diff options
4 files changed, 1 insertions, 496 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/ant/Scalac.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/ant/Scalac.scala
index 9cfd8edd98..dc7a3c0bda 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/ant/Scalac.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/ant/Scalac.scala
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ package {
try {
(new compiler.Run).compile(>f.toString()))
if (reporter.errors > 0)
- error (
+ log (
"Compile failed with " +
reporter.errors + " error" +
(if (reporter.errors > 1) "s" else "") +
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interdf/DCode.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interdf/DCode.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0134efa367..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interdf/DCode.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-/** A variation of ICode that uses direct variable access
- * instead of a stack. It is not needed for compilation, but
- * it is a convenient representation for analysis.
- *
- * Note that instructions are grouped into basic blocks.
- * Control flow between blocks is represented at the
- * block level, not in instructions -- not even
- * control instructions.
- */
-abstract class DCode
-extends Object
-with ICodeToDCode
- val compiler: Global
- import compiler._
- /** A variable local to a Code instance; it corresponds to a stack position. */
- case class StackVar(id: int) {
- override def toString = "sv$" + id
- }
- /** A counter for generating fresh StackVar's */
- private var svctr = 0
- /** Generate a fresh StackVar. */
- def genStackVar = {
- svctr = svctr + 1
- new StackVar(svctr)
- }
- /** One instruction to execute. */
- abstract class Instruction
- case class StrTrip(str: String) extends Instruction // XXX kill this
- object opcodes {
- import compiler.icodes.{Primitive, TypeKind, TestOp, Local}
- import compiler.icodes.opcodes.InvokeStyle
- /* standard pattern match:
- case THIS(lhs, clasz) =>
- case CONSTANT(lhs, const) =>
- case VAR(lhs, rhs) =>
- case LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM(lhs, ary, idx, kind) =>
- case LOAD_LOCAL(lhs, local, isArg) =>
- case LOAD_FIELD(lhs, from, field, isStatic) =>
- case LOAD_MODULE(lhs, module) =>
- case STORE_ARRAY_ITEM(ary, idx, obj, kind) =>
- case STORE_LOCAL(local, obj, isArg) =>
- case STORE_FIELD(into, field, obj, isStatic) =>
- case CALL_PRIMITIVE(lhs, primitive, args) =>
- case CALL_METHOD(lhs, rcvr, method, args, style) =>
- case NEW(lhs, kind) =>
- case CREATE_ARRAY(lhs, elem, size) =>
- case IS_INSTANCE(lhs, rhs, tpe) =>
- case CHECK_CAST(lhs, rhs, tpe) =>
- case SWITCH(obj, tags[List[int]]) =>
- case JUMP() =>
- case CJUMP(left, cond, right, kind) =>
- case CZJUMP(obj, cond, kind) =>
- case RETURN(obj, kind) =>
- case RETURN_VOID(kind) =>
- case THROW(exc) =>
- case MONITOR_ENTER(obj) =>
- case MONITOR_EXIT(obj) =>
- case NOP() =>
- */
- case class THIS(lhs: StackVar, clasz: Symbol) extends Instruction
- case class CONSTANT(lhs: StackVar, const: Constant) extends Instruction
- case class VAR(lhs: StackVar, rhs: StackVar) extends Instruction
- case class LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM(lhs: StackVar, ary: StackVar, idx: StackVar, kind: TypeKind) extends Instruction
- case class LOAD_LOCAL(lhs: StackVar, local: Local, isArg: Boolean) extends Instruction
- case class LOAD_FIELD(lhs: StackVar, from: StackVar, field: Symbol, isStatic: Boolean) extends Instruction
- case class LOAD_MODULE(lhs: StackVar, module: Symbol) extends Instruction
- case class STORE_ARRAY_ITEM(ary: StackVar, idx: StackVar, obj: StackVar, kind: TypeKind) extends Instruction
- case class STORE_LOCAL(local: Local, obj: StackVar, isArg: Boolean) extends Instruction
- case class STORE_FIELD(into: StackVar, field: Symbol, obj: StackVar, isStatic: Boolean) extends Instruction
- case class CALL_PRIMITIVE(lhs: StackVar, primitive: Primitive, args: List[StackVar]) extends Instruction
- case class CALL_METHOD(lhs: StackVar, rcvr: Option[StackVar], method: Symbol, args: List[StackVar], style: InvokeStyle) extends Instruction
- case class NEW(lhs: StackVar, kind: TypeKind) extends Instruction
- case class CREATE_ARRAY(lhs: StackVar, elem: TypeKind, size: StackVar) extends Instruction
- case class IS_INSTANCE(lhs: StackVar, rhs: StackVar, tpe: TypeKind) extends Instruction
- case class CHECK_CAST(lhs: StackVar, rhs: StackVar, tpe: TypeKind) extends Instruction
- case class SWITCH(obj: StackVar, tags: List[List[int]]) extends Instruction
- case class JUMP() extends Instruction
- case class CJUMP(left: StackVar, cond: TestOp, right: StackVar, kind: TypeKind) extends Instruction
- case class CZJUMP(obj: StackVar, cond: TestOp, kind: TypeKind) extends Instruction
- case class RETURN(obj: StackVar, kind: TypeKind) extends Instruction
- case class RETURN_VOID(kind: TypeKind) extends Instruction
- case class THROW(exc: StackVar) extends Instruction
- case class MONITOR_ENTER(obj: StackVar) extends Instruction
- case class MONITOR_EXIT(obj: StackVar) extends Instruction
- case class NOP() extends Instruction
- }
- class BasicBlock(
- var instrs: List[Instruction],
- var next: List[BasicBlock])
- {
- def this() = this(Nil, Nil)
- }
- class Code(val blocks: List[BasicBlock])
- {
- def start = blocks.head
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interdf/ICodeToDCode.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interdf/ICodeToDCode.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 74729101e0..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interdf/ICodeToDCode.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, HashSet, Queue}
-/** Translation routine from ICode to DCode.
- *
- * To convert ICode to DCode, stack accesses must be
- * translated to StackVar accesses. Pushes turn into
- * writes, while pops turn into reads.
- *
- * During the translation, the converter maintains abstract
- * stacks that specify which StackVar's at each program
- * point correspond to which stack positions. These
- * stacks maintain the invariant that no variable
- * is used twice.
- *
- * Whenever an instruction pushes onto the stack, a new
- * StackVar is allocated. Other choices seem reasonable,
- * but this one hopefully provides a moderate number of
- * variables that correspond to the structure of the original
- * program.
- *
- * During translation, whenever an icode block is visited
- * the first time, the translator records that block. Upon
- * subsequent visits along a different incoming control
- * edge, the first stack and the new stack do not in general
- * agree. To accodomodate this mismatch, (1) the first visit
- * translates the block according to the first seen stack, and
- * (2) later visits must prefix their entry to the block with
- * another block that rewrites the stack variables to conform
- * to the first visit.
- */
-trait ICodeToDCode requires DCode {
- import compiler.{icodes => I}
- import I.{opcodes=>IOP}
- import I.UNIT
- import opcodes._
- import compiler.icodes.opcodes.{Static, Dynamic}
- /** Convert ICode into DCode. */
- def icodeToDCode(code: I.Code): Code = {
- /** Convert one ICode instruction to a DCode instruction */
- def convIns(ins: I.Instruction, stack: List[StackVar]): Pair[Instruction, List[StackVar]] = {
- ins match {
- case IOP.THIS(clasz) => {
- val lhs = genStackVar
- Pair(THIS(lhs, clasz),
- lhs::stack)
- }
- case IOP.CONSTANT(const) => {
- val lhs = genStackVar
- Pair(CONSTANT(lhs, const),
- lhs::stack)
- }
- case IOP.LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) => {
- val lhs = genStackVar
- val idx::ary::stkbase = stack
- Pair(LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM(lhs, ary, idx, kind),
- lhs::stkbase)
- }
- case IOP.LOAD_LOCAL(local, isArg) => {
- val lhs = genStackVar
- Pair(LOAD_LOCAL(lhs, local, isArg),
- lhs::stack)
- }
- case IOP.LOAD_FIELD(field, isStatic) => {
- val lhs = genStackVar
- val obj::stkbase = stack
- Pair(LOAD_FIELD(lhs, obj, field, isStatic),
- lhs::stkbase)
- }
- case IOP.LOAD_MODULE(module) => {
- val lhs = genStackVar
- Pair(LOAD_MODULE(lhs, module),
- lhs::stack)
- }
- case IOP.STORE_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) => {
- val obj::idx::ary::stkbase = stack
- Pair(STORE_ARRAY_ITEM(ary, idx, obj, kind),
- stkbase)
- }
- case IOP.STORE_LOCAL(local, isArg) => {
- val obj::stkbase = stack
- Pair(STORE_LOCAL(local, obj, isArg),
- stkbase)
- }
- case IOP.STORE_FIELD(field, isStatic) => {
- val obj::into::stkbase = stack
- Pair(STORE_FIELD(into, field, obj, isStatic),
- stkbase)
- }
- case IOP.CALL_PRIMITIVE(primitive) => {
- val lhs = genStackVar
- val numArgs = ins.consumed
- val args = stack.take(numArgs).reverse
- val stkbase = stack.drop(numArgs)
- Pair(CALL_PRIMITIVE(lhs, primitive, args),
- lhs::stkbase)
- }
- case IOP.CALL_METHOD(method, style) => {
- val lhs = genStackVar
- val numargs = method.tpe.paramTypes.length
- val args = stack.take(numargs).reverse
- val stack2 = stack.drop(numargs)
- val Pair(rcvr,stkbase) = style match {
- case Dynamic | Static(true) =>
- Pair(Some(stack2.head), stack2.tail)
- case _ => Pair(None, stack2)
- }
- Pair(CALL_METHOD(lhs, rcvr, method, args, style),
- lhs::stkbase)
- }
- case IOP.NEW(kind) => {
- val lhs = genStackVar
- Pair(NEW(lhs, kind),
- lhs::stack)
- }
- case IOP.CREATE_ARRAY(elem) => {
- val lhs = genStackVar
- val size::stkbase = stack
- Pair(CREATE_ARRAY(lhs, elem, size),
- lhs::stkbase)
- }
- case IOP.IS_INSTANCE(tpe) => {
- val lhs = genStackVar
- val rhs::stkbase = stack
- Pair(IS_INSTANCE(lhs, rhs, tpe),
- lhs::stkbase)
- }
- case IOP.CHECK_CAST(tpe) => {
- val lhs = genStackVar
- val rhs::stkbase = stack
- Pair(CHECK_CAST(lhs, rhs, tpe),
- lhs::stkbase)
- }
- case IOP.SWITCH(tags, labels) => {
- val obj::stkbase = stack
- Pair(SWITCH(obj, tags),
- stkbase)
- }
- case IOP.JUMP(where) => Pair(JUMP(), stack)
- case IOP.CJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) => {
- val right::left::stkbase = stack
- Pair(CJUMP(left, cond, right, kind),
- stkbase)
- }
- case IOP.CZJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) => {
- val obj::stkbase = stack
- Pair(CZJUMP(obj, cond, kind),
- stkbase)
- }
- case IOP.RETURN(kind) if kind==UNIT => {
- Pair(RETURN_VOID(kind), stack)
- }
- case IOP.RETURN(kind) => { // kind != UNIT
- val obj::stkbase = stack
- Pair(RETURN(obj, kind),
- stkbase)
- }
- case IOP.THROW() => {
- val exc::stkbase = stack
- Pair(THROW(exc),
- stkbase)
- }
- case IOP.DROP(kind) => {
- Pair(NOP, stack.tail)
- }
- case IOP.DUP(kind) => {
- val sv = genStackVar
- Pair(VAR(sv, stack.head),
- sv::stack)
- }
- case IOP.MONITOR_ENTER() => {
- val obj::stkbase = stack
- Pair(MONITOR_ENTER(obj),
- stkbase)
- }
- case IOP.MONITOR_EXIT() => {
- val obj::stkbase = stack
- Pair(MONITOR_EXIT(obj),
- stkbase)
- }
- }
- }
- /** Convert the instructions from an ICode block to a Triples block */
- def convInstrs(icblk: I.BasicBlock,
- tripblk: BasicBlock,
- startStack: List[StackVar]): List[StackVar] = {
- def convLoop(instrs: List[I.Instruction], stack: List[StackVar]):
- Pair[List[Instruction], List[StackVar]] = {
- instrs match {
- case Nil => Pair(Nil, stack)
- case ins::insRest => {
- val Pair(dins, nextStack) = convIns(ins, stack)
- ins match {
- case _:IOP.RETURN => ()
- case _ => {
- if(!((nextStack.length - stack.length) == (ins.produced - ins.consumed))) {
- Console.println("bad conversion!")
- Console.println("Instruction: " + ins)
- Console.println("in stack: " + stack)
- Console.println("out stack: " + nextStack)
- throw new Error("assertion failed")
- }
- }
- }
- val Pair(dinsRest, finalStack) = convLoop(insRest, nextStack)
- Pair(dins::dinsRest, finalStack)
- }
- }
- }
- val Pair(ins, outStack) = convLoop(icblk.toList, startStack)
- tripblk.instrs = ins
- outStack
- }
- /** compute a block for rewriting the variables of
- * one stack to the variables of another */
- def rewriteStack(before: List[StackVar], after: List[StackVar]): BasicBlock = {
- val beforeSet = new HashSet[StackVar]; beforeSet ++= before
- val firstInsrs = new Queue[Instruction]
- val lastInsrs = new Queue[Instruction]
- for{val Pair(b, a) <-
- b != a}
- {
- if(!beforeSet.contains(a)) {
- // safe to kill 'a'
- firstInsrs += VAR(a, b)
- } else {
- // save 'a' to a temp variable, and only kill it at the end
- val tmpvar = genStackVar
- firstInsrs += VAR(tmpvar, b)
- lastInsrs += VAR(a, tmpvar)
- }
- }
- val insrs = firstInsrs.toList ::: lastInsrs.toList
- new BasicBlock(insrs, Nil)
- }
- /** Accumulates converted blocks */
- val blockMap = new HashMap[I.BasicBlock, BasicBlock]
- /** Records which input-stack was used the first time each ICode
- * block was converted to a DCode block.
- */
- val firstStackForBlock = new HashMap[BasicBlock, List[StackVar]]
- /** calculate the next pointers for a given block */
- def setNext(icblk: I.BasicBlock,
- tripblk: BasicBlock,
- endStack: List[StackVar]): Unit = {
- import compiler.icodes.opcodes._
- val out = icblk.lastInstruction match {
- case SWITCH(tags, labels) => labels
- case JUMP(where) => List(where)
- case CJUMP(success, failure, _, _) => List(success, failure)
- case CZJUMP(success, failure, _, _) => List(success, failure)
- case RETURN(kind) => Nil
- case THROW() => Nil
- case _ => throw new Error("basic block falls off the end")
- }
- = => conv(b, endStack))
- }
- /** Convert one basic block to a BB buffer. Memoes using blockMap.*/
- def conv(blk: I.BasicBlock, stack: List[StackVar]): BasicBlock = {
- blockMap.get(blk) match {
- case Some(bb) => {
- // Already seen. Add a translation block if necessary
- // in front of the previously converted block.
- val firstStack = firstStackForBlock(bb)
- assert(stack.length == firstStack.length)
- if(stack == firstStack)
- bb // same stacks -- no translation needed
- else {
- // different stacks; need to insert a translation block
- val trans = rewriteStack(stack, firstStack)
- = List(bb)
- trans
- }
- }
- case None => {
- // new translation
- val newblk = new BasicBlock
- blockMap.update(blk, newblk) // record this *before* recursing via setNext()
- firstStackForBlock(newblk) = stack
- val outStack = convInstrs(blk, newblk, stack)
- setNext(blk, newblk, outStack)
- newblk
- }
- }
- }
- /** Find all blocks reachable from a specified block */
- def traverseAndCollect(b: BasicBlock): List[BasicBlock] = {
- val seen = new HashSet[BasicBlock]
- def trav(b: BasicBlock): List[BasicBlock] = {
- if(seen.contains(b))
- Nil
- else {
- seen += b
- b ::
- }
- }
- trav(b)
- }
- /* run the conversion */
- val start = conv(code.startBlock, Nil)
- val blocks = traverseAndCollect(start)
- new Code(blocks)
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interdf/PrintDCode.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interdf/PrintDCode.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index daa8681a96..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interdf/PrintDCode.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
-/** An example use of DCode: compile the requested files and then
- * print out their DCode
- */
-object PrintDCode {
- def printDCode(dcode: DCode, files: List[String]) = {
- import dcode._
- val blockNames = new HashMap[BasicBlock,String]
- def blockName(blk: BasicBlock): String = {
- if(blockNames.contains(blk))
- blockNames(blk)
- else {
- val name = "blk" + blockNames.size
- blockNames(blk) = name
- name
- }
- }
- val run = new compiler.Run
- run.compile(files) // XXX this actually compiles the files; really, it should not
- // produce the class files....
- for(val unit <- run.units)
- Console.println("Unit: " + unit)
- for(val Pair(nam, cls) <- compiler.icodes.classes.toList) {
- Console.println("Name: " + nam + " class: " + cls)
- for(val meth <- cls.methods) {
- Console.println(" method: " + meth)
- val converted = icodeToDCode(meth.code)
- // name the blocks in order
- for(val blk <- converted.blocks) {
- Console.println(" " + blockName(blk) + ":")
- for(val ins <- blk.instrs)
- Console.println(" " + ins)
- Console.println(" blocks after " +
- blockName(blk) + ": " +
- Console.println
- }
- }
- }
- }
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- val reporter = new ConsoleReporter()
- def error(msg: String): Unit =
- reporter.error(null,
- msg + "\n " + "HACK" + " -help gives more information")
- val command = new CompilerCommand(List.fromArray(args), error, false)
- object compiler extends Global(command.settings, reporter)
- val comp = compiler
- val dcode = new DCode{val compiler = comp}
- printDCode(dcode, command.files)
- }