path: root/build.sbt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build.sbt')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/build.sbt b/build.sbt
index 4465b662ca..3ef4cbf2b5 100644
--- a/build.sbt
+++ b/build.sbt
@@ -463,7 +463,6 @@ lazy val replJlineEmbedded = Project("repl-jline-embedded", file(".") / "target"".class") ||".properties") ||"META-INF/native") ||"META-INF/maven")
- //println("\n"))
import JarJar.JarJarConfig._
val config: Seq[JarJar.JarJarConfig] = Seq(
Rule("org.fusesource.**", ""),
@@ -851,3 +850,154 @@ commands ++= {
addCommandAlias("scalap", "scalap/compile:runMain -usejavacp")
+lazy val intellij = taskKey[Unit]("Update the library classpaths in the IntelliJ project files.")
+def moduleDeps(name: String) = Def.taskDyn { Def.task((name, (externalDependencyClasspath in Compile in LocalProject(name)) }
+intellij := {
+ import xml._
+ import xml.transform._
+ val s = streams.value
+ val modules: List[(String, Seq[File])] = {
+ // for the sbt build module, the dependencies are fetched from the project's build using sbt-buildinfo
+ val buildModule = ("scala-build", scalabuild.BuildInfo.buildClasspath.split(":") File(_)))
+ // `sbt projects` lists all modules in the build
+ buildModule :: List(
+ moduleDeps("actors").value,
+ moduleDeps("compiler").value,
+ // moduleDeps("dist").value, // No sources, therefore no module in IntelliJ
+ moduleDeps("forkjoin").value,
+ moduleDeps("interactive").value,
+ moduleDeps("junit").value,
+ moduleDeps("library").value,
+ // moduleDeps("library-all").value, // No sources
+ moduleDeps("manual").value,
+ moduleDeps("partest-extras").value,
+ moduleDeps("partest-javaagent").value,
+ moduleDeps("reflect").value,
+ moduleDeps("repl").value,
+ moduleDeps("repl-jline").value,
+ // moduleDeps("repl-jline-embedded").value, // No sources
+ // moduleDeps("root").value, // No sources
+ // moduleDeps("scala-dist").value, // No sources
+ moduleDeps("scaladoc").value,
+ moduleDeps("scalap").value,
+ moduleDeps("test").value)
+ }
+ def moduleDep(name: String, jars: Seq[File]) = {
+ val entries = => s""" <root url="jar://${f.getCanonicalPath}!/" />""").mkString("\n")
+ s"""| <library name="${name}-deps">
+ |$entries
+ | </CLASSES>
+ | <JAVADOC />
+ | <SOURCES />
+ | </library>""".stripMargin
+ }
+ def starrDep(jars: Seq[File]) = {
+ val entries = => s""" <root url="file://${f.getCanonicalPath}" />""").mkString("\n")
+ s"""| <library name="starr" type="Scala">
+ | <properties>
+ | <option name="languageLevel" value="Scala_2_12" />
+ | <compiler-classpath>
+ |$entries
+ | </compiler-classpath>
+ | </properties>
+ | <CLASSES />
+ | <JAVADOC />
+ | <SOURCES />
+ | </library>""".stripMargin
+ }
+ def replaceLibrary(data: Node, libName: String, libType: Option[String], newContent: String) = {
+ object rule extends RewriteRule {
+ var transformed = false
+ def checkAttrs(attrs: MetaData) = {
+ def check(key: String, expected: String) = {
+ val a = attrs(key)
+ a != null && a.text == expected
+ }
+ check("name", libName) && libType.forall(tp => check("type", tp))
+ }
+ override def transform(n: Node): Seq[Node] = n match {
+ case e @ Elem(_, "library", attrs, _, _, _*) if checkAttrs(attrs) =>
+ transformed = true
+ XML.loadString(newContent)
+ case other =>
+ other
+ }
+ }
+ object trans extends RuleTransformer(rule)
+ val r = trans(data)
+ if (!rule.transformed) error(s"Replacing library classpath for $libName failed, no existing library found.")
+ r
+ }
+ val ipr = (baseDirectory in ThisBuild).value / "src/intellij/scala.ipr"
+ var continue = false
+ if (!ipr.exists) {
+ scala.Console.print(s"Could not find src/intellij/scala.ipr. Create new project files from src/intellij/*.SAMPLE (y/n)? ")
+ if (scala.Console.readLine() == "y") {
+ intellijCreateFromSample((baseDirectory in ThisBuild).value)
+ continue = true
+ }
+ } else {
+ scala.Console.print("Update library classpaths in the current src/intellij/scala.ipr (y/n)? ")
+ continue = scala.Console.readLine() == "y"
+ }
+ if (continue) {
+"Updating library classpaths in src/intellij/scala.ipr.")
+ val content = XML.loadFile(ipr)
+ val newStarr = replaceLibrary(content, "starr", Some("Scala"), starrDep((scalaInstance in LocalProject("compiler")).value.jars))
+ val newModules = modules.foldLeft(newStarr)({
+ case (res, (modName, jars)) =>
+ if (jars.isEmpty) res // modules without dependencies
+ else replaceLibrary(res, s"$modName-deps", None, moduleDep(modName, jars))
+ })
+, newModules)
+ } else {
+ }
+lazy val intellijFromSample = taskKey[Unit]("Create fresh IntelliJ project files from src/intellij/*.SAMPLE.")
+intellijFromSample := {
+ val s = streams.value
+ scala.Console.print(s"Create new project files from src/intellij/*.SAMPLE (y/n)? ")
+ if (scala.Console.readLine() == "y")
+ intellijCreateFromSample((baseDirectory in ThisBuild).value)
+ else
+def intellijCreateFromSample(basedir: File): Unit = {
+ val files = basedir / "src/intellij" * "*.SAMPLE"
+ val copies = => (f, new File(f.getCanonicalPath.stripSuffix(".SAMPLE"))))
+ IO.copy(copies, overwrite = true)
+lazy val intellijToSample = taskKey[Unit]("Update src/intellij/*.SAMPLE using the current IntelliJ project files.")
+intellijToSample := {
+ val s = streams.value
+ scala.Console.print(s"Update src/intellij/*.SAMPLE using the current IntelliJ project files (y/n)? ")
+ if (scala.Console.readLine() == "y") {
+ val basedir = (baseDirectory in ThisBuild).value
+ val existing = basedir / "src/intellij" * "*.SAMPLE"
+ IO.delete(existing.get)
+ val current = basedir / "src/intellij" * ("*.iml" || "*.ipr")
+ val copies = => (f, new File(f.getCanonicalPath + ".SAMPLE")))
+ IO.copy(copies)
+ } else