diff options
34 files changed, 949 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/GenICode.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/GenICode.scala
index d9f56b47fa..06623b39cd 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/GenICode.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/GenICode.scala
@@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@ abstract class GenICode extends SubComponent {
if (!settings.optimise) {
if (l.tpe <:< BoxedNumberClass.tpe) {
if (r.tpe <:< BoxedNumberClass.tpe) platform.externalEqualsNumNum
- else if (r.tpe <:< BoxedCharacterClass.tpe) platform.externalEqualsNumChar
+ else if (r.tpe <:< BoxedCharacterClass.tpe) platform.externalEqualsNumObject // will be externalEqualsNumChar in 2.12, SI-9030
else platform.externalEqualsNumObject
} else platform.externalEquals
} else {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeBodyBuilder.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeBodyBuilder.scala
index daf36ce374..062daa4eac 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeBodyBuilder.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeBodyBuilder.scala
@@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@ abstract class BCodeBodyBuilder extends BCodeSkelBuilder {
val equalsMethod: Symbol = {
if (l.tpe <:< BoxedNumberClass.tpe) {
if (r.tpe <:< BoxedNumberClass.tpe) platform.externalEqualsNumNum
- else if (r.tpe <:< BoxedCharacterClass.tpe) platform.externalEqualsNumChar
+ else if (r.tpe <:< BoxedCharacterClass.tpe) platform.externalEqualsNumObject // will be externalEqualsNumChar in 2.12, SI-9030
else platform.externalEqualsNumObject
} else platform.externalEquals
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/LocalOpt.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/LocalOpt.scala
index 273112b93c..08f15438fe 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/LocalOpt.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/LocalOpt.scala
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class LocalOpt(settings: ScalaSettings) {
* @return `true` if unreachable code was elminated in some method, `false` otherwise.
def methodOptimizations(clazz: ClassNode): Boolean = {
- settings.Yopt.value.nonEmpty && clazz.methods.asScala.foldLeft(false) {
+ !settings.YoptNone && clazz.methods.asScala.foldLeft(false) {
case (changed, method) => methodOptimizations(method, || changed
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/ScalaSettings.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/ScalaSettings.scala
index 18e639b81c..fc02f6ff56 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/ScalaSettings.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/settings/ScalaSettings.scala
@@ -242,6 +242,7 @@ trait ScalaSettings extends AbsScalaSettings
descr = "Enable optimizations",
domain = YoptChoices)
+ def YoptNone = Yopt.isSetByUser && Yopt.value.isEmpty
def YoptUnreachableCode = !Yopt.isSetByUser || Yopt.contains(YoptChoices.unreachableCode)
def YoptSimplifyJumps = Yopt.contains(YoptChoices.simplifyJumps)
def YoptRecurseUnreachableJumps = Yopt.contains(YoptChoices.recurseUnreachableJumps)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Logic.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Logic.scala
index 75d2cfe0f2..9f24d5122a 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Logic.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Logic.scala
@@ -370,9 +370,11 @@ trait Logic extends Debugging {
val EmptyModel: Model
val NoModel: Model
+ final case class Solution(model: Model, unassigned: List[Sym])
def findModelFor(solvable: Solvable): Model
- def findAllModelsFor(solvable: Solvable): List[Model]
+ def findAllModelsFor(solvable: Solvable): List[Solution]
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchAnalysis.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchAnalysis.scala
index 8650f6ef90..d3a5507273 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchAnalysis.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchAnalysis.scala
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import scala.collection.immutable.{IndexedSeq, Iterable}
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Statistics
@@ -266,7 +268,7 @@ trait MatchApproximation extends TreeAndTypeAnalysis with ScalaLogic with MatchT
// the type of the binder passed to the first invocation
// determines the type of the tree that'll be returned for that binder as of then
final def binderToUniqueTree(b: Symbol) =
- unique(accumSubst(normalize(CODE.REF(b))), b.tpe)
+ unique(accumSubst(normalize(gen.mkAttributedStableRef(b))), b.tpe)
// note that the sequencing of operations is important: must visit in same order as match execution
// binderToUniqueTree uses the type of the first symbol that was encountered as the type for all future binders
@@ -514,8 +516,16 @@ trait MatchAnalysis extends MatchApproximation {
// find the models (under which the match fails)
val matchFailModels = findAllModelsFor(propToSolvable(matchFails))
val scrutVar = Var(prevBinderTree)
- val counterExamples = matchFailModels.flatMap(modelToCounterExample(scrutVar))
+ val counterExamples = {
+ matchFailModels.flatMap {
+ model =>
+ val varAssignments = expandModel(model)
+ varAssignments.flatMap(modelToCounterExample(scrutVar) _)
+ }
+ }
// sorting before pruning is important here in order to
// keep neg/t7020.scala stable
// since e.g. List(_, _) would cover List(1, _)
@@ -587,6 +597,8 @@ trait MatchAnalysis extends MatchApproximation {
case object WildcardExample extends CounterExample { override def toString = "_" }
case object NoExample extends CounterExample { override def toString = "??" }
+ // returns a mapping from variable to
+ // equal and notEqual symbols
def modelToVarAssignment(model: Model): Map[Var, (Seq[Const], Seq[Const])] =
model.toSeq.groupBy{f => f match {case (sym, value) => sym.variable} }.mapValues{ xs =>
val (trues, falses) = xs.partition(_._2)
@@ -600,20 +612,110 @@ trait MatchAnalysis extends MatchApproximation {
v +"(="+ v.path +": "+ v.staticTpCheckable +") "+ assignment
- // return constructor call when the model is a true counter example
- // (the variables don't take into account type information derived from other variables,
- // so, naively, you might try to construct a counter example like _ :: Nil(_ :: _, _ :: _),
- // since we didn't realize the tail of the outer cons was a Nil)
- def modelToCounterExample(scrutVar: Var)(model: Model): Option[CounterExample] = {
+ /**
+ * The models we get from the DPLL solver need to be mapped back to counter examples.
+ * However there's no precalculated mapping model -> counter example. Even worse,
+ * not every valid model corresponds to a valid counter example.
+ * The reason is that restricting the valid models further would for example require
+ * a quadratic number of additional clauses. So to keep the optimistic case fast
+ * (i.e., all cases are covered in a pattern match), the infeasible counter examples
+ * are filtered later.
+ *
+ * The DPLL procedure keeps the literals that do not contribute to the solution
+ * unassigned, e.g., for `(a \/ b)`
+ * only {a = true} or {b = true} is required and the other variable can have any value.
+ *
+ * This function does a smart expansion of the model and avoids models that
+ * have conflicting mappings.
+ *
+ * For example for in case of the given set of symbols (taken from `t7020.scala`):
+ * "V2=2#16"
+ * "V2=6#19"
+ * "V2=5#18"
+ * "V2=4#17"
+ * "V2=7#20"
+ *
+ * One possibility would be to group the symbols by domain but
+ * this would only work for equality tests and would not be compatible
+ * with type tests.
+ * Another observation leads to a much simpler algorithm:
+ * Only one of these symbols can be set to true,
+ * since `V2` can at most be equal to one of {2,6,5,4,7}.
+ */
+ def expandModel(solution: Solution): List[Map[Var, (Seq[Const], Seq[Const])]] = {
+ val model = solution.model
// x1 = ...
// x1.hd = ...
// = ...
// x1.hd.hd = ...
// ...
val varAssignment = modelToVarAssignment(model)
+ debug.patmat("var assignment for model " + model + ":\n" + varAssignmentString(varAssignment))
+ // group symbols that assign values to the same variables (i.e., symbols are mutually exclusive)
+ // (thus the groups are sets of disjoint assignments to variables)
+ val groupedByVar: Map[Var, List[Sym]] = solution.unassigned.groupBy(_.variable)
+ val expanded = for {
+ (variable, syms) <- groupedByVar.toList
+ } yield {
+ val (equal, notEqual) = varAssignment.getOrElse(variable, Nil -> Nil)
+ def addVarAssignment(equalTo: List[Const], notEqualTo: List[Const]) = {
+ Map(variable ->(equal ++ equalTo, notEqual ++ notEqualTo))
+ }
+ // this assignment is needed in case that
+ // there exists already an assign
+ val allNotEqual = addVarAssignment(Nil,
- debug.patmat("var assignment for model "+ model +":\n"+ varAssignmentString(varAssignment))
+ // this assignment is conflicting on purpose:
+ // a list counter example could contain wildcards: e.g. `List(_,_)`
+ val allEqual = addVarAssignment(, Nil)
+ if(equal.isEmpty) {
+ val oneHot = for {
+ s <- syms
+ } yield {
+ addVarAssignment(List(s.const), syms.filterNot(_ == s).map(_.const))
+ }
+ allEqual :: allNotEqual :: oneHot
+ } else {
+ allEqual :: allNotEqual :: Nil
+ }
+ }
+ if (expanded.isEmpty) {
+ List(varAssignment)
+ } else {
+ // we need the cartesian product here,
+ // since we want to report all missing cases
+ // (i.e., combinations)
+ val cartesianProd = expanded.reduceLeft((xs, ys) =>
+ for {map1 <- xs
+ map2 <- ys} yield {
+ map1 ++ map2
+ })
+ // add expanded variables
+ // note that we can just use `++`
+ // since the Maps have disjoint keySets
+ for {
+ m <- cartesianProd
+ } yield {
+ varAssignment ++ m
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // return constructor call when the model is a true counter example
+ // (the variables don't take into account type information derived from other variables,
+ // so, naively, you might try to construct a counter example like _ :: Nil(_ :: _, _ :: _),
+ // since we didn't realize the tail of the outer cons was a Nil)
+ def modelToCounterExample(scrutVar: Var)(varAssignment: Map[Var, (Seq[Const], Seq[Const])]): Option[CounterExample] = {
// chop a path into a list of symbols
def chop(path: Tree): List[Symbol] = path match {
case Ident(_) => List(path.symbol)
@@ -742,7 +844,7 @@ trait MatchAnalysis extends MatchApproximation {
// then we can safely ignore these counter examples since we will eventually encounter
// both counter examples separately
case _ if inSameDomain => None
// not a valid counter-example, possibly since we have a definite type but there was a field mismatch
// TODO: improve reasoning -- in the mean time, a false negative is better than an annoying false positive
case _ => Some(NoExample)
@@ -761,12 +863,12 @@ trait MatchAnalysis extends MatchApproximation {
def analyzeCases(prevBinder: Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type, suppression: Suppression): Unit = {
- if (!suppression.unreachable) {
+ if (!suppression.suppressUnreachable) {
unreachableCase(prevBinder, cases, pt) foreach { caseIndex =>
- if (!suppression.exhaustive) {
+ if (!suppression.suppressExhaustive) {
val counterExamples = exhaustive(prevBinder, cases, pt)
if (counterExamples.nonEmpty)
reportMissingCases(prevBinder.pos, counterExamples)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala
index 22661d6ccf..0678ec52e7 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ trait MatchTranslation {
case _ => (cases, None)
- checkMatchVariablePatterns(nonSyntheticCases)
+ if (!settings.XnoPatmatAnalysis) checkMatchVariablePatterns(nonSyntheticCases)
// we don't transform after uncurry
// (that would require more sophistication when generating trees,
@@ -248,7 +248,10 @@ trait MatchTranslation {
if (caseDefs forall treeInfo.isCatchCase) caseDefs
else {
val swatches = { // switch-catches
- val bindersAndCases = caseDefs map { caseDef =>
+ // SI-7459 must duplicate here as we haven't commited to switch emission, and just figuring out
+ // if we can ends up mutating `caseDefs` down in the use of `substituteSymbols` in
+ // `TypedSubstitution#Substitution`. That is called indirectly by `emitTypeSwitch`.
+ val bindersAndCases = map { caseDef =>
// generate a fresh symbol for each case, hoping we'll end up emitting a type-switch (we don't have a global scrut there)
// if we fail to emit a fine-grained switch, have to do translateCase again with a single scrutSym (TODO: uniformize substitution on treemakers so we can avoid this)
val caseScrutSym = freshSym(pos, pureType(ThrowableTpe))
@@ -518,7 +521,7 @@ trait MatchTranslation {
// reference the (i-1)th case accessor if it exists, otherwise the (i-1)th tuple component
override protected def tupleSel(binder: Symbol)(i: Int): Tree = {
val accessors = binder.caseFieldAccessors
- if (accessors isDefinedAt (i-1)) REF(binder) DOT accessors(i-1)
+ if (accessors isDefinedAt (i-1)) gen.mkAttributedStableRef(binder) DOT accessors(i-1)
else codegen.tupleSel(binder)(i) // this won't type check for case classes, as they do not inherit ProductN
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTreeMaking.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTreeMaking.scala
index 3fd9ce76f8..971a019e4e 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTreeMaking.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTreeMaking.scala
@@ -21,9 +21,10 @@ trait MatchTreeMaking extends MatchCodeGen with Debugging {
import global._
import definitions._
- final case class Suppression(exhaustive: Boolean, unreachable: Boolean)
+ final case class Suppression(suppressExhaustive: Boolean, suppressUnreachable: Boolean)
object Suppression {
val NoSuppression = Suppression(false, false)
+ val FullSuppression = Suppression(true, true)
@@ -166,8 +167,17 @@ trait MatchTreeMaking extends MatchCodeGen with Debugging {
val usedBinders = new mutable.HashSet[Symbol]()
// all potentially stored subpat binders
val potentiallyStoredBinders = stored.unzip._1.toSet
+ def ref(sym: Symbol) =
+ if (potentiallyStoredBinders(sym)) usedBinders += sym
// compute intersection of all symbols in the tree `in` and all potentially stored subpat binders
- in.foreach(t => if (potentiallyStoredBinders(t.symbol)) usedBinders += t.symbol)
+ in.foreach {
+ case tt: TypeTree =>
+ tt.tpe foreach { // SI-7459 e.g. case Prod(t) => new t.u.Foo
+ case SingleType(_, sym) => ref(sym)
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ case t => ref(t.symbol)
+ }
if (usedBinders.isEmpty) in
else {
@@ -542,7 +552,7 @@ trait MatchTreeMaking extends MatchCodeGen with Debugging {
debug.patmat("combining cases: "+ (" >> ")).mkString("{", "\n", "}")))
val (suppression, requireSwitch): (Suppression, Boolean) =
- if (settings.XnoPatmatAnalysis) (Suppression.NoSuppression, false)
+ if (settings.XnoPatmatAnalysis) (Suppression.FullSuppression, false)
else scrut match {
case Typed(tree, tpt) =>
val suppressExhaustive = tpt.tpe hasAnnotation UncheckedClass
@@ -574,7 +584,7 @@ trait MatchTreeMaking extends MatchCodeGen with Debugging {
(Suppression.NoSuppression, false)
- emitSwitch(scrut, scrutSym, casesNoSubstOnly, pt, matchFailGenOverride, suppression.exhaustive).getOrElse{
+ emitSwitch(scrut, scrutSym, casesNoSubstOnly, pt, matchFailGenOverride, unchecked = suppression.suppressExhaustive).getOrElse{
if (requireSwitch) reporter.warning(scrut.pos, "could not emit switch for @switch annotated match")
if (casesNoSubstOnly nonEmpty) {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala
index ef50e083a1..d35aad964d 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/PatternMatching.scala
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Statistics
-import scala.reflect.internal.Types
+import scala.reflect.internal.{Mode, Types}
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Position
/** Translate pattern matching.
@@ -198,33 +198,57 @@ trait Interface extends ast.TreeDSL {
class Substitution(val from: List[Symbol], val to: List[Tree]) {
- import global.{Transformer, Ident, NoType}
+ import global.{Transformer, Ident, NoType, TypeTree, SingleType}
// We must explicitly type the trees that we replace inside some other tree, since the latter may already have been typed,
// and will thus not be retyped. This means we might end up with untyped subtrees inside bigger, typed trees.
def apply(tree: Tree): Tree = {
// according to -Ystatistics 10% of translateMatch's time is spent in this method...
// since about half of the typedSubst's end up being no-ops, the check below shaves off 5% of the time spent in typedSubst
- if (!tree.exists { case i@Ident(_) => from contains i.symbol case _ => false}) tree
- else (new Transformer {
+ val toIdents = to.forall(_.isInstanceOf[Ident])
+ val containsSym = tree.exists {
+ case i@Ident(_) => from contains i.symbol
+ case tt: TypeTree => tt.tpe.exists {
+ case SingleType(_, sym) =>
+ (from contains sym) && {
+ if (!toIdents) global.devWarning(s"Unexpected substitution of non-Ident into TypeTree `$tt`, subst= $this")
+ true
+ }
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ val toSyms =
+ object substIdentsForTrees extends Transformer {
private def typedIfOrigTyped(to: Tree, origTp: Type): Tree =
if (origTp == null || origTp == NoType) to
// important: only type when actually substing and when original tree was typed
// (don't need to use origTp as the expected type, though, and can't always do this anyway due to unknown type params stemming from polymorphic extractors)
else typer.typed(to)
+ def typedStable(t: Tree) = typer.typed(t.shallowDuplicate, Mode.MonoQualifierModes | Mode.TYPEPATmode)
+ lazy val toTypes: List[Type] = to map (tree => typedStable(tree).tpe)
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = {
def subst(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Tree]): Tree =
if (from.isEmpty) tree
- else if (tree.symbol == from.head) typedIfOrigTyped(to.head.shallowDuplicate.setPos(tree.pos), tree.tpe)
+ else if (tree.symbol == from.head) typedIfOrigTyped(typedStable(to.head).setPos(tree.pos), tree.tpe)
else subst(from.tail, to.tail)
- tree match {
+ val tree1 = tree match {
case Ident(_) => subst(from, to)
case _ => super.transform(tree)
+ tree1.modifyType(_.substituteTypes(from, toTypes))
- }).transform(tree)
+ }
+ if (containsSym) {
+ if (to.forall(_.isInstanceOf[Ident]))
+ tree.duplicate.substituteSymbols(from, // SI-7459 catches `case t => new t.Foo`
+ else
+ substIdentsForTrees.transform(tree)
+ }
+ else tree
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Solving.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Solving.scala
index 1ba13c0617..27217f0dc2 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Solving.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Solving.scala
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ trait Solving extends Logic {
val NoTseitinModel: TseitinModel = null
// returns all solutions, if any (TODO: better infinite recursion backstop -- detect fixpoint??)
- def findAllModelsFor(solvable: Solvable): List[Model] = {
+ def findAllModelsFor(solvable: Solvable): List[Solution] = {
debug.patmat("find all models for\n"+ cnfString(solvable.cnf))
// we must take all vars from non simplified formula
@@ -305,54 +305,12 @@ trait Solving extends Logic { => -lit)
- /**
- * The DPLL procedure only returns a minimal mapping from literal to value
- * such that the CNF formula is satisfied.
- * E.g. for:
- * `(a \/ b)`
- * The DPLL procedure will find either {a = true} or {b = true}
- * as solution.
- *
- * The expansion step will amend both solutions with the unassigned variable
- * i.e., {a = true} will be expanded to {a = true, b = true} and {a = true, b = false}.
- */
- def expandUnassigned(unassigned: List[Int], model: TseitinModel): List[TseitinModel] = {
- // the number of solutions is doubled for every unassigned variable
- val expandedModels = 1 << unassigned.size
- var current = mutable.ArrayBuffer[TseitinModel]()
- var next = mutable.ArrayBuffer[TseitinModel]()
- current.sizeHint(expandedModels)
- next.sizeHint(expandedModels)
- current += model
- // we use double buffering:
- // read from `current` and create a two models for each model in `next`
- for {
- s <- unassigned
- } {
- for {
- model <- current
- } {
- def force(l: Lit) = model + l
- next += force(Lit(s))
- next += force(Lit(-s))
- }
- val tmp = current
- current = next
- next = tmp
- next.clear()
- }
- current.toList
+ final case class TseitinSolution(model: TseitinModel, unassigned: List[Int]) {
+ def projectToSolution(symForVar: Map[Int, Sym]) = Solution(projectToModel(model, symForVar), unassigned map symForVar)
def findAllModels(clauses: Array[Clause],
- models: List[TseitinModel],
- recursionDepthAllowed: Int = global.settings.YpatmatExhaustdepth.value): List[TseitinModel]=
+ models: List[TseitinSolution],
+ recursionDepthAllowed: Int = global.settings.YpatmatExhaustdepth.value): List[TseitinSolution]=
if (recursionDepthAllowed == 0) {
val maxDPLLdepth = global.settings.YpatmatExhaustdepth.value
reportWarning("(Exhaustivity analysis reached max recursion depth, not all missing cases are reported. " +
@@ -368,17 +326,15 @@ trait Solving extends Logic {
val unassigned: List[Int] = (relevantVars -- => lit.variable)).toList
debug.patmat("unassigned "+ unassigned +" in "+ model)
- val forced = expandUnassigned(unassigned, model)
- debug.patmat("forced "+ forced)
+ val solution = TseitinSolution(model, unassigned)
val negated = negateModel(model)
- findAllModels(clauses :+ negated, forced ++ models, recursionDepthAllowed - 1)
+ findAllModels(clauses :+ negated, solution :: models, recursionDepthAllowed - 1)
else models
- val tseitinModels: List[TseitinModel] = findAllModels(solvable.cnf, Nil)
- val models: List[Model] =, solvable.symbolMapping.symForVar))
- models
+ val tseitinSolutions = findAllModels(solvable.cnf, Nil)
private def withLit(res: TseitinModel, l: Lit): TseitinModel = {
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
index aaa75b5ee1..6671183ff0 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
@@ -3776,8 +3776,12 @@ trait Typers extends Adaptations with Tags with TypersTracking with PatternTyper
case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
if (sym.isAliasType && containsLocal(tp) && (tp.dealias ne tp)) apply(tp.dealias)
else {
- if (pre.isVolatile)
- InferTypeWithVolatileTypeSelectionError(tree, pre)
+ if (pre.isVolatile) pre match {
+ case SingleType(_, sym) if sym.isSynthetic && isPastTyper =>
+ debuglog(s"ignoring volatility of prefix in pattern matcher generated inferred type: $tp") // See pos/t7459c.scala
+ case _ =>
+ InferTypeWithVolatileTypeSelectionError(tree, pre)
+ }
case _ =>
diff --git a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/ArrayBuffer.scala b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/ArrayBuffer.scala
index 8f77114746..011fd415ee 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/ArrayBuffer.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/ArrayBuffer.scala
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ class ArrayBuffer[A](override protected val initialSize: Int)
override def ++=:(xs: TraversableOnce[A]): this.type = { insertAll(0, xs.toTraversable); this }
/** Inserts new elements at the index `n`. Opposed to method
- * `update`, this method will not replace an element with a
+ * `update`, this method will not replace an element with a new
* one. Instead, it will insert a new element at index `n`.
* @param n the index where a new element will be inserted.
@@ -137,12 +137,13 @@ class ArrayBuffer[A](override protected val initialSize: Int)
def insertAll(n: Int, seq: Traversable[A]) {
if (n < 0 || n > size0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(n.toString)
- val xs = seq.toList
- val len = xs.length
- ensureSize(size0 + len)
+ val len = seq.size
+ val newSize = size0 + len
+ ensureSize(newSize)
copy(n, n + len, size0 - n)
- xs.copyToArray(array.asInstanceOf[scala.Array[Any]], n)
- size0 += len
+ seq.copyToArray(array.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]], n)
+ size0 = newSize
/** Removes the element on a given index position. It takes time linear in
diff --git a/src/library/scala/io/Source.scala b/src/library/scala/io/Source.scala
index 74c3e06839..9f0b56b4fe 100644
--- a/src/library/scala/io/Source.scala
+++ b/src/library/scala/io/Source.scala
@@ -169,9 +169,20 @@ object Source {
createBufferedSource(is, reset = () => fromInputStream(is)(codec), close = () => is.close())(codec)
-/** The class `Source` implements an iterable representation of source data.
- * Calling method `reset` returns an identical, resetted source, where
- * possible.
+/** An iterable representation of source data.
+ * It may be reset with the optional `reset` method.
+ *
+ * Subclasses must supply [[ the underlying iterator]].
+ *
+ * Error handling may be customized by overriding the [[ report]] method.
+ *
+ * The [[ current input]] and [[ position]],
+ * as well as the [[ next character]] methods delegate to
+ * [[$Positioner the positioner]].
+ *
+ * The default positioner encodes line and column numbers in the position passed to `report`.
+ * This behavior can be changed by supplying a
+ * [[ custom positioner]].
* @author Burak Emir
* @version 1.0
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/ByteCodecs.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/ByteCodecs.scala
index 8615e34fad..241638e88e 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/ByteCodecs.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/pickling/ByteCodecs.scala
@@ -196,10 +196,10 @@ object ByteCodecs {
* Sometimes returns (length+1) of the decoded array. Example:
- * scala> val enc = scala.reflect.generic.ByteCodecs.encode(Array(1,2,3))
+ * scala> val enc = scala.reflect.internal.pickling.ByteCodecs.encode(Array(1,2,3))
* enc: Array[Byte] = Array(2, 5, 13, 1)
- * scala> scala.reflect.generic.ByteCodecs.decode(enc)
+ * scala> scala.reflect.internal.pickling.ByteCodecs.decode(enc)
* res43: Int = 4
* scala> enc
diff --git a/test/files/pos/patmat-suppress.flags b/test/files/pos/patmat-suppress.flags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a988a5b807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/patmat-suppress.flags
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+-Xfatal-warnings -Xno-patmat-analysis \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/files/pos/patmat-suppress.scala b/test/files/pos/patmat-suppress.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c8aded690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/patmat-suppress.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// test that none of these warn due to -Xno-patmat-analysis
+// tests taken from test/files/neg/patmatexhaust.scala, test/files/neg/pat_unreachable.scala
+class TestSealedExhaustive { // compile only
+ sealed abstract class Foo
+ case class Bar(x:Int) extends Foo
+ case object Baz extends Foo
+ def ma1(x:Foo) = x match {
+ case Bar(_) => // not exhaustive
+ }
+ def ma2(x:Foo) = x match {
+ case Baz => // not exhaustive
+ }
+ sealed abstract class Mult
+ case class Kult(s:Mult) extends Mult
+ case class Qult() extends Mult
+ def ma33(x:Kult) = x match { // exhaustive
+ case Kult(_) => // exhaustive
+ }
+ def ma3(x:Mult) = (x,x) match { // not exhaustive
+ case (Kult(_), Qult()) => // Kult missing
+ //case (Kult(_), Kult(_)) =>
+ case (Qult(), Kult(_)) => // Qult missing
+ //case (Qult(), Qult()) =>
+ }
+ def ma3u(x:Mult) = ((x,x) : @unchecked) match { // not exhaustive, but not checked!
+ case (Kult(_), Qult()) =>
+ case (Qult(), Kult(_)) =>
+ }
+ sealed abstract class Deep
+ case object Ga extends Deep
+ sealed class Gp extends Deep
+ case object Gu extends Gp
+ def zma3(x:Deep) = x match { // exhaustive!
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ def zma4(x:Deep) = x match { // exhaustive!
+ case Ga =>
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ def ma4(x:Deep) = x match { // missing cases: Gu, Gp which is not abstract so must be included
+ case Ga =>
+ }
+ def ma5(x:Deep) = x match {
+ case Gu =>
+ case _ if 1 == 0 =>
+ case Ga =>
+ }
+ def ma6() = List(1,2) match { // give up
+ case List(1,2) =>
+ case x :: xs =>
+ }
+ def ma7() = List(1,2) match { //exhaustive
+ case 1::2::Nil =>
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ sealed class B
+ case class B1() extends B
+ case object B2 extends B
+ def ma8(x: B) = x match {
+ case _: B => true
+ }
+ def ma9(x: B) = x match {
+ case B1() => true // missing B, which is not abstract so must be included
+ case B2 => true
+ }
+ object ob1 {
+ sealed abstract class C
+ sealed abstract class C1 extends C
+ object C2 extends C
+ case class C3() extends C
+ case object C4 extends C
+ def ma10(x: C) = x match { // exhaustive: abstract sealed C1 is dead end.
+ case C3() => true
+ case C2 | C4 => true
+ }
+ }
+ object ob2 {
+ sealed abstract class C
+ abstract class C1 extends C
+ object C2 extends C
+ case class C3() extends C
+ case object C4 extends C
+ def ma10(x: C) = x match { // not exhaustive: C1 is not sealed.
+ case C3() => true
+ case C2 | C4 => true
+ }
+ }
+ object ob3 {
+ sealed abstract class C
+ sealed abstract class C1 extends C
+ object D1 extends C1
+ case class D2() extends C1
+ object C2 extends C
+ case class C3() extends C
+ case object C4 extends C
+ def ma10(x: C) = x match { // not exhaustive: C1 has subclasses.
+ case C3() => true
+ case C2 | C4 => true
+ }
+ }
+ object ob4 {
+ sealed abstract class C
+ sealed class C1 extends C
+ object C2 extends C
+ case class C3() extends C
+ case object C4 extends C
+ def ma10(x: C) = x match { // not exhaustive: C1 is not abstract.
+ case C3() => true
+ case C2 | C4 => true
+ }
+ }
+object TestUnreachable extends App {
+ def unreachable1(xs:Seq[Char]) = xs match {
+ case Seq(x, y, _*) => x::y::Nil
+ case Seq(x, y, z, w) => List(z,w) // redundant!
+ }
+ def unreachable2(xs:Seq[Char]) = xs match {
+ case Seq(x, y, _*) => x::y::Nil
+ case Seq(x, y) => List(x, y)
+ }
+ def not_unreachable(xs:Seq[Char]) = xs match {
+ case Seq(x, y, _*) => x::y::Nil
+ case Seq(x) => List(x)
+ }
+ def not_unreachable2(xs:Seq[Char]) = xs match {
+ case Seq(x, y) => x::y::Nil
+ case Seq(x, y, z, _*) => List(x,y)
+ }
+ def contrivedExample[A, B, C](a: A, b: B, c: C): Unit = a match {
+ case b => println("matched b")
+ case c => println("matched c")
+ case _ => println("matched neither")
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/pos/t7459a.scala b/test/files/pos/t7459a.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5107715e06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/t7459a.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+trait SpecialException extends Throwable
+object Test {
+ def run() {
+ try {
+ ???
+ } catch {
+ case e: SpecialException => e.isInstanceOf[SpecialException]
+ case e =>
+ }
+ // OKAY
+ // (null: Throwable) match {
+ // case e: SpecialException => e.isInstanceOf[SpecialException]
+ // case e =>
+ // }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/files/pos/t7459b.scala b/test/files/pos/t7459b.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4b4fd07a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/t7459b.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import scala.concurrent._
+import scala.util._
+class Test {
+ (null: Any) match {
+ case s @ Some(_) => ???
+ case f @ _ =>
+ () => f
+ ???
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/files/pos/t7459c.scala b/test/files/pos/t7459c.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc2605abe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/t7459c.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+object Test {
+ trait Universe {
+ type Type
+ type TypeTag[A] >: Null <: TypeTagApi[A]
+ trait TypeTagApi[A] { def tpe: Type }
+ }
+ trait JavaUniverse extends Universe
+ trait Mirror[U <: Universe] {
+ def universe: U
+ }
+ (null: Mirror[_]).universe match {
+ case ju: JavaUniverse =>
+ val ju1 = ju
+ val f = {() => (null: ju.TypeTag[Nothing]).tpe }
+ }
+ trait M[A]
diff --git a/test/files/pos/t7459d.scala b/test/files/pos/t7459d.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7843156885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/t7459d.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+class Test {
+ (null: Any) match {
+ case s @ Some(_) => ???
+ case f @ _ =>
+ () => f
+ ???
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/pos/t7704.scala b/test/files/pos/t7704.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cae88d3324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/t7704.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+class Attr { type V ; class Val }
+class StrAttr extends Attr { type V = String }
+class BoolAttr extends Attr { type V = Boolean }
+object Main {
+ def f(x: Attr) = x match {
+ case v: StrAttr => new v.Val
+ case v: BoolAttr => new v.Val
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/pos/t8999.flags b/test/files/pos/t8999.flags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f96f1f872
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/t8999.flags
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+-nowarn \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/files/pos/t8999.scala b/test/files/pos/t8999.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99c4b2ad84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/pos/t8999.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+object Types {
+ abstract sealed class Type
+ case object AnyType extends Type
+ case object NothingType extends Type
+ case object UndefType extends Type
+ case object BooleanType extends Type
+ case object IntType extends Type
+ case object LongType extends Type
+ case object FloatType extends Type
+ case object DoubleType extends Type
+ case object StringType extends Type
+ case object NullType extends Type
+ sealed abstract class ReferenceType extends Type
+ final case class ClassType(className: String) extends ReferenceType
+ final case class ArrayType(baseClassName: String, dimensions: Int) extends ReferenceType
+ final case class RecordType(fields: List[RecordType.Field]) extends Type
+ object RecordType {
+ final case class Field(name: String, originalName: Option[String],
+ tpe: Type, mutable: Boolean)
+ }
+ case object NoType extends Type
+sealed abstract class ClassKind
+object ClassKind {
+ case object Class extends ClassKind
+ case object ModuleClass extends ClassKind
+ case object Interface extends ClassKind
+ case object RawJSType extends ClassKind
+ case object HijackedClass extends ClassKind
+ case object TraitImpl extends ClassKind
+object Trees {
+ import Types._
+ abstract sealed class Tree
+ case object EmptyTree extends Tree
+ sealed trait PropertyName
+ case class Ident(name: String, originalName: Option[String]) extends PropertyName
+ object Ident {
+ def apply(name: String): Ident =
+ new Ident(name, Some(name))
+ }
+ case class VarDef(name: Ident, vtpe: Type, mutable: Boolean, rhs: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class ParamDef(name: Ident, ptpe: Type, mutable: Boolean) extends Tree
+ case class Skip() extends Tree
+ class Block private(val stats: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ object Block {
+ def unapply(block: Block): Some[List[Tree]] = Some(block.stats)
+ }
+ case class Labeled(label: Ident, tpe: Type, body: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class Assign(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class Return(expr: Tree, label: Option[Ident] = None) extends Tree
+ case class If(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class While(cond: Tree, body: Tree, label: Option[Ident] = None) extends Tree
+ case class DoWhile(body: Tree, cond: Tree, label: Option[Ident] = None) extends Tree
+ case class Try(block: Tree, errVar: Ident, handler: Tree, finalizer: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class Throw(expr: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class Continue(label: Option[Ident] = None) extends Tree
+ case class Match(selector: Tree, cases: List[(List[Literal], Tree)], default: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class Debugger() extends Tree
+ case class New(cls: ClassType, ctor: Ident, args: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class LoadModule(cls: ClassType) extends Tree
+ case class StoreModule(cls: ClassType, value: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class Select(qualifier: Tree, item: Ident, mutable: Boolean) extends Tree
+ case class Apply(receiver: Tree, method: Ident, args: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class StaticApply(receiver: Tree, cls: ClassType, method: Ident, args: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class TraitImplApply(impl: ClassType, method: Ident, args: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class UnaryOp(op: Int, lhs: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class BinaryOp(op: Int, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class NewArray(tpe: ArrayType, lengths: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class ArrayValue(tpe: ArrayType, elems: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class ArrayLength(array: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class ArraySelect(array: Tree, index: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class RecordValue(tpe: RecordType, elems: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class IsInstanceOf(expr: Tree, cls: ReferenceType) extends Tree
+ case class AsInstanceOf(expr: Tree, cls: ReferenceType) extends Tree
+ case class Unbox(expr: Tree, charCode: Char) extends Tree
+ case class GetClass(expr: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class CallHelper(helper: String, args: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class JSNew(ctor: Tree, args: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class JSDotSelect(qualifier: Tree, item: Ident) extends Tree
+ case class JSBracketSelect(qualifier: Tree, item: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class JSFunctionApply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class JSDotMethodApply(receiver: Tree, method: Ident, args: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class JSBracketMethodApply(receiver: Tree, method: Tree, args: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class JSDelete(prop: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class JSUnaryOp(op: String, lhs: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class JSBinaryOp(op: String, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class JSArrayConstr(items: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class JSObjectConstr(fields: List[(PropertyName, Tree)]) extends Tree
+ case class JSEnvInfo() extends Tree
+ sealed trait Literal extends Tree
+ case class Undefined() extends Literal
+ case class UndefinedParam() extends Literal
+ case class Null() extends Literal
+ case class BooleanLiteral(value: Boolean) extends Literal
+ case class IntLiteral(value: Int) extends Literal
+ case class LongLiteral(value: Long) extends Literal
+ case class FloatLiteral(value: Float) extends Literal
+ case class DoubleLiteral(value: Double) extends Literal
+ case class StringLiteral(value: String) extends Literal with PropertyName
+ case class ClassOf(cls: ReferenceType) extends Literal
+ case class VarRef(ident: Ident, mutable: Boolean) extends Tree
+ case class This() extends Tree
+ case class Closure(captureParams: List[ParamDef], params: List[ParamDef],
+ body: Tree, captureValues: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class ClassDef(name: Ident, kind: ClassKind, parent: Option[Ident], ancestors: List[Ident], defs: List[Tree]) extends Tree
+ case class MethodDef(name: PropertyName, args: List[ParamDef], resultType: Type, body: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class PropertyDef(name: PropertyName, getterBody: Tree, setterArg: ParamDef, setterBody: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class ConstructorExportDef(name: String, args: List[ParamDef], body: Tree) extends Tree
+ case class ModuleExportDef(fullName: String) extends Tree
+ final class TreeHash(val treeHash: Array[Byte], val posHash: Array[Byte])
+object Main {
+ import Trees._
+ import Types._
+ private def transform(tree: Tree) = {
+ val ObjectClass = "O"
+ tree match {
+ case VarDef(_, _, _, rhs) =>
+ case tree: Block =>
+ case Labeled(ident@Ident(label, _), tpe, body) =>
+ case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
+ case Return(expr, optLabel) =>
+ case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
+ case While(cond, body, optLabel) =>
+ case DoWhile(body, cond, None) =>
+ case Try(block, errVar, EmptyTree, finalizer) =>
+ case Try(block, errVar@Ident(name, originalName), handler, finalizer) =>
+ case Throw(expr) =>
+ case Continue(optLabel) =>
+ case Match(selector, cases, default) =>
+ case New(cls, ctor, args) =>
+ case StoreModule(cls, value) =>
+ case tree: Select =>
+ case tree: Apply =>
+ case tree: StaticApply =>
+ case tree: TraitImplApply =>
+ case tree@UnaryOp(_, arg) =>
+ case tree@BinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) =>
+ case NewArray(tpe, lengths) =>
+ case ArrayValue(tpe, elems) =>
+ case ArrayLength(array) =>
+ case ArraySelect(array, index) =>
+ case RecordValue(tpe, elems) =>
+ case IsInstanceOf(expr, ClassType(ObjectClass)) =>
+ case IsInstanceOf(expr, tpe) =>
+ case AsInstanceOf(expr, ClassType(ObjectClass)) =>
+ case AsInstanceOf(expr, cls) =>
+ case Unbox(arg, charCode) =>
+ case GetClass(expr) =>
+ case JSNew(ctor, args) =>
+ case JSDotSelect(qualifier, item) =>
+ case JSBracketSelect(qualifier, item) =>
+ case tree: JSFunctionApply =>
+ case JSDotMethodApply(receiver, method, args) =>
+ case JSBracketMethodApply(receiver, method, args) =>
+ case JSDelete(JSDotSelect(obj, prop)) =>
+ case JSDelete(JSBracketSelect(obj, prop)) =>
+ case JSUnaryOp(op, lhs) =>
+ case JSBinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) =>
+ case JSArrayConstr(items) =>
+ case JSObjectConstr(fields) =>
+ case _: VarRef | _: This =>
+ case Closure(captureParams, params, body, captureValues) =>
+ case _: Skip | _: Debugger | _: LoadModule |
+ _: JSEnvInfo | _: Literal | EmptyTree =>
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/files/run/t7459a.scala b/test/files/run/t7459a.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e9653c6e79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/t7459a.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+class LM {
+ class Node[B1]
+ case class CC(n: LM)
+ // crash
+ val f: (LM => Any) = {
+ case tttt =>
+ new tttt.Node[Any]()
+ }
+object Test extends App {
+ new LM().f(new LM())
diff --git a/test/files/run/t7459b-optimize.flags b/test/files/run/t7459b-optimize.flags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49d036a887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/t7459b-optimize.flags
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/test/files/run/t7459b-optimize.scala b/test/files/run/t7459b-optimize.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..605890962c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/t7459b-optimize.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+class LM {
+ class Node[B1]
+ // crash
+ val g: (CC => Any) = {
+ case CC(tttt) =>
+ new tttt.Node[Any]()
+ }
+ val h: (Some[CC] => Any) = {
+ case Some(CC(tttt)) =>
+ new tttt.Node[Any]()
+ }
+object Test extends App {
+ new LM().g(new CC(new LM()))
+ new LM().h(Some(new CC(new LM())))
+case class CC(n: LM)
diff --git a/test/files/run/t7459b.scala b/test/files/run/t7459b.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..605890962c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/t7459b.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+class LM {
+ class Node[B1]
+ // crash
+ val g: (CC => Any) = {
+ case CC(tttt) =>
+ new tttt.Node[Any]()
+ }
+ val h: (Some[CC] => Any) = {
+ case Some(CC(tttt)) =>
+ new tttt.Node[Any]()
+ }
+object Test extends App {
+ new LM().g(new CC(new LM()))
+ new LM().h(Some(new CC(new LM())))
+case class CC(n: LM)
diff --git a/test/files/run/t7459c.scala b/test/files/run/t7459c.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..144c5d793b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/t7459c.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+class LM {
+ class Node[B1]
+ // crash
+ val g: (CC => Any) = {
+ case CC(tttt) =>
+ tttt.## // no crash
+ new tttt.Node[Any]()
+ }
+object Test extends App {
+ new LM().g(new CC(new LM()))
+case class CC(n: LM)
diff --git a/test/files/run/t7459d.scala b/test/files/run/t7459d.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3263701f9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/t7459d.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+class LM {
+ class Node[B1]
+ case class CC(n: LM)
+ // crash
+ val f: (LM => Any) = {
+ case tttt =>
+ val uuuu: (tttt.type, Any) = (tttt, 0)
+ new uuuu._1.Node[Any]()
+ }
+object Test extends App {
+ new LM().f(new LM())
diff --git a/test/files/run/t7459f.scala b/test/files/run/t7459f.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63e2109560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/t7459f.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+object Test extends App {
+ class C
+ case class FooSeq(x: Int, y: String, z: C*)
+ FooSeq(1, "a", new C()) match {
+ case FooSeq(1, "a", x@_* ) =>
+ //println(x.toList)
+ x.asInstanceOf[x.type]
+ assert(x.isInstanceOf[x.type])
+ }
diff --git a/test/files/run/t9030.scala b/test/files/run/t9030.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48d24e5b54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/t9030.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+object Test extends App {
+ // For these methods, the compiler emits calls to BoxesRuntime.equalsNumNum/equalsNumChar/equalsNumObject directly
+ def numNum(a: java.lang.Number, b: java.lang.Number) = assert(a == b)
+ def numChar(a: java.lang.Number, b: java.lang.Character) = assert(a == b)
+ def numObject(a: java.lang.Number, b: java.lang.Object) = assert(a == b)
+ // The compiler doesn't use equalsCharObject directly, but still adding an example for completeness
+ def charObject(a: java.lang.Character, b: java.lang.Object) = assert(a == b)
+ numNum(new Integer(1), new Integer(1))
+ numChar(new Integer(97), new Character('a'))
+ numObject(new Integer(1), new Integer(1))
+ numObject(new Integer(97), new Character('a'))
+ charObject(new Character('a'), new Integer(97))
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/collection/mutable/ArrayBufferTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/collection/mutable/ArrayBufferTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c83164027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/collection/mutable/ArrayBufferTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package scala.collection.mutable
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+import org.junit.{Assert, Test}
+/* Test for SI-9043 */
+class ArrayBufferTest {
+ @Test
+ def testInsertAll: Unit = {
+ val traver = ArrayBuffer(2, 4, 5, 7)
+ val testSeq = List(1, 3, 6, 9)
+ def insertAt(x: Int) = {
+ val clone = traver.clone()
+ clone.insertAll(x, testSeq)
+ clone
+ }
+ // Just insert some at position 0
+ Assert.assertEquals(ArrayBuffer(1, 3, 6, 9, 2, 4, 5, 7), insertAt(0))
+ // Insert in the middle
+ Assert.assertEquals(ArrayBuffer(2, 4, 1, 3, 6, 9, 5, 7), insertAt(2))
+ // No strange last position weirdness
+ Assert.assertEquals(ArrayBuffer(2, 4, 5, 7, 1, 3, 6, 9), insertAt(traver.size))
+ // Overflow is caught
+ AssertUtil.assertThrows[IndexOutOfBoundsException] { insertAt(-1) }
+ AssertUtil.assertThrows[IndexOutOfBoundsException] { insertAt(traver.size + 10) }
+ }
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/io/SourceTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/io/SourceTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3138a4589c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/io/SourceTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.Assert._
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+import{ Console => _, _ }
+class SourceTest {
+ private implicit val `our codec` = Codec.UTF8
+ private val charSet =
+ private def sampler = """
+ |Big-endian and little-endian approaches aren't
+ |readily interchangeable in general, because the
+ |laws of arithmetic send signals leftward from
+ |the bits that are "least significant."
+ |""".stripMargin.trim
+ private def in = new ByteArrayInputStream(sampler.getBytes)
+ @Test def canIterateLines() = {
+ assertEquals(sampler.lines.size, (Source fromString sampler).getLines.size)
+ }
+ @Test def canCustomizeReporting() = {
+ class CapitalReporting(is: InputStream) extends BufferedSource(is) {
+ override def report(pos: Int, msg: String, out: PrintStream): Unit = {
+ out print f"$pos%04x: ${msg.toUpperCase}"
+ }
+ class OffsetPositioner extends Positioner(null) {
+ override def next(): Char = {
+ ch =
+ pos = pos + 1
+ ch
+ }
+ }
+ withPositioning(new OffsetPositioner)
+ }
+ val s = new CapitalReporting(in)
+ // skip to next line and report an error
+ do {
+ val c =
+ } while ( != '\n')
+ val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream
+ val ps = new PrintStream(out, true, charSet)
+ s.reportError(s.pos, "That doesn't sound right.", ps)
+ assertEquals("0030: THAT DOESN'T SOUND RIGHT.", out.toString(charSet))
+ }
+ @Test def canAltCustomizeReporting() = {
+ class CapitalReporting(is: InputStream)(implicit codec: Codec) extends Source {
+ override val iter = {
+ val r = new InputStreamReader(is, codec.decoder)
+ Iterator continually (codec wrap takeWhile (_ != -1) map (_.toChar)
+ }
+ override def report(pos: Int, msg: String, out: PrintStream): Unit = {
+ out print f"$pos%04x: ${msg.toUpperCase}"
+ }
+ private[this] var _pos: Int = _
+ override def pos = _pos
+ private[this] var _ch: Char = _
+ override def ch = _ch
+ override def next = {
+ _ch =
+ _pos += 1
+ _ch
+ }
+ }
+ val s = new CapitalReporting(in)
+ // skip to next line and report an error
+ do {
+ val c =
+ } while ( != '\n')
+ val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream
+ val ps = new PrintStream(out, true, charSet)
+ s.reportError(s.pos, "That doesn't sound right.", ps)
+ assertEquals("0030: THAT DOESN'T SOUND RIGHT.", out.toString(charSet))
+ }
diff --git a/ b/
index d24a3bb952..a474b19c5b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ scala.full.version=2.11.2
# external modules shipped with distribution, as specified by scala-library-all's pom