path: root/project
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'project')
3 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/project/ParserUtil.scala b/project/ParserUtil.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6658b146b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/ParserUtil.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import sbt._
+import sbt.complete.Parser._
+import sbt.complete.Parsers._
+import sbt.complete._
+object ParserUtil {
+ def notStartingWith(parser: Parser[String], c: Char): Parser[String] = parser & not(c ~> any.*, "value cannot start with " + c + ".")
+ def concat(p: Parser[(String, String)]): Parser[String] = {
+ => x._1 + x._2)
+ }
+ def EitherOr(a: Parser[String], b: Parser[String]): Parser[String] = {
+ a.flatMap[String] {
+ case "" => b
+ case x: String =>
+ concat(Space.string ~ b).map[String]((s: String) => x + s)
+ }
+ }
+ def Opt(a: Parser[String]) = a.?.map(_.getOrElse(""))
+ val StringBasicNotStartingWithDash = notStartingWith(StringBasic, '-')
+ val IsDirectoryFilter = new SimpleFileFilter(_.isDirectory)
+ val JarOrDirectoryParser = FileParser(GlobFilter("*.jar") || IsDirectoryFilter)
+ def FileParser(filter: FileFilter, dirFilter: FileFilter = AllPassFilter, base: File = file(".")) = {
+ def matching(prefix: String): List[String] = {
+ val preFile = file(prefix)
+ val cwd = base
+ val parent = Option(preFile.getParentFile).getOrElse(cwd)
+ if (preFile.exists) {
+ if (preFile.isDirectory) {
+ preFile.*(IsDirectoryFilter.&&(dirFilter) || filter)
+ } else {
+ List(preFile).filter(filter.accept).map(_.getPath)
+ }
+ }
+ else if (parent != null) {
+ def ensureSuffix(s: String, suffix: String) = if (s.endsWith(suffix)) s else s + suffix
+ def pathOf(f: File): String = if (f.isDirectory && !filter.accept(f)) ensureSuffix(f.getPath, "/") else f.getPath
+ parent.*(GlobFilter( + "*") && ((IsDirectoryFilter && dirFilter) || filter)) => pathOf(if (parent == cwd) x.relativeTo(cwd).get else x)).toList
+ } else Nil
+ }
+ def displayPath = Completions.single(Completion.displayOnly("<path>"))
+ token(StringBasic, TokenCompletions.fixed((seen, level) => if (seen.isEmpty) displayPath else matching(seen) match {
+ case Nil => displayPath
+ case x :: Nil =>
+ if (filter.accept(file(x)))
+ Completions.strict(Set(Completion.tokenDisplay(x.stripPrefix(seen), x)))
+ else
+ Completions.strict(Set(Completion.suggestion(x.stripPrefix(seen))))
+ case xs =>
+ Completions.strict( => Completion.tokenDisplay(x.stripPrefix(seen), x)).toSet)
+ })).filter(!_.startsWith("-"), x => x)
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/project/PartestUtil.scala b/project/PartestUtil.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c0c677a6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/PartestUtil.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+import sbt._
+import sbt.complete._, Parser._, Parsers._
+object PartestUtil {
+ private case class TestFiles(srcPath: String, globalBase: File, testBase: File) {
+ private val testCaseDir = new SimpleFileFilter(f => f.isDirectory && f.listFiles.nonEmpty && !(f.getParentFile / ( + ".res")).exists)
+ private val testCaseFilter = GlobFilter("*.scala") | GlobFilter("*.java") | GlobFilter("*.res") || testCaseDir
+ private def testCaseFinder = (testBase / srcPath).*(AllPassFilter).*(testCaseFilter)
+ private val basePaths ='/').take(3).mkString("/") + "/").distinct
+ def allTestCases = testCaseFinder.pair(relativeTo(globalBase))
+ def basePathExamples = new FixedSetExamples(basePaths)
+ private def equiv(f1: File, f2: File) = f1.getCanonicalFile == f2.getCanonicalFile
+ def parentChain(f: File): Iterator[File] =
+ if (f == null || !f.exists) Iterator()
+ else Iterator(f) ++ (if (f.getParentFile == null) Nil else parentChain(f.getParentFile))
+ def isParentOf(parent: File, f2: File, maxDepth: Int) =
+ parentChain(f2).take(maxDepth).exists(p1 => equiv(p1, parent))
+ def isTestCase(f: File) = {
+ val grandParent = if (f != null && f.getParentFile != null) f.getParentFile.getParentFile else null
+ grandParent != null && equiv(grandParent, testBase / srcPath) && testCaseFilter.accept(f)
+ }
+ def mayContainTestCase(f: File) = {
+ isParentOf(testBase / srcPath, f, 2) || isParentOf(f, testBase / srcPath, Int.MaxValue)
+ }
+ }
+ /** A parser for the custom `partest` command */
+ def partestParser(globalBase: File, testBase: File): Parser[String] = {
+ val knownUnaryOptions = List(
+ "--pos", "--neg", "--run", "--jvm", "--res", "--ant", "--scalap", "--specialized",
+ "--scalacheck", "--instrumented", "--presentation", "--failed", "--update-check",
+ "--show-diff", "--verbose", "--terse", "--debug", "--version", "--self-test", "--help")
+ val srcPathOption = "--srcpath"
+ val grepOption = "--grep"
+ // HACK: if we parse `--srpath scaladoc`, we overwrite this var. The parser for test file paths
+ // then lazily creates the examples based on the current value.
+ // TODO is there a cleaner way to do this with SBT's parser infrastructure?
+ var srcPath = "files"
+ var _testFiles: TestFiles = null
+ def testFiles = {
+ if (_testFiles == null || _testFiles.srcPath != srcPath) _testFiles = new TestFiles(srcPath, globalBase, testBase)
+ _testFiles
+ }
+ val TestPathParser = ParserUtil.FileParser(
+ new SimpleFileFilter(f => testFiles.isTestCase(f)),
+ new SimpleFileFilter(f => testFiles.mayContainTestCase(f)), globalBase)
+ // allow `--grep "is unchecked" | --grep *t123*, in the spirit of ./bin/partest-ack
+ // superset of the --grep built into partest itself.
+ val Grep = {
+ def expandGrep(x: String): Seq[String] = {
+ val matchingFileContent = try {
+ val Pattern = ("(?i)" + x).r
+ testFiles.allTestCases.filter {
+ case (testFile, testPath) =>
+ val assocFiles = List(".check", ".flags").map(testFile.getParentFile / _)
+ val sourceFiles = if (testFile.isFile) List(testFile) else testFile.**(AllPassFilter).get.toList
+ val allFiles = testFile :: assocFiles ::: sourceFiles
+ allFiles.exists { f => f.exists && f.isFile && Pattern.findFirstIn( }
+ }
+ } catch {
+ case _: Throwable => Nil
+ }
+ val matchingFileName = try {
+ val filter = GlobFilter("*" + x + "*")
+ testFiles.allTestCases.filter(x => filter.accept(
+ } catch {
+ case t: Throwable => Nil
+ }
+ (matchingFileContent ++ matchingFileName).map(_._2).distinct.sorted
+ }
+ val completion = Completions.strict(Set("<filename glob>", "<regex> (for source, flags or checkfile contents)").map(s => Completion.displayOnly(s)))
+ val tokenCompletion = TokenCompletions.fixed((seen, level) => completion)
+ val globOrPattern = {
+ case Seq() => failure("no tests match pattern / glob")
+ case x => success(x.mkString(" "))
+ }
+ token(grepOption <~ Space) ~> token(globOrPattern, tokenCompletion)
+ }
+ val SrcPath = ((token(srcPathOption) <~ Space) ~ token(StringBasic.examples(Set("files", "pending", "scaladoc")))) map {
+ case opt ~ path =>
+ srcPath = path
+ opt + " " + path
+ }
+ val P = oneOf( => token(x))) | SrcPath | TestPathParser | Grep
+ (Space ~> repsep(P, oneOrMore(Space))).map(_.mkString(" ")).?.map(_.getOrElse(""))
+ }
diff --git a/project/ScalaOptionParser.scala b/project/ScalaOptionParser.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a11bd93d82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/ScalaOptionParser.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+import ParserUtil._
+import sbt._
+import sbt.complete.Parser._
+import sbt.complete.Parsers._
+import sbt.complete._
+object ScalaOptionParser {
+ /** A SBT parser for the Scala command line runners (scala, scalac, etc) */
+ def scalaParser(entryPoint: String, globalBase: File): Parser[String] = {
+ def BooleanSetting(name: String): Parser[String] =
+ token(name)
+ def StringSetting(name: String): Parser[String] = {
+ val valueParser = name match {
+ case "-d" => JarOrDirectoryParser
+ case _ => token(StringBasic, TokenCompletions.displayOnly("<value>"))
+ }
+ concat(concat(token(name ~ Space.string)) ~ valueParser)
+ }
+ def MultiStringSetting(name: String): Parser[String] =
+ concat(concat(token(name ~ ":")) ~ repsep(token(StringBasicNotStartingWithDash, TokenCompletions.displayOnly("<value>")), token(",")).map(_.mkString))
+ def IntSetting(name: String): Parser[String] =
+ concat(concat(token(name ~ ":")) ~ token(, TokenCompletions.displayOnly("<integer>")))
+ def ChoiceSetting(name: String, choices: List[String]): Parser[String] =
+ concat(token(concat(name ~ ":")) ~ token(StringBasic.examples(choices: _*)).map(_.mkString))
+ def MultiChoiceSetting(name: String, choices: List[String]): Parser[String] =
+ concat(token(concat(name ~ ":")) ~ rep1sep(token(StringBasic.examples(choices: _*)), token(",")).map(_.mkString))
+ def PathSetting(name: String): Parser[String] = {
+ concat(concat(token(name) ~ Space.string) ~ rep1sep(JarOrDirectoryParser.filter(!_.contains(":"), x => x), token(
+ }
+ def FileSetting(name: String): Parser[String] = {
+ concat(concat(token(name) ~ Space.string) ~ rep1sep(JarOrDirectoryParser.filter(!_.contains(":"), x => x), token(
+ }
+ val Phase = token(NotSpace.examples(phases: _*))
+ def PhaseSettingParser(name: String): Parser[String] = {
+ MultiChoiceSetting(name, phases)
+ }
+ def ScalaVersionSetting(name: String): Parser[String] = {
+ concat(concat(token(name ~ Space.string)) ~ token(StringBasic, TokenCompletions.displayOnly("<scala version>")))
+ }
+ val Property: Parser[String] = {
+ val PropName = concat(token("-D" ~ oneOrMore(NotSpaceClass & not('=', "not =")).string, TokenCompletions.displayOnly("-D<property name>")))
+ val EqualsValue = concat("=" ~ token(OptNotSpace, TokenCompletions.displayOnly("<property value>")))
+ concat(PropName ~ EqualsValue.?.map(_.getOrElse("")))
+ }
+ val sourceFile = FileParser(GlobFilter("*.scala") | GlobFilter("*.java"))
+ // TODO Allow JVM settings via -J-... and temporarily add them to the ForkOptions
+ val UniversalOpt = Property | oneOf( ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ { case (k, v) => ChoiceSetting(k, v) } ++ { case (k, v) => MultiChoiceSetting(k, v) } ++
+ val ScalacOpt = sourceFile | UniversalOpt
+ val ScalaExtraSettings = oneOf(
+ { case (k, v) => ChoiceSetting(k,v)}.toList
+ ++
+ ++
+ val ScalaOpt = UniversalOpt | ScalaExtraSettings
+ val ScalaDocExtraSettings = oneOf(
+ ++
+ ++ { case (k, v) => ChoiceSetting(k, v)}
+ ++
+ ++
+ ++
+ )
+ val ScalaDocOpt = sourceFile | ScalaOpt | ScalaDocExtraSettings
+ entryPoint match {
+ case "scala" =>
+ val runnable = token(StringBasicNotStartingWithDash, TokenCompletions.displayOnly("<script|class|object|jar>")).filter(!_.startsWith("-"), x => x)
+ val runnableAndArgs = concat(runnable ~ Opt(concat(Space.string ~ repsep(token(StringBasic, TokenCompletions.displayOnly("<arg>")), Space).map(_.mkString(" ")))))
+ val options = repsep(ScalaOpt, Space).map(_.mkString(" "))
+ Opt(Space ~> EitherOr(options, runnableAndArgs))
+ case "scaladoc" =>
+ Opt(Space ~> Opt(repsep(ScalaDocOpt, Space).map(_.mkString(" "))))
+ case "scalac" =>
+ Opt(Space ~> repsep(ScalacOpt, Space).map(_.mkString(" ")))
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO retrieve this data programatically, ala
+ private def booleanSettingNames = List("-X", "-Xcheckinit", "-Xdev", "-Xdisable-assertions", "-Xexperimental", "-Xfatal-warnings", "-Xfull-lubs", "-Xfuture", "-Xlog-free-terms", "-Xlog-free-types", "-Xlog-implicit-conversions", "-Xlog-implicits", "-Xlog-reflective-calls",
+ "-Xno-forwarders", "-Xno-patmat-analysis", "-Xno-uescape", "-Xnojline", "-Xprint-pos", "-Xprint-types", "-Xprompt", "-Xresident", "-Xshow-phases", "-Xstrict-inference", "-Xverify", "-Y",
+ "-Ybreak-cycles", "-Yclosure-elim", "-Yconst-opt", "-Ydead-code", "-Ydebug", "-Ycompact-trees", "-Ydisable-unreachable-prevention", "-YdisableFlatCpCaching", "-Ydoc-debug",
+ "-Yeta-expand-keeps-star", "-Yide-debug", "-Yinfer-argument-types", "-Yinfer-by-name", "-Yinfer-debug", "-Yinline", "-Yinline-handlers",
+ "-Yinline-warnings", "-Yissue-debug", "-Ylog-classpath", "-Ymacro-debug-lite", "-Ymacro-debug-verbose", "-Ymacro-no-expand",
+ "-Yno-completion", "-Yno-generic-signatures", "-Yno-imports", "-Yno-load-impl-class", "-Yno-predef", "-Ynooptimise",
+ "-Yoverride-objects", "-Yoverride-vars", "-Ypatmat-debug", "-Yno-adapted-args", "-Ypos-debug", "-Ypresentation-debug",
+ "-Ypresentation-strict", "-Ypresentation-verbose", "-Yquasiquote-debug", "-Yrangepos", "-Yreify-copypaste", "-Yreify-debug", "-Yrepl-class-based",
+ "-Yrepl-sync", "-Yshow-member-pos", "-Yshow-symkinds", "-Yshow-symowners", "-Yshow-syms", "-Yshow-trees", "-Yshow-trees-compact", "-Yshow-trees-stringified", "-Ytyper-debug",
+ "-Ywarn-adapted-args", "-Ywarn-dead-code", "-Ywarn-inaccessible", "-Ywarn-infer-any", "-Ywarn-nullary-override", "-Ywarn-nullary-unit", "-Ywarn-numeric-widen", "-Ywarn-unused", "-Ywarn-unused-import", "-Ywarn-value-discard",
+ "-deprecation", "-explaintypes", "-feature", "-help", "-no-specialization", "-nobootcp", "-nowarn", "-optimise", "-print", "-unchecked", "-uniqid", "-usejavacp", "-usemanifestcp", "-verbose", "-version")
+ private def stringSettingNames = List("-Xgenerate-phase-graph", "-Xmain-class", "-Xpluginsdir", "-Xshow-class", "-Xshow-object", "-Xsource-reader", "-Ydump-classes", "-Ygen-asmp",
+ "-Ygen-javap", "-Ypresentation-log", "-Ypresentation-replay", "-Yrepl-outdir", "-d", "-dependencyfile", "-encoding", "-Xscript")
+ private def pathSettingNames = List("-bootclasspath", "-classpath", "-extdirs", "-javabootclasspath", "-javaextdirs", "-sourcepath", "-toolcp")
+ private val phases = List("all", "parser", "namer", "packageobjects", "typer", "patmat", "superaccessors", "extmethods", "pickler", "refchecks", "uncurry", "tailcalls", "specialize", "explicitouter", "erasure", "posterasure", "lazyvals", "lambdalift", "constructors", "flatten", "mixin", "cleanup", "delambdafy", "icode", "jvm", "terminal")
+ private val phaseSettings = List("-Xprint-icode", "-Ystop-after", "-Yskip", "-Yshow", "-Ystop-before", "-Ybrowse", "-Ylog", "-Ycheck", "-Xprint")
+ private def multiStringSettingNames = List("-Xmacro-settings", "-Xplugin", "-Xplugin-disable", "-Xplugin-require")
+ private def intSettingNames = List("-Xmax-classfile-name", "-Xelide-below", "-Ypatmat-exhaust-depth", "-Ypresentation-delay", "-Yrecursion")
+ private def choiceSettingNames = Map[String, List[String]](
+ "-Ybackend" -> List("GenASM", "GenBCode"),
+ "-YclasspathImpl" -> List("flat", "recursive"),
+ "-Ydelambdafy" -> List("inline", "method"),
+ "-Ylinearizer" -> List("dfs", "dump", "normal", "rpo"),
+ "-Ymacro-expand" -> List("discard", "none"),
+ "-Yresolve-term-conflict" -> List("error", "object", "package"),
+ "-g" -> List("line", "none", "notailcails", "source", "vars"),
+ "-target" -> List("jvm-1.5", "jvm-1.6", "jvm-1.7", "jvm-1.8"))
+ private def multiChoiceSettingNames = Map[String, List[String]](
+ "-Xlint" -> List("adapted-args", "nullary-unit", "inaccessible", "nullary-override", "infer-any", "missing-interpolator", "doc-detached", "private-shadow", "type-parameter-shadow", "poly-implicit-overload", "option-implicit", "delayedinit-select", "by-name-right-associative", "package-object-classes", "unsound-match", "stars-align"),
+ "-language" -> List("help", "_", "dynamics", "postfixOps", "reflectiveCalls", "implicitConversions", "higherKinds", "existentials", "experimental.macros"),
+ "-Yopt" -> List("l:none", "l:default", "l:method", "l:project", "l:classpath", "unreachable-code", "simplify-jumps", "empty-line-numbers", "empty-labels", "compact-locals", "nullness-tracking", "closure-elimination", "inline-project", "inline-global"),
+ "-Ystatistics" -> List("parser", "typer", "patmat", "erasure", "cleanup", "jvm")
+ )
+ private def scalaVersionSettings = List("-Xmigration", "-Xsource")
+ private def scalaChoiceSettingNames = Map("-howtorun" -> List("object", "script", "jar", "guess"))
+ private def scalaStringSettingNames = List("-i", "-e")
+ private def scalaBooleanSettingNames = List("-nc", "-save")
+ private def scalaDocBooleanSettingNames = List("-Yuse-stupid-types", "-implicits", "-implicits-debug", "-implicits-show-all", "-implicits-sound-shadowing", "-implicits-hide", "-author", "-diagrams", "-diagrams-debug", "-raw-output", "-no-prefixes", "-no-link-warnings", "-expand-all-types", "-groups")
+ private def scalaDocIntSettingNames = List("-diagrams-max-classes", "-diagrams-max-implicits", "-diagrams-dot-timeout", "-diagrams-dot-restart")
+ private def scalaDocChoiceSettingNames = Map("-doc-format" -> List("html"))
+ private def scaladocStringSettingNames = List("-doc-title", "-doc-version", "-doc-footer", "-doc-no-compile", "-doc-source-url", "-doc-generator", "-skip-packages")
+ private def scaladocPathSettingNames = List("-doc-root-content", "-diagrams-dot-path")
+ private def scaladocMultiStringSettingNames = List("-doc-external-doc")