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diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala
index 6c184bdaec..ffcb6eda70 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala
@@ -727,64 +727,133 @@ trait Iterator[+A] { self =>
- /** Returns an iterator which groups this iterator into fixed size
- * blocks, possibly except for the final block. For instance:
- * <code>(1 to 8).iterator grouped 3</code>
- * will return an iterator equivalent to
- * Iterator(Seq(1,2,3), Seq(4,5,6), Seq(7,8))
- */
- def grouped(size: Int): Iterator[Sequence[A]] = new Iterator[Sequence[A]] {
- def hasNext = self.hasNext
- def next = self takeDestructively size toList
- }
- /** Returns an iterator which presents a "sliding window" of the
- * given size across this iterator. For instance:
- * <code>(1 to 5).iterator sliding 3</code>
- * will return an iterator equivalent to
- * Iterator(Seq(1,2,3), Seq(2,3,4), Seq(3,4,5))
+ /** A flexible iterator for transforming an Iterator[A] into an
+ * Iterator[Sequence[A]], with configurable sequence size, step, and
+ * strategy for dealing with elements which don't fit evenly.
- * The optional 'step' parameter if given advances the window
- * by the given number of positions.
- *
- * Note: if your parameters don't perfectly "fit" the sequence,
- * the last result may be of a size less than windowSize, and the
- * last step may be less than the given step, or both. What is
- * guaranteed is that each element of the original iterator will
- * appear in at least one sequence in the sliding iterator, UNLESS
- * the step size is larger than the windowSize.
- */
- def sliding(windowSize: Int, step: Int = 1): Iterator[Sequence[A]] = {
- require(windowSize >= 1 && step >= 1)
- val buf = takeDestructively(windowSize)
- if (!self.hasNext) Iterator single buf.toList
- else new Iterator[Sequence[A]] {
- private[this] var filled = true
- private[this] var buffer = ArrayBuffer(buf: _*)
- def fill() = {
- val xs = self takeDestructively step
- val len = xs.length min buf.size
- (len > 0) && {
- buffer trimStart len
- buffer ++= (xs takeRight len)
+ * Typical uses can be achieved via methods `grouped' and `sliding'.
+ */
+ class GroupedIterator[B >: A](self: Iterator[A], size: Int, step: Int) extends Iterator[Sequence[B]] {
+ require(size >= 1 && size >= 1)
+ private[this] var buffer: ArrayBuffer[B] = ArrayBuffer() // the buffer
+ private[this] var filled = false // whether the buffer is "hot"
+ private[this] var _partial = true // whether we deliver short sequences
+ private[this] var pad: Option[() => B] = None // what to pad short sequences with
+ /** Public functions which can be used to configure the iterator before use. */
+ def withPadding(x: => B): this.type = {
+ pad = Some(() => x)
+ this
+ }
+ def withPartial(x: Boolean): this.type = {
+ _partial = x
+ if (_partial == true) // reset pad since otherwise it will take precedence
+ pad = None
+ this
+ }
+ private def padding(x: Int) = List.fill(x)(pad.get())
+ private def gap = (step - size) max 0
+ private def go(count: Int) = {
+ val prevSize = buffer.size
+ def isFirst = prevSize == 0
+ // If there is padding defined we insert it immediately
+ // so the rest of the code can be oblivious
+ val xs: Seq[B] = {
+ val res = self takeDestructively count
+ // extra checks so we don't calculate length unless there's reason
+ if (pad.isDefined && !self.hasNext) {
+ val shortBy = count - res.length
+ if (shortBy > 0) res ++ padding(shortBy) else res
+ }
+ else res
+ }
+ lazy val len = xs.length
+ lazy val incomplete = len < count
+ // if 0 elements are requested, or if the number of newly obtained
+ // elements is less than the gap between sequences, we are done.
+ def deliver(howMany: Int) = {
+ (howMany > 0 && len > gap) && {
+ if (!isFirst)
+ buffer trimStart (step min prevSize)
+ val available =
+ if (isFirst) len
+ else howMany min (len - gap)
+ buffer ++= (xs takeRight available)
filled = true
- def hasNext = filled || fill()
- def next = {
- if (!filled)
- fill()
+ if (xs.isEmpty) false // self ran out of elements
+ else if (_partial) deliver(len min size) // if _partial is true, we deliver regardless
+ else if (incomplete) false // !_partial && incomplete means no more seqs
+ else if (isFirst) deliver(len) // first element
+ else deliver(step min size) // the typical case
+ }
- filled = false
- buffer.toList
- }
+ // fill() returns false if no more sequences can be produced
+ private def fill(): Boolean = {
+ if (!self.hasNext) false
+ // the first time we grab size, but after that we grab step
+ else if (buffer.isEmpty) go(size)
+ else go(step)
+ }
+ def hasNext = filled || fill()
+ def next = {
+ if (!filled)
+ fill()
+ filled = false
+ buffer.toList
+ /** Returns an iterator which groups this iterator into fixed size
+ * blocks. Example usages:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * // Returns List(List(1, 2, 3), List(4, 5, 6), List(7)))
+ * (1 to 7).iterator grouped 3 toList
+ * // Returns List(List(1, 2, 3), List(4, 5, 6))
+ * (1 to 7).iterator grouped 3 withPartial false toList
+ * // Returns List(List(1, 2, 3), List(4, 5, 6), List(7, 20, 25)
+ * // Illustrating that withPadding's argument is by-name.
+ * val it2 = Iterator.iterate(20)(_ + 5)
+ * (1 to 7).iterator grouped 3 withPadding toList
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ def grouped[B >: A](size: Int): GroupedIterator[B] =
+ new GroupedIterator[B](self, size, size)
+ /** Returns an iterator which presents a "sliding window" view of
+ * another iterator. The first argument is the window size, and
+ * the second is how far to advance the window on each iteration;
+ * defaults to 1. Example usages:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * // returns List(List(1, 2, 3), List(2, 3, 4), List(3, 4, 5))
+ * (1 to 5).iterator.sliding(3).toList
+ * // returns List(List(1, 2, 3, 4), List(4, 5))
+ * (1 to 5).iterator.sliding(4, 3).toList
+ * // returns List(List(1, 2, 3, 4))
+ * (1 to 5).iterator.sliding(4, 3).withPartial(false).toList
+ * // List(List(1, 2, 3, 4), List(4, 5, 30, 35))
+ * // Illustrating that withPadding's argument is by-name.
+ * val it2 = Iterator.iterate(20)(_ + 5)
+ * (1 to 5).iterator.sliding(4, 3).withPadding(
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ def sliding[B >: A](size: Int, step: Int = 1): GroupedIterator[B] =
+ new GroupedIterator[B](self, size, step)
/** Returns the number of elements in this iterator.
* @note The iterator is at its end after this method returns.
diff --git a/test/files/run/unittest_iterator.scala b/test/files/run/unittest_iterator.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..93aaa4a834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/unittest_iterator.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// Some iterator grouped/sliding unit tests
+object Test
+ def it = (1 to 10).iterator
+ def assertThat[T](expectedLength: Int, expectedLast: Seq[T])(it: Iterator[Seq[T]]) {
+ val xs = it.toList
+ def fail(msg: String) = "assertion failed on %s: %s".format(xs, msg)
+ assert(xs.size == expectedLength, fail("expected length " + expectedLength))
+ assert(xs.last == expectedLast, fail("expected last " + expectedLast))
+ }
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ val itSum = it.toStream.sum
+ for (i <- it) {
+ // sum of the groups == sum of the original
+ val thisSum = ((it grouped i) map (_.sum)).toStream.sum
+ assert(thisSum == itSum, thisSum + " != " + itSum)
+ }
+ // grouped
+ assertThat(4, List(10)) { it grouped 3 }
+ assertThat(3, List(7, 8, 9)) { it grouped 3 withPartial false }
+ assertThat(4, List(10, -1, -1)) { it grouped 3 withPadding -1 }
+ // testing by-name padding
+ val padIt = it
+ assertThat(4, List(10, 1, 2)) { it grouped 3 withPadding }
+ // sliding
+ assertThat(8, List(8, 9, 10)) { it sliding 3 }
+ assertThat(3, (3 to 10).toList) { it sliding 8 }
+ assertThat(2, List(9, 10)) { it.sliding(8, 8) }
+ assertThat(1, (1 to 8).toList) { it.sliding(8, 8) withPartial false }
+ assertThat(2, List(9, 10, -1, -1, -1)) { it.sliding(5, 8) withPadding -1 }
+ assertThat(1, (1 to 5).toList) { it.sliding(5, 8) withPartial false }
+ }