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+ \def\theresult{Exercise~\thesection.\arabic{result}}
+ \refstepcounter{result}
+ \trivlist\item[\hskip
+ \labelsep{\bf \theresult}]}
+Scala is a programming language that fuses elements from
+object-oriented and functional programming. We introduce here Scala in
+an informal way, through a sequence of examples.
+Chapters~\ref{chap:example-one} and \ref{chap:example-auction}
+highlight some of the features that make Scala interesting. The
+following chapters introduce the language constructs of Scala in a
+more thorough way, starting with simple expressions and functions, and
+working up through objects and classes, lists and streams, mutable
+state, pattern matching to more complete examples that show
+interesting programming techniques. The present informal exposition is
+meant to be complemented by the Java Language Reference Manual which
+specifies Scala in a more detailed and precise way.
+We owe a great dept to Sussman and Abelson's wonderful book
+``Structure and Interpretation of Computer
+Programs''\cite{abelson-sussman:structure}. Many of their examples and
+exercises are also present here. Of course, the working language has
+in each case been changed from Scheme to Scala. Furthermore, the
+examples make use of Scala's object-oriented constructs where
+\chapter{\label{chap:example-one}A First Example}
+As a first example, here is an implementation of Quicksort in Scala.
+def sort(xs: Array[int]): unit = {
+ def swap(i: int, j: int): unit = {
+ val t = xs(i); xs(i) = xs(j); xs(j) = t;
+ }
+ def sort1(l: int, r: int): unit = {
+ val pivot = xs((l + r) / 2);
+ var i = l, j = r;
+ while (i <= j) {
+ while (xs(i) < pivot) { i = i + 1 }
+ while (xs(j) > pivot) { j = j - 1 }
+ if (i <= j) {
+ swap(i, j);
+ i = i + 1;
+ j = j - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (l < j) sort1(l, j);
+ if (j < r) sort1(i, r);
+ }
+ sort1(0, xs.length - 1);
+The implementation looks quite similar to what one would write in Java
+or C. We use the same operators and similar control structures.
+There are also some minor syntactical differences. In particular:
+Definitions start with a reserved word. Function definitions start
+with \code{def}, variable definitions start with \code{var} and
+definitions of values (i.e. read only variables) start with \code{val}.
+The declared type of a symbol is given after the symbol and a colon.
+The declared type can often be omitted, because the compiler can infer
+it from the context.
+We use \code{unit} instead of \code{void} to define the result type of
+a procedure.
+Array types are written \code{Array[T]} rather than \code{T[]},
+and array selections are written \code{a(i)} rather than \code{a[i]}.
+Functions can be nested inside other functions. Nested functions can
+access parameters and local variables of enclosing functions. For
+instance, the name of the array \code{a} is visible in functions
+\code{swap} and \code{sort1}, and therefore need not be passed as a
+parameter to them.
+So far, Scala looks like a fairly conventional language with some
+syntactic pecularities. In fact it is possible to write programs in a
+conventional imperative or object-oriented style. This is important
+because it is one of the things that makes it easy to combine Scala
+components with components written in mainstream languages such as
+Java, C\# or Visual Basic.
+However, it is also possible to write programs in a style which looks
+completely different. Here is Quicksort again, this time written in
+functional style.
+def sort(xs: List[int]): List[int] = {
+ val pivot = a(a.length / 2);
+ sort(a.filter(x => x < pivot))
+ ::: a.filter(x => x == pivot)
+ ::: sort(a.filter(x => x > pivot))
+The functional program works with lists instead of arrays.\footnote{In
+a future complete implemenetation of Scala, we could also have used arrays
+instead of lists, but at the moment arrays do not yet support
+\code{filter} and \code{:::}.}
+It captures the essence of the quicksort algorithm in a concise way:
+\item Pick an element in the middle of the list as a pivot.
+\item Partition the lists into two sub-lists containing elements that
+are less than, respectively greater than the pivot element, and a
+third list which contains elements equal to privot.
+\item Sort the first two sub-lists by a recursive invocation of
+the sort function.\footnote{This is not quite what the imperative algorithm does;
+the latter partitions the array into two sub-arrays containing elements
+less than or greater or equal to pivot.}
+\item The result is obtained by appending the three sub-lists together.
+Both the imperative and the functional implementation have the same
+asymptotic complexity -- $O(N;log(N))$ in the average case and
+$O(N^2)$ in the worst case. But where the imperative implementation
+operates in place by modifying the argument array, the functional
+implementation returns a new sorted list and leaves the argument
+list unchanged. The functional implementation thus requires more
+transient memory than the imperative one.
+The functional implementation makes it look like Scala is a language
+that's specialized for functional operations on lists. In fact, it
+is not; all of the operations used in the example are simple library
+methods of a class \code{List[t]} which is part of the standard
+Scala library, and which itself is implemented in Scala.
+In particular, there is the method \code{filter} which takes as
+argument a {\em predicate function} that maps list elements to
+boolean values. The result of \code{filter} is a list consisting of
+all the elements of the original list for which the given predicate
+function is true. The \code{filter} method of an object of type
+\code{List[t]} thus has the signature
+def filter(p: t => boolean): List[t]
+Here, \code{t => boolean} is the type of functions that take an element
+of type \code{t} and return a \code{boolean}. Functions like
+\code{filter} that take another function as argument or return one as
+result are called {\em higher-order} functions.
+In the quicksort program, \code{filter} is applied three times to an
+anonymous function argument. The first argument,
+\code{x => x <= pivot} represents the function that maps its parameter
+\code{x} to the boolean value \code{x <= pivot}. That is, it yields
+true if \code{x} is smaller or equal than \code{pivot}, false
+otherwise. The function is anonymous, i.e.\ it is not defined with a
+name. The type of the \code{x} parameter is omitted because a Scala
+compiler can infer it automatically from the context where the
+function is used. To summarize, \code{xs.filter(x => x <= pivot)}
+returns a list consisting of all elements of the list \code{xs} that are
+smaller than \code{pivot}.
+It is also possible to apply higher-order functions such as
+\code{filter} to named function arguments. Here is functional
+quicksort again, where the two anonymous functions are replaced by
+named auxiliary functions that compare the argument to the
+\code{pivot} value.
+def sort (xs: List[int]): List[int] = {
+ val pivot = xs(xs.length / 2);
+ def leqPivot(x: int) = x <= pivot;
+ def gtPivot(x: int) = x > pivot;
+ def eqPivot(x: int) = x == pivot;
+ sort(xs filter leqPivot)
+ ::: sort(xs filter eqPivot)
+ ::: sort(xs filter gtPivot)
+An object of type \code{List[t]} also has a method ``\code{:::}''
+which takes an another list and which returns the result of appending this
+list to itself. This method has the signature
+def :::(that: List[t]): List[t]
+Scala does not distinguish between identifiers and operator names. An
+identifier can be either a sequence of letters and digits which begins
+with a letter, or it can be a sequence of special characters, such as
+``\code{+}'', ``\code{*}'', or ``\code{:}''. The last definition thus
+introduced a new method identifier ``\code{:::}''. This identifier is
+used in the Quicksort example as a binary infix operator that connects
+the two sub-lists resulting from the partition. In fact, any method
+can be used as an operator in Scala. The binary operation $E;op;E'$
+is always interpreted as the method call $E.op(E')$. This holds also
+for binary infix operators which start with a letter. The recursive call
+to \code{sort} in the last quicksort example is thus equivalent to
+sort(a.filter(x => x < pivot))
+ .:::(sort(a.filter(x => x == pivot)))
+ .:::(sort(a.filter(x => x > pivot)))
+Looking again in detail at the first, imperative implementation of
+Quicksort, we find that many of the language constructs used in the
+second solution are also present, albeit in a disguised form.
+For instance, ``standard'' binary operators such as \code{+},
+\code{-}, or \code{<} are not treated in any special way. Like
+\code{append}, they are methods of their left operand. Consequently,
+the expression \code{i + 1} is regarded as the invocation
+\code{i.+(1)} of the \code{+} method of the integer value \code{x}.
+Of course, a compiler is free (if it is moderately smart, even expected)
+to recognize the special case of calling the \code{+} method over
+integer arguments and to generate efficient inline code for it.
+Control constructs such as \code{while} are also not primitive but are
+predefined functions in the standard Scala library. Here is the
+definition of \code{while} in Scala.
+def while (def p: boolean) (def s: unit): unit =
+ if (p) { s ; while(p)(s) }
+The \code{while} function takes as first parameter a test function,
+which takes no parameters and yields a boolean value. As second
+parameter it takes a command function which also takes no parameters
+and yields a trivial result. \code{while} invokes the command function
+as long as the test function yields true. Again, compilers are free to
+pick specialized implementations of \code{while} that have the same
+behavior as the invocation of the function given above.
+\chapter{Programming with Actors and Messages}
+Here's an example that shows an application area for which Scala is
+particularly well suited. Consider the task of implementing an
+electronic auction service. We use an Erlang-style actor process
+model to implement the participants of the auction. Actors are
+objects to which messages are sent. Every process has a ``mailbox'' of
+its incoming messages which is represented as a queue. It can work
+sequentially through the messages in its mailbox, or search for
+messages matching some pattern.
+\begin{lstlisting}[style=floating,label=fig:simple-auction-msgs,caption=Implementation of an Auction Service]
+trait AuctionMessage;
+case class Offer(bid: int, client: Actor) extends AuctionMessage;
+case class Inquire(client: Actor) extends AuctionMessage;
+trait AuctionReply;
+case class Status(asked: int, expire: Date) extends AuctionReply;
+case object BestOffer extends AuctionReply;
+case class BeatenOffer(maxBid: int) extends AuctionReply;
+case class AuctionConcluded(seller: Actor, client: Actor)
+ extends AuctionReply;
+case object AuctionFailed extends AuctionReply;
+case object AuctionOver extends AuctionReply;
+For every traded item there is an auctioneer process that publishes
+information about the traded item, that accepts offers from clients
+and that communicates with the seller and winning bidder to close the
+transaction. We present an overview of a simple implementation
+As a first step, we define the messages that are exchanged during an
+auction. There are two abstract base classes (called {\em traits}):
+\code{AuctionMessage} for messages from clients to the auction
+service, and \code{AuctionReply} for replies from the service to the
+clients. For both base classes there exists a number of cases, which
+are defined in Figure~\ref{fig:simple-auction-msgs}.
+\begin{lstlisting}[style=floating,label=fig:simple-auction,caption=Implementation of an Auction Service]
+class Auction(seller: Actor, minBid: int, closing: Date) extends Actor {
+ val timeToShutdown = 36000000; // msec
+ val bidIncrement = 10;
+ def run() = {
+ var maxBid = minBid - bidIncrement;
+ var maxBidder: Actor = _;
+ var running = true;
+ while (running) {
+ receiveWithin ((closing.getTime() - new Date().getTime())) {
+ case Offer(bid, client) =>
+ if (bid >= maxBid + bidIncrement) {
+ if (maxBid >= minBid) maxBidder send BeatenOffer(bid);
+ maxBid = bid; maxBidder = client; client send BestOffer;
+ } else {
+ client send BeatenOffer(maxBid);
+ }
+ case Inquire(client) =>
+ client send Status(maxBid, closing);
+ case TIMEOUT =>
+ if (maxBid >= minBid) {
+ val reply = AuctionConcluded(seller, maxBidder);
+ maxBidder send reply; seller send reply;
+ } else {
+ seller send AuctionFailed;
+ }
+ receiveWithin(timeToShutdown) {
+ case Offer(_, client) => client send AuctionOver
+ case TIMEOUT => running = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+For each base class, there are a number of {\em case classes} which
+define the format of particular messages in the class. These messages
+might well be ultimately mapped to small XML documents. We expect
+automatic tools to exist that convert between XML documents and
+internal data structures like the ones defined above.
+Figure~\ref{fig:simple-auction} presents a Scala implementation of a
+class \code{Auction} for auction processes that coordinate the bidding
+on one item. Objects of this class are created by indicating
+\item a seller process which needs to be notified when the auction is over,
+\item a minimal bid,
+\item the date when the auction is to be closed.
+The process behavior is defined by its \code{run} method. That method
+repeatedly selects (using \code{receiveWithin}) a message and reacts to it,
+until the auction is closed, which is signalled by a \code{TIMEOUT}
+message. Before finally stopping, it stays active for another period
+determined by the \code{timeToShutdown} constant and replies to
+further offers that the auction is closed.
+Here are some further explanations of the constructs used in this
+The \code{receiveWithin} method of class \code{Actor} takes as
+parameters a time span given in milliseconds and a function that
+processes messages in the mailbox. The function is given by a sequence
+of cases that each specify a pattern and an action to perform for
+messages matching the pattern. The \code{receiveWithin} method selects
+the first message in the mailbox which matches one of these patterns
+and applies the corresponding action to it.
+The last case of \code{receiveWithin} is guarded by a
+\code{TIMEOUT} pattern. If no other messages are received in the meantime, this
+pattern is triggered after the time span which is passed as argument
+to the enclosing \code{receiveWithin} method. \code{TIMEOUT} is a
+particular instance of class \code{Message}, which is triggered by the
+\code{Actor} implementation itself.
+Reply messages are sent using syntax of the form
+\code{destination send SomeMessage}. \code{send} is used here as a
+binary operator with a process and a message as arguments. This is
+equivalent in Scala to the method call
+\code{destination.send(SomeMessage)}, i.e. the invocation of
+the \code{send} of the destination process with the given message as
+The preceding discussion gave a flavor of distributed programming in
+Scala. It might seem that Scala has a rich set of language constructs
+that support actor processes, message sending and receiving,
+programming with timeouts, etc. In fact, the opposite is true. All the
+constructs discussed above are offered as methods in the library class
+\code{Actor}. That class is itself implemented in Scala, based on the underlying
+thread model of the host language (e.g. Java, or .NET).
+The implementation of all features of class \code{Actor} used here is
+given in Section~\ref{sec:actors}.
+The advantages of the library-based approach are relative simplicity
+of the core language and flexibility for library designers. Because
+the core language need not specify details of high-level process
+communication, it can be kept simpler and more general. Because the
+particular model of messages in a mailbox is a library module, it can
+be freely modified if a different model is needed in some
+applications. The approach requires however that the core language is
+expressive enough to provide the necessary language abstractions in a
+convenient way. Scala has been designed with this in mind; one of its
+major design goals was that it should be flexible enough to act as a
+convenient host language for domain specific languages implemented by
+library modules. For instance, the actor communication constructs
+presented above can be regarded as one such domain specific language,
+which conceptually extends the Scala core.
+\chapter{\label{chap:simple-funs}Expressions and Simple Functions}
+The previous examples gave an impression of what can be done with
+Scala. We now introduce its constructs one by one in a more
+systematic fashion. We start with the smallest level, expressions and
+\section{Expressions And Simple Functions}
+A Scala system comes with an interpreter which can be seen as a fancy
+calculator. A user interacts with the calculator by typing in
+expressions. The calculator returns the evaluation results and their
+types. Example:
+> 87 + 145
+232: scala.Int
+> 5 + 2 * 3
+11: scala.Int
+> "hello" + " world!"
+hello world: scala.String
+It is also possible to name a sub-expression and use the name instead
+of the expression afterwards:
+> def scale = 5
+def scale: int
+> 7 * scale
+35: scala.Int
+> def pi = 3.14159
+def pi: scala.Double
+> def radius = 10
+def radius: scala.Int
+> 2 * pi * radius
+62.8318: scala.Double
+Definitions start with the reserved word \code{def}; they introduce a
+name which stands for the expression following the \code{=} sign. The
+interpreter will answer with the introduced name and its type.
+Executing a definition such as \code{def x = e} will not evaluate the
+expression \code{e}. Instead \code{e} is evaluated whenever \code{x}
+is used. Alternatively, Scala offers a value definition
+\code{val x = e}, which does evaluate the right-hand-side \code{e} as part of the
+evaluation of the definition. If \code{x} is then used subsequently,
+it is immediately replaced by the pre-computed value of
+\code{e}, so that the expression need not be evaluated again.
+How are expressions evaluated? An expression consisting of operators
+and operands is evaluated by repeatedly applying the following
+simplification steps.
+\item pick the left-most operation
+\item evaluate its operands
+\item apply the operator to the operand values.
+A name defined by \code{def}\ is evaluated by replacing the name by the
+(unevaluated) definition's right hand side. A name defined by \code{val} is
+evaluated by replacing the name by the value of the definitions's
+right-hand side. The evaluation process stops once we have reached a
+value. A value is some data item such as a string, a number, an array,
+or a list.
+Here is an evaluation of an arithmetic expression.
+$\,\,\,$ (2 * pi) * radius
+$\rightarrow$ (2 * 3.14159) * radius
+$\rightarrow$ 6.28318 * radius
+$\rightarrow$ 6.28318 * 10
+$\rightarrow$ 62.8318
+The process of stepwise simplification of expressions to values is
+called {\em reduction}.
+Using \code{def}, one can also define functions with parameters. Example:
+> def square(x: double) = x * x
+def square(x: double): scala.Double
+> square(2)
+4.0: scala.Double
+> square(5 + 4)
+81.0: scala.Double
+> square(square(4))
+256.0: scala.Double
+> def sumOfSquares(x: double, y: double) = square(x) + square(y)
+def sumOfSquares(x: scala.Double, y: scala.Double): scala.Double
+Function parameters follow the function name and are always enclosed
+in parentheses. Every parameter comes with a type, which is indicated
+following the parameter name and a colon. At the present time, we
+only need basic numeric types such as the type \code{scala.Double} of
+double precision numbers. Scala defines {\em type aliases} for some
+standard types, so we can write numeric types as in Java. For instance
+\code{double} is a type alias of \code{scala.Double} and \code{int} is
+a type alias for \code{scala.Int}.
+Functions with parameters are evaluated analogously to operators in
+expressions. First, the arguments of the function are evaluated (in
+left-to-right order). Then, the function application is replaced by
+the function's right hand side, and at the same time all formal
+parameters of the function are replaced by their corresponding actual
+$\,\,\,$ sumOfSquares(3, 2+2)
+$\rightarrow$ sumOfSquares(3, 4)
+$\rightarrow$ square(3) + square(4)
+$\rightarrow$ 3 * 3 + square(4)
+$\rightarrow$ 9 + square(4)
+$\rightarrow$ 9 + 4 * 4
+$\rightarrow$ 9 + 16
+$\rightarrow$ 25
+The example shows that the interpreter reduces function arguments to
+values before rewriting the function application. One could instead
+have chosen to apply the function to unreduced arguments. This would
+have yielded the following reduction sequence:
+$\,\,\,$ sumOfSquares(3, 2+2)
+$\rightarrow$ square(3) + square(2+2)
+$\rightarrow$ 3 * 3 + square(2+2)
+$\rightarrow$ 9 + square(2+2)
+$\rightarrow$ 9 + (2+2) * (2+2)
+$\rightarrow$ 9 + 4 * (2+2)
+$\rightarrow$ 9 + 4 * 4
+$\rightarrow$ 9 + 16
+$\rightarrow$ 25
+The second evaluation order is known as \emph{call-by-name},
+whereas the first one is known as \emph{call-by-value}. For
+expressions that use only pure functions and that therefore can be
+reduced with the substitution model, both schemes yield the same final
+Call-by-value has the advantage that it avoids repeated evaluation of
+arguments. Call-by-name has the advantage that it avoids evaluation of
+arguments when the parameter is not used at all by the function.
+Call-by-value is usually more efficient than call-by-name, but a
+call-by-value evaluation might loop where a call-by-name evaluation
+would terminate. Consider:
+> def loop: int = loop
+def loop: scala.Int
+> def first(x: int, y: int) = x
+def first(x: scala.Int, y: scala.Int): scala.Int
+Then \code{first(1, loop)} reduces with call-by-name to \code{1},
+whereas the same term reduces with call-by-value repeatedly to itself,
+hence evaluation does not terminate.
+$\,\,\,$ first(1, loop)
+$\rightarrow$ first(1, loop)
+$\rightarrow$ first(1, loop)
+$\rightarrow$ ...
+Scala uses call-by-value by default, but it switches to call-by-name evaluation
+if the parameter is preceded by \code{def}.
+> def constOne(x: int, def y: int) = 1
+constOne(x: scala.Int, def y: scala.Int): scala.Int
+> constOne(1, loop)
+1: scala.Int
+> constOne(loop, 2) // gives an infinite loop.
+\section{Conditional Expressions}
+Scala's \code{if-else} lets one choose between two alternatives. Its
+syntax is like Java's \code{if-else}. But where Java's \code{if-else}
+can be used only as an alternative of statements, Scala allows the
+same syntax to choose between two expressions. That's why Scala's
+\code{if-else} serves also as a substitute for Java's conditional
+expression \code{ ... ? ... : ...}.
+> def abs(x: double) = if (x >= 0) x else -x
+abs(x: double): double
+Scala's boolean expressions are similar to Java's; they are formed
+from the constants
+\code{true} and
+\code{false}, comparison operators, boolean negation \code{!} and the
+boolean operators $\,$\code{&&}$\,$ and $\,$\code{||}.
+\section{\label{sec:sqrt}Example: Square Roots by Newton's Method}
+We now illustrate the language elements introduced so far in the
+construction of a more interesting program. The task is to write a
+def sqrt(x: double): double = ...
+which computes the square root of \code{x}.
+A common way to compute square roots is by Newton's method of
+successive approximations. One starts with an initial guess \code{y}
+(say: \code{y = 1}). One then repeatedly improves the current guess
+\code{y} by taking the average of \code{y} and \code{x/y}. As an
+example, the next three columns indicate the guess \code{y}, the
+quotient \code{x/y}, and their average for the first approximations of
+$\sqrt 2$.
+1 2/1 = 2 1.5
+1.5 2/1.5 = 1.3333 1.4167
+1.4167 2/1.4167 = 1.4118 1.4142
+1.4142 ... ...
+$y$ $x/y$ $(y + x/y)/2$
+One can implement this algorithm in Scala by a set of small functions,
+which each represent one of the elements of the algorithm.
+We first define a function for iterating from a guess to the result:
+def sqrtIter(guess: double, x: double): double =
+ if (isGoodEnough(guess, x)) guess
+ else sqrtIter(improve(guess, x), x);
+Note that \code{sqrtIter} calls itself recursively. Loops in
+imperative programs can always be modelled by recursion in functional
+Note also that the definition of \code{sqrtIter} contains a return
+type, which follows the parameter section. Such return types are
+mandatory for recursive functions. For a non-recursive function, the
+return type is optional; if it is missing the type checker will
+compute it from the type of the function's right-hand side. However,
+even for non-recursive functions it is often a good idea to include a
+return type for better documentation.
+As a second step, we define the two functions called by
+\code{sqrtIter}: a function to \code{improve} the guess and a
+termination test \code{isGoodEnough}. Here is their definition.
+def improve(guess: double, x: double) =
+ (guess + x / guess) / 2;
+def isGoodEnough(guess: double, x: double) =
+ abs(square(guess) - x) < 0.001;
+Finally, the \code{sqrt} function itself is defined by an aplication
+of \code{sqrtIter}.
+def sqrt(x: double) = sqrtIter(1.0, x);
+\begin{exercise} The \code{isGoodEnough} test is not very precise for small
+numbers and might lead to non-termination for very large ones (why?).
+Design a different version of \code{isGoodEnough} which does not have
+these problems.
+\begin{exercise} Trace the execution of the \code{sqrt(4)} expression.
+\section{Nested Functions}
+The functional programming style encourages the construction of many
+small helper functions. In the last example, the implementation
+of \code{sqrt} made use of the helper functions \code{sqrtIter},
+\code{improve} and \code{isGoodEnough}. The names of these functions
+are relevant only for the implementation of \code{sqrt}. We normally
+do not want users of \code{sqrt} to access these functions directly.
+We can enforce this (and avoid name-space pollution) by including
+the helper functions within the calling function itself:
+def sqrt(x: double) = {
+ def sqrtIter(guess: double, x: double): double =
+ if (isGoodEnough(guess, x)) guess
+ else sqrtIter(improve(guess, x), x);
+ def improve(guess: double, x: double) =
+ (guess + x / guess) / 2;
+ def isGoodEnough(guess: double, x: double) =
+ abs(square(guess) - x) < 0.001;
+ sqrtIter(1.0, x)
+In this program, the braces \code{\{ ... \}} enclose a {\em block}.
+Blocks in Scala are themselves expressions. Every block ends in a
+result expression which defines its value. The result expression may
+be preceded by auxiliary definitions, which are visible only in the
+block itself.
+Every definition in a block must be followed by a semicolon, which
+separates this definition from subsequent definitions or the result
+expression. However, a semicolon is inserted implicitly if the
+definition ends in a right brace and is followed by a new line.
+Therefore, the following are all legal:
+def f(x) = x + 1; /* `;' mandatory */
+f(1) + f(2)
+def g(x) = {x + 1}
+g(1) + g(2)
+def h(x) = {x + 1}; /* `;' mandatory */ h(1) + h(2)
+Scala uses the usual block-structured scoping rules. A name defined in
+some outer block is visible also in some inner block, provided it is
+not redefined there. This rule permits us to simplify our
+\code{sqrt} example. We need not pass \code{x} around as an additional parameter of
+the nested functions, since it is always visible in them as a
+parameter of the outer function \code{sqrt}. Here is the simplified code:
+def sqrt(x: double) = {
+ def sqrtIter(guess: double): double =
+ if (isGoodEnough(guess)) guess
+ else sqrtIter(improve(guess));
+ def improve(guess: double) =
+ (guess + x / guess) / 2;
+ def isGoodEnough(guess: double) =
+ abs(square(guess) - x) < 0.001;
+ sqrtIter(1.0)
+\section{Tail Recursion}
+Consider the following function to compute the greatest common divisor
+of two given numbers.
+def gcd(a: int, b: int): int = if (b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b)
+Using our substitution model of function evaluation,
+\code{gcd(14, 21)} evaluates as follows:
+$\,\,$ gcd(14, 21)
+$\rightarrow\!$ if (21 == 0) 14 else gcd(21, 14 % 21)
+$\rightarrow\!$ if (false) 14 else gcd(21, 14 % 21)
+$\rightarrow\!$ gcd(21, 14 % 21)
+$\rightarrow\!$ gcd(21, 14)
+$\rightarrow\!$ if (14 == 0) 21 else gcd(14, 21 % 14)
+$\rightarrow$ $\rightarrow$ gcd(14, 21 % 14)
+$\rightarrow\!$ gcd(14, 7)
+$\rightarrow\!$ if (7 == 0) 14 else gcd(7, 14 % 7)
+$\rightarrow$ $\rightarrow$ gcd(7, 14 % 7)
+$\rightarrow\!$ gcd(7, 0)
+$\rightarrow\!$ if (0 == 0) 7 else gcd(0, 7 % 0)
+$\rightarrow$ $\rightarrow$ 7
+Contrast this with the evaluation of another recursive function,
+def factorial(n: int): int = if (n == 0) 1 else n * factorial(n - 1)
+The application \code{factorial(5)} rewrites as follows:
+$\,\,\,$ factorial(5)
+$\rightarrow$ if (5 == 0) 1 else 5 * factorial(5 - 1)
+$\rightarrow$ 5 * factorial(5 - 1)
+$\rightarrow$ 5 * factorial(4)
+$\rightarrow\ldots\rightarrow$ 5 * (4 * factorial(3))
+$\rightarrow\ldots\rightarrow$ 5 * (4 * (3 * factorial(2)))
+$\rightarrow\ldots\rightarrow$ 5 * (4 * (3 * (2 * factorial(1))))
+$\rightarrow\ldots\rightarrow$ 5 * (4 * (3 * (2 * (1 * factorial(0))))
+$\rightarrow\ldots\rightarrow$ 5 * (4 * (3 * (2 * (1 * 1))))
+$\rightarrow\ldots\rightarrow$ 120
+There is an important difference between the two rewrite sequences:
+The terms in the rewrite sequence of \code{gcd} have again and again
+the same form. As evaluation proceeds, their size is bounded by a
+constant. By contrast, in the evaluation of factorial we get longer
+and longer chains of operands which are then multiplied in the last
+part of the evaluation sequence.
+Even though actual implementations of Scala do not work by rewriting
+terms, they nevertheless should have the same space behavior as in the
+rewrite sequences. In the implementation of \code{gcd}, one notes that
+the recursive call to \code{gcd} is the last action performed in the
+evaluation of its body. One also says that \code{gcd} is
+``tail-recursive''. The final call in a tail-recursive function can be
+implemented by a jump back to the beginning of that function. The
+arguments of that call can overwrite the parameters of the current
+instantiation of \code{gcd}, so that no new stack space is needed.
+Hence, tail recursive functions are iterative processes, which can be
+executed in constant space.
+By contrast, the recursive call in \code{factorial} is followed by a
+multiplication. Hence, a new stack frame is allocated for the
+recursive instance of factorial, and is decallocated after that
+instance has finished. The given formulation of the factorial function
+is not tail-recursive; it needs space proportional to its input
+parameter for its execution.
+More generally, if the last action of a function is a call to another
+(possibly the same) function, only a single stack frame is needed for
+both functions. Such calls are called ``tail calls''. In principle,
+tail calls can always re-use the stack frame of the calling function.
+However, some run-time environments (such as the Java VM) lack the
+primititives to make stack frame re-use for tail calls efficient. A
+production quality Scala implementation is therefore only required to
+re-use the stack frame of a directly tail-recursive function whose
+last action is a call to itself. Other tail calls might be optimized
+also, but one should not rely on this across implementations.
+\begin{exercise} Design a tail-recursive version of
+\chapter{\label{chap:first-class-funs}First-Class Functions}
+A function in Scala is a ``first-class value''. Like any other value,
+it may be passed as a parameter or returned as a result. Functions
+which take other functions as parameters or return them as results are
+called {\em higher-order} functions. This chapter introduces
+higher-order functions and shows how they provide a flexible mechanism
+for program composition.
+As a motivating example, consider the following three related tasks:
+Write a function to sum all integers between two given numbers \code{a} and \code{b}:
+def sumInts(a: int, b: int): double =
+ if (a > b) 0 else a + sumInts(a + 1, b)
+Write a function to sum the cubes of all integers between two given numbers
+\code{a} and \code{b}:
+def cube(x: int): double = x * x * x
+def sumCubes(a: int, b: int): double =
+ if (a > b) 0 else cube(a) + sumSqrts(a + 1, b)
+Write a function to sum the reciprocals of all integers between two given numbers
+\code{a} and \code{b}:
+def sumReciprocals(a: int, b: int): double =
+ if (a > b) 0 else 1.0 / a + sumReciprocals(a + 1, b)
+These functions are all instances of
+\(\sum^b_a f(n)\) for different values of $f$.
+We can factor out the common pattern by defining a function \code{sum}:
+def sum(f: int => double, a: int, b: int): double =
+ if (a > b) 0 else f(a) + sum(f, a + 1, b)
+The type \code{int => double} is the type of functions that
+take arguments of type \code{int} and return results of type
+\code{double}. So \code{sum} is a function which takes another function as
+a parameter. In other words, \code{sum} is a {\em higher-order}
+Using \code{sum}, we can formulate the three summing functions as
+def sumInts(a: int, b: int): double = sum(id, a, b);
+def sumCubes(a: int, b: int): double = sum(cube, a, b);
+def sumReciprocals(a: int, b: int): double = sum(reciprocal, a, b);
+def id(x: int): double = x;
+def cube(x: int): double = x * x * x;
+def reciprocal(x: int): double = 1.0/x;
+\section{Anonymous Functions}
+Parameterization by functions tends to create many small functions. In
+the previous example, we defined \code{id}, \code{cube} and
+\code{reciprocal} as separate functions, so that they could be
+passed as arguments to \code{sum}.
+Instead of using named function definitions for these small argument
+functions, we can formulate them in a shorter way as {\em anonymous
+functions}. An anonymous function is an expression that evaluates to a
+function; the function is defined without giving it a name. As an
+example consider the anonymous reciprocal function:
+ x: int => 1.0/x
+The part before the arrow `\code{=>}' is the parameter of the function,
+whereas the part following the `\code{=>}' is its body. If there are
+several parameters, we need to enclose them in parentheses. For
+instance, here is an anonymous function which multiples its two arguments.
+ (x: double, y: double) => x * y
+Using anonymous functions, we can reformulate the three summation
+functions without named auxiliary functions:
+def sumInts(a: int, b: int): double = sum(x: int => x, a, b);
+def sumCubes(a: int, b: int): double = sum(x: int => x * x * x, a, b);
+def sumReciprocals(a: int, b: int): double = sum(x: int => 1.0/x, a, b);
+Often, the Scala compiler can deduce the parameter type(s) from the
+context of the anonymous function in which case they can be omitted.
+For instance, in the case of \code{sumInts}, \code{sumCubes} and
+\code{sumReciprocals}, one knows from the type of
+\code{sum} that the first parameter must be a function of type
+\code{int => double}. Hence, the parameter type \code{int} is
+redundant and may be omitted:
+def sumInts(a: int, b: int): double = sum(x => x, a, b);
+def sumCubes(a: int, b: int): double = sum(x => x * x * x, a, b);
+def sumReciprocals(a: int, b: int): double = sum(x => 1.0/x, a, b);
+Generally, the Scala term
+\code{(x}$_1$\code{: T}$_1$\code{, ..., x}$_n$\code{: T}$_n$\code{) => E}
+defines a function which maps its parameters
+\code{x}$_1$\code{, ..., x}$_n$ to the result of the expression \code{E}
+(where \code{E} may refer to \code{x}$_1$\code{, ..., x}$_n$). Anonymous
+functions are not essential language elements of Scala, as they can
+always be expressed in terms of named functions. Indeed, the
+anonymous function
+(x$_1$: T$_1$, ..., x$_n$: T$_n$) => E
+is equivalent to the block
+{ def f (x$_1$: T$_1$, ..., x$_n$: T$_n$) = E ; f }
+where \code{f} is fresh name which is used nowhere else in the program.
+We also say, anonymous functions are ``syntactic sugar''.
+The latest formulation of the three summing function is already quite
+compact. But we can do even better. Note that
+\code{a} and \code{b} appear as parameters and arguments of every function
+but they do not seem to take part in interesting combinations. Is
+there a way to get rid of them?
+Let's try to rewrite \code{sum} so that it does not take the bounds
+\code{a} and \code{b} as parameters:
+def sum(f: int => double) = {
+ def sumF(a: int, b: int): double =
+ if (a > b) 0 else f(a) + sumF(a + 1, b);
+ sumF
+In this formulation, \code{sum} is a function which returns another
+function, namely the specialized summing function \code{sumF}. This
+latter function does all the work; it takes the bounds \code{a} and
+\code{b} as parameters, applies \code{sum}'s function parameter \code{f} to all
+integers between them, and sums up the results.
+Using this new formulation of \code{sum}, we can now define:
+def sumInts = sum(x => x);
+def sumCubes = sum(x => x * x * x);
+def sumReciprocals = sum(x => 1.0/x);
+Or, equivalently, with value definitions:
+val sumInts = sum(x => x);
+val sumCubes = sum(x => x * x * x);
+val sumReciprocals = sum(x => 1.0/x);
+These functions can be applied like other functions. For instance,
+> sumCubes(1, 10) + sumReciprocals(10, 20)
+3025.7687714031754: scala.Double
+How are function-returning functions applied? As an example, in the expression
+sum(x => x * x * x)(1, 10) ,
+the function \code{sum} is applied to the cubing function
+\code{(x => x * x * x)}. The resulting function is then
+applied to the second argument list, \code{(1, 10)}.
+This notation is possible because function application associates to the left.
+That is, if $\mbox{args}_1$ and $\mbox{args}_2$ are argument lists, then
+f(\mbox{args}_1)(\mbox{args}_2) & \ \ \mbox{is equivalent to}\ \ & (f(\mbox{args}_1))(\mbox{args}_2)
+In our example, \code{sum(x => x * x * x)(1, 10)} is equivalent to the
+following expression:
+\code{(sum(x => x * x * x))(1, 10)}.
+The style of function-returning functions is so useful that Scala has
+special syntax for it. For instance, the next definition of \code{sum}
+is equivalent to the previous one, but is shorter:
+def sum(f: int => double)(a: int, b: int): double =
+ if (a > b) 0 else f(a) + sum(f)(a + 1, b)
+Generally, a curried function definition
+def f (args$_1$) ... (args$_n$) = E
+where $n > 1$ expands to
+def f (args$_1$) ... (args$_{n-1}$) = { def g (args$_n$) = E ; g }
+where \code{g} is a fresh identifier. Or, shorter, using an anonymous function:
+def f (args$_1$) ... (args$_{n-1}$) = ( args$_n$ ) => E .
+Performing this step $n$ times yields that
+def f (args$_1$) ... (args$_n$) = E
+is equivalent to
+def f = (args$_1$) => ... => (args$_n$) => E .
+Or, equivalently, using a value definition:
+val f = (args$_1$) => ... => (args$_n$) => E .
+This style of function definition and application is called {\em
+currying} after its promoter, Haskell B.\ Curry, a logician of the
+20th century, even though the idea goes back further to Moses
+Sch\"onfinkel and Gottlob Frege.
+The type of a function-returning function is expressed analogously to
+its parameter list. Taking the last formulation of \code{sum} as an example,
+the type of \code{sum} is \code{(int => double) => (int, int) => double}.
+This is possible because function types associate to the right. I.e.
+T$_1$ => T$_2$ => T$_3$ $\mbox{is equivalent to}$ T$_1$ => (T$_2$ => T$_3$)
+1. The \code{sum} function uses a linear recursion. Can you write a
+tail-recursive one by filling in the ??'s?
+def sum(f: int => double)(a: int, b: int): double = {
+ def iter(a, result) = {
+ if (??) ??
+ else iter(??, ??)
+ }
+ iter(??, ??)
+Write a function \code{product} that computes the product of the
+values of functions at points over a given range.
+Write \code{factorial} in terms of \code{product}.
+Can you write an even more general function which generalizes both
+\code{sum} and \code{product}?
+\section{Example: Finding Fixed Points of Functions}
+A number \code{x} is called a {\em fixed point} of a function \code{f} if
+f(x) = x .
+For some functions \code{f} we can locate the fixed point by beginning
+with an initial guess and then applying \code{f} repeatedly, until the
+value does not change anymore (or the change is within a small
+tolerance). This is possible if the sequence
+x, f(x), f(f(x)), f(f(f(x))), ...
+converges to fixed point of $f$. This idea is captured in
+the following ``fixed-point finding function'':
+val tolerance = 0.0001;
+def isCloseEnough(x: double, y: double) = abs((x - y) / x) < tolerance;
+def fixedPoint(f: double => double)(firstGuess: double) = {
+ def iterate(guess: double): double = {
+ val next = f(guess);
+ if (isCloseEnough(guess, next)) next
+ else iterate(next)
+ }
+ iterate(firstGuess)
+We now apply this idea in a reformulation of the square root function.
+Let's start with a specification of \code{sqrt}:
+sqrt(x) = $\mbox{the {\sl y} such that}$ y * y = x
+ = $\mbox{the {\sl y} such that}$ y = x / y
+Hence, \code{sqrt(x)} is a fixed point of the function \code{y => x / y}.
+This suggests that \code{sqrt(x)} can be computed by fixed point iteration:
+def sqrt(x: double) = fixedPoint(y => x / y)(1.0)
+Unfortunately, this does not converge. Let's instrument the fixed point
+function with a print statement which keeps track of the current
+\code{guess} value:
+def fixedPoint(f: double => double)(firstGuess: double) = {
+ def iterate(guess: double): double = {
+ val next = f(guess);
+ System.out.println(next);
+ if (isCloseEnough(guess, next)) next
+ else iterate(next)
+ }
+ iterate(firstGuess)
+Then, \code{sqrt(2)} yields:
+ 2.0
+ 1.0
+ 2.0
+ 1.0
+ 2.0
+ ...
+One way to control such oscillations is to prevent the guess from changing too much.
+This can be achieved by {\em averaging} successive values of the original sequence:
+> def sqrt(x: double) = fixedPoint(y => (y + x/y) / 2)(1.0)
+def sqrt(x: scala.Double): scala.Double
+> sqrt(2.0)
+ 1.5
+ 1.4166666666666665
+ 1.4142156862745097
+ 1.4142135623746899
+ 1.4142135623746899
+In fact, expanding the \code{fixedPoint} function yields exactly our
+previous definition of fixed point from Section~\ref{sec:sqrt}.
+The previous examples showed that the expressive power of a language
+is considerably enhanced if functions can be passed as arguments. The
+next example shows that functions which return functions can also be
+very useful.
+Consider again fixed point iterations. We started with the observation
+that $\sqrt(x)$ is a fixed point of the function \code{y => x / y}.
+Then we made the iteration converge by averaging successive values.
+This technique of {\em average dampening} is so general that it
+can be wrapped in another function.
+def averageDamp(f: double => double)(x: double) = (x + f(x)) / 2
+Using \code{averageDamp}, we can reformulate the square root function
+as follows.
+def sqrt(x: double) = fixedPoint(averageDamp(y => x/y))(1.0)
+This expresses the elements of the algorithm as clearly as possible.
+\begin{exercise} Write a function for cube roots using \code{fixedPoint} and
+We have seen in the previous chapter that functions are essential
+abstractions, because they permit us to introduce general methods of
+computing as explicit, named elements in our programming language.
+The present chapter has shown that these abstractions can be combined
+by higher-order functions to create further abstractions. As
+programmers, we should look out for opportunities to abstract and to
+reuse. The highest possible level of abstraction is not always the
+best, but it is important to know abstraction techniques, so that one
+can use abstractions where appropriate.
+\section{Language Elements Seen So Far}
+Chapters~\ref{chap:simple-funs} and \ref{chap:first-class-funs} have
+covered Scala's language elements to express expressions and types
+comprising of primitive data and functions. The context-free syntax
+of these language elements is given below in extended Backus-Naur
+form, where `\code{|}' denotes alternatives, \code{[...]} denotes
+option (0 or 1 occurrence), and \lstinline@{...}@ denotes repetition
+(0 or more occurrences).
+Scala programs are sequences of (Unicode) characters. We distinguish the
+following character sets:
+whitespace, such as `\code{ }', tabulator, or newline characters,
+letters `\code{a}' to `\code{z}', `\code{A}' to `\code{Z}',
+digits \code{`0'} to `\code{9}',
+the delimiter characters
+. , ; ( ) { } [ ] \ $\mbox{\tt "}$ '
+operator characters, such as `\code{#}' `\code{+}',
+`\code{:}'. Essentially, these are printable characters which are
+in none of the character sets above.
+ident = letter {letter | digit}
+ | operator { operator }
+ | ident '_' ident
+literal = $\mbox{``as in Java''}$
+Literals are as in Java. They define numbers, characters, strings, or
+boolean values. Examples of literals as \code{0}, \code{1.0d10}, \code{'x'},
+\code{"he said \"hi!\""}, or \code{true}.
+Identifiers can be of two forms. They either start with a letter,
+which is followed by a (possibly empty) sequence of letters or
+symbols, or they start with an operator character, which is followed
+by a (possibly empty) sequence of operator characters. Both forms of
+identifiers may contain underscore characters `\code{_}'. Furthermore,
+an underscore character may be followed by either sort of
+identifier. Hence, the following are all legal identifiers:
+x Room10a + -- foldl_: +_vector
+It follows from this rule that subsequent operator-identifiers need to
+be separated by whitespace. For instance, the input
+\code{x+-y} is parsed as the three token sequence \code{x}, \code{+-},
+\code{y}. If we want to express the sum of \code{x} with the
+negated value of \code{y}, we need to add at least one space,
+e.g. \code{x+ -y}.
+The \verb@$@ character is reserved for compiler-generated
+identifiers; it should not be used in source programs. %$
+The following are reserved words, they may not be used as identifiers:
+abstract case catch class def
+do else extends false final
+finally for if import new
+null object override package private
+protected return sealed super this
+trait try true type val
+var while with yield
+_ : = => <- <: >: # @
+Type = SimpleType | FunctionType
+FunctionType = SimpleType '=>' Type | '(' [Types] ')' '=>' Type
+SimpleType = byte | short | char | int | long | double | float |
+ boolean | unit | String
+Types = Type {`,' Type}
+Types can be:
+\item number types \code{byte}, \code{short}, \code{char}, \code{int}, \code{long}, \code{float} and \code{double} (these are as in Java),
+\item the type \code{boolean} with values \code{true} and \code{false},
+\item the type \code{unit} with the only value \code{()},
+\item the type \code{String},
+\item function types such as \code{(int, int) => int} or \code{String => Int => String}.
+Expr = InfixExpr | FunctionExpr | if '(' Expr ')' Expr else Expr
+InfixExpr = PrefixExpr | InfixExpr Operator InfixExpr
+Operator = ident
+PrefixExpr = ['+' | '-' | '!' | '~' ] SimpleExpr
+SimpleExpr = ident | literal | SimpleExpr '.' ident | Block
+FunctionExpr = Bindings '=>' Expr
+Bindings = ident [':' SimpleType] | '(' [Binding {',' Binding}] ')'
+Binding = ident [':' Type]
+Block = '{' {Def ';'} Expr '}'
+Expressions can be:
+identifiers such as \code{x}, \code{isGoodEnough}, \code{*}, or \code{+-},
+literals, such as \code{0}, \code{1.0}, or \code{"abc"},
+field and method selections, such as \code{System.out.println},
+function applications, such as \code{sqrt(x)},
+operator applications, such as \code{-x} or \code{y + x},
+conditionals, such as \code{if (x < 0) -x else x},
+blocks, such as \lstinline@{ val x = abs(y) ; x * 2 }@,
+anonymous functions, such as \code{x => x + 1} or \code{(x: int, y: int) => x + y}.
+Def = FunDef | ValDef
+FunDef = 'def' ident {'(' [Parameters] ')'} [':' Type] '=' Expr
+ValDef = 'val' ident [':' Type] '=' Expr
+Parameters = Parameter {',' Parameter}
+Parameter = ['def'] ident ':' Type
+Definitions can be:
+function definitions such as \code{def square(x: int): int = x * x},
+value definitions such as \code{val y = square(2)}.
+\chapter{Classes and Objects}
+Scala does not have a built-in type of rational numbers, but it is
+easy to define one, using a class. Here's a possible implementation.
+class Rational(n: int, d: int) {
+ private def gcd(x: int, y: int): int = {
+ if (x == 0) y
+ else if (x < 0) gcd(-x, y)
+ else if (y < 0) -gcd(x, -y)
+ else gcd(y % x, x);
+ }
+ private val g = gcd(n, d);
+ val numer: int = n/g;
+ val denom: int = d/g;
+ def +(that: Rational) =
+ new Rational(numer * that.denom + that.numer * denom,
+ denom * that.denom);
+ def -(that: Rational) =
+ new Rational(numer * that.denom - that.numer * denom,
+ denom * that.denom);
+ def *(that: Rational) =
+ new Rational(numer * that.numer, denom * that.denom);
+ def /(that: Rational) =
+ new Rational(numer * that.denom, denom * that.numer);
+This defines \code{Rational} as a class which takes two constructor
+arguments \code{n} and \code{d}, containing the number's numerator and
+denominator parts. The class provides fields which return these parts
+as well as methods for arithmetic over rational numbers. Each
+arithmetic method takes as parameter the right operand of the
+operation. The left operand of the operation is always the rational
+number of which the method is a member.
+\paragraph{Private members}
+The implementation of rational numbers defines a private method
+\code{gcd} which computes the greatest common denominator of two
+integers, as well as a private field \code{g} which contains the
+\code{gcd} of the constructor arguments. These members are inaccessible
+outside class \code{Rational}. They are used in the implementation of
+the class to eliminate common factors in the constructor arguments in
+order to ensure that nominator and denominator are always in
+normalized form.
+\paragraph{Creating and Accessing Objects}
+As an example of how rational numbers can be used, here's a program
+that prints the sum of all numbers $1/i$ where $i$ ranges from 1 to 10.
+var i = 1;
+var x = new Rational(0, 1);
+while (i <= 10) {
+ x = x + new Rational(1,i);
+ i = i + 1;
+System.out.println("" + x.numer + "/" + x.denom);
+The \code{+} takes as left operand a string and as right operand a
+value of arbitrary type. It returns the result of converting its right
+operand to a string and appending it to its left operand.
+\paragraph{Inheritance and Overriding}
+Every class in Scala has a superclass which it extends.
+\comment{Excepted is
+only the root class \code{Object}, which does not have a superclass,
+and which is indirectly extended by every other class. }
+If a class
+does not mention a superclass in its definition, the root type
+\code{scala.AnyRef} is implicitly assumed (for Java implementations,
+this type is an alias for \code{java.lang.Object}. For instance, class
+\code{Rational} could equivalently be defined as
+class Rational(n: int, d: int) extends AnyRef {
+ ... // as before
+A class inherits all members from its superclass. It may also redefine
+(or: {\em override}) some inherited members. For instance, class
+\code{java.lang.Object} defines
+a method
+\code{toString} which returns a representation of the object as a string:
+class Object {
+ ...
+ def toString(): String = ...
+The implementation of \code{toString} in \code{Object}
+forms a string consisting of the object's class name and a number. It
+makes sense to redefine this method for objects that are rational
+class Rational(n: int, d: int) extends AnyRef {
+ ... // as before
+ override def toString() = "" + numer + "/" + denom;
+Note that, unlike in Java, redefining definitions need to be preceded
+by an \code{override} modifier.
+If class $A$ extends class $B$, then objects of type $A$ may be used
+wherever objects of type $B$ are expected. We say in this case that
+type $A$ {\em conforms} to type $B$. For instance, \code{Rational}
+conforms to \code{AnyRef}, so it is legal to assign a \code{Rational}
+value to a variable of type \code{AnyRef}:
+var x: AnyRef = new Rational(1,2);
+\paragraph{Parameterless Methods}
+%Also unlike in Java, methods in Scala do not necessarily take a
+%parameter list. An example is \code{toString}; the method is invoked
+%by simply mentioning its name. For instance:
+%val r = new Rational(1,2);
+%System.out.println(r.toString()); // prints``1/2''
+Unlike in Java, methods in Scala do not necessarily take a
+parameter list. An example is the \code{square} method below. This
+method is invoked by simply mentioning its name.
+class Rational(n: int, d: int) extends AnyRef {
+ ... // as before
+ def square = Rational(numer*numer, denom*denom);
+val r = new Rational(3,4);
+System.out.println(r.square); // prints``9/16''
+That is, parameterless methods are accessed just as value fields such
+as \code{numer} are. The difference between values and parameterless
+methods lies in their definition. The right-hand side of a value is
+evaluated when the object is created, and the value does not change
+afterwards. A right-hand side of a parameterless method, on the other
+hand, is evaluated each time the method is called. The uniform access
+of fields and parameterless methods gives increased flexibility for
+the implementer of a class. Often, a field in one version of a class
+becomes a computed value in the next version. Uniform access ensures
+that clients do not have to be rewritten because of that change.
+\paragraph{Abstract Classes}
+Consider the task of writing a class for sets of integer numbers with
+two operations, \code{incl} and \code{contains}. \code{(s incl x)}
+should return a new set which contains the element \code{x} togther
+with all the elements of set \code{s}. \code{(s contains x)} should
+return true if the set \code{s} contains the element \code{x}, and
+should return \code{false} otherwise. The interface of such sets is
+given by:
+abstract class IntSet {
+ def incl(x: int): IntSet;
+ def contains(x: int): boolean;
+\code{IntSet} is labeled as an \emph{abstract class}. This has two
+consequences. First, abstract classes may have {\em deferred} members
+which are declared but which do not have an implementation. In our
+case, both \code{incl} and \code{contains} are such members. Second,
+because an abstract class might have unimplemented members, no objects
+of that class may be created using \code{new}. By contrast, an
+abstract class may be used as a base class of some other class, which
+implements the deferred members.
+Instead of \code{abstract class} one also often uses the keyword
+\code{trait} in Scala. A trait is an abstract class with no state, no
+constructor arguments, and no side effects during object
+initialization. Since \code{IntSet}'s fall in this category, one can
+alternatively define them as traits:
+trait IntSet {
+ def incl(x: int): IntSet;
+ def contains(x: int): boolean;
+A trait corresponds to an interface in Java, except
+that a trait can also define implemented methods.
+\paragraph{Implementing Abstract Classes}
+Let's say, we plan to implement sets as binary trees. There are two
+possible forms of trees. A tree for the empty set, and a tree
+consisting of an integer and two subtrees. Here are their
+class EmptySet extends IntSet {
+ def contains(x: int): boolean = false;
+ def incl(x: int): IntSet = new NonEmptySet(x, new EmptySet, new EmptySet);
+class NonEmptySet(elem:int, left:IntSet, right:IntSet) extends IntSet {
+ def contains(x: int): boolean =
+ if (x < elem) left contains x
+ else if (x > elem) right contains x
+ else true;
+ def incl(x: int): IntSet =
+ if (x < elem) new NonEmptySet(elem, left incl x, right)
+ else if (x > elem) new NonEmptySet(elem, left, right incl x)
+ else this;
+Both \code{EmptySet} and \code{NonEmptySet} extend class
+\code{IntSet}. This implies that types \code{EmptySet} and
+\code{NonEmptySet} conform to type \code{IntSet} -- a value of type \code{EmptySet} or \code{NonEmptySet} may be used wherever a value of type \code{IntSet} is required.
+\begin{exercise} Write methods \code{union} and \code{intersection} to form
+the union and intersection between two sets.
+\begin{exercise} Add a method
+def excl(x: int)
+to return the given set without the element \code{x}. To accomplish this,
+it is useful to also implement a test method
+def isEmpty: boolean
+for sets.
+\paragraph{Dynamic Binding}
+Object-oriented languages (Scala included) use \emph{dynamic dispatch}
+for method invocations. That is, the code invoked for a method call
+depends on the run-time type of the object which contains the method.
+For example, consider the expression \code{s contains 7} where
+\code{s} is a value of declared type \code{s: IntSet}. Which code for
+\code{contains} is executed depends on the type of value of \code{s} at run-time.
+If it is an \code{EmptySet} value, it is the implementation of \code{contains} in class \code{EmptySet} that is executed, and analogously for \code{NonEmptySet} values.
+This behavior is a direct consequence of our substitution model of evaluation.
+For instance,
+ (new EmptySet).contains(7)
+-> $\rewriteby{by replacing {\sl contains} by its body in class {\sl EmptySet}}$
+ false
+ new NonEmptySet(7, new EmptySet, new EmptySet).contains(1)
+-> $\rewriteby{by replacing {\sl contains} by its body in class {\sl NonEmptySet}}$
+ if (1 < 7) new EmptySet contains 1
+ else if (1 > 7) new EmptySet contains 1
+ else true
+-> $\rewriteby{by rewriting the conditional}$
+ new EmptySet contains 1
+-> $\rewriteby{by replacing {\sl contains} by its body in class {\sl EmptySet}}$
+ false .
+Dynamic method dispatch is analogous to higher-order function
+calls. In both cases, the identity of code to be executed is known
+only at run-time. This similarity is not just superficial. Indeed,
+Scala represents every function value as an object (see
+In the previous implementation of integer sets, empty sets were
+expressed with \code{new EmptySet}; so a new object was created every time
+an empty set value was required. We could have avoided unnecessary
+object creations by defining a value \code{empty} once and then using
+this value instead of every occurrence of \code{new EmptySet}. E.g.
+val EmptySetVal = new EmptySet;
+One problem with this approach is that a value definition such as the
+one above is not a legal top-level definition in Scala; it has to be
+part of another class or object. Also, the definition of class
+\code{EmptySet} now seems a bit of an overkill -- why define a class of objects,
+if we are only interested in a single object of this class? A more
+direct approach is to use an {\em object definition}. Here is
+a more streamlined alternative definition of the empty set:
+object EmptySet extends IntSet {
+ def contains(x: int): boolean = false;
+ def incl(x: int): IntSet = new NonEmptySet(x, empty, empty);
+The syntax of an object definition follows the syntax of a class
+definition; it has an optional extends clause as well as an optional
+body. As is the case for classes, the extends clause defines inherited
+members of the object whereas the body defines overriding or new
+members. However, an object definition defines a single object only;
+it is not possible to create other objects with the same structure
+using \code{new}. Therefore, object definitions also lack constructor
+parameters, which might be present in class definitions.
+Object definitions can appear anywhere in a Scala program; including
+at top-level. Since there is no fixed execution order of top-level
+entities in Scala, one might ask exactly when the object defined by an
+object definition is created and initialized. The answer is that the
+object is created the first time one of its members is accessed. This
+strategy is called {\em lazy evaluation}.
+\paragraph{Standard Classes}
+\todo{include picture}
+Scala is a pure object-oriented language. This means that every value
+in Scala can be regarded as an object. In fact, even primitive types
+such as \code{int} or \code{boolean} are not treated specially. They
+are defined as type aliases of Scala classes in module \code{Predef}:
+type boolean = scala.Boolean;
+type int = scala.Int;
+type long = scala.Long;
+For efficiency, the compiler usually represents values of type
+\code{scala.Int} by 32 bit integers, values of type
+\code{scala.Boolean} by Java's booleans, etc. But it converts these
+specialized representations to objects when required, for instance
+when a primitive \code{int} value is passed to a function with a
+parameter of type \code{AnyRef}. Hence, the special representation of
+primitive values is just an optimization, it does not change the
+meaning of a program.
+Here is a specification of class \code{Boolean}.
+package scala;
+trait Boolean {
+ def && (def x: Boolean): Boolean;
+ def || (def x: Boolean): Boolean;
+ def ! : Boolean;
+ def == (x: Boolean) : Boolean
+ def != (x: Boolean) : Boolean
+ def < (x: Boolean) : Boolean
+ def > (x: Boolean) : Boolean
+ def <= (x: Boolean) : Boolean
+ def >= (x: Boolean) : Boolean
+Booleans can be defined using only classes and objects, without
+reference to a built-in type of booleans or numbers. A possible
+implementation of class \code{Boolean} is given below. This is not
+the actual implementation in the standard Scala library. For
+efficiency reasons the standard implementation uses built-in
+package scala;
+trait Boolean {
+ def ifThenElse(def thenpart: Boolean, def elsepart: Boolean)
+ def && (def x: Boolean): Boolean = ifThenElse(x, false);
+ def || (def x: Boolean): Boolean = ifThenElse(true, x);
+ def ! : Boolean = ifThenElse(false, true);
+ def == (x: Boolean) : Boolean = ifThenElse(x, x.!);
+ def != (x: Boolean) : Boolean = ifThenElse(x.!, x);
+ def < (x: Boolean) : Boolean = ifThenElse(false, x);
+ def > (x: Boolean) : Boolean = ifThenElse(x.!, false);
+ def <= (x: Boolean) : Boolean = ifThenElse(x, true);
+ def >= (x: Boolean) : Boolean = ifThenElse(true, x.!);
+case object True extends Boolean {
+ def ifThenElse(def t: Boolean, def e: Boolean) = t
+case object False extends Boolean {
+ def ifThenElse(def t: Boolean, def e: Boolean) = e
+Here is a partial specification of class \code{Int}.
+package scala;
+trait Int extends AnyVal {
+ def coerce: Long;
+ def coerce: Float;
+ def coerce: Double;
+ def + (that: Double): Double;
+ def + (that: Float): Float;
+ def + (that: Long): Long;
+ def + (that: Int): Int; // analogous for -, *, /, %
+ def << (cnt: Int): Int; // analogous for >>, >>>
+ def & (that: Long): Long;
+ def & (that: Int): Int; // analogous for |, ^
+ def == (that: Double): Boolean;
+ def == (that: Float): Boolean;
+ def == (that: Long): Boolean; // analogous for !=, <, >, <=, >=
+Class \code{Int} can in principle also be implemented using just
+objects and classes, without reference to a built in type of
+integers. To see how, we consider a slightly simpler problem, namely
+how to implement a type \code{Nat} of natural (i.e. non-negative)
+numbers. Here is the definition of a trait \code{Nat}:
+trait Nat {
+ def isZero: Boolean;
+ def predecessor: Nat;
+ def successor: Nat;
+ def + (that: Nat): Nat;
+ def - (that: Nat): Nat;
+To implement the operations of class \code{Nat}, we define a subobject
+\code{Zero} and a subclass \code{Succ} (for successor). Each number
+\code{N} is represented as \code{N} applications of the \code{Succ}
+constructor to \code{Zero}:
+\underbrace{\mbox{\sl new Succ( ... new Succ}}_{\mbox{$N$ times}}\mbox{\sl (Zero) ... )}
+The implementation of the \code{Zero} object is straightforward:
+object Zero extends Nat {
+ def isZero: Boolean = true;
+ def predecessor: Nat = throw new Error("negative number");
+ def successor: Nat = new Succ(Zero);
+ def + (that: Nat): Nat = that;
+ def - (that: Nat): Nat = if (that.isZero) Zero
+ else throw new Error("negative number")
+The implementation of the predecessor and subtraction functions on
+\code{Zero} throws an \code{Error} exception, which aborts the program
+with the given error message.
+Here is the implementation of the successor class:
+class Succ(x: Nat) extends Nat {
+ def isZero: Boolean = false;
+ def predecessor: Nat = x;
+ def successor: Nat = new Succ(this);
+ def + (that: Nat): Nat = x + that.successor;
+ def - (that: Nat): Nat = x - that.predecessor;
+Note the implementation of method \code{successor}. To create the
+successor of a number, we need to pass the object itself as an
+argument to the \code{Succ} constructor. The object itself is
+referenced by the reserved name \code{this}.
+The implementations of \code{+} and \code{-} each contain a recursive
+call with the constructor argument as receiver. The recursion will
+terminate once the receiver is the \code{Zero} object (which is
+guaranteed to happen eventually because of the way numbers are formed).
+\begin{exercise} Write an implementation \code{Integer} of integer numbers
+The implementation should support all operations of class \code{Nat}
+while adding two methods
+def isPositive: Boolean
+def negate: Integer
+The first method should return \code{true} if the number is positive. The second method should negate the number.
+Do not use any of Scala's standard numeric classes in your
+implementation. (Hint: There are two possible ways to implement
+\code{Integer}. One can either make use the existing implementation of
+\code{Nat}, representing an integer as a natural number and a sign.
+Or one can generalize the given implementation of \code{Nat} to
+\code{Integer}, using the three subclasses \code{Zero} for 0,
+\code{Succ} for positive numbers and \code{Pred} for negative numbers.)
+\subsection*{Language Elements Introduced In This Chapter}
+Type = ... | ident
+Types can now be arbitrary identifiers which represent classes.
+Expr = ... | Expr '.' ident | 'new' Expr | 'this'
+An expression can now be an object creation, or
+a selection \code{E.m} of a member \code{m}
+from an object-valued expression \code{E}, or it can be the reserved name \code{this}.
+\textbf{Definitions and Declarations:}
+Def = FunDef | ValDef | ClassDef | TraitDef | ObjectDef
+ClassDef = ['abstract'] 'class' ident ['(' [Parameters] ')']
+ ['extends' Expr] [`{' {TemplateDef} `}']
+TraitDef = 'trait' ident ['extends' Expr] ['{' {TemplateDef} '}']
+ObjectDef = 'object' ident ['extends' Expr] ['{' {ObjectDef} '}']
+TemplateDef = [Modifier] (Def | Dcl)
+ObjectDef = [Modifier] Def
+Modifier = 'private' | 'override'
+Dcl = FunDcl | ValDcl
+FunDcl = 'def' ident {'(' [Parameters] ')'} ':' Type
+ValDcl = 'val' ident ':' Type
+A definition can now be a class, trait or object definition such as
+class C(params) extends B { defs }
+trait T extends B { defs }
+object O extends B { defs }
+The definitions \code{defs} in a class, trait or object may be
+preceded by modifiers \code{private} or \code{override}.
+Abstract classes and traits may also contain declarations. These
+introduce {\em deferred} functions or values with their types, but do
+not give an implementation. Deferred members have to be implemented in
+subclasses before objects of an abstract class or trait can be created.
+\chapter{Case Classes and Pattern Matching}
+Say, we want to write an interpreter for arithmetic expressions. To
+keep things simple initially, we restrict ourselves to just numbers
+and \code{+} operations. Such expressions can be represented as a class hierarchy, with an abstract base class \code{Expr} as the root, and two subclasses \code{Number} and
+\code{Sum}. Then, an expression \code{1 + (3 + 7)} would be represented as
+new Sum(new Number(1), new Sum(new Number(3), new Number(7)))
+Now, an evaluator of an expression like this needs to know of what
+form it is (either \code{Sum} or \code{Number}) and also needs to
+access the components of the expression. The following
+implementation provides all necessary methods.
+trait Expr {
+ def isNumber: boolean;
+ def isSum: boolean;
+ def numValue: int;
+ def leftOp: Expr;
+ def rightOp: Expr;
+class Number(n: int) extends Expr {
+ def isNumber: boolean = true;
+ def isSum: boolean = false;
+ def numValue: int = n;
+ def leftOp: Expr = throw new Error("Number.leftOp");
+ def rightOp: Expr = throw new Error("Number.rightOp");
+class Sum(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr {
+ def isNumber: boolean = false;
+ def isSum: boolean = true;
+ def numValue: int = throw new Error("Sum.numValue");
+ def leftOp: Expr = e1;
+ def rightOp: Expr = e2;
+With these classification and access methods, writing an evaluator function is simple:
+def eval(e: Expr): int = {
+ if (e.isNumber) e.numValue
+ else if (e.isSum) eval(e.leftOp) + eval(e.rightOp)
+ else throw new Error("unrecognized expression kind")
+However, defining all these methods in classes \code{Sum} and
+\code{Number} is rather tedious. Furthermore, the problem becomes worse
+when we want to add new forms of expressions. For instance, consider
+adding a new expression form
+\code{Prod} for products. Not only do we have to implement a new class \code{Prod}, with all previous classification and access methods; we also have to introduce a
+new abstract method \code{isProduct} in class \code{Expr} and
+implement that method in subclasses \code{Number}, \code{Sum}, and
+\code{Prod}. Having to modify existing code when a system grows is always problematic, since it introduces versioning and maintenance problems.
+The promise of object-oriented programming is that such modifications
+should be unnecessary, because they can be avoided by re-using
+existing, unmodified code through inheritance. Indeed, a more
+object-oriented decomposition of our problem solves the problem. The
+idea is to make the ``high-level'' operation \code{eval} a method of
+each expression class, instead of implementing it as a function
+outside the expression class hierarchy, as we have done
+before. Because \code{eval} is now a member of all expression nodes,
+all classification and access methods become superfluous, and the implementation is simplified considerably:
+trait Expr {
+ def eval: int;
+class Number(n: int) extends Expr {
+ def eval: int = n;
+class Sum(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr {
+ def eval: int = e1.eval + e2.eval;
+Furthermore, adding a new \code{Prod} class does not entail any changes to existing code:
+class Prod(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr {
+ def eval: int = e1.eval * e2.eval;
+The conclusion we can draw from this example is that object-oriented
+decomposition is the technique of choice for constructing systems that
+should be extensible with new types of data. But there is also another
+possible way we might want to extend the expression example. We might
+want to add new {\em operations} on expressions. For instance, we might
+want to add an operation that pretty-prints an expression tree to standard output.
+If we have defined all classification and access methods, such an
+operation can easily be written as an external function. Here is an
+def print(e: Expr): unit =
+ if (e.isNumber) System.out.print(e.numValue)
+ else if (e.isSum) {
+ System.out.print("(");
+ print(e.leftOp);
+ System.out.print("+");
+ print(e.rightOp);
+ System.out.print(")");
+ } else throw new Error("unrecognized expression kind");
+However, if we had opted for an object-oriented decomposition of
+expressions, we would need to add a new \code{print} method
+to each class:
+trait Expr {
+ def eval: int;
+ def print: unit;
+class Number(n: int) extends Expr {
+ def eval: int = n;
+ def print: unit = System.out.print(n);
+class Sum(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr {
+ def eval: int = e1.eval + e2.eval;
+ def print: unit = {
+ System.out.print("(");
+ print(e1);
+ System.out.print("+");
+ print(e2);
+ System.out.print(")");
+Hence, classical object-oriented decomposition requires modification
+of all existing classes when a system is extended with new operations.
+As yet another way we might want to extend the interpreter, consider
+expression simplification. For instance, we might want to write a
+function which rewrites expressions of the form
+\code{a * b + a * c} to \code{a * (b + c)}. This operation requires inspection of
+more than a single node of the expression tree at the same
+time. Hence, it cannot be implemented by a method in each expression
+kind, unless that method can also inspect other nodes. So we are
+forced to have classification and access methods in this case. This
+seems to bring us back to square one, with all the problems of
+verbosity and extensibility.
+Taking a closer look, one observers that the only purpose of the
+classification and access functions is to {\em reverse} the data
+construction process. They let us determine, first, which sub-class
+of an abstract base class was used and, second, what were the
+constructor arguments. Since this situation is quite common, Scala has
+a way to automate it with case classes.
+\section{Case Classes and Case Objects}
+{\em Case classes} and {\em case objects} are defined like a normal
+classes or objects, except that the definition is prefixed with the modifier
+\code{case}. For instance, the definitions
+trait Expr;
+case class Number(n: int) extends Expr;
+case class Sum(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) extends Expr;
+introduce \code{Number} and \code{Sum} as case classes.
+The \code{case} modifier in front of a class or object
+definition has the following effects.
+\item Case classes implicitly come with a constructor function, with the same name as the class. In our example, the two functions
+def Number(n: int) = new Number(n);
+def Sum(e1: Expr, e2: Expr) = new Sum(e1, e2);
+would be added. Hence, one can now construct expression trees a bit more concisely, as in
+Sum(Sum(Number(1), Number(2)), Number(3))
+\item Case classes and case objects
+implicity come with implementations of methods
+\code{toString}, \code{equals} and \code{hashCode}, which override the
+methods with the same name in class \code{AnyRef}. The implementation
+of these methods takes in each case the structure of a member of a
+case class into account. The \code{toString} method represents an
+expression tree the way it was constructed. So,
+Sum(Sum(Number(1), Number(2)), Number(3))
+would be converted to exactly that string, whereas the default
+implementation in class \code{AnyRef} would return a string consisting
+of the outermost constructor name \code{Sum} and a number. The
+\code{equals} methods treats two case members of a case class as equal
+if they have been constructed with the same constructor and with
+arguments which are themselves pairwise equal. This also affects the
+implementation of \code{==} and \code{!=}, which are implemented in
+terms of \code{equals} in Scala. So,
+Sum(Number(1), Number(2)) == Sum(Number(1), Number(2))
+will yield \code{true}. If \code{Sum} or \code{Number} were not case
+classes, the same expression would be \code{false}, since the standard
+implementation of \code{equals} in class \code{AnyRef} always treats
+objects created by different constructor calls as being different.
+The \code{hashCode} method follows the same principle as other two
+methods. It computes a hash code from the case class constructor name
+and the hash codes of the constructor arguments, instead of from the object's
+address, which is what the as the default implementation of \code{hashCode} does.
+Case classes implicity come with nullary accessor methods which
+retrieve the constructor arguments.
+In our example, \code{Number} would obtain an accessor method
+def n: int
+which returns the constructor parameter \code{n}, whereas \code{Sum} would obtain two accessor methods
+def e1: Expr, e2: Expr;
+Hence, if for a value \code{s} of type \code{Sum}, say, one can now
+write \code{s.e1}, to access the left operand. However, for a value
+\code{e} of type \code{Expr}, the term \code{e.e1} would be illegal
+since \code{e1} is defined in \code{Sum}; it is not a member of the
+base class \code{Expr}.
+So, how do we determine the constructor and access constructor
+arguments for values whose static type is the base class \code{Expr}?
+This is solved by the fourth and final particularity of case classes.
+Case classes allow the constructions of {\em patterns} which refer to
+the case class constructor.
+\section{Pattern Matching}
+Pattern matching is a generalization of C or Java's \code{switch}
+statement to class hierarchies. Instead of a \code{switch} statement,
+there is a standard method \code{match}, which is defined in Scala's
+root class \code{Any}, and therefore is available for all objects.
+The \code{match} method takes as argument a number of cases.
+For instance, here is an implementation of \code{eval} using
+pattern matching.
+def eval(e: Expr): int = e match {
+ case Number(x) => x
+ case Sum(l, r) => eval(l) + eval(r)
+In this example, there are two cases. Each case associates a pattern
+with an expression. Patterns are matched against the selector
+values \code{e}. The first pattern in our example,
+\code{Number(n)}, matches all values of the form \code{Number(v)},
+where \code{v} is an arbitrary value. In that case, the {\em pattern
+variable} \code{n} is bound to the value \code{v}. Similarly, the
+pattern \code{Sum(l, r)} matches all selector values of form
+\code{Sum(v}$_1$\code{, v}$_2$\code{)} and binds the pattern variables
+\code{l} and \code{r}
+to \code{v}$_1$ and \code{v}$_2$, respectively.
+In general, patterns are built from
+\item Case class constructors, e.g. \code{Number}, \code{Sum}, whose arguments
+ are again patterns,
+\item pattern variables, e.g. \code{n}, \code{e1}, \code{e2},
+\item the ``wildcard'' pattern \code{_},
+\item literals, e.g. \code{1}, \code{true}, "abc",
+\item constant identifiers, e.g. \code{MAXINT}, \code{EmptySet}.
+Pattern variables always start with a lower-case letter, so that they
+can be distinguished from constant identifiers, which start with an
+upper case letter. Each variable name may occur only once in a
+pattern. For instance, \code{Sum(x, x)} would be illegal as a pattern,
+since the pattern variable \code{x} occurs twice in it.
+\paragraph{Meaning of Pattern Matching}
+A pattern matching expression
+e.match { case p$_1$ => e$_1$ ... case p$_n$ => e$_n$ }
+matches the patterns $p_1 \commadots p_n$ in the order they
+are written against the selector value \code{e}.
+A constructor pattern $C(p_1 \commadots p_n)$ matches all values that
+are of type \code{C} (or a subtype thereof) and that have been constructed with
+\code{C}-arguments matching patterns $p_1 \commadots p_n$.
+A variable pattern \code{x} matches any value and binds the variable
+name to that value.
+The wildcard pattern `\code{_}' matches any value but does not bind a name to that value.
+\item A constant pattern \code{C} matches a value which is
+equal (in terms of \code{==}) to \code{C}.
+The pattern matching expression rewrites to the right-hand-side of the
+first case whose pattern matches the selector value. References to
+pattern variables are replaced by corresponding constructor arguments.
+If none of the patterns matches, the pattern matching expression is
+aborted with a \code{MatchError} exception.
+\example Our substitution model of program evaluation extends quite naturally to pattern matching, For instance, here is how \code{eval} applied to a simple expression is re-written:
+ eval(Sum(Number(1), Number(2)))
+-> $\mbox{\tab\tab\rm(by rewriting the application)}$
+ Sum(Number(1), Number(2)) match {
+ case Number(n) => n
+ case Sum(e1, e2) => eval(e1) + eval(e2)
+ }
+-> $\mbox{\tab\tab\rm(by rewriting the pattern match)}$
+ eval(Number(1)) + eval(Number(2))
+-> $\mbox{\tab\tab\rm(by rewriting the first application)}$
+ Number(1) match {
+ case Number(n) => n
+ case Sum(e1, e2) => eval(e1) + eval(e2)
+ } + eval(Number(2))
+-> $\mbox{\tab\tab\rm(by rewriting the pattern match)}$
+ 1 + eval(Number(2))
+->$^*$ 1 + 2 -> 3
+\paragraph{Pattern Matching and Methods}
+In the previous example, we have used pattern
+matching in a function which was defined outside the class hierarchy
+over which it matches. Of course, it is also possible to define a
+pattern matching function in that class hierarchy itself. For
+instance, we could have defined
+\code{eval} is a method of the base class \code{Expr}, and still have used pattern matching in its implementation:
+trait Expr {
+ def eval: int = this match {
+ case Number(n) => n
+ case Sum(e1, e2) => e1.eval + e2.eval
+ }
+\begin{exercise} Consider the following definitions representing trees
+of integers. These definitions can be seen as an alternative
+representation of \code{IntSet}:
+trait IntTree;
+case object EmptyTree extends IntTree;
+case class Node(elem: int, left: IntTree, right: IntTree) extends IntTree;
+Complete the following implementations of function \code{contains} and \code{insert} for
+def contains(t: IntTree, v: int): boolean = t match { ...
+ ...
+def insert(t: IntTree, v: int): IntTree = t match { ...
+ ...
+\paragraph{Pattern Matching Anonymous Functions}
+So far, case-expressions always appeared in conjunction with a
+\verb@match@ operation. But it is also possible to use
+case-expressions by themselves. A block of case-expressions such as
+{ case $P_1$ => $E_1$ ... case $P_n$ => $E_n$ }
+is seen by itself as a function which matches its arguments
+against the patterns $P_1 \commadots P_n$, and produces the result of
+one of $E_1 \commadots E_n$. (If no pattern matches, the function
+would throw a \code{MatchError} exception instead).
+In other words, the expression above is seen as a shorthand for the anonymous function
+(x => x match { case $P_1$ => $E_1$ ... case $P_n$ => $E_n$ })
+where \code{x} is a fresh variable which is not used
+otherwise in the expression.
+\chapter{Generic Types and Methods}
+Classes in Scala can have type parameters. We demonstrate the use of
+type parameters with functional stacks as an example. Say, we want to
+write a data type of stacks of integers, with methods \code{push},
+\code{top}, \code{pop}, and \code{isEmpty}. This is achieved by the
+following class hierarchy:
+trait IntStack {
+ def push(x: int): IntStack = new IntNonEmptyStack(x, this);
+ def isEmpty: boolean
+ def top: int;
+ def pop: IntStack;
+class IntEmptyStack extends IntStack {
+ def isEmpty = true;
+ def top = throw new Error("");
+ def pop = throw new Error("EmptyStack.pop");
+class IntNonEmptyStack(elem: int, rest: IntStack) {
+ def isEmpty = false;
+ def top = elem;
+ def pop = rest;
+Of course, it would also make sense to define an abstraction for a
+stack of Strings. To do that, one could take the existing abstraction
+for \code{IntStack}, rename it to \code{StringStack} and at the same
+time rename all occurrences of type \code{int} to \code{String}.
+A better way, which does not entail code duplication, is to
+parameterize the stack definitions with the element type.
+Parameterization lets us generalize from a specific instance of a
+problem to a more general one. So far, we have used parameterization
+only for values, but it is available also for types. To arrive at a
+{\em generic} version of \code{Stack}, we equip it with a type
+trait Stack[a] {
+ def push(x: a): Stack[a] = new NonEmptyStack[a](x, this);
+ def isEmpty: boolean
+ def top: a;
+ def pop: Stack[a];
+class EmptyStack[a] extends Stack[a] {
+ def isEmpty = true;
+ def top = throw new Error("");
+ def pop = throw new Error("EmptyStack.pop");
+class NonEmptyStack[a](elem: a, rest: Stack[a]) extends Stack[a] {
+ def isEmpty = false;
+ def top = elem;
+ def pop = rest;
+In the definitions above, `\code{a}' is a {\em type parameter} of
+class \code{Stack} and its subclasses. Type parameters are arbitrary
+names; they are enclosed in brackets instead of parentheses, so that
+they can be easily distinguished from value parameters. Here is an
+example how the generic classes are used:
+val x = new EmptyStack[int];
+val y = x.push(1).push(2);
+The first line creates a new empty stack of \code{int}'s. Note the
+actual type argument \code{[int]} which replaces the formal type
+parameter \code{a}.
+It is also possible to parameterize methods with types. As an example,
+here is a generic method which determines whether one stack is a
+prefix of another.
+def isPrefix[a](p: Stack[a], s: Stack[a]): boolean = {
+ p.isEmpty ||
+ == && isPrefix[a](p.pop, s.pop);
+parameters are called {\em polymorphic}. Generic methods are also
+called {\em polymorphic}. The term comes from the Greek, where it
+means ``having many forms''. To apply a polymorphic method such as
+\code{isPrefix}, we pass type parameters as well as value parameters
+to it. For instance,
+val s1 = new EmptyStack[String].push("abc");
+val s2 = new EmptyStack[String].push("abx").push(s.pop)
+System.out.println(isPrefix[String](s1, s2));
+\paragraph{Local Type Inference}
+Passing type parameters such as \code{[int]} or \code{[String]} all
+the time can become tedious in applications where generic functions
+are used a lot. Quite often, the information in a type parameter is
+redundant, because the correct parameter type can also be determined
+by inspecting the function's value parameters or expected result type.
+Taking the expression \code{isPrefix[String](s1, s2)} as an
+example, we know that its value parameters are both of type
+\code{Stack[String]}, so we can deduce that the type parameter must
+be \code{String}. Scala has a fairly powerful type inferencer which
+allows one to omit type parameters to polymorphic functions and
+constructors in situations like these. In the example above, one
+could have written \code{isPrefix(s1, s2)} and the missing type argument
+\code{[String]} would have been inserted by the type inferencer.
+\section{Type Parameter Bounds}
+Now that we know how to make classes generic it is natural to
+generalize some of the earlier classes we have written. For instance
+class \code{IntSet} could be generalized to sets with arbitrary
+element types. Let's try. The trait for generic sets is easily
+trait Set[a] {
+ def incl(x: a): Set[a];
+ def contains(x: a): boolean;
+However, if we still want to implement sets as binary search trees, we
+encounter a problem. The \code{contains} and \code{incl} methods both
+compare elements using methods \code{<} and \code{>}. For
+\code{IntSet} this was OK, since type \code{int} has these two
+methods. But for an arbitrary type parameter \code{a}, we cannot
+guarantee this. Therefore, the previous implementation of, say,
+\code{contains} would generate a compiler error.
+ def contains(x: int): boolean =
+ if (x < elem) left contains x
+ ^ < $\mbox{\sl not a member of type}$ a.
+One way to solve the problem is to restrict the legal types that can
+be substituted for type \code{a} to only those types that contain methods
+\code{<} and \code{>} of the correct types. There is a trait
+\code{Ord[a]} in the standard class library Scala which represents
+values which are comparable (via \code{<} and \code{>}) to values of
+type \code{a}. We can enforce the comparability of a type by demanding
+that the type is a subtype of \code{Ord}. This is done by giving an
+upper bound to the type parameter of \code{Set}:
+trait Set[a <: Ord[a]] {
+ def incl(x: a): Set[a];
+ def contains(x: a): boolean;
+The parameter declaration \code{a <: Ord[a]} introduces \code{a} as a
+type parameter which must be a subtype of \code{Ord[a]}, i.e.\ its values
+must be comparable to values of the same type.
+With this restriction, we can now implement the rest of the generic
+set abstraction as we did in the case of \code{IntSet}s before.
+class EmptySet[a <: Ord[a]] extends Set[a] {
+ def contains(x: a): boolean = false;
+ def incl(x: a): Set[a] = new NonEmptySet(x, new EmptySet[a], new EmptySet[a]);
+class NonEmptySet[a <: Ord[a]]
+ (elem:int, left: Set[a], right: Set[a]) extends Set[a] {
+ def contains(x: a): boolean =
+ if (x < elem) left contains x
+ else if (x > elem) right contains x
+ else true;
+ def incl(x: a): Set[a] =
+ if (x < elem) new NonEmptySet(elem, left incl x, right)
+ else if (x > elem) new NonEmptySet(elem, left, right incl x)
+ else this;
+Note that we have left out the type argument in the object creations
+\code{new NonEmptySet(...)}. In the same way as for polymorphic methods,
+missing type arguments in constructor calls are inferred from value
+arguments and/or the expected result type.
+Here is an example that uses the generic set abstraction.
+val s = new EmptySet[double].incl(1.0).incl(2.0);
+This is OK, as type \code{double} implements trait \code{Ord[double]}.
+However, the following example is in error.
+val s = new EmptySet[]
+ ^ $\mbox{\sl does not conform to type}$
+ $\mbox{\sl parameter bound}$ Ord[].
+To conclude the discussion of type parameter
+bounds, here is the defintion of trait \code{Ord} in scala.
+package scala;
+trait Ord[t <: Ord[t]]: t {
+ def < (that: t): Boolean;
+ def <=(that: t): Boolean = this < that || this == that;
+ def > (that: t): Boolean = that < this;
+ def >=(that: t): Boolean = that <= this;
+\section{Variance Annotations}\label{sec:first-arrays}
+The combination of type parameters and subtyping poses some
+interesting questions. For instance, should \code{Stack[String]} be a
+subtype of \code{Stack[AnyRef]}? Intuitively, this seems OK, since a
+stack of \code{String}s is a special case of a stack of
+\code{AnyRef}s. More generally, if \code{T} is a subtype of type \code{S}
+then \code{Stack[T]} should be a subtype of \code{Stack[S]}.
+This property is called {\em co-variant} subtyping.
+In Scala, generic types have by default non-variant subtyping. That
+is, with \code{Stack} defined as above, stacks with different element
+types would never be in a subtype relation. However, we can enforce
+co-variant subtyping of stacks by changing the first line of the
+definition of class \code{Stack} as follows.
+class Stack[+a] {
+Prefixing a formal type parameter with a \code{+} indicates that
+subtyping is covariant in that parameter.
+Besides \code{+}, there is also a prefix \code{-} which indicates
+contra-variant subtyping. If \code{Stack} was defined \code{class
+Stack[-a] ...}, then \code{T} a subtype of type \code{S} would imply
+that \code{Stack[S]} is a subtype of \code{Stack[T]} (which in the
+case of stacks would be rather surprising!).
+In a purely functional world, all types could be co-variant. However,
+the situation changes once we introduce mutable data. Consider the
+case of arrays in Java or .NET. Such arrays are represented in Scala
+by a generic class \code{Array}. Here is a partial definition of this
+class Array[a] {
+ def apply(index: int): a
+ def update(index: int, elem: a): unit;
+The class above defines the way Scala arrays are seen from Scala user
+programs. The Scala compiler will map this abstraction to the
+underlying arrays of the host system in most cases where this
+In Java, arrays are indeed covariant; that is, for reference types
+\code{T} and \code{S}, if \code{T} is a subtype of \code{S}, then also
+\code{Array[T]} is a subtype of \code{Array[S]}. This might seem
+natural but leads to safety problems that require special runtime
+checks. Here is an example:
+val x = new Array[String](1);
+val y: Array[Any] = x;
+y(0) = new Rational(1, 2); // this is syntactic sugar for
+ // y.update(0, new Rational(1, 2));
+In the first line, a new array of strings is created. In the second
+line, this array is bound to a variable \code{y}, of type
+\code{Array[Any]}. Assuming arrays are covariant, this is OK, since
+\code{Array[String]} is a subtype of \code{Array[Any]}. Finally, in
+the last line a rational number is stored in the array. This is also
+OK, since type \code{Rational} is a subtype of the element type
+\code{Any} of the array \code{y}. We thus end up storing a rational
+number in an array of strings, which clearly violates type soundness.
+Java solves this problem by introducing a run-time check in the third
+line which tests whether the stored element is compatible with the
+element type with which the array was created. We have seen in the
+example that this element type is not necessarily the static element
+type of the array being updated. If the test fails, an
+\code{ArrayStoreException} is raised.
+Scala solves this problem instead statically, by disallowing the
+second line at compile-time, because arrays in Scala have non-variant
+subtyping. This raises the question how a Scala compiler verifies that
+variance annotations are correct. If we had simply declared arrays
+co-variant, how would the potential problem have been detected?
+Scala uses a conservative approximation to verify soundness of
+variance annotations. A covariant type parameter of a class may only
+appear in co-variant positions inside the class. Among the co-variant
+positions are the types of values in the class, the result types of
+methods in the class, and type arguments to other covariant types. Not
+co-variant are types of formal method parameters. Hence, the following
+class definition would have been rejected
+class Array[+a] {
+ def apply(index: int): a;
+ def update(index: int, elem: a): unit;
+ ^ $\mbox{\sl covariant type parameter}$ a
+ $\mbox{\sl appears in contravariant position.}$
+So far, so good. Intuitively, the compiler was correect in rejecting
+the \code{update} method in a co-variant class because \code{update}
+potentially changes state, and therefore undermines the soundness of
+co-variant subtyping.
+However, there are also methods which do not mutate state, but where a
+type parameter still appears contra-variantly. An example is
+\code{push} in type \code{Stack}. Again the Scala compiler will reject
+the definition of this method for co-variant stacks.
+class Stack[+a] {
+ def push(x: a): Stack[a] =
+ ^ $\mbox{\sl covariant type parameter}$ a
+ $\mbox{\sl appears in contravariant position.}$
+This is a pity, because, unlike arrays, stacks are purely functional data
+structures and therefore should enable co-variant subtyping. However,
+there is a a way to solve the problem by using a polymorphic method
+with a lower type parameter bound.
+\section{Lower Bounds}
+We have seen upper bounds for type parameters. In a type parameter
+declaration such as \code{t <: U}, the type parameter \code{t} is
+restricted to range only over subtypes of type \code{U}. Symmetrical
+to this are lower bounds in Scala. In a type parameter declaration
+\code{t >: L}, the type parameter \code{t} is restricted to range only
+over {\em supertypes} of type \code{L}. (One can also combine lower and
+upper bounds, as in \code{t >: L <: U}.)
+Using lower bounds, we can generalize the \code{push} method in
+\code{Stack} as follows.
+class Stack[+a] {
+ def push[b >: a](x: b): Stack[b] = new NonEmptyStack(x, this);
+Technically, this solves our variance problem since now the type
+parameter \code{a} appears no longer as a parameter type of method
+\code{push}. Instead, it appears as lower bound for another type
+parameter of a method, which is classified as a co-variant position.
+Hence, the Scala compiler accepts the new definition of \code{push}.
+In fact, we have not only solved the technical variance problem but
+also have generalized the definition of \code{push}. Before, we were
+required to push only elements with types that conform to the declared
+element type of the stack. Now, we can push also elements of a
+supertype of this type, but the type of the returned stack will change
+accordingly. For instance, we can now push an \code{AnyRef} onto a
+stack of \code{String}s, but the resulting stack will be a stack of
+\code{AnyRef}s instead of a stack of \code{String}s!
+In summary, one should not hesitate to add variance annotations to
+your data structures, as this yields rich natural subtyping
+relationships. The compiler will detect potential soundness
+problems. Even if the compiler's approximation is too conservative, as
+in the case of method \code{push} of class \code{Stack}, this will
+often suggest a useful generalization of the contested method.
+\section{Least Types}
+Scala does not allow one to parameterize objects with types. That's
+why we orginally defined a generic class \code{EmptyStack[a]}, even
+though a single value denoting empty stacks of arbitrary type would
+do. For co-variant stacks, however, one can use the following idiom:
+object EmptyStack extends Stack[All] { ... }
+The identifier \code{All} refers to the bottom type \code{scala.All},
+which is a subtype of all other types. Hence, for co-variant stacks,
+\code{Stack[All]} is a subtype of \code{Stack[T]}, for any other type
+\code{T}. This makes it possible to use a single empty stack object
+in user code. For instance:
+val s = EmptyStack.push("abc").push(new AnyRef());
+Let's analyze the type assignment for this expression in detail. The
+\code{EmptyStack} object is of type \code{Stack[All]}, which has a
+push[b >: All](elem: b): Stack[b] .
+Local type inference will determine that the type parameter \code{b}
+should be instantiated to \code{String} in the application
+\code{EmptyStack.push("abc")}. The result type of that application is hence
+\code{Stack[String]}, which in turn has a method
+push[b >: String](elem: b): Stack[b] .
+The final part of the value definition above is the application of
+this method to \code{new AnyRef()}. Local type inference will
+determine that the type parameter \code{b} should this time be
+instantiated to \code{AnyRef}, with result type \code{Stack[AnyRef]}.
+Hence, the type assigned to value \code{s} is \code{Stack[AnyRef]}.
+Besides \code{scala.All}, which is a subtype of every other type,
+there is also the type \code{scala.AllRef}, which is a subtype of
+\code{scala.AnyRef}, and every type derived from it. The \code{null}
+literal in Scala is of that type. This makes \code{null} compatible
+with every reference type, but not with a value type such as
+We conclude this section with the complete improved definition of
+stacks. Stacks have now co-variant subtyping, the \code{push} method
+has been generalized, and the empty stack is represented by a single
+trait Stack[+a] {
+ def push[b >: a](x: b): Stack[b] = new NonEmptyStack(x, this);
+ def isEmpty: boolean
+ def top: a;
+ def pop: Stack[a];
+object EmptyStack extends Stack[All] {
+ def isEmpty = true;
+ def top = throw new Error("");
+ def pop = throw new Error("EmptyStack.pop");
+class NonEmptyStack[{a](elem: a, rest: Stack[a]) extends Stack[a] {
+ def isEmpty = false;
+ def top = elem;
+ def pop = rest;
+Many classes in the Scala library are generic. We now present two
+commonly used families of generic classes, tuples and functions. The
+discussion of another common class, lists, is deferred to the next
+Sometimes, a function needs to return more than one result. For
+instance, take the function \code{divmod} which returns the integer quotient
+and rest of two given integer arguments. Of course, one can define a
+class to hold the two results of \code{divmod}, as in:
+case class TwoInts(first: int, second: int);
+def divmod(x: int, y: int): TwoInts = new TwoInts(x / y, x % y)
+However, having to define a new class for every possible pair of
+result types is very tedious. In Scala one can use instead a
+the generic classes \lstinline@Tuple$n$@, for each $n$ between
+2 and 9. As an example, here is the definition of Tuple2.
+package scala;
+case class Tuple2[a, b](_1: a, _2: b);
+With \code{Tuple2}, the \code{divmod} method can be written as follows.
+def divmod(x: int, y: int) = new Tuple2[int, int](x / y, x % y)
+As usual, type parameters to constructors can be omitted if they are
+deducible from value arguments. Also, Scala defines an alias
+\code{Pair} for \code{Tuple2} (as well as \code{Triple} for \code{Tuple3}).
+With these conventions, \code{divmod} can equivalently be written as
+def divmod(x: int, y: int) = Pair(x / y, x % y)
+How are elements of tuples acessed? Since tuples are case classes,
+there are two possibilities. One can either access a tuple's fields
+using the names of the constructor parameters \lstinline@_$i$@, as in the following example:
+val xy = divmod(x, y);
+System.out.println("quotient: " + x._1 + ", rest: " + x._2);
+Or one uses pattern matching on tuples, as in the following erample:
+divmod(x, y) match {
+ case Pair(n, d) =>
+ System.out.println("quotient: " + n + ", rest: " + d);
+Note that type parameters are never used in patterns; it would have
+been illegal to write case \code{Pair[int, int](n, d)}.
+Scala is a functional language in that functions are first-class
+values. Scala is also an object-oriented language in that every value
+is an object. It follows that functions are objects in Scala. For
+instance, a function from type \code{String} to type \code{int} is
+represented as an instance of the trait \code{Function1[String, int]}.
+The \code{Function1} trait is defined as follows.
+package scala;
+trait Function1[-a, +b] {
+ def apply(x: a): b
+Besides \code{Function1}, there are also definitions of
+\code{Function0} and \code{Function2} up to \code{Function9} in the
+standard Scala library. That is, there is one definition for each
+possible number of function parameters between 0 and 9. Scala's
+function type syntax ~\lstinline@$T_1 \commadots T_n$ => $S$@~ is
+simply an abbreviation for the parameterized type
+~\lstinline@Function$n$[$T_1 \commadots T_n, S$]@~.
+Scala uses the same syntax $f(x)$ for function application, no matter
+whether $f$ is a method or a function object. This is made possible by
+the following convention: A function application $f(x)$ where $f$ is
+an object (as opposed to a method) is taken to be a shorthand for
+\lstinline@$f$.apply($x$)@. Hence, the \code{apply} method of a
+function type is inserted automatically where this is necessary.
+That's also why we defined array subscripting in
+Section~\ref{sec:first-arrays} by an \code{apply} method. For any
+array \code{a}, the subscript operation \code{a(i)} is taken to be a
+shorthand for \code{a.apply(i)}.
+Functions are an example where a contra-variant type parameter
+declaration is useful. For example, consider the following code:
+val f: (AnyRef => int) = x => x.hashCode();
+val g: (String => int) = f
+It's sound to bind the value \code{g} of type \code{String => int} to
+\code{f}, which is of type \code{AnyRef => int}. Indeed, all one can
+do with function of type \code{String => int} is pass it a string in
+order to obtain an integer. Clearly, the same works for function
+\code{f}: If we pass it a string (or any other object), we obtain an
+integer. This demonstrates that function subtyping is contra-variant
+in its argument type whereas it is covariant in its result type.
+In short, $S \Rightarrow T$ is a subtype of $S' \Rightarrow T'$, provided
+$S'$ is a subtype of $S$ and $T$ is a subtype of $T'$.
+\example Consider the Scala code
+val plus1: (int => int) = (x: int) => x + 1;
+This is expanded into the following object code.
+val plus1: Function1[int, int] = new Function1[int, int] {
+ def apply(x: int): int = x + 1
+Here, the object creation \lstinline@new Function1[int, int]{ ... }@
+represents an instance of an {\em anonymous class}. It combines the
+creation of a new \code{Function1} object with an implementation of
+the \code{apply} method (which is abstract in \code{Function1}).
+Equivalently, but more verbosely, one could have used a local class:
+val plus1: Function1[int, int] = {
+ class Local extends Function1[int, int] {
+ def apply(x: int): int = x + 1
+ }
+ new Local: Function1[int, int]
+Lists are an important data structure in many Scala programs.
+A list containing the elements \code{x}$_1$, \ldots, \code{x}$_n$ is written
+\code{List(x}$_1$\code{, ..., x}$_n$\code{)}. Examples are:
+val fruit = List("apples", "oranges", "pears");
+val nums = List(1, 2, 3, 4);
+val diag3 = List(List(1, 0, 0), List(0, 1, 0));
+val empty = List();
+Lists are similar to arrays in languages such as C or Java, but there
+are also three important differences. First, lists are immutable. That
+is, elements of a list cannot be changed by assignment. Second,
+lists have a recursive structure, whereas arrays are flat. Third,
+lists support a much richer set of operations than arrays usually do.
+\section{Using Lists}
+\paragraph{The List type}
+Like arrays, lists are {\em homogeneous}. That is, the elements of a
+list all have the same type. The type of a list with elements of type
+\code{T} is written \code{List[T]} (compare to \code{T[]} in Java).
+val fruit: List[String] = List("apples", "oranges", "pears");
+val nums : List[int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4);
+val diag3: List[List[int]] = List(List(1, 0, 0), List(0, 1, 0));
+val empty: List[int] = List();
+\paragraph{List constructors}
+All lists are built from two more fundamental constructors, \code{Nil}
+and \code{::} (pronounced ``cons''). \code{Nil} represents an empty
+list. The infix operator \code{::} expresses list extension. That is,
+\code{x :: xs} represents a list whose first element is \code{x},
+which is followed by (the elements of) list \code{xs}. Hence, the
+list values above could also have been defined as follows (in fact
+their previous definition is simply syntactic sugar for the definitions below).
+val fruit = "apples" :: ("oranges" :: ("pears" :: Nil));
+val nums = 1 :: (2 :: (3 :: (4 :: Nil)));
+val diag3 = (1 :: (0 :: (0 :: Nil))) ::
+ (0 :: (1 :: (0 :: Nil))) ::
+ (0 :: (0 :: (1 :: Nil))) :: Nil;
+val empty = Nil;
+The `\code{::}' operation associates to the right: \code{A :: B :: C} is
+interpreted as \code{A :: (B :: C)}. Therefore, we can drop the
+parentheses in the definitions above. For instance, we can write
+val nums = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: Nil;
+\paragraph{Basic operations on lists}
+All operations on lists can be expressed in terms of the following three:
+\code{head} & returns the first element of a list,\\
+\code{tail} & returns the list consisting of all elements except the\\
+& first element,\\
+\code{isEmpty} & returns \code{true} iff the list is empty
+These operations are defined as methods of list objects. So we invoke
+them by selecting from the list that's operated on. Examples:
+empty.isEmpty = true
+fruit.isEmpty = false
+fruit.head = "apples"
+fruit.tail.head = "oranges"
+diag3.head = List(1, 0, 0)
+The \code{head} and \code{tail} methods are defined only for non-empty
+lists. When selected from an empty list, they throw an exception.
+As an example of how lists can be processed, consider sorting the
+elements of a list of numbers into ascending order. One simple way to
+do so is {\em insertion sort}, which works as follows: To sort a
+non-empty list with first element \code{x} and rest \code{xs}, sort
+the remainder \code{xs} and insert the element \code{x} at the right
+position in the result. Sorting an empty list will yield the
+empty list. Expressed as Scala code:
+def isort(xs: List[int]): List[int] =
+ if (xs.isEmpty) Nil
+ else insert(xs.head, isort(xs.tail))
+\begin{exercise} Provide an implementation of the missing function
+\paragraph{List patterns} In fact, \code{::} is defined as a case
+class in Scala's standard library. Hence, it is possible to decompose
+lists by pattern matching, using patterns composed from the \code{Nil}
+and \code{::} constructors. For instance, \code{isort} can be written
+alternatively as follows.
+def isort(xs: List[int]): List[int] = xs match {
+ case List() => List()
+ case x :: xs1 => insert(x, isort(xs1))
+def insert(x: int, xs: List[int]): List[int] = xs match {
+ case List() => List(x)
+ case y :: ys => if (x <= y) x :: xs else y :: insert(x, ys)
+\section{Definition of class List I: First Order Methods}
+Lists are not built in in Scala; they are defined by an abstract class
+\code{List}, which comes with two subclasses for \code{::} and \code{Nil}.
+In the following we present a tour through class \code{List}.
+package scala;
+abstract class List[+a] {
+\code{List} is an abstract class, so one cannot define elements by
+calling the empty \code{List} constructor (e.g. by
+\code{new List}). The class has a type parameter \code{a}. It is
+co-variant in this parameter, which means that
+\code{List[S] <: List[T]} for all types \code{S} and \code{T} such that
+\code{S <: T}. The class is situated in the package
+\code{scala}. This is a package containing the most important standard
+classes of Scala.
+ \code{List} defines a number of methods, which are
+explained in the following.
+\paragraph{Decomposing lists}
+First, there are the three basic methods \code{isEmpty},
+\code{head}, \code{tail}. Their implementation in terms of pattern
+matching is straightforward:
+def isEmpty: boolean = match {
+ case Nil => true
+ case x :: xs => false
+def head: a = match {
+ case Nil => throw new Error("Nil.head")
+ case x :: xs => x
+def tail: List[a] = match {
+ case Nil => throw new Error("Nil.tail")
+ case x :: xs => x
+The next function computes the length of a list.
+def length = match {
+ case Nil => 0
+ case x :: xs => 1 + xs.length
+\begin{exercise} Design a tail-recursive version of \code{length}.
+The next two functions are the complements of \code{head} and
+def last: a;
+def init: List[a];
+\code{xs.last} returns the last element of list \code{xs}, whereas
+\code{xs.init} returns all elements of \code{xs} except the last.
+Both functions have to traverse the entire list, and are thus less
+efficient than their \code{head} and \code{tail} analogues.
+Here is the implementation of \code{last}.
+def last: a = match {
+ case Nil => throw new Error("Nil.last")
+ case x :: Nil => x
+ case x :: xs => xs.last
+The implementation of \code{init} is analogous.
+The next three functions return a prefix of the list, or a suffix, or
+def take(n: int): List[a] =
+ if (n == 0 || isEmpty) Nil else head :: tail.take(n-1);
+def drop(n: int): List[a] =
+ if (n == 0 || isEmpty) this else tail.drop(n-1);
+def split(n: int): Pair[List[a], List[a]] = Pair(take(n), drop(n))
+\code{(xs take n)} returns the first \code{n} elements of list
+\code{xs}, or the whole list, if its length is smaller than \code{n}.
+\code{(xs drop n)} returns all elements of \code{xs} except the
+\code{n} first ones. Finally, \code{(xs split n)} returns a pair
+consisting of the lists resulting from \code{xs take n} and
+\code{xs drop n}.
+The next function returns an element at a given index in a list.
+It is thus analogous to array subscripting. Indices start at 0.
+def apply(n: int): a = drop(n).head;
+The \code{apply} method has a special meaning in Scala. An object with
+an \code{apply} method can be applied to arguments as if it was a
+function. For instance, to pick the 3'rd element of a list \code{xs},
+one can write either \code{xs.apply(3)} or \code{xs(3)} -- the latter
+expression expands into the first.
+With \code{take} and \code{drop}, we can extract sublists consisting
+of consecutive elements of the original list. To extract the sublist
+$xs_m \commadots xs_{n-1}$ of a list \code{xs}, use:
+xs.drop(m).take(n - m)
+\paragraph{Zipping lists} The next function combines two lists into a list of pairs.
+Given two lists
+xs = List(x$_1$, ..., x$_n$) $\mbox{\rm, and}$
+ys = List(y$_1$, ..., y$_n$) ,
+\code{xs zip ys} constructs the list
+\code{List(Pair(x}$_1$\code{, y}$_1$\code{), ..., Pair(x}$_n$\code{, y}$_n$\code{))}.
+If the two lists have different lengths, the longer one of the two is
+truncated. Here is the definition of \code{zip} -- note that it is a
+polymorphic method.
+def zip[b](that: List[b]): List[Pair[a,b]] =
+ if (this.isEmpty || that.isEmpty) Nil
+ else Pair(this.head, that.head) :: (this.tail zip that.tail);
+\paragraph{Consing lists.}
+Like any infix operator, \code{::}
+is also implemented as a method of an object. In this case, the object
+is the list that is extended. This is possible, because operators
+ending with a `\code{:}' character are treated specially in Scala.
+All such operators are treated as methods of their right operand. E.g.,
+ x :: y = y.::(x) $\mbox{\rm whereas}$ x + y = x.+(y)
+Note, however, that operands of a binary operation are in each case
+evaluated from left to right. So, if \code{D} and \code{E} are
+expressions with possible side-effects, \code{D :: E} is translated to
+\lstinline@{val x = D; E.::(x)}@ in order to maintain the left-to-right
+order of operand evaluation.
+Another difference between operators ending in a `\code{:}' and other
+operators concerns their associativity. Operators ending in
+`\code{:}' are right-associative, whereas other operators are
+left-associative. E.g.,
+ x :: y :: z = x :: (y :: z) $\mbox{\rm whereas}$ x + y + z = (x + y) + z
+The definition of \code{::} as a method in
+class \code{List} is as follows:
+def ::[b >: a](x: b): List[b] = new scala.::(x, this);
+Note that \code{::} is defined for all elements \code{x} of type
+\code{B} and lists of type \code{List[A]} such that the type \code{B}
+of \code{x} is a supertype of the list's element type \code{A}. The result
+is in this case a list of \code{B}'s. This
+is expressed by the type parameter \code{b} with lower bound \code{a}
+in the signature of \code{::}.
+\paragraph{Concatenating lists}
+An operation similar to \code{::} is list concatenation, written
+`\code{:::}'. The result of \code{(xs ::: ys)} is a list consisting of
+all elements of \code{xs}, followed by all elements of \code{ys}.
+Because it ends in a colon, \code{:::} is right-associative and is
+considered as a method of its right-hand operand. Therefore,
+xs ::: ys ::: zs = xs ::: (ys ::: zs)
+ = zs.:::(ys).:::(xs)
+Here is the implementation of the \code{:::} method:
+ def :::[b >: a](prefix: List[b]): List[b] = prefix match {
+ case Nil => this
+ case p :: ps => this.:::(ps).::(p)
+ }
+\paragraph{Reversing lists} Another useful operation
+is list reversal. There is a method \code{reverse} in \code{List} to
+that effect. Let's try to give its implementation:
+def reverse[a](xs: List[a]): List[a] = xs match {
+ case Nil => Nil
+ case x :: xs => reverse(xs) ::: List(x)
+This implementation has the advantage of being simple, but it is not
+very efficient. Indeed, one concatenation is executed for every
+element in the list. List concatenation takes time proportional to the
+length of its first operand. Therefore, the complexity of
+\code{reverse(xs)} is
+n + (n - 1) + ... + 1 = n(n+1)/2
+where $n$ is the length of \code{xs}. Can \code{reverse} be
+implemented more efficiently? We will see later that there exists
+another implementation which has only linear complexity.
+\section{Example: Merge sort}
+The insertion sort presented earlier in this chapter is simple to
+formulate, but also not very efficient. It's average complexity is
+proportional to the square of the length of the input list. We now
+design a program to sort the elements of a list which is more
+efficient than insertion sort. A good algorithm for this is {\em merge
+sort}, which works as follows.
+First, if the list has zero or one elements, it is already sorted, so
+one returns the list unchanged. Longer lists are split into two
+sub-lists, each containing about half the elements of the original
+list. Each sub-list is sorted by a recursive call to the sort
+function, and the resulting two sorted lists are then combined in a
+merge operation.
+For a general implementation of merge sort, we still have to specify
+the type of list elements to be sorted, as well as the function to be
+used for the comparison of elements. We obtain a function of maximal
+generality by passing these two items as parameters. This leads to the
+following implementation.
+def msort[a](less: (a, a) => boolean)(xs: List[a]): List[a] = {
+ def merge(xs1: List[a], xs2: List[a]): List[a] =
+ if (xs1.isEmpty) xs2
+ else if (xs2.isEmpty) xs1
+ else if (less(xs1.head, xs2.head)) xs1.head :: merge(xs1.tail, xs2)
+ else xs2.head :: merge(xs1, xs2.tail);
+ val n = xs.length/2;
+ if (n == 0) xs
+ else merge(msort(less)(xs take n), msort(less)(xs drop n))
+The complexity of \code{msort} is $O(N;log(N))$, where $N$ is the
+length of the input list. To see why, note that splitting a list in
+two and merging two sorted lists each take time proportional to the
+length of the argument list(s). Each recursive call of \code{msort}
+halves the number of elements in its input, so there are $O(log(N))$
+consecutive recursive calls until the base case of lists of length 1
+is reached. However, for longer lists each call spawns off two
+further calls. Adding everything up we obtain that at each of the
+$O(log(N))$ call levels, every element of the original lists takes
+part in one split operation and in one merge operation. Hence, every
+call level has a total cost proportional to $O(N)$. Since there are
+$O(log(N))$ call levels, we obtain an overall cost of
+$O(N;log(N))$. That cost does not depend on the initial distribution
+of elements in the list, so the worst case cost is the same as the
+average case cost. This makes merge sort an attractive algorithm for
+sorting lists.
+Here is an example how \code{msort} is used.
+msort(x: int, y: int => x < y)(List(5, 7, 1, 3))
+The definition of \code{msort} is curried, to make it easy to specialize it with particular
+comparison functions. For instance,
+val intSort = msort(x: int, y: int => x < y)
+val reverseSort = msort(x: int, y: int => x > y)
+\section{Definition of class List II: Higher-Order Methods}
+The examples encountered so far show that functions over lists often
+have similar structures. We can identify several patterns of
+computation over lists, like:
+ \item transforming every element of a list in some way.
+ \item extracting from a list all elements satisfying a criterion.
+ \item combine the elements of a list using some operator.
+Functional programming languages enable programmers to write eneral
+functions which implement patterns like this by means of higher order
+functions. We now discuss a set of commonly used higher-order
+functions, which are implemented as methods in class \code{List}.
+\paragraph{Mapping over lists}
+A common operation is to transform each element of a list and then
+return the lists of results. For instance, to scale each element of a
+list by a given factor.
+def scaleList(xs: List[double], factor: double): List[double] = xs match {
+ case Nil => xs
+ case x :: xs1 => x * factor :: scaleList(xs1, factor)
+This pattern can be generalized to the \code{map} method of class \code{List}:
+abstract class List[a] { ...
+ def map[b](f: a => b): List[b] = this match {
+ case Nil => this
+ case x :: xs => f(x) ::
+ }
+Using \code{map}, \code{scaleList} can be more consisely written as follows.
+def scaleList(xs: List[double], factor: double) =
+ xs map (x => x * factor)
+As another example, consider the problem of returning a given column
+of a matrix which is represented as a list of rows, where each row is
+again a list. This is done by the following function \code{column}.
+def column[a](xs: List[List[a[]], index: int): List[a] =
+ xs map (row => row at index)
+Closely related to \code{map} is the \code{foreach} method, which
+applies a given function to all elements of a list, but does not
+construct a list of results. The function is thus applied only for its
+side effect. \code{foreach} is defined as follows.
+ def foreach(f: a => unit): unit = this match {
+ case Nil => ()
+ case x :: xs => f(x) ; xs.foreach(f)
+ }
+This function can be used for printing all elements of a list, for instance:
+ xs foreach (x => System.out.println(x))
+\begin{exercise} Consider a function which squares all elements of a list and
+returns a list with the results. Complete the following two equivalent
+definitions of \code{squareList}.
+def squareList(xs: List[int]): List[int] = xs match {
+ case List() => ??
+ case y :: ys => ??
+def squareList(xs: List[int]): List[int] =
+ xs map ??
+\paragraph{Filtering Lists}
+Another common operation selects from a list all elements fulfilling a
+given criterion. For instance, to return a list of all positive
+elements in some given lists of integers:
+def posElems(xs: List[int]): List[int] = xs match {
+ case Nil => xs
+ case x :: xs1 => if (x > 0) x :: posElems(xs1) else posElems(xs1)
+This pattern is generalized to the \code{filter} method of class \code{List}:
+ def filter(p: a => boolean): List[a] = this match {
+ case Nil => this
+ case x :: xs => if (p(x)) x :: xs.filter(p) else xs.filter(p)
+ }
+Using \code{filter}, \code{posElems} can be more consisely written as
+def posElems(xs: List[int]): List[int] =
+ xs filter (x => x > 0)
+An operation related to filtering is testing whether all elements of a
+list satisfy a certain condition. Dually, one might also be interested
+in the question whether there exists an element in a list that
+satisfies a certain condition. These operations are embodied in the
+higher-order functions \code{forall} and \code{exists} of class
+def forall(p: a => Boolean): Boolean =
+ isEmpty || (p(head) && (tail forall p));
+def exists(p: a => Boolean): Boolean =
+ !isEmpty && (p(head) || (tail exists p));
+To illustrate the use of \code{forall}, consider the question whether
+a number if prime. Remember that a number $n$ is prime of it can be
+divided without remainder only by one and itself. The most direct
+translation of this definition would test that $n$ divided by all
+numbers from 2 upto and excluding itself gives a non-zero
+remainder. This list of numbers can be generated using a function
+\code{List.range} which is defined in object \code{List} as follows.
+package scala;
+object List { ...
+ def range(from: int, end: int): List[int] =
+ if (from >= end) Nil else from :: range(from + 1, end);
+For example, \code{List.range(2, n)}
+generates the list of all integers from 2 upto and excluding $n$.
+The function \code{isPrime} can now simply be defined as follows.
+def isPrime(n: int) =
+ List.range(2, n) forall (x => n % x != 0)
+We see that the mathematical definition of prime-ness has been
+translated directly into Scala code.
+Exercise: Define \code{forall} and \code{exists} in terms of \code{filter}.
+\paragraph{Folding and Reducing Lists}
+Another common operation is to combine the elements of a list with
+some operator. For instance:
+sum(List(x$_1$, ..., x$_n$)) = 0 + x$_1$ + ... + x$_n$
+product(List(x$_1$, ..., x$_n$)) = 1 * x$_1$ * ... * x$_n$
+Of course, we can implement both functions with a
+recursive scheme:
+def sum(xs: List[int]): int = xs match {
+ case Nil => 0
+ case y :: ys => y + sum(ys)
+def product(xs: List[int]): int = xs match {
+ case Nil => 1
+ case y :: ys => y * product(ys)
+But we can also use the generaliztion of this program scheme embodied
+in the \code{reduceLeft} method of class \code{List}. This method
+inserts a given binary operator between adjacent elements of a given list.
+List(x$_1$, ..., x$_n$).reduceLeft(op) = (...(x$_1$ op x$_2$) op ... ) op x$_n$
+Using \code{reduceLeft}, we can make the common pattern
+in \code{sum} and \code{product} apparent:
+def sum(xs: List[int]) = (0 :: xs) reduceLeft {(x, y) => x + y}
+def product(xs: List[int]) = (1 :: xs) reduceLeft {(x, y) => x * y}
+Here is the implementation of \code{reduceLeft}.
+ def reduceLeft(op: (a, a) => a): a = this match {
+ case Nil => error("Nil.reduceLeft")
+ case x :: xs => (xs foldLeft x)(op)
+ }
+ def foldLeft[b](z: b)(op: (b, a) => b): b = this match {
+ case Nil => z
+ case x :: xs => (xs foldLeft op(z, x))(op)
+ }
+We see that the \code{reduceLeft} method is defined in terms of
+another generally useful method, \code{foldLeft}. The latter takes as
+additional parameter an {\em accumulator} \code{z}, which is returned
+when \code{foldLeft} is applied on an empty list. That is,
+(List(x$_1$, ..., x$_n$) foldLeft z)(op) = (...(z op x$_1$) op ... ) op x$_n$
+The \code{sum} and \code{product} methods can be defined alternatively
+using \code{foldLeft}:
+def sum(xs: List[int]) = (xs foldLeft 0) {(x, y) => x + y}
+def product(xs: List[int]) = (xs foldLeft 1) {(x, y) => x * y}
+\paragraph{FoldRight and ReduceRight}
+Applications of \code{foldLeft} and \code{reduceLeft} expand to
+left-leaning trees. \todo{insert pictures}. They have duals
+\code{foldRight} and \code{reduceRight}, which produce right-leaning
+List(x$_1$, ..., x$_n$).reduceRight(op) = x$_1$ op ( ... (x$_{n-1}$ op x$_n$)...)
+(List(x$_1$, ..., x$_n$) foldRight acc)(op) = x$_1$ op ( ... (x$_n$ op acc)...)
+These are defined as follows.
+ def reduceRight(op: (a, a) => a): a = match
+ case Nil => error("Nil.reduceRight")
+ case x :: Nil => x
+ case x :: xs => op(x, xs.reduceRight(op))
+ }
+ def foldRight[b](z: b)(op: (a, b) => b): b = match {
+ case Nil => z
+ case x :: xs => op(x, (xs foldRight z)(op))
+ }
+Class \code{List} defines also two symbolic abbreviations for
+\code{foldLeft} and \code{foldRight}:
+ def /:[b](z: b)(f: (b, a) => b): b = foldLeft(z)(f);
+ def :\[b](z: b)(f: (a, b) => b): b = foldRight(z)(f);
+The method names picture the left/right leaning trees of the fold
+operations by forward or backward slashes. The \code{:} points in each
+case to the list argument whereas the end of the slash points to the
+accumulator (or: zero) argument \code{z}.
+That is,
+(z /: List(x$_1$, ..., x$_n$))(op) = (...(z op x$_1$) op ... ) op x$_n$
+(List(x$_1$, ..., x$_n$) :\ z)(op) = x$_1$ op ( ... (x$_n$ op acc)...)
+For associative and commutative operators, \code{/:} and
+\code{:\\} are equivalent (even though there may be a difference
+in efficiency). But sometimes, only one of the two operators is
+appropriate or has the right type:
+\begin{exercise} Consider the problem of writing a function \code{flatten},
+which takes a list of element lists as arguments. The result of
+\code{flatten} should be the concatenation of all element lists into a
+single list. Here is the an implementation of this method in terms of
+def flatten[a](xs: List[List[a]]): List[a] =
+ (xs :\ Nil) {(x, xs) => x ::: xs}
+In this case it is not possible to replace the application of
+\code{:\\} with \code{/:}. Explain why.
+In fact \code{flatten} is predefined together with a set of other
+userful function in an object called \code{List} in the standatd Scala
+library. It can be accessed from user program by calling
+\code{List.flatten}. Note that \code{flatten} is not a method of class
+\code{List} -- it would not make sense there, since it applies only
+to lists of lists, not to all lists in general.
+\paragraph{List Reversal Again} We have seen in
+Section~\ref{sec:list-first-order} an implementation of method
+\code{reverse} whose run-time was quadratic in the length of the list
+to be reversed. We now develop a new implementation of \code{reverse},
+which has linear cost. The idea is to use a \code{foldLeft}
+operation based on the following program scheme.
+class List[+a] { ...
+ def reverse: List[a] = (z? /: this)(op?)
+It only remains to fill in the \code{z?} and \code{op?} parts. Let's
+try to deduce them from examples.
+ Nil
+= Nil.reverse // by specification
+= (z /: Nil)(op) // by the template for reverse
+= (Nil foldLeft z)(op) // by the definition of /:
+= z // by definition of foldLeft
+Hence, \code{z?} must be \code{Nil}. To deduce the second operand,
+let's study reversal of a list of length one.
+ List(x)
+= List(x).reverse // by specification
+= (Nil /: List(x))(op) // by the template for reverse, with z = Nil
+= (List(x) foldLeft Nil)(op) // by the definition of /:
+= op(Nil, x) // by definition of foldLeft
+Hence, \code{op(Nil, x)} equals \code{List(x)}, which is the same
+as \code{x :: Nil}. This suggests to take as \code{op} the
+\code{::} operator with its operands exchanged. Hence, we arrive at
+the following implementation for \code{reverse}, which has linear complexity.
+def reverse: List[a] =
+ ((Nil: List[a]) /: this) {(xs, x) => x :: xs}
+(Remark: The type annotation of \code{Nil} is necessary
+to make the type inferencer work.)
+\begin{exercise} Fill in the missing expressions to complete the following
+definitions of some basic list-manipulation operations as fold
+def mapFun[a, b](xs: List[a], f: a => b): List[b] =
+ (xs :\ List[b]()){ ?? }
+def lengthFun[a](xs: List[a]): int =
+ (0 /: xs){ ?? }
+\paragraph{Nested Mappings}
+We can employ higher-order list processing functions to express many
+computations that are normally expressed as nested loops in imperative
+As an example, consider the following problem: Given a positive
+integer $n$, find all pairs of positive integers $i$ and $j$, where
+$1 \leq j < i < n$ such that $i + j$ is prime. For instance, if $n = 7$,
+the pairs are
+i & 2 & 3 & 4 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 6\\
+j & 1 & 2 & 1 & 3 & 2 & 1 & 5\\ \hline
+i + j & 3 & 5 & 5 & 7 & 7 & 7 & 11
+A natural way to solve this problem consists of two steps. In a first step,
+one generates the sequence of all pairs $(i, j)$ of integers such that
+$1 \leq j < i < n$. In a second step one then filters from this sequence
+all pairs $(i, j)$ such that $i + j$ is prime.
+Looking at the first step in more detail, a natural way to generate
+the sequence of pairs consists of three sub-steps. First, generate
+all integers between $1$ and $n$ for $i$.
+Second, for each integer $i$ between $1$ and $n$, generate the list of
+pairs $(i, 1)$ up to $(i, i-1)$. This can be achieved by a
+combination of \code{range} and \code{map}:
+ List.range(1, i) map (x => Pair(i, x))
+Finally, combine all sublists using \code{foldRight} with \code{:::}.
+Putting everything together gives the following expression:
+List.range(1, n)
+ .map(i => List.range(1, i).map(x => Pair(i, x)))
+ .foldRight(List[Pair[int, int]]()) {(xs, ys) => xs ::: ys}
+ .filter(pair => isPrime(pair._1 + pair._2))
+\paragraph{Flattening Maps}
+The combination of mapping and then concatenating sublists
+resulting from the map
+is so common that we there is a special method
+for it in class \code{List}:
+abstract class List[+a] { ...
+ def flatMap[b](f: a => List[b]): List[b] = match {
+ case Nil => Nil
+ case x :: xs => f(x) ::: (xs flatMap f)
+ }
+With \code{flatMap}, the pairs-whose-sum-is-prime expression
+could have been written more concisely as follows.
+List.range(1, n)
+ .flatMap(i => List.range(1, i).map(x => Pair(i, x)))
+ .filter(pair => isPrime(pair._1 + pair._2))
+This chapter has ingtroduced lists as a fundamental data structure in
+programming. Since lists are immutable, they are a common data type in
+functional programming languages. They play there a role comparable to
+arrays in imperative languages. However, the access patterns between
+arrays and lists are quite different. Where array accessing is always
+done by indexing, this is much less common for lists. We have seen
+that \code{scala.List} defines a method called \code{apply} for indexing;
+however this operation is much more costly than in the case of arrays
+(linear as opposed to constant time). Instead of indexing, lists are
+usually traversed recursively, where recursion steps are usually based
+on a pattern match over the traversed list. There is also a rich set of
+higher-order combinators which allow one to instantiate a set of
+predefined patterns of computations over lists.
+\bsh{Reasoning About Lists}
+Recall the concatenation operation for lists:
+class List[+a] {
+ ...
+ def ::: (that: List[a]): List[a] =
+ if (isEmpty) that
+ else head :: (tail ::: that)
+We would like to verify that concatenation is associative, with the
+empty list \code{List()} as left and right identity:
+ (xs ::: ys) ::: zs &=& xs ::: (ys ::: zs) \\
+ xs ::: List() &=& xs \gap =\ List() ::: xs
+\emph{Q}: How can we prove statements like the one above?
+\emph{A}: By \emph{structural induction} over lists.
+\bsh{Reminder: Natural Induction}
+Recall the proof principle of \emph{natural induction}:
+To show a property \mathtext{P(n)} for all numbers \mathtext{n \geq b}:
+\item Show that \mathtext{P(b)} holds (\emph{base case}).
+\item For arbitrary \mathtext{n \geq b} show:
+ if \mathtext{P(n)} holds, then \mathtext{P(n+1)} holds as well
+(\emph{induction step}).
+\emph{Example}: Given
+def factorial(n: int): int =
+ if (n == 0) 1
+ else n * factorial(n-1)
+show that, for all \code{n >= 4},
+ factorial(n) >= 2$^n$
+is established by simple calculation of \code{factorial(4) = 24} and \code{2$^4$ = 16}.
+We have for \code{n >= 4}:
+ \= factorial(n + 1)
+ = \> $\expl{by the second clause of factorial(*)}$
+ \> (n + 1) * factorial(n)
+ >= \> $\expl{by calculation}$
+ \> 2 * factorial(n)
+ >= \> $\expl{by the induction hypothesis}$
+ \> 2 * 2$^n$.
+Note that in our proof we can freely apply reduction steps such as in (*)
+anywhere in a term.
+This works because purely functional programs do not have side
+effects; so a term is equivalent to the term it reduces to.
+The principle is called {\em\emph{referential transparency}}.
+\bsh{Structural Induction}
+The principle of structural induction is analogous to natural induction:
+In the case of lists, it is as follows:
+To prove a property \mathtext{P(xs)} for all lists \mathtext{xs},
+\item Show that \code{P(List())} holds (\emph{base case}).
+\item For arbitrary lists \mathtext{xs} and elements \mathtext{x}
+ show:
+ if \mathtext{P(xs)} holds, then \mathtext{P(x :: xs)} holds as well
+(\emph{induction step}).
+We show \code{(xs ::: ys) ::: zs = xs ::: (ys ::: zs)} by structural induction
+on \code{xs}.
+For the left-hand side, we have:
+ \= (List() ::: ys) ::: zs
+ = \> $\expl{by first clause of \prog{:::}}$
+ \> ys ::: zs
+For the right-hand side, we have:
+ \= List() ::: (ys ::: zs)
+ = \> $\expl{by first clause of \prog{:::}}$
+ \> ys ::: zs
+So the case is established.
+\Case{\code{x :: xs}}
+For the left-hand side, we have:
+ \= ((x :: xs) ::: ys) ::: zs
+ = \> $\expl{by second clause of \prog{:::}}$
+ \> (x :: (xs ::: ys)) ::: zs
+ = \> $\expl{by second clause of \prog{:::}}$
+ \> x :: ((xs ::: ys) ::: zs)
+ = \> $\expl{by the induction hypothesis}$
+ \> x :: (xs ::: (ys ::: zs))
+For the right-hand side, we have:
+ \= (x :: xs) ::: (ys ::: zs)
+ = \> $\expl{by second clause of \prog{:::}}$
+ \> x :: (xs ::: (ys ::: zs))
+So the case (and with it the property) is established.
+Show by induction on \code{xs} that \code{xs ::: List() = xs}.
+\bsh{Example (2)}
+As a more difficult example, consider function
+abstract class List[a] { ...
+ def reverse: List[a] = match {
+ case List() => List()
+ case x :: xs => xs.reverse ::: List(x)
+ }
+We would like to prove the proposition that
+ xs.reverse.reverse = xs .
+We proceed by induction over \code{xs}. The base case is easy to establish:
+ \= List().reverse.reverse
+ = \> $\expl{by first clause of \prog{reverse}}$
+ \> List().reverse
+ = \> $\expl{by first clause of \prog{reverse}}$
+ \> List()
+For the induction step, we try:
+ \= (x :: xs).reverse.reverse
+ = \> $\expl{by second clause of \prog{reverse}}$
+ \> (xs.reverse ::: List(x)).reverse
+There's nothing more we can do to this expression, so we turn to the right side:
+ \= x :: xs
+ = \> $\expl{by induction hypothesis}$
+ \> x :: xs.reverse.reverse
+The two sides have simplified to different expressions.
+So we still have to show that
+ (xs.reverse ::: List(x)).reverse = x :: xs.reverse.reverse
+Trying to prove this directly by induction does not work.
+Instead we have to {\em generalize} the equation to:
+ (ys ::: List(x)).reverse = x :: ys.reverse
+This equation can be proved by a second induction argument over \code{ys}.
+(See blackboard).
+Is it the case that \code{(xs drop m) at n = xs at (m + n)} for all
+natural numbers \code{m}, \code{n} and all lists \code{xs}?
+\bsh{Structural Induction on Trees}
+Structural induction is not restricted to lists; it works for arbitrary
+The general induction principle is as follows.
+To show that property \code{P(t)} holds for all trees of a certain type,
+\item Show \code{P(l)} for all leaf trees \code{$l$}.
+\item For every interior node \code{t} with subtrees \code{s$_1$, ..., s$_n$},
+ show that \code{P(s$_1$) $\wedge$ ... $\wedge$ P(s$_n$) => P(t)}.
+\example Recall our definition of \code{IntSet} with
+operations \code{contains} and \code{incl}:
+abstract class IntSet {
+ abstract def incl(x: int): IntSet
+ abstract def contains(x: int): boolean
+case class Empty extends IntSet {
+ def contains(x: int): boolean = false
+ def incl(x: int): IntSet = NonEmpty(x, Empty, Empty)
+case class NonEmpty(elem: int, left: Set, right: Set) extends IntSet {
+ def contains(x: int): boolean =
+ if (x < elem) left contains x
+ else if (x > elem) right contains x
+ else true
+ def incl(x: int): IntSet =
+ if (x < elem) NonEmpty(elem, left incl x, right)
+ else if (x > elem) NonEmpty(elem, left, right incl x)
+ else this
+(With \code{case} added, so that we can use factory methods instead of \code{new}).
+What does it mean to prove the correctness of this implementation?
+\bsh{Laws of IntSet}
+One way to state and prove the correctness of an implementation is
+to prove laws that hold for it.
+In the case of \code{IntSet}, three such laws would be:
+For all sets \code{s}, elements \code{x}, \code{y}:
+Empty contains x \= = false
+(s incl x) contains x \> = true
+(s incl x) contains y \> = s contains y if x $\neq$ y
+(In fact, one can show that these laws characterize the desired data
+type completely).
+How can we establish that these laws hold?
+\emph{Proposition 1}: \code{Empty contains x = false}.
+\emph{Proof}: By the definition of \code{contains} in \code{Empty}.
+\emph{Proposition 2}: \code{(xs incl x) contains x = true}
+ \= (Empty incl x) contains x
+ = \> $\expl{by definition of \prog{incl} in \prog{Empty}}$
+ \> NonEmpty(x, Empty, Empty) contains x
+ = \> $\expl{by definition of \prog{contains} in \prog{NonEmpty}}$
+ \> true
+\Case{\code{NonEmpty(x, l, r)}}
+ \= (NonEmpty(x, l, r) incl x) contains x
+ = \> $\expl{by definition of \prog{incl} in \prog{NonEmpty}}$
+ \> NonEmpty(x, l, r) contains x
+ = \> $\expl{by definition of \prog{contains} in \prog{Empty}}$
+ \> true
+\Case{\code{NonEmpty(y, l, r)} where \code{y < x}}
+ \= (NonEmpty(y, l, r) incl x) contains x
+ = \> $\expl{by definition of \prog{incl} in \prog{NonEmpty}}$
+ \> NonEmpty(y, l, r incl x) contains x
+ = \> $\expl{by definition of \prog{contains} in \prog{NonEmpty}}$
+ \> (r incl x) contains x
+ = \> $\expl{by the induction hypothesis}$
+ \> true
+\Case{\code{NonEmpty(y, l, r)} where \code{y > x}} is analogous.
+\emph{Proposition 3}: If \code{x $\neq$ y} then
+\code{xs incl y contains x = xs contains x}.
+\emph{Proof:} See blackboard.
+Say we add a \code{union} function to \code{IntSet}:
+class IntSet { ...
+ def union(other: IntSet): IntSet
+class Expty extends IntSet { ...
+ def union(other: IntSet) = other
+class NonEmpty(x: int, l: IntSet, r: IntSet) extends IntSet { ...
+ def union(other: IntSet): IntSet = l union r union other incl x
+The correctness of \code{union} can be subsumed with the following
+\emph{Proposition 4}:
+\code{(xs union ys) contains x = xs contains x || ys contains x}.
+Is that true ? What hypothesis is missing ? Show a counterexample.
+Show Proposition 4 using structural induction on \code{xs}.
+\emph{Proof:} By induction on \code{xs}.
+\Case{\code{NonEmpty(x, l, r)}}
+\Case{\code{NonEmpty(y, l, r)} where \code{y < x}}
+ \= (Empty union ys) contains x
+ = \> $\expl{by definition of \prog{union} in \prog{Empty}}$
+ \> ys contains x
+ = \> $\expl{Boolean algebra}$
+ \> false || ys contains x
+ = \> $\expl{by definition of \prog{contains} in \prog{Empty} (reverse)}$
+ \> (Empty contains x) || (ys contains x)
+ \= (NonEmpty(x, l, r) union ys) contains x
+ = \> $\expl{by definition of \prog{union} in \prog{NonEmpty}}$
+ \> (l union r union ys incl x) contains x
+ = \> $\expl{by Proposition 2}$
+ \> true
+ = \> $\expl{Boolean algebra}$
+ \> true || (ys contains x)
+ = \> $\expl{by definition of \prog{contains} in \prog{NonEmpty} (reverse)}$
+ \> (NonEmpty(x, l, r) contains x) || (ys contains x)
+ \= (NonEmpty(y, l, r) union ys) contains x
+ = \> $\expl{by definition of \prog{union} in \prog{NonEmpty}}$
+ \> (l union r union ys incl y) contains x
+ = \> $\expl{by Proposition 3}$
+ \> (l union r union ys) contains x
+ = \> $\expl{by the induction hypothesis}$
+ \> ((l union r) contains x) || (ys contains x)
+ = \> $\expl{by Proposition 3}$
+ \> ((l union r incl y) contains x) || (ys contains x)
+\Case{\code{NonEmpty(y, l, r)} where \code{y < x}}
+ ... is analogous.
+The last chapter demonstrated that higher-order functions such as
+\verb@map@, \verb@flatMap@, \verb@filter@ provide powerful
+constructions for dealing with lists. But sometimes the level of
+abstraction required by these functions makes a program hard to
+To help understandbility, Scala has a special notation which
+simplifies common patterns of applications of higher-order functions.
+This notation builds a bridge between set-comprehensions in
+mathematics and for-loops in imperative languages such as C or
+Java. It also closely resembles the query notation of relational
+As a first example, say we are given a list \code{persons} of persons
+with \code{name} and \code{age} fields. To print the names of all
+persons in the sequence which are aged over 20, one can write:
+for (val p <- persons; p.age > 20) yield
+This is equivalent to the following expression , which uses
+higher-order functions \code{filter} and \code{map}:
+persons filter (p => p.age > 20) map (p =>
+The for-comprehension looks a bit like a for-loop in imperative languages,
+except that it constructs a list of the results of all iterations.
+Generally, a for-comprehension is of the form
+for ( $s$ ) yield $e$
+Here, $s$ is a sequence of {\em generators} and {\em filters}. A {\em
+generator} is of the form \code{val x <- e}, where \code{e} is a
+list-valued expression. It binds \code{x} to successive values in the
+list. A {\em filter} is an expression \code{f} of type
+\code{boolean}. It omits from consideration all bindings for which
+\code{f} is \code{false}. The sequence $s$ starts in each case with a
+generator. If there are several generators in a sequence, later
+generators vary more rapidly than earlier ones.
+Here are two examples that show how for-comprehensions are used.
+First, let's redo an example of the previous chapter: Given a positive
+integer $n$, find all pairs of positive integers $i$ and $j$, where $1
+\leq j < i < n$ such that $i + j$ is prime. With a for-comprehension
+this problem is solved as follows:
+for (val i <- List.range(1, n);
+ val j <- List.range(1, i);
+ isPrime(i+j)) yield Pair(i, j)
+This is arguably much clearer than the solution using \code{map},
+\code{flatMap} and \code{filter} that we have developed previously.
+As a second example, consider computing the scalar product of two
+vectors \code{xs} and \code{ys}. Using a for-comprehension, this can
+be written as follows.
+ sum (for(val (x, y) <- xs zip ys) yield x * y)
+\section{The N-Queens Problem}
+For-comprehensions are especially useful for solving combinatorial
+puzzles. An example of such a puzzle is the 8-queens problem: Given a
+standard chessboard, place 8 queens such that no queen is in check from any
+other (a queen can check another piece if they are on the same
+column, row, or diagional). We will now develop a solution to this
+problem, generalizing it to chessboards of arbitrary size. Hence, the
+problem is to place $n$ queens on a chessboard of size $n \times n$.
+To solve this problem, note that we need to place a queen in each row.
+So we could place queens in successive rows, each time checking that a
+newly placed queen is not in queck from any other queens that have
+already been placed. In the course of this search, it might arrive
+that a queen to be placed in row $k$ would be in check in all fields
+of that row from queens in row $1$ to $k-1$. In that case, we need to
+abort that part of the search in order to continue with a different
+configuration of queens in columns $1$ to $k-1$.
+This suggests a recursive algorithm. Assume that we have already
+generated all solutions of placing $k-1$ queens on a board of size $n
+\times n$. We can represent each such solution by a list of length
+$k-1$ of column numbers (which can range from $1$ to $n$). We treat
+these partial solution lists as stacks, where the column number of the
+queen in row $k-1$ comes first in the list, followed by the column
+number of the queen in row $k-2$, etc. The bottom of the stack is the
+column number of the queen placed in the first row of the board. All
+solutions together are then represented as a list of lists, with one
+element for each solution.
+Now, to place the $k$'the queen, we generate all possible extensions
+of each previous solution by one more queen. This yields another list
+of solution lists, this time of length $k$. We continue the process
+until we have reached solutions of the size of the chessboard $n$.
+This algorithmic idea is embodied in function \code{placeQueens} below:
+def queens(n: int): List[List[int]] = {
+ def placeQueens(k: int): List[List[int]] =
+ if (k == 0) List(List())
+ else for (val queens <- placeQueens(k - 1);
+ val column <- List.range(1, n + 1);
+ isSafe(column, queens, 1)) yield col :: queens;
+ placeQueens(n);
+\begin{exercise} Write the function
+ def isSafe(col: int, queens: List[int], delta: int): boolean
+which tests whether a queen in the given column \verb@col@ is safe with
+respect to the \verb@queens@ already placed. Here, \verb@delta@ is the difference between the row of the queen to be
+placed and the row of the first queen in the list.
+\section{Querying with For-Comprehensions}
+The for-notation is essentially equivalent to common operations of
+database query languages. For instance, say we are given a
+database \code{books}, represented as a list of books, where
+\code{Book} is defined as follows.
+case class Book(title: String, authors: List[String]);
+Here is a small example database:
+val books: List[Book] = List(
+ Book("Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs",
+ List("Abelson, Harald", "Sussman, Gerald J.")),
+ Book("Principles of Compiler Design",
+ List("Aho, Alfred", "Ullman, Jeffrey")),
+ Book("Programming in Modula-2",
+ List("Wirth, Niklaus")),
+ Book("Introduction to Functional Programming"),
+ List("Bird, Richard")),
+ Book("The Java Language Specification",
+ List("Gosling, James", "Joy, Bill", "Steele, Guy", "Bracha, Gilad")));
+Then, to find the titles of all books whose author's last name is ``Ullman'':
+for (val b <- books; val a <- b.authors; a startsWith "Ullman")
+yield b.title
+(Here, \code{startsWith} is a method in \code{java.lang.String}). Or,
+to find the titles of all books that have the string ``Program'' in
+their title:
+for (val b <- books; (b.title indexOf "Program") >= 0)
+yield b.title
+Or, to find the names of all authors that have written at least two
+books in the database.
+for (val b1 <- books; val b2 <- books; b1 != b2;
+ val a1 <- b1.authors; val a2 <- b2.authors; a1 == a2)
+yield a1
+The last solution is not yet perfect, because authors will appear
+several times in the list of results. We still need to remove
+duplicate authors from result lists. This can be achieved with the
+following function.
+def removeDuplicates[a](xs: List[a]): List[a] =
+ if (xs.isEmpty) xs
+ else xs.head :: removeDuplicates(xs.tail filter (x => x != xs.head));
+Note that the last expression in method \code{removeDuplicates}
+can be equivalently expressed using a for-comprehension.
+xs.head :: removeDuplicates(for (val x <- xs.tail; x != xs.head) yield x)
+\section{Translation of For-Comprehensions}
+Every for-comprehension can be expressed in terms of the three
+higher-order functions \code{map}, \code{flatMap} and \code{filter}.
+Here is the translation scheme, which is also used by the Scala compiler.
+A simple for-comprehension
+for (val x <- e) yield e'
+is translated to
+\begin{lstlisting} => e')
+A for-comprehension
+for (val x <- e; f; s) yield e'
+where \code{f} is a filter and \code{s} is a (possibly empty)
+sequence of generators or filters
+is translated to
+for (val x <- e.filter(x => f); s) yield e'
+and then translation continues with the latter expression.
+A for-comprehension
+for (val x <- e; y <- e'; s) yield e''
+where \code{s} is a (possibly empty)
+sequence of generators or filters
+is translated to
+e.flatMap(x => for (y <- e'; s) yield e'')
+and then translation continues with the latter expression.
+For instance, taking our "pairs of integers whose sum is prime" example:
+for { val i <- range(1, n);
+ val j <- range(1, i);
+ isPrime(i+j)
+} yield (i, j)
+Here is what we get when we translate this expression:
+range(1, n)
+ .flatMap(i =>
+ range(1, i)
+ .filter(j => isPrime(i+j))
+ .map(j => (i, j)))
+Conversely, it would also be possible to express functions \code{map},
+\code{flatMap}{ and \code{filter} using for-comprehensions. Here are the
+three functions again, this time implemented using for-comprehensions.
+object Demo {
+ def map[a, b](xs: List[a], f: a => b): List[b] =
+ for (val x <- cs) yield f(x);
+ def flatMap[a, b](xs: List[a], f: a => List[b]): List[b] =
+ for (val x <- xs; val y <- f(x)) yield y;
+ def filter[a](xs: List[a], p: a => boolean): List[a] =
+ for (val x <- xs; p(x)) yield x;
+Not surprisingly, the translation of the for-comprehension in the body of
+\code{} will produce a call to \code{map} in class \code{List}.
+Similarly, \code{Demo.flatMap} and \code{Demo.filter} translate to
+\code{flatMap} and \code{filter} in class \code{List}.
+Define the following function in terms of \code{for}.
+def flatten(xss: List[List[a]]): List[a] =
+ (xss :\ List()) ((xs, ys) => xs ::: ys)
+for { val b <- books; val a <- b.authors; a startsWith "Bird" } yield b.title
+for { val b <- books; (b.title indexOf "Program") >= 0 } yield b.title
+to higher-order functions.
+For-comprehensions resemble for-loops in imperative languages, except
+that they produce a list of results. Sometimes, a list of results is
+not needed but we would still like the flexibility of generators and
+filters in iterations over lists. This is made possible by a variant
+of the for-comprehension syntax, which excpresses for-loops:
+for ( $s$ ) $e$
+This construct is the same as the standard for-comprehension syntax
+except that the keyword \code{yield} is missing. The for-loop is
+executed by executing the expression $e$ for each element generated
+from the sequence of generators and filters $s$.
+As an example, the following expression prints out all elements of a
+matrix represented as a list of lists:
+ \begin{lstlisting}
+for (xs <- xss) {
+ for (x <- xs) System.out.print(x + "\t")
+ System.out.println()
+The translation of for-loops to higher-order methods of class
+\code{List} is similar to the translation of for-comprehensions, but
+is simpler. Where for-comprehensions translate to \code{map} and
+\code{flatMap}, for-loops translate in each case to \code{foreach}.
+\section{Generalizing For}
+We have seen that the translation of for-comprehensions only relies on
+the presence of methods \code{map}, \code{flatMap}, and
+\code{filter}. Therefore it is possible to apply the same notation to
+generators that produce objects other than lists; these objects only
+have to support the three key functions \code{map}, \code{flatMap},
+and \code{filter}.
+The standard Scala library has several other abstractions that support
+these three methods and with them support for-comprehensions. We will
+encounter some of them in the following chapters. As a programmer you
+can also use this principle to enable for-comprehensions for types you
+define -- these types just need to support methods \code{map},
+\code{flatMap}, and \code{filter}.
+There are many examples where this is useful: Examples are database
+interfaces, XML trees, or optional values. We will see in
+Chapter~\ref{sec:parsers-results} how for-comprehensions can be used
+in the definition of parsers for context-free grammars that construct
+abstract syntax trees.
+One caveat: It is not assured automatically that the result
+translating a for-comprehension is well-typed. To ensure this, the
+types of \code{map}, \code{flatMap} and \code{filter} have to be
+essentially similar to the types of these methods in class \code{List}.
+To make this precise, assume you have a parameterized class
+ \code{C[a]} for which you want to enable for-comprehensions. Then
+ \code{C} should define \code{map}, \code{flatMap} and \code{filter}
+ with the following types:
+def map[b](f: a => b): C[b]
+def flatMap[b](f: a => C[b]): C[b]
+def filter(p: a => boolean): C[a]
+It would be attractive to enforce these types statically in the Scala
+compiler, for instance by requiring that any type supporting
+for-comprehensions implements a standard trait with these methods
+\footnote{In the programming language Haskell, which has similar
+constructs, this abstraction is called a ``monad with zero''}. The
+problem is that such a standard trait would have to abstract over the
+identity of the class \code{C}, for instance by taking \code{C} as a
+type parameter. Note that this parameter would be a type constructor,
+which gets applied to {\em several different} types in the signatures of
+methods \code{map} and \code{flatMap}. Unfortunately, the Scala type
+system is too weak to express this construct, since it can handle only
+type parameters which are fully applied types.
+\chapter{Mutable State}
+Most programs we have presented so for did not have side-effects
+\footnote{We ignore here the fact that some of our program printed to
+standard output, which technically is a side effect.}. Therefore, the
+notion of {\em time} did not matter. For a program that terminates,
+any sequence of actions would have led to the same result! This is
+also reflected by the substitution model of computation, where a
+rewrite step can be applied anywhere in a term, and all rewritings
+that terminate lead to the same solution. In fact, this {\em
+confluence} property is a deep result in $\lambda$-calculus, the
+theory underlying functional programming.
+In this chapter, we introduce functions with side effects and study
+their behavior. We will see that as a consequence we have to
+fundamenatlly modify up the substitution model of computation which we
+employed so far.
+\section{Stateful Objects}
+We normally view the world as a set of objects, some of which have
+state that {\em changes} over time. Normally, state is associated
+with a set of variables that can be changed in the course of a
+computation. There is also a more abstract notion of state, which
+does not refer to particular constructs of a programming language: An
+object {\em has state} (or: {\em is stateful}) if its behavior is
+influenced by its history.
+For instance, a bank account object has state, because the question
+``can I withdraw 100 CHF?''
+might have different answers during the lifetime of the account.
+In Scala, all mutable state is ultimately built from variables. A
+variable definition is written like a value definition, but starts
+with \verb@var@ instead of \verb@val@. For instance, the following two
+definitions introduce and initialize two variables \code{x} and
+var x: String = "abc";
+var count = 111;
+Like a value definition, a variable definition associates a name with
+a value. But in the case of a variable definition, this association
+may be changed later by an assignment. Such assignments are written
+as in C or Java. Examples:
+x = "hello";
+count = count + 1;
+In Scala, every defined variable has to be initialized at the point of
+its definition. For instance, the statement ~\code{var x: int;}~ is
+{\em not} regarded as a variable definition, because the initializer
+is missing\footnote{If a statement like this appears in a class, it is
+instead regarded as a variable declaration, which introcuces
+abstract access methods for the variable, but does not associate these
+methods with a piece of state.}. If one does not know, or does not
+care about, the appropriate initializer, one can use a wildcard
+instead. I.e.
+val x: T = _;
+will initialize \code{x} to some default value (\code{null} for
+reference types, \code{false} for booleans, and the appropriate
+version of \code{0} for numeric value types).
+Real-world objects with state are represented in Scala by objects that
+have variables as members. For instance, here is a class that
+represents bank accounts.
+class BankAccount {
+ private var balance = 0;
+ def deposit(amount: int): unit =
+ if (amount > 0) balance = balance + amount;
+ def withdraw(amount: int): int =
+ if (0 < amount && amount <= balance) {
+ balance = balance - amount;
+ balance
+ } else error("insufficient funds");
+The class defines a variable \code{balance} which contains the current
+balance of an account. Methods \code{deposit} and \code{withdraw}
+change the value of this variable through assignments. Note that
+\code{balance} is \code{private} in class \code{BankAccount} -- hence
+it can not be accessed directly outside the class.
+To create bank-accounts, we use the usual object creation notation:
+val myAccount = new BankAccount
+\example Here is a \code{scalaint} session that deals with bank
+> :l bankaccount.scala
+loading file 'bankaccount.scala'
+> val account = new BankAccount
+val account : BankAccount = BankAccount$\Dollar$class@1797795
+> account deposit 50
+(): scala.Unit
+> account withdraw 20
+30: scala.Int
+> account withdraw 20
+10: scala.Int
+> account withdraw 15
+java.lang.RuntimeException: insufficient funds
+ at error(Predef.scala:3)
+ at BankAccount$\Dollar$class.withdraw(bankaccount.scala:13)
+ at <top-level>(console:1)
+The example shows that applying the same operation (\code{withdraw
+20}) twice to an account yields different results. So, clearly,
+accounts are stateful objects.
+\paragraph{Sameness and Change}
+Assignments pose new problems in deciding when two expressions are
+``the same''.
+If assignments are excluded, and one writes
+val x = E; val y = E;
+where \code{E} is some arbitrary expression,
+then \code{x} and \code{y} can reasonably be assumed to be the same.
+I.e. one could have equivalently written
+val x = E; val y = x;
+(This property is usually called {\em referential transparency}). But
+once we admit assignments, the two definition sequences are different.
+val x = new BankAccount; val y = new BankAccount;
+To answer the question whether \code{x} and \code{y} are the same, we
+need to be more precise what ``sameness'' means. This meaning is
+captured in the notion of {\em operational equivalence}, which,
+somewhat informally, is stated as follows.
+Suppose we have two definitions of \code{x} and \code{y}.
+To test whether \code{x} and \code{y} define the same value, proceed
+as follows.
+Execute the definitions followed by an
+arbitrary sequence \code{S} of operations that involve \code{x} and
+\code{y}. Observe the results (if any).
+Then, execute the definitions with another sequence \code{S'} which
+results from \code{S} by renaming all occurrences of \code{y} in
+\code{S} to \code{x}.
+If the results of running \code{S'} are different, then surely
+\code{x} and \code{y} are different.
+On the other hand, if all possible pairs of sequences \code{(S, S')}
+yield the same results, then \code{x} and \code{y} are the same.
+In other words, operational equivalence regards two definitions
+\code{x} and \code{y} as defining the same value, if no possible
+experiment can distinguish between \code{x} and \code{y}. An
+experiment in this context are two version of an arbitrary program which use either
+\code{x} or \code{y}.
+Given this definition, let's test whether
+val x = new BankAccount; val y = new BankAccount;
+defines values \code{x} and \code{y} which are the same.
+Here are the definitions again, followed by a test sequence:
+> val x = new BankAccount
+> val y = new BankAccount
+> x deposit 30
+> y withdraw 20
+java.lang.RuntimeException: insufficient funds
+Now, rename all occurrences of \code{y} in that sequence to
+\code{x}. We get:
+> val x = new BankAccount
+> val y = new BankAccount
+> x deposit 30
+> x withdraw 20
+Since the final results are different, we have established that
+\code{x} and \code{y} are not the same.
+On the other hand, if we define
+val x = new BankAccount; val y = x
+then no sequence of operations can distinguish between \code{x} and
+\code{y}, so \code{x} and \code{y} are the same in this case.
+\paragraph{Assignment and the Substitution Model}
+These examples show that our previous substitution model of
+computation cannot be used anymore. After all, under this
+model we could always replace a value name by its
+defining expression.
+For instance in
+val x = new BankAccount; val y = x
+the \code{x} in the definition of \code{y} could
+be replaced by \code{new BankAccount}.
+But we have seen that this change leads to a different program.
+So the substitution model must be invalid, once we add assignments.
+\section{Imperative Control Structures}
+Scala has the \code{while} and \code{do-while} loop constructs known
+from the C and Java languages. There is also a single branch \code{if}
+which leaves out the else-part as well as a \code{return} statement which
+aborts a function prematurely. This makes it possible to program in a
+conventional imperative style. For instance, the following function,
+which computes the \code{n}'th power of a given parameter \code{x}, is
+implemented using \code{while} and single-branch \code{if}.
+def power (x: double, n: int): double = {
+ var r = 1.0;
+ var i = n;
+ while (i > 0) {
+ if ((i & 1) == 1) { r = r * x }
+ if (i > 1) r = r * r;
+ i = i >> 1;
+ }
+ r
+These imperative control constructs are in the language for
+convenience. They could have been left out, as the same constructs can
+be implemented using just functions. As an example, let's develop a
+functional implementation of the while loop. \code{whileLoop} should
+be a function that takes two parameters: a condition, of type
+\code{boolean}, and a command, of type \code{unit}. Both condition and
+command need to be passed by-name, so that they are evaluated
+repeatedly for each loop iteration. This leads to the following
+definition of \code{whileLoop}.
+def whileLoop(def condition: boolean)(def command: unit): unit =
+ if (condition) {
+ command; whileLoop(condition)(command)
+ } else {}
+Note that \code{whileLoop} is tail recursive, so it operates in
+constant stack space.
+\begin{exercise} Write a function \code{repeatLoop}, which should be
+applied as follows:
+repeatLoop { command } ( condition )
+Is there also a way to obtain a loop syntax like the following?
+repeatLoop { command } until ( condition )
+Some other control constructs known from C and Java are missing in
+Scala: There are no \code{break} and \code{continue} jumps for loops.
+There are also no for-loops in the Java sense -- these have been
+replaced by the more general for-loop construct discussed in
+\section{Extended Example: Discrete Event Simulation}
+We now discuss an example that demonstrates how assignments and
+higher-order functions can be combined in interesting ways.
+We will build a simulator for digital circuits.
+The example is taken from Abelson and Sussman's book
+\cite{abelson-sussman:structure}. We augment their basic (Scheme-)
+code by an object-oriented structure which allows code-reuse through
+inheritance. The example also shows how discrete event simulation programs
+in general are structured and built.
+We start with a little language to describe digital circuits.
+A digital circuit is built from {\em wires} and {\em function boxes}.
+Wires carry signals which are transformed by function boxes.
+We will represent signals by the booleans \code{true} and
+Basic function boxes (or: {\em gates}) are:
+\item An \emph{inverter}, which negates its signal
+\item An \emph{and-gate}, which sets its output to the conjunction of its input.
+\item An \emph{or-gate}, which sets its output to the disjunction of its
+Other function boxes can be built by combining basic ones.
+Gates have {\em delays}, so an output of a gate will change only some
+time after its inputs change.
+\paragraph{A Language for Digital Circuits}
+We describe the elements of a digital circuit by the following set of
+Scala classes and functions.
+First, there is a class \code{Wire} for wires.
+We can construct wires as follows.
+val a = new Wire;
+val b = new Wire;
+val c = new Wire;
+Second, there are functions
+def inverter(input: Wire, output: Wire): unit
+def andGate(a1: Wire, a2: Wire, output: Wire): unit
+def orGate(o1: Wire, o2: Wire, output: Wire): unit
+which ``make'' the basic gates we need (as side-effects).
+More complicated function boxes can now be built from these.
+For instance, to construct a half-adder, we can define:
+ def halfAdder(a: Wire, b: Wire, s: Wire, c: Wire): unit = {
+ val d = new Wire;
+ val e = new Wire;
+ orGate(a, b, d);
+ andGate(a, b, c);
+ inverter(c, e);
+ andGate(d, e, s);
+ }
+This abstraction can itself be used, for instance in defining a full
+ def fullAdder(a: Wire, b: Wire, cin: Wire, sum: Wire, cout: Wire) = {
+ val s = new Wire;
+ val c1 = new Wire;
+ val c2 = new Wire;
+ halfAdder(a, cin, s, c1);
+ halfAdder(b, s, sum, c2);
+ orGate(c1, c2, cout);
+ }
+Class \code{Wire} and functions \code{inverter}, \code{andGate}, and
+\code{orGate} represent thus a little language in which users can
+define digital circuits. We now give implementations of this class
+and these functions, which allow one to simulate circuits.
+These implementations are based on a simple and general API for
+discrete event simulation.
+\paragraph{The Simulation API}
+Discrete event simulation performs user-defined \emph{actions} at
+specified \emph{times}.
+An {\em action} is represented as a function which takes no parameters and
+returns a \code{unit} result:
+type Action = () => unit;
+The \emph{time} is simulated; it is not the actual ``wall-clock'' time.
+A concrete simulation will be done inside an object which inherits
+from the abstract \code{Simulation} class. This class has the following
+abstract class Simulation {
+ def currentTime: int;
+ def afterDelay(delay: int, def action: Action): unit;
+ def run: unit;
+\code{currentTime} returns the current simulated time as an integer
+\code{afterDelay} schedules an action to be performed at a specified
+delay after \code{currentTime}, and
+\code{run} runs the simulation until there are no further actions to be
+\paragraph{The Wire Class}
+A wire needs to support three basic actions.
+\code{getSignal: boolean}~~ returns the current signal on the wire.
+\code{setSignal(sig: boolean): unit}~~ sets the wire's signal to \code{sig}.
+\code{addAction(p: Action): unit}~~ attaches the specified procedure
+\code{p} to the {\em actions} of the wire. All attached action
+procedures will be executed every time the signal of a wire changes.
+Here is an implementation of the \code{Wire} class:
+class Wire {
+ private var sigVal = false;
+ private var actions: List[Action] = List();
+ def getSignal = sigVal;
+ def setSignal(s: boolean) =
+ if (s != sigVal) {
+ sigVal = s;
+ actions.foreach(action => action());
+ }
+ def addAction(a: Action) = {
+ actions = a :: actions; a()
+ }
+Two private variables make up the state of a wire. The variable
+\code{sigVal} represents the current signal, and the variable
+\code{actions} represents the action procedures currently attached to
+the wire.
+\paragraph{The Inverter Class}
+We implement an inverter by installing an action on its input wire,
+namely the action which puts the negated input signal onto the output
+signal. The action needs to take effect at \code{InverterDelay}
+simulated time units after the input changes. This suggests the
+following implementation:
+def inverter(input: Wire, output: Wire) = {
+ def invertAction() = {
+ val inputSig = input.getSignal;
+ afterDelay(InverterDelay, () => output.setSignal(!inputSig))
+ }
+ input addAction invertAction
+\paragraph{The And-Gate Class}
+And-gates are implemented analogously to inverters. The action of an
+\code{andGate} is to output the conjunction of its input signals.
+This should happen at \code{AndGateDelay} simulated time units after
+any one of its two inputs changes. Hence, the following implementation:
+def andGate(a1: Wire, a2: Wire, output: Wire) = {
+ def andAction() = {
+ val a1Sig = a1.getSignal;
+ val a2Sig = a2.getSignal;
+ afterDelay(AndGateDelay, () => output.setSignal(a1Sig & a2Sig));
+ }
+ a1 addAction andAction;
+ a2 addAction andAction;
+\begin{exercise} Write the implementation of \code{orGate}.
+\begin{exercise} Another way is to define an or-gate by a combination of
+inverters and and gates. Define a function \code{orGate} in terms of
+\code{andGate} and \code{inverter}. What is the delay time of this function?
+\paragraph{The Simulation Class}
+Now, we just need to implement class \code{Simulation}, and we are
+done. The idea is that we maintain inside a \code{Simulation} object
+an \emph{agenda} of actions to perform. The agenda is represented as
+a list of pairs of actions and the times they need to be run. The
+agenda list is sorted, so that earlier actions come before later ones.
+class Simulation {
+ private type Agenda = List[Pair[int, Action]];
+ private var agenda: Agenda = List();
+There is also a private variable \code{curtime} to keep track of the
+current simulated time.
+ private var curtime = 0;
+An application of the method \code{afterDelay(delay, action)}
+inserts the pair \code{(curtime + delay, action)} into the
+\code{agenda} list at the appropriate place.
+ def afterDelay(int delay)(def action: Action): unit = {
+ val actiontime = curtime + delay;
+ def insertAction(ag: Agenda): Agenda = ag match {
+ case List() =>
+ Pair(actiontime, action) :: ag
+ case (first @ Pair(time, act)) :: ag1 =>
+ if (actiontime < time) Pair(actiontime, action) :: ag
+ else first :: insert(ag1)
+ }
+ agenda = insert(agenda)
+ }
+An application of the \code{run} method removes successive elements
+from the \code{agenda} and performs their actions.
+It continues until the agenda is empty:
+def run = {
+ afterDelay(0, () => System.out.println("*** simulation started ***"));
+ agenda match {
+ case List() =>
+ case Pair(_, action) :: agenda1 =>
+ agenda = agenda1; action(); run
+ }
+\paragraph{Running the Simulator}
+To run the simulator, we still need a way to inspect changes of
+signals on wires. To this purpose, we write a function \code{probe}.
+def probe(name: String, wire: Wire): unit = {
+ wire addAction (() =>
+ System.out.println(
+ name + " " + currentTime + " new_value = " + wire.getSignal);
+ )
+Now, to see the simulator in action, let's define four wires, and place
+probes on two of them:
+> val input1 = new Wire
+> val input2 = new Wire
+> val sum = new Wire
+> val carry = new Wire
+> probe("sum", sum)
+sum 0 new_value = false
+> probe("carry", carry)
+carry 0 new_value = false
+Now let's define a half-adder connecting the wires:
+> halfAdder(input1, input2, sum, carry);
+Finally, set one after another the signals on the two input wires to
+\code{true} and run the simulation.
+> input1 setSignal true; run
+*** simulation started ***
+sum 8 new_value = true
+> input2 setSignal true; run
+carry 11 new_value = true
+sum 15 new_value = false
+We have seen in this chapter the constructs that let us model state in
+Scala -- these are variables, assignments, abd imperative control
+structures. State and Assignment complicate our mental model of
+computation. In particular, referential transparency is lost. On the
+other hand, assignment gives us new ways to formulate programs
+elegantly. As always, it depends on the situation whether purely
+functional programming or programming with assignments works best.
+\chapter{Computing with Streams}
+The previous chapters have introduced variables, assignment and
+stateful objects. We have seen how real-world objects that change
+with time can be modelled by changing the state of variables in a
+computation. Time changes in the real world thus are modelled by time
+changes in program execution. Of course, such time changes are usually
+stretched out or compressed, but their relative order is the same.
+This seems quite natural, but there is a also price to pay: Our simple
+and powerful substitution model for functional computation is no
+longer applicable once we introduce variables and assignment.
+Is there another way? Can we model state change in the real world
+using only immutable functions? Taking mathematics as a guide, the
+answer is clearly yes: A time-changing quantity is simply modelled by
+a function \code{f(t)} with a time parameter \code{t}. The same can be
+done in computation. Instead of overwriting a variable with successive
+values, we represent all these values as successive elements in a
+list. So, a mutable variable \code{var x: T} gets replaced by an
+immutable value \code{val x: List[T]}. In a sense, we trade space for
+time -- the different values of the variable now all exit concurrently
+as different elements of the list. One advantage of the list-based
+view is that we can ``time-travel'', i.e. view several successive
+values of the variable at the same time. Another advantage is that we
+can make use of the powerful library of list processing functions,
+which often simplifies computation. For instance, consider the
+imperative way to compute the sum of all prime numbers in an interval:
+def sumPrimes(start: int, end: int): int = {
+ var i = start;
+ var acc = 0;
+ while (i < end) {
+ if (isPrime(i)) acc = acc + i;
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ acc
+Note that the variable \code{i} ``steps through'' all values of the interval
+\code{[start .. end-1]}.
+A more functional way is to represent the list of values of variable \code{i} directly as \code{range(start, end)}. Then the function can be rewritten as follows.
+def sumPrimes(start: int, end: int) =
+ sum(range(start, end) filter isPrime);
+No contest which program is shorter and clearer! However, the
+functional program is also considerably less efficient since it
+constructs a list of all numbers in the interval, and then another one
+for the prime numbers. Even worse from an efficiency point of view is
+the following example:
+To find the second prime number between \code{1000} and \code{10000}:
+ range(1000, 10000) filter isPrime at 1
+Here, the list of all numbers between \code{1000} and \code{10000} is
+constructed. But most of that list is never inspected!
+However, we can obtain efficient execution for examples like these by
+a trick:
+ Avoid computing the tail of a sequence unless that tail is actually
+ necessary for the computation.
+We define a new class for such sequences, which is called \code{Stream}.
+Streams are created using the constant \code{empty} and the constructor \code{cons},
+which are both defined in module \code{scala.Stream}. For instance, the following
+expression constructs a stream with elements \code{1} and \code{2}:
+Stream.cons(1, Stream.cons(2, Stream.empty))
+As another example, here is the analogue of \code{List.range},
+but returning a stream instead of a list:
+def range(start: Int, end: Int): Stream[Int] =
+ if (start >= end) Stream.empty
+ else Stream.cons(start, range(start + 1, end));
+(This function is also defined as given above in module
+\code{Stream}). Even though \code{Stream.range} and \code{List.range}
+look similar, their execution behavior is completely different:
+\code{Stream.range} immediately returns with a \code{Stream} object
+whose first element is \code{start}. All other elements are computed
+only when they are \emph{demanded} by calling the \code{tail} method
+(which might be never at all).
+Streams are accessed just as lists. as for lists, the basic access
+methods are \code{isEmpty}, \code{head} and \code{tail}. For instance,
+we can print all elements of a stream as follows.
+def print(xs: Stream[a]): unit =
+ if (!xs.isEmpty) { System.out.println(xs.head); print(xs.tail) }
+Streams also support almost all other methods defined on lists (see
+below for where their methods sets differ). For instance, we can find
+the second prime number between \code{1000} and \code{10000} by applying methods
+\code{filter} and \code{apply} on an interval stream:
+ Stream.range(1000, 10000) filter isPrime at 1
+The difference to the previous list-based implementation is that now
+we do not needlessly construct and test for primality any numbers
+beyond 3.
+\paragraph{Consing and appending streams} Two methods in class \code{List}
+which are not supported by class \code{Stream} are \code{::} and
+\code{:::}. The reason is that these methods are dispatched on their
+right-hand side argument, which means that this argument needs to be
+evaluated before the method is called. For instance, in the case of
+\code{x :: xs} on lists, the tail \code{xs} needs to be evaluated
+before \code{::} can be called and the new list can be constructed.
+This does not work for streams, where we require that the tail of a
+stream should not be evaluated until it is demanded by a \code{tail} operation.
+The argument why list-append \code{:::} cannot be adapted to streams is analogous.
+Intstead of \code{x :: xs}, one uses \code{Stream.cons(x, xs)} for
+constructing a stream with first element \code{x} and (unevaluated)
+rest \code{xs}. Instead of \code{xs ::: ys}, one uses the operation
+\code{xs append ys}.
+Iterators are the imperative version of streams. Like streams,
+iterators describe potentially infinite lists. However, there is no
+data-structure which contains the elements of an iterator. Instead,
+iterators aloow one to step through the sequence, using two abstract methods \code{next} and \code{hasNext}.
+trait Iterator[+a] {
+ def hasNext: boolean;
+ def next: a;
+Method \code{next} returns successive elements. Method \code{hasNext}
+indicates whether there are still more elements to be returned by
+\code{next}. Iterators also support some other methods, which are
+explained later.
+As an example, here is an application which prints the squares of all
+numbers from 1 to 100.
+var it: Iterator[int] = Iterator.range(1, 100);
+while (it.hasNext) {
+ val x =;
+ System.out.println(x * x)
+\section{Iterator Methods}
+Iterators support a rich set of methods besides \code{next} and
+\code{hasNext}, which is described in the following. Many of these
+methods mimic a corresponding functionality in lists.
+Method \code{append} constructs an iterator which resumes with the
+given iterator \code{it} after the current iterator has finished.
+ def append[b >: a](that: Iterator[b]): Iterator[b] = new Iterator[b] {
+ def hasNext = Iterator.this.hasNext || that.hasNext;
+ def next = if (Iterator.this.hasNext) else;
+ }
+The terms \code{} and \code{Iterator.this.hasNext}
+in the definition of \code{append} call the corresponding methods as
+they are defined in the enclosing \code{Iterator} class. If the
+\code{Iterator} prefix to \code{this} would have been missing,
+\code{hasNext} and \code{next} would have called recursively the
+methods being defined in the result of \code{append}, which is not
+what we want.
+\paragraph{Map, FlatMap, Foreach} Method \code{map}
+constructs an iterator which returns all elements of the original
+iterator transformed by a given function \code{f}.
+ def map[b](f: a => b): Iterator[b] = new Iterator[b] {
+ def hasNext = Iterator.this.hasNext;
+ def next = f(
+ }
+Method \code{flatMap} is like method \code{map}, except that the
+transformation function \code{f} now returns an iterator.
+The result of \code{flatMap} is the iterator resulting from appending
+together all iterators returned from successive calls of \code{f}.
+ def flatMap[b](f: a => Iterator[b]): Iterator[b] = new Iterator[b] {
+ private var cur: Iterator[b] = Iterator.empty;
+ def hasNext: Boolean =
+ if (cur.hasNext) true
+ else if (Iterator.this.hasNext) { cur = f(; hasNext }
+ else false;
+ def next: b =
+ if (cur.hasNext)
+ else if (Iterator.this.hasNext) { cur = f(; next }
+ else error("next on empty iterator");
+ }
+Closely related to \code{map} is the \code{foreach} method, which
+applies a given function to all elements of an iterator, but does not
+construct a list of results
+ def foreach(f: a => Unit): Unit =
+ while (hasNext) { f(next) }
+\paragraph{Filter} Method \code{filter} constructs an iterator which
+returns all elements of the original iterator that satisfy a criterion
+ def filter(p: a => Boolean) = new BufferedIterator[a] {
+ private val source =
+ Iterator.this.buffered;
+ private def skip: Unit =
+ while (source.hasNext && !p(source.head)) {; () }
+ def hasNext: Boolean =
+ { skip; source.hasNext }
+ def next: a =
+ { skip; }
+ def head: a =
+ { skip; source.head; }
+ }
+In fact, \code{filter} returns instances of a subclass of iterators
+which are ``buffered''. A \code{BufferedIterator} object is an
+interator which has in addition a method \code{head}. This method
+returns the element which would otherwise have been returned by
+\code{head}, but does not advance beyond that element. Hence, the
+element returned by \code{head} is returned again by the next call to
+\code{head} or \code{next}. Here is the definition of the
+\code{BufferedIterator} trait.
+trait BufferedIterator[+a] extends Iterator[a] {
+ def head: a
+Since \code{map}, \code{flatMap}, \code{filter}, and \code{foreach}
+exist for iterators, it follows that for-comprehensions and for-loops
+can also be used on iterators. For instance, the application which prints the squares of numbers between 1 and 100 could have equivalently been expressed as follows.
+for (val i <- Iterator.range(1, 100))
+ System.out.println(i * i);
+\paragraph{Zip} Method \code{zip} takes another iterator and
+returns an iterator consisting of pairs of corresponding elements
+returned by the two iterators.
+ def zip[b](that: Iterator[b]) = new Iterator[Pair[a, b]] {
+ def hasNext = Iterator.this.hasNext && that.hasNext;
+ def next = Pair(,;
+ }
+\section{Constructing Iterators}
+Concrete iterators need to provide implementations for the two
+abstract methods \code{next} and \code{hasNext} in class
+\code{Iterator}. The simplest iterator is \code{Iterator.empty} which
+always returns an empty sequence:
+object Iterator {
+ object empty extends Iterator[All] {
+ def hasNext = false;
+ def next: a = error("next on empty iterator");
+ }
+A more interesting iterator enumerates all elements of an array. This
+iterator is constructed by the \code{fromArray} method, which is also defined in the object \code{Iterator}
+ def fromArray[a](xs: Array[a]) = new Iterator[a] {
+ private var i = 0;
+ def hasNext: Boolean =
+ i < xs.length;
+ def next: a =
+ if (i < xs.length) { val x = xs(i) ; i = i + 1 ; x }
+ else error("next on empty iterator");
+ }
+Another iterator enumerates an integer interval. The
+\code{Iterator.range} function returns an iterator which traverses a
+given interval of integer values. It is defined as follows.
+object Iterator {
+ def range(start: int, end: int) = new Iterator[int] {
+ private var current = start;
+ def hasNext = current < end;
+ def next = {
+ val r = current;
+ if (current < end) current = current + 1
+ else throw new Error("end of iterator");
+ r
+ }
+ }
+All iterators seen so far terminate eventually. It is also possible to
+define iterators that go on forever. For instance, the following
+iterator returns successive integers from some start
+value\footnote{Due to the finite representation of type \prog{int},
+numbers will wrap around at $2^31$.}.
+def from(start: int) = new Iterator[int] {
+ private var last = start - 1;
+ def hasNext = true;
+ def next = { last = last + 1; last }
+\section{Using Iterators}
+Here are two more examples how iterators are used. First, to print all
+elements of an array \code{xs: Array[int]}, one can write:
+ Iterator.fromArray(xs) foreach (x =>
+ System.out.println(x))
+Or, using a for-comprehension:
+ for (val x <- Iterator.fromArray(xs))
+ System.out.println(x)
+As a second example, consider the problem of finding the indices of
+all the elements in an array of \code{double}s greater than some
+\code{limit}. The indices should be returned as an iterator.
+This is achieved by the following expression.
+import Iterator._;
+.filter(case Pair(x, i) => x > limit) Pair(x, i) => i)
+Or, using a for-comprehension:
+import Iterator._;
+for (val Pair(x, i) <- fromArray(xs) zip from(0); x > limit)
+yield i
+\chapter{Combinator Parsing}\label{sec:combinator-parsing}
+In this chapter we describe how to write combinator parsers in
+Scala. Such parsers are constructed from predefined higher-order
+functions, so called {\em parser combinators}, that closely model the
+constructions of an EBNF grammar \cite{wirth:ebnf}.
+As running example, we consider parsers for possibly nested
+lists of identifiers and numbers, which
+are described by the following context-free grammar.
+letter &::=& /* all letters */ \\
+digit &::=& /* all digits */ \\[0.5em]
+ident &::=& letter \{letter $|$ digit \}\\
+number &::=& digit \{digit\}\\[0.5em]
+list &::=& `(' [listElems] `)' \\
+listElems &::=& expr [`,' listElems] \\
+expr &::=& ident | number | list
+\section{Simple Combinator Parsing}
+In this section we will only be concerned with the task of recognizing
+input strings, not with processing them. So we can describe parsers
+by the sets of input strings they accept. There are two
+fundamental operators over parsers:
+\code{&&&} expresses the sequential composition of a parser with
+another, while \code{|||} expresses an alternative. These operations
+will both be defined as methods of a \code{Parser} class. We will
+also define constructors for the following primitive parsers:
+\code{empty} & The parser that accepts the empty string
+\code{fail} & The parser that accepts no string
+\code{chr(c: char)}
+ & The parser that accepts the single-character string ``$c$''.
+\code{chr(p: char => boolean)}
+ & The parser that accepts single-character strings
+ ``$c$'' \\
+ & for which $p(c)$ is true.
+There are also the two higher-order parser combinators \code{opt},
+expressing optionality and \code{rep}, expressing repetition.
+For any parser $p$, \code{opt(}$p$\code{)} yields a parser that
+accepts the strings accepted by $p$ or else the empty string, while
+\code{rep(}$p$\code{)} accepts arbitrary sequences of the strings accepted by
+$p$. In EBNF, \code{opt(}$p$\code{)} corresponds to $[p]$ and
+\code{rep(}$p$\code{)} corresponds to $\{p\}$.
+The central idea of parser combinators is that parsers can be produced
+by a straightforward rewrite of the grammar, replacing \code{::=} with
+\code{=}, sequencing with
+\code{&&&}, choice
+\code{|} with \code{|||}, repetition \code{\{...\}} with
+\code{rep(...)} and optional occurrence \code{[...]} with \code{opt(...)}.
+Applying this process to the grammar of lists
+yields the following class.
+abstract class ListParsers extends Parsers {
+ def chr(p: char => boolean): Parser;
+ def chr(c: char): Parser = chr(d: char => d == c);
+ def letter : Parser = chr(Character.isLetter);
+ def digit : Parser = chr(Character.isDigit);
+ def ident : Parser = letter &&& rep(letter ||| digit);
+ def number : Parser = digit &&& rep(digit);
+ def list : Parser = chr('(') &&& opt(listElems) &&& chr(')');
+ def listElems : Parser = expr &&& (chr(',') &&& listElems ||| empty);
+ def expr : Parser = ident ||| number ||| list;
+This class isolates the grammar from other aspects of parsing. It
+abstracts over the type of input
+and over the method used to parse a single character
+(represented by the abstract method \code{chr(p: char =>
+boolean))}. The missing bits of information need to be supplied by code
+applying the parser class.
+It remains to explain how to implement a library with the combinators
+described above. We will pack combinators and their underlying
+implementation in a base class \code{Parsers}, which is inherited by
+\code{ListParsers}. The first question to decide is which underlying
+representation type to use for a parser. We treat parsers here
+essentially as functions that take a datum of the input type
+\code{intype} and that yield a parse result of type
+\code{Option[intype]}. The \code{Option} type is predefined as
+trait Option[+a];
+case object None extends Option[All];
+case class Some[a](x: a) extends Option[a];
+A parser applied to some input either succeeds or fails. If it fails,
+it returns the constant \code{None}. If it succeeds, it returns a
+value of the form \code{Some(in1)} where \code{in1} represents the
+input that remains to be parsed.
+abstract class Parsers {
+ type intype;
+ abstract class Parser {
+ type Result = Option[intype];
+ def apply(in: intype): Result;
+A parser also implements the combinators
+for sequence and alternative:
+ /*** p &&& q applies first p, and if that succeeds, then q
+ */
+ def &&& (def q: Parser) = new Parser {
+ def apply(in: intype): Result = Parser.this.apply(in) match {
+ case None => None
+ case Some(in1) => q(in1)
+ }
+ }
+ /*** p ||| q applies first p, and, if that fails, then q.
+ */
+ def ||| (def q: Parser) = new Parser {
+ def apply(in: intype): Result = Parser.this.apply(in) match {
+ case None => q(in)
+ case s => s
+ }
+ }
+The implementations of the primitive parsers \code{empty} and \code{fail}
+are trivial:
+ val empty = new Parser { def apply(in: intype): Result = Some(in) }
+ val fail = new Parser { def apply(in: intype): Result = None }
+The higher-order parser combinators \code{opt} and \code{rep} can be
+defined in terms of the combinators for sequence and alternative:
+ def opt(p: Parser): Parser = p ||| empty; // p? = (p | <empty>)
+ def rep(p: Parser): Parser = opt(rep1(p)); // p* = [p+]
+ def rep1(p: Parser): Parser = p &&& rep(p); // p+ = p p*
+} // end Parser
+To run combinator parsers, we still need to decide on a way to handle
+parser input. Several possibilities exist: The input could be
+represented as a list, as an array, or as a random access file. Note
+that the presented combinator parsers use backtracking to change from
+one alternative to another. Therefore, it must be possible to reset
+input to a point that was previously parsed. If one restricted the
+focus to LL(1) grammars, a non-backtracking implementation of the
+parser combinators in class \code{Parsers} would also be possible. In
+that case sequential input methods based on (say) iterators or
+sequential files would also be possible.
+In our example, we represent the input by a pair of a string, which
+contains the input phrase as a whole, and an index, which represents
+the portion of the input which has not yet been parsed. Since the
+input string does not change, just the index needs to be passed around
+as a result of individual parse steps. This leads to the following
+class of parsers that read strings:
+class ParseString(s: String) extends Parsers {
+ type intype = int;
+ def chr(p: char => boolean) = new Parser {
+ def apply(in: int): Parser#Result =
+ if (in < s.length() && p(s charAt in)) Some(in + 1);
+ else None;
+ }
+ val input = 0;
+This class implements a method \code{chr(p: char => boolean)} and a
+value \code{input}. The \code{chr} method builds a parser that either
+reads a single character satisfying the given predicate \code{p} or
+fails. All other parsers over strings are ultimately implemented in
+terms of that method. The \code{input} value represents the input as a
+whole. In out case, it is simply value \code{0}, the start index of
+the string to be read.
+Note \code{apply}'s result type, \code{Parser#Result}. This syntax
+selects the type element \code{Result} of the type \code{Parser}. It
+thus corresponds roughly to selecting a static inner class from some
+outer class in Java. Note that we could {\em not} have written
+\code{Parser.Result}, as the latter would express selection of the
+\code{Result} element from a {\em value} named \code{Parser}.
+We have now extended the root class \code{Parsers} in two different
+directions: Class \code{ListParsers} defines a grammar of phrases to
+be parsed, whereas class \code{ParseString} defines a method by which
+such phrases are input. To write a concrete parsing application, we
+need to define both grammar and input method. We do this by combining
+two extensions of \code{Parsers} using a {\em mixin composition}.
+Here is the start of a sample application:
+object Test {
+ def main(args: Array[String]): unit = {
+ val ps = new ListParsers with ParseString(args(0));
+The last line above creates a new family of parsers by composing class
+\code{ListParsers} with class \code{ParseString}. The two classes
+share the common superclass \code{Parsers}. The abstract method
+\code{chr} in \code{ListParsers} is implemented by class \code{ParseString}.
+To run the parser, we apply the start symbol of the grammar
+\code{expr} the argument code{input} and observe the result:
+ ps.expr(input) match {
+ case Some(n) =>
+ System.out.println("parsed: " + args(0).substring(0, n));
+ case None =>
+ System.out.println("nothing parsed");
+ }
+ }
+}// end Test
+Note the syntax ~\code{ps.expr(input)}, which treats the \code{expr}
+parser as if it was a function. In Scala, objects with \code{apply}
+methods can be applied directly to arguments as if they were functions.
+Here is an example run of the program above:
+> java examples.Test "(x,1,(y,z))"
+parsed: (x,1,(y,z))
+> java examples.Test "(x,,1,(y,z))"
+nothing parsed
+\section{\label{sec:parsers-results}Parsers that Produce Results}
+The combinator library of the previous section does not support the
+generation of output from parsing. But usually one does not just want
+to check whether a given string belongs to the defined language, one
+also wants to convert the input string into some internal
+representation such as an abstract syntax tree.
+In this section, we modify our parser library to build parsers that
+produce results. We will make use of the for-comprehensions introduced
+in Chapter~\ref{sec:for-notation}. The basic combinator of sequential
+composition, formerly ~\code{p &&& q}, now becomes
+for (val x <- p; val y <- q) yield e .
+Here, the names \code{x} and \code{y} are bound to the results of
+executing the parsers \code{p} and \code{q}. \code{e} is an expression
+that uses these results to build the tree returned by the composed
+Before describing the implementation of the new parser combinators, we
+explain how the new building blocks are used. Say we want to modify
+our list parser so that it returns an abstract syntax tree of the
+parsed expression. Syntax trees are given by the following class hierarchy:
+abstract class Tree{}
+case class Id (s: String) extends Tree {}
+case class Num(n: int) extends Tree {}
+case class Lst(elems: List[Tree]) extends Tree {}
+That is, a syntax tree is an identifier, an integer number, or a
+\code{Lst} node with a list of trees as descendants.
+As a first step towards parsers that produce results we define three
+little parsers that return a single read character as result.
+abstract class CharParsers extends Parsers {
+ def any: Parser[char];
+ def chr(ch: char): Parser[char] =
+ for (val c <- any; c == ch) yield c;
+ def chr(p: char => boolean): Parser[char] =
+ for (val c <- any; p(c)) yield c;
+The \code{any} parser succeeds with the first character of remaining
+input as long as input is nonempty. It is abstract in class
+\code{ListParsers} since we want to abstract in this class from the
+concrete input method used. The two \code{chr} parsers return as before
+the first input character if it equals a given character or matches a
+given predicate. They are now implemented in terms of \code{any}.
+The next level is represented by parsers reading identifiers, numbers
+and lists. Here is a parser for identifiers.
+class ListParsers extends CharParsers {
+ def ident: Parser[Tree] =
+ for (
+ val c: char <- chr(Character.isLetter);
+ val cs: List[char] <- rep(chr(Character.isLetterOrDigit))
+ ) yield Id((c :: cs).mkString("", "", ""));
+Remark: Because \code{chr(...)} returns a single character, its
+repetition \code{rep(chr(...))} returns a list of characters. The
+\code{yield} part of the for-comprehension converts all intermediate
+results into an \code{Id} node with a string as element. To convert
+the read characters into a string, it conses them into a single list,
+and invokes the \code{mkString} method on the result.
+Here is a parser for numbers:
+ def number: Parser[Tree] =
+ for (
+ val d: char <- chr(Character.isDigit);
+ val ds: List[char] <- rep(chr(Character.isDigit))
+ ) yield Num(((d - '0') /: ds) ((x, digit) => x * 10 + digit - '0'));
+Intermediate results are in this case the leading digit of
+the read number, followed by a list of remaining digits. The
+\code{yield} part of the for-comprehension reduces these to a number
+by a fold-left operation.
+Here is a parser for lists:
+ def list: Parser[Tree] =
+ for (
+ val _ <- chr('(');
+ val es <- listElems ||| succeed(List());
+ val _ <- chr(')')
+ ) yield Lst(es);
+ def listElems: Parser[List[Tree]] =
+ for (
+ val x <- expr;
+ val xs <- chr(',') &&& listElems ||| succeed(List())
+ ) yield x :: xs;
+The \code{list} parser returns a \code{Lst} node with a list of trees
+as elements. That list is either the result of \code{listElems}, or,
+if that fails, the empty list (expressed here as: the result of a
+parser which always succeeds with the empty list as result).
+The highest level of our grammar is represented by function
+ def expr: Parser[Tree] =
+ ident ||| number ||| list
+}// end ListParsers.
+We now present the parser combinators that support the new
+scheme. Parsers that succeed now return a parse result besides the
+un-consumed input.
+abstract class Parsers {
+ type intype;
+ trait Parser[a] {
+ type Result = Option[Pair[a, intype]];
+ def apply(in: intype): Result;
+Parsers are parameterized with the type of their result. The class
+\code{Parser[a]} now defines new methods \code{map}, \code{flatMap}
+and \code{filter}. The \code{for} expressions are mapped by the
+compiler to calls of these functions using the scheme described in
+Chapter~\ref{sec:for-notation}. For parsers, these methods are
+implemented as follows.
+ def filter(pred: a => boolean) = new Parser[a] {
+ def apply(in: intype): Result = Parser.this.apply(in) match {
+ case None => None
+ case Some(Pair(x, in1)) => if (pred(x)) Some(Pair(x, in1)) else None
+ }
+ }
+ def map[b](f: a => b) = new Parser[b] {
+ def apply(in: intype): Result = Parser.this.apply(in) match {
+ case None => None
+ case Some(Pair(x, in1)) => Some(Pair(f(x), in1))
+ }
+ }
+ def flatMap[b](f: a => Parser[b]) = new Parser[b] {
+ def apply(in: intype): Result = Parser.this.apply(in) match {
+ case None => None
+ case Some(Pair(x, in1)) => f(x).apply(in1)
+ }
+ }
+The \code{filter} method takes as parameter a predicate $p$ which it
+applies to the results of the current parser. If the predicate is
+false, the parser fails by returning \code{None}; otherwise it returns
+the result of the current parser. The \code{map} method takes as
+parameter a function $f$ which it applies to the results of the
+current parser. The \code{flatMap} takes as parameter a function
+\code{f} which returns a parser. It applies \code{f} to the result of
+the current parser and then continues with the resulting parser. The
+\code{|||} method is essentially defined as before. The
+\code{&&&} method can now be defined in terms of \code{for}.
+ def ||| (def p: Parser[a]) = new Parser[a] {
+ def apply(in: intype): Result = Parser.this.apply(in) match {
+ case None => p(in)
+ case s => s
+ }
+ }
+ def &&& [b](def p: Parser[b]): Parser[b] =
+ for (val _ <- this; val x <- p) yield x;
+ }// end Parser
+The primitive parser \code{succeed} replaces \code{empty}. It consumes
+no input and returns its parameter as result.
+ def succeed[a](x: a) = new Parser[a] {
+ def apply(in: intype) = Some(Pair(x, in))
+ }
+The parser combinators \code{rep} and \code{opt} now also return
+results. \code{rep} returns a list which contains as elements the
+results of each iteration of its sub-parser. \code{opt} returns a list
+which is either empty or returns as single element the result of the
+optional parser.
+ def rep[a](p: Parser[a]): Parser[List[a]] =
+ rep1(p) ||| succeed(List());
+ def rep1[a](p: Parser[a]): Parser[List[a]] =
+ for (val x <- p; val xs <- rep(p)) yield x :: xs;
+ def opt[a](p: Parser[a]): Parser[List[a]] =
+ (for (val x <- p) yield List(x)) ||| succeed(List());
+} // end Parsers
+The root class \code{Parsers} abstracts over which kind of
+input is parsed. As before, we determine the input method by a separate class.
+Here is \code{ParseString}, this time adapted to parsers that return results.
+It defines now the method \code{any}, which returns the first input character.
+class ParseString(s: String) extends Parsers {
+ type intype = int;
+ val input = 0;
+ def any = new Parser[char] {
+ def apply(in: int): Parser[char]#Result =
+ if (in < s.length()) Some(Pair(s charAt in, in + 1)) else None;
+ }
+The rest of the application is as before. Here is a test program which
+constructs a list parser over strings and prints out the result of
+applying it to the command line argument.
+object Test {
+ def main(args: Array[String]): unit = {
+ val ps = new ListParsers with ParseString(args(0));
+ ps.expr(input) match {
+ case Some(Pair(list, _)) => System.out.println("parsed: " + list);
+ case None => "nothing parsed"
+ }
+ }
+\begin{exercise}\label{exercise:end-marker} The parsers we have defined so
+far can succeed even if there is some input beyond the parsed text. To
+prevent this, one needs a parser which recognizes the end of input.
+Redesign the parser library so that such a parser can be introduced.
+Which classes need to be modified?
+\chapter{\label{sec:hm}Hindley/Milner Type Inference}
+This chapter demonstrates Scala's data types and pattern matching by
+developing a type inference system in the Hindley/Milner style
+\cite{milner:polymorphism}. The source language for the type inferencer is
+lambda calculus with a let construct called Mini-ML. Abstract syntax
+trees for the Mini-ML are represented by the following data type of
+trait Term {}
+case class Var(x: String) extends Term {
+ override def toString() = x
+case class Lam(x: String, e: Term) extends Term {
+ override def toString() = "(\\" + x + "." + e + ")"
+case class App(f: Term, e: Term) extends Term {
+ override def toString() = "(" + f + " " + e + ")"
+case class Let(x: String, e: Term, f: Term) extends Term {
+ override def toString() = "let " + x + " = " + e + " in " + f;
+There are four tree constructors: \code{Var} for variables, \code{Lam}
+for function abstractions, \code{App} for function applications, and
+\code{Let} for let expressions. Each case class overrides the
+\code{toString()} method of class \code{Any}, so that terms can be
+printed in legible form.
+We next define the types that are
+computed by the inference system.
+sealed trait Type {}
+case class Tyvar(a: String) extends Type {
+ override def toString() = a
+case class Arrow(t1: Type, t2: Type) extends Type {
+ override def toString() = "(" + t1 + "->" + t2 + ")"
+case class Tycon(k: String, ts: List[Type]) extends Type {
+ override def toString() =
+ k + (if (ts.isEmpty) "" else ts.mkString("[", ",", "]"))
+There are three type constructors: \code{Tyvar} for type variables,
+\code{Arrow} for function types and \code{Tycon} for type constructors
+such as \code{boolean} or \code{List}. Type constructors have as
+component a list of their type parameters. This list is empty for type
+constants such as \code{boolean}. Again, the type constructors
+implement the \code{toString} method in order to display types legibly.
+Note that \code{Type} is a \code{sealed} class. This means that no
+subclasses or data constructors that extend \code{Type} can be formed
+outside the sequence of definitions in which \code{Type} is defined.
+This makes \code{Type} a {\em closed} algebraic data type with exactly
+three alternatives. By contrast, type \code{Term} is an {\em open}
+algebraic type for which further alternatives can be defined.
+The main parts of the type inferencer are contained in object
+\code{typeInfer}. We start with a utility function which creates
+fresh type variables:
+object typeInfer {
+ private var n: Int = 0;
+ def newTyvar(): Type = { n = n + 1 ; Tyvar("a" + n) }
+We next define a class for substitutions. A substitution is an
+idempotent function from type variables to types. It maps a finite
+number of type variables to some types, and leaves all other type
+variables unchanged. The meaning of a substitution is extended
+point-wise to a mapping from types to types.
+ trait Subst extends Any with Function1[Type,Type] {
+ def lookup(x: Tyvar): Type;
+ def apply(t: Type): Type = t match {
+ case tv @ Tyvar(a) => val u = lookup(tv); if (t == u) t else apply(u);
+ case Arrow(t1, t2) => Arrow(apply(t1), apply(t2))
+ case Tycon(k, ts) => Tycon(k, ts map apply)
+ }
+ def extend(x: Tyvar, t: Type) = new Subst {
+ def lookup(y: Tyvar): Type = if (x == y) t else Subst.this.lookup(y);
+ }
+ }
+ val emptySubst = new Subst { def lookup(t: Tyvar): Type = t }
+We represent substitutions as functions, of type \code{Type =>
+Type}. This is achieved by making class \code{Subst} inherit from the
+unary function type \code{Function1[Type, Type]}\footnote{
+The class inherits the function type as a mixin rather than as a direct
+superclass. This is because in the current Scala implementation, the
+\code{Function1} type is a Java interface, which cannot be used as a direct
+superclass of some other class.}.
+To be an instance
+of this type, a substitution \code{s} has to implement an \code{apply}
+method that takes a \code{Type} as argument and yields another
+\code{Type} as result. A function application \code{s(t)} is then
+interpreted as \code{s.apply(t)}.
+The \code{lookup} method is abstract in class \code{Subst}. There are
+two concrete forms of substitutions which differ in how they
+implement this method. One form is defined by the \code{emptySubst} value,
+the other is defined by the \code{extend} method in class
+The next data type describes type schemes, which consist of a type and
+a list of names of type variables which appear universally quantified
+in the type scheme.
+For instance, the type scheme $\forall a\forall b.a \!\arrow\! b$ would be represented in the type checker as:
+TypeScheme(List(TyVar("a"), TyVar("b")), Arrow(Tyvar("a"), Tyvar("b"))) .
+The class definition of type schemes does not carry an extends
+clause; this means that type schemes extend directly class
+\code{AnyRef}. Even though there is only one possible way to
+construct a type scheme, a case class representation was chosen
+since it offers convenient ways to decompose an instance of this type into its
+case class TypeScheme(tyvars: List[String], tpe: Type) {
+ def newInstance: Type = {
+ (emptySubst /: tyvars) ((s, tv) => s.extend(tv, newTyvar())) (tpe);
+ }
+Type scheme objects come with a method \code{newInstance}, which
+returns the type contained in the scheme after all universally type
+variables have been renamed to fresh variables. The implementation of
+this method folds (with \code{/:}) the type scheme's type variables
+with an operation which extends a given substitution \code{s} by
+renaming a given type variable \code{tv} to a fresh type
+variable. The resulting substitution renames all type variables of the
+scheme to fresh ones. This substitution is then applied to the type
+part of the type scheme.
+The last type we need in the type inferencer is
+\code{Env}, a type for environments, which associate variable names
+with type schemes. They are represented by a type alias \code{Env} in
+module \code{typeInfer}:
+type Env = List[Pair[String, TypeScheme]];
+There are two operations on environments. The \code{lookup} function
+returns the type scheme associated with a given name, or \code{null}
+if the name is not recorded in the environment.
+ def lookup(env: Env, x: String): TypeScheme = env match {
+ case List() => null
+ case Pair(y, t) :: env1 => if (x == y) t else lookup(env1, x)
+ }
+The \code{gen} function turns a given type into a type scheme,
+quantifying over all type variables that are free in the type, but
+not in the environment.
+ def gen(env: Env, t: Type): TypeScheme =
+ TypeScheme(tyvars(t) diff tyvars(env), t);
+The set of free type variables of a type is simply the set of all type
+variables which occur in the type. It is represented here as a list of
+type variables, which is constructed as follows.
+ def tyvars(t: Type): List[Tyvar] = t match {
+ case tv @ Tyvar(a) =>
+ List(tv)
+ case Arrow(t1, t2) =>
+ tyvars(t1) union tyvars(t2)
+ case Tycon(k, ts) =>
+ (List[Tyvar]() /: ts) ((tvs, t) => tvs union tyvars(t));
+ }
+Note that the syntax \code{tv @ ...} in the first pattern introduces a variable
+which is bound to the pattern that follows. Note also that the explicit type parameter \code{[Tyvar]} in the expression of the third
+clause is needed to make local type inference work.
+The set of free type variables of a type scheme is the set of free
+type variables of its type component, excluding any quantified type variables:
+ def tyvars(ts: TypeScheme): List[Tyvar] =
+ tyvars(ts.tpe) diff ts.tyvars;
+Finally, the set of free type variables of an environment is the union
+of the free type variables of all type schemes recorded in it.
+ def tyvars(env: Env): List[Tyvar] =
+ (List[Tyvar]() /: env) ((tvs, nt) => tvs union tyvars(nt._2));
+A central operation of Hindley/Milner type checking is unification,
+which computes a substitution to make two given types equal (such a
+substitution is called a {\em unifier}). Function \code{mgu} computes
+the most general unifier of two given types $t$ and $u$ under a
+pre-existing substitution $s$. That is, it returns the most general
+substitution $s'$ which extends $s$, and which makes $s'(t)$ and
+$s'(u)$ equal types.
+ def mgu(t: Type, u: Type, s: Subst): Subst = Pair(s(t), s(u)) match {
+ case Pair(Tyvar(a), Tyvar(b)) if (a == b) =>
+ s
+ case Pair(Tyvar(a), _) if !(tyvars(u) contains a) =>
+ s.extend(Tyvar(a), u)
+ case Pair(_, Tyvar(a)) =>
+ mgu(u, t, s)
+ case Pair(Arrow(t1, t2), Arrow(u1, u2)) =>
+ mgu(t1, u1, mgu(t2, u2, s))
+ case Pair(Tycon(k1, ts), Tycon(k2, us)) if (k1 == k2) =>
+ (s /: (ts zip us)) ((s, tu) => mgu(tu._1, tu._2, s))
+ case _ =>
+ throw new TypeError("cannot unify " + s(t) + " with " + s(u))
+ }
+The \code{mgu} function throws a \code{TypeError} exception if no
+unifier substitution exists. This can happen because the two types
+have different type constructors at corresponding places, or because a
+type variable is unified with a type that contains the type variable
+itself. Such exceptions are modeled here as instances of case classes
+that inherit from the predefined \code{Exception} class.
+ case class TypeError(s: String) extends Exception(s) {}
+The main task of the type checker is implemented by function
+\code{tp}. This function takes as parameters an environment $env$, a
+term $e$, a proto-type $t$, and a
+pre-existing substitution $s$. The function yields a substitution
+$s'$ that extends $s$ and that
+turns $s'(env) \ts e: s'(t)$ into a derivable type judgment according
+to the derivation rules of the Hindley/Milner type system \cite{milner:polymorphism}. A
+\code{TypeError} exception is thrown if no such substitution exists.
+ def tp(env: Env, e: Term, t: Type, s: Subst): Subst = {
+ current = e;
+ e match {
+ case Var(x) =>
+ val u = lookup(env, x);
+ if (u == null) throw new TypeError("undefined: " + x);
+ else mgu(u.newInstance, t, s)
+ case Lam(x, e1) =>
+ val a = newTyvar(), b = newTyvar();
+ val s1 = mgu(t, Arrow(a, b), s);
+ val env1 = Pair(x, TypeScheme(List(), a)) :: env;
+ tp(env1, e1, b, s1)
+ case App(e1, e2) =>
+ val a = newTyvar();
+ val s1 = tp(env, e1, Arrow(a, t), s);
+ tp(env, e2, a, s1)
+ case Let(x, e1, e2) =>
+ val a = newTyvar();
+ val s1 = tp(env, e1, a, s);
+ tp(Pair(x, gen(env, s1(a))) :: env, e2, t, s1)
+ }
+ }
+ var current: Term = null;
+To aid error diagnostics, the \code{tp} function stores the currently
+analyzed sub-term in variable \code{current}. Thus, if type checking
+is aborted with a \code{TypeError} exception, this variable will
+contain the subterm that caused the problem.
+The last function of the type inference module, \code{typeOf}, is a
+simplified facade for \code{tp}. It computes the type of a given term
+$e$ in a given environment $env$. It does so by creating a fresh type
+variable $a$, computing a typing substitution that makes $env \ts e: a$
+into a derivable type judgment, and returning
+the result of applying the substitution to $a$.
+ def typeOf(env: Env, e: Term): Type = {
+ val a = newTyvar();
+ tp(env, e, a, emptySubst)(a)
+ }
+}// end typeInfer
+To apply the type inferencer, it is convenient to have a predefined
+environment that contains bindings for commonly used constants. The
+module \code{predefined} defines an environment \code{env} that
+contains bindings for the types of booleans, numbers and lists
+together with some primitive operations over them. It also
+defines a fixed point operator \code{fix}, which can be used to
+represent recursion.
+object predefined {
+ val booleanType = Tycon("Boolean", List());
+ val intType = Tycon("Int", List());
+ def listType(t: Type) = Tycon("List", List(t));
+ private def gen(t: Type): typeInfer.TypeScheme = typeInfer.gen(List(), t);
+ private val a = typeInfer.newTyvar();
+ val env = List(
+ Pair("true", gen(booleanType)),
+ Pair("false", gen(booleanType)),
+ Pair("if", gen(Arrow(booleanType, Arrow(a, Arrow(a, a))))),
+ Pair("zero", gen(intType)),
+ Pair("succ", gen(Arrow(intType, intType))),
+ Pair("nil", gen(listType(a))),
+ Pair("cons", gen(Arrow(a, Arrow(listType(a), listType(a))))),
+ Pair("isEmpty", gen(Arrow(listType(a), booleanType))),
+ Pair("head", gen(Arrow(listType(a), a))),
+ Pair("tail", gen(Arrow(listType(a), listType(a)))),
+ Pair("fix", gen(Arrow(Arrow(a, a), a)))
+ )
+Here's an example how the type inferencer can be used.
+Let's define a function \code{showType} which returns the type of
+a given term computed in the predefined environment
+object testInfer {
+ def showType(e: Term): String =
+ try {
+ typeInfer.typeOf(predefined.env, e).toString();
+ } catch {
+ case typeInfer.TypeError(msg) =>
+ "\n cannot type: " + typeInfer.current +
+ "\n reason: " + msg;
+ }
+Then the application
+> testInfer.showType(Lam("x", App(App(Var("cons"), Var("x")), Var("nil"))));
+would give the response
+> (a6->List[a6])
+To make the type inferencer more useful, we complete it with a
+Function \code{main} of module \code{testInfer}
+parses and typechecks a Mini-ML expression which is given as the first
+command line argument.
+ def main(args: Array[String]): unit = {
+ val ps = new MiniMLParsers with ParseString(args(0));
+ ps.all(ps.input) match {
+ case Some(Pair(term, _)) =>
+ System.out.println("" + term + ": " + showType(term));
+ case None =>
+ System.out.println("syntax error");
+ }
+ }
+}// typeInf
+To do the parsing, method \code{main} uses the combinator parser
+scheme of Chapter~\ref{sec:combinator-parsing}. It creates a parser
+family \code{ps} as a mixin composition of parsers
+that understand MiniML (but do not know where input comes from) and
+parsers that read input from a given string. The \code{MiniMLParsers}
+object implements parsers for the following grammar.
+term ::= "\" ident "." term
+ | term1 {term1}
+ | "let" ident "=" term "in" term
+term1 ::= ident
+ | "(" term ")"
+all ::= term ";"
+Input as a whole is described by the production \code{all}; it
+consists of a term followed by a semicolon. We allow ``whitespace''
+consisting of one or more space, tabulator or newline characters
+between any two lexemes (this is not reflected in the grammar
+above). Identifiers are defined as in
+Chapter~\ref{sec:combinator-parsing} except that an identifier cannot
+be one of the two reserved words "let" and "in".
+abstract class MiniMLParsers[intype] extends CharParsers[intype] {
+ /** whitespace */
+ def whitespace = rep{chr(' ') ||| chr('\t') ||| chr('\n')};
+ /** A given character, possible preceded by whitespace */
+ def wschr(ch: char) = whitespace &&& chr(ch);
+ /** identifiers or keywords */
+ def id: Parser[String] =
+ for (
+ val c: char <- whitespace &&& chr(Character.isLetter);
+ val cs: List[char] <- rep(chr(Character.isLetterOrDigit))
+ ) yield (c :: cs).mkString("", "", "");
+ /** Non-keyword identifiers */
+ def ident: Parser[String] =
+ for (val s <- id; s != "let" && s != "in") yield s;
+ /** term = '\' ident '.' term | term1 {term1} | let ident "=" term in term */
+ def term: Parser[Term] =
+ ( for (
+ val _ <- wschr('\\');
+ val x <- ident;
+ val _ <- wschr('.');
+ val t <- term)
+ yield Lam(x, t): Term )
+ |||
+ ( for (
+ val letid <- id; letid == "let";
+ val x <- ident;
+ val _ <- wschr('=');
+ val t <- term;
+ val inid <- id; inid == "in";
+ val c <- term)
+ yield Let(x, t, c) )
+ |||
+ ( for (
+ val t <- term1;
+ val ts <- rep(term1))
+ yield (t /: ts)((f, arg) => App(f, arg)) );
+ /** term1 = ident | '(' term ')' */
+ def term1: Parser[Term] =
+ ( for (val s <- ident)
+ yield Var(s): Term )
+ |||
+ ( for (
+ val _ <- wschr('(');
+ val t <- term;
+ val _ <- wschr(')'))
+ yield t );
+ /** all = term ';' */
+ def all: Parser[Term] =
+ for (
+ val t <- term;
+ val _ <- wschr(';'))
+ yield t;
+Here are some sample MiniML programs and the output the type inferencer gives for each of them:
+> java testInfer
+| "\x.\f.f(f x);"
+(\x.(\f.(f (f x)))): (a8->((a8->a8)->a8))
+> java testInfer
+| "let id = \x.x
+| in if (id true) (id nil) (id (cons zero nil));"
+let id = (\x.x) in (((if (id true)) (id nil)) (id ((cons zero) nil))): List[Int]
+> java testInfer
+| "let id = \x.x
+| in if (id true) (id nil);"
+let id = (\x.x) in ((if (id true)) (id nil)): (List[a13]->List[a13])
+> java testInfer
+| "let length = fix (\len.\xs.
+| if (isEmpty xs)
+| zero
+| (succ (len (tail xs))))
+| in (length nil);"
+let length = (fix (\len.(\xs.(((if (isEmpty xs)) zero)
+(succ (len (tail xs))))))) in (length nil): Int
+> java testInfer
+| "let id = \x.x
+| in if (id true) (id nil) zero;"
+let id = (\x.x) in (((if (id true)) (id nil)) zero):
+ cannot type: zero
+ reason: cannot unify Int with List[a14]
+\begin{exercise}\label{exercise:hm-parse} Using the parser library constructed in
+Exercise~\ref{exercise:end-marker}, modify the MiniML parser library
+so that no marker ``;'' is necessary for indicating the end of input.
+\begin{exercise}\label{execcise:hm-extend} Extend the Mini-ML parser and type
+inferencer with a \code{letrec} construct which allows the definition of
+recursive functions. Syntax:
+letrec ident "=" term in term .
+The typing of \code{letrec} is as for {let},
+except that the defined identifier is visible in the defining expression. Using \code{letrec}, the \code{length} function for lists can now be defined as follows.
+letrec length = \xs.
+ if (isEmpty xs)
+ zero
+ (succ (length (tail xs)))
+in ...
+\chapter{Abstractions for Concurrency}\label{sec:ex-concurrency}
+This section reviews common concurrent programming patterns and shows
+how they can be implemented in Scala.
+\section{Signals and Monitors}
+The {\em monitor} provides the basic means for mutual exclusion
+of processes in Scala. It is defined as follows.
+trait Monitor {
+ def synchronized [a] (def e: a): a;
+ def await(def cond: boolean) = while (false == cond) { wait() }
+The \code{synchronized} method in class \code{Monitor} executes its
+argument computation \code{e} in mutual exclusive mode -- at any one
+time, only one thread can execute a \code{synchronized} argument of a
+given monitor.
+Threads can suspend inside a monitor by waiting on a signal. The
+standard \code{java.lang.Object} class offers for this purpose methods
+\code{send} and \code{notify}. Threads that call the \code{wait}
+method wait until a \code{notify} method of the same object is called
+subsequently by some other thread. Calls to \code{notify} with no
+threads waiting for the signal are ignored.
+Here are the signatures of these methods in class
+ def wait(): unit;
+ def wait(msec: long): unit;
+ def notify(): unit;
+ def notifyAll(): unit;
+There is also a timed form of \code{wait}, which blocks only as long
+as no signal was received or the specified amount of time (given in
+milliseconds) has elapsed. Furthermore, there is a \code{notifyAll}
+method which unblocks all threads which wait for the signal.
+These methods, as well as class \code{Monitor} are primitive in
+Scala; they are implemented in terms of the underlying runtime system.
+Typically, a thread waits for some condition to be established. If the
+condition does not hold at the time of the wait call, the thread
+blocks until some other thread has established the condition. It is
+the responsibility of this other thread to wake up waiting processes
+by issuing a \code{notify} or \code{notifyAll}. Note however, that
+there is no guarantee that a waiting process gets to run immediately
+when the call to notify is issued. It could be that other processes
+get to run first which invalidate the condition again. Therefore, the
+correct form of waiting for a condition $C$ uses a while loop:
+while (!$C$) wait();
+The monitor class contains a method \code{await} which does the same
+thing; using it, the above loop can be expressed as \lstinline@await($C$)@.
+As an example of how monitors are used, here is is an implementation
+of a bounded buffer class.
+class BoundedBuffer[a](N: Int) extends Monitor() {
+ var in = 0, out = 0, n = 0;
+ val elems = new Array[a](N);
+ def put(x: a) = synchronized {
+ await (n < N);
+ elems(in) = x ; in = (in + 1) % N ; n = n + 1;
+ if (n == 1) notifyAll();
+ }
+ def get: a = synchronized {
+ await (n != 0);
+ val x = elems(out) ; out = (out + 1) % N ; n = n - 1;
+ if (n == N - 1) notifyAll();
+ x
+ }
+And here is a program using a bounded buffer to communicate between a
+producer and a consumer process.
+import concurrent.ops._;
+val buf = new BoundedBuffer[String](10)
+spawn { while (true) { val s = produceString ; buf.put(s) } }
+spawn { while (true) { val s = buf.get ; consumeString(s) } }
+The \code{spawn} method spawns a new thread which executes the
+expression given in the parameter. It is defined in object \code{concurrent.ops}
+as follows.
+def spawn(def p: unit) = {
+ val t = new Thread() { override def run() = p; }
+ t.start()
+\section{Logic Variable}
+A logic variable (or lvar for short) offers operations \code{:=}
+and \code{value} to define the variable and to retrieve its value.
+Variables can be \code{define}d only once. A call to \code{value}
+blocks until the variable has been defined.
+Logic variables can be implemented as follows.
+class LVar[a] extends Monitor {
+ private val defined = new Signal
+ private var isDefined: boolean = false
+ private var v: a
+ def value = synchronized {
+ if (!isDefined) defined.wait
+ v
+ }
+ def :=(x: a) = synchronized {
+ v = x ; isDefined = true ; defined.send
+ }
+A synchronized variable (or syncvar for short) offers \code{get} and
+\code{put} operations to read and set the variable. \code{get} operations
+block until the variable has been defined. An \code{unset} operation
+resets the variable to undefined state.
+Here's the standard implementation of synchronized variables.
+package scala.concurrent;
+class SyncVar[a] with Monitor {
+ private var isDefined: Boolean = false;
+ private var value: a = _;
+ def get = synchronized {
+ if (!isDefined) wait();
+ value
+ }
+ def set(x: a) = synchronized {
+ value = x ; isDefined = true ; notifyAll();
+ }
+ def isSet: Boolean =
+ isDefined;
+ def unset = synchronized {
+ isDefined = false;
+ }
+A {\em future} is a value which is computed in parallel to some other
+client thread, to be used by the client thread at some future time.
+Futures are used in order to make good use of parallel processing
+resources. A typical usage is:
+import scala.concurrent.ops._;
+val x = future(someLengthyComputation);
+val y = f(x()) + g(x());
+The \code{future} method is defined in object
+\code{scala.concurrent.ops} as follows.
+def future[a](def p: a): unit => a = {
+ val result = new SyncVar[a];
+ fork { result.set(p) }
+ (() => result.get)
+The \code{future} method gets as parameter a computation \code{p} to
+be performed. The type of the computation is arbitrary; it is
+represented by \code{future}'s type parameter \code{a}. The
+\code{future} method defines a guard \code{result}, which takes a
+parameter representing the result of the computation. It then forks
+off a new thread that computes the result and invokes the
+\code{result} guard when it is finished. In parallel to this thread,
+the function returns an anonymous function of type \code{a}.
+When called, this functions waits on the result guard to be
+invoked, and, once this happens returns the result argument.
+At the same time, the function reinvokes the \code{result} guard with
+the same argument, so that future invocations of the function can
+return the result immediately.
+\section{Parallel Computations}
+The next example presents a function \code{par} which takes a pair of
+computations as parameters and which returns the results of the computations
+in another pair. The two computations are performed in parallel.
+The function is defined in object
+\code{scala.concurrent.ops} as follows.
+ def par[a, b](def xp: a, def yp: b): Pair[a, b] = {
+ val y = new SyncVar[b];
+ spawn { y set yp }
+ Pair(xp, y.get)
+ }
+Defined in the same place is a function \code{replicate} which performs a
+number of replicates of a computation in parallel. Each
+replication instance is passed an integer number which identifies it.
+ def replicate(start: Int, end: Int)(p: Int => Unit): Unit = {
+ if (start == end)
+ ()
+ else if (start + 1 == end)
+ p(start)
+ else {
+ val mid = (start + end) / 2;
+ spawn { replicate(start, mid)(p) }
+ replicate(mid, end)(p)
+ }
+ }
+The next function uses \code{replicate} to perform parallel
+computations on all elements of an array.
+def parMap[a,b](f: a => b, xs: Array[a]): Array[b] = {
+ val results = new Array[b](xs.length);
+ replicate(0, xs.length) { i => results(i) = f(xs(i)) }
+ results
+A common mechanism for process synchronization is a {\em lock} (or:
+{\em semaphore}). A lock offers two atomic actions: \prog{acquire} and
+\prog{release}. Here's the implementation of a lock in Scala:
+package scala.concurrent;
+class Lock with Monitor {
+ var available = true;
+ def acquire = synchronized {
+ if (!available) wait();
+ available = false
+ }
+ def release = synchronized {
+ available = true;
+ notify()
+ }
+A more complex form of synchronization distinguishes between {\em
+readers} which access a common resource without modifying it and {\em
+writers} which can both access and modify it. To synchronize readers
+and writers we need to implement operations \prog{startRead}, \prog{startWrite},
+\prog{endRead}, \prog{endWrite}, such that:
+\item there can be multiple concurrent readers,
+\item there can only be one writer at one time,
+\item pending write requests have priority over pending read requests,
+but don't preempt ongoing read operations.
+The following implementation of a readers/writers lock is based on the
+{\em mailbox} concept (see Section~\ref{sec:mailbox}).
+import scala.concurrent._;
+class ReadersWriters {
+ val m = new MailBox;
+ private case class Writers(n: int), Readers(n: int);
+ Writers(0); Readers(0);
+ def startRead = m receive {
+ case Writers(n) if n == 0 => m receive {
+ case Readers(n) => Writers(0) ; Readers(n+1);
+ }
+ }
+ def startWrite = m receive {
+ case Writers(n) =>
+ Writers(n+1);
+ m receive { case Readers(n) if n == 0 => }
+ }
+ def endRead = m receive {
+ case Readers(n) => Readers(n-1)
+ }
+ def endWrite = m receive {
+ case Writers(n) => Writers(n-1) ; if (n == 0) Readers(0)
+ }
+\section{Asynchronous Channels}
+A fundamental way of interprocess communication is the asynchronous
+channel. Its implementation makes use the following simple class for linked
+class LinkedList[a] {
+ var elem: a = _;
+ var next: LinkedList[a] = null;
+To facilitate insertion and deletion of elements into linked lists,
+every reference into a linked list points to the node which precedes
+the node which conceptually forms the top of the list.
+Empty linked lists start with a dummy node, whose successor is \code{null}.
+The channel class uses a linked list to store data that has been sent
+but not read yet. In the opposite direction, a threads that
+wish to read from an empty channel, register their presence by
+incrementing the \code{nreaders} field and waiting to be notified.
+package scala.concurrent;
+class Channel[a] with Monitor {
+ class LinkedList[a] {
+ var elem: a = _;
+ var next: LinkedList[a] = null;
+ }
+ private var written = new LinkedList[a];
+ private var lastWritten = new LinkedList[a];
+ private var nreaders = 0;
+ def write(x: a) = synchronized {
+ lastWritten.elem = x;
+ = new LinkedList[a];
+ lastWritten =;
+ if (nreaders > 0) notify();
+ }
+ def read: a = synchronized {
+ if ( == null) {
+ nreaders = nreaders + 1; wait(); nreaders = nreaders - 1;
+ }
+ val x = written.elem;
+ written =;
+ x
+ }
+\section{Synchronous Channels}
+Here's an implementation of synchronous channels, where the sender of
+a message blocks until that message has been received. Synchronous
+channels only need a single variable to store messages in transit, but
+three signals are used to coordinate reader and writer processes.
+package scala.concurrent;
+class SyncChannel[a] with Monitor {
+ private var data: a = _;
+ private var reading = false;
+ private var writing = false;
+ def write(x: a) = synchronized {
+ await(!writing);
+ data = x;
+ writing = true;
+ if (reading) notifyAll();
+ else await(reading)
+ }
+ def read: a = synchronized {
+ await(!reading);
+ reading = true;
+ await(writing);
+ val x = data;
+ writing = false;
+ reading = false;
+ notifyAll();
+ x
+ }
+Here's an implementation of a {\em compute server} in Scala. The
+server implements a \code{future} method which evaluates a given
+expression in parallel with its caller. Unlike the implementation in
+Section~\ref{sec:futures} the server computes futures only with a
+predefined number of threads. A possible implementation of the server
+could run each thread on a separate processor, and could hence avoid
+the overhead inherent in context-switching several threads on a single
+import scala.concurrent._, scala.concurrent.ops._;
+class ComputeServer(n: Int) {
+ private trait Job {
+ type t;
+ def task: t;
+ def ret(x: t): Unit;
+ }
+ private val openJobs = new Channel[Job]();
+ private def processor(i: Int): Unit = {
+ while (true) {
+ val job =;
+ job.ret(job.task)
+ }
+ }
+ def future[a](def p: a): () => a = {
+ val reply = new SyncVar[a]();
+ openJobs.write{
+ new Job {
+ type t = a;
+ def task = p;
+ def ret(x: a) = reply.set(x);
+ }
+ }
+ () => reply.get
+ }
+ spawn(replicate(0, n) { processor })
+Expressions to be computed (i.e. arguments
+to calls of \code{future}) are written to the \code{openJobs}
+channel. A {\em job} is an object with
+An abstract type \code{t} which describes the result of the compute
+A parameterless \code{task} method of type \code{t} which denotes
+the expression to be computed.
+A \code{return} method which consumes the result once it is
+The compute server creates $n$ \code{processor} processes as part of
+its initialization. Every such process repeatedly consumes an open
+job, evaluates the job's \code{task} method and passes the result on
+to the job's
+\code{return} method. The polymorphic \code{future} method creates
+a new job where the \code{return} method is implemented by a guard
+named \code{reply} and inserts this job into the set of open jobs by
+calling the \code{isOpen} guard. It then waits until the corresponding
+\code{reply} guard is called.
+The example demonstrates the use of abstract types. The abstract type
+\code{t} keeps track of the result type of a job, which can vary
+between different jobs. Without abstract types it would be impossible
+to implement the same class to the user in a statically type-safe
+way, without relying on dynamic type tests and type casts.
+Here is some code which uses the compute server to evaluate
+the expression \code{41 + 1}.
+object Test with Executable {
+ val server = new ComputeServer(1);
+ val f = server.future(41 + 1);
+ Console.println(f())
+Mailboxes are high-level, flexible constructs for process
+synchronization and communication. They allow sending and receiving of
+messages. A {\em message} in this context is an arbitrary object.
+There is a special message \code{TIMEOUT} which is used to signal a
+case class TIMEOUT;
+Mailboxes implement the following signature.
+class MailBox {
+ def send(msg: Any): unit;
+ def receive[a](f: PartialFunction[Any, a]): a;
+ def receiveWithin[a](msec: long)(f: PartialFunction[Any, a]): a;
+The state of a mailbox consists of a multi-set of messages.
+Messages are added to the mailbox the \code{send} method. Messages
+are removed using the \code{receive} method, which is passed a message
+processor \code{f} as argument, which is a partial function from
+messages to some arbitrary result type. Typically, this function is
+implemented as a pattern matching expression. The \code{receive}
+method blocks until there is a message in the mailbox for which its
+message processor is defined. The matching message is then removed
+from the mailbox and the blocked thread is restarted by applying the
+message processor to the message. Both sent messages and receivers are
+ordered in time. A receiver $r$ is applied to a matching message $m$
+only if there is no other (message, receiver) pair which precedes $(m,
+r)$ in the partial ordering on pairs that orders each component in
+As a simple example of how mailboxes are used, consider a
+one-place buffer:
+class OnePlaceBuffer {
+ private val m = new MailBox; // An internal milbox
+ private case class Empty, Full(x: int); // Types of messages we deal with
+ m send Empty; // Initialization
+ def write(x: int): unit =
+ m receive { case Empty => m send Full(x) }
+ def read: int =
+ m receive { case Full(x) => m send Empty ; x }
+Here's how the mailbox class can be implemented:
+class MailBox with Monitor {
+ private abstract class Receiver extends Signal {
+ def isDefined(msg: Any): boolean;
+ var msg = null;
+ }
+We define an internal class for receivers with a test method
+\code{isDefined}, which indicates whether the receiver is
+defined for a given message. The receiver inherits from class
+\code{Signal} a \code{notify} method which is used to wake up a
+receiver thread. When the receiver thread is woken up, the message it
+needs to be applied to is stored in the \code{msg} variable of
+ private val sent = new LinkedList[Any];
+ private var lastSent = sent;
+ private val receivers = new LinkedList[Receiver];
+ private var lastReceiver = receivers;
+The mailbox class maintains two linked lists,
+one for sent but unconsumed messages, the other for waiting receivers.
+ def send(msg: Any): unit = synchronized {
+ var r = receivers, r1 =;
+ while (r1 != null && !r1.elem.isDefined(msg)) {
+ r = r1; r1 =;
+ }
+ if (r1 != null) {
+ =; r1.elem.msg = msg; r1.elem.notify;
+ } else {
+ lastSent = insert(lastSent, msg);
+ }
+ }
+The \code{send} method first checks whether a waiting receiver is
+applicable to the sent message. If yes, the receiver is notified.
+Otherwise, the message is appended to the linked list of sent messages.
+ def receive[a](f: PartialFunction[Any, a]): a = {
+ val msg: Any = synchronized {
+ var s = sent, s1 =;
+ while (s1 != null && !f.isDefinedAt(s1.elem)) {
+ s = s1; s1 =
+ }
+ if (s1 != null) {
+ =; s1.elem
+ } else {
+ val r = insert(lastReceiver, new Receiver {
+ def isDefined(msg: Any) = f.isDefinedAt(msg);
+ });
+ lastReceiver = r;
+ r.elem.wait();
+ r.elem.msg
+ }
+ }
+ f(msg)
+ }
+The \code{receive} method first checks whether the message processor function
+\code{f} can be applied to a message that has already been sent but that
+was not yet consumed. If yes, the thread continues immediately by
+applying \code{f} to the message. Otherwise, a new receiver is created
+and linked into the \code{receivers} list, and the thread waits for a
+notification on this receiver. Once the thread is woken up again, it
+continues by applying \code{f} to the message that was stored in the
+receiver. The insert method on linked lists is defined as follows.
+ def insert(l: LinkedList[a], x: a): LinkedList[a] = {
+ = new LinkedList[a];
+ = x;
+ =;
+ l
+ }
+The mailbox class also offers a method \code{receiveWithin}
+which blocks for only a specified maximal amount of time. If no
+message is received within the specified time interval (given in
+milliseconds), the message processor argument $f$ will be unblocked
+with the special \code{TIMEOUT} message. The implementation of
+\code{receiveWithin} is quite similar to \code{receive}:
+ def receiveWithin[a](msec: long)(f: PartialFunction[Any, a]): a = {
+ val msg: Any = synchronized {
+ var s = sent, s1 =;
+ while (s1 != null && !f.isDefinedAt(s1.elem)) {
+ s = s1; s1 = ;
+ }
+ if (s1 != null) {
+ =; s1.elem
+ } else {
+ val r = insert(lastReceiver, new Receiver {
+ def isDefined(msg: Any) = f.isDefinedAt(msg);
+ });
+ lastReceiver = r;
+ r.elem.wait(msec);
+ if (r.elem.msg == null) r.elem.msg = TIMEOUT;
+ r.elem.msg
+ }
+ }
+ f(msg)
+ }
+} // end MailBox
+The only differences are the timed call to \code{wait}, and the
+statement following it.
+Chapter~\ref{chap:example-auction} sketched as a program example the
+implementation of an electronic auction service. This service was
+based on high-level actor processes, that work by inspecting messages
+in their mailbox using pattern matching. An actor is simply a thread
+whose communication primitives are those of a mailbox. Actors are
+hence defined as a mixin composition extension of Java's standard
+\code{Thread} class with the \code{MailBox} class.
+abstract class Actor extends Thread with MailBox;
+As an extended example of an application that uses actors, we come
+back to the auction server example of Section~\ref{sec:ex-auction}.
+The following code implements:
+class AuctionMessage;
+case class
+ Offer(bid: int, client: Process), // make a bid
+ Inquire(client: Process) extends AuctionMessage // inquire status
+class AuctionReply;
+case class
+ Status(asked; int, expiration: Date), // asked sum, expiration date
+ BestOffer, // yours is the best offer
+ BeatenOffer(maxBid: int), // offer beaten by maxBid
+ AuctionConcluded(seller: Process, client: Process),// auction concluded
+ AuctionFailed // failed with no bids
+ AuctionOver extends AuctionReply // bidding is closed
+class Auction(seller: Process, minBid: int, closing: Date)
+ extends Process {
+ val timeToShutdown = 36000000 // msec
+ val delta = 10 // bid increment
+ def run = {
+ var askedBid = minBid
+ var maxBidder: Process = null
+ while (true) {
+ receiveWithin ((closing - Date.currentDate).msec) {
+ case Offer(bid, client) => {
+ if (bid >= askedBid) {
+ if (maxBidder != null && maxBidder != client) {
+ maxBidder send BeatenOffer(bid)
+ }
+ maxBidder = client
+ askedBid = bid + delta
+ client send BestOffer
+ } else client send BeatenOffer(maxBid)
+ }
+ case Inquire(client) => {
+ client send Status(askedBid, closing)
+ }
+ case TIMEOUT => {
+ if (maxBidder != null) {
+ val reply = AuctionConcluded(seller, maxBidder)
+ maxBidder send reply
+ seller send reply
+ } else seller send AuctionFailed
+ receiveWithin (timeToShutdown) {
+ case Offer(_, client) => client send AuctionOver ; discardAndContinue
+ case _ => discardAndContinue
+ case TIMEOUT => stop
+ }
+ }
+ case _ => discardAndContinue
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def houseKeeping: int = {
+ val Limit = 100
+ var nWaiting: int = 0
+ receiveWithin(0) {
+ case _ =>
+ nWaiting = nWaiting + 1
+ if (nWaiting > Limit) {
+ receiveWithin(0) {
+ case Offer(_, _) => continue
+ case TIMEOUT =>
+ case _ => discardAndContinue
+ }
+ } else continue
+ case TIMEOUT =>
+ }
+ }
+class Bidder (auction: Process, minBid: int, maxBid: int)
+ extends Process {
+ val MaxTries = 3
+ val Unknown = -1
+ var nextBid = Unknown
+ def getAuctionStatus = {
+ var nTries = 0
+ while (nextBid == Unknown && nTries < MaxTries) {
+ auction send Inquiry(this)
+ nTries = nTries + 1
+ receiveWithin(waitTime) {
+ case Status(bid, _) => bid match {
+ case None => nextBid = minBid
+ case Some(curBid) => nextBid = curBid + Delta
+ }
+ case TIMEOUT =>
+ case _ => continue
+ }
+ }
+ status
+ }
+ def bid: unit = {
+ if (nextBid < maxBid) {
+ auction send Offer(nextBid, this)
+ receive {
+ case BestOffer =>
+ receive {
+ case BeatenOffer(bestBid) =>
+ nextBid = bestBid + Delta
+ bid
+ case AuctionConcluded(seller, client) =>
+ transferPayment(seller, nextBid)
+ case _ => continue
+ }
+ case BeatenOffer(bestBid) =>
+ nextBid = nextBid + Delta
+ bid
+ case AuctionOver =>
+ case _ => continue
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def run = {
+ getAuctionStatus
+ if (nextBid != Unknown) bid
+ }
+ def transferPayment(seller: Process, amount: int)