io/StdIn.scala
index 64836ecd6e..0f9656436b 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/io/StdIn.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/io/StdIn.scala
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ package io
import java.text.MessageFormat
/** private[scala] because this is not functionality we should be providing
- * in the standard library, at least not in this idiosyncractic form.
+ * in the standard library, at least not in this idiosyncratic form.
* Factored into trait because it is better code structure regardless.
private[scala] trait StdIn {
diff --git a/src/library/scala/math/BigDecimal.scala b/src/library/scala/math/BigDecimal.scala
index 74a174ea74..cf95f945ba 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/math/BigDecimal.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/math/BigDecimal.scala
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ object BigDecimal {
* to a decimal text representation, and build a `BigDecimal` based on that.
* `BigDecimal.binary` will expand the binary fraction to the requested or default
* precision. `BigDecimal.exact` will expand the binary fraction to the
- * full number of digits, thus producing the exact decimal value corrsponding to
+ * full number of digits, thus producing the exact decimal value corresponding to
* the binary fraction of that floating-point number. `BigDecimal` equality
* matches the decimal expansion of `Double`: `BigDecimal.decimal(0.1) == 0.1`.
* Note that since `0.1f != 0.1`, the same is not true for `Float`. Instead,
diff --git a/src/library/scala/math/Ordering.scala b/src/library/scala/math/Ordering.scala
index 0d7ea8bce2..827cccc77e 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/math/Ordering.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/math/Ordering.scala
@@ -284,6 +284,9 @@ object Ordering extends LowPriorityOrderingImplicits {
override def gteq(x: Float, y: Float): Boolean = outer.gteq(y, x)
override def lt(x: Float, y: Float): Boolean =, x)
override def gt(x: Float, y: Float): Boolean =, x)
+ override def min(x: Float, y: Float): Float = outer.max(x, y)
+ override def max(x: Float, y: Float): Float = outer.min(x, y)
implicit object Float extends FloatOrdering
@@ -309,6 +312,8 @@ object Ordering extends LowPriorityOrderingImplicits {
override def gteq(x: Double, y: Double): Boolean = outer.gteq(y, x)
override def lt(x: Double, y: Double): Boolean =, x)
override def gt(x: Double, y: Double): Boolean =, x)
+ override def min(x: Double, y: Double): Double = outer.max(x, y)
+ override def max(x: Double, y: Double): Double = outer.min(x, y)
implicit object Double extends DoubleOrdering
diff --git a/src/library/scala/runtime/MethodCache.scala b/src/library/scala/runtime/MethodCache.scala
index 2d5f832e1f..a8fdfc1059 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/runtime/MethodCache.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/runtime/MethodCache.scala
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import java.lang.{ Class => JClass }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
/** An element of a polymorphic object cache.
- * This class is refered to by the `CleanUp` phase. Each `PolyMethodCache` chain
+ * This class is referred to by the `CleanUp` phase. Each `PolyMethodCache` chain
* must only relate to one method as `PolyMethodCache` does not identify
* the method name and argument types. In practice, one variable will be
* generated per call point, and will uniquely relate to the method called
diff --git a/src/library/scala/runtime/ScalaRunTime.scala b/src/library/scala/runtime/ScalaRunTime.scala
index f50059ce54..18fcbf8276 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/runtime/ScalaRunTime.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/runtime/ScalaRunTime.scala
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ object ScalaRunTime {
* The primary motivation for this method is to provide a means for
* correctly obtaining a String representation of a value, while
- * avoiding the pitfalls of naïvely calling toString on said value.
+ * avoiding the pitfalls of naively calling toString on said value.
* In particular, it addresses the fact that (a) toString cannot be
* called on null and (b) depending on the apparent type of an
* array, toString may or may not print it in a human-readable form.
diff --git a/src/library/scala/sys/process/package.scala b/src/library/scala/sys/process/package.scala
index 1340a6c415..b1976ad4b6 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/sys/process/package.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/sys/process/package.scala
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ package scala.sys {
* ==Handling Input and Output==
* In the underlying Java model, once a `Process` has been started, one can
- * get `` and `` representing its
+ * get `` and `` representing its
* output and input respectively. That is, what one writes to an
* `OutputStream` is turned into input to the process, and the output of a
* process can be read from an `InputStream` -- of which there are two, one
diff --git a/src/manual/scala/man1/Command.scala b/src/manual/scala/man1/Command.scala
index 1cf55cb28d..8f811f950e 100644
--- a/src/manual/scala/man1/Command.scala
+++ b/src/manual/scala/man1/Command.scala
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ trait Command {
def copyright = Section("COPYRIGHT",
"This is open-source software, available to you under a BSD-like license. " &
- "See accomponying \"copyright\" or \"LICENSE\" file for copying conditions. " &
+ "See accompanying \"copyright\" or \"LICENSE\" file for copying conditions. " &
"There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A " &
diff --git a/src/manual/scala/man1/scalac.scala b/src/manual/scala/man1/scalac.scala
index 31d25d4801..3954ed588e 100644
--- a/src/manual/scala/man1/scalac.scala
+++ b/src/manual/scala/man1/scalac.scala
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ object scalac extends Command {
"ANF pre-transform for " & MItalic("@cps") & " (CPS plugin)"),
- MItalic("@cps") & "-driven transform of selectiveanf assignements (CPS plugin)"),
+ MItalic("@cps") & "-driven transform of selectiveanf assignments (CPS plugin)"),
"uncurry, translate function values to anonymous classes"),
diff --git a/src/partest-extras/scala/tools/partest/BytecodeTest.scala b/src/partest-extras/scala/tools/partest/BytecodeTest.scala
index 37ef4684ef..8459419fa5 100644
--- a/src/partest-extras/scala/tools/partest/BytecodeTest.scala
+++ b/src/partest-extras/scala/tools/partest/BytecodeTest.scala
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ abstract class BytecodeTest {
object BytecodeTest {
/** Parse `file` as a class file, transforms the ASM representation with `f`,
- * and overwrites the orginal file.
+ * and overwrites the original file.
def modifyClassFile(file: JFile)(f: ClassNode => ClassNode) {
val rfile = new
diff --git a/src/partest-extras/scala/tools/partest/instrumented/ b/src/partest-extras/scala/tools/partest/instrumented/
index d6b62e1d9e..848103f5cc 100644
--- a/src/partest-extras/scala/tools/partest/instrumented/
+++ b/src/partest-extras/scala/tools/partest/instrumented/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import java.util.Map;
* A simple profiler class that counts method invocations. It is being used in byte-code instrumentation by inserting
* call to {@link Profiler#methodCalled(String, String, String)} at the beginning of every instrumented class.
- * WARANING: This class is INTERNAL implementation detail and should never be used directly. It's made public only
+ * WARNING: This class is INTERNAL implementation detail and should never be used directly. It's made public only
* because it must be universally accessible for instrumentation needs. If you want to profile your test use
* {@link Instrumentation} instead.
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Liftables.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Liftables.scala
index 673dbce6f5..c6352905d1 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Liftables.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Liftables.scala
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ trait Liftables { self: Universe =>
object Unliftable extends StandardUnliftableInstances {
/** A helper method that simplifies creation of `Unliftable` instances.
* Takes a partial function which is defined on correct representations of `T`
- * and returns corresponing instances.
+ * and returns corresponding instances.
* For example to extract a reference to an object as object itself:
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Mirrors.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Mirrors.scala
index 773c6b6fb4..adaf829b32 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Mirrors.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Mirrors.scala
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ trait Mirrors { self: Universe =>
* with getting a field or invoking a getter method of the field.
* If `symbol` represents a field of a base class with respect to the class of the receiver,
- * and this base field is overriden in the class of the receiver, then this method will retrieve
+ * and this base field is overridden in the class of the receiver, then this method will retrieve
* the value of the base field. To achieve overriding behavior, use reflectMethod on an accessor.
def get: Any
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ trait Mirrors { self: Universe =>
* with setting a field or invoking a setter method of the field.
* If `symbol` represents a field of a base class with respect to the class of the receiver,
- * and this base field is overriden in the class of the receiver, then this method will set
+ * and this base field is overridden in the class of the receiver, then this method will set
* the value of the base field. To achieve overriding behavior, use reflectMethod on an accessor.
def set(value: Any): Unit
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Names.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Names.scala
index 03f7b2d218..472da60338 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Names.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Names.scala
@@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ trait Names {
* @group API
abstract class NameApi {
- /** Checks wether the name is a term name */
+ /** Checks whether the name is a term name */
def isTermName: Boolean
- /** Checks wether the name is a type name */
+ /** Checks whether the name is a type name */
def isTypeName: Boolean
/** Returns a term name that wraps the same string as `this` */
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Symbols.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Symbols.scala
index 18d185067e..c01029d067 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Symbols.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Symbols.scala
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ trait Symbols { self: Universe =>
@deprecated("Use `overrides` instead", "2.11.0")
def allOverriddenSymbols: List[Symbol]
- /** Returns all symbols overriden by this symbol.
+ /** Returns all symbols overridden by this symbol.
* @group Basics
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Trees.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Trees.scala
index aeaa38c317..9ecd87c17e 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Trees.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Trees.scala
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ trait Trees { self: Universe =>
/** Do all parts of this tree satisfy predicate `p`? */
def forAll(p: Tree => Boolean): Boolean
- /** Tests whether two trees are structurall equal.
+ /** Tests whether two trees are structurally equal.
* Note that `==` on trees is reference equality.
def equalsStructure(that : Tree): Boolean
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/BaseTypeSeqs.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/BaseTypeSeqs.scala
index 0ca8611719..54f64153c1 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/BaseTypeSeqs.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/BaseTypeSeqs.scala
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ trait BaseTypeSeqs {
"\n --- because ---\n"+msg)
- /** A merker object for a base type sequence that's no yet computed.
+ /** A marker object for a base type sequence that's no yet computed.
* used to catch inheritance cycles
val undetBaseTypeSeq: BaseTypeSeq = newBaseTypeSeq(List(), Array())
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ trait BaseTypeSeqs {
/** Create a base type sequence consisting of a single type */
def baseTypeSingletonSeq(tp: Type): BaseTypeSeq = newBaseTypeSeq(List(), Array(tp))
- /** Create the base type sequence of a compound type wuth given tp.parents */
+ /** Create the base type sequence of a compound type with given tp.parents */
def compoundBaseTypeSeq(tp: Type): BaseTypeSeq = {
val tsym = tp.typeSymbol
val parents = tp.parents
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala
index 7e2d124486..9f4ec3e6d1 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala
@@ -514,6 +514,8 @@ trait Definitions extends api.StandardDefinitions {
lazy val ScalaSignatureAnnotation = requiredClass[scala.reflect.ScalaSignature]
lazy val ScalaLongSignatureAnnotation = requiredClass[scala.reflect.ScalaLongSignature]
+ lazy val MethodHandle = getClassIfDefined("java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle")
// Option classes
lazy val OptionClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass[Option[_]]
lazy val OptionModule: ModuleSymbol = requiredModule[scala.Option.type]
@@ -931,7 +933,7 @@ trait Definitions extends api.StandardDefinitions {
// members of class scala.Any
- // TODO these aren't final! They are now overriden in AnyRef/Object. Prior to the fix
+ // TODO these aren't final! They are now overridden in AnyRef/Object. Prior to the fix
// for SI-8129, they were actually *overloaded* by the members in AnyRef/Object.
// We should unfinalize these, override in AnyValClass, and make the overrides final.
// Refchecks never actually looks at these, so its just for consistency.
@@ -1508,6 +1510,9 @@ trait Definitions extends api.StandardDefinitions {
lazy val PartialManifestClass = getTypeMember(ReflectPackage, tpnme.ClassManifest)
lazy val ManifestSymbols = Set[Symbol](PartialManifestClass, FullManifestClass, OptManifestClass)
+ def isPolymorphicSignature(sym: Symbol) = PolySigMethods(sym)
+ private lazy val PolySigMethods: Set[Symbol] = Set[Symbol](,
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Mirrors.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Mirrors.scala
index 4a35e024de..0cbb976a98 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Mirrors.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Mirrors.scala
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ trait Mirrors extends api.Mirrors {
// TODO - having these as objects means they elude the attempt to
// add synchronization in SynchronizedSymbols. But we should either
- // flip on object overrides or find some other accomodation, because
+ // flip on object overrides or find some other accommodation, because
// lazy vals are unnecessarily expensive relative to objects and it
// is very beneficial for a handful of bootstrap symbols to have
// first class identities
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Names.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Names.scala
index b50f324074..32d12d305e 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Names.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Names.scala
@@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ trait Names extends api.Names {
newTermName(cs, offset, len, cachedString).toTypeName
/** Create a term name from string. */
- @deprecatedOverriding("To synchronize, use `override def synchronizeNames = true`", "2.11.0") // overriden in
+ @deprecatedOverriding("To synchronize, use `override def synchronizeNames = true`", "2.11.0") // overridden in
def newTermName(s: String): TermName = newTermName(s.toCharArray(), 0, s.length(), null)
/** Create a type name from string. */
- @deprecatedOverriding("To synchronize, use `override def synchronizeNames = true`", "2.11.0") // overriden in
+ @deprecatedOverriding("To synchronize, use `override def synchronizeNames = true`", "2.11.0") // overridden in
def newTypeName(s: String): TypeName = newTermName(s).toTypeName
/** Create a term name from the UTF8 encoded bytes in bs[offset..offset+len-1]. */
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Positions.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Positions.scala
index c16d8778d9..4d0e31b037 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Positions.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Positions.scala
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ trait Positions extends api.Positions { self: SymbolTable =>
/** Set position of all children of a node
* @param pos A target position.
* Uses the point of the position as the point of all positions it assigns.
- * Uses the start of this position as an Offset position for unpositioed trees
+ * Uses the start of this position as an Offset position for unpositioned trees
* without children.
* @param trees The children to position. All children must be positionable.
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Printers.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Printers.scala
index c4953b2c1f..98b2c48379 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Printers.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Printers.scala
@@ -546,10 +546,11 @@ trait Printers extends api.Printers { self: SymbolTable =>
import Chars._
val decName = name.decoded
val bslash = '\\'
+ val isDot = (x: Char) => x == '.'
val brackets = List('[',']','(',')','{','}')
def addBackquotes(s: String) =
- if (decoded && (decName.exists(ch => brackets.contains(ch) || isWhitespace(ch)) ||
+ if (decoded && (decName.exists(ch => brackets.contains(ch) || isWhitespace(ch) || isDot(ch)) ||
(name.isOperatorName && decName.exists(isOperatorPart) && decName.exists(isScalaLetter) && !decName.contains(bslash))))
s"`$s`" else s
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/StdAttachments.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/StdAttachments.scala
index 614e71b597..cca33253be 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/StdAttachments.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/StdAttachments.scala
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ trait StdAttachments {
def importAttachment(importer: Importer): this.type
- /** Attachment that doesn't contain any reflection artificats and can be imported as-is. */
+ /** Attachment that doesn't contain any reflection artifacts and can be imported as-is. */
trait PlainAttachment extends ImportableAttachment {
def importAttachment(importer: Importer): this.type = this
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ trait StdAttachments {
case object BackquotedIdentifierAttachment extends PlainAttachment
- /** Identifies trees are either result or intermidiate value of for loop desugaring.
+ /** Identifies trees are either result or intermediate value of for loop desugaring.
case object ForAttachment extends PlainAttachment
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala
index 667ff7c4b4..c94ee996e4 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala
@@ -1147,6 +1147,7 @@ trait StdNames {
final val GetClassLoader: TermName = newTermName("getClassLoader")
final val GetMethod: TermName = newTermName("getMethod")
final val Invoke: TermName = newTermName("invoke")
+ final val InvokeExact: TermName = newTermName("invokeExact")
val Boxed = immutable.Map[TypeName, TypeName](
tpnme.Boolean -> BoxedBoolean,
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Symbols.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Symbols.scala
index 8e86e6fad9..e91bfadc85 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Symbols.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Symbols.scala
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
* to fix the core of the compiler risk stability a few weeks before the final release.
* upd. Haha, "a few weeks before the final release". This surely sounds familiar :)
- * However we do need to fix this for runtime reflection, since this idionsynchrazy is not something
+ * However we do need to fix this for runtime reflection, since this idiosyncrasy is not something
* we'd like to expose to reflection users. Therefore a proposed solution is to check whether we're in a
* runtime reflection universe, and if yes and if we've not yet loaded the requested info, then to commence initialization.
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
* Note: the lateMETHOD flag is added lazily in the info transformer of the RefChecks phase.
* This means that forcing the `` may change the value of `sym.isMethod`. Forcing the
- * info is in the responsability of the caller. Doing it eagerly here was tried (0ccdb151f) but
+ * info is in the responsibility of the caller. Doing it eagerly here was tried (0ccdb151f) but
* has proven to lead to bugs (SI-8907).
* Here's an example where one can see all four of FF FT TF TT for (isStatic, isMethod) at
@@ -2812,7 +2812,7 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
override def outerSource: Symbol =
// SI-6888 Approximate the name to workaround the deficiencies in `nme.originalName`
- // in the face of clases named '$'. SI-2806 remains open to address the deeper problem.
+ // in the face of classes named '$'. SI-2806 remains open to address the deeper problem.
if (originalName endsWith (nme.OUTER)) initialize.referenced
else NoSymbol
@@ -3570,7 +3570,7 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
* @param syms the prototypical symbols
* @param symFn the function to create new symbols
* @param tpe the prototypical type
- * @return the new symbol-subsituted type
+ * @return the new symbol-substituted type
def deriveType(syms: List[Symbol], symFn: Symbol => Symbol)(tpe: Type): Type = {
val syms1 = deriveSymbols(syms, symFn)
@@ -3585,7 +3585,7 @@ trait Symbols extends api.Symbols { self: SymbolTable =>
* @param as arguments to be passed to symFn together with symbols from syms (must be same length)
* @param symFn the function to create new symbols based on `as`
* @param tpe the prototypical type
- * @return the new symbol-subsituted type
+ * @return the new symbol-substituted type
def deriveType2[A](syms: List[Symbol], as: List[A], symFn: (Symbol, A) => Symbol)(tpe: Type): Type = {
val syms1 = deriveSymbols2(syms, as, symFn)
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/TreeGen.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/TreeGen.scala
index 6e8e992d16..b3e11a826e 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/TreeGen.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/TreeGen.scala
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ abstract class TreeGen {
val rhsUnchecked = mkUnchecked(rhs)
- // TODO: clean this up -- there is too much information packked into mkPatDef's `pat` argument
+ // TODO: clean this up -- there is too much information packed into mkPatDef's `pat` argument
// when it's a simple identifier (case Some((name, tpt)) -- above),
// pat should have the type ascription that was specified by the user
// however, in `case None` (here), we must be careful not to generate illegal pattern trees (such as `(a, b): Tuple2[Int, String]`)
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/TreeInfo.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/TreeInfo.scala
index c521277f69..4657fa0000 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/TreeInfo.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/TreeInfo.scala
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ abstract class TreeInfo {
private def hasNoSymbol(t: Tree) = t.symbol == null || t.symbol == NoSymbol
- /** Is this pattern node a synthetic catch-all case, added during PartialFuction synthesis before we know
+ /** Is this pattern node a synthetic catch-all case, added during PartialFunction synthesis before we know
* whether the user provided cases are exhaustive. */
def isSyntheticDefaultCase(cdef: CaseDef) = cdef match {
case CaseDef(Bind(nme.DEFAULT_CASE, _), EmptyTree, _) => true
@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ abstract class TreeInfo {
object Unapplied {
// Duplicated with `spliceApply`
def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[Tree] = tree match {
- // SI-7868 Admit Select() to account for numeric widening, e.g. <unappplySelector>.toInt
+ // SI-7868 Admit Select() to account for numeric widening, e.g. <unapplySelector>.toInt
case Apply(fun, (Ident(nme.SELECTOR_DUMMY)| Select(Ident(nme.SELECTOR_DUMMY), _)) :: Nil)
=> Some(fun)
case Apply(fun, _) => unapply(fun)
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Types.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Types.scala
index a95f626a0b..ce36f7efa3 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Types.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Types.scala
@@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ trait Types
* `substThis(from, to).substSym(symsFrom, symsTo)`.
* `SubstThisAndSymMap` performs a breadth-first map over this type, which meant that
- * symbol substitution occured before `ThisType` substitution. Consequently, in substitution
+ * symbol substitution occurred before `ThisType` substitution. Consequently, in substitution
* of a `SingleType(ThisType(`from`), sym), symbols were rebound to `from` rather than `to`.
def substThisAndSym(from: Symbol, to: Type, symsFrom: List[Symbol], symsTo: List[Symbol]): Type =
@@ -1687,7 +1687,7 @@ trait Types
private var refs: Array[RefMap] = _
- /** The initialization state of the class: UnInialized --> Initializing --> Initialized
+ /** The initialization state of the class: UnInitialized --> Initializing --> Initialized
* Syncnote: This var need not be protected with synchronized, because
* it is accessed only from expansiveRefs, which is called only from
* Typer.
@@ -1972,7 +1972,7 @@ trait Types
require(sym.isNonClassType, sym)
/* Syncnote: These are pure caches for performance; no problem to evaluate these
- * several times. Hence, no need to protected with synchronzied in a mutli-threaded
+ * several times. Hence, no need to protected with synchronized in a multi-threaded
* usage scenario.
private var relativeInfoCache: Type = _
@@ -2643,7 +2643,7 @@ trait Types
* nowhere inside a type argument
* - no quantified type argument contains a quantified variable in its bound
* - the typeref's symbol is not itself quantified
- * - the prefix is not quanitified
+ * - the prefix is not quantified
def isRepresentableWithWildcards = {
val qset = quantified.toSet
@@ -3101,7 +3101,7 @@ trait Types
// addressed here: all lower bounds are retained and their intersection calculated when the
// bounds are solved.
- // In a side-effect free universe, checking tp and tp.parents beofre checking tp.baseTypeSeq
+ // In a side-effect free universe, checking tp and tp.parents before checking tp.baseTypeSeq
// would be pointless. In this case, each check we perform causes us to lose specificity: in
// the end the best we'll do is the least specific type we tested against, since the typevar
// does not see these checks as "probes" but as requirements to fulfill.
@@ -3332,7 +3332,7 @@ trait Types
* SI-6385 Erasure's creation of bridges considers method signatures `exitingErasure`,
* which contain `ErasedValueType`-s. In order to correctly consider the overriding
- * and overriden signatures as equivalent in `run/t6385.scala`, it is critical that
+ * and overridden signatures as equivalent in `run/t6385.scala`, it is critical that
* this type contains the erasure of the wrapped type, rather than the unerased type
* of the value class itself, as was originally done.
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Variances.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Variances.scala
index 12b765b7a6..ef22df3f2e 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Variances.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Variances.scala
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ trait Variances {
/** Is every symbol in the owner chain between `site` and the owner of `sym`
* either a term symbol or private[this]? If not, add `sym` to the set of
- * esacped locals.
+ * escaped locals.
* @pre sym.isLocalToThis
@tailrec final def checkForEscape(sym: Symbol, site: Symbol) {
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/annotations/uncheckedBounds.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/annotations/uncheckedBounds.scala
index a44bb54734..662d841c91 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/annotations/uncheckedBounds.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/annotations/uncheckedBounds.scala
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ package annotations
* An annotation that designates the annotated type should not be checked for violations of
* type parameter bounds in the `refchecks` phase of the compiler. This can be used by synthesized
- * code the uses an inferred type of an expression as the type of an artifict val/def (for example,
+ * code the uses an inferred type of an expression as the type of an artifact val/def (for example,
* a temporary value introduced by an ANF transform). See [[]].
* @since 2.10.3
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/ByteCodecs.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/ByteCodecs.scala
index 8615e34fad..241638e88e 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/ByteCodecs.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/ByteCodecs.scala
@@ -196,10 +196,10 @@ object ByteCodecs {
* Sometimes returns (length+1) of the decoded array. Example:
- * scala> val enc = scala.reflect.generic.ByteCodecs.encode(Array(1,2,3))
+ * scala> val enc = scala.reflect.internal.pickling.ByteCodecs.encode(Array(1,2,3))
* enc: Array[Byte] = Array(2, 5, 13, 1)
- * scala> scala.reflect.generic.ByteCodecs.decode(enc)
+ * scala> scala.reflect.internal.pickling.ByteCodecs.decode(enc)
* res43: Int = 4
* scala> enc
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/tpe/FindMembers.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/tpe/FindMembers.scala
index de54f3768e..42b13944f6 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/tpe/FindMembers.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/tpe/FindMembers.scala
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import TypesStats._
trait FindMembers {
this: SymbolTable =>
- /** Implementatation of `Type#{findMember, findMembers}` */
+ /** Implementation of `Type#{findMember, findMembers}` */
private[internal] abstract class FindMemberBase[T](tpe: Type, name: Name, excludedFlags: Long, requiredFlags: Long) {
protected val initBaseClasses: List[Symbol] = tpe.baseClasses
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/tpe/TypeConstraints.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/tpe/TypeConstraints.scala
index c1c43178e5..f79099213a 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/tpe/TypeConstraints.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/tpe/TypeConstraints.scala
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ private[internal] trait TypeConstraints {
/* Syncnote: Type constraints are assumed to be used from only one
* thread. They are not exposed in api.Types and are used only locally
* in operations that are exposed from types. Hence, no syncing of any
- * variables should be ncessesary.
+ * variables should be necessary.
/** Guard these lists against AnyClass and NothingClass appearing,
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/util/WeakHashSet.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/util/WeakHashSet.scala
index a9a7c7780d..3a7a7626fb 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/util/WeakHashSet.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/util/WeakHashSet.scala
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ import scala.collection.generic.Clearable
import scala.collection.mutable.{Set => MSet}
- * A HashSet where the elements are stored weakly. Elements in this set are elligible for GC if no other
+ * A HashSet where the elements are stored weakly. Elements in this set are eligible for GC if no other
* hard references are associated with them. Its primary use case is as a canonical reference
* identity holder (aka "hash-consing") via findEntryOrUpdate
* This Set implementation cannot hold null. Any attempt to put a null in it will result in a NullPointerException
- * This set implmeentation is not in general thread safe without external concurrency control. However it behaves
+ * This set implementation is not in general thread safe without external concurrency control. However it behaves
* properly when GC concurrently collects elements in this set.
final class WeakHashSet[A <: AnyRef](val initialCapacity: Int, val loadFactor: Double) extends Set[A] with Function1[A, Boolean] with MSet[A] {
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ final class WeakHashSet[A <: AnyRef](val initialCapacity: Int, val loadFactor: D
* queue of Entries that hold elements scheduled for GC
- * the removeStaleEntries() method works through the queue to remeove
+ * the removeStaleEntries() method works through the queue to remove
* stale entries from the table
private[this] val queue = new ReferenceQueue[A]
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ final class WeakHashSet[A <: AnyRef](val initialCapacity: Int, val loadFactor: D
private[this] def computeThreshHold: Int = (table.size * loadFactor).ceil.toInt
- * find the bucket associated with an elements's hash code
+ * find the bucket associated with an element's hash code
private[this] def bucketFor(hash: Int): Int = {
// spread the bits around to try to avoid accidental collisions using the
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/macros/Enclosures.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/macros/Enclosures.scala
index 69ede42cc7..1eb6832b5b 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/macros/Enclosures.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/macros/Enclosures.scala
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ trait Enclosures {
/** Tries to guess a position for the enclosing application.
* But that is simple, right? Just dereference `pos` of `macroApplication`? Not really.
- * If we're in a synthetic macro expansion (no positions), we must do our best to infer the position of something that triggerd this expansion.
+ * If we're in a synthetic macro expansion (no positions), we must do our best to infer the position of something that triggered this expansion.
* Surprisingly, quite often we can do this by navigation the `enclosingMacros` stack.
def enclosingPosition: Position
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/macros/Universe.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/macros/Universe.scala
index 1eb67215bb..3b57169565 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/macros/Universe.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/macros/Universe.scala
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ abstract class Universe extends scala.reflect.api.Universe {
* it is imperative that you either call `untypecheck` or do `changeOwner(tree, x, y)`.
* Since at the moment `untypecheck` has fundamental problem that can sometimes lead to tree corruption,
- * `changeOwner` becomes an indispensible tool in building 100% robust macros.
+ * `changeOwner` becomes an indispensable tool in building 100% robust macros.
* Future versions of the reflection API might obviate the need in taking care of
* these low-level details, but at the moment this is what we've got.
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaMirrors.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaMirrors.scala
index a0da3f3bbf..1c751fb93b 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaMirrors.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaMirrors.scala
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ private[scala] trait JavaMirrors extends internal.SymbolTable with api.JavaUnive
override lazy val rootMirror: Mirror = createMirror(NoSymbol, rootClassLoader)
- // overriden by ReflectGlobal
+ // overridden by ReflectGlobal
def rootClassLoader: ClassLoader = this.getClass.getClassLoader
trait JavaClassCompleter
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaUniverseForce.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaUniverseForce.scala
index c87b810bdd..1c0aa7cf6d 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaUniverseForce.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/runtime/JavaUniverseForce.scala
@@ -310,6 +310,7 @@ trait JavaUniverseForce { self: runtime.JavaUniverse =>
+ definitions.MethodHandle
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/runtime/SynchronizedSymbols.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/runtime/SynchronizedSymbols.scala
index 6d0cb0df45..4f0c0253e9 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/runtime/SynchronizedSymbols.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/runtime/SynchronizedSymbols.scala
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ private[reflect] trait SynchronizedSymbols extends internal.Symbols { self: Symb
* Reasons for that differ from artifact to artifact. In some cases it's quite bad (e.g. types use a number
* of non-concurrent compiler caches, so we need to serialize certain operations on types in order to make
* sure that things stay deterministic). However, in case of symbols there's hope, because it's only during
- * initializaton that symbols are thread-unsafe. After everything's set up, symbols become immutable
+ * initialization that symbols are thread-unsafe. After everything's set up, symbols become immutable
* (sans a few deterministic caches that can be populated simultaneously by multiple threads) and therefore thread-safe.
* Note that by saying "symbols become immutable" I mean literally that. In a very common case of PackageClassSymbol's,
@@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ private[reflect] trait SynchronizedSymbols extends internal.Symbols { self: Symb
* Just a volatile var is fine, because:
* 1) Status can only be changed in a single-threaded fashion (this is enforced by gilSynchronized
- * that effecively guards `Symbol.initialize`), which means that there can't be update conflicts.
+ * that effectively guards `Symbol.initialize`), which means that there can't be update conflicts.
* 2) If someone reads a stale value of status, then the worst thing that might happen is that this someone
- * is going to spuriously call `initialize`, which is either a gil-protected operation (if the symbol isn't inited yet)
- * or a no-op (if the symbol is already inited), and that is fine in both cases.
+ * is going to spuriously call `initialize`, which is either a gil-protected operation (if the symbol isn't initialized yet)
+ * or a no-op (if the symbol is already initialized), and that is fine in both cases.
* upd. It looks like we also need to keep track of a mask of initialized flags to make sure
* that normal symbol initialization routines don't trigger auto-init in Symbol.flags-related routines (e.g. Symbol.getFlag).
diff --git a/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/AbstractOrMissingHandler.scala b/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/AbstractOrMissingHandler.scala
index e66e4eff29..df49e6a2e4 100644
--- a/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/AbstractOrMissingHandler.scala
+++ b/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/AbstractOrMissingHandler.scala
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class AbstractOrMissingHandler[T](onError: String => Unit, value: T) extends Par
|Failed to initialize compiler: %s not found.
|** Note that as of 2.8 scala does not assume use of the java classpath.
|** For the old behavior pass -usejavacp to scala, or if using a Settings
- |** object programatically, settings.usejavacp.value = true.""".stripMargin.format(x.req)
+ |** object programmatically, settings.usejavacp.value = true.""".stripMargin.format(x.req)
diff --git a/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/IMain.scala b/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/IMain.scala
index f9f7388363..0347622cf4 100644
--- a/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/IMain.scala
+++ b/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/IMain.scala
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ import
* all variables defined by that code. To extract the result of an
* interpreted line to show the user, a second "result object" is created
* which imports the variables exported by the above object and then
- * exports members called "$eval" and "$print". To accomodate user expressions
+ * exports members called "$eval" and "$print". To accommodate user expressions
* that read from variables or methods defined in previous statements, "import"
* statements are used.
diff --git a/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/JavapClass.scala b/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/JavapClass.scala
index ebca3e7e62..c80b94bf89 100644
--- a/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/JavapClass.scala
+++ b/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/JavapClass.scala
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ object JavapClass {
// FunFinder.funs(ks) finds anonfuns
class FunFinder(loader: ScalaClassLoader, intp: Option[IMain]) {
- // manglese for closure: typename, $anonfun or lamba, opt method, digits
+ // manglese for closure: typename, $anonfun or lambda, opt method, digits
val closure = """(.*)\$(\$anonfun|lambda)(?:\$+([^$]+))?\$(\d+)""".r
// manglese for closure
@@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ object JavapClass {
case _ => Nil
val res = fs map ([Seq]) getOrElse Seq()
- // on second thought, we don't care about lamba method classes, just the impl methods
+ // on second thought, we don't care about lambda method classes, just the impl methods
val rev =
res flatMap {
case x @ closure(_, "lambda", _, _) => labdaMethod(x, target)
@@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ object JavapClass {
/** Translate the supplied targets to patterns for anonfuns.
- * Pattern is typename $ label [[$]$func] $n where label is $anonfun or lamba,
+ * Pattern is typename $ label [[$]$func] $n where label is $anonfun or lambda,
* and lambda includes the extra dollar, func is a method name, and n is an int.
* The typename for a nested class is dollar notation, Betty$Bippy.
diff --git a/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/LoopCommands.scala b/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/LoopCommands.scala
index f177816b30..9f555aee14 100644
--- a/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/LoopCommands.scala
+++ b/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/LoopCommands.scala
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ trait LoopCommands {
def recording(line: String) = Result(keepRunning = true, Option(line))
// most commands do not want to micromanage the Result, but they might want
- // to print something to the console, so we accomodate Unit and String returns.
+ // to print something to the console, so we accommodate Unit and String returns.
implicit def resultFromUnit(x: Unit): Result = default
implicit def resultFromString(msg: String): Result = {
diff --git a/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Power.scala b/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Power.scala
index f69a5b487d..8d8140b638 100644
--- a/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Power.scala
+++ b/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Power.scala
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class Power[ReplValsImpl <: ReplVals : ru.TypeTag: ClassTag](val intp: IMain, re
object InternalInfo extends LowPriorityInternalInfo { }
- /** Now dealing with the problem of acidentally calling a method on Type
+ /** Now dealing with the problem of accidentally calling a method on Type
* when you're holding a Symbol and seeing the Symbol converted to the
* type of Symbol rather than the type of the thing represented by the
* symbol, by only implicitly installing one method, "?", and the rest
diff --git a/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/ant/Scaladoc.scala b/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/ant/Scaladoc.scala
index 36a1405b11..034416e844 100644
--- a/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/ant/Scaladoc.scala
+++ b/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/ant/Scaladoc.scala
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ class Scaladoc extends ScalaMatchingTask {
/** Tests if a file exists and prints a warning in case it doesn't. Always
* returns the file, even if it doesn't exist.
- * @param file A file to test for existance.
+ * @param file A file to test for existence.
* @return The same file.
private def existing(file: File): File = {
diff --git a/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/resource/lib/diagrams.js b/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/resource/lib/diagrams.js
index 478f2e38ac..680ead7a59 100644
--- a/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/resource/lib/diagrams.js
+++ b/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/resource/lib/diagrams.js
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ $(document).ready(function()
$(".diagram-container").css("display", "block");
$(".diagram").each(function() {
- // store inital dimensions
+ // store initial dimensions
$(this).data("width", $("svg", $(this)).width());
$(this).data("height", $("svg", $(this)).height());
// store unscaled clone of SVG element
diff --git a/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/model/Entity.scala b/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/model/Entity.scala
index 6932f01e9a..7fe8903c76 100644
--- a/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/model/Entity.scala
+++ b/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/model/Entity.scala
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ trait MemberEntity extends Entity {
def toRoot: List[MemberEntity]
/** The templates in which this member has been declared. The first element of the list is the template that contains
- * the currently active declaration of this member, subsequent elements are declarations that have been overriden. If
+ * the currently active declaration of this member, subsequent elements are declarations that have been overridden. If
* the first element is equal to `inTemplate`, the member is declared locally, if not, it has been inherited. All
* elements of this list are in the linearization of `inTemplate`. */
def inDefinitionTemplates: List[TemplateEntity]
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/Bench.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/Bench.scala
index e8dfe0ac50..c20bbaeef1 100644
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/Bench.scala
+++ b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/Bench.scala
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ trait Bench extends Benchmark {
- * Prints results of the benchmark. May be overidden in benchmarks.
+ * Prints results of the benchmark. May be overridden in benchmarks.
def printResults {}
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/innerClassAttribute/Test.scala b/test/files/jvm/innerClassAttribute/Test.scala
index 1c1a0522e4..3820048cb4 100644
--- a/test/files/jvm/innerClassAttribute/Test.scala
+++ b/test/files/jvm/innerClassAttribute/Test.scala
@@ -84,17 +84,15 @@ object Test extends BytecodeTest {
def testA3() = {
- def t(c: String) = {
- val List(b1, b2) = innerClassNodes(c)
- // the outer class for classes nested inside top-level modules is not the module class, but the mirror class.
- // this is a hack for java interop, handled in the backend. see BTypes.scala, comment on "Java Compatibility".
- assertMember(b1, "A3", "B1", flags = publicStatic)
- assertMember(b2, "A3", "B2$", flags = publicStatic)
- }
- t("A3$")
- // the mirror class has the same inner class attributes as the module
- // class (added when the mirror is created in the backend)
- t("A3")
+ // the inner class entries for top-level object members are in the companion class, so nothing in the module class
+ val List() = innerClassNodes("A3$")
+ // inner class entries in the companion class (a backend-generated mirror class in this case)
+ val List(b1, b2) = innerClassNodes("A3")
+ // the outer class for classes nested inside top-level modules is not the module class, but the mirror class.
+ // this is a hack for java interop, handled in the backend. see BTypes.scala, comment on "Java Compatibility".
+ assertMember(b1, "A3", "B1", flags = publicStatic)
+ assertMember(b2, "A3", "B2$", flags = publicStatic)
def testA4() = {
@@ -164,7 +162,10 @@ object Test extends BytecodeTest {
def testA15() = {
- val List(b) = innerClassNodes("A15")
+ // no member classes, only anonymous / local. these are nested in the module class, not the companion.
+ val List() = innerClassNodes("A15")
+ val List(b) = innerClassNodes("A15$")
assertLocal(b, "A15$B$3", "B$3")
val List(_, c) = innerClassNodes("A15$B$3")
@@ -283,9 +284,7 @@ object Test extends BytecodeTest {
assertMember(i3c, "A21", "I3$", flags = publicStatic)
assertLocal(j1, "A21$J1$1", "J1$1")
- val List(i2m, i3m, j3, j4, j5) = innerClassNodes("A21$")
- assertMember(i2m, "A21", "I2", flags = publicStatic)
- assertMember(i3m, "A21", "I3$", flags = publicStatic)
+ val List(j3, j4, j5) = innerClassNodes("A21$")
assertLocal(j3, "A21$J3$1", "J3$1")
assertLocal(j4, "A21$J4$1", "J4$1")
assertLocal(j5, "A21$J5$1", "J5$1") // non-static!
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/t8582.check b/test/files/jvm/t8582.check
index 564f482ff8..e388366270 100644
--- a/test/files/jvm/t8582.check
+++ b/test/files/jvm/t8582.check
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ Reflection can find direct nested classes (A2-B2-C2)
A2$B2: List(class A2$B2$C2)
A2$B2$C2: List()
-Mirror classes have the same InnerClass attributes as the corresponding module class:
- className[p1/p2/Singleton$Singleton$] outerClassName[p1/p2/Singleton] innerName[Singleton$] access[9]
-Module class
+The InnerClass attribute of a mirror class contains the members of the module class:
className[p1/p2/Singleton$Singleton$] outerClassName[p1/p2/Singleton] innerName[Singleton$] access[9]
+The module members are not in the InnerClass table of the module class (unless referenced):
An outer class has a InnerClass attribute for direct nested classes
className[A1$B1] outerClassName[A1] innerName[B1] access[1]
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/t8582.scala b/test/files/jvm/t8582.scala
index 8a57ef7952..e9a01f9016 100644
--- a/test/files/jvm/t8582.scala
+++ b/test/files/jvm/t8582.scala
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ object Test extends BytecodeTest {
- nprintln("Mirror classes have the same InnerClass attributes as the corresponding module class:")
+ nprintln("The InnerClass attribute of a mirror class contains the members of the module class:")
printInner("p1.p2.Singleton") // mirror class
- println("Module class")
+ println("The module members are not in the InnerClass table of the module class (unless referenced):")
nprintln("An outer class has a InnerClass attribute for direct nested classes")
diff --git a/test/files/jvm/t9044.scala b/test/files/jvm/t9044.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b1073325e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/jvm/t9044.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+trait A
+trait B
+object Test extends A with B with App {
+ val is = Test.getClass.getInterfaces.mkString(", ")
+ assert(is == "interface A, interface B, interface scala.App", is)
diff --git a/test/files/neg/literals.check b/test/files/neg/literals.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..148a9346c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/neg/literals.check
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+literals.scala:6: error: missing integer number
+ def missingHex: Int = { 0x } // line 4: was: not reported, taken as zero
+ ^
+literals.scala:8: error: Decimal integer literals may not have a leading zero. (Octal syntax is obsolete.)
+ def leadingZeros: Int = { 01 } // line 6: no leading zero
+ ^
+literals.scala:10: error: Decimal integer literals may not have a leading zero. (Octal syntax is obsolete.)
+ def tooManyZeros: Int = { 00 } // line 8: no leading zero
+ ^
+literals.scala:12: error: Decimal integer literals may not have a leading zero. (Octal syntax is obsolete.)
+ def zeroOfNine: Int = { 09 } // line 10: no leading zero
+ ^
+literals.scala:16: error: Decimal integer literals may not have a leading zero. (Octal syntax is obsolete.)
+ def zeroOfNineDot: Int = { 09. } // line 14: malformed integer, ident expected
+ ^
+literals.scala:23: error: missing integer number
+ def missingHex: Int = 0x // line 22: was: not reported, taken as zero
+ ^
+literals.scala:27: error: Decimal integer literals may not have a leading zero. (Octal syntax is obsolete.)
+ def tooManyZeros: Int = 00 // line 26: no leading zero
+ ^
+literals.scala:14: error: identifier expected but '}' found.
+ def orphanDot: Int = { 9. } // line 12: ident expected
+ ^
+literals.scala:16: error: identifier expected but '}' found.
+ def zeroOfNineDot: Int = { 09. } // line 14: malformed integer, ident expected
+ ^
+literals.scala:18: error: ';' expected but double literal found.
+ def noHexFloat: Double = { 0x1.2 } // line 16: ';' expected but double literal found.
+ ^
+literals.scala:25: error: ';' expected but 'def' found.
+ def leadingZeros: Int = 01 // line 24: no leading zero
+ ^
+literals.scala:29: error: ';' expected but 'def' found.
+ def zeroOfNine: Int = 09 // line 28: no leading zero
+ ^
+literals.scala:33: error: identifier expected but 'def' found.
+ def zeroOfNineDot: Int = 09. // line 32: malformed integer, ident expected
+ ^
+13 errors found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/literals.scala b/test/files/neg/literals.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3df7f0b408
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/neg/literals.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* This took me literally all day.
+trait RejectedLiterals {
+ def missingHex: Int = { 0x } // line 4: was: not reported, taken as zero
+ def leadingZeros: Int = { 01 } // line 6: no leading zero
+ def tooManyZeros: Int = { 00 } // line 8: no leading zero
+ def zeroOfNine: Int = { 09 } // line 10: no leading zero
+ def orphanDot: Int = { 9. } // line 12: ident expected
+ def zeroOfNineDot: Int = { 09. } // line 14: malformed integer, ident expected
+ def noHexFloat: Double = { 0x1.2 } // line 16: ';' expected but double literal found.
+trait Braceless {
+ def missingHex: Int = 0x // line 22: was: not reported, taken as zero
+ def leadingZeros: Int = 01 // line 24: no leading zero
+ def tooManyZeros: Int = 00 // line 26: no leading zero
+ def zeroOfNine: Int = 09 // line 28: no leading zero
+ def orphanDot: Int = 9. // line 30: ident expected
+ def zeroOfNineDot: Int = 09. // line 32: malformed integer, ident expected
+ def noHexFloat: Double = 0x1.2 // line 34: ';' expected but double literal found.
diff --git a/test/files/neg/literate_existentials.scala b/test/files/neg/literate_existentials.scala
index 8580347bf9..5537c50b3a 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/literate_existentials.scala
+++ b/test/files/neg/literate_existentials.scala
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ object LiterateExistentials {
implicitly[Int <:< (M forSome { type M >: Nothing <: String })] // fails
-// The preceeding line causes the compiler to generate an error message.
+// The preceding line causes the compiler to generate an error message.
diff --git a/test/files/neg/structural.scala b/test/files/neg/structural.scala
index d783399317..00459676a9 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/structural.scala
+++ b/test/files/neg/structural.scala
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ object Test extends App {
def f2[C <: Object](x: Object{ type D <: Object; def m[E >: Null <: Object](x: B): Object; val x: B }) = x.m[Tata](x.x) //fail
def f3[C <: Object](x: Object{ type D <: Object; def m[E >: Null <: Object](x: C): Object; val x: C }) = x.m[Tata](x.x) //fail
def f4[C <: Object](x: Object{ type D <: Object; def m[E >: Null <: Object](x: D): Object; val x: D }) = x.m[Tata](x.x) //fail
- def f5[C <: Object](x: Object{ type D <: Object; def m[E >: Null <: Object](x: E): Object; val x: Tata }) = x.m[Tata](x.x) //suceed
+ def f5[C <: Object](x: Object{ type D <: Object; def m[E >: Null <: Object](x: E): Object; val x: Tata }) = x.m[Tata](x.x) //succeeds
- def f6[C <: Object](x: Object{ type D <: Object; def m[E >: Null <: Object](x: Object): A }) = x.m[Tata](null) //suceed
- def f7[C <: Object](x: Object{ type D <: Object; def m[E >: Null <: Object](x: Object): B }) = x.m[Tata](null) //suceed
- def f8[C <: Object](x: Object{ type D <: Object; def m[E >: Null <: Object](x: Object): C }) = x.m[Tata](null) //suceed
+ def f6[C <: Object](x: Object{ type D <: Object; def m[E >: Null <: Object](x: Object): A }) = x.m[Tata](null) //succeeds
+ def f7[C <: Object](x: Object{ type D <: Object; def m[E >: Null <: Object](x: Object): B }) = x.m[Tata](null) //succeeds
+ def f8[C <: Object](x: Object{ type D <: Object; def m[E >: Null <: Object](x: Object): C }) = x.m[Tata](null) //succeeds
def f9[C <: Object](x: Object{ type D <: Object; def m[E >: Null <: Object](x: Object): D }) = x.m[Tata](null) //fail
- def f0[C <: Object](x: Object{ type D <: Object; def m[E >: Null <: Object](x: Object): E }) = x.m[Tata](null) //suceed
+ def f0[C <: Object](x: Object{ type D <: Object; def m[E >: Null <: Object](x: Object): E }) = x.m[Tata](null) //succeeds
diff --git a/test/files/neg/t6582_exhaust_big.check b/test/files/neg/t6582_exhaust_big.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e2be038b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/neg/t6582_exhaust_big.check
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+t6582_exhaust_big.scala:27: warning: match may not be exhaustive.
+It would fail on the following input: Z11()
+ def foo(z: Z) = z match {
+ ^
+error: No warnings can be incurred under -Xfatal-warnings.
+one warning found
+one error found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/t6582_exhaust_big.flags b/test/files/neg/t6582_exhaust_big.flags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5a8748652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/neg/t6582_exhaust_big.flags
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+-Xfatal-warnings -unchecked
diff --git a/test/files/neg/t6582_exhaust_big.scala b/test/files/neg/t6582_exhaust_big.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd639eb56e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/neg/t6582_exhaust_big.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+sealed abstract class Z
+object Z {
+ object Z0 extends Z
+ case class Z1() extends Z
+ object Z2 extends Z
+ case class Z3() extends Z
+ object Z4 extends Z
+ case class Z5() extends Z
+ object Z6 extends Z
+ case class Z7() extends Z
+ object Z8 extends Z
+ case class Z9() extends Z
+ object Z10 extends Z
+ case class Z11() extends Z
+ object Z12 extends Z
+ case class Z13() extends Z
+ object Z14 extends Z
+ case class Z15() extends Z
+ object Z16 extends Z
+ case class Z17() extends Z
+ object Z18 extends Z
+ case class Z19() extends Z
+object Test {
+ import Z._
+ def foo(z: Z) = z match {
+ case Z0 | Z1() | Z2 | Z3() | Z4 | Z5() | Z6 | Z7() | Z8 | Z9() |
+ Z10 | Z12 | Z13() | Z14 | Z15() | Z16 | Z17() | Z18 | Z19()
+ =>
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/pos/patmat-suppress.flags b/test/files/pos/patmat-suppress.flags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a988a5b807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/patmat-suppress.flags
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+-Xfatal-warnings -Xno-patmat-analysis \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/files/pos/patmat-suppress.scala b/test/files/pos/patmat-suppress.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c8aded690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/patmat-suppress.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// test that none of these warn due to -Xno-patmat-analysis
+// tests taken from test/files/neg/patmatexhaust.scala, test/files/neg/pat_unreachable.scala
+class TestSealedExhaustive { // compile only
+ sealed abstract class Foo
+ case class Bar(x:Int) extends Foo
+ case object Baz extends Foo
+ def ma1(x:Foo) = x match {
+ case Bar(_) => // not exhaustive
+ }
+ def ma2(x:Foo) = x match {
+ case Baz => // not exhaustive
+ }
+ sealed abstract class Mult
+ case class Kult(s:Mult) extends Mult
+ case class Qult() extends Mult
+ def ma33(x:Kult) = x match { // exhaustive
+ case Kult(_) => // exhaustive
+ }
+ def ma3(x:Mult) = (x,x) match { // not exhaustive
+ case (Kult(_), Qult()) => // Kult missing
+ //case (Kult(_), Kult(_)) =>
+ case (Qult(), Kult(_)) => // Qult missing
+ //case (Qult(), Qult()) =>
+ }
+ def ma3u(x:Mult) = ((x,x) : @unchecked) match { // not exhaustive, but not checked!
+ case (Kult(_), Qult()) =>
+ case (Qult(), Kult(_)) =>
+ }
+ sealed abstract class Deep
+ case object Ga extends Deep
+ sealed class Gp extends Deep
+ case object Gu extends Gp
+ def zma3(x:Deep) = x match { // exhaustive!
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ def zma4(x:Deep) = x match { // exhaustive!
+ case Ga =>
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ def ma4(x:Deep) = x match { // missing cases: Gu, Gp which is not abstract so must be included
+ case Ga =>
+ }
+ def ma5(x:Deep) = x match {
+ case Gu =>
+ case _ if 1 == 0 =>
+ case Ga =>
+ }
+ def ma6() = List(1,2) match { // give up
+ case List(1,2) =>
+ case x :: xs =>
+ }
+ def ma7() = List(1,2) match { //exhaustive
+ case 1::2::Nil =>
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ sealed class B
+ case class B1() extends B
+ case object B2 extends B
+ def ma8(x: B) = x match {
+ case _: B => true
+ }
+ def ma9(x: B) = x match {
+ case B1() => true // missing B, which is not abstract so must be included
+ case B2 => true
+ }
+ object ob1 {
+ sealed abstract class C
+ sealed abstract class C1 extends C
+ object C2 extends C
+ case class C3() extends C
+ case object C4 extends C
+ def ma10(x: C) = x match { // exhaustive: abstract sealed C1 is dead end.
+ case C3() => true
+ case C2 | C4 => true
+ }
+ }
+ object ob2 {
+ sealed abstract class C
+ abstract class C1 extends C
+ object C2 extends C
+ case class C3() extends C
+ case object C4 extends C
+ def ma10(x: C) = x match { // not exhaustive: C1 is not sealed.
+ case C3() => true
+ case C2 | C4 => true
+ }
+ }
+ object ob3 {
+ sealed abstract class C
+ sealed abstract class C1 extends C
+ object D1 extends C1
+ case class D2() extends C1
+ object C2 extends C
+ case class C3() extends C
+ case object C4 extends C
+ def ma10(x: C) = x match { // not exhaustive: C1 has subclasses.
+ case C3() => true
+ case C2 | C4 => true
+ }
+ }
+ object ob4 {
+ sealed abstract class C
+ sealed class C1 extends C
+ object C2 extends C
+ case class C3() extends C
+ case object C4 extends C
+ def ma10(x: C) = x match { // not exhaustive: C1 is not abstract.
+ case C3() => true
+ case C2 | C4 => true
+ }
+ }
+object TestUnreachable extends App {
+ def unreachable1(xs:Seq[Char]) = xs match {
+ case Seq(x, y, _*) => x::y::Nil
+ case Seq(x, y, z, w) => List(z,w) // redundant!
+ }
+ def unreachable2(xs:Seq[Char]) = xs match {
+ case Seq(x, y, _*) => x::y::Nil
+ case Seq(x, y) => List(x, y)
+ }
+ def not_unreachable(xs:Seq[Char]) = xs match {
+ case Seq(x, y, _*) => x::y::Nil
+ case Seq(x) => List(x)
+ }
+ def not_unreachable2(xs:Seq[Char]) = xs match {
+ case Seq(x, y) => x::y::Nil
+ case Seq(x, y, z, _*) => List(x,y)
+ }
+ def contrivedExample[A, B, C](a: A, b: B, c: C): Unit = a match {
+ case b => println("matched b")
+ case c => println("matched c")
+ case _ => println("matched neither")
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/pos/t4070.scala b/test/files/pos/t4070.scala
index a9777f02ed..11af67a529 100644
--- a/test/files/pos/t4070.scala
+++ b/test/files/pos/t4070.scala
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ package b {
-// With crash below the clasess:
+// With crash below the classes:
% scalac -Dscalac.debug.tvar ./a.scala
[ create] ?_$1 ( In Foo#crash )
[ setInst] tv[Int] ( In Foo#crash, _$1=tv[Int] )
diff --git a/test/files/pos/t6582_exhaust_big.scala b/test/files/pos/t6582_exhaust_big.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7bb8879805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/t6582_exhaust_big.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+sealed abstract class Z
+object Z {
+ object Z0 extends Z
+ case class Z1() extends Z
+ object Z2 extends Z
+ case class Z3() extends Z
+ object Z4 extends Z
+ case class Z5() extends Z
+ object Z6 extends Z
+ case class Z7() extends Z
+ object Z8 extends Z
+ case class Z9() extends Z
+ object Z10 extends Z
+ case class Z11() extends Z
+ object Z12 extends Z
+ case class Z13() extends Z
+ object Z14 extends Z
+ case class Z15() extends Z
+ object Z16 extends Z
+ case class Z17() extends Z
+ object Z18 extends Z
+ case class Z19() extends Z
+// drop any case and it will report an error
+object Test {
+ import Z._
+ def foo(z: Z) = z match {
+ case Z0 | Z1() | Z2 | Z3() | Z4 | Z5() | Z6 | Z7() | Z8 | Z9() |
+ Z10 | Z11() | Z12 | Z13() | Z14 | Z15() | Z16 | Z17() | Z18 | Z19()
+ =>
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/pos/t7459a.scala b/test/files/pos/t7459a.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5107715e06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/t7459a.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+trait SpecialException extends Throwable
+object Test {
+ def run() {
+ try {
+ ???
+ } catch {
+ case e: SpecialException => e.isInstanceOf[SpecialException]
+ case e =>
+ }
+ // OKAY
+ // (null: Throwable) match {
+ // case e: SpecialException => e.isInstanceOf[SpecialException]
+ // case e =>
+ // }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/files/pos/t7459b.scala b/test/files/pos/t7459b.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4b4fd07a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/t7459b.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import scala.concurrent._
+import scala.util._
+class Test {
+ (null: Any) match {
+ case s @ Some(_) => ???
+ case f @ _ =>
+ () => f
+ ???
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/files/pos/t7459c.scala b/test/files/pos/t7459c.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc2605abe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/t7459c.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+object Test {
+ trait Universe {
+ type Type
+ type TypeTag[A] >: Null <: TypeTagApi[A]
+ trait TypeTagApi[A] { def tpe: Type }
+ }
+ trait JavaUniverse extends Universe
+ trait Mirror[U <: Universe] {
+ def universe: U
+ }
+ (null: Mirror[_]).universe match {
+ case ju: JavaUniverse =>
+ val ju1 = ju
+ val f = {() => (null: ju.TypeTag[Nothing]).tpe }
+ }
+ trait M[A]
diff --git a/test/files/pos/t7459d.scala b/test/files/pos/t7459d.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7843156885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/t7459d.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+class Test {
+ (null: Any) match {
+ case s @ Some(_) => ???
+ case f @ _ =>
+ () => f
+ ???
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/pos/t7704.scala b/test/files/pos/t7704.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cae88d3324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/t7704.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+class Attr { type V ; class Val }
+class StrAttr extends Attr { type V = String }
+class BoolAttr extends Attr { type V = Boolean }
+object Main {
+ def f(x: Attr) = x match {
+ case v: StrAttr => new v.Val
+ case v: BoolAttr => new v.Val
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/pos/t8828.scala b/test/files/pos/t8828.scala
index 92092b4dd4..182aba54c0 100644
--- a/test/files/pos/t8828.scala
+++ b/test/files/pos/t8828.scala
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ package inner {
// the trait is sealed and doWork is not
- // and cannot be overriden: no warning
+ // and cannot be overridden: no warning
private[outer] sealed trait C {
def doWork(a: A): A = a
diff --git a/test/files/pos/t8999.flags b/test/files/pos/t8999.flags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f96f1f872
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/t8999.flags
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+-nowarn \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/files/pos/t8999.scala b/test/files/pos/t8999.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99c4b2ad84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/t8999.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+object Types {
+ abstract sealed class Type
+ case object AnyType extends Type
+ case object NothingType extends Type
+ case object UndefType extends Type
+ case object BooleanType extends Type
+ case object IntType extends Type
+ case object LongType extends Type
+ case object FloatType extends Type
+ case object DoubleType extends Type
+ case object StringType extends Type
+ case object NullType extends Type
+ sealed abstract class ReferenceType extends Type
+ final case class ClassType(className: String) extends ReferenceType
+ final case class ArrayType(baseClassName: String, dimensions: Int) extends ReferenceType
+ final case class RecordType(fields: List[RecordType.Field]) extends Type
+ object RecordType {
+ final case class Field(name: String, originalName: Option[String],
+ tpe: Type, mutable: Boolean)
+ }
+ case object NoType extends Type
+sealed abstract class ClassKind
+object ClassKind {
+ case object Class extends ClassKind
+ case object ModuleClass extends ClassKind
+ case object Interface extends ClassKind
+ case object RawJSType extends ClassKind
+ case object HijackedClass extends ClassKind
+ case object TraitImpl extends ClassKind
+object Trees {
+ import Types._
+ abstract sealed class Tree
+ case object EmptyTree extends Tree
+ sealed trait PropertyName
+ case class Ident(name: String, originalName: Option[String]) extends PropertyName
+ object Ident {
+ def apply(name: String): Ident =
+ new Ident(name, Some(name))
+ }
+ case class VarDef(name: Ident, vtpe: Type, mutable: Boolean, rhs: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class ParamDef(name: Ident, ptpe: Type, mutable: Boolean) extends Tree
+ case class Skip() extends Tree
+ class Block private(val stats: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ object Block {
+ def unapply(block: Block): Some[List[Tree]] = Some(block.stats)
+ }
+ case class Labeled(label: Ident, tpe: Type, body: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class Assign(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class Return(expr: Tree, label: Option[Ident] = None) extends Tree
+ case class If(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class While(cond: Tree, body: Tree, label: Option[Ident] = None) extends Tree
+ case class DoWhile(body: Tree, cond: Tree, label: Option[Ident] = None) extends Tree
+ case class Try(block: Tree, errVar: Ident, handler: Tree, finalizer: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class Throw(expr: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class Continue(label: Option[Ident] = None) extends Tree
+ case class Match(selector: Tree, cases: List[(List[Literal], Tree)], default: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class Debugger() extends Tree
+ case class New(cls: ClassType, ctor: Ident, args: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class LoadModule(cls: ClassType) extends Tree
+ case class StoreModule(cls: ClassType, value: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class Select(qualifier: Tree, item: Ident, mutable: Boolean) extends Tree
+ case class Apply(receiver: Tree, method: Ident, args: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class StaticApply(receiver: Tree, cls: ClassType, method: Ident, args: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class TraitImplApply(impl: ClassType, method: Ident, args: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class UnaryOp(op: Int, lhs: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class BinaryOp(op: Int, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class NewArray(tpe: ArrayType, lengths: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class ArrayValue(tpe: ArrayType, elems: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class ArrayLength(array: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class ArraySelect(array: Tree, index: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class RecordValue(tpe: RecordType, elems: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class IsInstanceOf(expr: Tree, cls: ReferenceType) extends Tree
+ case class AsInstanceOf(expr: Tree, cls: ReferenceType) extends Tree
+ case class Unbox(expr: Tree, charCode: Char) extends Tree
+ case class GetClass(expr: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class CallHelper(helper: String, args: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class JSNew(ctor: Tree, args: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class JSDotSelect(qualifier: Tree, item: Ident) extends Tree
+ case class JSBracketSelect(qualifier: Tree, item: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class JSFunctionApply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class JSDotMethodApply(receiver: Tree, method: Ident, args: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class JSBracketMethodApply(receiver: Tree, method: Tree, args: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class JSDelete(prop: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class JSUnaryOp(op: String, lhs: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class JSBinaryOp(op: String, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class JSArrayConstr(items: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class JSObjectConstr(fields: List[(PropertyName, Tree)]) extends Tree
+ case class JSEnvInfo() extends Tree
+ sealed trait Literal extends Tree
+ case class Undefined() extends Literal
+ case class UndefinedParam() extends Literal
+ case class Null() extends Literal
+ case class BooleanLiteral(value: Boolean) extends Literal
+ case class IntLiteral(value: Int) extends Literal
+ case class LongLiteral(value: Long) extends Literal
+ case class FloatLiteral(value: Float) extends Literal
+ case class DoubleLiteral(value: Double) extends Literal
+ case class StringLiteral(value: String) extends Literal with PropertyName
+ case class ClassOf(cls: ReferenceType) extends Literal
+ case class VarRef(ident: Ident, mutable: Boolean) extends Tree
+ case class This() extends Tree
+ case class Closure(captureParams: List[ParamDef], params: List[ParamDef],
+ body: Tree, captureValues: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class ClassDef(name: Ident, kind: ClassKind, parent: Option[Ident], ancestors: List[Ident], defs: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class MethodDef(name: PropertyName, args: List[ParamDef], resultType: Type, body: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class PropertyDef(name: PropertyName, getterBody: Tree, setterArg: ParamDef, setterBody: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class ConstructorExportDef(name: String, args: List[ParamDef], body: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class ModuleExportDef(fullName: String) extends Tree
+ final class TreeHash(val treeHash: Array[Byte], val posHash: Array[Byte])
+object Main {
+ import Trees._
+ import Types._
+ private def transform(tree: Tree) = {
+ val ObjectClass = "O"
+ tree match {
+ case VarDef(_, _, _, rhs) =>
+ case tree: Block =>
+ case Labeled(ident@Ident(label, _), tpe, body) =>
+ case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
+ case Return(expr, optLabel) =>
+ case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
+ case While(cond, body, optLabel) =>
+ case DoWhile(body, cond, None) =>
+ case Try(block, errVar, EmptyTree, finalizer) =>
+ case Try(block, errVar@Ident(name, originalName), handler, finalizer) =>
+ case Throw(expr) =>
+ case Continue(optLabel) =>
+ case Match(selector, cases, default) =>
+ case New(cls, ctor, args) =>
+ case StoreModule(cls, value) =>
+ case tree: Select =>
+ case tree: Apply =>
+ case tree: StaticApply =>
+ case tree: TraitImplApply =>
+ case tree@UnaryOp(_, arg) =>
+ case tree@BinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) =>
+ case NewArray(tpe, lengths) =>
+ case ArrayValue(tpe, elems) =>
+ case ArrayLength(array) =>
+ case ArraySelect(array, index) =>
+ case RecordValue(tpe, elems) =>
+ case IsInstanceOf(expr, ClassType(ObjectClass)) =>
+ case IsInstanceOf(expr, tpe) =>
+ case AsInstanceOf(expr, ClassType(ObjectClass)) =>
+ case AsInstanceOf(expr, cls) =>
+ case Unbox(arg, charCode) =>
+ case GetClass(expr) =>
+ case JSNew(ctor, args) =>
+ case JSDotSelect(qualifier, item) =>
+ case JSBracketSelect(qualifier, item) =>
+ case tree: JSFunctionApply =>
+ case JSDotMethodApply(receiver, method, args) =>
+ case JSBracketMethodApply(receiver, method, args) =>
+ case JSDelete(JSDotSelect(obj, prop)) =>
+ case JSDelete(JSBracketSelect(obj, prop)) =>
+ case JSUnaryOp(op, lhs) =>
+ case JSBinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) =>
+ case JSArrayConstr(items) =>
+ case JSObjectConstr(fields) =>
+ case _: VarRef | _: This =>
+ case Closure(captureParams, params, body, captureValues) =>
+ case _: Skip | _: Debugger | _: LoadModule |
+ _: JSEnvInfo | _: Literal | EmptyTree =>
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/files/presentation/visibility/src/Completions.scala b/test/files/presentation/visibility/src/Completions.scala
index 8c07934915..69ec3959ad 100644
--- a/test/files/presentation/visibility/src/Completions.scala
+++ b/test/files/presentation/visibility/src/Completions.scala
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ package accessibility {
def secretPublic(): Unit
def someTests(other: Foo) {
- other./*!*/secretPrivate // should be all but scretThis
+ other./*!*/secretPrivate // should be all but secretThis
this./*!*/secretProtected // should hit five completions
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ package accessibility {
class UnrelatedClass {
def someTests(foo: Foo) {
- foo./*!*/ // should list public and protected[accessiblity]
+ foo./*!*/ // should list public and protected[accessibility]
diff --git a/test/files/res/t9089.check b/test/files/res/t9089.check
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6cf64f734b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/res/t9089.check
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/test/files/res/t9089.res b/test/files/res/t9089.res
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab5cc8534d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/res/t9089.res
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/test/files/res/t9089/A.scala b/test/files/res/t9089/A.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bccf269639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/res/t9089/A.scala
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+object O { def f(x: => Int): Int = x }
diff --git a/test/files/run/applydynamic_sip.scala b/test/files/run/applydynamic_sip.scala
index cf918a82ed..47d0c6a303 100644
--- a/test/files/run/applydynamic_sip.scala
+++ b/test/files/run/applydynamic_sip.scala
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ object Test extends App {
// qual.sel(arg = a, a2: _*)
// qual.sel(arg, arg2 = "a2", a2: _*)
- // If qual.sel appears immediately on the left-hand side of an assigment
+ // If qual.sel appears immediately on the left-hand side of an assignment
// qual.updateDynamic(“sel”)(expr)
qual.sel = expr
diff --git a/test/files/run/icode-reader-dead-code.check b/test/files/run/icode-reader-dead-code.check
index d1739fed3b..c9de93283e 100644
--- a/test/files/run/icode-reader-dead-code.check
+++ b/test/files/run/icode-reader-dead-code.check
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
Bytecode for method f
+ // access flags 0x11
+ public final f()I
@@ -7,7 +10,11 @@ Bytecode for method f
Bytecode for method f
+ // access flags 0x11
+ public final f()I
@@ -17,3 +24,4 @@ Bytecode for method f
diff --git a/test/files/run/literals.check b/test/files/run/literals.check
index 62c5fd68ae..092340eead 100644
--- a/test/files/run/literals.check
+++ b/test/files/run/literals.check
@@ -1,57 +1,12 @@
-warning: there were 5 deprecation warnings; re-run with -deprecation for details
-test '\u0024' == '$' was successful
-test '\u005f' == '_' was successful
-test 65.asInstanceOf[Char] == 'A' was successful
-test "\141\142" == "ab" was successful
-test "\0x61\0x62".trim() == "x61\0x62" was successful
-test (65 : Byte) == 'A' was successful
-test 0X01 == 1 was successful
-test 0x01 == 1 was successful
-test 0x10 == 16 was successful
-test 0xa == 10 was successful
-test 0x0a == 10 was successful
-test +0x01 == 1 was successful
-test +0x10 == 16 was successful
-test +0xa == 10 was successful
-test +0x0a == 10 was successful
-test -0x01 == -1 was successful
-test -0x10 == -16 was successful
-test -0xa == -10 was successful
-test -0x0a == -10 was successful
-test 0x7fffffff == 2147483647 was successful
-test 0x80000000 == -2147483648 was successful
-test 0xffffffff == -1 was successful
-test 1l == 1L was successful
-test 1L == 1l was successful
-test 1.asInstanceOf[Long] == 1l was successful
-test 0x7fffffffffffffffL == 9223372036854775807L was successful
-test 0x8000000000000000L == -9223372036854775808L was successful
-test 0xffffffffffffffffL == -1L was successful
-test 1e1f == 10.0f was successful
-test .3f == 0.3f was successful
-test 0f == 0.0f was successful
-test 01.23f == 1.23f was successful
-test 3.14f == 3.14f was successful
-test 6.022e23f == 6.022e23f was successful
-test 09f == 9.0f was successful
-test 1.asInstanceOf[Float] == 1.0 was successful
-test 1l.asInstanceOf[Float] == 1.0 was successful
-test 1e1 == 10.0 was successful
-test .3 == 0.3 was successful
-test 0.0 == 0.0 was successful
-test 0d == 0.0 was successful
-test 01.23 == 1.23 was successful
-test 01.23d == 1.23d was successful
-test 3.14 == 3.14 was successful
-test 1e-9d == 1.0e-9 was successful
-test 1e137 == 1.0e137 was successful
-test 1.asInstanceOf[Double] == 1.0 was successful
-test 1l.asInstanceOf[Double] == 1.0 was successful
-test "".length() was successful
-test ggg == 3 was successful
+literals.scala:34: warning: Octal escape literals are deprecated, use \u0061 instead.
+ check_success("\"\\141\\142\" == \"ab\"", "\141\142", "ab")
+ ^
+literals.scala:34: warning: Octal escape literals are deprecated, use \u0062 instead.
+ check_success("\"\\141\\142\" == \"ab\"", "\141\142", "ab")
+ ^
+literals.scala:37: warning: Octal escape literals are deprecated, use \u0000 instead.
+ "\0x61\0x62".getBytes(io.Codec.UTF8.charSet) sameElements Array[Byte](0, 120, 54, 49, 0, 120, 54, 50),
+ ^
+literals.scala:37: warning: Octal escape literals are deprecated, use \u0000 instead.
+ "\0x61\0x62".getBytes(io.Codec.UTF8.charSet) sameElements Array[Byte](0, 120, 54, 49, 0, 120, 54, 50),
+ ^
diff --git a/test/files/run/literals.flags b/test/files/run/literals.flags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dcc59ebe32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/literals.flags
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/test/files/run/literals.scala b/test/files/run/literals.scala
index 5f23e6b492..13fda05876 100644
--- a/test/files/run/literals.scala
+++ b/test/files/run/literals.scala
@@ -14,21 +14,16 @@ object Test {
def \u03b1\u03b1(that: GGG) = i + that.i
- def check_success[a](name: String, closure: => a, expected: a) {
- print("test " + name)
- try {
- val actual: a = closure
- if (actual == expected) {
- print(" was successful");
- } else {
- print(" failed: expected "+ expected +", found "+ actual);
+ def check_success[A](name: String, closure: => A, expected: A) {
+ val res: Option[String] =
+ try {
+ val actual: A = closure
+ if (actual == expected) None //print(" was successful")
+ else Some(s" failed: expected $expected, found $actual")
+ } catch {
+ case exception: Throwable => Some(s" raised exception $exception")
- } catch {
- case exception: Throwable => {
- print(" raised exception " + exception);
- }
- }
- println
+ for (e <- res) println(s"test $name $e")
def main(args: Array[String]) {
@@ -37,15 +32,14 @@ object Test {
check_success("'\\u005f' == '_'", '\u005f', '_')
check_success("65.asInstanceOf[Char] == 'A'", 65.asInstanceOf[Char], 'A')
check_success("\"\\141\\142\" == \"ab\"", "\141\142", "ab")
- check_success("\"\\0x61\\0x62\".trim() == \"x61\\0x62\"", "\0x61\0x62".substring(1), "x61\0x62")
- println
+ //check_success("\"\\0x61\\0x62\".trim() == \"x61\\0x62\"", "\0x61\0x62".substring(1), "x61\0x62")
+ check_success(""""\0x61\0x62".getBytes == Array(0, 120, ...)""",
+ "\0x61\0x62".getBytes(io.Codec.UTF8.charSet) sameElements Array[Byte](0, 120, 54, 49, 0, 120, 54, 50),
+ true)
// boolean
check_success("(65 : Byte) == 'A'", (65: Byte) == 'A', true) // contrib #176
- println
// int
check_success("0X01 == 1", 0X01, 1)
check_success("0x01 == 1", 0x01, 1)
@@ -67,8 +61,6 @@ object Test {
check_success("0x80000000 == -2147483648", 0x80000000, -2147483648)
check_success("0xffffffff == -1", 0xffffffff, -1)
- println
// long
check_success("1l == 1L", 1l, 1L)
check_success("1L == 1l", 1L, 1l)
@@ -81,8 +73,6 @@ object Test {
check_success("0xffffffffffffffffL == -1L",
0xffffffffffffffffL, -1L)
- println
// see JLS at address:
@@ -97,8 +87,6 @@ object Test {
check_success("1.asInstanceOf[Float] == 1.0", 1.asInstanceOf[Float], 1.0f)
check_success("1l.asInstanceOf[Float] == 1.0", 1l.asInstanceOf[Float], 1.0f)
- println
// double
check_success("1e1 == 10.0", 1e1, 10.0)
check_success(".3 == 0.3", .3, 0.3)
@@ -112,7 +100,6 @@ object Test {
check_success("1.asInstanceOf[Double] == 1.0", 1.asInstanceOf[Double], 1.0)
check_success("1l.asInstanceOf[Double] == 1.0", 1l.asInstanceOf[Double], 1.0)
- println
check_success("\"\".length()", "\u001a".length(), 1)
val ggg = GGG(1) \u03b1\u03b1 GGG(2)
diff --git a/test/files/run/t5313.scala b/test/files/run/t5313.scala
index 0d7168fa89..7f5af74c3f 100644
--- a/test/files/run/t5313.scala
+++ b/test/files/run/t5313.scala
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ object Test extends IcodeComparison {
def bar = {
var kept1 = new Object
val result = new java.lang.ref.WeakReference(kept1)
- kept1 = null // we can't eliminate this assigment because result can observe
+ kept1 = null // we can't eliminate this assignment because result can observe
// when the object has no more references. See SI-5313
kept1 = new Object // but we can eliminate this one because kept1 has already been clobbered
var erased2 = null // we can eliminate this store because it's never used
diff --git a/test/files/run/t6114.scala b/test/files/run/t6114.scala
index cb880ece00..8ad02d5bb2 100644
--- a/test/files/run/t6114.scala
+++ b/test/files/run/t6114.scala
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ object Test extends App {
val next = list.asScala ++ List(4,5,6)
assert(next != list.asScala)
- // Note: Clone is hidden at this level, so no overriden cloning.
+ // Note: Clone is hidden at this level, so no overridden cloning.
diff --git a/test/files/run/t7459a.scala b/test/files/run/t7459a.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e9653c6e79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/t7459a.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+class LM {
+ class Node[B1]
+ case class CC(n: LM)
+ // crash
+ val f: (LM => Any) = {
+ case tttt =>
+ new tttt.Node[Any]()
+ }
+object Test extends App {
+ new LM().f(new LM())
diff --git a/test/files/run/t7459b-optimize.flags b/test/files/run/t7459b-optimize.flags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49d036a887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/t7459b-optimize.flags
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/test/files/run/t7459b-optimize.scala b/test/files/run/t7459b-optimize.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..605890962c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/t7459b-optimize.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+class LM {
+ class Node[B1]
+ // crash
+ val g: (CC => Any) = {
+ case CC(tttt) =>
+ new tttt.Node[Any]()
+ }
+ val h: (Some[CC] => Any) = {
+ case Some(CC(tttt)) =>
+ new tttt.Node[Any]()
+ }
+object Test extends App {
+ new LM().g(new CC(new LM()))
+ new LM().h(Some(new CC(new LM())))
+case class CC(n: LM)
diff --git a/test/files/run/t7459b.scala b/test/files/run/t7459b.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..605890962c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/t7459b.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+class LM {
+ class Node[B1]
+ // crash
+ val g: (CC => Any) = {
+ case CC(tttt) =>
+ new tttt.Node[Any]()
+ }
+ val h: (Some[CC] => Any) = {
+ case Some(CC(tttt)) =>
+ new tttt.Node[Any]()
+ }
+object Test extends App {
+ new LM().g(new CC(new LM()))
+ new LM().h(Some(new CC(new LM())))
+case class CC(n: LM)
diff --git a/test/files/run/t7459c.scala b/test/files/run/t7459c.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..144c5d793b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/t7459c.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+class LM {
+ class Node[B1]
+ // crash
+ val g: (CC => Any) = {
+ case CC(tttt) =>
+ tttt.## // no crash
+ new tttt.Node[Any]()
+ }
+object Test extends App {
+ new LM().g(new CC(new LM()))
+case class CC(n: LM)
diff --git a/test/files/run/t7459d.scala b/test/files/run/t7459d.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3263701f9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/t7459d.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+class LM {
+ class Node[B1]
+ case class CC(n: LM)
+ // crash
+ val f: (LM => Any) = {
+ case tttt =>
+ val uuuu: (tttt.type, Any) = (tttt, 0)
+ new uuuu._1.Node[Any]()
+ }
+object Test extends App {
+ new LM().f(new LM())
diff --git a/test/files/run/t7459f.scala b/test/files/run/t7459f.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63e2109560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/t7459f.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+object Test extends App {
+ class C
+ case class FooSeq(x: Int, y: String, z: C*)
+ FooSeq(1, "a", new C()) match {
+ case FooSeq(1, "a", x@_* ) =>
+ //println(x.toList)
+ x.asInstanceOf[x.type]
+ assert(x.isInstanceOf[x.type])
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/run/t7965.scala b/test/files/run/t7965.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df80d4b5bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/t7965.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// Test that scala doesn't apply boxing or varargs conversions to the
+// @PolymorphicSignature magical methods, MethodHandle#{invoke, invokeExact}
+object Test {
+ val code = """
+object O {
+ private def foo = "foo"
+ private def bar(x: Int): Int = -x
+ private def baz(x: Box): Unit = x.a = "present"
+ val lookup = java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.lookup
+import java.lang.invoke._
+class Box(var a: Any)
+object Test {
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ def lookup(name: String, params: Array[Class[_]], ret: Class[_]) = {
+ val mt = MethodType.methodType(ret, params)
+ O.lookup.findVirtual(O.getClass, name, mt)
+ }
+ val fooResult = (lookup("foo", Array(), classOf[String]).invokeExact(O): Int)
+ assert(fooResult == "foo")
+ val barResult = (lookup("bar", Array(classOf[Int]), classOf[Int]).invokeExact(O, 42): Int)
+ assert(barResult == -42)
+ val box = new Box(null)
+ (lookup("baz", Array(classOf[Box]), Void.TYPE).invokeExact(O, box) : Unit)
+ assert(box.a == "present")
+ // Note: Application in statement position in a block in Java also infers return type of Unit,
+ // but we don't support that, ascribe the type to Unit as above.
+ // as done in Java.
+ // lookup("baz", Array(classOf[Box]), Void.TYPE).invokeExact(O, box)
+ ()
+ }
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ if (util.Properties.isJavaAtLeast("1.7")) test()
+ }
+ def test() {
+ import scala.reflect.runtime._
+ import
+ val m = currentMirror
+ val tb = m.mkToolBox()
+ import tb._
+ eval(parse(code))
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/run/t8253.scala b/test/files/run/t8253.scala
index c4800b4491..a00d8b91a4 100644
--- a/test/files/run/t8253.scala
+++ b/test/files/run/t8253.scala
@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ object Test extends App {
show("<sample xmlns:foo={identity(ns1)}/>", q"<sample xmlns:foo={ns1}/>")
// `identity(foo)` used to match the overly permissive match in SymbolXMLBuilder
- // which was intented to more specifically match `_root_.scala.xml.Text(...)`
+ // which was intended to more specifically match `_root_.scala.xml.Text(...)`
diff --git a/test/files/run/t9030.scala b/test/files/run/t9030.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48d24e5b54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/t9030.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+object Test extends App {
+ // For these methods, the compiler emits calls to BoxesRuntime.equalsNumNum/equalsNumChar/equalsNumObject directly
+ def numNum(a: java.lang.Number, b: java.lang.Number) = assert(a == b)
+ def numChar(a: java.lang.Number, b: java.lang.Character) = assert(a == b)
+ def numObject(a: java.lang.Number, b: java.lang.Object) = assert(a == b)
+ // The compiler doesn't use equalsCharObject directly, but still adding an example for completeness
+ def charObject(a: java.lang.Character, b: java.lang.Object) = assert(a == b)
+ numNum(new Integer(1), new Integer(1))
+ numChar(new Integer(97), new Character('a'))
+ numObject(new Integer(1), new Integer(1))
+ numObject(new Integer(97), new Character('a'))
+ charObject(new Character('a'), new Integer(97))
diff --git a/test/files/scalacheck/nan-ordering.scala b/test/files/scalacheck/nan-ordering.scala
index 2094a46e37..05e97a13c9 100644
--- a/test/files/scalacheck/nan-ordering.scala
+++ b/test/files/scalacheck/nan-ordering.scala
@@ -42,16 +42,16 @@ object Test extends Properties("NaN-Ordering") {
property("Float equiv") = forAll(specFloats, specFloats) { (d1, d2) => numFloat.equiv(d1, d2) == (d1 == d2) }
property("Float reverse.min") = forAll(specFloats, specFloats) { (d1, d2) => {
- val mathmin = math.min(d1, d2)
+ val mathmax = math.max(d1, d2)
val numericmin = numFloat.reverse.min(d1, d2)
- mathmin == numericmin || mathmin.isNaN && numericmin.isNaN
+ mathmax == numericmin || mathmax.isNaN && numericmin.isNaN
property("Float reverse.max") = forAll(specFloats, specFloats) { (d1, d2) => {
- val mathmax = math.max(d1, d2)
+ val mathmin = math.min(d1, d2)
val numericmax = numFloat.reverse.max(d1, d2)
- mathmax == numericmax || mathmax.isNaN && numericmax.isNaN
+ mathmin == numericmax || mathmin.isNaN && numericmax.isNaN
@@ -105,16 +105,16 @@ object Test extends Properties("NaN-Ordering") {
property("Double equiv") = forAll(specDoubles, specDoubles) { (d1, d2) => numDouble.equiv(d1, d2) == (d1 == d2) }
property("Double reverse.min") = forAll(specDoubles, specDoubles) { (d1, d2) => {
- val mathmin = math.min(d1, d2)
+ val mathmax = math.max(d1, d2)
val numericmin = numDouble.reverse.min(d1, d2)
- mathmin == numericmin || mathmin.isNaN && numericmin.isNaN
+ mathmax == numericmin || mathmax.isNaN && numericmin.isNaN
property("Double reverse.max") = forAll(specDoubles, specDoubles) { (d1, d2) => {
- val mathmax = math.max(d1, d2)
+ val mathmin = math.min(d1, d2)
val numericmax = numDouble.reverse.max(d1, d2)
- mathmax == numericmax || mathmax.isNaN && numericmax.isNaN
+ mathmin == numericmax || mathmin.isNaN && numericmax.isNaN
diff --git a/test/files/scalacheck/parallel-collections/ParallelIterableCheck.scala b/test/files/scalacheck/parallel-collections/ParallelIterableCheck.scala
index 774d6f428b..468bcb6dd1 100644
--- a/test/files/scalacheck/parallel-collections/ParallelIterableCheck.scala
+++ b/test/files/scalacheck/parallel-collections/ParallelIterableCheck.scala
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ abstract class ParallelIterableCheck[T](collName: String) extends Properties(col
// used to check if constructed collection is valid
def checkDataStructureInvariants(orig: Traversable[T], cf: AnyRef) = {
- // can be overriden in subclasses
+ // can be overridden in subclasses
diff --git a/test/instrumented/library/scala/runtime/ScalaRunTime.scala b/test/instrumented/library/scala/runtime/ScalaRunTime.scala
index e474ae737c..6b45a4e9f3 100644
--- a/test/instrumented/library/scala/runtime/ScalaRunTime.scala
+++ b/test/instrumented/library/scala/runtime/ScalaRunTime.scala
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ object ScalaRunTime {
* The primary motivation for this method is to provide a means for
* correctly obtaining a String representation of a value, while
- * avoiding the pitfalls of naïvely calling toString on said value.
+ * avoiding the pitfalls of naively calling toString on said value.
* In particular, it addresses the fact that (a) toString cannot be
* called on null and (b) depending on the apparent type of an
* array, toString may or may not print it in a human-readable form.
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/collection/TraversableOnceTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/collection/TraversableOnceTest.scala
index 56d8312336..196174c199 100644
--- a/test/junit/scala/collection/TraversableOnceTest.scala
+++ b/test/junit/scala/collection/TraversableOnceTest.scala
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ class TraversableOnceTest {
def testReturnTheFirstMatch() = {
val d = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
def f(x: Int) = x % 3;
- assert(d.maxBy(f) == 2, "If multiple elements evaluted to the largest value, maxBy should return the first one.")
- assert(d.minBy(f) == 3, "If multiple elements evaluted to the largest value, minBy should return the first one.")
+ assert(d.maxBy(f) == 2, "If multiple elements evaluated to the largest value, maxBy should return the first one.")
+ assert(d.minBy(f) == 3, "If multiple elements evaluated to the largest value, minBy should return the first one.")
// Make sure it evaluates f no more than list.length times.
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class TraversableOnceTest {
evaluatedCountOfMaxBy += 1
x * 10
- assert(evaluatedCountOfMaxBy == list.length, s"maxBy: should evaluate f only ${list.length} times, but it evaluted $evaluatedCountOfMaxBy times.")
+ assert(evaluatedCountOfMaxBy == list.length, s"maxBy: should evaluate f only ${list.length} times, but it evaluated $evaluatedCountOfMaxBy times.")
var evaluatedCountOfMinBy = 0
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class TraversableOnceTest {
evaluatedCountOfMinBy += 1
x * 10
- assert(evaluatedCountOfMinBy == list.length, s"minBy: should evaluate f only ${list.length} times, but it evaluted $evaluatedCountOfMinBy times.")
+ assert(evaluatedCountOfMinBy == list.length, s"minBy: should evaluate f only ${list.length} times, but it evaluated $evaluatedCountOfMinBy times.")
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/collection/mutable/ArrayBufferTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/collection/mutable/ArrayBufferTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c83164027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/collection/mutable/ArrayBufferTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package scala.collection.mutable
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+import org.junit.{Assert, Test}
+/* Test for SI-9043 */
+class ArrayBufferTest {
+ @Test
+ def testInsertAll: Unit = {
+ val traver = ArrayBuffer(2, 4, 5, 7)
+ val testSeq = List(1, 3, 6, 9)
+ def insertAt(x: Int) = {
+ val clone = traver.clone()
+ clone.insertAll(x, testSeq)
+ clone
+ }
+ // Just insert some at position 0
+ Assert.assertEquals(ArrayBuffer(1, 3, 6, 9, 2, 4, 5, 7), insertAt(0))
+ // Insert in the middle
+ Assert.assertEquals(ArrayBuffer(2, 4, 1, 3, 6, 9, 5, 7), insertAt(2))
+ // No strange last position weirdness
+ Assert.assertEquals(ArrayBuffer(2, 4, 5, 7, 1, 3, 6, 9), insertAt(traver.size))
+ // Overflow is caught
+ AssertUtil.assertThrows[IndexOutOfBoundsException] { insertAt(-1) }
+ AssertUtil.assertThrows[IndexOutOfBoundsException] { insertAt(traver.size + 10) }
+ }
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/io/SourceTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/io/SourceTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3138a4589c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/io/SourceTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.Assert._
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+import{ Console => _, _ }
+class SourceTest {
+ private implicit val `our codec` = Codec.UTF8
+ private val charSet =
+ private def sampler = """
+ |Big-endian and little-endian approaches aren't
+ |readily interchangeable in general, because the
+ |laws of arithmetic send signals leftward from
+ |the bits that are "least significant."
+ |""".stripMargin.trim
+ private def in = new ByteArrayInputStream(sampler.getBytes)
+ @Test def canIterateLines() = {
+ assertEquals(sampler.lines.size, (Source fromString sampler).getLines.size)
+ }
+ @Test def canCustomizeReporting() = {
+ class CapitalReporting(is: InputStream) extends BufferedSource(is) {
+ override def report(pos: Int, msg: String, out: PrintStream): Unit = {
+ out print f"$pos%04x: ${msg.toUpperCase}"
+ }
+ class OffsetPositioner extends Positioner(null) {
+ override def next(): Char = {
+ ch =
+ pos = pos + 1
+ ch
+ }
+ }
+ withPositioning(new OffsetPositioner)
+ }
+ val s = new CapitalReporting(in)
+ // skip to next line and report an error
+ do {
+ val c =
+ } while ( != '\n')
+ val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream
+ val ps = new PrintStream(out, true, charSet)
+ s.reportError(s.pos, "That doesn't sound right.", ps)
+ assertEquals("0030: THAT DOESN'T SOUND RIGHT.", out.toString(charSet))
+ }
+ @Test def canAltCustomizeReporting() = {
+ class CapitalReporting(is: InputStream)(implicit codec: Codec) extends Source {
+ override val iter = {
+ val r = new InputStreamReader(is, codec.decoder)
+ Iterator continually (codec wrap takeWhile (_ != -1) map (_.toChar)
+ }
+ override def report(pos: Int, msg: String, out: PrintStream): Unit = {
+ out print f"$pos%04x: ${msg.toUpperCase}"
+ }
+ private[this] var _pos: Int = _
+ override def pos = _pos
+ private[this] var _ch: Char = _
+ override def ch = _ch
+ override def next = {
+ _ch =
+ _pos += 1
+ _ch
+ }
+ }
+ val s = new CapitalReporting(in)
+ // skip to next line and report an error
+ do {
+ val c =
+ } while ( != '\n')
+ val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream
+ val ps = new PrintStream(out, true, charSet)
+ s.reportError(s.pos, "That doesn't sound right.", ps)
+ assertEquals("0030: THAT DOESN'T SOUND RIGHT.", out.toString(charSet))
+ }
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/math/OrderingTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/math/OrderingTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..218622b8b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/math/OrderingTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+package scala.math
+import org.junit.Assert._
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+class OrderingTest {
+ /* Test for SI-9077 */
+ @Test
+ def testReverseOrdering {
+ def check[T: Ordering](t1: T, t2: T): Unit = {
+ val O = Ordering[T]
+ val R = O.reverse
+ assertEquals(O.min(t1, t2), R.max(t1, t2))
+ assertEquals(O.max(t1, t2), R.min(t1, t2))
+ assertEquals(O.lteq(t1, t2), R.lteq(t2, t1))
+ assertEquals(, t2),, t1))
+ assertEquals(O.gteq(t1, t2), R.gteq(t2, t1))
+ assertEquals(, t2),, t1))
+ assertEquals(, t2),, t1))
+ assertEquals(O.equiv(t1, t2), R.equiv(t1, t2))
+ assertEquals(O.on((x: T) => x).min(t1, t2), R.on((x: T) => x).max(t1, t2))
+ assertEquals(O.tryCompare(t1, t2), R.tryCompare(t2, t1))
+ assertEquals(O.mkOrderingOps(t1).<(t2), R.mkOrderingOps(t2).<(t1))
+ assertEquals(O.mkOrderingOps(t1).<=(t2), R.mkOrderingOps(t2).<=(t1))
+ assertEquals(O.mkOrderingOps(t1).>(t2), R.mkOrderingOps(t2).>(t1))
+ assertEquals(O.mkOrderingOps(t1).>=(t2), R.mkOrderingOps(t2).>=(t1))
+ assertEquals(O.mkOrderingOps(t1).min(t2), R.mkOrderingOps(t1).max(t2))
+ assertEquals(O.mkOrderingOps(t1).max(t2), R.mkOrderingOps(t1).min(t2))
+ }
+ def checkAll[T: Ordering](ts: T*): Unit = {
+ for (t1 <- ts; t2 <- ts) check(t1, t2)
+ }
+ checkAll[Unit](())
+ checkAll[Boolean](true, false)
+ checkAll[Byte](Byte.MinValue, -1.toByte, 0.toByte, 1.toByte, Byte.MaxValue)
+ checkAll[Char](Char.MinValue, -1.toChar, 0.toChar, 1.toChar, Char.MaxValue)
+ checkAll[Short](Short.MinValue, -1, 0, 1, Short.MaxValue)
+ checkAll[Int](Int.MinValue, -1, 0, 1, Int.MaxValue)
+ checkAll[Double](Double.MinValue, -1, -0, 0, 1, Double.MaxValue)
+ checkAll[Float](Float.MinValue, -1, -0, 0, 1, Float.MaxValue)
+ checkAll[BigInt](Int.MinValue, -1, 0, 1, Int.MaxValue)
+ checkAll[BigDecimal](Int.MinValue, -1, -0, 1, Int.MaxValue)
+ checkAll[String]("", "a", "b", "bb")
+ checkAll[String]("", "a", "b", "bb")
+ checkAll[Option[Int]](None, Some(1), Some(2))
+ checkAll[Iterable[Int]](Nil, List(1), List(1, 2))
+ checkAll[(Int, Int)]((1, 2), (1, 3), (4, 5))
+ }
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/reflect/internal/PrintersTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/reflect/internal/PrintersTest.scala
index 7043c26d5e..9bfe6eecb8 100644
--- a/test/junit/scala/reflect/internal/PrintersTest.scala
+++ b/test/junit/scala/reflect/internal/PrintersTest.scala
@@ -125,6 +125,8 @@ trait BasePrintTests {
@Test def testName19 = assertPrintedCode("""class `class`""")
@Test def testName20 = assertPrintedCode("""class `test name`""")
+ @Test def testName21 = assertPrintedCode("""class ``""")
@Test def testIfExpr1 = assertResultCode(code = sm"""
|val a = 1
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BTypesTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BTypesTest.scala
index 221aad6536..2347e8288e 100644
--- a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BTypesTest.scala
+++ b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BTypesTest.scala
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class BTypesTest {
val btypes = new BTypesFromSymbols[g.type](g)
import btypes._
- duringBackend(btypes.intializeCoreBTypes())
+ duringBackend(btypes.initializeCoreBTypes())
def classBTypeFromSymbol(sym: Symbol) = duringBackend(btypes.classBTypeFromSymbol(sym))
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/BTypesFromClassfileTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/BTypesFromClassfileTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2975bd060d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/BTypesFromClassfileTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+package backend.jvm
+package opt
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.Assert._
+import CodeGenTools._
+import ASMConverters._
+import scala.collection.convert.decorateAsScala._
+class BTypesFromClassfileTest {
+ val compiler = newCompiler(extraArgs = "-Ybackend:GenBCode")
+ import compiler._
+ import definitions._
+ import genBCode.bTypes
+ import bTypes._
+ def duringBackend[T](f: => T) = compiler.exitingDelambdafy(f)
+ val run = new compiler.Run() // initializes some of the compiler
+ duringBackend(bTypes.initializeCoreBTypes())
+ def clearCache() = bTypes.classBTypeFromInternalName.clear()
+ def sameBType(fromSym: ClassBType, fromClassfile: ClassBType, checked: Set[InternalName] = Set.empty): Set[InternalName] = {
+ if (checked(fromSym.internalName)) checked
+ else {
+ assert(fromSym == fromClassfile, s"$fromSym != $fromClassfile")
+ sameInfo(,, checked + fromSym.internalName)
+ }
+ }
+ def sameBTypes(fromSyms: Iterable[ClassBType], fromClassfiles: Iterable[ClassBType], checked: Set[InternalName]): Set[InternalName] = {
+ assert(fromSyms.size == fromClassfiles.size, s"\n$fromSyms\n$fromClassfiles")
+ (fromSyms, fromClassfiles).zipped.foldLeft(checked) {
+ case (chk, (fromSym, fromClassfile)) => sameBType(fromSym, fromClassfile, chk)
+ }
+ }
+ def sameInfo(fromSym: ClassInfo, fromClassfile: ClassInfo, checked: Set[InternalName]): Set[InternalName] = {
+ assert({
+ // Nested class symbols can undergo makeNotPrivate (ExplicitOuter). But this is only applied
+ // for symbols of class symbols that are being compiled, not those read from a pickle.
+ // So a class may be public in bytecode, but the symbol still says private.
+ if (fromSym.nestedInfo.isEmpty) fromSym.flags == fromClassfile.flags
+ else (fromSym.flags | ACC_PRIVATE | ACC_PUBLIC) == (fromClassfile.flags | ACC_PRIVATE | ACC_PUBLIC)
+ }, s"class flags differ\n$fromSym\n$fromClassfile")
+ val chk1 = sameBTypes(fromSym.superClass, fromClassfile.superClass, checked)
+ val chk2 = sameBTypes(fromSym.interfaces, fromClassfile.interfaces, chk1)
+ // The fromSym info has only member classes, no local or anonymous. The symbol is read from the
+ // Scala pickle data and only member classes are created / entered.
+ // (This is different for symbols that are being compiled, there flatten will enter all local
+ // and anonymous classes as members of the outer class. But not for unpickled symbols).
+ // The fromClassfile info has all nested classes, including anonymous and local. So we filter
+ // them out: member classes are identified by having the `outerName` defined.
+ val memberClassesFromClassfile = fromClassfile.nestedClasses.filter(
+ // Sorting is required: the backend sorts all InnerClass entries by internalName before writing
+ // them to the classfile (to make it deterministic: the entries are collected in a Set during
+ // code generation).
+ val chk3 = sameBTypes(fromSym.nestedClasses.sortBy(_.internalName), memberClassesFromClassfile.sortBy(_.internalName), chk2)
+ sameBTypes(,, chk3)
+ }
+ def check(classSym: Symbol): Unit = duringBackend {
+ clearCache()
+ val fromSymbol = classBTypeFromSymbol(classSym)
+ clearCache()
+ val fromClassfile = bTypes.classBTypeFromParsedClassfile(fromSymbol.internalName)
+ sameBType(fromSymbol, fromClassfile)
+ }
+ @Test
+ def compareClassBTypes(): Unit = {
+ // Note that not only these classes are tested, but also all their parents and all nested
+ // classes in their InnerClass attributes.
+ check(ObjectClass)
+ check(JavaNumberClass)
+ check(ConsClass)
+ check(ListModule.moduleClass)
+ }
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/MethodLevelOpts.scala b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/MethodLevelOpts.scala
index 5b0f0f238a..5430e33d6c 100644
--- a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/MethodLevelOpts.scala
+++ b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/MethodLevelOpts.scala
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class MethodLevelOpts {
val m = singleMethod(methodOptCompiler)(code)
assertTrue(m.handlers.length == 2)
- assertSameCode(m.instructions.dropNonOp, // drop line numbers and lables that are only used by line numbers
+ assertSameCode(m.instructions.dropNonOp, // drop line numbers and labels that are only used by line numbers
// one single label left :-)
List(Op(ICONST_1), VarOp(ISTORE, 2), Jump(GOTO, Label(20)), Op(POP), Op(ICONST_2), VarOp(ISTORE, 2), Jump(GOTO, Label(20)), VarOp(ASTORE, 3), Op(ICONST_2), Op(IRETURN), Label(20), Op(ICONST_2), Op(IRETURN))
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/StdNamesTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/StdNamesTest.scala
index 524d2e45e0..91f94e09b6 100644
--- a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/StdNamesTest.scala
+++ b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/StdNamesTest.scala
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class StdNamesTest {
- def testNewTermNameNegativeLenght(): Unit = {
+ def testNewTermNameNegativeLength(): Unit = {
assertEquals(nme.EMPTY, newTermName("foo".toCharArray, 0, -1))
assertEquals(nme.EMPTY, newTermName("foo".toCharArray, 0, 0))
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/SolvingTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/SolvingTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1fff9c9a32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/SolvingTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
+import org.junit.Assert._
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import{Global, Settings}
+object TestSolver extends Logic with Solving {
+ val global: Global = new Global(new Settings())
+ // disable max recursion depth in order to get all solutions
+ global.settings.YpatmatExhaustdepth.tryToSet("off" :: Nil)
+ object TestSolver extends Solver {
+ class Const {
+ override def toString: String = "Const"
+ }
+ val NullConst = new Const
+ type Type = Int
+ case class TypeConst(i: Int) extends Const
+ object TypeConst extends TypeConstExtractor
+ case class ValueConst(i: Int) extends Const
+ object ValueConst extends ValueConstExtractor {
+ def apply(t: Tree): Const = ???
+ }
+ case class Tree(name: String)
+ class Var(val x: Tree) extends AbsVar {
+ override def equals(other: scala.Any): Boolean = other match {
+ case that: Var => this.x == that.x
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ override def hashCode(): Int = x.hashCode()
+ override def toString: String = {
+ s"Var($x)"
+ }
+ def domainSyms = None
+ def implications = Nil
+ def mayBeNull = false
+ def propForEqualsTo(c: Const): Prop = ???
+ def registerEquality(c: Const) = ()
+ def registerNull() = ()
+ def symForStaticTp = None
+ }
+ object Var extends VarExtractor {
+ def apply(x: Tree): Var = new Var(x)
+ def unapply(v: Var): Some[Tree] = Some(v.x)
+ }
+ def prepareNewAnalysis() = {}
+ def reportWarning(msg: String) = sys.error(msg)
+ /**
+ * The DPLL procedure only returns a minimal mapping from literal to value
+ * such that the CNF formula is satisfied.
+ * E.g. for:
+ * `(a \/ b)`
+ * The DPLL procedure will find either {a = true} or {b = true}
+ * as solution.
+ *
+ * The expansion step will amend both solutions with the unassigned variable
+ * i.e., {a = true} will be expanded to {a = true, b = true} and
+ * {a = true, b = false}.
+ */
+ def expandUnassigned(solution: Solution): List[Model] = {
+ import solution._
+ // the number of solutions is doubled for every unassigned variable
+ val expandedModels = 1 << unassigned.size
+ var current = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Model]()
+ var next = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Model]()
+ current.sizeHint(expandedModels)
+ next.sizeHint(expandedModels)
+ current += model
+ // we use double buffering:
+ // read from `current` and create a two models for each model in `next`
+ for {
+ s <- unassigned
+ } {
+ for {
+ model <- current
+ } {
+ def force(s: Sym, pol: Boolean) = model + (s -> pol)
+ next += force(s, pol = true)
+ next += force(s, pol = false)
+ }
+ val tmp = current
+ current = next
+ next = tmp
+ next.clear()
+ }
+ current.toList
+ }
+ /**
+ * Old CNF conversion code, used for reference:
+ * - convert formula into NNF
+ * (i.e., no negated terms, only negated variables)
+ * - use distributive laws to convert into CNF
+ */
+ def eqFreePropToSolvableViaDistribution(p: Prop) = {
+ val symbolMapping = new SymbolMapping(gatherSymbols(p))
+ type Formula = Array[TestSolver.Clause]
+ def formula(c: Clause*): Formula = c.toArray
+ def merge(a: Clause, b: Clause) = a ++ b
+ def negationNormalFormNot(p: Prop): Prop = p match {
+ case And(ps) => Or(ps map negationNormalFormNot)
+ case Or(ps) => And(ps map negationNormalFormNot)
+ case Not(p) => negationNormalForm(p)
+ case True => False
+ case False => True
+ case s: Sym => Not(s)
+ }
+ def negationNormalForm(p: Prop): Prop = p match {
+ case Or(ps) => Or(ps map negationNormalForm)
+ case And(ps) => And(ps map negationNormalForm)
+ case Not(negated) => negationNormalFormNot(negated)
+ case True
+ | False
+ | (_: Sym) => p
+ }
+ val TrueF: Formula = Array()
+ val FalseF = Array(clause())
+ def lit(sym: Sym) = Array(clause(symbolMapping.lit(sym)))
+ def negLit(sym: Sym) = Array(clause(-symbolMapping.lit(sym)))
+ def conjunctiveNormalForm(p: Prop): Formula = {
+ def distribute(a: Formula, b: Formula): Formula =
+ (a, b) match {
+ // true \/ _ = true
+ // _ \/ true = true
+ case (trueA, trueB) if trueA.size == 0 || trueB.size == 0 => TrueF
+ // lit \/ lit
+ case (a, b) if a.size == 1 && b.size == 1 => formula(merge(a(0), b(0)))
+ // (c1 /\ ... /\ cn) \/ d = ((c1 \/ d) /\ ... /\ (cn \/ d))
+ // d \/ (c1 /\ ... /\ cn) = ((d \/ c1) /\ ... /\ (d \/ cn))
+ case (cs, ds) =>
+ val (big, small) = if (cs.size > ds.size) (cs, ds) else (ds, cs)
+ big flatMap (c => distribute(formula(c), small))
+ }
+ p match {
+ case True => TrueF
+ case False => FalseF
+ case s: Sym => lit(s)
+ case Not(s: Sym) => negLit(s)
+ case And(ps) =>
+ ps.toArray flatMap conjunctiveNormalForm
+ case Or(ps) =>
+ ps map conjunctiveNormalForm reduceLeft { (a, b) =>
+ distribute(a, b)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ val cnf = conjunctiveNormalForm(negationNormalForm(p))
+ Solvable(cnf, symbolMapping)
+ }
+ }
+ * Testing CNF conversion via Tseitin vs NNF & expansion.
+ */
+class SolvingTest {
+ import
+ implicit val Ord: Ordering[TestSolver.TestSolver.Model] = {
+ _.toSeq.sortBy(_.toString()).toIterable
+ }
+ private def sym(name: String) = Sym(Var(Tree(name)), NullConst)
+ @Test
+ def testSymCreation() {
+ val s1 = sym("hello")
+ val s2 = sym("hello")
+ assertEquals(s1, s2)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Simplest possible test: solve a formula and check the solution(s)
+ */
+ @Test
+ def testUnassigned() {
+ val pSym = sym("p")
+ val solvable = propToSolvable(Or(pSym, Not(pSym)))
+ val solutions = TestSolver.TestSolver.findAllModelsFor(solvable)
+ val expected = List(Solution(Map(), List(pSym)))
+ assertEquals(expected, solutions)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Unassigned variables must be expanded
+ * for stable results
+ */
+ @Test
+ def testNoUnassigned() {
+ val pSym = sym("p")
+ val qSym = sym("q")
+ val solvable = propToSolvable(Or(pSym, Not(qSym)))
+ val solutions = findAllModelsFor(solvable)
+ val expanded = solutions.flatMap(expandUnassigned).sorted
+ val expected = Seq(
+ Map(pSym -> false, qSym -> false),
+ Map(pSym -> true, qSym -> false),
+ Map(pSym -> true, qSym -> true)
+ ).sorted
+ assertEquals(expected, expanded)
+ }
+ @Test
+ def testTseitinVsExpansionFrom_t7020() {
+ val formulas = Seq(
+ And(And(And(Not(sym("V1=null")),
+ sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")), And(Not(sym("V1=null")),
+ And(Or(sym("V2=4"), Or(sym("V2=5"), sym("V2=6"))), sym("V3=Nil")))),
+ And(And(Or(Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")),
+ Not(sym("V1=null"))), And(Or(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"),
+ Or(sym("V3=Nil"), sym("V3=null"))), And(Or(Not(sym("V3=Nil")),
+ Not(sym("V3=null"))),
+ And(Or(Not(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")),
+ Not(sym("V3=null"))), And(Or(Not(sym("V1=Nil")), Not(sym("V1=null"))),
+ Or(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"), Or(sym("V1=Nil"),
+ sym("V1=null")))))))), And(Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=1")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=2")), Not(sym("V3=Nil")))))))),
+ And(And(And(Not(sym("V1=null")),
+ sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")), And(Not(sym("V1=null")),
+ And(sym("V2=7"), sym("V3=Nil")))),
+ And(And(Or(Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")),
+ Not(sym("V1=null"))), And(Or(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"),
+ Or(sym("V3=Nil"), sym("V3=null"))), And(Or(Not(sym("V3=Nil")),
+ Not(sym("V3=null"))),
+ And(Or(Not(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")),
+ Not(sym("V3=null"))), And(Or(Not(sym("V1=Nil")), Not(sym("V1=null"))),
+ Or(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"), Or(sym("V1=Nil"),
+ sym("V1=null")))))))), And(And(Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=1")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=2")), Not(sym("V3=Nil")))))), Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(And(Not(sym("V2=4")), And(Not(sym("V2=5")), Not(sym("V2=6")))),
+ Not(sym("V3=Nil")))))))),
+ And(And(Not(sym("V1=null")),
+ sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")), And(Not(sym("V1=null")),
+ And(Or(sym("V2=4"), Or(sym("V2=5"), sym("V2=6"))), sym("V3=Nil")))),
+ And(And(Not(sym("V1=null")), sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")),
+ And(Not(sym("V1=null")), And(sym("V2=7"), sym("V3=Nil")))),
+ And(And(Or(Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")),
+ Not(sym("V1=null"))), And(Or(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"),
+ Or(sym("V3=Nil"), sym("V3=null"))), And(Or(Not(sym("V3=Nil")),
+ Not(sym("V3=null"))),
+ And(Or(Not(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")),
+ Not(sym("V3=null"))), And(Or(Not(sym("V1=Nil")), Not(sym("V1=null"))),
+ Or(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"), Or(sym("V1=Nil"),
+ sym("V1=null")))))))), And(And(Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=1")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=2")), Not(sym("V3=Nil")))))), Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(And(Not(sym("V2=4")), And(Not(sym("V2=5")), Not(sym("V2=6")))),
+ Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))))),
+ And(And(Or(Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")),
+ Not(sym("V1=null"))), And(Or(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"),
+ Or(sym("V3=Nil"), sym("V3=null"))), And(Or(Not(sym("V3=Nil")),
+ Not(sym("V3=null"))),
+ And(Or(Not(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")),
+ Not(sym("V3=null"))), And(Or(Not(sym("V1=Nil")), Not(sym("V1=null"))),
+ Or(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"), Or(sym("V1=Nil"),
+ sym("V1=null")))))))), And(Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=1")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=2")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))))),
+ And(And(Or(Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")),
+ Not(sym("V1=null"))), And(Or(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"),
+ Or(sym("V3=Nil"), sym("V3=null"))), And(Or(Not(sym("V3=Nil")),
+ Not(sym("V3=null"))),
+ And(Or(Not(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")),
+ Not(sym("V3=null"))), And(Or(Not(sym("V1=Nil")), Not(sym("V1=null"))),
+ Or(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"), Or(sym("V1=Nil"),
+ sym("V1=null")))))))), And(sym("V1=Nil"), And(Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(And(Not(sym("V2=4")), And(Not(sym("V2=5")), Not(sym("V2=6")))),
+ Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), And(Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=1")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=2")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))))))),
+ And(And(Or(Or(False,
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(False,
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=1")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), Or(Or(False,
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(False,
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=2")), Not(sym("V3=Nil")))))), And(Or(Or(False,
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(False,
+ Or(And(Not(sym("V2=4")), And(Not(sym("V2=5")), Not(sym("V2=6")))),
+ Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), And(Or(Or(False,
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(False,
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=7")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), Not(sym("V1=Nil"))))),
+ And(And(Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=1")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=2")), Not(sym("V3=Nil")))))), Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(And(Not(sym("V2=4")), And(Not(sym("V2=5")), Not(sym("V2=6")))),
+ Not(sym("V3=Nil")))))),
+ And(And(Or(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"), sym("V3=Nil")),
+ Or(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"), sym("V1=Nil"))),
+ And(And(Or(Or(False, Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))),
+ Or(False, Or(Not(sym("V2=1")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), Or(Or(False,
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(False,
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=2")), Not(sym("V3=Nil")))))), And(Or(Or(False,
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(False,
+ Or(And(Not(sym("V2=4")), And(Not(sym("V2=5")), Not(sym("V2=6")))),
+ Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), And(Or(Or(False,
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(False,
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=7")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), Not(sym("V1=Nil")))))),
+ And(Not(sym("V1=null")), And(Or(sym("V2=4"), Or(sym("V2=5"), sym("V2=6"))),
+ sym("V3=Nil"))),
+ And(Not(sym("V1=null")), And(sym("V2=7"), sym("V3=Nil"))),
+ And(Not(sym("V1=null")), sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")),
+ And(Not(sym("V2=4")), And(Not(sym("V2=5")), Not(sym("V2=6")))),
+ And(Not(sym("V2=5")), Not(sym("V2=6"))),
+ And(Or(Not(sym("V1=Nil")), Not(sym("V1=null"))),
+ Or(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"), Or(sym("V1=Nil"),
+ sym("V1=null")))),
+ And(Or(Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")),
+ Not(sym("V1=null"))), And(Or(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"),
+ Or(sym("V3=Nil"), sym("V3=null"))), And(Or(Not(sym("V3=Nil")),
+ Not(sym("V3=null"))),
+ And(Or(Not(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")),
+ Not(sym("V3=null"))), And(Or(Not(sym("V1=Nil")), Not(sym("V1=null"))),
+ Or(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"), Or(sym("V1=Nil"),
+ sym("V1=null")))))))),
+ And(Or(Not(sym("V3=Nil")), Not(sym("V3=null"))),
+ And(Or(Not(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")),
+ Not(sym("V3=null"))), And(Or(Not(sym("V1=Nil")), Not(sym("V1=null"))),
+ Or(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"), Or(sym("V1=Nil"),
+ sym("V1=null")))))),
+ And(Or(Not(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")),
+ Not(sym("V3=null"))), And(Or(Not(sym("V1=Nil")), Not(sym("V1=null"))),
+ Or(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"), Or(sym("V1=Nil"),
+ sym("V1=null"))))),
+ And(Or(Or(False,
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(False,
+ Or(And(Not(sym("V2=4")), And(Not(sym("V2=5")), Not(sym("V2=6")))),
+ Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), And(Or(Or(False,
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(False,
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=7")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), Not(sym("V1=Nil")))),
+ And(Or(Or(False, Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(False,
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=1")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), Or(Or(False,
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(False,
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=2")), Not(sym("V3=Nil")))))),
+ And(Or(Or(False,
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(False,
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=7")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), Not(sym("V1=Nil"))),
+ And(Or(Or(sym("V1=null"), Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))),
+ Or(sym("V1=null"), Or(And(Not(sym("V2=4")), And(Not(sym("V2=5")),
+ Not(sym("V2=6")))), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), And(Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=1")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=2")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))))),
+ And(Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=1")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=2")), Not(sym("V3=Nil")))))),
+ And(Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=7")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))),
+ And(And(Or(Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")),
+ Not(sym("V1=null"))), And(Or(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"),
+ Or(sym("V3=Nil"), sym("V3=null"))), And(Or(Not(sym("V3=Nil")),
+ Not(sym("V3=null"))),
+ And(Or(Not(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")),
+ Not(sym("V3=null"))), And(Or(Not(sym("V1=Nil")), Not(sym("V1=null"))),
+ Or(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"), Or(sym("V1=Nil"),
+ sym("V1=null")))))))), And(sym("V1=Nil"), And(Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(And(Not(sym("V2=4")), And(Not(sym("V2=5")), Not(sym("V2=6")))),
+ Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), And(Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=1")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=2")), Not(sym("V3=Nil")))))))))),
+ And(Or(sym("V2=4"), Or(sym("V2=5"), sym("V2=6"))), sym("V3=Nil")),
+ And(Or(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"), Or(sym("V3=Nil"),
+ sym("V3=null"))), And(Or(Not(sym("V3=Nil")), Not(sym("V3=null"))),
+ And(Or(Not(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")),
+ Not(sym("V3=null"))), And(Or(Not(sym("V1=Nil")), Not(sym("V1=null"))),
+ Or(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"), Or(sym("V1=Nil"),
+ sym("V1=null"))))))),
+ And(Or(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"),
+ sym("V3=Nil")), Or(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"),
+ sym("V1=Nil"))),
+ And(sym("V1=Nil"), And(Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(And(Not(sym("V2=4")), And(Not(sym("V2=5")), Not(sym("V2=6")))),
+ Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), And(Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=1")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))), Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=2")), Not(sym("V3=Nil")))))))),
+ And(sym("V2=7"), sym("V3=Nil")),
+ False,
+ Not(sym("V1=Nil")),
+ Or(And(Not(sym("V2=4")),
+ And(Not(sym("V2=5")), Not(sym("V2=6")))), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))),
+ Or(False, Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))),
+ Or(False,
+ Or(And(Not(sym("V2=4")), And(Not(sym("V2=5")), Not(sym("V2=6")))),
+ Not(sym("V3=Nil")))),
+ Or(False, Or(Not(sym("V2=1")), Not(sym("V3=Nil")))),
+ Or(Not(sym("V1=Nil")), Not(sym("V1=null"))),
+ Or(Not(sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")), Not(sym("V3=null"))),
+ Or(Or(False, Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(False,
+ Or(And(Not(sym("V2=4")), And(Not(sym("V2=5")), Not(sym("V2=6")))),
+ Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))),
+ Or(Or(False,
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(False,
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=1")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))),
+ Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(And(Not(sym("V2=4")), And(Not(sym("V2=5")), Not(sym("V2=6")))),
+ Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))),
+ Or(Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))), Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(Not(sym("V2=1")), Not(sym("V3=Nil"))))),
+ Or(sym("V1=null"), Not(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"))),
+ Or(sym("V1=null"),
+ Or(And(Not(sym("V2=4")), And(Not(sym("V2=5")), Not(sym("V2=6")))),
+ Not(sym("V3=Nil")))),
+ Or(sym("V1=null"), Or(Not(sym("V2=1")), Not(sym("V3=Nil")))),
+ Or(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"),
+ Or(sym("V1=Nil"), sym("V1=null"))),
+ Or(sym("V1=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]"), sym("V1=Nil")),
+ Or(sym("V2=4"), Or(sym("V2=5"), sym("V2=6"))),
+ sym("V3=scala.collection.immutable.::[?]")
+ )
+ formulas foreach {
+ f =>
+ // build CNF
+ val tseitinCnf = propToSolvable(f)
+ val expansionCnf = eqFreePropToSolvableViaDistribution(f)
+ // ALL-SAT
+ val tseitinSolutions = findAllModelsFor(tseitinCnf)
+ val expansionSolutins = findAllModelsFor(expansionCnf)
+ // expand unassigned variables
+ // (otherwise solutions can not be compared)
+ val tseitinNoUnassigned = tseitinSolutions.flatMap(expandUnassigned).sorted
+ val expansionNoUnassigned = expansionSolutins.flatMap(expandUnassigned).sorted
+ assertEquals(tseitinNoUnassigned, expansionNoUnassigned)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/test/pending/jvm/cf-attributes.scala b/test/pending/jvm/cf-attributes.scala
index f4964b63b1..2d08f22d8b 100644
--- a/test/pending/jvm/cf-attributes.scala
+++ b/test/pending/jvm/cf-attributes.scala
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ object anonymousClasses {
// public final #_; //class anonymousClasses$$anon$1 of class anonymousClasses$
val x = new Foo() {
- override def foo() { println("foo (overriden)"); }
+ override def foo() { println("foo (overridden)"); }
def dummy = 0
diff --git a/test/pending/jvm/timeout.scala b/test/pending/jvm/timeout.scala
index 22b3647dce..8f29f8ddbe 100644
--- a/test/pending/jvm/timeout.scala
+++ b/test/pending/jvm/timeout.scala
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Test is in pending because although it suceeds locally,
+// Test is in pending because although it succeeds locally,
// it takes too long on the machine which runs nightly tests.
// [partest] EXPECTED: 100 < x < 900
diff --git a/test/scaladoc/resources/SI-3314-diagrams.scala b/test/scaladoc/resources/SI-3314-diagrams.scala
index b80a97b522..7d2cc9447c 100644
--- a/test/scaladoc/resources/SI-3314-diagrams.scala
+++ b/test/scaladoc/resources/SI-3314-diagrams.scala
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ package scala.test.scaladoc {
* / / / | \ \ \
* Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
- * - each member should receive an inhertiance diagram:
+ * - each member should receive an inheritance diagram:
* Value
* |
* |
diff --git a/test/scaladoc/resources/implicit-inheritance-override.scala b/test/scaladoc/resources/implicit-inheritance-override.scala
index 5d692f59ad..b59d2f410d 100644
--- a/test/scaladoc/resources/implicit-inheritance-override.scala
+++ b/test/scaladoc/resources/implicit-inheritance-override.scala
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class DerivedC extends Base {
class DerivedD extends Base {
- * @tparam T The overriden type parameter comment
+ * @tparam T The overridden type parameter comment
override def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double = 3.0d
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/scaladoc/resources/implicits-ambiguating-res.scala b/test/scaladoc/resources/implicits-ambiguating-res.scala
index 6ed51366cb..90e43ac2ed 100644
--- a/test/scaladoc/resources/implicits-ambiguating-res.scala
+++ b/test/scaladoc/resources/implicits-ambiguating-res.scala
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Test scaladoc implicits distinguishing -- supress all members by implicit conversion that are shadowed by the
+ * Test scaladoc implicits distinguishing -- suppress all members by implicit conversion that are shadowed by the
* class' own members
* {{{
diff --git a/test/scaladoc/resources/implicits-shadowing-res.scala b/test/scaladoc/resources/implicits-shadowing-res.scala
index c5e9493bf3..b7f3ceb895 100644
--- a/test/scaladoc/resources/implicits-shadowing-res.scala
+++ b/test/scaladoc/resources/implicits-shadowing-res.scala
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Test scaladoc implicits distinguishing -- supress all members by implicit conversion that are shadowed by the
+ * Test scaladoc implicits distinguishing -- suppress all members by implicit conversion that are shadowed by the
* class' own members
* {{{
diff --git a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/HtmlFactoryTest.scala b/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/HtmlFactoryTest.scala
index da0f253a37..51633be440 100644
--- a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/HtmlFactoryTest.scala
+++ b/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/HtmlFactoryTest.scala
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ object Test extends Properties("HtmlFactory") {
""", true),
"""def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- T The overriden type parameter comment
+ T The overridden type parameter comment
arg1 The T term comment
arg2 The string comment
returns The return comment
diff --git a/ b/
index d24a3bb952..9e2e6cea79 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# when adding new properties that influence a release,
# also add them to the update.versions mechanism in build.xml,
# which is used by scala-release-2.11.x in scala/jenkins-scripts
# These are the versions of the modules that go with this release.
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ starr.use.released=1
# e.g. 2.11.0-RC1, 2.11.0, 2.11.1-RC1, 2.11.1
# this defines the dependency on scala-continuations-plugin in scala-dist's pom
# external modules shipped with distribution, as specified by scala-library-all's pom