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2 files changed, 73 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/ParallelMatching.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/ParallelMatching.scala
index 83b893a252..0f72778bc3 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/ParallelMatching.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/ParallelMatching.scala
@@ -152,16 +152,12 @@ trait ParallelMatching extends ast.TreeDSL {
import collection.mutable.{ HashMap, ListBuffer }
class MatchMatrix(context: MatchMatrixContext, data: MatchMatrixInit) {
import context._
- val MatchMatrixInit(roots, cases, failTree) = data
- val labels = new HashMap[Int, Symbol]()
- val shortCuts = new ListBuffer[Symbol]()
- lazy val reached = new BitSet(targets.size)
+ val MatchMatrixInit(roots, cases, failTree) = data
+ val ExpandedMatrix(rows, targets) = expand(roots, cases)
+ val expansion: Rep = make(roots, rows)
- private lazy val expandResult = expand(roots, cases)
- lazy val targets: List[FinalState] = expandResult._2
- lazy val vss: List[List[Symbol]] = expandResult._3
- lazy val expansion: Rep = make(roots, expandResult._1)
+ val shortCuts = new ListBuffer[Symbol]()
final def shortCut(theLabel: Symbol): Int = {
shortCuts += theLabel
@@ -187,8 +183,9 @@ trait ParallelMatching extends ast.TreeDSL {
object lxtt extends Transformer {
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
case blck @ Block(vdefs, ld @ LabelDef(name, params, body)) =>
- val bx = labelIndex(ld.symbol)
- if (bx >= 0 && !isReachedTwice(bx)) squeezedBlock(vdefs, body)
+ def shouldInline(t: FinalState) = t.isReachedOnce && (t.label eq ld.symbol)
+ if (targets exists shouldInline) squeezedBlock(vdefs, body)
else blck
case t =>
@@ -218,78 +215,50 @@ trait ParallelMatching extends ast.TreeDSL {
returning[Tree](resetTraverser traverse _)(lxtt transform tree)
- final def isReached(bx: Int) = labels contains bx
- final def markReachedTwice(bx: Int) { reached += bx }
- /** @pre bx < 0 || labelIndex(bx) != -1 */
- final def isReachedTwice(bx: Int) = (bx < 0) || reached(bx)
- /* @returns bx such that labels(bx) eq label, -1 if no such bx exists */
- final def labelIndex(label: Symbol) = labels find (_._2 eq label) map (_._1) getOrElse (-1)
/** first time bx is requested, a LabelDef is returned. next time, a jump.
* the function takes care of binding
final def requestBody(bx: Int, subst: Bindings): Tree = {
- if (bx < 0) { // is shortcut
- val jlabel = shortCuts(-bx-1)
- return Apply(ID(jlabel), Nil)
- }
- if (!isReached(bx)) { // first time this bx is requested
+ val target = targets(bx)
+ lazy val FinalState(bindings, body, freeVars) = target
+ // shortcut
+ def labelJump: Tree = Apply(ID(shortCuts(-bx-1)), Nil)
+ // first time this bx is requested
+ def firstTime: Tree = {
// might be bound elsewhere
val (vsyms, vdefs) : (List[Symbol], List[Tree]) = List.unzip(
- for (v <- vss(bx) ; substv <- subst(v)) yield
+ for (v <- freeVars ; substv <- subst(v)) yield
(v, typedValDef(v, substv))
- val body = targets(bx).body
// @bug: typer is not able to digest a body of type Nothing being assigned result type Unit
- val tpe = if (body.tpe.isNothing) body.tpe else resultType
- val newType = MethodType(vsyms, tpe)
- val label = owner.newLabel(body.pos, "body%"+bx) setInfo newType
- labels(bx) = label
+ val tpe = if (body.tpe.isNothing) body.tpe else resultType
+ target.setLabel(owner.newLabel(body.pos, "body%"+bx) setInfo MethodType(vsyms, tpe))
- return logAndReturn("requestBody(%d) first time: ".format(bx), squeezedBlock(vdefs, (
- if (isLabellable(body)) LabelDef(label, vsyms, body setType tpe)
+ squeezedBlock(vdefs, (
+ if (isLabellable(body)) LabelDef(target.label, vsyms, body setType tpe)
else body.duplicate setType tpe
- )))
+ ))
- // if some bx is not reached twice, its LabelDef is replaced with body itself
- markReachedTwice(bx)
- val args = vss(bx) map subst flatten
- val label = labels(bx)
- val body = targets(bx).body
- val fmls = label.tpe.paramTypes
+ def successiveTimes: Tree = {
+ val args = freeVars map subst flatten
+ val fmls = target.label.tpe.paramTypes
+ def vds = for (v <- freeVars ; substv <- subst(v)) yield typedValDef(v, substv)
- def debugConsistencyFailure(): String = {
- val xs =
- ( for ((vs, i) <- vss.zipWithIndex) yield "vss(%d) = %s\nargs = %s".format(i, vs mkString ", ", args) ) ++
- ( for ((t, i) <- targets.zipWithIndex) yield "targets(%d) = %s".format(i, t) ) ++
- ( for ((i, l) <- labels) yield "labels(%d) = %s".format(i, l) ) ++
- ( for ((s, v) <- List("bx" -> bx, "label.tpe" -> label.tpe)) yield "%s = %s".format(s, v) )
- xs mkString "\n"
- }
- // sanity checks: same length lists and args are conformant with formals
- def isConsistent() = (fmls.length == args.length) && List.forall2(args, fmls)(_.tpe <:< _)
- if (!isConsistent()) {
- val msg = (
- """Consistency problem compiling %s!
- |Trying to call %s(%s) with arguments (%s)""" .
- stripMargin.format(cunit.source, label, fmls, args)
- )
- println(debugConsistencyFailure())
- // TRACE(debugConsistencyFailure())
- cunit.error(body.pos, msg)
+ if (isLabellable(body)) ID(target.label) APPLY (args)
+ else squeezedBlock(vds, body.duplicate setType resultType)
- def vds = for (v <- vss(bx) ; substv <- subst(v)) yield typedValDef(v, substv)
+ if (bx < 0) labelJump
+ else {
+ target.incrementReached
- if (isLabellable(body)) ID(label) APPLY (args)
- else squeezedBlock(vds, body.duplicate setType resultType)
+ if (target.isReachedOnce) firstTime
+ else successiveTimes
+ }
/** the injection here handles alternatives and unapply type tests */
@@ -367,21 +336,10 @@ trait ParallelMatching extends ast.TreeDSL {
else Rep(tvars, rows).checkExhaustive
- override def toString() = {
- val toPrint: List[(Any, Traversable[Any])] = (
- (vss.zipWithIndex map (_.swap)) :::
- List[(Any, Traversable[Any])](
- "labels" -> labels,
- "targets" -> targets,
- "reached" -> reached,
- "shortCuts" -> shortCuts.toList
- ) filterNot (_._2.isEmpty)
- )
+ override def toString() = "MatchMatrix(%s)".format(targets)
- val strs = toPrint map { case (k, v) => " %s = %s\n".format(k, v) }
- if (toPrint.isEmpty) "MatchMatrix()"
- else "MatchMatrix(\n%s)".format(strs mkString)
- }
+ /** Intended to be the DFA created from the match matrix. */
+ class MatchAutomaton(matrix: MatchMatrix) { }
* Encapsulates a symbol being matched on.
@@ -1099,7 +1057,32 @@ trait ParallelMatching extends ast.TreeDSL {
- case class FinalState(subst: Bindings, body: Tree)
+ object ExpandedMatrix {
+ def unapply(x: ExpandedMatrix) = Some(x.rows, x.targets)
+ def apply(rows: List[Row], targets: List[FinalState]) = new ExpandedMatrix(rows, targets)
+ }
+ class ExpandedMatrix(val rows: List[Row], val targets: List[FinalState])
+ abstract class State {
+ def bindings: Bindings
+ def body: Tree
+ def freeVars: List[Symbol]
+ def isFinal: Boolean
+ }
+ case class FinalState(bindings: Bindings, body: Tree, freeVars: List[Symbol]) extends State {
+ private var referenceCount = 0
+ private var _label: Symbol = null
+ def incrementReached: Unit = { referenceCount += 1 }
+ def setLabel(s: Symbol): Unit = { _label = s }
+ def label = _label
+ def isFinal = true
+ def isNotReached = referenceCount == 0
+ def isReachedOnce = referenceCount == 1
+ def isReachedTwice = referenceCount > 1
+ }
case class Combo(index: Int, sym: Symbol) {
// is this combination covered by the given pattern?
@@ -1143,10 +1126,12 @@ trait ParallelMatching extends ast.TreeDSL {
case (i, syms) :: cs => for (s <- syms.toList; rest <- combine(cs)) yield Combo(i, s) :: rest
- /* internal representation is (tvars:List[Symbol], rows:List[Row])
- *
- * tmp1 tmp_m
- */
+ /** Applying the rule will result in one of:
+ *
+ * VariableRule - if all patterns are default patterns
+ * MixtureRule - if one or more patterns are not default patterns
+ * ErrorRule - if there are no rows remaining
+ */
final def applyRule(): RuleApplication = {
def dropIndex[T](xs: List[T], n: Int) = (xs take n) ::: (xs drop (n + 1))
@@ -1236,10 +1221,9 @@ trait ParallelMatching extends ast.TreeDSL {
val NoRep = Rep(Nil, Nil)
/** Expands the patterns recursively. */
- final def expand(roots: List[Symbol], cases: List[Tree]): (List[Row], List[FinalState], List[List[Symbol]]) = {
- val res = unzip3(
+ final def expand(roots: List[Symbol], cases: List[Tree]): ExpandedMatrix = {
+ val (rows, finals) = List.unzip(
for ((CaseDef(pat, guard, body), index) <- cases.zipWithIndex) yield {
def mkRow(ps: List[Tree]) = Row(toPats(ps), NoBinding, Guard(guard), index)
@@ -1248,11 +1232,11 @@ trait ParallelMatching extends ast.TreeDSL {
case Apply(fn, args) => mkRow(args)
case WILD() => mkRow(getDummies(roots.length))
- (rowForPat, FinalState(NoBinding, body), definedVars(pat))
+ (rowForPat, FinalState(NoBinding, body, definedVars(pat)))
- res match { case (rows, finals, vars) => (rows flatMap (x => x), finals, vars) }
+ new ExpandedMatrix(rows flatMap (x => x), finals)
/** returns the condition in "if (cond) k1 else k2"
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/TransMatcher.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/TransMatcher.scala
index 0618608e5a..78896846a4 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/TransMatcher.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/matching/TransMatcher.scala
@@ -203,16 +203,7 @@ trait TransMatcher extends ast.TreeDSL with CompactTreePrinter {
val dfatree = typer typed Block(vars, mch) // packages into a code block
// redundancy check
- for ((cs, bx) <- cases.zipWithIndex) {
- // if (!matrix.isReached(bx)) {
- // println("cases = %s".format(cases))
- // println("matrix = %s, rep = %s".format(matrix, rep))
- // println("dfatree = " + toCompactString(dfatree))
- // }
- if (!matrix.isReached(bx))
- cunit.error(cs.body.pos, "unreachable code")
- }
+ matrix.targets filter (_.isNotReached) foreach (cs => cunit.error(cs.body.pos, "unreachable code"))
// cleanup performs squeezing and resets any remaining TRANS_FLAGs
matrix cleanup dfatree