diff options
5 files changed, 369 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scaladoc/ b/sources/scala/tools/scaladoc/
index ffe50ed82e..eef9f67162 100644
--- a/sources/scala/tools/scaladoc/
+++ b/sources/scala/tools/scaladoc/
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ public abstract class HTMLGenerator {
protected final String ROOT_PAGE = Location.ROOT_NAME + ".html";
protected final String PACKAGE_LIST_PAGE = "package-list-page.html";
protected final String HELP_PAGE = "help-page.html";
+ protected final String SEARCH_SECTION = "search-section";
protected final String INDEX_PAGE = "index-page.html";
protected final String PACKAGE_PAGE = "package-page.html";
@@ -545,57 +546,64 @@ public abstract class HTMLGenerator {
addDocumentationTitle(attrs, page);
- /**
- * Add a text field for searching symbols to the current page.
- */
protected void addSearchSection(Page page) {
- page.printlnOTag("table").indent();
- page.printlnOTag("tr").indent();
page.printlnOTag("form", new XMLAttribute[] {
- new XMLAttribute("action", "/" + SERVLET_NAME),
- new XMLAttribute("method", "get") }).indent();
+ new XMLAttribute("action", "/" + SERVLET_NAME),
+ new XMLAttribute("method", "get") }).indent();
+ page.printlnOTag("table", new XMLAttribute[] {
+ new XMLAttribute("border", "0") }).indent();
+ // Text field
+ page.printlnOTag("tr").indent();
+ page.printlnOTag("td").indent();
+ page.printlnSTag("input", new XMLAttribute[] {
+ new XMLAttribute("name", "searchString"),
+ new XMLAttribute("id", "word"),
+ new XMLAttribute("size", "100%"),
+ // new XMLAttribute("maxlength", "30"),
+ new XMLAttribute("type", "text"),
+ });
+ // Button
+ page.printlnSTag("input", new XMLAttribute[] {
+ new XMLAttribute("type", "submit"),
+ new XMLAttribute("value", "Search"),
+ }).undent();
+ page.printlnCTag("td").undent();
+ page.printlnCTag("tr");
+ page.printlnOTag("tr").indent();
+ page.printlnOTag("td", new XMLAttribute[] {
+ new XMLAttribute("align", "center") }).indent();
// by name
page.printlnSTag("input", new XMLAttribute[] {
- new XMLAttribute("type", "radio"),
- new XMLAttribute("checked", "true"),
- new XMLAttribute("name", "searchKind"),
- new XMLAttribute("id", "byName"),
- new XMLAttribute("value", "byName")
- });
- page.println("by name");
+ new XMLAttribute("type", "radio"),
+ new XMLAttribute("checked", "true"),
+ new XMLAttribute("name", "searchKind"),
+ new XMLAttribute("id", "byName"),
+ new XMLAttribute("value", "byName")
+ });
+ page.println("By name");
// by comment
page.printlnSTag("input", new XMLAttribute[] {
- new XMLAttribute("type", "radio"),
- new XMLAttribute("name", "searchKind"),
- new XMLAttribute("id", "byComment"),
- new XMLAttribute("value", "byComment")
- });
- page.println("by comment");
+ new XMLAttribute("type", "radio"),
+ new XMLAttribute("name", "searchKind"),
+ new XMLAttribute("id", "byComment"),
+ new XMLAttribute("value", "byComment")
+ });
+ page.println("By comment");
// by type
page.printlnSTag("input", new XMLAttribute[] {
- new XMLAttribute("type", "radio"),
- new XMLAttribute("name", "searchKind"),
- new XMLAttribute("id", "byType"),
- new XMLAttribute("value", "byType")
- });
- page.println("by type");
- // Text field
- page.printlnSTag("input", new XMLAttribute[] {
- new XMLAttribute("name", "searchString"),
- new XMLAttribute("id", "word"),
- new XMLAttribute("size", "25"),
- // new XMLAttribute("maxlength", "30"),
- new XMLAttribute("type", "text"),
- });
- // Button
- page.printlnSTag("input", new XMLAttribute[] {
- new XMLAttribute("type", "submit"),
- new XMLAttribute("value", "submit"),
- });
- page.undent();
- page.printlnCTag("form").undent();
+ new XMLAttribute("type", "radio"),
+ new XMLAttribute("name", "searchKind"),
+ new XMLAttribute("id", "byType"),
+ new XMLAttribute("value", "byType")
+ });
+ page.println("By type").undent();
+ page.printlnCTag("td").undent();
- page.printlnCTag("table");
+ page.printlnCTag("table").undent();
+ page.printlnCTag("form");
protected void addSearchSection() {
@@ -646,12 +654,6 @@ public abstract class HTMLGenerator {
- if (launchServer) {
- page.printlnOTag("tr").indent();
- addSearchSection(page);
- page.undent();
- page.printlnCTag("tr");
- }
@@ -667,6 +669,12 @@ public abstract class HTMLGenerator {
page.printlnTag("td", " ").undent();
+ if (launchServer) {
+ page.printlnOTag("tr").indent();
+ addSearchSection(page);
+ page.undent();
+ page.printlnCTag("tr");
+ }
} catch(Exception e) { throw Debug.abort(e); }
@@ -811,7 +819,6 @@ public abstract class HTMLGenerator {
// modifiers
String mods = filterModifiers(sym);
- // String mods = Modifiers.Helper.toString(sym.flags);
page.printlnOTag("td", ATTRS_MODIFIERS).indent();
if (mods.length() > 0)
page.printlnTag("code", mods);
@@ -1352,6 +1359,73 @@ public abstract class HTMLGenerator {
+ "constructors, methods, and fields.");
+ if (launchServer) {
+ page.printlnTag("div", h3, "Searching a definition");
+ page.printlnOTag("blockquote").indent();
+ page.printlnSTag("a",
+ new XMLAttribute[] {
+ new XMLAttribute("name", SEARCH_SECTION) });
+ page.printlnOTag("p");
+ page.println("At the top and and at the bottom of each page, there is a form that "
+ + "allows to search the definition of a <em>symbol</em> (field, method, "
+ + "package, object, type, trait or class).");
+ page.printlnCTag("p");
+ page.printlnOTag("p");
+ page.println("There are three ways of specifying the symbols of interest:");
+ page.printlnOTag("dl");
+ page.printOTag("dt");
+ page.printlnTag("b", "By name");
+ page.printOTag("dd");
+ page.println("The search string must be a ");
+ page.printlnTag("a",
+ new XMLAttribute[] {
+ new XMLAttribute("href",
+ "") },
+ "regular expression");
+ page.print(" that has to match a substring in the name of the searched symbol.");
+ page.printOTag("dt");
+ page.printlnTag("b", "By comment");
+ page.printOTag("dd");
+ page.println("The search string must be a ");
+ page.printlnTag("a",
+ new XMLAttribute[] {
+ new XMLAttribute("href",
+ "") },
+ "regular expression");
+ page.print(" that has to match a substring in the comments associated to the searched symbol.");
+ page.printOTag("dt");
+ page.printlnTag("b", "By type");
+ page.printOTag("dd");
+ page.println("The search string must represent a Scala type. Any string ");
+ page.printlnTag("code", "S");
+ page.println(" such that ");
+ page.printlnTag("pre", "def foo S;");
+ page.println(" is a valid function definition is accepted. Here are some examples:");
+ page.printlnOTag("ul");
+ page.printOTag("li");
+ page.printlnTag("code", ": int => int");
+ page.printOTag("li");
+ page.printlnTag("code", "[a,b]: List[a] => (a => b) => List[b]");
+ page.printOTag("li");
+ page.printlnTag("code", "(x: int, y: int): unit");
+ page.printlnCTag("ul");
+ page.println("The searched symbols must conform to the entered type modulo ");
+ page.printlnTag("a",
+ new XMLAttribute[] {
+ new XMLAttribute("href",
+ "") },
+ "type isomorphism");
+ page.println(". This concept allows to unify types that differ by their exact "
+ + "representation but not by their meaning. The order of parameters is "
+ + "for instance irrelevant when looking for a function. Note finally that "
+ + "methods of classes are interpreted as functions that would take an "
+ + "extra argument of the type of the class.");
+ page.printlnCTag("dl");
+ page.printlnCTag("p");
+ page.printlnCTag("blockquote");
+ }
page.printlnOTag("div", em);
page.println("This help file applies to API documentation generated "
+ "using the standard doclet.");
@@ -1684,6 +1758,43 @@ public abstract class HTMLGenerator {
return Symbol.NONE;
+ protected void addCategory(Symbol[] symbols, String title, Page page, SymbolTablePrinter symtab) {
+ if (symbols.length > 0) {
+ page.printlnTag("h3", title);
+ page.printlnOTag("dl").indent();
+ for(int i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) {
+ page.printOTag("dt");
+ addIndexEntry(symbols[i], page, symtab);
+ page.printlnCTag("dt");
+ page.printlnTag("dd", firstSentence(getComment(symbols[i])));
+ }
+ page.undent().printlnCTag("dl");
+ }
+ }
+ protected void addFoundSymbols(List symbols, Page page, SymbolTablePrinter symtab) {
+ // partition and sort
+ List fields = new LinkedList();
+ List modules = new LinkedList();
+ List types = new LinkedList();
+ ScalaSearch.categorizeSymbols(symbols, fields, modules, types);
+ Symbol[] sortedFields = ScalaSearch.sortList(fields);
+ Symbol[] sortedModules = ScalaSearch.sortList(modules);
+ Symbol[] sortedTypes = ScalaSearch.sortList(types);
+ addCategory(sortedFields, "val/def", page, symtab);
+ addCategory(sortedModules, "package/object", page, symtab);
+ addCategory(sortedTypes, "type/trait/class", page, symtab);
+ }
+ protected void addResultNumber(int number, Page page) {
+ page.printOTag("p");
+ page.printOTag("b");
+ page.print("" + number + " result(s).");
+ page.printCTag("b");
+ page.printCTag("p");
+ }
public static String SERVLET_NAME = "scaladocServlet";
public class ScaladocServlet extends Servlet {
@@ -1694,7 +1805,7 @@ public abstract class HTMLGenerator {
public void apply(Map req, Writer out) {
// create page
- String pagename = "query-page";
+ String pagename = "search-page";
URI uri = Location.makeURI(pagename + ".html");
String destinationFrame = SELF_FRAME;
String title = pagename;
@@ -1705,7 +1816,7 @@ public abstract class HTMLGenerator {;
page.printHeader(ATTRS_META, getGenerator());
- addNavigationBar(INDEX_NAV_CONTEXT, page);
+ addNavigationBar(CONTAINER_NAV_CONTEXT, page);
// create symbol printer
@@ -1716,32 +1827,48 @@ public abstract class HTMLGenerator {
String searchKind = (String) req.get("searchKind");
String searchString = (String) req.get("searchString");
+ // search summary
+ String searchKindSummary = null;
+ if (searchKind.equals("byName"))
+ searchKindSummary = "in defined names";
+ else if (searchKind.equals("byComment"))
+ searchKindSummary = "in comments";
+ else if (searchKind.equals("byType"))
+ searchKindSummary = "by type";
+ String searchSummary =
+ "Scaladoc searched for the string (" + searchString + ") " + searchKindSummary + ".";
+ page.printOTag("p");
+ page.printOTag("b");
+ page.print(searchSummary);
+ page.printCTag("b");
+ page.printCTag("p");
+ // Search by name.
if (searchKind.equals("byName")) {
String regexp = searchString;
final Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regexp);
- page.printlnOTag("dl").indent();
+ final List found = new LinkedList();
+ //collect
new ScalaSearch.SymFun() {
public void apply(Symbol sym) {
String name = sym.nameString();
Matcher m = p.matcher(name);
- if (m.find()) {
- page.printOTag("dt");
- addIndexEntry(sym, page, symtab);
- page.printlnCTag("dt");
- page.printlnTag("dd", firstSentence(getComment(sym)));
- }
+ if (m.find())
+ found.add(sym);
- page.undent().printlnCTag("dl");
+ addResultNumber(found.size(), page);
+ addFoundSymbols(found, page, symtab);
+ // Search by comment.
else if (searchKind.equals("byComment")) {
String regexp = searchString;
final Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regexp);
- page.printlnOTag("dl").indent();
+ final List found = new LinkedList();
new ScalaSearch.SymFun() {
public void apply(Symbol sym) {
@@ -1749,44 +1876,102 @@ public abstract class HTMLGenerator {
if (c != null) {
String comment = (String) c.fst;
Matcher m = p.matcher(comment);
- if (m.find()) {
- page.printOTag("dt");
- addIndexEntry(sym, page, symtab);
- page.printlnCTag("dt");
- page.printlnTag("dd", firstSentence(getComment(sym)));
- }
+ if (m.find())
+ found.add(sym);
- page.undent().printlnCTag("dl");
+ addResultNumber(found.size(), page);
+ addFoundSymbols(found, page, symtab);
+ // Search by type.
else if (searchKind.equals("byType")) {
- page.println("You are searching for symbols with type: ");
Type t = ScalaSearch.typeOfString(searchString, global);
- page.println(t.toString());
- page.printlnSTag("br");
- // page.println("ML traduction of this type: ");
TypeIsomorphism ml = newTypeIso(global);
+ List found = new LinkedList();
+ Map searchResults = new HashMap();
Iterator it = ml.searchType(t, isDocumented);
while (it.hasNext()) {
- Pair p = (Pair);
- Symbol sym = (Symbol) p.fst;
- Type type = (Type) p.snd;
- page.printOTag("dt");
- addIndexEntry(sym, page, symtab);
- page.printlnCTag("dt");
- page.printlnTag("dd", firstSentence(getComment(sym)));
+ SearchResult result = (SearchResult);
+ found.add(result.symbol);
+ searchResults.put(result.symbol, result);
+ }
+ if (t == Type.NoType) {
+ page.printOTag("p");
+ page.println("Scaladoc could not recognize your search string as a type, "
+ + "see the ");
+ page.printlnTag("a",
+ new XMLAttribute[] {
+ new XMLAttribute("href", HELP_PAGE + "#" + SEARCH_SECTION) },
+ "help page");
+ page.println(" to know which syntax to use.");
+ page.printCTag("p");
+ }
+ else {
+ page.printOTag("p");
+ page.print("You are searching for symbols with type: ");
+ page.print(t.toString());
+ page.printCTag("p");
+ addResultNumber(found.size(), page);
+ Symbol[] sortedSymbols = ScalaSearch.sortList(found);
+ for(int i = 0; i < sortedSymbols.length; i++) {
+ Symbol sym = sortedSymbols[i];
+ SearchResult result = (SearchResult) searchResults.get(sym);
+ Type adaptedType = result.getType;
+ page.printOTag("dt");
+ //page.printOTag("code");
+ symtab.printShortSignature(sym, true);
+ symtab.printSeqType(sym, adaptedType, symtab.getSymbolInnerString(sym));
+ page.printlnCTag("dt");
+ if (!sym.isRoot()) {
+ page.printOTag("dd");
+ page.print("in ");
+ printPath(sym.owner(), SELF_FRAME, page);
+ if (result.isInClass && (result.tparams.length > 0)) {
+ page.print("[");
+ for(int j = 0; j < result.tparams.length; j++) {
+ if (j != 0) page.print(",");
+ page.print(result.tparams[j].nameString());
+ }
+ page.print("]");
+ }
+ page.printCTag("dd");
+ }
+ String firstSent = firstSentence(getComment(sym));
+ if (!firstSent.equals(""))
+ page.printlnTag("dd", firstSent);
+ //page.printlnCTag("code");
+ }
- // page.println(ml.translateAndPrint(t));
// close page
- addNavigationBar(INDEX_NAV_CONTEXT, page);
+ addNavigationBar(CONTAINER_NAV_CONTEXT, page);
- page.close();
+ // page.close();
+ // already done by the HTTP server when closing connection
+public class SearchResult {
+ Symbol symbol;
+ Type getType;
+ boolean isInClass;
+ Symbol[] tparams;
+ public SearchResult(Symbol symbol,
+ Type getType,
+ boolean isInClass,
+ Symbol[] tparams) {
+ this.symbol = symbol;
+ this.getType = getType;
+ this.isInClass = isInClass;
+ this.tparams = tparams;
+ }
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scaladoc/ b/sources/scala/tools/scaladoc/
index ecd9905e02..69ba4af8d9 100644
--- a/sources/scala/tools/scaladoc/
+++ b/sources/scala/tools/scaladoc/
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ public class Location {
static public final String ROOT_NAME = "root-page";
static public final String HTML_SUFFIX = ".html";
- static public final String CLASS_SUFFIX = "-class";
+ //static public final String CLASS_SUFFIX = "-class";
+ static public final String CLASS_SUFFIX = "(class)";
/////////////////// UNIQUE URL //////////////////////
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scaladoc/MLType.scala b/sources/scala/tools/scaladoc/MLType.scala
index fa9f3053d1..8e757b378a 100755
--- a/sources/scala/tools/scaladoc/MLType.scala
+++ b/sources/scala/tools/scaladoc/MLType.scala
@@ -491,12 +491,39 @@ package {
- def searchIso(search: Type): Option[Type => Option[Type]] =
+ def stringOfArray(a: Array[Symbol]): String = {
+ val buf = new StringBuffer();
+ for(val i <- List.range(0, a.length)) buf.append(a(i).toString() + ", ");
+ buf.toString()
+ }
+ def foreach(a: Array[Symbol])(def f: Symbol => Symbol): Array[Symbol] = {
+ val b = new Array[Symbol](a.length);
+ for(val i <- List.range(0, a.length)) b(i) = f(a(i));
+ b
+ }
+ def subst(t: Type, ren: Map[Symbol, Symbol]): Type = {
+ val Pair(from, to) = List.unzip(ren.toList);
+ val from_array = arrayOfList(from);
+ val to_array = arrayOfList(to);
+ def subst_aux(t: Type): Type = t match {
+ case Type$PolyType(tparams, result) => {
+ val substTparams = foreach(tparams) { sym => ren(sym) };
+ new Type$PolyType(substTparams, subst_aux(result))
+ }
+ case _ => t.subst(from_array, to_array)
+ }
+ val substType = subst_aux(t);
+ substType
+ }
+ def searchIso(search: Type): Option[Type => Option[Map[Symbol, Symbol]]] =
translate(search) match {
case None => None
case Some(Pair(search_ml, ren_search)) => {
val iso_search = iso(search_ml);
- def comp(found: Type): Option[Type] = translate(found) match {
+ def comp(found: Type): Option[Map[Symbol, Symbol]] = translate(found) match {
case None => None
case Some(Pair(found_ml, ren_found)) =>
iso_search(found_ml) match {
@@ -504,12 +531,7 @@ package {
case Triple(Some(ren_unif), ren_a, ren_b) => {
val ren_ml = build_renaming(ren_unif, ren_a, ren_b);
val ren = scalaRenaming(ren_ml, ren_search, ren_found);
- val Pair(from, to) = List.unzip(ren.toList);
- //val from_array = from.copyToArray(new Array[Symbol](from.length), 0); // => verify error
- //val to_array = to.copyToArray(new Array[Symbol](to.length), 0);
- val from_array = arrayOfList(from);
- val to_array = arrayOfList(to);
- Some(found.subst(from_array, to_array))
+ Some(ren)
@@ -580,7 +602,15 @@ package {
else if (member.symbol.isTerm()) {
test(member.symbol.getType()) match {
case None => {}
- case Some(u) => found.add(new ch.epfl.lamp.util.Pair(member.symbol, u))
+ case Some(ren) => {
+ val adaptedType = subst(member.symbol.getType(), ren);
+ val result = new SearchResult(member.symbol,
+ adaptedType,
+ false,
+ null);
+ found.add(result)
+ }
if (member.symbol.isPackage() || member.symbol.isModule())
@@ -592,7 +622,15 @@ package {
val extended_type = addClassContext(m.symbol, member.symbol.getType());
test(extended_type) match {
case None => {}
- case Some(u) => found.add(new ch.epfl.lamp.util.Pair(member.symbol, u))
+ case Some(ren) => {
+ val adaptedType = subst(member.symbol.getType(), ren);
+ val adaptedTparams = foreach(m.symbol.typeParams()) { sym => ren(sym) };
+ val result = new SearchResult(member.symbol,
+ adaptedType,
+ true,
+ adaptedTparams);
+ found.add(result)
+ }
@@ -603,24 +641,6 @@ package {
- /*
- object stringML extends ML with Application {
- class StringTC(s: String) extends TypeConstructor[StringTC] {
- val name: String = s;
- def sameAs(that: StringTC): boolean = name.equals(;
- override def toString(): String = name;
- }
- type TC = StringTC;
- val list = new TC("List");
- val t = (at(list, x(11)) * (x(11) -> x(12))) -> at(list, x(12));
- val u = (x(13) -> x(14)) -> (at(list, x(13)) -> at(list, x(14)));
- printIso(t, u);
- }
- */
object node {
def listOfArray[a](r: Array[a]): List[a] =
@@ -645,3 +665,21 @@ package {
+ /*
+ object stringML extends ML with Application {
+ class StringTC(s: String) extends TypeConstructor[StringTC] {
+ val name: String = s;
+ def sameAs(that: StringTC): boolean = name.equals(;
+ override def toString(): String = name;
+ }
+ type TC = StringTC;
+ val list = new TC("List");
+ val t = (at(list, x(11)) * (x(11) -> x(12))) -> at(list, x(12));
+ val u = (x(13) -> x(14)) -> (at(list, x(13)) -> at(list, x(14)));
+ printIso(t, u);
+ }
+ */
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scaladoc/ b/sources/scala/tools/scaladoc/
index 603bc7135a..edfe328649 100644
--- a/sources/scala/tools/scaladoc/
+++ b/sources/scala/tools/scaladoc/
@@ -317,6 +317,25 @@ public class ScalaSearch {
+ public static void categorizeSymbols(List symbols, List fields, List modules, List types) {
+ Iterator i = symbols.iterator();
+ while (i.hasNext()) {
+ Symbol sym = (Symbol);
+ if (sym.isPackage() || sym.isModule())
+ modules.add(sym);
+ else if (sym.isTerm())
+ fields.add(sym);
+ else
+ types.add(sym);
+ }
+ }
+ public static Symbol[] sortList(List symbols) {
+ Symbol[] array = (Symbol[]) symbols.toArray(new Symbol[symbols.size()]);
+ Arrays.sort(array, symAlphaOrder);
+ return array;
+ }
/////////////////// IMPLEMENTING CLASSES OR OBJECTS //////////////////////
@@ -493,7 +512,6 @@ public class ScalaSearch {
// complains.
queryCounter = queryCounter + 1;
InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(unitString.getBytes());
- // new BufferedInputStream(new StringBufferInputStream(unitString));
SourceFile sourceFile = null;
try {
sourceFile = new SourceFile("tmp.scala", in);
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scaladoc/ b/sources/scala/tools/scaladoc/
index b5a1db9dab..3a78dae2a4 100644
--- a/sources/scala/tools/scaladoc/
+++ b/sources/scala/tools/scaladoc/
@@ -143,6 +143,21 @@ public abstract class SymbolTablePrinter extends scalac.symtab.SymbolTablePrinte
return this;
+ public SymbolTablePrinter printSeqType(Symbol symbol, Type t, String inner) {
+ Type type = t;
+ boolean star = false;
+ if ((symbol.flags & Modifiers.REPEATED) != 0 &&
+ type.symbol() == global.definitions.SEQ_CLASS &&
+ type.typeArgs().length == 1)
+ {
+ type = type.typeArgs()[0];
+ star = true;
+ }
+ printType(type, inner);
+ if (star) print("*");
+ return this;
+ }
* Writes the string representation of the signature of a definition.