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6 files changed, 93 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BTypesFromSymbols.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BTypesFromSymbols.scala
index 1b9fd5e298..fffb9286b8 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BTypesFromSymbols.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BTypesFromSymbols.scala
@@ -213,6 +213,35 @@ class BTypesFromSymbols[G <: Global](val global: G) extends BTypes {
assert(!primitiveTypeMap.contains(sym) || isCompilingPrimitive, sym)
+ /**
+ * Reconstruct the classfile flags from a Java defined class symbol.
+ *
+ * The implementation of this method is slightly different that [[javaFlags]]. The javaFlags
+ * method is primarily used to map Scala symbol flags to sensible classfile flags that are used
+ * in the generated classfiles. For example, all classes emitted by the Scala compiler have
+ *
+ * When building a [[ClassBType]] from a Java class symbol, the flags in the type's `info` have
+ * to correspond exactly to the flags in the classfile. For example, if the class is package
+ * protected (i.e., it doesn't have the ACC_PUBLIC flag), this needs to be reflected in the
+ * ClassBType. For example, the inliner needs the correct flags for access checks.
+ *
+ * Class flags are listed here:
+ *
+ */
+ private def javaClassfileFlags(classSym: Symbol): Int = {
+ assert(classSym.isJava, s"Expected Java class symbol, got ${classSym.fullName}")
+ import asm.Opcodes._
+ GenBCode.mkFlags(
+ if (classSym.isPublic) ACC_PUBLIC else 0,
+ if (classSym.isFinal) ACC_FINAL else 0,
+ if (classSym.isInterface) ACC_INTERFACE else ACC_SUPER, // see the link above. javac does the same: ACC_SUPER for all classes, but not interfaces.
+ if (classSym.hasAbstractFlag) ACC_ABSTRACT else 0,
+ if (classSym.isArtifact) ACC_SYNTHETIC else 0,
+ if (classSym.hasEnumFlag) ACC_ENUM else 0
+ )
+ }
private def setClassInfo(classSym: Symbol, classBType: ClassBType): ClassBType = {
val superClassSym = if (classSym.isImplClass) ObjectClass else classSym.superClass
@@ -230,7 +259,10 @@ class BTypesFromSymbols[G <: Global](val global: G) extends BTypes {
val interfaces = implementedInterfaces(classSym).map(classBTypeFromSymbol)
- val flags = javaFlags(classSym)
+ val flags = {
+ if (classSym.isJava) javaClassfileFlags(classSym) // see comment on javaClassfileFlags
+ else javaFlags(classSym)
+ }
/* The InnerClass table of a class C must contain all nested classes of C, even if they are only
* declared but not otherwise referenced in C (from the bytecode or a method / field signature).
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/Inliner.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/Inliner.scala
index ac5c9ce2e6..e1f0ef0793 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/Inliner.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/Inliner.scala
@@ -560,38 +560,62 @@ class Inliner[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
* @param memberDeclClass The class in which the member is declared (A)
* @param memberRefClass The class used in the member reference (B)
+ * (B0) JVMS / when resolving a member of class C in D, the class C is resolved
+ * first. According to, this requires C to be accessible in D.
+ *
* JVMS 5.4.4 summary: A field or method R is accessible to a class D (destinationClass) iff
* (B1) R is public
* (B2) R is protected, declared in C (memberDeclClass) and D is a subclass of C.
* If R is not static, R must contain a symbolic reference to a class T (memberRefClass),
* such that T is either a subclass of D, a superclass of D, or D itself.
+ * Also (P) needs to be satisfied.
* (B3) R is either protected or has default access and declared by a class in the same
* run-time package as D.
+ * If R is protected, also (P) needs to be satisfied.
* (B4) R is private and is declared in D.
+ *
+ * (P) When accessing a protected instance member, the target object on the stack (the receiver)
+ * has to be a subtype of D (destinationClass). This is enforced by classfile verification
+ * (
+ *
+ * TODO: we cannot currently implement (P) because we don't have the necessary information
+ * available. Once we have a type propagation analysis implemented, we can extract the receiver
+ * type from there (
def memberIsAccessible(memberFlags: Int, memberDeclClass: ClassBType, memberRefClass: ClassBType): Either[OptimizerWarning, Boolean] = {
// TODO: B3 requires "same run-time package", which seems to be package + classloader (JMVS 5.3.). is the below ok?
def samePackageAsDestination = memberDeclClass.packageInternalName == destinationClass.packageInternalName
- val key = (ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_PROTECTED | ACC_PRIVATE) & memberFlags
- key match {
- case ACC_PUBLIC => // B1
- Right(true)
- case ACC_PROTECTED => // B2
- tryEither {
- val condB2 = destinationClass.isSubtypeOf(memberDeclClass).orThrow && {
- val isStatic = (ACC_STATIC & memberFlags) != 0
- isStatic || memberRefClass.isSubtypeOf(destinationClass).orThrow || destinationClass.isSubtypeOf(memberRefClass).orThrow
+ def targetObjectConformsToDestinationClass = false // needs type propagation analysis, see above
+ def memberIsAccessibleImpl = {
+ val key = (ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_PROTECTED | ACC_PRIVATE) & memberFlags
+ key match {
+ case ACC_PUBLIC => // B1
+ Right(true)
+ case ACC_PROTECTED => // B2
+ val isStatic = (ACC_STATIC & memberFlags) != 0
+ tryEither {
+ val condB2 = destinationClass.isSubtypeOf(memberDeclClass).orThrow && {
+ isStatic || memberRefClass.isSubtypeOf(destinationClass).orThrow || destinationClass.isSubtypeOf(memberRefClass).orThrow
+ }
+ Right(
+ (condB2 || samePackageAsDestination /* B3 (protected) */) &&
+ (isStatic || targetObjectConformsToDestinationClass) // (P)
+ )
- Right(condB2 || samePackageAsDestination) // B3 (protected)
- }
- case 0 => // B3 (default access)
- Right(samePackageAsDestination)
+ case 0 => // B3 (default access)
+ Right(samePackageAsDestination)
+ case ACC_PRIVATE => // B4
+ Right(memberDeclClass == destinationClass)
+ }
+ }
- case ACC_PRIVATE => // B4
- Right(memberDeclClass == destinationClass)
+ classIsAccessible(memberDeclClass) match { // B0
+ case Right(true) => memberIsAccessibleImpl
+ case r => r
diff --git a/test/files/run/kmpSliceSearch.flags b/test/files/run/kmpSliceSearch.flags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac96850b69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/files/run/kmpSliceSearch.flags
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+-Ydelambdafy:inline \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/files/run/t2106.check b/test/files/run/t2106.check
index f8f625ff46..66a0e707b3 100644
--- a/test/files/run/t2106.check
+++ b/test/files/run/t2106.check
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+#partest -Ybackend:GenBCode
+t2106.scala:7: warning: A::foo()Ljava/lang/Object; is annotated @inline but could not be inlined:
+The callee A::foo()Ljava/lang/Object; contains the instruction INVOKEVIRTUAL java/lang/Object.clone ()Ljava/lang/Object;
+that would cause an IllegalAccessError when inlined into class Test$.
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
+ ^
+#partest !-Ybackend:GenBCode
t2106.scala:7: warning: Could not inline required method foo because access level required by callee not matched by caller.
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
diff --git a/test/files/run/t2106.flags b/test/files/run/t2106.flags
index 00d3643fd4..a2e413bb22 100644
--- a/test/files/run/t2106.flags
+++ b/test/files/run/t2106.flags
@@ -1 +1 @@
--optimise -Yinline-warnings
+-optimise -Yinline-warnings -Yopt:l:classpath
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InlinerIllegalAccessTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InlinerIllegalAccessTest.scala
index b4839dcec8..7ed0e13226 100644
--- a/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InlinerIllegalAccessTest.scala
+++ b/test/junit/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InlinerIllegalAccessTest.scala
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ class InlinerIllegalAccessTest extends ClearAfterClass {
import compiler.genBCode.bTypes._
def addToRepo(cls: List[ClassNode]): Unit = for (c <- cls) byteCodeRepository.add(c, ByteCodeRepository.Classfile)
- def assertEmpty(ins: Option[AbstractInsnNode]) = for (i <- ins) throw new AssertionError(textify(i))
+ def assertEmpty(ins: Option[AbstractInsnNode]) = for (i <- ins)
+ throw new AssertionError(textify(i))
def typeAccessible(): Unit = {
@@ -176,15 +177,18 @@ class InlinerIllegalAccessTest extends ClearAfterClass {
- // protected accessed in same class, or protected static accessed in subclass(rgD).
- // can be inlined to subclasses, and classes in the same package (gCl)
- for ((m, declCls) <- Set((rcC, cCl), (rgC, cCl), (rgD, dCl)); c <- Set(cCl, dCl, eCl, fCl, gCl, hCl)) check(m, declCls, c, assertEmpty)
+ // protected static accessed in same class, or protected static accessed in subclass(rgD).
+ // can be inlined to sub- and superclasses, and classes in the same package (gCl)
+ for ((m, declCls) <- Set((rgC, cCl), (rgD, dCl)); c <- Set(cCl, dCl, eCl, fCl, gCl, hCl)) check(m, declCls, c, assertEmpty)
// protected in non-subclass and different package
for (m <- Set(rcC, rgC)) check(m, cCl, iCl, cOrDOwner)
- // non-static protected accessed in subclass (rcD). can be inlined to related class, or classes in the same package
- for (c <- Set(cCl, dCl, eCl, fCl, gCl)) check(rcD, dCl, c, assertEmpty)
+ // non-static protected accessed in subclass (rcD).
+ // can be inlined only if the destination class is related (sub- or superclass) or in the same package,
+ // AND if the receiver object is a subtype of the destination class
+ // TODO: we cannot check this yet, so the check flags the instruction as causing an IllegalAccess.
+ for ((m, declCls) <- Set((rcC, cCl), (rcD, dCl)); c <- Set(cCl, dCl, eCl, fCl, gCl)) check(m, declCls, c, cOrDOwner)
// rcD cannot be inlined into non-related classes, if the declaration and destination are not in the same package
for (c <- Set(hCl, iCl)) check(rcD, dCl, c, cOrDOwner)