path: root/project/build/Partest.scala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'project/build/Partest.scala')
1 files changed, 237 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/project/build/Partest.scala b/project/build/Partest.scala
index b971c668d9..5a6cdc2506 100755
--- a/project/build/Partest.scala
+++ b/project/build/Partest.scala
@@ -1,160 +1,313 @@
import sbt._
+import TestSet.{filter}
+class TestSet(val SType:TestSetType.Value,val kind:String, val description:String,val files:Array[File]){
+ /**
+ * @param a list of file that we want to know wheter they are members of the test set or not
+ * @return two lists : the first contains files that are member of the test set, the second contains the files that aren't
+ */
+ def splitContent(f:List[File]):(List[File],List[File]) = {
+ f.partition((f:File) => files.elements.exists((e:File)=> f==e))
+ }
+object TestSet {
+ def apply(sType:TestSetType.Value,kind:String,description:String,files:PathFinder)= new TestSet(sType,kind,description,filter(files))
+ def filter(p:PathFinder):Array[File]=( p --- p **(HiddenFileFilter || GlobFilter("*.obj")||GlobFilter("*.log"))).getFiles.toArray
+object TestSetType extends Enumeration {
+ val Std,Continuations = Value
+class TestConfiguration(val library:Path, val classpath:Iterable[Path], val testRoot:Path,
+ val tests:List[TestSet],val junitReportDir:Option[Path]){
trait PartestRunner{
self: BasicLayer with Packer =>
- import Partest._
+ import Partest.{runTest}
+ import TestSetType._
lazy val testRoot = projectRoot / "test"
- lazy val testFiles = testRoot / "files"
+ lazy val testFiles = testRoot / "files" ##
lazy val testLibs = testFiles / "lib"
- lazy val testSuite= task{
+ lazy val posFilesTest = TestSet(Std,"pos", "Compiling files that are expected to build", testFiles / "pos" * ("*.scala" || DirectoryFilter))
+ lazy val negFilesTest = TestSet(Std,"neg", "Compiling files that are expected to fail", testFiles / "neg" * ("*.scala" || DirectoryFilter))
+ lazy val runFilesTest = TestSet(Std,"run", "Compiling and running files", testFiles / "run" ** ("*.scala" ))
+ lazy val jvmFilesTest = TestSet(Std,"jvm", "Compiling and running files", testFiles / "jvm" *("*.scala" || DirectoryFilter))
+ lazy val resFilesTest = TestSet(Std,"res", "Running resident compiler scenarii", testFiles / "res" * ("*.res"))
+ lazy val buildmanagerFilesTest = TestSet(Std,"buildmanager", "Running Build Manager scenarii", testFiles / "buildmanager" * DirectoryFilter)
+ lazy val scalacheckFilesTest = TestSet(Std,"scalacheck", "Running scalacheck tests", testFiles / "scalacheck" ** ("*.scala"))
+ lazy val scriptFilesTest = TestSet(Std,"script", "Running script files", testFiles / "script" * ("*.scala"))
+ lazy val shootoutFilesTest = TestSet(Std,"shootout", "Running shootout tests", testFiles / "shootout" * ("*.scala"))
+ lazy val scalapFilesTest = TestSet(Std,"scalap", "Running scalap tests", testFiles / "scalap" ** ("*.scala"))
+ lazy val negContinuationTest = TestSet(Continuations,"neg", "Compiling continuations files that are expected to fail", testFiles / "continuations-neg" * ("*.scala" || DirectoryFilter))
+ lazy val runContinuationTest = TestSet(Continuations,"run", "Compiling and running continuations files", testFiles / "continuations-run" ** ("*.scala" ))
+ lazy val continuationScalaOpts = "-Xpluginsdir "+continuationPluginConfig.packagingConfig.jarDestination.asFile.getParent+" -Xplugin-require:continuations -P:continuations:enable"
+ lazy val testSuiteFiles:List[TestSet] = List(posFilesTest,negFilesTest,runFilesTest,jvmFilesTest,resFilesTest,buildmanagerFilesTest,scalacheckFilesTest,shootoutFilesTest,scalapFilesTest)
+ lazy val testSuiteContinuation:List[TestSet]=List(negContinuationTest,runContinuationTest)
+ private lazy val filesTestMap:Map[String,TestSet] =
+ Map(> (s.kind,s) ):_*)+ (("continuations-neg",negContinuationTest),("continuations-run",runContinuationTest))
+ private lazy val partestOptions = List("-failed")
+ private lazy val partestCompletionList = filesTestMap.keys.toList:::partestOptions:::filesTestMap.values.toList.flatMap{}
+ private def runPartest(tests:List[TestSet],scalacOpts:Option[String], failedOnly:Boolean) = {
val config = new TestConfiguration(
- (outputLibraryJar +++ outputCompilerJar +++ outputPartestJar +++ outputScalapJar +++ antJar +++ jlineJar +++ (testLibs * "*.jar")).get,
- (testFiles /"pos") * "*.scala",
- (testFiles /"neg") * "*.scala",
- (testFiles / "run") ** "*.scala",
- (testFiles /"jvm") * "*.scala",
- (testFiles / "res") * "*.res",
- (testFiles / "buildmanager"),
- Path.emptyPathFinder,
- (testFiles/ "shootout") * "*.scala",
- (testFiles /"scalap") ** "*.scala"
- )
+ (outputLibraryJar +++ outputCompilerJar +++ outputPartestJar +++ outputScalapJar +++ antJar +++ jlineJar +++ (testLibs * "*.jar")).get,
+ testRoot,
+ tests,
+ None
+ )
val javaHome = Path.fromFile(new File(System.getProperty("java.home")))
val java = javaHome / "bin" / "java"
- val javac = javaHome / "bin" / "javac"
- runTest(config,Some(java.asFile),Some(javac.asFile),None,Some("2400000"), false,true,false,true,false,log)
+ val javac = javaHome/"bin"/"javac"
+ log.debug("Ready to run tests")
+ if (tests.isEmpty){
+ log.debug("Empty test list")
+ None
+ }else
+ runTest(info.launcher.topLoader,config,Some(java.asFile),Some(javac.asFile),scalacOpts,Some("2400000"), true,true,failedOnly,true,false,log)
+ lazy val externalPartest = task {args => task {
+ val runner = new ExternalTaskRunner(projectRoot,, "partest " + args.mkString(" "),"Some tests have failed", log)
+ runner.runTask
+ }.dependsOn(pack)
+ }.completeWith(partestCompletionList)
-class TestConfiguration(val library:Path, val classpath:Iterable[Path],
- posFiles:PathFinder,negFiles:PathFinder,runFiles:PathFinder, jvmFiles:PathFinder,
- residentFiles:PathFinder,buildManagerFiles:PathFinder,scriptFiles:PathFinder,
- shootoutFiles:PathFinder,scalapFiles:PathFinder){
+ lazy val partest = task{
+ args =>
+ var failedOnly = false
- private def getFilesAndDirs(path:PathFinder):Array[File]={
- ( path * AllPassFilter --- (path * ((new ExactFilter(".svn")) || GlobFilter("*.obj")))).getFiles.toArray
- }
+ def setOptions(options:List[String],acc:List[String]):List[String]= options match{
+ case x::xs => x match{
+ case "-failed" => {failedOnly= true;"Only tests that failed previously will be run"); setOptions(xs,acc)}
+ case _ => setOptions(xs,x::acc)
+ }
+ case Nil => acc
+ }
- private def getPosFiles = getFilesAndDirs(posFiles)
- private def getNegFiles = getFilesAndDirs(negFiles)
- private def getRunFiles = getFilesAndDirs(runFiles)
- private def getJvmFiles = getFilesAndDirs(jvmFiles)
- private def getResidentFiles = getFilesAndDirs(residentFiles)
- private def getBuildManagerFiles = getFilesAndDirs(buildManagerFiles)
- private def getScriptFiles = getFilesAndDirs(scriptFiles)
- private def getShootoutFiles = getFilesAndDirs(shootoutFiles)
- private def getScalapFiles = getFilesAndDirs(scalapFiles)
- lazy val testFileSets = List(
- (getPosFiles, "pos", "Compiling files that are expected to build"),
- (getNegFiles, "neg", "Compiling files that are expected to fail"),
- (getRunFiles, "run", "Compiling and running files"),
- (getJvmFiles, "jvm", "Compiling and running files"),
- (getResidentFiles, "res", "Running resident compiler scenarii"),
- (getBuildManagerFiles, "buildmanager", "Running Build Manager scenarii"),
- (getScriptFiles, "script", "Running script files"),
- (getShootoutFiles, "shootout", "Running shootout tests"),
- (getScalapFiles, "scalap", "Running scalap tests")
- )
+ def resolveSets(l:List[String],rem:List[String],acc:List[TestSet]):(List[String],List[TestSet]) = {
+ def searchSet(arg:String):Option[TestSet] = {
+ filesTestMap.get(arg)
+ }
+ l match{
+ case x::xs => searchSet(x) match{
+ case Some(s)=> resolveSets(xs,rem,s::acc)
+ case None => resolveSets(xs,x::rem,acc)
+ }
+ case Nil => (rem,acc)
+ }
+ }
+ def resolveFiles(l:List[String],sets:List[TestSet]):(List[String],List[TestSet]) = {
+ def resolve0(filesToResolve:List[File],setsToSearchIn:List[TestSet],setAcc:List[TestSet]):(List[String],List[TestSet])= {
+ filesToResolve match {
+ case Nil => (Nil,setAcc) // If we have no files left to resolve, we can return the list of the set we have
+ case list => {
+ setsToSearchIn match {
+ case Nil => (,setAcc)// If we already had search all sets to find a match, we return the list of the files that where problematic and the set we have
+ case x::xs => {
+ val (found, notFound)=x.splitContent(list)
+ if(!found.isEmpty){
+ val newSet = new TestSet(x.SType,x.kind,x.description,found.toArray)
+ resolve0(notFound,xs,newSet::setAcc)
+ }else{
+ resolve0(notFound,xs,setAcc)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ resolve0(,_).asFile),filesTestMap.values.toList,sets)
+ }
+ val keys = setOptions(args.toList,Nil)
+ if (keys.length == 0) task{runPartest(testSuiteFiles,None,failedOnly) orElse runPartest(testSuiteContinuation,None,failedOnly)} // this is the case where there were only config options, we will run the standard test suite
+ else {
+ val (fileNames, sets) =resolveSets(keys,Nil,Nil)
+ val (notFound,allSets)=resolveFiles(fileNames,sets)
+ if (!notFound.isEmpty)"Don't know what to do with : \n"+notFound.mkString("\n"))
+ val (std, continuations) = allSets.partition(_.SType == TestSetType.Std)
+ task{runPartest(std,None,failedOnly) orElse runPartest(continuations,Some(continuationScalaOpts),failedOnly)}
+ }
+ }.completeWith(partestCompletionList)
- * Based on
- */
-object Partest{
- def runTest(config:TestConfiguration,javacmd:Option[File],javaccmd:Option[File],scalacOpts:Option[String],timeout:Option[String],
+object Partest {
+ def runTest(parentLoader:ClassLoader, config:TestConfiguration,javacmd:Option[File],javaccmd:Option[File],scalacOpts:Option[String],timeout:Option[String],
showDiff:Boolean,showLog:Boolean,runFailed:Boolean,errorOnFailed:Boolean,debug:Boolean,log:Logger):Option[String] = {
if (debug)
System.setProperty("partest.debug", "true")
if (config.classpath.isEmpty)
return Some("The classpath is empty")
+ log.debug("Classpath is "+ config.classpath)
- val classloader = new URLClassLoader(Array(*))
- val antRunner: AnyRef =
- classloader.loadClass("").newInstance().asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
- val antFileManager: AnyRef =
- antRunner.getClass.getMethod("fileManager", Array[Class[_]](): _*).invoke(antRunner, Array[Object](): _*)
+ val classloader = new URLClassLoader(Array(*),ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader.getParent)
+ val runner: AnyRef =
+ classloader.loadClass("").newInstance().asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
+ val fileManager: AnyRef =
+ runner.getClass.getMethod("fileManager", Array[Class[_]](): _*).invoke(runner, Array[Object](): _*)
val runMethod =
- antRunner.getClass.getMethod("reflectiveRunTestsForFiles", Array(classOf[Array[File]], classOf[String]): _*)
+ runner.getClass.getMethod("reflectiveRunTestsForFiles", Array(classOf[Array[File]], classOf[String]): _*)
- def runTestsForFiles(kindFiles: Array[File], kind: String): (Int, Int) = {
- val result = runMethod.invoke(antRunner, Array(kindFiles, kind): _*).asInstanceOf[Int]
- (result >> 16, result & 0x00FF)
+ def runTestsForFiles(kindFiles: Array[File], kind: String) = {
+ val result = runMethod.invoke(runner, Array(kindFiles, kind): _*).asInstanceOf[java.util.HashMap[String,Int]]
+ scala.collection.jcl.Conversions.convertMap(result)
def setFileManagerBooleanProperty(name: String, value: Boolean) {
+ log.debug("Setting partest property :"+name+" to :"+value)
val setMethod =
- antFileManager.getClass.getMethod(name+"_$eq", Array(classOf[Boolean]): _*)
- setMethod.invoke(antFileManager, Array(java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(value)).asInstanceOf[Array[Object]]: _*)
+ fileManager.getClass.getMethod(name+"_$eq", Array(classOf[Boolean]): _*)
+ setMethod.invoke(fileManager, Array(java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(value)).asInstanceOf[Array[Object]]: _*)
def setFileManagerStringProperty(name: String, value: String) {
+ log.debug("Setting partest property :"+name+" to :"+value)
val setMethod =
- antFileManager.getClass.getMethod(name+"_$eq", Array(classOf[String]): _*)
- setMethod.invoke(antFileManager, Array(value).asInstanceOf[Array[Object]]: _*)
+ fileManager.getClass.getMethod(name+"_$eq", Array(classOf[String]): _*)
+ setMethod.invoke(fileManager, Array(value).asInstanceOf[Array[Object]]: _*)
+ System.setProperty("partest.srcdir",config.testRoot.absolutePath)
setFileManagerBooleanProperty("showDiff", showDiff)
setFileManagerBooleanProperty("showLog", showLog)
setFileManagerBooleanProperty("failed", runFailed)
if (!javacmd.isEmpty)
setFileManagerStringProperty("JAVACMD", javacmd.get.getAbsolutePath)
if (!javaccmd.isEmpty)
- setFileManagerStringProperty("JAVAC_CMD", javaccmd.get.getAbsolutePath)
- setFileManagerStringProperty("CLASSPATH", config.classpath.mkString(File.pathSeparator))
+ setFileManagerStringProperty("JAVAC_CMD", "javac")
+ setFileManagerStringProperty("CLASSPATH",(
setFileManagerStringProperty("LATEST_LIB", config.library.absolutePath)
- if (!scalacOpts.isEmpty)
- setFileManagerStringProperty("SCALAC_OPTS", scalacOpts.get)
+ scalacOpts match {
+ case None => setFileManagerStringProperty("SCALAC_OPTS","")
+ case Some(options) => setFileManagerStringProperty("SCALAC_OPTS",options)
+ }
if (!timeout.isEmpty)
setFileManagerStringProperty("timeout", timeout.get)
type TFSet = (Array[File], String, String)
- val testFileSets = config.testFileSets
+ val testFileSets = config.tests
+ def resultsToStatistics(results: Iterable[(_, Int)]): (Int, Int) = {
+ val (files, failures) = results map (_._2 == 0) partition (_ == true)
+ def count(i:Iterable[_]):Int={
+ var c = 0
+ for (elem <-i) yield{
+ c=c+1
+ }
+ c
+ }
+ (count(files), count(failures))
+ }
- def runSet(set: TFSet): (Int, Int) = {
- val (files, name, msg) = set
- if (files.isEmpty) (0, 0)
+ def runSet(set: TestSet): (Int, Int,Iterable[String]) = {
+ val (files, name, msg) = (set.files, set.kind, set.description)
+ log.debug("["+name+"] "+ msg+files.mkString(", files :\n","\n",""))
+ if (files.isEmpty) {
+ log.debug("No files !")
+ (0, 0, List())
+ }
else {
- runTestsForFiles(files, name)
+ +" : "+ msg)
+ val results: Iterable[(String, Int)] = runTestsForFiles(files, name)
+ val (succs, fails) = resultsToStatistics(results)
+ val failed: Iterable[String] = results.filter( _._2!=0) map(_ match {
+ case (path, 1) => path + " [FAILED]"
+ case (path, 2) => path + " [TIMOUT]"
+ })
+ val r=(succs, fails, failed)
+ config.junitReportDir match{
+ case Some(d)=> {
+ val report = testReport(name, results, succs, fails)
+".xml", report)
+ }
+ case None =>
+ }
+ r
val _results = testFileSets map runSet
- val allSuccesses = (_results map (_._1)).foldLeft(0)(_+_)
- val allFailures = (_results map (_._2)).foldLeft(0)(_+_)
+ val allSuccesses = (_._1).foldLeft(0)( _ + _ )
+ val allFailures = (_._2).foldLeft(0)( _ + _ )
+ val allFailedPaths = _results flatMap (_._3)
def f(msg:String):Option[String] =
- if (errorOnFailed && allFailures > 0) Some(msg)
+ if (errorOnFailed && allFailures > 0) {
+ Some(msg)
+ }
else {
def s = if (allFailures > 1) "s" else ""
val msg =
- if (allFailures > 0) "Test suite finished with %d case%s failing.".format(allFailures, s)
+ if (allFailures > 0) "Test suite finished with %d case%s failing.\n".format(allFailures, s)+ allFailedPaths.mkString("\n")
else if (allSuccesses == 0) "There were no tests to run."
else "Test suite finished with no failures."
+ private def oneResult(res: (String, Int)) =
+ <testcase name={res._1}>{
+ res._2 match {
+ case 0 => scala.xml.NodeSeq.Empty
+ case 1 => <failure message="Test failed"/>
+ case 2 => <failure message="Test timed out"/>
+ }
+ }</testcase>
+ private def testReport(kind: String, results: Iterable[(String, Int)], succs: Int, fails: Int) =
+ <testsuite name={kind} tests={(succs + fails).toString} failures={fails.toString}>
+ <properties/>
+ {
+ }
+ </testsuite>