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3 files changed, 298 insertions, 161 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Macros.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Macros.scala
index 57180e66d5..e48a95fab0 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Macros.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Macros.scala
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import reflect.internal.util.Statistics
import scala.reflect.macros.util._
import java.lang.{Class => jClass}
import java.lang.reflect.{Array => jArray, Method => jMethod}
+import scala.reflect.internal.util.Collections._
* Code to deal with macros, namely with:
@@ -48,6 +49,183 @@ trait Macros extends with Traces {
val globalMacroCache = collection.mutable.Map[Any, Any]()
val perRunMacroCache = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, collection.mutable.Map[Any, Any]]
+ /** `MacroImplBinding` and its companion module are responsible for
+ * serialization/deserialization of macro def -> impl bindings.
+ *
+ * The first officially released version of macros persisted these bindings across compilation runs
+ * using a neat trick. The right-hand side of a macro definition (which contains a reference to a macro impl)
+ * was typechecked and then put verbatim into an annotation on the macro definition.
+ *
+ * This solution is very simple, but unfortunately it's also lacking. If we use it, then
+ * signatures of macro defs become transitively dependent on scala-reflect.jar
+ * (because they refer to macro impls, and macro impls refer to scala.reflect.macros.Context defined in scala-reflect.jar).
+ * More details can be found in comments to
+ *
+ * Therefore we have to avoid putting macro impls into binding pickles and come up with our own serialization format.
+ * Situation is further complicated by the fact that it's not enough to just pickle macro impl's class name and method name,
+ * because macro expansion needs some knowledge about the shape of macro impl's signature (which we can't pickle).
+ * Hence we precompute necessary stuff (e.g. the layout of type parameters) when compiling macro defs.
+ */
+ /** Represents all the information that a macro definition needs to know about its implementation.
+ * Includes a path to load the implementation via Java reflection,
+ * and various accounting information necessary when composing an argument list for the reflective invocation.
+ */
+ private case class MacroImplBinding(
+ // Java class name of the class that contains the macro implementation
+ // is used to load the corresponding object with Java reflection
+ val className: String,
+ // method name of the macro implementation
+ // `className` and `methName` are all we need to reflectively invoke a macro implementation
+ // because macro implementations cannot be overloaded
+ val methName: String,
+ // flattens the macro impl's parameter lists having symbols replaced with metadata
+ // currently metadata is an index of the type parameter corresponding to that type tag (if applicable)
+ // f.ex. for: def impl[T: AbsTypeTag, U: AbsTypeTag, V](c: Context)(x: c.Expr[T]): (U, V) = ???
+ // `signature` will be equal to List(-1, -1, 0, 1)
+ val signature: List[Int],
+ // type arguments part of a macro impl ref (the right-hand side of a macro definition)
+ // these trees don't refer to a macro impl, so we can pickle them as is
+ val targs: List[Tree])
+ /** Macro def -> macro impl bindings are serialized into a `macroImpl` annotation
+ * with synthetic content that carries the payload described in `MacroImplBinding`.
+ *
+ * For example, for a pair of macro definition and macro implementation:
+ * def impl(c: scala.reflect.macros.Context): c.Expr[Unit] = c.literalUnit;
+ * def foo: Unit = macro impl
+ *
+ * We will have the following annotation added on the macro definition `foo`:
+ *
+ * @scala.reflect.macros.internal.macroImpl(
+ * `macro`(
+ * "signature" = List(-1),
+ * "methodName" = "impl",
+ * "versionFormat" = 1,
+ * "className" = "Macros$"))
+ */
+ private object MacroImplBinding {
+ val versionFormat = 1
+ def pickleAtom(obj: Any): Tree =
+ obj match {
+ case list: List[_] => Apply(Ident(ListModule), list map pickleAtom)
+ case s: String => Literal(Constant(s))
+ case i: Int => Literal(Constant(i))
+ }
+ def unpickleAtom(tree: Tree): Any =
+ tree match {
+ case Apply(list @ Ident(_), args) if list.symbol == ListModule => args map unpickleAtom
+ case Literal(Constant(s: String)) => s
+ case Literal(Constant(i: Int)) => i
+ }
+ def pickle(macroImplRef: Tree): Tree = {
+ val macroImpl = macroImplRef.symbol
+ val paramss = macroImpl.paramss
+ // this logic relies on the assumptions that were valid for the old macro prototype
+ // namely that macro implementations can only be defined in top-level classes and modules
+ // with the new prototype that materialized in a SIP, macros need to be statically accessible, which is different
+ // for example, a macro def could be defined in a trait that is implemented by an object
+ // there are some more clever cases when seemingly non-static method ends up being statically accessible
+ // however, the code below doesn't account for these guys, because it'd take a look of time to get it right
+ // for now I leave it as a todo and move along to more the important stuff
+ // [Eugene] relies on the fact that macro implementations can only be defined in static classes
+ // [Martin to Eugene++] There's similar logic buried in Symbol#flatname. Maybe we can refactor?
+ // [Eugene] we will refactor once I get my hands on
+ def className: String = {
+ def loop(sym: Symbol): String = sym match {
+ case sym if sym.owner.isPackageClass =>
+ val suffix = if (sym.isModuleClass) "$" else ""
+ sym.fullName + suffix
+ case sym =>
+ val separator = if (sym.owner.isModuleClass) "" else "$"
+ loop(sym.owner) + separator + sym.javaSimpleName.toString
+ }
+ val sym = macroImpl.owner
+ if (sym.isClass || sym.isModule) loop(sym)
+ else loop(sym.enclClass)
+ }
+ def signature: List[Int] = {
+ val transformed = transformTypeTagEvidenceParams(paramss, (param, tparam) => tparam)
+ transformed.flatten map (p => if (p.isTerm) -1 else p.paramPos)
+ }
+ val payload = List[(String, Any)](
+ "versionFormat" -> versionFormat,
+ "className" -> className,
+ "methodName" ->,
+ "signature" -> signature
+ )
+ // the shape of the nucleus is chosen arbitrarily. it doesn't carry any payload.
+ // it's only necessary as a stub `fun` for an Apply node that carries metadata in its `args`
+ // so don't try to find a program element named "macro" that corresponds to the nucleus
+ // I just named it "macro", because it's macro-related, but I could as well name it "foobar"
+ val nucleus = Ident(newTermName("macro"))
+ val wrapped = Apply(nucleus, payload map { case (k, v) => Assign(pickleAtom(k), pickleAtom(v)) })
+ val pickle = gen.mkTypeApply(wrapped, treeInfo.typeArguments(macroImplRef.duplicate))
+ // assign NoType to all freshly created AST nodes
+ // otherwise pickler will choke on tree.tpe being null
+ // there's another gotcha
+ // if you don't assign a ConstantType to a constant
+ // then pickling will crash
+ new Transformer {
+ override def transform(tree: Tree) = {
+ tree match {
+ case Literal(const @ Constant(x)) if tree.tpe == null => tree setType ConstantType(const)
+ case _ if tree.tpe == null => tree setType NoType
+ case _ => ;
+ }
+ super.transform(tree)
+ }
+ }.transform(pickle)
+ }
+ def unpickle(pickle: Tree): Option[MacroImplBinding] =
+ try {
+ val (wrapped, targs) =
+ pickle match {
+ case TypeApply(wrapped, targs) => (wrapped, targs)
+ case wrapped => (wrapped, Nil)
+ }
+ val Apply(_, pickledPayload) = wrapped
+ val payload ={ case Assign(k, v) => (unpickleAtom(k), unpickleAtom(v)) }.toMap
+ val pickleVersionFormat = payload("versionFormat").asInstanceOf[Int]
+ if (versionFormat != pickleVersionFormat) throw new Error("macro impl binding format mismatch: expected $versionFormat, actual $pickleVersionFormat")
+ val className = payload("className").asInstanceOf[String]
+ val methodName = payload("methodName").asInstanceOf[String]
+ val signature = payload("signature").asInstanceOf[List[Int]]
+ Some(MacroImplBinding(className, methodName, signature, targs))
+ } catch {
+ case ex: Exception =>
+ val message = new
+ ex.printStackTrace(new
+ macroLogVerbose(s"failed to unpickle macro impl binding from ${showRaw(pickle)}:\n$message")
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ private def bindMacroImpl(macroDef: Symbol, macroImplRef: Tree): Unit = {
+ val pickle = MacroImplBinding.pickle(macroImplRef)
+ macroDef withAnnotation AnnotationInfo(MacroImplAnnotation.tpe, List(pickle), Nil)
+ }
+ private def loadMacroImplBinding(macroDef: Symbol): Option[MacroImplBinding] = {
+ macroTraceVerbose("macroDef is annotated with: ")(macroDef.annotations)
+ macroDef.getAnnotation(MacroImplAnnotation) flatMap {
+ case AnnotationInfo(_, List(pickle), _) => MacroImplBinding.unpickle(pickle)
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
/** A list of compatible macro implementation signatures.
* In the example above:
@@ -308,7 +486,6 @@ trait Macros extends with Traces {
if (typecheckedWithErrors) macroTraceVerbose("body of a macro def failed to typecheck: ")(ddef)
val macroImpl = rhs1.symbol
- macroDef withAnnotation AnnotationInfo(MacroImplAnnotation.tpe, List(rhs1), Nil)
if (!hasErrors) {
if (macroImpl == null) {
@@ -479,6 +656,8 @@ trait Macros extends with Traces {
// hence, we now use IS_ERROR flag to serve as an indicator that given macro definition is broken
if (hasErrors) {
macroDef setFlag IS_ERROR
+ } else {
+ bindMacroImpl(macroDef, rhs1)
@@ -516,17 +695,13 @@ trait Macros extends with Traces {
// sym.paramPos is unreliable (see another case below)
val tparams = macroImpl.typeParams map (_.deSkolemize)
val paramPos = tparams indexOf sym.deSkolemize
- val sym1 = if (paramPos == -1) sym else {
- val ann = macroDef.getAnnotation(MacroImplAnnotation)
- ann match {
- case Some(ann) =>
- val TypeApply(_, implRefTargs) = ann.args(0)
- val implRefTarg = implRefTargs(paramPos).tpe.typeSymbol
- implRefTarg
- case None =>
- sym
- }
- }
+ val sym1 =
+ if (paramPos == -1) sym
+ else
+ loadMacroImplBinding(macroDef) match {
+ case Some(binding) => binding.targs(paramPos).tpe.typeSymbol
+ case None => sym
+ }
TypeRef(pre, sym1, args)
case tpe =>
@@ -621,103 +796,44 @@ trait Macros extends with Traces {
} else {
macroRuntimesCache.getOrElseUpdate(macroDef, {
- val runtime = {
- macroTraceVerbose("macroDef is annotated with: ")(macroDef.annotations)
- val ann = macroDef.getAnnotation(MacroImplAnnotation)
- if (ann == None) { macroTraceVerbose("@macroImpl annotation is missing (this means that macro definition failed to typecheck)")(macroDef); return None }
- val macroImpl = ann.get.args(0).symbol
- if (macroImpl == NoSymbol) { macroTraceVerbose("@macroImpl annotation is malformed (this means that macro definition failed to typecheck)")(macroDef); return None }
- macroLogVerbose("resolved implementation %s at %s".format(macroImpl, macroImpl.pos))
- if (macroImpl.isErroneous) { macroTraceVerbose("macro implementation is erroneous (this means that either macro body or macro implementation signature failed to typecheck)")(macroDef); return None }
- // [Eugene++] I don't use Scala reflection here, because it seems to interfere with JIT magic
- // whenever you instantiate a mirror (and not do anything with in, just instantiate), performance drops by 15-20%
- // I'm not sure what's the reason - for me it's pure voodoo
- def loadMacroImpl(cl: ClassLoader): Option[(Object, jMethod)] = {
- try {
- // this logic relies on the assumptions that were valid for the old macro prototype
- // namely that macro implementations can only be defined in top-level classes and modules
- // with the new prototype that materialized in a SIP, macros need to be statically accessible, which is different
- // for example, a macro def could be defined in a trait that is implemented by an object
- // there are some more clever cases when seemingly non-static method ends up being statically accessible
- // however, the code below doesn't account for these guys, because it'd take a look of time to get it right
- // for now I leave it as a todo and move along to more the important stuff
- macroTraceVerbose("loading implementation class: ")(macroImpl.owner.fullName)
- macroTraceVerbose("classloader is: ")(
- // [Eugene] relies on the fact that macro implementations can only be defined in static classes
- // [Martin to Eugene++] There's similar logic buried in Symbol#flatname. Maybe we can refactor?
- def classfile(sym: Symbol): String = {
- def recur(sym: Symbol): String = sym match {
- case sym if sym.owner.isPackageClass =>
- val suffix = if (sym.isModuleClass) "$" else ""
- sym.fullName + suffix
- case sym =>
- val separator = if (sym.owner.isModuleClass) "" else "$"
- recur(sym.owner) + separator + sym.javaSimpleName.toString
+ val runtime =
+ loadMacroImplBinding(macroDef) flatMap {
+ case binding =>
+ val className = binding.className
+ val methName = binding.methName
+ macroLogVerbose(s"resolved implementation as $className.$methName")
+ // [Eugene++] I don't use Scala reflection here, because it seems to interfere with JIT magic
+ // whenever you instantiate a mirror (and not do anything with in, just instantiate), performance drops by 15-20%
+ // I'm not sure what's the reason - for me it's pure voodoo
+ def loadMacroImpl(cl: ClassLoader): Option[(Object, jMethod)] = {
+ def fail(what: String, ex: Exception) = {
+ macroTraceVerbose(s"implementation $what failed to load: ")(ex.toString)
+ None
- if (sym.isClass || sym.isModule) recur(sym)
- else recur(sym.enclClass)
+ try {
+ macroTraceVerbose("loading implementation class: ")(className)
+ macroTraceVerbose("classloader is: ")(
+ val implObj = ReflectionUtils.staticSingletonInstance(cl, className)
+ // relies on the fact that macro impls cannot be overloaded
+ // so every methName can resolve to at maximum one method
+ val implMeths = implObj.getClass.getDeclaredMethods.filter(_.getName == methName)
+ val implMeth = implMeths.headOption getOrElse { throw new NoSuchMethodException(s"$className.$methName") }
+ macroLogVerbose("successfully loaded macro impl as (%s, %s)".format(implObj, implMeth))
+ Some((implObj, implMeth))
+ } catch {
+ case ex: ClassNotFoundException => fail("class", ex)
+ case ex: NoSuchMethodException => fail("method", ex)
+ }
- // [Eugene++] this doesn't work for inner classes
- // neither does macroImpl.owner.javaClassName, so I had to roll my own implementation
- //val receiverName = macroImpl.owner.fullName
- val implClassName = classfile(macroImpl.owner)
- val implObj = try {
- val implObjClass = jClass.forName(implClassName, true, cl)
- implObjClass getField "MODULE$" get null
- } catch {
- case ex: NoSuchFieldException => macroTraceVerbose("exception when loading implObj: ")(ex); null
- case ex: NoClassDefFoundError => macroTraceVerbose("exception when loading implObj: ")(ex); null
- case ex: ClassNotFoundException => macroTraceVerbose("exception when loading implObj: ")(ex); null
+ loadMacroImpl(macroClassloader) map {
+ case (implObj, implMeth) =>
+ def runtime(args: List[Any]) = implMeth.invoke(implObj, (args map (_.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])): _*).asInstanceOf[Any]
+ runtime _
- if (implObj == null) None
- else {
- // [Eugene++] doh, it seems that I need to copy/paste Scala reflection logic
- // see `JavaMirrors.methodToJava` or whatever it's called now
- val implMeth = {
- def typeToJavaClass(tpe: Type): jClass[_] = tpe match {
- case ExistentialType(_, rtpe) => typeToJavaClass(rtpe)
- case TypeRef(_, ArrayClass, List(elemtpe)) => jArray.newInstance(typeToJavaClass(elemtpe), 0).getClass
- case TypeRef(_, sym: ClassSymbol, _) => jClass.forName(classfile(sym), true, cl)
- case _ => throw new NoClassDefFoundError("no Java class corresponding to "+tpe+" found")
- }
- val paramClasses = transformedType(macroImpl).paramTypes map typeToJavaClass
- try implObj.getClass getDeclaredMethod (, paramClasses: _*)
- catch {
- case ex: NoSuchMethodException =>
- val expandedName =
- if (macroImpl.isPrivate) nme.expandedName(, macroImpl.owner).toString
- else
- implObj.getClass getDeclaredMethod (expandedName, paramClasses: _*)
- }
- }
- macroLogVerbose("successfully loaded macro impl as (%s, %s)".format(implObj, implMeth))
- Some((implObj, implMeth))
- }
- } catch {
- case ex: ClassNotFoundException =>
- macroTraceVerbose("implementation class failed to load: ")(ex.toString)
- None
- case ex: NoSuchMethodException =>
- macroTraceVerbose("implementation method failed to load: ")(ex.toString)
- None
- }
- loadMacroImpl(macroClassloader) map {
- case (implObj, implMeth) =>
- def runtime(args: List[Any]) = implMeth.invoke(implObj, (args map (_.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])): _*).asInstanceOf[Any]
- runtime _
- }
- }
if (runtime == None) macroDef setFlag IS_ERROR
@@ -761,6 +877,11 @@ trait Macros extends with Traces {
case _ =>
+ val argcDoesntMatch = macroDef.paramss.length != exprArgs.length
+ val nullaryArgsEmptyParams = exprArgs.length == 0 && macroDef.paramss.length == 1 && macroDef.paramss.flatten.length == 0
+ if (argcDoesntMatch && !nullaryArgsEmptyParams) { typer.TyperErrorGen.MacroPartialApplicationError(expandee); return None }
var argss: List[List[Any]] = List(context) :: exprArgs.toList
macroTraceVerbose("argss: ")(argss)
val rawArgss =
@@ -777,33 +898,8 @@ trait Macros extends with Traces {
return None
} else {
- val ann = macroDef.getAnnotation(MacroImplAnnotation).getOrElse(throw new Error("assertion failed. %s: %s".format(macroDef, macroDef.annotations)))
- val macroImpl = ann.args(0).symbol
- var paramss = macroImpl.paramss
- val tparams = macroImpl.typeParams
- macroTraceVerbose("paramss: ")(paramss)
- // we need to take care of all possible combos of nullary/empty-paramlist macro defs vs nullary/empty-arglist invocations
- // nullary def + nullary invocation => paramss and argss match, everything is okay
- // nullary def + empty-arglist invocation => illegal Scala code, impossible, everything is okay
- // empty-paramlist def + nullary invocation => uh-oh, we need to append a List() to argss
- // empty-paramlist def + empty-arglist invocation => paramss and argss match, everything is okay
- // that's almost it, but we need to account for the fact that paramss might have context bounds that mask the empty last paramlist
- val paramss_without_evidences = transformTypeTagEvidenceParams(paramss, (param, tparam) => NoSymbol)
- val isEmptyParamlistDef = paramss_without_evidences.nonEmpty && paramss_without_evidences.last.isEmpty
- val isEmptyArglistInvocation = argss.nonEmpty && argss.last.isEmpty
- if (isEmptyParamlistDef && !isEmptyArglistInvocation) {
- macroLogVerbose("isEmptyParamlistDef && !isEmptyArglistInvocation: appending a List() to argss")
- argss = argss :+ Nil
- }
- // nb! check partial application against paramss without evidences
- val numParamLists = paramss_without_evidences.length
- val numArgLists = argss.length
- if (numParamLists != numArgLists) {
- typer.TyperErrorGen.MacroPartialApplicationError(expandee)
- return None
- }
+ val binding = loadMacroImplBinding(macroDef).get
+ macroTraceVerbose("binding: ")(binding)
// if paramss have typetag context bounds, add an arglist to argss if necessary and instantiate the corresponding evidences
// consider the following example:
@@ -821,43 +917,36 @@ trait Macros extends with Traces {
// then T and U need to be inferred from the lexical scope of the call using ``asSeenFrom''
// whereas V won't be resolved by asSeenFrom and need to be loaded directly from ``expandee'' which needs to contain a TypeApply node
// also, macro implementation reference may contain a regular type as a type argument, then we pass it verbatim
- val resolved = collection.mutable.Map[Symbol, Type]()
- paramss = transformTypeTagEvidenceParams(paramss, (param, tparam) => {
- val TypeApply(_, implRefTargs) = ann.args(0)
- var implRefTarg = implRefTargs(tparam.paramPos).tpe.typeSymbol
- val tpe = if (implRefTarg.isTypeParameterOrSkolem) {
- if (implRefTarg.owner == macroDef) {
+ val tags = binding.signature filter (_ != -1) map (paramPos => {
+ val targ = binding.targs(paramPos).tpe.typeSymbol
+ val tpe = if (targ.isTypeParameterOrSkolem) {
+ if (targ.owner == macroDef) {
// [Eugene] doesn't work when macro def is compiled separately from its usages
- // then implRefTarg is not a skolem and isn't equal to any of macroDef.typeParams
- // val paramPos = implRefTarg.deSkolemize.paramPos
- val paramPos = macroDef.typeParams.indexWhere( ==
- typeArgs(paramPos).tpe
+ // then targ is not a skolem and isn't equal to any of macroDef.typeParams
+ // val argPos = targ.deSkolemize.paramPos
+ val argPos = macroDef.typeParams.indexWhere( ==
+ typeArgs(argPos).tpe
} else
- implRefTarg.tpe.asSeenFrom(
+ targ.tpe.asSeenFrom(
if (prefixTree == EmptyTree) macroDef.owner.tpe else prefixTree.tpe,
} else
- implRefTarg.tpe
- macroLogVerbose("resolved tparam %s as %s".format(tparam, tpe))
- resolved(tparam) = tpe
- param.tpe.typeSymbol match {
- case definitions.AbsTypeTagClass =>
- // do nothing
- case _ =>
- throw new Error("unsupported tpe: " + tpe)
- }
- tparam
+ targ.tpe
+ if (tpe.isConcrete) context.TypeTag(tpe) else context.AbsTypeTag(tpe)
- val tags = paramss.last takeWhile (_.isType) map (resolved(_)) map (tpe => if (tpe.isConcrete) context.TypeTag(tpe) else context.AbsTypeTag(tpe))
- if (paramss.lastOption map (params => !params.isEmpty && params.forall(_.isType)) getOrElse false) argss = argss :+ Nil
- argss = argss.dropRight(1) :+ (tags ++ argss.last) // todo. add support for context bounds in argss
- assert(argss.length == paramss.length, "argss: %s, paramss: %s".format(argss, paramss))
- val rawArgss = for ((as, ps) <- argss zip paramss) yield {
- if (isVarArgsList(ps)) as.take(ps.length - 1) :+ as.drop(ps.length - 1)
- else as
+ val hasImplicitParams = macroDef.paramss.flatten.lastOption map (_.isImplicit) getOrElse false
+ argss = if (hasImplicitParams) argss.dropRight(1) :+ (tags ++ argss.last) else argss :+ tags
+ // nb! varargs can apply to any parameter section, not necessarily to the last one
+ for ((as, i_argss) <- argss.zipWithIndex) yield {
+ val i_paramss = i_argss - 1
+ val mapsToParamss = 0 <= i_paramss && i_paramss < macroDef.paramss.length
+ if (mapsToParamss) {
+ val ps = macroDef.paramss(i_paramss)
+ if (isVarArgsList(ps)) as.take(ps.length - 1) :+ as.drop(ps.length - 1)
+ else as
+ } else as
- rawArgss
val rawArgs = rawArgss.flatten
macroTraceVerbose("rawArgs: ")(rawArgs)
diff --git a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/TreeInfo.scala b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/TreeInfo.scala
index 1b4c1b2877..19f264f60e 100644
--- a/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/TreeInfo.scala
+++ b/src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/TreeInfo.scala
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ abstract class TreeInfo {
case _ =>
/** Is tree a self or super constructor call? */
def isSelfOrSuperConstrCall(tree: Tree) = {
// stripNamedApply for SI-3584: adaptToImplicitMethod in Typers creates a special context
@@ -372,6 +372,13 @@ abstract class TreeInfo {
case _ => EmptyTree
+ /** If this tree represents a type application the type arguments. Otherwise Nil.
+ */
+ def typeArguments(tree: Tree): List[Tree] = tree match {
+ case TypeApply(_, targs) => targs
+ case _ => Nil
+ }
/** If this tree has type parameters, those. Otherwise Nil.
def typeParameters(tree: Tree): List[TypeDef] = tree match {
diff --git a/test/files/run/t5940.scala b/test/files/run/t5940.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..147ff38256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/t5940.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+object Test extends DirectTest {
+ def code = ???
+ def macros_1 = """
+ import scala.reflect.macros.Context
+ object Impls {
+ def impl(c: Context) = c.literalUnit
+ }
+ object Macros {
+ //import Impls._
+ def impl(c: Context) = c.literalUnit
+ def foo = macro impl
+ }
+ """
+ def compileMacros() = {
+ val classpath = List(sys.props("partest.lib"), sys.props("partest.reflect")) mkString sys.props("path.separator")
+ compileString(newCompiler("-language:experimental.macros", "-cp", classpath, "-d", testOutput.path))(macros_1)
+ }
+ def test_2 = """
+ object Test extends App {
+ println(
+ }
+ """
+ def compileTest() = {
+ val classpath = List(sys.props("partest.lib"), testOutput.path) mkString sys.props("path.separator")
+ compileString(newCompiler("-cp", classpath, "-d", testOutput.path))(test_2)
+ }
+ def show(): Unit = {
+ log("Compiling Macros_1...")
+ if (compileMacros()) {
+ log("Compiling Test_2...")
+ if (compileTest()) log("Success!") else log("Failed...")
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file