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4 files changed, 12 insertions, 281 deletions
diff --git a/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/ b/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
index 20c9e2536c..9bcddb3e11 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
+++ b/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ public class AlgebraicMatcher extends PatternMatcher {
this._m = m;
super.initialize( _m.selector, _m.owner, _m.resultType, doBinding );
for( int i = 0; i < cases.length; i++ ) {
- addCase( (CaseDef) cases[i], i);
+ enter( cases[ i ] );//(CaseDef) cases[i], i);
_m.tree = toTree();
@@ -62,155 +62,6 @@ public class AlgebraicMatcher extends PatternMatcher {
- /** return the analyzed type
- */
- public Type typeOf(Symbol sym) {
- return sym.type();
- }
- /*
- public Tree copy(Tree tree) {
- return tree; // insert copy function here
- }
- */
- /** convenience method, see addCase below
- */
- public void addCase(CaseDef tree, int case_index) {
- //System.out.println( "addCase(" +
- // TextTreePrinter.toString(tree.pat) +
- // ")" );
- addCase(tree.pos, tree.pat, tree.guard, tree.body, case_index);
- //root.and.prettyPrint();
- }
- /** adds a case definition to the intermediate presentation
- */
- protected CaseEnv addCase(int pos, Tree pat, Tree guard, Tree body, int case_index) {
- CaseEnv env = new CaseEnv( _m.owner, unit );
- //System.err.println("root"+root);
- //PatternNode matched = match(pat, root);
- PatternNode target = enter1(pat, //null
- -1, root, root.symbol(), env
- );
- //if (target.and != null)
- // unit.error(pat.pos, "duplicate case");
- if (target.and == null)
- target.and = mk.Body(pos, env.boundVars(), guard, body);
- else if (target.and instanceof Body)
- updateBody((Body)target.and, env.boundVars(), guard, body);
- else
- unit.error(pat.pos, "duplicate case");
- return env;
- }
- protected Tree[] patternArgs(Tree tree) {
- //System.err.println("patternArgs("+tree+")");
- switch (tree) {
- case Apply(_, Tree[] args):
- /*
- if( isSeqApply( (Apply) tree )) {
- //System.err.println("patternArgs: is seq apply !");
- return Tree.EMPTY_ARRAY;// let sequence matcher handle this
- }
- if( isStarApply( (Apply) tree )) {
- return Tree.EMPTY_ARRAY;// let sequence matcher handle this
- }
- */
- return args;
- default:
- return Tree.EMPTY_ARRAY;
- }
- }
- protected Type getConstrType(Type tpe) {
- return tpe;
- }
- protected Type getHeaderType(Symbol sym) {
- return sym.type().resultType();
- }
- /** constructs a pattern node depending on the case of argument `tree'
- * @param tree the pattern node that needs to be translated
- * @param castType cast type of the position that is tested
- * @param selector selector tree of the position that is tested
- * @param env an environment
- */
- protected PatternNode patternNode__(Tree tree,
- Type castType,
- Tree selector,
- CaseEnv env) {
- //System.err.println("patternNode:"+tree );
- Type theType = getConstrType( tree.type );
- switch (tree) {
- case Apply(Tree fn, Tree[] args): // pattern with args
- //System.err.println("Apply, isSeq?" + isSeqApply( (Apply) tree ));
- //System.err.println("Apply, isStar?" + isStarApply( (Apply) tree ));
- if( isSeqApply( (Apply) tree )) {
- PatternNode res = mk.ConstrPat(tree.pos, theType);
- res.and = mk.Header(tree.pos, castType, selector);
- res.and.and = mk.SeqContainerPat( tree.pos, theType, args[ 0 ] );
- return res;
- }
- return mk.ConstrPat(tree.pos, theType);
- case Typed(Ident ident, Tree tpe): // typed pattern
- theType = getConstrType( tpe.type );
- assert (env != null ) : "env is null";
- if (/*(env != null) &&*/ (ident.symbol() != defs.PATTERN_WILDCARD))
- env.newBoundVar(
- ((Tree.Typed)tree).expr.symbol(),
- theType,
- selector);
- if (castType.isSubType( theType ))
- // castType is a subtype of theType
- return mk.DefaultPat( tree.pos, theType );
- else
- return mk.ConstrPat( tree.pos, theType );
- case Bind(Name name, Ident ident): // x @ _
- if( ident.symbol() == defs.PATTERN_WILDCARD ) {
- env.newBoundVar(
- tree.symbol(),
- theType,
- selector);
- return mk.DefaultPat(tree.pos, getConstrType(castType));
- }
- throw new ApplicationError("cannot handle "+tree);
- case Ident(Name name): // pattern without args or variable
- Symbol symbol = tree.symbol();
- assert symbol != null: tree;
- if (symbol.isPrimaryConstructor())
- return mk.ConstrPat(tree.pos, theType);
- else if (name.isVariable()) {
- assert (env != null ) : "env is null";
- if (/*(env != null) &&*/ (symbol != defs.PATTERN_WILDCARD))
- env.newBoundVar(
- tree.symbol(),
- theType,
- selector);
- return mk.DefaultPat(tree.pos, getConstrType(castType));
- } else
- return mk.VariablePat(tree.pos, tree);
- case Select(_, Name name): // variable
- if (tree.symbol().isPrimaryConstructor())
- return mk.ConstrPat(tree.pos, theType);
- else
- return mk.VariablePat(tree.pos, tree);
- case Literal(Object value):
- return mk.ConstantPat(tree.pos, theType, value);
- case Sequence( _ ):
- return mk.SeqContainerPat( tree.pos, theType, tree );
- default:
- throw new ApplicationError("cannot handle "+tree);
- }
- }
/** returns true if p and q are pattern nodes of the same kind and p matches
* whenever q matches, possibly even more often
@@ -250,91 +101,7 @@ public class AlgebraicMatcher extends PatternMatcher {
- /** the main enter function.
- * @param target we hang the result to the .and successor of this node,
- * possibly creating a new header.
- */
- public PatternNode enter1__(Tree pat,
- int index,
- PatternNode target,
- Symbol casted,
- CaseEnv env ) {
- //System.out.println("enter("+pat+", "+index+", "+target+", "+casted+")");
- // get pattern arguments (if applicable)
- Tree[] patArgs = patternArgs(pat);
- // get case fields
- //assert patArgs.length == nCaseComponents(pat); // commented out also in new matcher
- // advance one step in pattern
- Header curHeader = (Header)target.and;
- // check if we have to add a new header
- if (curHeader == null) {
- //assert index >= 0 : casted;
- // <casted>.as[ <caseFieldAccessor[ index ]> ]
- //assert typeSym != null;
- Symbol typeSym = ((ClassSymbol) casted.type().symbol())
- .caseFieldAccessor(index);
- Type castType = getHeaderType(typeSym).asSeenFrom(typeOf(casted), typeSym.owner());
- target.and = curHeader =
- mk.Header(pat.pos,
- castType,
- gen.mkApply__(gen.Select(gen.Ident(pat.pos, casted), typeSym)));
- // translate the root of `pat'
- curHeader.or = patternNode(pat,
- curHeader,/*.type,
- curHeader.selector, */
- env);
- // translate the args of `pat'
- return enter(patArgs, curHeader.or, casted, env);
- }
- // find most recent header - (the last -next- successor of curHeader)
- while ( != null)
- curHeader =;
- // translate the root of `pat'
- PatternNode patNode = patternNode(pat,
- curHeader,/*.type,
- curHeader.selector, */
- env);
- PatternNode next = curHeader;
- // enter node
- while (true)
- if (superPat(next, patNode))
- // next is of the same kind as patNode and matches (supertype)
- return enter(patArgs, next, casted, env);
- else if (isDefaultPat(next) ||
- ((next.or == null) && isDefaultPat(patNode))) {
- = mk.Header(patNode.pos,
- curHeader.type, curHeader.selector);
- = patNode;
- return enter(patArgs,
- patNode,
- casted,
- env);
- }
- else if (next.or == null) {
- next.or = patNode;
- if (patArgs.length == 1 && (casted.flags & Modifiers.CASE) == 0) {
- return enter( patArgs, patNode, casted, env ); // FIX
- }
- return enter( patArgs, patNode, casted, env );
- } else
- next = next.or;
- }
- /*
- boolean isSeqApply( Tree.Apply tree ) {
- return (tree.args.length == 1 &&
- (tree.type.symbol().flags & Modifiers.CASE) == 0);
- }
- */
- boolean isStarApply( Tree.Apply tree ) {
+ boolean isStarApply( Tree.Apply tree ) {
Symbol params[] =;
//System.err.println( );
return (tree.args.length == 1)
@@ -362,42 +129,7 @@ public class AlgebraicMatcher extends PatternMatcher {
return gen.mkBlock(_m.pos, ts.toArray());
- /*
- protected Tree toTree__(PatternNode node) {
- Tree res = gen.mkBooleanLit( node.pos, false );
- while (node != null)
- switch (node) {
- case Header(Tree selector, Header next):
- res = cf.Or(res, toTree(node.or, selector));
- node = next;
- break;
- case Body(ValDef[][] bound, Tree[] guard, Tree[] body):
- for (int i = guard.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- Tree[] ts;
- if( doBinding ) {
- ts = new Tree[bound[i].length + 1];
- System.arraycopy(bound[i], 0, ts, 0, bound[i].length);
- } else
- ts = new Tree[ 1 ];
- int last = ts.length - 1;
- ts[ last ] = gen.mkBlock(
- new Tree[]{
- gen.Assign(gen.Ident( body[i].pos, resultVar ),
- body[i]),
- gen.mkBooleanLit(body[i].pos, true)
- });
- if (guard[i] != Tree.Empty)
- ts[ last ] = cf.And(guard[i], ts[ last ]);
- res = cf.Or(gen.mkBlock(body[i].pos, ts), res);
- }
- return res;
- default:
- throw new ApplicationError();
- }
- return res;
- }
- */
protected Tree toTree(PatternNode node, Tree selector) {
//System.err.println("AM.toTree called"+node);
if (node == null)
diff --git a/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/ b/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
index 1759d67b16..cbad3ac3bf 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
+++ b/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public class Label {
case TreeLabel( Tree pat ):
switch( pat ) {
case Apply( Tree fun, Tree[] args ):
- return pat.type().hashCode() + args.hashCode(); // incorrect?
+ return pat.type().hashCode() + args.hashCode();
return pat.hashCode();
case TypeLabel( Type type ):
diff --git a/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/ b/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
index 4572d565ba..6445034f10 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
+++ b/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
@@ -187,8 +187,9 @@ public class PatternMatcher extends PatternTool {
target.and = mk.Body(caseDef.pos, env.boundVars(), guard, body);
else if (target.and instanceof Body)
updateBody((Body)target.and, env.boundVars(), guard, body);
- else
+ else {
unit.error(pat.pos, "duplicate case");
+ }
@@ -257,14 +258,16 @@ public class PatternMatcher extends PatternTool {
case Bind(_, Tree pat):
return patternArgs(pat);
case Apply(_, Tree[] args):
- if ( isSeqApply((Apply) tree) )// && !delegateSequenceMatching)
+ if ( isSeqApply((Apply) tree) && !delegateSequenceMatching)
switch (args[0]) {
case Sequence(Tree[] ts):
return ts;
return args;
case Sequence(Tree[] ts):
- return ts;
+ if (!delegateSequenceMatching)
+ return ts;
+ return Tree.EMPTY_ARRAY;
return Tree.EMPTY_ARRAY;
@@ -286,17 +289,12 @@ public class PatternMatcher extends PatternTool {
return node;
case Apply(Tree fn, Tree[] args): // pattern with args
if( isSeqApply((Apply) tree ) ) {
- //System.err.println( "isSeqApply!"+tree);
- //System.err.println( "deleg ?"+delegateSequenceMatching);
if ( !delegateSequenceMatching ) {
switch (args[0]) {
case Sequence(Tree[] ts):
return mk.SequencePat( tree.pos, tree.type, ts.length );
} else {
- //System.err.println( "CONTAIN");
PatternNode res = mk.ConstrPat(tree.pos, tree.type);
res.and = mk.Header(tree.pos, header.type, header.selector);
res.and.and = mk.SeqContainerPat( tree.pos, tree.type, args[ 0 ] );
diff --git a/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/ b/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
index 9510b566b9..ac00c3a366 100644
--- a/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
+++ b/sources/scalac/transformer/matching/
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ public class TestRegTraverser extends Traverser {
// annoying special case: b@() [or b@(()|()) after normalization]
//System.err.println("bindin empty "+tree.symbol());
+ result = true;
} else {
@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ public class TestRegTraverser extends Traverser {
case Sequence( Tree[] trees):
//result = true;
traverse( trees );
- result = true;
+ //result = true;