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diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/HashMap.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/HashMap.scala
index d731cd4352..463d5cb8d9 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/HashMap.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/immutable/HashMap.scala
@@ -80,7 +80,9 @@ class HashMap[A, +B] extends Map[A,B] with MapLike[A, B, HashMap[A, B]] {
def split: Seq[HashMap[A, B]] = Seq(this)
- def combine[B1 >: B](that: HashMap[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] = that
+ def combine[B1 >: B](that: HashMap[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] = combine0(that, 0)
+ protected def combine0[B1 >: B](that: HashMap[A, B1], level: Int): HashMap[A, B1] = that
@@ -102,7 +104,7 @@ object HashMap extends ImmutableMapFactory[HashMap] {
// TODO: add HashMap2, HashMap3, ...
- class HashMap1[A,+B](private var key: A, private[HashMap] var hash: Int, private var value: (B @uncheckedVariance), private var kv: (A,B @uncheckedVariance)) extends HashMap[A,B] {
+ class HashMap1[A,+B](private[HashMap] var key: A, private[HashMap] var hash: Int, private[HashMap] var value: (B @uncheckedVariance), private[HashMap] var kv: (A,B @uncheckedVariance)) extends HashMap[A,B] {
override def size = 1
override def get0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): Option[B] =
@@ -114,7 +116,7 @@ object HashMap extends ImmutableMapFactory[HashMap] {
if (hash != this.hash) {
//new HashTrieMap[A,B1](level+5, this, new HashMap1(key, hash, value, kv))
val m = new HashTrieMap[A,B1](0,new Array[HashMap[A,B1]](0),0) // TODO: could save array alloc
- m.updated0(this.key, this.hash, level, this.value, this.kv).updated0(key, hash, level, value, kv)
+ m.updated0(this.key, this.hash, level, this.value, this.kv).updated0(key, hash, level, value, kv) // TODO and it will
} else {
// 32-bit hash collision (rare, but not impossible)
new HashMapCollision1(hash, ListMap.empty.updated(this.key,this.value).updated(key,value))
@@ -127,7 +129,7 @@ object HashMap extends ImmutableMapFactory[HashMap] {
override def iterator: Iterator[(A,B)] = Iterator(ensurePair)
override def foreach[U](f: ((A, B)) => U): Unit = f(ensurePair)
private[HashMap] def ensurePair: (A,B) = if (kv ne null) kv else { kv = (key, value); kv }
- override def combine[B1 >: B](that: HashMap[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] = that + (ensurePair)
+ protected override def combine0[B1 >: B](that: HashMap[A, B1], level: Int): HashMap[A, B1] = that.updated0(key, hash, level, value, kv)
private class HashMapCollision1[A,+B](private[HashMap] var hash: Int, var kvs: ListMap[A,B @uncheckedVariance]) extends HashMap[A,B] {
@@ -162,15 +164,16 @@ object HashMap extends ImmutableMapFactory[HashMap] {
def newhm(lm: ListMap[A, B @uncheckedVariance]) = new HashMapCollision1(hash, lm)
List(newhm(x), newhm(y))
- override def combine[B1 >: B](that: HashMap[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] = {
+ protected override def combine0[B1 >: B](that: HashMap[A, B1], level: Int): HashMap[A, B1] = {
// TODO this can be made more efficient by passing the entire ListMap at once
var m = that
- for ((k, v) <- kvs) m = m.updated0(k, this.hash, 0, v, null)
+ for (p <- kvs) m = m.updated0(p._1, this.hash, level, p._2, p)
var dives = 0
+ var colls = 0
class HashTrieMap[A,+B](private[HashMap] var bitmap: Int, private[HashMap] var elems: Array[HashMap[A,B @uncheckedVariance]],
private[HashMap] var size0: Int) extends HashMap[A,B] {
@@ -404,51 +407,72 @@ time { mNew.iterator.foreach( p => ()) }
List(hm1, hm2)
- override def combine[B1 >: B](that: HashMap[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] = that match {
- case hm: HashMap1[_, _] => this ++ hm.asInstanceOf[HashMap[A, B1]]
- case hm: HashMapCollision1[_, _] => this ++ hm.asInstanceOf[HashMap[A, B1]]
+ protected override def combine0[B1 >: B](that: HashMap[A, B1], level: Int): HashMap[A, B1] = that match {
+ case hm: HashMap1[_, _] =>
+ this.updated0(hm.key, hm.hash, level, hm.value.asInstanceOf[B1], hm.kv)
+ case hm: HashMapCollision1[_, _] =>
+ this ++ hm.asInstanceOf[HashMap[A, B1]]
case hm: HashTrieMap[_, _] =>
val that = hm.asInstanceOf[HashTrieMap[A, B1]]
val thiselems = this.elems
val thatelems = that.elems
- val thisbm = this.bitmap
- val thatbm = that.bitmap
- val combinedbitmap = thisbm | thatbm
- val bothbitmap = thisbm & thatbm
+ var thisbm = this.bitmap
+ var thatbm = that.bitmap
// determine the necessary size for the array
- val subcount = Integer.bitCount(combinedbitmap)
+ val subcount = Integer.bitCount(thisbm | thatbm)
- // construct a new array of appropriate size
+ // construct a new array of appropriate size
val combined = new Array[HashMap[A, B1 @uncheckedVariance]](subcount)
// run through both bitmaps and add elements to it
- var pos = 1
var i = 0
var thisi = 0
var thati = 0
+ var totalelems = 0
+ // println("merging: ")
+ // printBitmap(thisbm)
+ // printBitmap(thatbm)
while (i < subcount) {
- if ((bothbitmap & pos) != 0) {
- combined(i) = thiselems(thisi) combine thatelems(thati)
- i += 1
- thisi += 1
+ val thislsb = thisbm ^ (thisbm & (thisbm - 1))
+ val thatlsb = thatbm ^ (thatbm & (thatbm - 1))
+ // println("-------------")
+ // printBitmap(thislsb)
+ // printBitmap(thatlsb)
+ // TODO - offset = Integer.bitCount(bitmap & (mask-1))
+ if (thislsb == thatlsb) {
+ // println("a collision")
+ // inefficient - val m = thiselems(Integer.bitCount((thislsb - 1) & thisorig)) combine thatelems(Integer.bitCount((thatlsb - 1) & thatorig))
+ val m = thiselems(thisi).combine0(thatelems(thati), level + 5)
+ totalelems += m.size
+ combined(i) = m
+ thisbm = thisbm & ~thislsb
+ thatbm = thatbm & ~thatlsb
thati += 1
- } else if ((thisbm & pos) != 0) {
- combined(i) = thiselems(thisi)
- i += 1
thisi += 1
- } else if ((thatbm & pos) != 0) {
- combined(i) = thatelems(thati)
- i += 1
+ } else if ((thislsb < thatlsb && thislsb != 0) || thatlsb == 0) {
+ // println("an element from this trie")
+ // inefficient - val m = thiselems(Integer.bitCount((thislsb - 1) & thisorig))
+ val m = thiselems(thisi)
+ totalelems += m.size
+ combined(i) = m
+ thisbm = thisbm & ~thislsb
+ thisi += 1
+ } else {
+ // println("an element from that trie")
+ // inefficient - val m = thatelems(Integer.bitCount((thatlsb - 1) & thatorig))
+ val m = thatelems(thati)
+ totalelems += m.size
+ combined(i) = m
+ thatbm = thatbm & ~thatlsb
thati += 1
- pos = pos << 1
+ i += 1
- //println(combined.toList)
- new HashTrieMap[A, B1](combinedbitmap, combined, combined.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.size))
+ new HashTrieMap[A, B1](this.bitmap | that.bitmap, combined, totalelems)
case empty: HashMap[_, _] => this
case _ => error("section supposed to be unreachable.")