diff options
3 files changed, 108 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ConsoleReaderHelper.scala b/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ConsoleReaderHelper.scala
index 2206c8a772..d8efcda8b5 100644
--- a/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ConsoleReaderHelper.scala
+++ b/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ConsoleReaderHelper.scala
@@ -63,29 +63,29 @@ trait Tabulator {
def width: Int
def marginSize: Int
- private def fits(items: List[String], width: Int): Boolean = (
+ protected def fits(items: Seq[String], width: Int): Boolean = (
(items map (_.length)).sum + (items.length - 1) * marginSize < width
- def tabulate(items: List[String]): Seq[Seq[String]] = {
+ def tabulate(items: Seq[String]): Seq[Seq[String]] = (
if (fits(items, width)) Seq(Seq(items mkString " " * marginSize))
else printMultiLineColumns(items)
- }
- private def printMultiLineColumns(items: List[String]): Seq[Seq[String]] = {
+ )
+ protected def columnize(ss: Seq[String]): Seq[Seq[String]] = ss map (s => Seq(s))
+ protected def printMultiLineColumns(items: Seq[String]): Seq[Seq[String]] = {
import SimpleMath._
val longest = (items map (_.length)).max
- //val shortest = (items map (_.length)).min
val columnWidth = longest + marginSize
- val maxcols = {
+ val maxcols = (
if (columnWidth >= width) 1
else 1 max (width / columnWidth) // make sure it doesn't divide to 0
- }
+ )
val nrows = items.size /% maxcols
val ncols = items.size /% nrows
val groupSize = ncols
val padded = items map (s"%-${columnWidth}s" format _)
- val xwise = isAcross || ncols > items.length
+ val xwise = isAcross || ncols >= items.length
val grouped: Seq[Seq[String]] =
- if (groupSize == 1) Seq(items)
+ if (groupSize == 1) columnize(items)
else if (xwise) (padded grouped groupSize).toSeq
else {
val h = 1 max padded.size /% groupSize
@@ -98,6 +98,60 @@ trait Tabulator {
+/** Adjust the column width and number of columns to minimize the row count. */
+trait VariColumnTabulator extends Tabulator {
+ override protected def printMultiLineColumns(items: Seq[String]): Seq[Seq[String]] = {
+ import SimpleMath._
+ val longest = (items map (_.length)).max
+ val shortest = (items map (_.length)).min
+ val fattest = longest + marginSize
+ val skinny = shortest + marginSize
+ // given ncols, calculate nrows and a list of column widths, or none if not possible
+ // if ncols > items.size, then columnWidths.size == items.size
+ def layout(ncols: Int): Option[(Int, Seq[Int], Seq[Seq[String]])] = {
+ val nrows = items.size /% ncols
+ val xwise = isAcross || ncols >= items.length
+ def maxima(sss: Seq[Seq[String]]) =
+ (0 until (ncols min items.size)) map (i => (sss map (ss => ss(i).length)).max)
+ def resulting(rows: Seq[Seq[String]]) = {
+ val columnWidths = maxima(rows) map (_ + marginSize)
+ val linelen = columnWidths.sum
+ if (linelen <= width) Some((nrows, columnWidths, rows))
+ else None
+ }
+ if (ncols == 1) resulting(columnize(items))
+ else if (xwise) resulting((items grouped ncols).toSeq)
+ else {
+ val cols = (items grouped nrows).toList
+ val rows = for (i <- 0 until nrows) yield
+ for (j <- 0 until ncols) yield
+ if (j < cols.size && i < cols(j).size) cols(j)(i) else ""
+ resulting(rows)
+ }
+ }
+ if (fattest >= width) {
+ columnize(items)
+ } else {
+ // if every col is widest, we have at least this many cols
+ val mincols = 1 max (width / fattest)
+ // if every other col is skinniest, we have at most this many cols
+ val maxcols = 1 + ((width - fattest) / skinny)
+ val possibles = (mincols to maxcols).map(n => layout(n)).flatten
+ val minrows = (possibles map (_._1)).min
+ // select the min ncols that results in minrows
+ val (_, columnWidths, sss) = (possibles find (_._1 == minrows)).get
+ // format to column width
+ sss map (ss => ss.zipWithIndex map {
+ case (s, i) => s"%-${columnWidths(i)}s" format s
+ })
+ }
+ }
private[interpreter] object SimpleMath {
implicit class DivRem(private val i: Int) extends AnyVal {
/** i/n + if (i % n != 0) 1 else 0 */
diff --git a/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/JLineReader.scala b/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/JLineReader.scala
index e50c7d3e0a..b6e834a1ed 100644
--- a/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/JLineReader.scala
+++ b/src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/JLineReader.scala
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class JLineReader(_completion: => Completion) extends InteractiveReader {
- class JLineConsoleReader extends ConsoleReader with ConsoleReaderHelper with Tabulator {
+ class JLineConsoleReader extends ConsoleReader with ConsoleReaderHelper with VariColumnTabulator {
val isAcross = interpreter.`package`.isAcross
this setPaginationEnabled interpreter.`package`.isPaged
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/TabulatorTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/TabulatorTest.scala
index e252942f89..21e338eac0 100644
--- a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/TabulatorTest.scala
+++ b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/TabulatorTest.scala
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
case class Tabby(width: Int = 80, isAcross: Boolean = false, marginSize: Int = 3) extends Tabulator
+case class VTabby(width: Int = 80, isAcross: Boolean = false, marginSize: Int = 3) extends VariColumnTabulator
class TabulatorTest {
@@ -38,4 +39,47 @@ class TabulatorTest {
assert(res(1).size == 1) // no trailing empty strings
assert(res(1)(0) startsWith "c")
+ // before, two 9-width cols don't fit in 20
+ // but now, 5-col and 9-col do fit.
+ @Test def twolinerVariable() = {
+ val sut = VTabby(width = 20)
+ val items = (1 to 9) map (i => i.toString * i)
+ val rows = sut tabulate items
+ assert(rows.size == 5)
+ assert(rows(0).size == 2)
+ assert(rows(0)(0).size == 8) // width is 55555 plus margin of 3
+ }
+ @Test def sys() = {
+ val sut = VTabby(width = 40)
+ val items = List("BooleanProp", "PropImpl", "addShutdownHook", "error",
+ "process", "CreatorImpl", "ShutdownHookThread", "allThreads",
+ "exit", "props", "Prop", "SystemProperties",
+ "env", "package", "runtime")
+ val rows = sut tabulate items
+ assert(rows.size == 8)
+ assert(rows(0).size == 2)
+ assert(rows(0)(0).size == "ShutdownHookThread".length + sut.marginSize) // 21
+ }
+ @Test def syswide() = {
+ val sut = VTabby(width = 120)
+ val items = List("BooleanProp", "PropImpl", "addShutdownHook", "error",
+ "process", "CreatorImpl", "ShutdownHookThread", "allThreads",
+ "exit", "props", "Prop", "SystemProperties",
+ "env", "package", "runtime")
+ val rows = sut tabulate items
+ assert(rows.size == 2)
+ assert(rows(0).size == 8)
+ assert(rows(0)(0).size == "BooleanProp".length + sut.marginSize) // 14
+ }
+ @Test def resultFits() = {
+ val sut = VTabby(width = 10)
+ // each of two lines would fit, but layout is two cols of width six > 10
+ // therefore, should choose ncols = 1
+ val items = List("a", "bcd",
+ "efg", "h")
+ val rows = sut tabulate items
+ assert(rows.size == 4)
+ assert(rows(0).size == 1)
+ assert(rows(0)(0).size == "efg".length + sut.marginSize) // 6
+ }