path: root/docs/development
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3 files changed, 0 insertions, 330 deletions
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-Java Virtual Machine
-This document gathers technical informations about the Java VM to help
-Java/Scala developers tuning their runtime settings on the Java VM.
-Java VM Options
-* -Xmx option (maximum heap size)
- Heaps larger than 2GB are available starting with J2SE 1.3.1
- Default:
- -client: 64M (32-bit UNIX and Windows, MacOS X)
- -server: 128M (MacOS X, see [vm11])
-* -Xms option (initial heap size)
- Minimum: 1025K (Linux-i586, Solaris-i586), etc.. (see [vm08])
- Default:
- -client: 2M (32-bit UNIX and Windows, MacOS X)
- -server: 32M (MacOS X, see [vm11])
-* -Xss option (thread stack size)
- Minimum: 48K (Linux-i586), 64K (Solaris-i586), etc.. (see [vm08])
- Default: 256K (32-bit UNIX and Windows)
- NB. Stack size under Windows is a link-time setting, so the executable
- (java.exe) as created by Sun has this 256K limit built in. Windows
- however, has a simple utility to modify the stack space of an
- executable (see [vm03]).
- In a command window (or Cygwin shell), use the EDITBIN command to
- permanently modify the executable (WARNING! Do not reduce the stack
- size below 32K, see [vm04])
- EDITBIN /STACK:16000000 C:\Path\To\java.exe
-Scala Environment Options
-* JAVACMD variable (Java command)
- Scala default: java (v2.x)
-* JAVA_OPTS variable (Java options)
- Scala default: -Xmx256M -Xms16M (v2.x)
-In the following example, simply replace <jdk> by
-"java-1.5", "java-1.6", "java-1.7" or
-"java-ibm-1.5" to experiment with different Java VMs:
-> env JAVACMD=/home/linuxsoft/apps/<jdk>/bin/java \
- JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx256M -Xms16M -Xss128k" \
- test/scalatest test/files/shootout/message.scala
-VM Options and Tools
-[vm01] Some useful -XX options
-[vm02] jvmstat 3.0
-[vm03] Modify the actual java.exe executable on Windows
-[vm04] Configuring server stack size
-[vm06] Tuning the Java Runtime System
-[vm07] JVM Tuning
-[vm08] Java HotSpot: load the VM from a non-primordial thread and effects
- on stack and heap limits.
-[vm09] A Collection of JVM Options (13-Dec-2005)
-[vm10] The Java VM for Mac OS X (Apple Developer Connection, 2006-05-23)
-[vm11] Java Virtual Machine Options (Apple Developer Connection, 2006-05-23)
-[vm12] Running your Java application on AIX, Part 2: JVM memory models (22 Oct 2003)
-[vm13] Options in JVM profiles (IBM)
-Garbage Collection
-[gc01] Tuning Garbage Collection with the 5.0 Java[tm] Virtual Machine
-[gc02] Tuning Garbage Collection with the 1.4.2 Java[tm] Virtual Machine
-[gc03] Tuning Garbage Collection with the 1.3.1 Java[tm] Virtual Machine
-[gc04] Garbage Collector Ergonomics
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-digraph SQLTypes {
- size="4,4"
- rankdir=BT
- rank=max
- ratio=compress
- node [shape = record]
- Tree
- SymTree -> Tree
- DefTree -> SymTree
- TermTree -> Tree
- TypTree -> Tree
- EmptyTree -> TermTree
- PackageDef -> DefTree
- ClassDef -> DefTree
- ModuleDef -> DefTree
- ValDef -> DefTree
- DefDef -> DefTree
- AbsTypeDef -> DefTree
- AliasTypeDef -> DefTree
- LabelDef -> DefTree
- LabelDef -> TermTree
- Import -> SymTree
- Attributed -> Tree
- DocDef -> Tree
- Template -> SymTree
- Block -> TermTree
- CaseDef -> Tree
- Sequence -> TermTree
- Alternative -> TermTree
- Star -> TermTree
- Bind -> DefTree
- ArrayValue -> TermTree
- Function -> TermTree
- Assign -> TermTree
- If -> TermTree
- Match -> TermTree
- Return -> TermTree
- Try -> TermTree
- Throw -> TermTree
- New -> TermTree
- TypeApply -> TermTree
- Apply -> TermTree
- Super -> TermTree
- Super -> SymTree
- This -> TermTree
- This -> SymTree
- Select -> SymTree
- Ident -> SymTree
- Literal -> TermTree
- TypeTree -> TypTree
- SingletonTypeTree -> TypTree
- SelectFromTypeTree -> TypTree
- SelectFromTypeTree -> SymTree
- CompoundTypeTree -> TypTree
- AppliedTypeTree -> TypTree
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-digraph SQLTypes {
- size="4,4"
- rankdir=BT
- rank=max
- ratio=compress
- node [shape = record]
- Type
- SimpleTypeProxy [label = "{SimpleTypeProxy|(trait)}"]
- SimpleTypeProxy -> Type
- RewrappingTypeProxy [label = "{RewrappingTypeProxy|(trait)}"]
- RewrappingTypeProxy -> SimpleTypeProxy
- SubType -> Type
- NotNullType [label = "{NotNullType|underlying: Type}"]
- NotNullType -> SubType
- NotNullType -> RewrappingTypeProxy
- SingletonType -> SubType
- SingletonType -> SimpleTypeProxy
- ErrorType [label = "{ErrorType|(object)}"]
- ErrorType -> Type
- WildcardType [label = "{WildcardType|(object)}"]
- WildcardType -> Type
- BoundedWildcardType [label = "{BoundedWildcardType|bounds: TypeBounds}"]
- BoundedWildcardType -> Type
- NoType [label = "{NoType|(object)}"]
- NoType -> Type
- NoPrefix [label = "{NoPrefix|(object)}"]
- NoPrefix -> Type
- DeBruijnIndex -> Type
- ThisType [label = "{ThisType|sym: Symbol}"]
- ThisType -> SingletonType
- SingleType [label = "{SingleType|pre: Type\nsym: Symbol}"]
- SingleType -> SingletonType
- SuperType [label = "{SuperType|thistpe: Type\nsupertp: Type}"]
- SuperType -> SingletonType
- TypeBounds [label = "{TypeBounds|lo: Type\nhi: Type}"]
- TypeBounds -> SubType
- CompoundType -> Type
- RefinedType[label = "{RefinedType|parents: List[Type]\ndecls: Scope}"]
- RefinedType -> CompoundType
- ClassInfoType[label = "{ClassInfoType|parents: List[Type]\ndecls: Scope\nsymbol: Symbol}"]
- ClassInfoType -> CompoundType
- PackageClassInfoType[label = "{PackageClassInfoType|decls: Scope\nclazz: Symbol\nloader: LazyType}"]
- PackageClassInfoType -> ClassInfoType
- ConstantType[label = "{ConstantType|value: Constant}"]
- ConstantType -> SingletonType
- TypeRef[label = "{TypeRef|pre: Type\nsym: Symbol\nargs: List[Type]}"]
- TypeRef -> Type
- MethodType[label = "{MethodType|paramTypes: List[Type]\nresultType: Type}"]
- MethodType -> Type
- ImplicitMethodType[label = "{MethodType|pts: List[Type]\nrt: Type}"]
- ImplicitMethodType -> MethodType
- JavaMethodType[label = "{MethodType|pts: List[Type]\nrt: Type}"]
- JavaMethodType -> MethodType
- PolyType[label = "{PolyType|typeParams: List[Symbol]\nresultType: Type}"]
- PolyType -> Type
- OverloadedType[label = "{OverloadedType|quantified: List[Symbol]\nunderlying: Type}"]
- ExistentialType -> RewrappingTypeProxy
- OverloadedType[label = "{OverloadedType|pre: Type\nalternatives: List[Symbol]}"]
- OverloadedType -> Type
- AntiPolyType[label = "{AntiPolyType|pre: Type\ntargs: List[Type]}"]
- AntiPolyType -> Type
- TypeVar[label = "{TypeVar|origin: Type\nconstr: TypeConstraint}"]
- TypeVar -> Type
- AnnotatedType[label = "{AnnotatedType|attributes: List[AnnotationInfo]\nunderlying: Type\nselfsym: Symbol}"]
- AnnotatedType -> RewrappingTypeProxy
- LazyType -> Type