diff options
-rw-r--r--test/files/neg/t7980.check (renamed from test/files/neg/si7980.check)2
-rw-r--r--test/files/neg/t7980.scala (renamed from test/files/neg/si7980.scala)0
16 files changed, 212 insertions, 212 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Holes.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Holes.scala
index c2f1bf430d..8376fca4ad 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Holes.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Holes.scala
@@ -5,17 +5,17 @@ import scala.collection.{immutable, mutable}
import scala.reflect.internal.Flags._
import scala.reflect.macros.TypecheckException
-class Cardinality private[Cardinality](val value: Int) extends AnyVal {
- def pred = { assert(value - 1 >= 0); new Cardinality(value - 1) }
- def succ = new Cardinality(value + 1)
+class Rank private[Rank](val value: Int) extends AnyVal {
+ def pred = { assert(value - 1 >= 0); new Rank(value - 1) }
+ def succ = new Rank(value + 1)
override def toString = if (value == 0) "no dots" else "." * (value + 1)
-object Cardinality {
- val NoDot = new Cardinality(0)
- val DotDot = new Cardinality(1)
- val DotDotDot = new Cardinality(2)
- object Dot { def unapply(card: Cardinality) = card != NoDot }
+object Rank {
+ val NoDot = new Rank(0)
+ val DotDot = new Rank(1)
+ val DotDotDot = new Rank(2)
+ object Dot { def unapply(rank: Rank) = rank != NoDot }
def parseDots(part: String) = {
if (part.endsWith("...")) (part.stripSuffix("..."), DotDotDot)
else if (part.endsWith("..")) (part.stripSuffix(".."), DotDot)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ object Cardinality {
trait Holes { self: Quasiquotes =>
import global._
- import Cardinality._
+ import Rank._
import definitions._
import universeTypes._
@@ -43,43 +43,43 @@ trait Holes { self: Quasiquotes =>
tpe <:< NothingClass.tpe || tpe <:< NullClass.tpe
private def extractIterableTParam(tpe: Type) =
IterableTParam.asSeenFrom(tpe, IterableClass)
- private def stripIterable(tpe: Type, limit: Option[Cardinality] = None): (Cardinality, Type) =
+ private def stripIterable(tpe: Type, limit: Option[Rank] = None): (Rank, Type) =
if ( { _ == NoDot }.getOrElse { false }) (NoDot, tpe)
else if (tpe != null && !isIterableType(tpe)) (NoDot, tpe)
else if (isBottomType(tpe)) (NoDot, tpe)
else {
val targ = extractIterableTParam(tpe)
- val (card, innerTpe) = stripIterable(targ, { _.pred })
- (card.succ, innerTpe)
+ val (rank, innerTpe) = stripIterable(targ, { _.pred })
+ (rank.succ, innerTpe)
- private def iterableTypeFromCard(n: Cardinality, tpe: Type): Type = {
+ private def iterableTypeFromRank(n: Rank, tpe: Type): Type = {
if (n == NoDot) tpe
- else appliedType(IterableClass.toType, List(iterableTypeFromCard(n.pred, tpe)))
+ else appliedType(IterableClass.toType, List(iterableTypeFromRank(n.pred, tpe)))
- /** Hole encapsulates information about splices in quasiquotes.
- * It packs together a cardinality of a splice, pre-reified tree
- * representation (possibly preprocessed) and position.
+ /** Hole encapsulates information about unquotees in quasiquotes.
+ * It packs together a rank, pre-reified tree representation
+ * (possibly preprocessed) and position.
abstract class Hole {
val tree: Tree
val pos: Position
- val cardinality: Cardinality
+ val rank: Rank
object Hole {
- def apply(card: Cardinality, tree: Tree): Hole =
- if (method != nme.unapply) new ApplyHole(card, tree)
- else new UnapplyHole(card, tree)
- def unapply(hole: Hole): Some[(Tree, Cardinality)] = Some((hole.tree, hole.cardinality))
+ def apply(rank: Rank, tree: Tree): Hole =
+ if (method != nme.unapply) new ApplyHole(rank, tree)
+ else new UnapplyHole(rank, tree)
+ def unapply(hole: Hole): Some[(Tree, Rank)] = Some((hole.tree, hole.rank))
- class ApplyHole(card: Cardinality, splicee: Tree) extends Hole {
+ class ApplyHole(annotatedRank: Rank, unquotee: Tree) extends Hole {
val (strippedTpe, tpe): (Type, Type) = {
- val (strippedCard, strippedTpe) = stripIterable(splicee.tpe, limit = Some(card))
+ val (strippedRank, strippedTpe) = stripIterable(unquotee.tpe, limit = Some(annotatedRank))
if (isBottomType(strippedTpe)) cantSplice()
- else if (isNativeType(strippedTpe)) (strippedTpe, iterableTypeFromCard(card, strippedTpe))
- else if (isLiftableType(strippedTpe)) (strippedTpe, iterableTypeFromCard(card, treeType))
+ else if (isNativeType(strippedTpe)) (strippedTpe, iterableTypeFromRank(annotatedRank, strippedTpe))
+ else if (isLiftableType(strippedTpe)) (strippedTpe, iterableTypeFromRank(annotatedRank, treeType))
else cantSplice()
@@ -88,28 +88,28 @@ trait Holes { self: Quasiquotes =>
if (isNativeType(itpe)) tree
else if (isLiftableType(itpe)) lifted(itpe)(tree)
else global.abort("unreachable")
- if (card == NoDot) inner(strippedTpe)(splicee)
- else iterated(card, splicee, splicee.tpe)
+ if (annotatedRank == NoDot) inner(strippedTpe)(unquotee)
+ else iterated(annotatedRank, unquotee, unquotee.tpe)
- val pos = splicee.pos
+ val pos = unquotee.pos
- val cardinality = stripIterable(tpe)._1
+ val rank = stripIterable(tpe)._1
private def cantSplice(): Nothing = {
- val (iterableCard, iterableType) = stripIterable(splicee.tpe)
- val holeCardMsg = if (card != NoDot) s" with $card" else ""
- val action = "splice " + splicee.tpe + holeCardMsg
- val suggestCard = card != iterableCard || card != NoDot
- val spliceeCardMsg = if (card != iterableCard && iterableCard != NoDot) s"using $iterableCard" else "omitting the dots"
- val cardSuggestion = if (suggestCard) spliceeCardMsg else ""
- val suggestLifting = (card == NoDot || iterableCard != NoDot) && !(iterableType <:< treeType) && !isLiftableType(iterableType)
- val liftedTpe = if (card != NoDot) iterableType else splicee.tpe
+ val (iterableRank, iterableType) = stripIterable(unquotee.tpe)
+ val holeRankMsg = if (annotatedRank != NoDot) s" with $annotatedRank" else ""
+ val action = "unquote " + unquotee.tpe + holeRankMsg
+ val suggestRank = annotatedRank != iterableRank || annotatedRank != NoDot
+ val unquoteeRankMsg = if (annotatedRank != iterableRank && iterableRank != NoDot) s"using $iterableRank" else "omitting the dots"
+ val rankSuggestion = if (suggestRank) unquoteeRankMsg else ""
+ val suggestLifting = (annotatedRank == NoDot || iterableRank != NoDot) && !(iterableType <:< treeType) && !isLiftableType(iterableType)
+ val liftedTpe = if (annotatedRank != NoDot) iterableType else unquotee.tpe
val liftSuggestion = if (suggestLifting) s"providing an implicit instance of Liftable[$liftedTpe]" else ""
val advice =
if (isBottomType(iterableType)) "bottom type values often indicate programmer mistake"
- else "consider " + List(cardSuggestion, liftSuggestion).filter(_ != "").mkString(" or ")
- c.abort(splicee.pos, s"Can't $action, $advice")
+ else "consider " + List(rankSuggestion, liftSuggestion).filter(_ != "").mkString(" or ")
+ c.abort(unquotee.pos, s"Can't $action, $advice")
private def lifted(tpe: Type)(tree: Tree): Tree = {
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ trait Holes { self: Quasiquotes =>
else None
- /** Map high-cardinality splice onto an expression that eveluates as a list of given cardinality.
+ /** Map high-rank unquotee onto an expression that eveluates as a list of given rank.
* All possible combinations of representations are given in the table below:
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ trait Holes { self: Quasiquotes =>
* x is not just an Iterable[T] but a List[T]. Similarly no mapping is performed if mapping function is
* known to be an identity.
- private def iterated(card: Cardinality, tree: Tree, tpe: Type): Tree = (card, tpe) match {
+ private def iterated(rank: Rank, tree: Tree, tpe: Type): Tree = (rank, tpe) match {
case (DotDot, tpe @ IterableType(LiftedType(lift))) => mapF(toList(tree, tpe), lift)
case (DotDot, LiftedType(lift)) => toStats(lift(tree))
case (DotDotDot, tpe @ IterableType(inner)) => mapF(toList(tree, tpe), t => iterated(DotDot, t, inner))
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ trait Holes { self: Quasiquotes =>
- class UnapplyHole(val cardinality: Cardinality, pat: Tree) extends Hole {
+ class UnapplyHole(val rank: Rank, pat: Tree) extends Hole {
val (placeholderName, pos, tptopt) = pat match {
case Bind(pname, inner @ Bind(_, Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt))) => (pname, inner.pos, Some(tpt))
case Bind(pname, inner @ Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt)) => (pname, inner.pos, Some(tpt))
@@ -188,13 +188,13 @@ trait Holes { self: Quasiquotes =>
try c.typeCheck(TypeDef(NoMods, TypeName("T"), Nil, tpt))
catch { case TypecheckException(pos, msg) => c.abort(pos.asInstanceOf[c.Position], msg) }
val tpe = typedTpt.tpe
- val (iterableCard, _) = stripIterable(tpe)
- if (iterableCard.value < cardinality.value)
- c.abort(pat.pos, s"Can't extract $tpe with $cardinality, consider using $iterableCard")
- val (_, strippedTpe) = stripIterable(tpe, limit = Some(cardinality))
+ val (iterableRank, _) = stripIterable(tpe)
+ if (iterableRank.value < rank.value)
+ c.abort(pat.pos, s"Can't extract $tpe with $rank, consider using $iterableRank")
+ val (_, strippedTpe) = stripIterable(tpe, limit = Some(rank))
if (strippedTpe <:< treeType) treeNoUnlift
- unlifters.spawn(strippedTpe, cardinality).map {
+ unlifters.spawn(strippedTpe, rank).map {
Apply(_, treeNoUnlift :: Nil)
}.getOrElse {
c.abort(pat.pos, s"Can't find $unliftableType[$strippedTpe], consider providing it")
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ trait Holes { self: Quasiquotes =>
/** Full support for unliftable implies that it's possible to interleave
- * deconstruction with higher cardinality and unlifting of the values.
+ * deconstruction with higher rank and unlifting of the values.
* In particular extraction of List[Tree] as List[T: Unliftable] requires
* helper extractors that would do the job: UnliftListElementwise[T]. Similarly
* List[List[Tree]] needs UnliftListOfListsElementwise[T].
@@ -211,24 +211,24 @@ trait Holes { self: Quasiquotes =>
* See also "unlift list" tests in UnapplyProps.scala
object unlifters {
- private var records = List.empty[(Type, Cardinality)]
+ private var records = List.empty[(Type, Rank)]
// Materialize unlift helper that does elementwise
- // unlifting for corresponding cardinality and type.
- def spawn(tpe: Type, card: Cardinality): Option[Tree] = {
+ // unlifting for corresponding rank and type.
+ def spawn(tpe: Type, rank: Rank): Option[Tree] = {
val unlifter = inferUnliftable(tpe)
if (unlifter == EmptyTree) None
- else if (card == NoDot) Some(unlifter)
+ else if (rank == NoDot) Some(unlifter)
else {
- val idx = records.indexWhere { p => p._1 =:= tpe && p._2 == card }
- val resIdx = if (idx != -1) idx else { records +:= (tpe, card); records.length - 1}
+ val idx = records.indexWhere { p => p._1 =:= tpe && p._2 == rank }
+ val resIdx = if (idx != -1) idx else { records +:= (tpe, rank); records.length - 1}
Some(Ident(TermName(nme.QUASIQUOTE_UNLIFT_HELPER + resIdx)))
// Returns a list of vals that will defined required unlifters
def preamble(): List[Tree] =
- { case ((tpe, card), idx) =>
+ { case ((tpe, rank), idx) =>
val name = TermName(nme.QUASIQUOTE_UNLIFT_HELPER + idx)
- val helperName = card match {
+ val helperName = rank match {
case DotDot => nme.UnliftListElementwise
case DotDotDot => nme.UnliftListOfListsElementwise
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Parsers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Parsers.scala
index 301e7051df..3b93a8933d 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Parsers.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Parsers.scala
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ trait Parsers { self: Quasiquotes =>
override def isStatSep(token: Int) = token == EOF || super.isStatSep(token)
override def expectedMsg(token: Int): String =
- if (isHole) expectedMsgTemplate(token2string(token), "splicee")
+ if (isHole) expectedMsgTemplate(token2string(token), "unquotee")
else super.expectedMsg(token)
// $mods def foo
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Placeholders.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Placeholders.scala
index e7730f878f..5986758c2b 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Placeholders.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Placeholders.scala
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import scala.collection.{immutable, mutable}
trait Placeholders { self: Quasiquotes =>
import global._
- import Cardinality._
+ import Rank._
import universeTypes._
// Step 1: Transform Scala source with holes into vanilla Scala source
@@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ trait Placeholders { self: Quasiquotes =>
posMap += pos -> ((start, end))
- def appendHole(tree: Tree, cardinality: Cardinality) = {
+ def appendHole(tree: Tree, rank: Rank) = {
val placeholderName = c.freshName(TermName(nme.QUASIQUOTE_PREFIX + sessionSuffix))
val holeTree =
if (method != nme.unapply) tree
else Bind(placeholderName, tree)
- holeMap(placeholderName) = Hole(cardinality, holeTree)
+ holeMap(placeholderName) = Hole(rank, holeTree)
val iargs = method match {
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ trait Placeholders { self: Quasiquotes =>
foreach2(iargs, parts.init) { case (tree, (p, pos)) =>
- val (part, cardinality) = parseDots(p)
+ val (part, rank) = parseDots(p)
appendPart(part, pos)
- appendHole(tree, cardinality)
+ appendHole(tree, rank)
val (p, pos) = parts.last
appendPart(p, pos)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Reifiers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Reifiers.scala
index 339937adc3..61fb22bc73 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Reifiers.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/reflect/quasiquotes/Reifiers.scala
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ trait Reifiers { self: Quasiquotes =>
import global.treeInfo._
import global.definitions._
- import Cardinality._
+ import Rank._
import universeTypes._
abstract class Reifier(val isReifyingExpressions: Boolean) extends {
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ trait Reifiers { self: Quasiquotes =>
lazy val typer = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
def isReifyingPatterns: Boolean = !isReifyingExpressions
- def action = if (isReifyingExpressions) "splice" else "extract"
+ def action = if (isReifyingExpressions) "unquote" else "extract"
def holesHaveTypes = isReifyingExpressions
/** Map that stores freshly generated names linked to the corresponding names in the reified tree.
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ trait Reifiers { self: Quasiquotes =>
def reifyTreePlaceholder(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
case Placeholder(hole: ApplyHole) if hole.tpe <:< treeType => hole.tree
case Placeholder(Hole(tree, NoDot)) if isReifyingPatterns => tree
- case Placeholder(hole @ Hole(_, card @ Dot())) => c.abort(hole.pos, s"Can't $action with $card here")
+ case Placeholder(hole @ Hole(_, rank @ Dot())) => c.abort(hole.pos, s"Can't $action with $rank here")
case TuplePlaceholder(args) => reifyTuple(args)
case TupleTypePlaceholder(args) => reifyTupleType(args)
case FunctionTypePlaceholder(argtpes, restpe) => reifyFunctionType(argtpes, restpe)
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ trait Reifiers { self: Quasiquotes =>
case List(hole @ Placeholder(Hole(_, NoDot))) => reify(hole)
case List(Placeholder(_)) => reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticTuple, args)
// in a case we only have one element tuple without
- // any cardinality annotations this means that this is
+ // any rank annotations this means that this is
// just an expression wrapped in parentheses
case List(other) => reify(other)
case _ => reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticTuple, args)
@@ -295,8 +295,8 @@ trait Reifiers { self: Quasiquotes =>
* Example:
- * reifyMultiCardinalityList(lst) {
- * // first we define patterns that extract high-cardinality holeMap (currently ..)
+ * reifyHighRankList(lst) {
+ * // first we define patterns that extract high-rank holeMap (currently ..)
* case Placeholder(IterableType(_, _)) => tree
* } {
* // in the end we define how single elements are reified, typically with default reify call
@@ -306,10 +306,10 @@ trait Reifiers { self: Quasiquotes =>
* Sample execution of previous concrete list reifier:
* > val lst = List(foo, bar, qq$f3948f9s$1)
- * > reifyMultiCardinalityList(lst) { ... } { ... }
+ * > reifyHighRankList(lst) { ... } { ... }
* q"List($foo, $bar) ++ ${holeMap(qq$f3948f9s$1).tree}"
- def reifyMultiCardinalityList(xs: List[Any])(fill: PartialFunction[Any, Tree])(fallback: Any => Tree): Tree
+ def reifyHighRankList(xs: List[Any])(fill: PartialFunction[Any, Tree])(fallback: Any => Tree): Tree
val fillListHole: PartialFunction[Any, Tree] = {
case Placeholder(Hole(tree, DotDot)) => tree
@@ -331,16 +331,16 @@ trait Reifiers { self: Quasiquotes =>
/** Reifies arbitrary list filling ..$x and ...$y holeMap when they are put
- * in the correct position. Fallbacks to regular reification for non-high cardinality
+ * in the correct position. Fallbacks to regular reification for zero rank
* elements.
- override def reifyList(xs: List[Any]): Tree = reifyMultiCardinalityList(xs)(fillListHole.orElse(fillListOfListsHole))(reify)
+ override def reifyList(xs: List[Any]): Tree = reifyHighRankList(xs)(fillListHole.orElse(fillListOfListsHole))(reify)
- def reifyAnnotList(annots: List[Tree]): Tree = reifyMultiCardinalityList(annots) {
+ def reifyAnnotList(annots: List[Tree]): Tree = reifyHighRankList(annots) {
case AnnotPlaceholder(h @ Hole(_, DotDot)) => reifyAnnotation(h)
} {
case AnnotPlaceholder(h: ApplyHole) if h.tpe <:< treeType => reifyAnnotation(h)
- case AnnotPlaceholder(h: UnapplyHole) if h.cardinality == NoDot => reifyAnnotation(h)
+ case AnnotPlaceholder(h: UnapplyHole) if h.rank == NoDot => reifyAnnotation(h)
case other => reify(other)
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ trait Reifiers { self: Quasiquotes =>
class ApplyReifier extends Reifier(isReifyingExpressions = true) {
- def reifyMultiCardinalityList(xs: List[Any])(fill: PartialFunction[Any, Tree])(fallback: Any => Tree): Tree =
+ def reifyHighRankList(xs: List[Any])(fill: PartialFunction[Any, Tree])(fallback: Any => Tree): Tree =
if (xs.isEmpty) mkList(Nil)
else {
def reifyGroup(group: List[Any]): Tree = group match {
@@ -399,12 +399,12 @@ trait Reifiers { self: Quasiquotes =>
mods match {
case hole :: Nil =>
- if (flags.nonEmpty) c.abort(flags(0).pos, "Can't splice flags together with modifiers, consider merging flags into modifiers")
- if (annots.nonEmpty) c.abort(hole.pos, "Can't splice modifiers together with annotations, consider merging annotations into modifiers")
+ if (flags.nonEmpty) c.abort(flags(0).pos, "Can't unquote flags together with modifiers, consider merging flags into modifiers")
+ if (annots.nonEmpty) c.abort(hole.pos, "Can't unquote modifiers together with annotations, consider merging annotations into modifiers")
ensureNoExplicitFlags(m, hole.pos)
case _ :: hole :: Nil =>
- c.abort(hole.pos, "Can't splice multiple modifiers, consider merging them into a single modifiers instance")
+ c.abort(hole.pos, "Can't unquote multiple modifiers, consider merging them into a single modifiers instance")
case _ =>
val baseFlags = reifyFlags(m.flags)
val reifiedFlags = flags.foldLeft[Tree](baseFlags) { case (flag, hole) => Apply(Select(flag, nme.OR), List(hole.tree)) }
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ trait Reifiers { self: Quasiquotes =>
// pq"$lhs :: $rhs"
private def cons(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree) = Apply(collectionCons, lhs :: rhs :: Nil)
- def reifyMultiCardinalityList(xs: List[Any])(fill: PartialFunction[Any, Tree])(fallback: Any => Tree): Tree = {
+ def reifyHighRankList(xs: List[Any])(fill: PartialFunction[Any, Tree])(fallback: Any => Tree): Tree = {
val grouped = group(xs) { (a, b) => !fill.isDefinedAt(a) && !fill.isDefinedAt(b) }
def appended(lst: List[Any], init: Tree) = lst.foldLeft(init) { (l, r) => append(l, fallback(r)) }
def prepended(lst: List[Any], init: Tree) = lst.foldRight(init) { (l, r) => cons(fallback(l), r) }
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Quasiquotes.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Quasiquotes.scala
index fcf8edcec7..c939eee164 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Quasiquotes.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/api/Quasiquotes.scala
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ trait Quasiquotes { self: Universe =>
// using the mechanism implemented in ``
implicit class Quasiquote(ctx: StringContext) {
protected trait api {
- def apply[T](args: T*): Any = macro ???
+ def apply[T](args: T*): Tree = macro ???
def unapply(scrutinee: Any): Any = macro ???
object q extends api
diff --git a/test/files/neg/quasiquotes-syntax-error-position.check b/test/files/neg/quasiquotes-syntax-error-position.check
index 14fef16e01..fd55bd25b5 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/quasiquotes-syntax-error-position.check
+++ b/test/files/neg/quasiquotes-syntax-error-position.check
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ quasiquotes-syntax-error-position.scala:6: error: illegal start of simple expres
quasiquotes-syntax-error-position.scala:7: error: '}' expected but end of quote found.
q"class $t { def foo = $a"
-quasiquotes-syntax-error-position.scala:8: error: '.' expected but splicee found.
+quasiquotes-syntax-error-position.scala:8: error: '.' expected but unquotee found.
q"import $t $t"
quasiquotes-syntax-error-position.scala:9: error: '{' expected but end of quote found.
diff --git a/test/files/neg/si7980.check b/test/files/neg/t7980.check
index b085cabf1d..031c23dbeb 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/si7980.check
+++ b/test/files/neg/t7980.check
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-si7980.scala:7: error: Can't splice Nothing, bottom type values often indicate programmer mistake
+t7980.scala:7: error: Can't unquote Nothing, bottom type values often indicate programmer mistake
println(q"class ${Name(X)} { }")
one error found
diff --git a/test/files/neg/si7980.scala b/test/files/neg/t7980.scala
index b21907de54..b21907de54 100644
--- a/test/files/neg/si7980.scala
+++ b/test/files/neg/t7980.scala
diff --git a/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/DefinitionConstructionProps.scala b/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/DefinitionConstructionProps.scala
index 7e846bfb24..fdb0d83277 100644
--- a/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/DefinitionConstructionProps.scala
+++ b/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/DefinitionConstructionProps.scala
@@ -50,24 +50,24 @@ trait ClassConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
assertEqAst(q"class Foo extends ..$parents", "class Foo")
- property("splice term name into class") = forAll { (rname: TypeName) =>
+ property("unquote term name into class") = forAll { (rname: TypeName) =>
// add prefix to avoid failure in case rname is keyword
val name = TypeName("prefix$" + rname)
eqAst(q"class $name", "class " + name.toString)
- property("splice method into class") = forAll { (name: TypeName, method: DefDef) =>
+ property("unquote method into class") = forAll { (name: TypeName, method: DefDef) =>
q"class $name { $method }" ≈ classWith(name, body = List(method))
- property("splice members into class") = forAll { (name: TypeName, defs: List[DefDef], extra: DefDef) =>
+ property("unquote members into class") = forAll { (name: TypeName, defs: List[DefDef], extra: DefDef) =>
q"""class $name {
}""" ≈ classWith(name, body = defs :+ extra)
- property("splice type name into class parents") = forAll { (name: TypeName, parent: TypeName) =>
+ property("unquote type name into class parents") = forAll { (name: TypeName, parent: TypeName) =>
q"class $name extends $parent" ≈ classWith(name, parents = List(Ident(parent)))
@@ -84,27 +84,27 @@ trait ClassConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
trait TraitConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
- property("splice name into trait def") = test {
+ property("unquote name into trait def") = test {
val Foo = TypeName("Foo")
assert(q"trait $Foo" ≈ q"trait Foo")
- property("splice type params into trait def") = test {
+ property("unquote type params into trait def") = test {
val tparams = q"type A" :: q"type B" :: Nil
assert(q"trait Foo[..$tparams]" ≈ q"trait Foo[A, B]")
- property("splice defs into trait body") = test {
+ property("unquote defs into trait body") = test {
val body = q"def foo" :: q"val bar: Baz" :: Nil
assert(q"trait Foo { ..$body }" ≈ q"trait Foo { def foo; val bar: Baz }")
- property("splice parents into trait") = test {
+ property("unquote parents into trait") = test {
val parents = tq"A" :: tq"B" :: Nil
assert(q"trait Foo extends ..$parents" ≈ q"trait Foo extends A with B")
- property("splice early valdef into trait") = test {
+ property("unquote early valdef into trait") = test {
val x = q"val x: Int = 1"
assertEqAst(q"trait T extends { $x } with Any", "trait T extends { val x: Int = 1} with Any")
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ trait TraitConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
assertEqAst(q"trait T extends { val x: Int = 1 } with Any", "trait T extends { val x: Int = 1 } with Any")
- property("splice defs into early block") = test {
+ property("unquote defs into early block") = test {
val defs = q"val x: Int = 0" :: q"type Foo = Bar" :: Nil
assert(q"trait T extends { ..$defs } with Bippy" ≈
q"trait T extends { val x: Int = 0; type Foo = Bar} with Bippy")
@@ -126,37 +126,37 @@ trait TraitConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
trait TypeDefConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
- property("splice type name into typedef") = forAll { (name1: TypeName, name2: TypeName) =>
+ property("unquote type name into typedef") = forAll { (name1: TypeName, name2: TypeName) =>
q"type $name1 = $name2" ≈ TypeDef(Modifiers(), name1, List(), Ident(name2))
- property("splice type names into type bounds") = forAll { (T1: TypeName, T2: TypeName, T3: TypeName) =>
+ property("unquote type names into type bounds") = forAll { (T1: TypeName, T2: TypeName, T3: TypeName) =>
q"type $T1 >: $T2 <: $T3" ≈
Modifiers(DEFERRED), T1, List(),
TypeBoundsTree(Ident(T2), Ident(T3)))
- property("splice trees names into type bounds") = forAll { (T: TypeName, t1: Tree, t2: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote trees names into type bounds") = forAll { (T: TypeName, t1: Tree, t2: Tree) =>
q"type $T >: $t1 <: $t2" ≈
Modifiers(DEFERRED), T, List(),
TypeBoundsTree(t1, t2))
- property("splice tparams into typedef (1)") = forAll { (T: TypeName, targs: List[TypeDef], t: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote tparams into typedef (1)") = forAll { (T: TypeName, targs: List[TypeDef], t: Tree) =>
q"type $T[..$targs] = $t" ≈ TypeDef(Modifiers(), T, targs, t)
- property("splice tparams into typedef (2)") = forAll { (T: TypeName, targs1: List[TypeDef], targs2: List[TypeDef], t: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote tparams into typedef (2)") = forAll { (T: TypeName, targs1: List[TypeDef], targs2: List[TypeDef], t: Tree) =>
q"type $T[..$targs1, ..$targs2] = $t" ≈ TypeDef(Modifiers(), T, targs1 ++ targs2, t)
- property("splice tparams into typedef (3)") = forAll { (T: TypeName, targ: TypeDef, targs: List[TypeDef], t: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote tparams into typedef (3)") = forAll { (T: TypeName, targ: TypeDef, targs: List[TypeDef], t: Tree) =>
q"type $T[$targ, ..$targs] = $t" ≈ TypeDef(Modifiers(), T, targ :: targs, t)
- property("splice typename into typedef with default bounds") = forAll { (T1: TypeName, T2: TypeName, t: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote typename into typedef with default bounds") = forAll { (T1: TypeName, T2: TypeName, t: Tree) =>
q"type $T1[$T2 >: Any <: Nothing] = $t" ≈
Modifiers(), T1,
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ trait TypeDefConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
- property("splice type names into compound type tree") = forAll { (T: TypeName, A: TypeName, B: TypeName) =>
+ property("unquote type names into compound type tree") = forAll { (T: TypeName, A: TypeName, B: TypeName) =>
q"type $T = $A with $B" ≈
Modifiers(), T, List(),
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ trait TypeDefConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
Template(List(Ident(A), Ident(B)), ValDef(Modifiers(PRIVATE), termNames.WILDCARD, TypeTree(), EmptyTree), List())))
- property("splice trees into existential type tree") = forAll {
+ property("unquote trees into existential type tree") = forAll {
(T1: TypeName, T2: TypeName, X: TypeName, Lo: TypeName, Hi: TypeName) =>
q"type $T1 = $T2[$X] forSome { type $X >: $Lo <: $Hi }" ≈
@@ -189,11 +189,11 @@ trait TypeDefConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
TypeDef(Modifiers(DEFERRED), X, List(), TypeBoundsTree(Ident(Lo), Ident(Hi))))))
- property("splice tree into singleton type tree") = forAll { (name: TypeName, t: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote tree into singleton type tree") = forAll { (name: TypeName, t: Tree) =>
q"type $name = $t.type" ≈ q"type $name = ${SingletonTypeTree(t)}"
- property("splice into applied type tree") = forAll { (T1: TypeName, T2: TypeName, args: List[Tree]) =>
+ property("unquote into applied type tree") = forAll { (T1: TypeName, T2: TypeName, args: List[Tree]) =>
q"type $T1 = $T2[..$args]" ≈
TypeDef(Modifiers(), T1, List(),
if(args.nonEmpty) AppliedTypeTree(Ident(T2), args) else Ident(T2))
@@ -201,11 +201,11 @@ trait TypeDefConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
trait ValDefConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
- property("splice into val") = forAll { (name: TermName, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote into val") = forAll { (name: TermName, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) =>
q"val $name: $tpt = $rhs" ≈ ValDef(Modifiers(), name, tpt, rhs)
- property("splice into var") = forAll { (name: TermName, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote into var") = forAll { (name: TermName, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) =>
q"var $name: $tpt = $rhs" ≈ ValDef(Modifiers(MUTABLE), name, tpt, rhs)
@@ -216,28 +216,28 @@ trait ValDefConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
trait PatDefConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
- property("splice pattern into pat def") = test {
+ property("unquote pattern into pat def") = test {
val pat = pq"(a, b)"
assertEqAst(q"val $pat = (1, 2)", "val (a, b) = (1, 2)")
val tpt = tq"(Int, Int)"
assertEqAst(q"val $pat: $tpt = (1, 2)", "val (a, b): (Int, Int) = (1, 2)")
- property("splice pattern into pat def within other pattern (1)") = test {
+ property("unquote pattern into pat def within other pattern (1)") = test {
val pat = pq"(a, b)"
assertEqAst(q"val Foo($pat) = Foo((1, 2))", "val Foo((a, b)) = Foo((1, 2))")
val tpt = tq"Foo"
assertEqAst(q"val Foo($pat): $tpt = Foo((1, 2))", "val Foo((a, b)): Foo = Foo((1, 2))")
- property("splice patterns into pat def within other pattern (2)") = test {
+ property("unquote patterns into pat def within other pattern (2)") = test {
val pat1 = pq"(a, b)"; val pat2 = pq"(c, d)"
assertEqAst(q"val ($pat1, $pat2) = ((1, 2), (3, 4))", "val ((a, b), (c, d)) = ((1, 2), (3, 4))")
val tpt = tq"((Int, Int), (Int, Int))"
assertEqAst(q"val ($pat1, $pat2): $tpt = ((1, 2), (3, 4))", "val ((a, b), (c, d)): ((Int, Int), (Int, Int)) = ((1, 2), (3, 4))")
- property("splice pattern without free vars into pat def") = test {
+ property("unquote pattern without free vars into pat def") = test {
val pat = pq"((1, 2), 3)"
assertEqAst(q"val $pat = ((1, 2), 3)", "{ val ((1, 2), 3) = ((1, 2), 3) }")
val tpt = tq"((Int, Int), Int)"
@@ -245,19 +245,19 @@ trait PatDefConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
// won't result into pattern match due to SI-8211
- property("splice typed pat into pat def") = test {
+ property("unquote typed pat into pat def") = test {
val pat = pq"x: Int"
assertEqAst(q"val $pat = 2", "{ val x: Int = 2 }")
trait MethodConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
- property("splice paramss into defdef") = test {
+ property("unquote paramss into defdef") = test {
val paramss = List(q"val x: Int") :: List(q"val y: Int = 1") :: Nil
assert(q"def foo(...$paramss)" ≈ parse("def foo(x: Int)(y: Int = 1)"))
- property("splice tparams into defdef") = test {
+ property("unquote tparams into defdef") = test {
val tparams = q"type A" :: q"type B <: Bippy" :: Nil
assert(q"def foo[..$tparams]" ≈ parse("def foo[A, B <: Bippy]"))
@@ -270,84 +270,84 @@ trait MethodConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
assert(tree1.mods.annotations ≈ tree2.mods.annotations,
s"${tree1.mods.annotations} =/= ${tree2.mods.annotations}")
- property("splice type name into annotation") = test {
+ property("unquote type name into annotation") = test {
val name = TypeName("annot")
assertSameAnnots(q"@$name def foo", List(q"new $name"))
- property("splice ident into annotation") = test {
+ property("unquote ident into annotation") = test {
val name = TypeName("annot")
val ident = Ident(name)
assertSameAnnots(q"@$ident def foo", List(q"new $name"))
- property("splice idents into annotation") = test {
+ property("unquote idents into annotation") = test {
val idents = List(Ident(TypeName("annot1")), Ident(TypeName("annot2")))
assertSameAnnots(q"@..$idents def foo", { ident => Apply(Select(New(ident), termNames.CONSTRUCTOR), List()) })
- property("splice constructor calls into annotation") = test {
+ property("unquote constructor calls into annotation") = test {
val ctorcalls = List(q"new a1", q"new a2")
assertSameAnnots(q"@..$ctorcalls def foo", ctorcalls)
- property("splice multiple annotations (1)") = test {
+ property("unquote multiple annotations (1)") = test {
val annot1 = q"new a1"
val annot2 = q"new a2"
val res = q"@$annot1 @$annot2 def foo"
assertSameAnnots(res, List(annot1, annot2))
- property("splice multiple annotations (2)") = test {
+ property("unquote multiple annotations (2)") = test {
val annot1 = q"new a1"
val annots = List(q"new a2", q"new a3")
val res = q"@$annot1 @..$annots def foo"
assertSameAnnots(res, annot1 :: annots)
- property("splice annotations with arguments (1)") = test {
+ property("unquote annotations with arguments (1)") = test {
val a = q"new a(x)"
assertSameAnnots(q"@$a def foo", q"@a(x) def foo")
- property("splice annotations with arguments (2)") = test {
+ property("unquote annotations with arguments (2)") = test {
val a = TypeName("a")
assertSameAnnots(q"@$a(x) def foo", q"@a(x) def foo")
- property("splice annotations with arguments (3") = test {
+ property("unquote annotations with arguments (3") = test {
val a = Ident(TypeName("a"))
assertSameAnnots(q"@$a(x) def foo", q"@a(x) def foo")
- property("splice improper tree into annot") = test {
+ property("unquote improper tree into annot") = test {
val t = tq"Foo[Baz]"
assertThrows[IllegalArgumentException] {
q"@$t def foo"
- property("can't splice annotations with arguments specificed twice") = test {
+ property("can't unquote annotations with arguments specificed twice") = test {
val a = q"new a(x)"
assertThrows[IllegalArgumentException] {
q"@$a(y) def foo"
- property("splice annotation with targs") = test {
+ property("unquote annotation with targs") = test {
val a = q"new Foo[A, B]"
assertEqAst(q"@$a def foo", "@Foo[A,B] def foo")
- property("splice annotation with multiple argument lists") = test {
+ property("unquote annotation with multiple argument lists") = test {
val a = q"new Foo(a)(b)"
assertEqAst(q"@$a def foo", "@Foo(a)(b) def foo")
trait PackageConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
- property("splice select into package name") = test {
+ property("unquote select into package name") = test {
val name = q""
assertEqAst(q"package $name { }", "package { }")
@@ -357,12 +357,12 @@ trait PackageConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
assertEqAst(q"package $name { }", "package bippy { }")
- property("splice members into package body") = test {
+ property("unquote members into package body") = test {
val members = q"class C" :: q"object O" :: Nil
assertEqAst(q"package foo { ..$members }", "package foo { class C; object O }")
- property("splice illegal members into package body") = test {
+ property("unquote illegal members into package body") = test {
val f = q"def f"
assertThrows[IllegalArgumentException] { q"package foo { $f }" }
val v = q"val v = 0"
@@ -371,24 +371,24 @@ trait PackageConstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
assertThrows[IllegalArgumentException] { q"package foo { $expr }" }
- property("splice name into package object") = test {
+ property("unquote name into package object") = test {
val foo = TermName("foo")
assertEqAst(q"package object $foo", "package object foo")
- property("splice parents into package object") = test {
+ property("unquote parents into package object") = test {
val parents = tq"a" :: tq"b" :: Nil
assertEqAst(q"package object foo extends ..$parents",
"package object foo extends a with b")
- property("splice members into package object") = test {
+ property("unquote members into package object") = test {
val members = q"def foo" :: q"val x = 1" :: Nil
assertEqAst(q"package object foo { ..$members }",
"package object foo { def foo; val x = 1 }")
- property("splice early def into package object") = test {
+ property("unquote early def into package object") = test {
val edefs = q"val x = 1" :: q"type I = Int" :: Nil
assertEqAst(q"package object foo extends { ..$edefs } with Any",
"package object foo extends { val x = 1; type I = Int } with Any")
diff --git a/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/DefinitionDeconstructionProps.scala b/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/DefinitionDeconstructionProps.scala
index 512b81c0e6..996ac65b36 100644
--- a/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/DefinitionDeconstructionProps.scala
+++ b/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/DefinitionDeconstructionProps.scala
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ trait ImportDeconstruction { self: QuasiquoteProperties =>
val pq"_" = right
- property("splice names into import selector") = forAll {
+ property("unquote names into import selector") = forAll {
(expr: Tree, plain: TermName, oldname: TermName, newname: TermName, discard: TermName) =>
val Import(expr1, List(
diff --git a/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/ErrorProps.scala b/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/ErrorProps.scala
index 1ba9bba381..d61119d98f 100644
--- a/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/ErrorProps.scala
+++ b/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/ErrorProps.scala
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
import org.scalacheck._, Prop._, Gen._, Arbitrary._
object ErrorProps extends QuasiquoteProperties("errors") {
- property("can't extract two .. cardinalities in a row") = fails(
+ property("can't extract two .. rankinalities in a row") = fails(
"Can't extract with .. here",
val xs = List(q"x1", q"x2")
val q"f(..$xs1, ..$xs2)" = xs
- property("can't splice with given cardinality") = fails(
- "Can't splice List[reflect.runtime.universe.Ident], consider using ..",
+ property("can't unquote with given rank") = fails(
+ "Can't unquote List[reflect.runtime.universe.Ident], consider using ..",
val xs = List(q"x", q"x")
- property("splice typename into typedef with default bounds") = fails(
+ property("unquote typename into typedef with default bounds") = fails(
"reflect.runtime.universe.Name expected but reflect.runtime.universe.TypeDef found",
val T1 = TypeName("T1")
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ object ErrorProps extends QuasiquoteProperties("errors") {
TypeDef(Modifiers(), T1, List(T2), t)
- property("can't splice annotations with ... cardinality") = fails(
- "Can't splice with ... here",
+ property("can't unquote annotations with ... rank") = fails(
+ "Can't unquote with ... here",
val annots = List(List(q"Foo"))
q"@...$annots def foo"
@@ -39,15 +39,15 @@ object ErrorProps extends QuasiquoteProperties("errors") {
- property("don't know how to splice inside of strings") = fails(
- "Don't know how to splice here",
+ property("don't know how to unquote inside of strings") = fails(
+ "Don't know how to unquote here",
val x: Tree = EmptyTree
StringContext("\"", "\"").q(x)
property("non-liftable type ..") = fails(
- "Can't splice List[StringBuilder] with .., consider omitting the dots or providing an implicit instance of Liftable[StringBuilder]",
+ "Can't unquote List[StringBuilder] with .., consider omitting the dots or providing an implicit instance of Liftable[StringBuilder]",
import java.lang.StringBuilder
val bazs = List(new StringBuilder)
@@ -55,38 +55,38 @@ object ErrorProps extends QuasiquoteProperties("errors") {
property("non-liftable type ...") = fails(
- "Can't splice List[List[StringBuilder]] with .., consider using ... or providing an implicit instance of Liftable[StringBuilder]",
+ "Can't unquote List[List[StringBuilder]] with .., consider using ... or providing an implicit instance of Liftable[StringBuilder]",
import java.lang.StringBuilder
val bazs = List(List(new StringBuilder))
- property("use .. card or provide liftable") = fails(
- "Can't splice List[StringBuilder], consider using .. or providing an implicit instance of Liftable[List[StringBuilder]]",
+ property("use .. rank or provide liftable") = fails(
+ "Can't unquote List[StringBuilder], consider using .. or providing an implicit instance of Liftable[List[StringBuilder]]",
import java.lang.StringBuilder
val lst: List[StringBuilder] = Nil
- property("use ... card or provide liftable") = fails(
- "Can't splice List[List[reflect.runtime.universe.Ident]], consider using ...",
+ property("use ... rank or provide liftable") = fails(
+ "Can't unquote List[List[reflect.runtime.universe.Ident]], consider using ...",
val xs = List(List(q"x", q"x"))
property("not liftable or natively supported") = fails(
- "Can't splice StringBuilder, consider providing an implicit instance of Liftable[StringBuilder]",
+ "Can't unquote StringBuilder, consider providing an implicit instance of Liftable[StringBuilder]",
import java.lang.StringBuilder
val sb = new StringBuilder
- property("can't splice with ... card here") = fails(
- "Can't splice with ... here",
+ property("can't unquote with ... rank here") = fails(
+ "Can't unquote with ... here",
val lst: List[List[Tree]] = Nil; val t = EmptyTree
q"f(...$lst, $t)"
@@ -106,29 +106,29 @@ object ErrorProps extends QuasiquoteProperties("errors") {
q"$t def foo"
- property("cant splice flags together with mods") = fails(
- "Can't splice flags together with modifiers, consider merging flags into modifiers",
+ property("cant unquote flags together with mods") = fails(
+ "Can't unquote flags together with modifiers, consider merging flags into modifiers",
val f = Flag.IMPLICIT; val m = NoMods
q"$f $m def foo"
- property("can't splice mods with annots") = fails(
- "Can't splice modifiers together with annotations, consider merging annotations into modifiers",
+ property("can't unquote mods with annots") = fails(
+ "Can't unquote modifiers together with annotations, consider merging annotations into modifiers",
val m = NoMods
q"@annot $m def foo"
- property("can't splice modifiers with inline flags") = fails(
- "Can't splice modifiers together with flags, consider merging flags into modifiers",
+ property("can't unquote modifiers with inline flags") = fails(
+ "Can't unquote modifiers together with flags, consider merging flags into modifiers",
val m = NoMods
q"$m implicit def foo"
- property("can't splice multiple mods") = fails(
- "Can't splice multiple modifiers, consider merging them into a single modifiers instance",
+ property("can't unquote multiple mods") = fails(
+ "Can't unquote multiple modifiers, consider merging them into a single modifiers instance",
val m1 = NoMods; val m2 = NoMods
q"$m1 $m2 def foo"
@@ -146,15 +146,15 @@ object ErrorProps extends QuasiquoteProperties("errors") {
val q"$m1 $m2 def foo" = EmptyTree
- property("can't splice values of Null") = fails(
- "Can't splice Null, bottom type values often indicate programmer mistake",
+ property("can't unquote values of Null") = fails(
+ "Can't unquote Null, bottom type values often indicate programmer mistake",
val n = null
- property("can't splice values of Nothing") = fails(
- "Can't splice Nothing, bottom type values often indicate programmer mistake",
+ property("can't unquote values of Nothing") = fails(
+ "Can't unquote Nothing, bottom type values often indicate programmer mistake",
def n = ???
diff --git a/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/LiftableProps.scala b/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/LiftableProps.scala
index 20cfcbe139..5d0eeb53c6 100644
--- a/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/LiftableProps.scala
+++ b/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/LiftableProps.scala
@@ -2,62 +2,62 @@ import org.scalacheck._, Prop._, Gen._, Arbitrary._
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._, Flag._
object LiftableProps extends QuasiquoteProperties("liftable") {
- property("splice byte") = test {
+ property("unquote byte") = test {
val c: Byte = 0
assert(q"$c" ≈ Literal(Constant(c)))
assert(q"${0: Byte}" ≈ Literal(Constant(c)))
- property("splice short") = test {
+ property("unquote short") = test {
val c: Short = 0
assert(q"$c" ≈ Literal(Constant(c)))
assert(q"${0: Short}" ≈ Literal(Constant(c)))
- property("splice char") = test {
+ property("unquote char") = test {
val c: Char = 'c'
assert(q"$c" ≈ Literal(Constant(c)))
assert(q"${'c'}" ≈ Literal(Constant(c)))
- property("splice int") = test {
+ property("unquote int") = test {
val c: Int = 0
assert(q"$c" ≈ Literal(Constant(c)))
assert(q"${0: Int}" ≈ Literal(Constant(c)))
- property("splice long") = test {
+ property("unquote long") = test {
val c: Long = 0
assert(q"$c" ≈ Literal(Constant(c)))
assert(q"${0: Long}" ≈ Literal(Constant(c)))
- property("splice float") = test {
+ property("unquote float") = test {
val c: Float = 0.0f
assert(q"$c" ≈ Literal(Constant(c)))
assert(q"${0.0f: Float}" ≈ Literal(Constant(c)))
- property("splice double") = test {
+ property("unquote double") = test {
val c: Double = 0.0
assert(q"$c" ≈ Literal(Constant(c)))
assert(q"${0.0: Double}" ≈ Literal(Constant(c)))
- property("splice boolean") = test {
+ property("unquote boolean") = test {
val c: Boolean = false
assert(q"$c" ≈ Literal(Constant(c)))
assert(q"${true}" ≈ Literal(Constant(true)))
assert(q"${false}" ≈ Literal(Constant(false)))
- property("splice string") = test {
+ property("unquote string") = test {
val c: String = "s"
assert(q"$c" ≈ Literal(Constant(c)))
assert(q"${"s"}" ≈ Literal(Constant(c)))
- property("splice unit") = test {
+ property("unquote unit") = test {
val c: Unit = ()
assert(q"$c" ≈ Literal(Constant(c)))
assert(q"${()}" ≈ Literal(Constant(c)))
diff --git a/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/PatternConstructionProps.scala b/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/PatternConstructionProps.scala
index fffaf1b363..7ed95fa984 100644
--- a/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/PatternConstructionProps.scala
+++ b/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/PatternConstructionProps.scala
@@ -2,35 +2,35 @@ import org.scalacheck._, Prop._, Gen._, Arbitrary._
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._, Flag._
object PatternConstructionProps extends QuasiquoteProperties("pattern construction") {
- property("splice bind") = forAll { (bind: Bind) =>
+ property("unquote bind") = forAll { (bind: Bind) =>
pq"$bind" ≈ bind
- property("splice name into bind") = forAll { (name: TermName) =>
+ property("unquote name into bind") = forAll { (name: TermName) =>
pq"$name" ≈ Bind(name, Ident(termNames.WILDCARD))
- property("splice name and tree into bind") = forAll { (name: TermName, tree: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote name and tree into bind") = forAll { (name: TermName, tree: Tree) =>
pq"$name @ $tree" ≈ Bind(name, tree)
- property("splice type name into typed") = forAll { (name: TypeName) =>
+ property("unquote type name into typed") = forAll { (name: TypeName) =>
pq"_ : $name" ≈ Typed(Ident(termNames.WILDCARD), Ident(name))
- property("splice tree into typed") = forAll { (typ: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote tree into typed") = forAll { (typ: Tree) =>
pq"_ : $typ" ≈ Typed(Ident(termNames.WILDCARD), typ)
- property("splice into apply") = forAll { (pat: Tree, subpat: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote into apply") = forAll { (pat: Tree, subpat: Tree) =>
pq"$pat($subpat)" ≈ Apply(pat, List(subpat))
- property("splice into casedef") = forAll { (pat: Tree, cond: Tree, body: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote into casedef") = forAll { (pat: Tree, cond: Tree, body: Tree) =>
cq"$pat if $cond => $body" ≈ CaseDef(pat, cond, body)
- property("splice into alternative") = forAll { (first: Tree, rest: List[Tree]) =>
+ property("unquote into alternative") = forAll { (first: Tree, rest: List[Tree]) =>
pq"$first | ..$rest" ≈ Alternative(first :: rest)
diff --git a/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/TermConstructionProps.scala b/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/TermConstructionProps.scala
index 4dbf746cfe..10ce1604b1 100644
--- a/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/TermConstructionProps.scala
+++ b/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/TermConstructionProps.scala
@@ -2,41 +2,41 @@ import org.scalacheck._, Prop._, Gen._, Arbitrary._
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._, Flag._
object TermConstructionProps extends QuasiquoteProperties("term construction") {
- property("splice single tree return tree itself") = forAll { (t: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote single tree return tree itself") = forAll { (t: Tree) =>
q"$t" ≈ t
- property("splice trees into if expression") = forAll { (t1: Tree, t2: Tree, t3: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote trees into if expression") = forAll { (t1: Tree, t2: Tree, t3: Tree) =>
q"if($t1) $t2 else $t3" ≈ If(t1, t2, t3)
- property("splice trees into ascriptiopn") = forAll { (t1: Tree, t2: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote trees into ascriptiopn") = forAll { (t1: Tree, t2: Tree) =>
q"$t1 : $t2" ≈ Typed(t1, t2)
- property("splice trees into apply") = forAll { (t1: Tree, t2: Tree, t3: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote trees into apply") = forAll { (t1: Tree, t2: Tree, t3: Tree) =>
q"$t1($t2, $t3)" ≈ Apply(t1, List(t2, t3))
- property("splice trees with .. cardinality into apply") = forAll { (ts: List[Tree]) =>
+ property("unquote trees with .. rank into apply") = forAll { (ts: List[Tree]) =>
q"f(..$ts)" ≈ Apply(q"f", ts)
- property("splice iterable into apply") = forAll { (trees: List[Tree]) =>
+ property("unquote iterable into apply") = forAll { (trees: List[Tree]) =>
val itrees: Iterable[Tree] = trees
q"f(..$itrees)" ≈ Apply(q"f", trees)
- property("splice trees with ... cardinality into apply") = forAll { (ts1: List[Tree], ts2: List[Tree]) =>
+ property("unquote trees with ... rank into apply") = forAll { (ts1: List[Tree], ts2: List[Tree]) =>
val argss = List(ts1, ts2)
q"f(...$argss)" ≈ Apply(Apply(q"f", ts1), ts2)
- property("splice term name into assign") = forAll { (name: TermName, t: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote term name into assign") = forAll { (name: TermName, t: Tree) =>
q"$name = $t" ≈ Assign(Ident(name), t)
- property("splice trees into block") = forAll { (t1: Tree, t2: Tree, t3: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote trees into block") = forAll { (t1: Tree, t2: Tree, t3: Tree) =>
@@ -45,25 +45,25 @@ object TermConstructionProps extends QuasiquoteProperties("term construction") {
- property("splice tree into new") = forAll { (tree: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote tree into new") = forAll { (tree: Tree) =>
q"new $tree" ≈ Apply(Select(New(tree), termNames.CONSTRUCTOR), List())
- property("splice tree into return") = forAll { (tree: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote tree into return") = forAll { (tree: Tree) =>
q"return $tree" ≈ Return(tree)
- property("splice a list of arguments") = forAll { (fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) =>
+ property("unquote a list of arguments") = forAll { (fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) =>
q"$fun(..$args)" ≈ Apply(fun, args)
- property("splice list and non-list fun arguments") = forAll { (fun: Tree, arg1: Tree, arg2: Tree, args: List[Tree]) =>
+ property("unquote list and non-list fun arguments") = forAll { (fun: Tree, arg1: Tree, arg2: Tree, args: List[Tree]) =>
q"$fun(..$args, $arg1, $arg2)" ≈ Apply(fun, args ++ List(arg1) ++ List(arg2)) &&
q"$fun($arg1, ..$args, $arg2)" ≈ Apply(fun, List(arg1) ++ args ++ List(arg2)) &&
q"$fun($arg1, $arg2, ..$args)" ≈ Apply(fun, List(arg1) ++ List(arg2) ++ args)
- property("splice into new") = forAll { (name: TypeName, body: List[Tree]) =>
+ property("unquote into new") = forAll { (name: TypeName, body: List[Tree]) =>
q"new $name { ..$body }" ≈
final class $$anon extends $name {
@@ -73,29 +73,29 @@ object TermConstructionProps extends QuasiquoteProperties("term construction") {
- property("splice type name into this") = forAll { (T: TypeName) =>
+ property("unquote type name into this") = forAll { (T: TypeName) =>
q"$T.this" ≈ This(T)
- property("splice tree into throw") = forAll { (t: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote tree into throw") = forAll { (t: Tree) =>
q"throw $t" ≈ Throw(t)
- property("splice trees into type apply") = forAll { (fun: TreeIsTerm, types: List[Tree]) =>
+ property("unquote trees into type apply") = forAll { (fun: TreeIsTerm, types: List[Tree]) =>
q"$fun[..$types]" ≈ (if (types.nonEmpty) TypeApply(fun, types) else fun)
- property("splice trees into while loop") = forAll { (cond: Tree, body: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote trees into while loop") = forAll { (cond: Tree, body: Tree) =>
val LabelDef(_, List(), If(cond1, Block(List(body1), Apply(_, List())), Literal(Constant(())))) = q"while($cond) $body"
body1 ≈ body && cond1 ≈ cond
- property("splice trees into do while loop") = forAll { (cond: Tree, body: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote trees into do while loop") = forAll { (cond: Tree, body: Tree) =>
val LabelDef(_, List(), Block(List(body1), If(cond1, Apply(_, List()), Literal(Constant(()))))) = q"do $body while($cond)"
body1 ≈ body && cond1 ≈ cond
- property("splice trees into alternative") = forAll { (c: Tree, A: Tree, B: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote trees into alternative") = forAll { (c: Tree, A: Tree, B: Tree) =>
q"$c match { case $A | $B => }" ≈
Match(c, List(
CaseDef(Alternative(List(A, B)), EmptyTree, Literal(Constant(())))))
@@ -109,24 +109,24 @@ object TermConstructionProps extends QuasiquoteProperties("term construction") {
case init :+ last => Block(init, last)
- property("splice list of trees into block (1)") = forAll { (trees: List[Tree]) =>
+ property("unquote list of trees into block (1)") = forAll { (trees: List[Tree]) =>
blockInvariant(q"{ ..$trees }", trees)
- property("splice list of trees into block (2)") = forAll { (trees1: List[Tree], trees2: List[Tree]) =>
+ property("unquote list of trees into block (2)") = forAll { (trees1: List[Tree], trees2: List[Tree]) =>
blockInvariant(q"{ ..$trees1 ; ..$trees2 }", trees1 ++ trees2)
- property("splice list of trees into block (3)") = forAll { (trees: List[Tree], tree: Tree) =>
+ property("unquote list of trees into block (3)") = forAll { (trees: List[Tree], tree: Tree) =>
blockInvariant(q"{ ..$trees; $tree }", trees :+ tree)
- property("splice term into brackets") = test {
+ property("unquote term into brackets") = test {
val a = q"a"
assert(q"($a)" ≈ a)
- property("splice terms into tuple") = test {
+ property("unquote terms into tuple") = test {
val a1 = q"a1"
val a2 = q"a2"
val as = List(a1, a2)
@@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ object TermConstructionProps extends QuasiquoteProperties("term construction") {
assert(q"(a0, ..$as)" ≈ q"scala.Tuple3(a0, $a1, $a2)")
- property("splice empty list into tuple") = test {
+ property("unquote empty list into tuple") = test {
val empty = List[Tree]()
assert(q"(..$empty)" ≈ q"()")
- property("splice single element list into tuple") = test {
+ property("unquote single element list into tuple") = test {
val xs = q"x" :: Nil
assert(q"(..$xs)" ≈ xs.head)
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ object TermConstructionProps extends QuasiquoteProperties("term construction") {
assert(q"f(${if (true) q"a" else q"b"})" ≈ q"f(a)")
- property("splice iterable of non-parametric type") = test {
+ property("unquote iterable of non-parametric type") = test {
object O extends Iterable[Tree] { def iterator = List(q"foo").iterator }
diff --git a/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/TypeConstructionProps.scala b/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/TypeConstructionProps.scala
index 07875af326..27ad4c50e9 100644
--- a/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/TypeConstructionProps.scala
+++ b/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/TypeConstructionProps.scala
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ object TypeConstructionProps extends QuasiquoteProperties("type construction")
tq"x" ≈ Ident(TypeName("x"))
- property("splice type names into AppliedTypeTree") = forAll { (name1: TypeName, name2: TypeName) =>
+ property("unquote type names into AppliedTypeTree") = forAll { (name1: TypeName, name2: TypeName) =>
tq"$name1[$name2]" ≈ AppliedTypeTree(Ident(name1), List(Ident(name2)))
diff --git a/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/UnliftableProps.scala b/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/UnliftableProps.scala
index 4e996c90d7..1d7629aa29 100644
--- a/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/UnliftableProps.scala
+++ b/test/files/scalacheck/quasiquotes/UnliftableProps.scala
@@ -99,13 +99,13 @@ object UnliftableProps extends QuasiquoteProperties("unliftable") {
assert(l5 == orig2)
- property("don't unlift non-tree splicee (1)") = test {
+ property("don't unlift non-tree unquotee (1)") = test {
val q"${a: TermName}.${b: TermName}" = q"a.b"
assert(a == TermName("a"))
assert(b == TermName("b"))
- property("don't unlift non-tree splicee (2)") = test {
+ property("don't unlift non-tree unquotee (2)") = test {
val q"${mods: Modifiers} def foo" = q"def foo"
assert(mods == Modifiers(DEFERRED))