path: root/build.sbt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build.sbt')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/build.sbt b/build.sbt
index b44812173b..3cf8723dbd 100644
--- a/build.sbt
+++ b/build.sbt
@@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ lazy val commonSettings = clearSourceAndResourceDirectories ++ Seq[Setting[_]](
// we disable those tasks by overriding them and returning bogus files when
// needed. This is a bit sketchy but I haven't found any better way.
val disableDocsAndPublishingTasks = Seq[Setting[_]](
- (doc := file("!!! NO DOCS !!!")),
- (publishLocal := {}),
- (publish := {}),
- (packageBin in Compile := file("!!! NO PACKAGING !!!"))
+ doc := file("!!! NO DOCS !!!"),
+ publishLocal := {},
+ publish := {},
+ packageBin in Compile := file("!!! NO PACKAGING !!!")
lazy val scalaSubprojectSettings = commonSettings ++ Seq[Setting[_]](
@@ -131,9 +131,10 @@ lazy val generatePropertiesFileSettings = Seq[Setting[_]](
val libIncludes: FileFilter = "*.tmpl" | "*.xml" | "*.js" | "*.css" | "rootdoc.txt"
-lazy val library = configureAsSubproject(project).
- settings(generatePropertiesFileSettings: _*).
- settings(
+lazy val library = configureAsSubproject(project)
+ .settings(generatePropertiesFileSettings: _*)
+ .settings(
name := "scala-library",
scalacOptions in Compile ++= Seq[String]("-sourcepath", (scalaSource in Compile).value.toString),
// Workaround for a bug in `scaladoc` that it seems to not respect the `-sourcepath` option
@@ -147,20 +148,21 @@ lazy val library = configureAsSubproject(project).
val libraryAuxDir = (baseDirectory in ThisBuild).value / "src/library-aux"
Seq("-doc-no-compile", libraryAuxDir.toString)
- includeFilter in unmanagedResources in Compile := libIncludes
- ) dependsOn (forkjoin)
+ includeFilter in unmanagedResources in Compile := libIncludes)
+ .dependsOn (forkjoin)
-lazy val reflect = configureAsSubproject(project).
- settings(generatePropertiesFileSettings: _*).
- settings(name := "scala-reflect").
- dependsOn(library)
+lazy val reflect = configureAsSubproject(project)
+ .settings(generatePropertiesFileSettings: _*)
+ .settings(name := "scala-reflect")
+ .dependsOn(library)
val compilerIncludes: FileFilter =
"*.tmpl" | "*.xml" | "*.js" | "*.css" | "*.html" | "*.properties" | "*.swf" |
"*.png" | "*.gif" | "*.gif" | "*.txt"
-lazy val compiler = configureAsSubproject(project).
- settings(generatePropertiesFileSettings: _*).
- settings(
+lazy val compiler = configureAsSubproject(project)
+ .settings(generatePropertiesFileSettings: _*)
+ .settings(
name := "scala-compiler",
libraryDependencies += antDep,
// this a way to make sure that classes from interactive and scaladoc projects
@@ -171,50 +173,47 @@ lazy val compiler = configureAsSubproject(project).
(mappings in Compile in packageBin in LocalProject("interactive")).value ++
(mappings in Compile in packageBin in LocalProject("scaladoc")).value ++
(mappings in Compile in packageBin in LocalProject("repl")).value,
- includeFilter in unmanagedResources in Compile := compilerIncludes
- ).
- dependsOn(library, reflect, asm)
+ includeFilter in unmanagedResources in Compile := compilerIncludes)
+ .dependsOn(library, reflect, asm)
-lazy val interactive = configureAsSubproject(project).
- settings(disableDocsAndPublishingTasks: _*).
- dependsOn(compiler)
+lazy val interactive = configureAsSubproject(project)
+ .settings(disableDocsAndPublishingTasks: _*)
+ .dependsOn(compiler)
-lazy val repl = configureAsSubproject(project).
- settings(libraryDependencies += jlineDep).
- settings(disableDocsAndPublishingTasks: _*).
- dependsOn(compiler)
+lazy val repl = configureAsSubproject(project)
+ .settings(libraryDependencies += jlineDep)
+ .settings(disableDocsAndPublishingTasks: _*)
+ .dependsOn(compiler)
-lazy val scaladoc = configureAsSubproject(project).
- settings(
+lazy val scaladoc = configureAsSubproject(project)
+ .settings(
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(scalaXmlDep, scalaParserCombinatorsDep, partestDep)
- ).
- settings(disableDocsAndPublishingTasks: _*).
- dependsOn(compiler)
+ )
+ .settings(disableDocsAndPublishingTasks: _*)
+ .dependsOn(compiler)
lazy val scalap = configureAsSubproject(project).
// deprecated Scala Actors project
// TODO: it packages into actors.jar but it should be scala-actors.jar
-lazy val actors = configureAsSubproject(project).
- settings(generatePropertiesFileSettings: _*).
- settings(name := "scala-actors").
- dependsOn(library)
+lazy val actors = configureAsSubproject(project)
+ .settings(generatePropertiesFileSettings: _*)
+ .settings(name := "scala-actors")
+ .dependsOn(library)
lazy val forkjoin = configureAsForkOfJavaProject(project)
lazy val asm = configureAsForkOfJavaProject(project)
-lazy val partestExtras = (
- configureAsSubproject(Project("partest-extras", file(".") / "src" / "partest-extras"))
- .dependsOn(repl)
- .settings(clearSourceAndResourceDirectories: _*)
- .settings(
- scalaVersion := bootstrapScalaVersion,
- ivyScala := ivyScala.value map { _.copy(overrideScalaVersion = true) },
- libraryDependencies += partestDep,
- unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile := List(baseDirectory.value)
- )
+lazy val partestExtras = configureAsSubproject(Project("partest-extras", file(".") / "src" / "partest-extras"))
+ .dependsOn(repl)
+ .settings(clearSourceAndResourceDirectories: _*)
+ .settings(
+ scalaVersion := bootstrapScalaVersion,
+ ivyScala := ivyScala.value map { _.copy(overrideScalaVersion = true) },
+ libraryDependencies += partestDep,
+ unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile := List(baseDirectory.value)
lazy val junit ="test") / "junit")