path: root/project/Packaging.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'project/Packaging.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/project/Packaging.scala b/project/Packaging.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b0060283ac..0000000000
--- a/project/Packaging.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-import sbt._
-import Keys._
-import ScalaBuildKeys._
-/** All the settings related to *packaging* the built scala software. */
-trait Packaging { self: ScalaBuild.type =>
- // --------------------------------------------------------------
- // Packaging a distro
- // --------------------------------------------------------------
- lazy val scalaDistSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
- crossPaths := false,
- target <<= (baseDirectory, name) apply (_ / "target" / _),
- scalaSource in Compile <<= (baseDirectory, name) apply (_ / "src" / _),
- autoScalaLibrary := false,
- unmanagedJars in Compile := Seq(),
- genBinRunner <<= (fullClasspath in quickComp in Runtime) map (new ScalaToolRunner(_)),
- binDir <<= target(_/"bin"),
- genBin <<= genBinTask(genBinRunner, binDir, fullClasspath in Runtime, false),
- binDir in genBinQuick <<= baseDirectory apply (_ / "target" / "bin"),
- // Configure the classpath this way to avoid having .jar files and previous layers on the classpath.
- fullClasspath in Runtime in genBinQuick <<= Seq(quickComp,quickLib,scalap,actors,swing,jline,forkjoin).map(classDirectory in Compile in _),
- fullClasspath in Runtime in genBinQuick <++= (fullClasspath in Compile in jline),
- genBinQuick <<= genBinTask(genBinRunner, binDir in genBinQuick, fullClasspath in Runtime in genBinQuick, true),
- runManmakerMan <<= runManmakerTask(fullClasspath in Runtime in manmaker, runner in manmaker, "", "man1", ".1"),
- runManmakerHtml <<= runManmakerTask(fullClasspath in Runtime in manmaker, runner in manmaker, "", "doc", ".html"),
- // TODO - We could *really* clean this up in many ways. Let's look into making a Seq of "direct jars" (scalaLibrary, scalaCompiler, jline, scalap)
- // a seq of "plugin jars" (continuationsPlugin) and "binaries" (genBin) and "documentation" mappings (genBin) that this can aggregate.
- // really need to figure out a better way to pull jline + jansi.
- makeDistMappings <<= (genBin,
- runManmakerMan,
- runManmakerHtml,
- packageBin in scalaLibrary in Compile,
- packageBin in scalaCompiler in Compile,
- packageBin in jline in Compile,
- packageBin in continuationsPlugin in Compile,
- managedClasspath in jline in Compile,
- packageBin in scalap in Compile) map {
- (binaries, man, html, lib, comp, jline, continuations, jlineDeps, scalap) =>
- val jlineDepMap: Seq[(File, String)] = x Path.flat) map { case(a,b) => a -> ("lib/"+b) }
- binaries ++ man ++ html ++ jlineDepMap ++ Seq(
- lib -> "lib/scala-library.jar",
- comp -> "lib/scala-compiler.jar",
- jline -> "lib/jline.jar",
- continuations -> "misc/scala-devel/plugins/continuations.jar",
- scalap -> "lib/scalap.jar"
- )
- },
- // Add in some more dependencies
- makeDistMappings <+= (packageBin in swing in Compile) map (s => s -> "lib/scala-swing.jar"),
- makeDistMappings <+= (packageBin in scalaReflect in Compile) map (s => s -> "lib/scala-reflect.jar"),
- makeDist <<= (makeDistMappings, baseDirectory, streams) map { (maps, dir, s) =>
- s.log.debug("Map = " + maps.mkString("\n"))
- val file = dir / "target" / ""
-, file)
-"Created " + file.getAbsolutePath)
- file
- },
- makeExplodedDist <<= (makeDistMappings, target, streams) map { (maps, dir, s) =>
- def sameFile(f: File, f2: File) = f.getCanonicalPath == f2.getCanonicalPath
- IO.createDirectory(dir)
- IO.copy(for {
- (file, name) <- maps
- val file2 = dir / name
- if !sameFile(file,file2)
- } yield (file, file2))
- // Hack to make binaries be executable. TODO - Fix for JDK 5 and below...
- maps map (_._2) filter (_ startsWith "bin/") foreach (dir / _ setExecutable true)
- dir
- }
- )
- lazy val scaladist = (
- Project("dist", file("."))
- settings (scalaDistSettings: _*)
- )
-// Helpers to make a distribution
- /** Generates runner scripts for distribution. */
- def genBinTask(
- runner: ScopedTask[ScalaToolRunner],
- outputDir: ScopedSetting[File],
- classpath: ScopedTask[Classpath],
- useClasspath: Boolean
- ): Project.Initialize[sbt.Task[Seq[(File,String)]]] = {
- (runner, outputDir, classpath, streams) map { (runner, outDir, cp, s) =>
- IO.createDirectory(outDir)
- val classToFilename = Seq(
- "" -> "scala",
- "" -> "scalac",
- "" -> "scaladoc",
- "" -> "fsc",
- "" -> "scalap"
- )
- if (useClasspath) {
- val classpath =",")
- s.log.debug("Setting classpath = " + classpath)
- runner setClasspath classpath
- }
- def genBinFiles(cls: String, dest: File) = {
- runner.setClass(cls)
- runner.setFile(dest)
- runner.execute()
- // TODO - Mark generated files as executable (755 or a+x) that is *not* JDK6 specific...
- dest.setExecutable(true)
- }
- def makeBinMappings(cls: String, binName: String): Seq[(File,String)] = {
- val file = outDir / binName
- val winBinName = binName + ".bat"
- genBinFiles(cls, file)
- Seq( file -> ("bin/"+binName), outDir / winBinName -> ("bin/"+winBinName) )
- }
- classToFilename.flatMap((makeBinMappings _).tupled)
- }
- }
- /** Creates man pages for distribution. */
- def runManmakerTask(classpath: ScopedTask[Classpath], scalaRun: ScopedTask[ScalaRun], mainClass: String, dir: String, ext: String): Project.Initialize[Task[Seq[(File,String)]]] =
- (classpath, scalaRun, streams, target) map { (cp, runner, s, target) =>
- val binaries = Seq("fsc", "scala", "scalac", "scaladoc", "scalap")
- binaries map { bin =>
- val file = target / "man" / dir / (bin + ext)
- val classname = "scala.man1." + bin
- IO.createDirectory(file.getParentFile)
- toError(,, Seq(classname, file.getAbsolutePath), s.log))
- file -> ("man/" + dir + "/" + bin + ext)
- }
- }