path: root/project
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'project')
16 files changed, 1167 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/project/BuildSettings.scala b/project/BuildSettings.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76cd888a2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/BuildSettings.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import sbt._
+/** This object defines keys that should be visible with an unqualified name in all .sbt files and the command line */
+object BuildSettings extends AutoPlugin {
+ object autoImport {
+ lazy val antStyle = settingKey[Boolean]("Use ant-style incremental builds instead of name-hashing")
+ lazy val baseVersion = settingKey[String]("The base version number from which all others are derived")
+ lazy val baseVersionSuffix = settingKey[String]("Identifies the kind of version to build")
+ lazy val mimaReferenceVersion = settingKey[Option[String]]("Scala version number to run MiMa against")
+ }
diff --git a/project/GenerateAnyVals.scala b/project/GenerateAnyVals.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84454cb0ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/GenerateAnyVals.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+/** Code generation of the AnyVal types and their companions. */
+trait GenerateAnyValReps {
+ self: GenerateAnyVals =>
+ sealed abstract class AnyValNum(name: String, repr: Option[String], javaEquiv: String)
+ extends AnyValRep(name,repr,javaEquiv) {
+ case class Op(op : String, doc : String)
+ private def companionCoercions(tos: AnyValRep*) = {
+ tos.toList map (to =>
+ s"implicit def @javaequiv@2${to.javaEquiv}(x: @name@): ${} =${}"
+ )
+ }
+ def coercionComment =
+"""/** Language mandated coercions from @name@ to "wider" types. */
+import scala.language.implicitConversions"""
+ def implicitCoercions: List[String] = {
+ val coercions = this match {
+ case B => companionCoercions(S, I, L, F, D)
+ case S | C => companionCoercions(I, L, F, D)
+ case I => companionCoercions(L, F, D)
+ case L => companionCoercions(F, D)
+ case F => companionCoercions(D)
+ case _ => Nil
+ }
+ if (coercions.isEmpty) Nil
+ else coercionComment.lines.toList ++ coercions
+ }
+ def isCardinal: Boolean = isIntegerType(this)
+ def unaryOps = {
+ val ops = List(
+ Op("+", "/** Returns this value, unmodified. */"),
+ Op("-", "/** Returns the negation of this value. */"))
+ if(isCardinal)
+ Op("~", "/**\n" +
+ " * Returns the bitwise negation of this value.\n" +
+ " * @example {{{\n" +
+ " * ~5 == -6\n" +
+ " * // in binary: ~00000101 ==\n" +
+ " * // 11111010\n" +
+ " * }}}\n" +
+ " */") :: ops
+ else ops
+ }
+ def bitwiseOps =
+ if (isCardinal)
+ List(
+ Op("|", "/**\n" +
+ " * Returns the bitwise OR of this value and `x`.\n" +
+ " * @example {{{\n" +
+ " * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa\n" +
+ " * // in binary: 11110000\n" +
+ " * // | 10101010\n" +
+ " * // --------\n" +
+ " * // 11111010\n" +
+ " * }}}\n" +
+ " */"),
+ Op("&", "/**\n" +
+ " * Returns the bitwise AND of this value and `x`.\n" +
+ " * @example {{{\n" +
+ " * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0\n" +
+ " * // in binary: 11110000\n" +
+ " * // & 10101010\n" +
+ " * // --------\n" +
+ " * // 10100000\n" +
+ " * }}}\n" +
+ " */"),
+ Op("^", "/**\n" +
+ " * Returns the bitwise XOR of this value and `x`.\n" +
+ " * @example {{{\n" +
+ " * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a\n" +
+ " * // in binary: 11110000\n" +
+ " * // ^ 10101010\n" +
+ " * // --------\n" +
+ " * // 01011010\n" +
+ " * }}}\n" +
+ " */"))
+ else Nil
+ def shiftOps =
+ if (isCardinal)
+ List(
+ Op("<<", "/**\n" +
+ " * Returns this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,\n" +
+ " * filling in the new right bits with zeroes.\n" +
+ " * @example {{{ 6 << 3 == 48 // in binary: 0110 << 3 == 0110000 }}}\n" +
+ " */"),
+ Op(">>>", "/**\n" +
+ " * Returns this value bit-shifted right by the specified number of bits,\n" +
+ " * filling the new left bits with zeroes.\n" +
+ " * @example {{{ 21 >>> 3 == 2 // in binary: 010101 >>> 3 == 010 }}}\n" +
+ " * @example {{{\n" +
+ " * -21 >>> 3 == 536870909\n" +
+ " * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >>> 3 ==\n" +
+ " * // 00011111 11111111 11111111 11111101\n" +
+ " * }}}\n" +
+ " */"),
+ Op(">>", "/**\n" +
+ " * Returns this value bit-shifted right by the specified number of bits,\n" +
+ " * filling in the left bits with the same value as the left-most bit of this.\n" +
+ " * The effect of this is to retain the sign of the value.\n" +
+ " * @example {{{\n" +
+ " * -21 >> 3 == -3\n" +
+ " * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >> 3 ==\n" +
+ " * // 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111101\n" +
+ " * }}}\n" +
+ " */"))
+ else Nil
+ def comparisonOps = List(
+ Op("==", "/** Returns `true` if this value is equal to x, `false` otherwise. */"),
+ Op("!=", "/** Returns `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise. */"),
+ Op("<", "/** Returns `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise. */"),
+ Op("<=", "/** Returns `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise. */"),
+ Op(">", "/** Returns `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise. */"),
+ Op(">=", "/** Returns `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise. */"))
+ def otherOps = List(
+ Op("+", "/** Returns the sum of this value and `x`. */"),
+ Op("-", "/** Returns the difference of this value and `x`. */"),
+ Op("*", "/** Returns the product of this value and `x`. */"),
+ Op("/", "/** Returns the quotient of this value and `x`. */"),
+ Op("%", "/** Returns the remainder of the division of this value by `x`. */"))
+ // Given two numeric value types S and T , the operation type of S and T is defined as follows:
+ // If both S and T are subrange types then the operation type of S and T is Int.
+ // Otherwise the operation type of S and T is the larger of the two types wrt ranking.
+ // Given two numeric values v and w the operation type of v and w is the operation type
+ // of their run-time types.
+ def opType(that: AnyValNum): AnyValNum = {
+ val rank = IndexedSeq(I, L, F, D)
+ (rank indexOf this, rank indexOf that) match {
+ case (-1, -1) => I
+ case (r1, r2) => rank apply (r1 max r2)
+ }
+ }
+ def mkCoercions = numeric map (x => "def to%s: %s".format(x, x))
+ def mkUnaryOps = unaryOps map (x => "%s\n def unary_%s : %s".format(x.doc, x.op, this opType I))
+ def mkStringOps = List("def +(x: String): String")
+ def mkShiftOps = (
+ for (op <- shiftOps ; arg <- List(I, L)) yield
+ "%s\n def %s(x: %s): %s".format(op.doc, op.op, arg, this opType I)
+ )
+ def clumps: List[List[String]] = {
+ val xs1 = List(mkCoercions, mkUnaryOps, mkStringOps, mkShiftOps) map (xs => if (xs.isEmpty) xs else xs :+ "")
+ val xs2 = List(
+ mkBinOpsGroup(comparisonOps, numeric, _ => Z),
+ mkBinOpsGroup(bitwiseOps, cardinal, this opType _),
+ mkBinOpsGroup(otherOps, numeric, this opType _)
+ )
+ xs1 ++ xs2
+ }
+ def classLines = (clumps :+ commonClassLines).foldLeft(List[String]()) {
+ case (res, Nil) => res
+ case (res, lines) =>
+ val xs = lines map {
+ case "" => ""
+ case s => interpolate(s)
+ }
+ res ++ xs
+ }
+ def objectLines = {
+ val comp = if (isCardinal) cardinalCompanion else floatingCompanion
+ interpolate(comp + allCompanions + "\n" + nonUnitCompanions).trim.lines.toList ++ (implicitCoercions map interpolate)
+ }
+ /** Makes a set of binary operations based on the given set of ops, args, and resultFn.
+ *
+ * @param ops list of function names e.g. List(">>", "%")
+ * @param args list of types which should appear as arguments
+ * @param resultFn function which calculates return type based on arg type
+ * @return list of function definitions
+ */
+ def mkBinOpsGroup(ops: List[Op], args: List[AnyValNum], resultFn: AnyValNum => AnyValRep): List[String] = (
+ ops flatMap (op =>
+ =>
+ "%s\n def %s(x: %s): %s".format(op.doc, op.op, arg, resultFn(arg))) :+ ""
+ )
+ ).toList
+ }
+ sealed abstract class AnyValRep(val name: String, val repr: Option[String], val javaEquiv: String) {
+ def classLines: List[String]
+ def objectLines: List[String]
+ def commonClassLines = List(
+ "// Provide a more specific return type for Scaladoc",
+ "override def getClass(): Class[@name@] = ???"
+ )
+ def lcname = name.toLowerCase
+ def boxedSimpleName = this match {
+ case C => "Character"
+ case I => "Integer"
+ case _ => name
+ }
+ def boxedName = this match {
+ case U => "scala.runtime.BoxedUnit"
+ case _ => "java.lang." + boxedSimpleName
+ }
+ def zeroRep = this match {
+ case L => "0L"
+ case F => "0.0f"
+ case D => "0.0d"
+ case _ => "0"
+ }
+ def representation =", a " + _).getOrElse("")
+ def indent(s: String) = if (s == "") "" else " " + s
+ def indentN(s: String) = s.lines map indent mkString "\n"
+ def boxUnboxInterpolations = Map(
+ "@boxRunTimeDoc@" -> """
+ * Runtime implementation determined by `scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime.boxTo%s`. See [[ src/library/scala/runtime/]].
+ *""".format(boxedSimpleName),
+ "@unboxRunTimeDoc@" -> """
+ * Runtime implementation determined by `scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime.unboxTo%s`. See [[ src/library/scala/runtime/]].
+ *""".format(name),
+ "@unboxDoc@" -> "the %s resulting from calling %sValue() on `x`".format(name, lcname),
+ "@boxImpl@" -> "???",
+ "@unboxImpl@" -> "???"
+ )
+ def interpolations = Map(
+ "@name@" -> name,
+ "@representation@" -> representation,
+ "@javaequiv@" -> javaEquiv,
+ "@boxed@" -> boxedName,
+ "@lcname@" -> lcname,
+ "@zero@" -> zeroRep
+ ) ++ boxUnboxInterpolations
+ def interpolate(s: String): String = interpolations.foldLeft(s) {
+ case (str, (key, value)) => str.replaceAll(key, value)
+ }
+ def classDoc = interpolate(classDocTemplate)
+ def objectDoc = ""
+ def mkImports = ""
+ def mkClass = assemble("final abstract class " + name + " private extends AnyVal", classLines)
+ def mkObject = assemble("object " + name + " extends AnyValCompanion", objectLines)
+ def make() = List[String](
+ headerTemplate,
+ mkImports,
+ classDoc,
+ mkClass,
+ objectDoc,
+ mkObject
+ ) mkString ""
+ def assemble(decl: String, lines: List[String]): String = {
+ val body = if (lines.isEmpty) " { }\n\n" else lines map indent mkString (" {\n", "\n", "\n}\n")
+ decl + body + "\n"
+ }
+ override def toString = name
+ }
+trait GenerateAnyValTemplates {
+ def headerTemplate = """/* __ *\
+** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
+** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
+** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
+** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
+** |/ **
+\* */
+// This auto-generated code can be modified in "project/GenerateAnyVals.scala".
+// Afterwards, running "sbt generateSources" regenerates this source file.
+package scala
+ def classDocTemplate = ("""
+/** `@name@`@representation@ (equivalent to Java's `@javaequiv@` primitive type) is a
+ * subtype of [[scala.AnyVal]]. Instances of `@name@` are not
+ * represented by an object in the underlying runtime system.
+ *
+ * There is an implicit conversion from [[scala.@name@]] => [[scala.runtime.Rich@name@]]
+ * which provides useful non-primitive operations.
+ */
+""".trim + "\n")
+ def allCompanions = """
+/** Transform a value type into a boxed reference type.
+ *@boxRunTimeDoc@
+ * @param x the @name@ to be boxed
+ * @return a @boxed@ offering `x` as its underlying value.
+ */
+def box(x: @name@): @boxed@ = @boxImpl@
+/** Transform a boxed type into a value type. Note that this
+ * method is not typesafe: it accepts any Object, but will throw
+ * an exception if the argument is not a @boxed@.
+ *@unboxRunTimeDoc@
+ * @param x the @boxed@ to be unboxed.
+ * @throws ClassCastException if the argument is not a @boxed@
+ * @return @unboxDoc@
+ */
+def unbox(x: java.lang.Object): @name@ = @unboxImpl@
+/** The String representation of the scala.@name@ companion object. */
+override def toString = "object scala.@name@"
+ def nonUnitCompanions = "" // todo
+ def cardinalCompanion = """
+/** The smallest value representable as a @name@. */
+final val MinValue = @boxed@.MIN_VALUE
+/** The largest value representable as a @name@. */
+final val MaxValue = @boxed@.MAX_VALUE
+ def floatingCompanion = """
+/** The smallest positive value greater than @zero@ which is
+ * representable as a @name@.
+ */
+final val MinPositiveValue = @boxed@.MIN_VALUE
+final val NaN = @boxed@.NaN
+final val PositiveInfinity = @boxed@.POSITIVE_INFINITY
+final val NegativeInfinity = @boxed@.NEGATIVE_INFINITY
+/** The negative number with the greatest (finite) absolute value which is representable
+ * by a @name@. Note that it differs from [[java.lang.@name@.MIN_VALUE]], which
+ * is the smallest positive value representable by a @name@. In Scala that number
+ * is called @name@.MinPositiveValue.
+ */
+final val MinValue = -@boxed@.MAX_VALUE
+/** The largest finite positive number representable as a @name@. */
+final val MaxValue = @boxed@.MAX_VALUE
+class GenerateAnyVals extends GenerateAnyValReps with GenerateAnyValTemplates {
+ object B extends AnyValNum("Byte", Some("8-bit signed integer"), "byte")
+ object S extends AnyValNum("Short", Some("16-bit signed integer"), "short")
+ object C extends AnyValNum("Char", Some("16-bit unsigned integer"), "char")
+ object I extends AnyValNum("Int", Some("32-bit signed integer"), "int")
+ object L extends AnyValNum("Long", Some("64-bit signed integer"), "long")
+ object F extends AnyValNum("Float", Some("32-bit IEEE-754 floating point number"), "float")
+ object D extends AnyValNum("Double", Some("64-bit IEEE-754 floating point number"), "double")
+ object Z extends AnyValRep("Boolean", None, "boolean") {
+ def classLines = """
+/** Negates a Boolean expression.
+ *
+ * - `!a` results in `false` if and only if `a` evaluates to `true` and
+ * - `!a` results in `true` if and only if `a` evaluates to `false`.
+ *
+ * @return the negated expression
+ */
+def unary_! : Boolean
+/** Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if they evaluate to the same value.
+ *
+ * `a == b` returns `true` if and only if
+ * - `a` and `b` are `true` or
+ * - `a` and `b` are `false`.
+ */
+def ==(x: Boolean): Boolean
+ * Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if they evaluate to a different value.
+ *
+ * `a != b` returns `true` if and only if
+ * - `a` is `true` and `b` is `false` or
+ * - `a` is `false` and `b` is `true`.
+ */
+def !=(x: Boolean): Boolean
+/** Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if one or both of them evaluate to true.
+ *
+ * `a || b` returns `true` if and only if
+ * - `a` is `true` or
+ * - `b` is `true` or
+ * - `a` and `b` are `true`.
+ *
+ * @note This method uses 'short-circuit' evaluation and
+ * behaves as if it was declared as `def ||(x: => Boolean): Boolean`.
+ * If `a` evaluates to `true`, `true` is returned without evaluating `b`.
+ */
+def ||(x: Boolean): Boolean
+/** Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if both of them evaluate to true.
+ *
+ * `a && b` returns `true` if and only if
+ * - `a` and `b` are `true`.
+ *
+ * @note This method uses 'short-circuit' evaluation and
+ * behaves as if it was declared as `def &&(x: => Boolean): Boolean`.
+ * If `a` evaluates to `false`, `false` is returned without evaluating `b`.
+ */
+def &&(x: Boolean): Boolean
+// Compiler won't build with these seemingly more accurate signatures
+// def ||(x: => Boolean): Boolean
+// def &&(x: => Boolean): Boolean
+/** Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if one or both of them evaluate to true.
+ *
+ * `a | b` returns `true` if and only if
+ * - `a` is `true` or
+ * - `b` is `true` or
+ * - `a` and `b` are `true`.
+ *
+ * @note This method evaluates both `a` and `b`, even if the result is already determined after evaluating `a`.
+ */
+def |(x: Boolean): Boolean
+/** Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if both of them evaluate to true.
+ *
+ * `a & b` returns `true` if and only if
+ * - `a` and `b` are `true`.
+ *
+ * @note This method evaluates both `a` and `b`, even if the result is already determined after evaluating `a`.
+ */
+def &(x: Boolean): Boolean
+/** Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if they evaluate to a different value.
+ *
+ * `a ^ b` returns `true` if and only if
+ * - `a` is `true` and `b` is `false` or
+ * - `a` is `false` and `b` is `true`.
+ */
+def ^(x: Boolean): Boolean
+// Provide a more specific return type for Scaladoc
+override def getClass(): Class[Boolean] = ???
+ """.trim.lines.toList
+ def objectLines = interpolate(allCompanions + "\n" + nonUnitCompanions).lines.toList
+ }
+ object U extends AnyValRep("Unit", None, "void") {
+ override def classDoc = """
+/** `Unit` is a subtype of [[scala.AnyVal]]. There is only one value of type
+ * `Unit`, `()`, and it is not represented by any object in the underlying
+ * runtime system. A method with return type `Unit` is analogous to a Java
+ * method which is declared `void`.
+ */
+ def classLines = List(
+ "// Provide a more specific return type for Scaladoc",
+ "override def getClass(): Class[Unit] = ???"
+ )
+ def objectLines = interpolate(allCompanions).lines.toList
+ override def boxUnboxInterpolations = Map(
+ "@boxRunTimeDoc@" -> "",
+ "@unboxRunTimeDoc@" -> "",
+ "@unboxDoc@" -> "the Unit value ()",
+ "@boxImpl@" -> "scala.runtime.BoxedUnit.UNIT",
+ "@unboxImpl@" -> "x.asInstanceOf[scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]"
+ )
+ }
+ def isSubrangeType = Set(B, S, C)
+ def isIntegerType = Set(B, S, C, I, L)
+ def isFloatingType = Set(F, D)
+ def isWideType = Set(L, D)
+ def cardinal = numeric filter isIntegerType
+ def numeric = List(B, S, C, I, L, F, D)
+ def values = List(U, Z) ++ numeric
+ def make() = values map (x => (, x.make()))
+object GenerateAnyVals {
+ def run(outDir: {
+ val av = new GenerateAnyVals
+ av.make() foreach { case (name, code ) =>
+ val file = new, name + ".scala")
+ sbt.IO.write(file, code, java.nio.charset.Charset.forName("UTF-8"), false)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/project/JarJar.scala b/project/JarJar.scala
index 2eec0e9033..918060c9ee 100644
--- a/project/JarJar.scala
+++ b/project/JarJar.scala
@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ object JarJar {
case class JarEntryInput(jarFile: JarFile, entry: JarEntry) extends Entry {
- def name = entry.getName
+ def name = entry.getName.replace('\\', '/')
def time = entry.getTime
def data = sbt.IO.readBytes(jarFile.getInputStream(entry))
case class FileInput(base: File, file: File) extends Entry {
- def name = file.relativeTo(base).get.getPath
+ def name = file.relativeTo(base).get.getPath.replace('\\', '/')
def time = file.lastModified
def data = sbt.IO.readBytes(file)
diff --git a/project/MiMa.scala b/project/MiMa.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66442fc725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/MiMa.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+// It would be nice to use sbt-mima-plugin here, but the plugin is missing
+// at least two features we need:
+// * ability to run MiMa twice, swapping `curr` and `prev`, to detect
+// both forwards and backwards incompatibilities (possibly fixed as of
+// * ability to pass a filter file (
+// So we invoke the MiMa CLI directly; it's also what the Ant build did.
+import sbt._
+import sbt.Keys._
+import BuildSettings.autoImport._
+object MiMa {
+ lazy val mima =
+ taskKey[Unit]("run Migration Manager to detect binary incompatibilities")
+ lazy val settings =
+ Seq(
+ mima := {
+ val log = streams.value.log
+ mimaReferenceVersion.value.fold {
+"No reference version defined - skipping binary compatibility checks")
+ } { refVersion =>
+ def runOnce(prev:, curr:, isForward: Boolean): Unit = {
+ val direction = if (isForward) "forward" else "backward"
+"Checking $direction binary compatibility")
+ log.debug(s"prev = $prev, curr = $curr")
+ runMima(
+ prev = if (isForward) curr else prev,
+ curr = if (isForward) prev else curr,
+ // TODO: it would be nicer if each subproject had its own whitelist, but for now
+ // for compatibility with how Ant did things, there's just one at the root.
+ // once Ant is gone we'd be free to split it up.
+ filter = (baseDirectory in ThisBuild).value / s"bincompat-$direction.whitelist.conf",
+ log)
+ }
+ val artifact =
+ getPreviousArtifact(
+ "org.scala-lang" % s"${name.value}" % refVersion,
+ ivySbt.value, streams.value)
+ for (isForward <- Seq(false, true))
+ runOnce(artifact, (packageBin in Compile).value, isForward)
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ def runMima(prev:, curr:, filter:, log: Logger): Unit = {
+ val args = Array(
+ "--prev", prev.getAbsolutePath,
+ "--curr", curr.getAbsolutePath,
+ "--filters", filter.getAbsolutePath,
+ "--generate-filters"
+ )
+ val exitCode = TrapExit(, log)
+ if (exitCode != 0)
+ throw new RuntimeException(s"MiMa failed with exit code $exitCode")
+ }
+ // cribbed from
+ def getPreviousArtifact(m: ModuleID, ivy: IvySbt, s: TaskStreams): File = {
+ val moduleSettings = InlineConfiguration(
+ "dummy" % "test" % "version",
+ ModuleInfo("dummy-test-project-for-resolving"),
+ dependencies = Seq(m))
+ val module = new ivy.Module(moduleSettings)
+ val report = Deprecated.Inner.ivyUpdate(ivy)(module, s)
+ val optFile = (for {
+ config <- report.configurations
+ module <- config.modules
+ (artifact, file) <- module.artifacts
+ // TODO - Hardcode this?
+ if ==
+ } yield file).headOption
+ optFile getOrElse sys.error("Could not resolve previous artifact: " + m)
+ }
+// use the SI-7934 workaround to silence a deprecation warning on an sbt API
+// we have no choice but to call. on the lack of any suitable alternative,
+// see :
+// "it's my intention to eventually come up with a public API" says Eugene Y
+object Deprecated {
+ @deprecated("", "") class Inner {
+ def ivyUpdate(ivy: IvySbt)(module: ivy.Module, s: TaskStreams) =
+ IvyActions.update(
+ module,
+ new UpdateConfiguration(
+ retrieve = None,
+ missingOk = false,
+ logging = UpdateLogging.DownloadOnly),
+ s.log)
+ }
+ object Inner extends Inner
diff --git a/project/Osgi.scala b/project/Osgi.scala
index 78370b695b..4177251aa4 100644
--- a/project/Osgi.scala
+++ b/project/Osgi.scala
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
import aQute.bnd.osgi.Builder
import aQute.bnd.osgi.Constants._
import java.util.Properties
+import java.util.jar.Attributes
import sbt._
import sbt.Keys._
-import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
+import collection.JavaConverters._
import VersionUtil.versionProperties
/** OSGi packaging for the Scala build, distilled from sbt-osgi. We do not use sbt-osgi because it
@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ object Osgi {
val bundleName = SettingKey[String]("osgiBundleName", "The Bundle-Name for the manifest.")
val bundleSymbolicName = SettingKey[String]("osgiBundleSymbolicName", "The Bundle-SymbolicName for the manifest.")
val headers = SettingKey[Seq[(String, String)]]("osgiHeaders", "Headers and processing instructions for BND.")
+ val jarlist = SettingKey[Boolean]("osgiJarlist", "List classes in manifest.")
def settings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
bundleName := description.value,
@@ -26,21 +28,21 @@ object Osgi {
"Bundle-Name" -> bundleName.value,
"Bundle-SymbolicName" -> bundleSymbolicName.value,
"ver" -> v,
- "Export-Package" -> ("*;version=${ver}"),
- "Import-Package" -> ("scala.*;version=\"${range;[==,=+);${ver}}\",*"),
+ "Export-Package" -> "*;version=${ver};-split-package:=merge-first",
+ "Import-Package" -> "scala.*;version=\"${range;[==,=+);${ver}}\",*",
"Bundle-Version" -> v,
"Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment" -> "JavaSE-1.8",
"-eclipse" -> "false"
+ jarlist := false,
bundle <<= Def.task {
val res = (products in Compile in packageBin).value
- bundleTask(headers.value.toMap, (products in Compile in packageBin).value,
+ bundleTask(headers.value.toMap, jarlist.value, (products in Compile in packageBin).value,
(artifactPath in (Compile, packageBin)).value, res, streams.value)
packagedArtifact in (Compile, packageBin) <<= (artifact in (Compile, packageBin), bundle).identityMap,
// Also create OSGi source bundles:
- artifact in (Compile, packageBin) ~= (_.copy(`type` = "bundle")),
packageOptions in (Compile, packageSrc) += Package.ManifestAttributes(
"Bundle-Name" -> (description.value + " Sources"),
"Bundle-SymbolicName" -> (bundleSymbolicName.value + ".source"),
@@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ object Osgi {
- def bundleTask(headers: Map[String, String], fullClasspath: Seq[File], artifactPath: File,
+ def bundleTask(headers: Map[String, String], jarlist: Boolean, fullClasspath: Seq[File], artifactPath: File,
resourceDirectories: Seq[File], streams: TaskStreams): File = {
val log = streams.log
val builder = new Builder
@@ -57,12 +59,19 @@ object Osgi {
headers foreach { case (k, v) => builder.setProperty(k, v) }
val includeRes = resourceDirectories.filter(_.exists).map(_.getAbsolutePath).mkString(",")
if(!includeRes.isEmpty) builder.setProperty(INCLUDERESOURCE, includeRes)
- builder.getProperties.foreach { case (k, v) => log.debug(s"bnd: $k: $v") }
+ builder.getProperties.asScala.foreach { case (k, v) => log.debug(s"bnd: $k: $v") }
// is not thread-safe because it uses a static SimpleDateFormat. This ensures
// that all calls to are serialized.
val jar = synchronized { }
- builder.getWarnings.foreach(s => log.warn(s"bnd: $s"))
- builder.getErrors.foreach(s => log.error(s"bnd: $s"))
+ builder.getWarnings.asScala.foreach(s => log.warn(s"bnd: $s"))
+ builder.getErrors.asScala.foreach(s => log.error(s"bnd: $s"))
+ IO.createDirectory(artifactPath.getParentFile)
+ if (jarlist) {
+ val entries = jar.getManifest.getEntries
+ for ((name, resource) <- jar.getResources.asScala if name.endsWith(".class")) {
+ entries.put(name, new Attributes)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/project/ParserUtil.scala b/project/ParserUtil.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cdaf8831a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/ParserUtil.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+import sbt._
+import sbt.complete.Parser._
+import sbt.complete.Parsers._
+import sbt.complete._
+object ParserUtil {
+ def notStartingWith(parser: Parser[String], c: Char): Parser[String] = parser & not(c ~> any.*, "value cannot start with " + c + ".")
+ def concat(p: Parser[(String, String)]): Parser[String] = {
+ => x._1 + x._2)
+ }
+ def Opt(a: Parser[String]) = a.?.map(_.getOrElse(""))
+ val StringBasicNotStartingWithDash = notStartingWith(StringBasic, '-')
+ val IsDirectoryFilter = new SimpleFileFilter(_.isDirectory)
+ val JarOrDirectoryParser = FileParser(GlobFilter("*.jar") || IsDirectoryFilter)
+ def FileParser(fileFilter: FileFilter, dirFilter: FileFilter = AllPassFilter, base: File = file(".")) = {
+ def matching(prefix: String): List[String] = {
+ val preFile = file(prefix)
+ val cwd = base
+ val parent = Option(preFile.getParentFile).getOrElse(cwd)
+ if (preFile.exists) {
+ if (preFile.isDirectory) {
+ preFile.*(IsDirectoryFilter.&&(dirFilter) || fileFilter)
+ } else {
+ List(preFile).filter(fileFilter.accept).map(_.getPath)
+ }
+ }
+ else if (parent != null) {
+ def ensureSuffix(s: String, suffix: String) = if (s.endsWith(suffix)) s else s + suffix
+ def pathOf(f: File): String = {
+ val f1 = if (preFile.getParentFile == null) f.relativeTo(cwd).getOrElse(f) else f
+ if (f1.isDirectory && !fileFilter.accept(f1)) ensureSuffix(f1.getPath, "/") else f1.getPath
+ }
+ val childFilter = GlobFilter( + "*") && ((IsDirectoryFilter && dirFilter) || fileFilter)
+ val children = parent.*(childFilter).get
+ } else Nil
+ }
+ def displayPath = Completions.single(Completion.displayOnly("<path>"))
+ token(StringBasic, TokenCompletions.fixed((seen, level) => if (seen.isEmpty) displayPath else matching(seen) match {
+ case Nil => displayPath
+ case x :: Nil =>
+ if (fileFilter.accept(file(x)))
+ Completions.strict(Set(Completion.tokenDisplay(x.stripPrefix(seen), x)))
+ else
+ Completions.strict(Set(Completion.suggestion(x.stripPrefix(seen))))
+ case xs =>
+ Completions.strict( => Completion.tokenDisplay(x.stripPrefix(seen), x)).toSet)
+ })).filter(!_.startsWith("-"), x => x)
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/project/PartestUtil.scala b/project/PartestUtil.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99b978515c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/PartestUtil.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+import sbt._
+import sbt.complete._, Parser._, Parsers._
+object PartestUtil {
+ private case class TestFiles(srcPath: String, globalBase: File, testBase: File) {
+ private val testCaseDir = new SimpleFileFilter(f => f.isDirectory && f.listFiles.nonEmpty && !(f.getParentFile / ( + ".res")).exists)
+ private val testCaseFilter = GlobFilter("*.scala") | GlobFilter("*.java") | GlobFilter("*.res") || testCaseDir
+ private def testCaseFinder = (testBase / srcPath).*(AllPassFilter).*(testCaseFilter)
+ private val basePaths ='/').take(3).mkString("/") + "/").distinct
+ def allTestCases = testCaseFinder.pair(relativeTo(globalBase))
+ def basePathExamples = new FixedSetExamples(basePaths)
+ private def equiv(f1: File, f2: File) = f1.getCanonicalFile == f2.getCanonicalFile
+ def parentChain(f: File): Iterator[File] =
+ if (f == null || !f.exists) Iterator()
+ else Iterator(f) ++ (if (f.getParentFile == null) Nil else parentChain(f.getParentFile))
+ def isParentOf(parent: File, f2: File, maxDepth: Int) =
+ parentChain(f2).take(maxDepth).exists(p1 => equiv(p1, parent))
+ def isTestCase(f: File) = {
+ val grandParent = if (f != null && f.getParentFile != null) f.getParentFile.getParentFile else null
+ grandParent != null && equiv(grandParent, testBase / srcPath) && testCaseFilter.accept(f)
+ }
+ def mayContainTestCase(f: File) = {
+ isParentOf(testBase / srcPath, f, 2) || isParentOf(f, testBase / srcPath, Int.MaxValue)
+ }
+ }
+ /** A parser for the custom `partest` command */
+ def partestParser(globalBase: File, testBase: File): Parser[String] = {
+ val knownUnaryOptions = List(
+ "--pos", "--neg", "--run", "--jvm", "--res", "--ant", "--scalap", "--specialized",
+ "--scalacheck", "--instrumented", "--presentation", "--failed", "--update-check",
+ "--show-diff", "--show-log", "--verbose", "--terse", "--debug", "--version", "--self-test", "--help")
+ val srcPathOption = "--srcpath"
+ val grepOption = "--grep"
+ // HACK: if we parse `--srcpath scaladoc`, we overwrite this var. The parser for test file paths
+ // then lazily creates the examples based on the current value.
+ // TODO is there a cleaner way to do this with SBT's parser infrastructure?
+ var srcPath = "files"
+ var _testFiles: TestFiles = null
+ def testFiles = {
+ if (_testFiles == null || _testFiles.srcPath != srcPath) _testFiles = new TestFiles(srcPath, globalBase, testBase)
+ _testFiles
+ }
+ val TestPathParser = ParserUtil.FileParser(
+ new SimpleFileFilter(f => testFiles.isTestCase(f)),
+ new SimpleFileFilter(f => testFiles.mayContainTestCase(f)), globalBase)
+ // allow `--grep "is unchecked" | --grep *t123*, in the spirit of ./bin/partest-ack
+ // superset of the --grep built into partest itself.
+ val Grep = {
+ def expandGrep(x: String): Seq[String] = {
+ val matchingFileContent = try {
+ val Pattern = ("(?i)" + x).r
+ testFiles.allTestCases.filter {
+ case (testFile, testPath) =>
+ val assocFiles = List(".check", ".flags").map(testFile.getParentFile / _)
+ val sourceFiles = if (testFile.isFile) List(testFile) else testFile.**(AllPassFilter).get.toList
+ val allFiles = testFile :: assocFiles ::: sourceFiles
+ allFiles.exists { f => f.exists && f.isFile && Pattern.findFirstIn( }
+ }
+ } catch {
+ case _: Throwable => Nil
+ }
+ val matchingFileName = try {
+ val filter = GlobFilter("*" + x + "*")
+ testFiles.allTestCases.filter(x => filter.accept(
+ } catch {
+ case t: Throwable => Nil
+ }
+ (matchingFileContent ++ matchingFileName).map(_._2).distinct.sorted
+ }
+ val completion = Completions.strict(Set("<filename glob>", "<regex> (for source, flags or checkfile contents)").map(s => Completion.displayOnly(s)))
+ val tokenCompletion = TokenCompletions.fixed((seen, level) => completion)
+ val globOrPattern = {
+ case Seq() => failure("no tests match pattern / glob")
+ case x => success(x.mkString(" "))
+ }
+ token(grepOption <~ Space) ~> token(globOrPattern, tokenCompletion)
+ }
+ val SrcPath = ((token(srcPathOption) <~ Space) ~ token(StringBasic.examples(Set("files", "pending", "scaladoc")))) map {
+ case opt ~ path =>
+ srcPath = path
+ opt + " " + path
+ }
+ val P = oneOf( => token(x))) | SrcPath | TestPathParser | Grep
+ (Space ~> repsep(P, oneOrMore(Space))).map(_.mkString(" ")).?.map(_.getOrElse("")) <~ OptSpace
+ }
diff --git a/project/Quiet.scala b/project/Quiet.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84d01d5544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/Quiet.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import sbt._
+import Keys._
+object Quiet {
+ // Workaround SBT issue described:
+ //
+ //
+ def silenceScalaBinaryVersionWarning = ivyConfiguration := {
+ ivyConfiguration.value match {
+ case c: InlineIvyConfiguration =>
+ val delegate = c.log
+ val logger = new Logger {
+ override def trace(t: => Throwable): Unit = delegate.trace(t)
+ override def log(level: sbt.Level.Value, message: => String): Unit = {
+ level match {
+ case sbt.Level.Warn =>
+ val message0 = message
+ val newLevel = if (message.contains("differs from Scala binary version in project"))
+ delegate.log(sbt.Level.Debug, message)
+ else
+ delegate.log(level, message)
+ case _ => delegate.log(level, message)
+ }
+ }
+ override def success(message: => String): Unit = delegate.success(message)
+ }
+ new InlineIvyConfiguration(c.paths, c.resolvers, c.otherResolvers, c.moduleConfigurations, c.localOnly, c.lock, c.checksums, c.resolutionCacheDir, c.updateOptions, logger)
+ case x => x
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/project/ScalaOptionParser.scala b/project/ScalaOptionParser.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77c9d765e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/ScalaOptionParser.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+import ParserUtil._
+import sbt._
+import sbt.complete.Parser._
+import sbt.complete.Parsers._
+import sbt.complete._
+object ScalaOptionParser {
+ /** A SBT parser for the Scala command line runners (scala, scalac, etc) */
+ def scalaParser(entryPoint: String, globalBase: File): Parser[String] = {
+ def BooleanSetting(name: String): Parser[String] =
+ token(name)
+ def StringSetting(name: String): Parser[String] = {
+ val valueParser = name match {
+ case "-d" => JarOrDirectoryParser
+ case _ => token(StringBasic, TokenCompletions.displayOnly("<value>"))
+ }
+ concat(concat(token(name ~ Space.string)) ~ valueParser)
+ }
+ def MultiStringSetting(name: String): Parser[String] =
+ concat(concat(token(name ~ ":")) ~ repsep(token(StringBasicNotStartingWithDash, TokenCompletions.displayOnly("<value>")), token(",")).map(_.mkString))
+ def IntSetting(name: String): Parser[String] =
+ concat(concat(token(name ~ ":")) ~ token(, TokenCompletions.displayOnly("<integer>")))
+ def ChoiceSetting(name: String, choices: List[String]): Parser[String] =
+ concat(token(concat(name ~ ":")) ~ token(StringBasic.examples(choices: _*)).map(_.mkString))
+ def MultiChoiceSetting(name: String, choices: List[String]): Parser[String] =
+ concat(token(concat(name ~ ":")) ~ rep1sep(token(StringBasic.examples(choices: _*)), token(",")).map(_.mkString))
+ def PathSetting(name: String): Parser[String] = {
+ concat(concat(token(name) ~ Space.string) ~ rep1sep(JarOrDirectoryParser.filter(!_.contains(":"), x => x), token(
+ }
+ def FileSetting(name: String): Parser[String] = {
+ concat(concat(token(name) ~ Space.string) ~ rep1sep(JarOrDirectoryParser.filter(!_.contains(":"), x => x), token(
+ }
+ val Phase = token(NotSpace.examples(phases: _*))
+ def PhaseSettingParser(name: String): Parser[String] = {
+ MultiChoiceSetting(name, phases)
+ }
+ def ScalaVersionSetting(name: String): Parser[String] = {
+ concat(concat(token(name ~ Space.string)) ~ token(StringBasic, TokenCompletions.displayOnly("<scala version>")))
+ }
+ val Property: Parser[String] = {
+ val PropName = concat(token("-D" ~ oneOrMore(NotSpaceClass & not('=', "not =")).string, TokenCompletions.displayOnly("-D<property name>")))
+ val EqualsValue = concat("=" ~ token(OptNotSpace, TokenCompletions.displayOnly("<property value>")))
+ concat(PropName ~ EqualsValue.?.map(_.getOrElse("")))
+ }
+ val sourceFile = FileParser(GlobFilter("*.scala") | GlobFilter("*.java"))
+ // TODO Allow JVM settings via -J-... and temporarily add them to the ForkOptions
+ val UniversalOpt = Property | oneOf( ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ { case (k, v) => ChoiceSetting(k, v) } ++ { case (k, v) => MultiChoiceSetting(k, v) } ++
+ val ScalacOpt = sourceFile | UniversalOpt
+ val ScalaExtraSettings = oneOf(
+ { case (k, v) => ChoiceSetting(k,v)}.toList
+ ++
+ ++
+ val ScalaOpt = UniversalOpt | ScalaExtraSettings
+ val ScalaDocExtraSettings = oneOf(
+ ++
+ ++ { case (k, v) => ChoiceSetting(k, v)}
+ ++
+ ++
+ ++
+ )
+ val ScalaDocOpt = ScalacOpt | ScalaDocExtraSettings
+ val P = entryPoint match {
+ case "scala" =>
+ val runnable = token(StringBasicNotStartingWithDash, TokenCompletions.displayOnly("<script|class|object|jar>")).filter(!_.startsWith("-"), x => x)
+ val runnableAndArgs = concat(runnable ~ Opt(concat(Space.string ~ repsep(token(StringBasic, TokenCompletions.displayOnly("<arg>")), Space).map(_.mkString(" ")))))
+ val options = rep1sep(ScalaOpt, Space).map(_.mkString(" "))
+ Opt(Space ~> (options | concat(concat(options ~ Space.string) ~ runnableAndArgs) | runnableAndArgs))
+ case "scaladoc" =>
+ Opt(Space ~> Opt(repsep(ScalaDocOpt, Space).map(_.mkString(" "))))
+ case "scalac" =>
+ Opt(Space ~> repsep(ScalacOpt, Space).map(_.mkString(" ")))
+ }
+ P <~ token(OptSpace)
+ }
+ // TODO retrieve this data programmatically, ala
+ private def booleanSettingNames = List("-X", "-Xcheckinit", "-Xdev", "-Xdisable-assertions", "-Xexperimental", "-Xfatal-warnings", "-Xfull-lubs", "-Xfuture", "-Xlog-free-terms", "-Xlog-free-types", "-Xlog-implicit-conversions", "-Xlog-implicits", "-Xlog-reflective-calls",
+ "-Xno-forwarders", "-Xno-patmat-analysis", "-Xno-uescape", "-Xnojline", "-Xprint-pos", "-Xprint-types", "-Xprompt", "-Xresident", "-Xshow-phases", "-Xstrict-inference", "-Xverify", "-Y",
+ "-Ybreak-cycles", "-Ydebug", "-Ycompact-trees", "-YdisableFlatCpCaching", "-Ydoc-debug",
+ "-Yeta-expand-keeps-star", "-Yide-debug", "-Yinfer-argument-types", "-Yinfer-by-name",
+ "-Yissue-debug", "-Ylog-classpath", "-Ymacro-debug-lite", "-Ymacro-debug-verbose", "-Ymacro-no-expand",
+ "-Yno-completion", "-Yno-generic-signatures", "-Yno-imports", "-Yno-predef",
+ "-Yoverride-objects", "-Yoverride-vars", "-Ypatmat-debug", "-Yno-adapted-args", "-Ypartial-unification", "-Ypos-debug", "-Ypresentation-debug",
+ "-Ypresentation-strict", "-Ypresentation-verbose", "-Yquasiquote-debug", "-Yrangepos", "-Yreify-copypaste", "-Yreify-debug", "-Yrepl-class-based",
+ "-Yrepl-sync", "-Yshow-member-pos", "-Yshow-symkinds", "-Yshow-symowners", "-Yshow-syms", "-Yshow-trees", "-Yshow-trees-compact", "-Yshow-trees-stringified", "-Ytyper-debug",
+ "-Ywarn-adapted-args", "-Ywarn-dead-code", "-Ywarn-inaccessible", "-Ywarn-infer-any", "-Ywarn-nullary-override", "-Ywarn-nullary-unit", "-Ywarn-numeric-widen", "-Ywarn-unused", "-Ywarn-unused-import", "-Ywarn-value-discard",
+ "-deprecation", "-explaintypes", "-feature", "-help", "-no-specialization", "-nobootcp", "-nowarn", "-optimise", "-print", "-unchecked", "-uniqid", "-usejavacp", "-usemanifestcp", "-verbose", "-version")
+ private def stringSettingNames = List("-Xgenerate-phase-graph", "-Xmain-class", "-Xpluginsdir", "-Xshow-class", "-Xshow-object", "-Xsource-reader", "-Ydump-classes", "-Ygen-asmp",
+ "-Ypresentation-log", "-Ypresentation-replay", "-Yrepl-outdir", "-d", "-dependencyfile", "-encoding", "-Xscript")
+ private def pathSettingNames = List("-bootclasspath", "-classpath", "-extdirs", "-javabootclasspath", "-javaextdirs", "-sourcepath", "-toolcp")
+ private val phases = List("all", "parser", "namer", "packageobjects", "typer", "patmat", "superaccessors", "extmethods", "pickler", "refchecks", "uncurry", "tailcalls", "specialize", "explicitouter", "erasure", "posterasure", "lazyvals", "lambdalift", "constructors", "flatten", "mixin", "cleanup", "delambdafy", "icode", "jvm", "terminal")
+ private val phaseSettings = List("-Xprint-icode", "-Ystop-after", "-Yskip", "-Yshow", "-Ystop-before", "-Ybrowse", "-Ylog", "-Ycheck", "-Xprint")
+ private def multiStringSettingNames = List("-Xmacro-settings", "-Xplugin", "-Xplugin-disable", "-Xplugin-require")
+ private def intSettingNames = List("-Xmax-classfile-name", "-Xelide-below", "-Ypatmat-exhaust-depth", "-Ypresentation-delay", "-Yrecursion")
+ private def choiceSettingNames = Map[String, List[String]](
+ "-YclasspathImpl" -> List("flat", "recursive"),
+ "-Ydelambdafy" -> List("inline", "method"),
+ "-Ymacro-expand" -> List("discard", "none"),
+ "-Yresolve-term-conflict" -> List("error", "object", "package"),
+ "-g" -> List("line", "none", "notailcails", "source", "vars"),
+ "-target" -> List("jvm-1.5", "jvm-1.6", "jvm-1.7", "jvm-1.8"))
+ private def multiChoiceSettingNames = Map[String, List[String]](
+ "-Xlint" -> List("adapted-args", "nullary-unit", "inaccessible", "nullary-override", "infer-any", "missing-interpolator", "doc-detached", "private-shadow", "type-parameter-shadow", "poly-implicit-overload", "option-implicit", "delayedinit-select", "by-name-right-associative", "package-object-classes", "unsound-match", "stars-align"),
+ "-language" -> List("help", "_", "dynamics", "postfixOps", "reflectiveCalls", "implicitConversions", "higherKinds", "existentials", "experimental.macros"),
+ "-opt" -> List("l:none", "l:default", "l:method", "l:project", "l:classpath", "unreachable-code", "simplify-jumps", "empty-line-numbers", "empty-labels", "compact-locals", "nullness-tracking", "closure-elimination", "inline-project", "inline-global"),
+ "-Ystatistics" -> List("parser", "typer", "patmat", "erasure", "cleanup", "jvm")
+ )
+ private def scalaVersionSettings = List("-Xmigration", "-Xsource")
+ private def scalaChoiceSettingNames = Map("-howtorun" -> List("object", "script", "jar", "guess"))
+ private def scalaStringSettingNames = List("-i", "-e")
+ private def scalaBooleanSettingNames = List("-nc", "-save")
+ private def scalaDocBooleanSettingNames = List("-Yuse-stupid-types", "-implicits", "-implicits-debug", "-implicits-show-all", "-implicits-sound-shadowing", "-implicits-hide", "-author", "-diagrams", "-diagrams-debug", "-raw-output", "-no-prefixes", "-no-link-warnings", "-expand-all-types", "-groups")
+ private def scalaDocIntSettingNames = List("-diagrams-max-classes", "-diagrams-max-implicits", "-diagrams-dot-timeout", "-diagrams-dot-restart")
+ private def scalaDocChoiceSettingNames = Map("-doc-format" -> List("html"))
+ private def scaladocStringSettingNames = List("-doc-title", "-doc-version", "-doc-footer", "-doc-no-compile", "-doc-source-url", "-doc-generator", "-skip-packages")
+ private def scaladocPathSettingNames = List("-doc-root-content", "-diagrams-dot-path")
+ private def scaladocMultiStringSettingNames = List("-doc-external-doc")
diff --git a/project/ScalaTool.scala b/project/ScalaTool.scala
index 559b215c18..5e3f20b1ba 100644
--- a/project/ScalaTool.scala
+++ b/project/ScalaTool.scala
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import sbt._
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.replaceEach
@@ -15,19 +16,23 @@ case class ScalaTool(mainClass: String,
// demarcation of any script variables (e.g. `${SCALA_HOME}` or
// `%SCALA_HOME%`) can be specified in a platform independent way (e.g.
// `@SCALA_HOME@`) and automatically translated for you.
- def patchedToolScript(template: String, platform: String) = {
+ def patchedToolScript(template: String, forWindows: Boolean) = {
val varRegex = """@(\w+)@""" // the group should be able to capture each of the keys of the map below
+ val platformClasspath =
+ if(forWindows) classpath.mkString(";").replace('/', '\\').replaceAll(varRegex, "%$1%")
+ else if(SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
+ // When building on Windows, use a Windows classpath in the shell script (for MSYS/Cygwin).
+ // This is only used for "quick", which uses absolute paths, so it is not portable anyway.
+ classpath.mkString(";").replace("\\", "\\\\").replaceAll(varRegex, """\${$1}""")
+ } else classpath.mkString(":").replace('\\', '/').replaceAll(varRegex, """\${$1}""")
val variables = Map(
- ("@@" -> "@"), // for backwards compatibility
- ("@class@" -> mainClass),
- ("@properties@" -> (properties map { case (k, v) => s"""-D$k="$v""""} mkString " ")),
- ("@javaflags@" -> javaOpts),
- ("@toolflags@" -> toolFlags),
- ("@classpath@" -> (platform match {
- case "unix" => classpath.mkString(":").replace('\\', '/').replaceAll(varRegex, """\${$1}""")
- case "windows" => classpath.mkString(";").replace('/', '\\').replaceAll(varRegex, "%$1%")
- }))
+ "@@" -> "@", // for backwards compatibility
+ "@class@" -> mainClass,
+ "@properties@" -> (properties map { case (k, v) => s"""-D$k="$v""""} mkString " "),
+ "@javaflags@" -> javaOpts,
+ "@toolflags@" -> toolFlags,
+ "@classpath@" -> platformClasspath
val (from, to) = variables.unzip
@@ -35,10 +40,12 @@ case class ScalaTool(mainClass: String,
def writeScript(file: String, platform: String, rootDir: File, outDir: File): File = {
+ val forWindows = platform match { case "windows" => true case _ => false }
val templatePath = s"scala/tools/ant/templates/tool-$platform.tmpl"
- val suffix = platform match { case "windows" => ".bat" case _ => "" }
+ val suffix = if(forWindows) ".bat" else ""
val scriptFile = outDir / s"$file$suffix"
- IO.write(scriptFile, patchedToolScript( / templatePath), platform))
+ val patched = patchedToolScript( / templatePath).replace("\r", ""), forWindows)
+ IO.write(scriptFile, if(forWindows) patched.replace("\n", "\r\n") else patched)
diff --git a/project/ScriptCommands.scala b/project/ScriptCommands.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d5d09943a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/ScriptCommands.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+import sbt._
+import Keys._
+import BuildSettings.autoImport._
+/** Custom commands for use by the Jenkins scripts. This keeps the surface area and call syntax small. */
+object ScriptCommands {
+ def all = Seq(
+ setupPublishCore,
+ setupValidateTest,
+ setupBootstrapStarr, setupBootstrapLocker, setupBootstrapQuick, setupBootstrapPublish
+ )
+ /** Set up the environment for `validate/publish-core`.
+ * The optional argument is the Artifactory snapshot repository URL. */
+ def setupPublishCore = setup("setupPublishCore") { args =>
+ Seq(
+ baseVersionSuffix in Global := "SHA-SNAPSHOT"
+ ) ++ (args match {
+ case Seq(url) => publishTarget(url)
+ case Nil => Nil
+ }) ++ noDocs ++ enableOptimizer
+ }
+ /** Set up the environment for `validate/test`.
+ * The optional argument is the Artifactory snapshot repository URL. */
+ def setupValidateTest = setup("setupValidateTest") { args =>
+ Seq(
+ testOptions in IntegrationTest in LocalProject("test") ++= Seq(Tests.Argument("--show-log"), Tests.Argument("--show-diff"))
+ ) ++ (args match {
+ case Seq(url) => Seq(resolvers in Global += "scala-pr" at url)
+ case Nil => Nil
+ }) ++ enableOptimizer
+ }
+ /** Set up the environment for building STARR in `validate/bootstrap`. The arguments are:
+ * - Repository URL for publishing
+ * - Version number to publish */
+ def setupBootstrapStarr = setup("setupBootstrapStarr") { case Seq(url, ver) =>
+ Seq(
+ baseVersion in Global := ver,
+ baseVersionSuffix in Global := "SPLIT"
+ ) ++ publishTarget(url) ++ noDocs ++ enableOptimizer
+ }
+ /** Set up the environment for building locker in `validate/bootstrap`. The arguments are:
+ * - Repository URL for publishing locker and resolving STARR
+ * - Version number to publish */
+ def setupBootstrapLocker = setup("setupBootstrapLocker") { case Seq(url, ver) =>
+ Seq(
+ baseVersion in Global := ver,
+ baseVersionSuffix in Global := "SPLIT",
+ resolvers in Global += "scala-pr" at url
+ ) ++ publishTarget(url) ++ noDocs ++ enableOptimizer
+ }
+ /** Set up the environment for building quick in `validate/bootstrap`. The arguments are:
+ * - Repository URL for publishing
+ * - Version number to publish */
+ def setupBootstrapQuick = setup("setupBootstrapQuick") { case Seq(url, ver) =>
+ Seq(
+ baseVersion in Global := ver,
+ baseVersionSuffix in Global := "SPLIT",
+ resolvers in Global += "scala-pr" at url,
+ testOptions in IntegrationTest in LocalProject("test") ++= Seq(Tests.Argument("--show-log"), Tests.Argument("--show-diff"))
+ ) ++ publishTarget(url) ++ enableOptimizer
+ }
+ /** Set up the environment for publishing in `validate/bootstrap`. The arguments are:
+ * - Temporary bootstrap repository URL for resolving modules
+ * - Version number to publish
+ * All artifacts are published to Sonatype. */
+ def setupBootstrapPublish = setup("setupBootstrapPublish") { case Seq(url, ver) =>
+ // Define a copy of the setting key here in case the plugin is not part of the build
+ val pgpPassphrase = SettingKey[Option[Array[Char]]]("pgp-passphrase", "The passphrase associated with the secret used to sign artifacts.", KeyRanks.BSetting)
+ Seq(
+ baseVersion in Global := ver,
+ baseVersionSuffix in Global := "SPLIT",
+ resolvers in Global += "scala-pr" at url,
+ publishTo in Global := Some("sonatype-releases" at ""),
+ credentials in Global += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".credentials-sonatype"),
+ pgpPassphrase in Global := Some(Array.empty)
+ ) ++ enableOptimizer
+ }
+ private[this] def setup(name: String)(f: Seq[String] => Seq[Setting[_]]) =
+ Command.args(name, name) { case (state, seq) => Project.extract(state).append(f(seq) ++ resetLogLevels, state) }
+ private[this] val resetLogLevels = Seq(
+ logLevel in ThisBuild := Level.Info,
+ logLevel in update in ThisBuild := Level.Warn
+ )
+ private[this] val enableOptimizer = Seq(
+ scalacOptions in Compile in ThisBuild += "-opt:l:classpath"
+ )
+ private[this] val noDocs = Seq(
+ publishArtifact in (Compile, packageDoc) in ThisBuild := false
+ )
+ private[this] def publishTarget(url: String) = {
+ // Append build.timestamp to Artifactory URL to get consistent build numbers (see
+ val url2 = if(url.startsWith("file:")) url else url.replaceAll("/$", "") + ";build.timestamp=" + System.currentTimeMillis
+ Seq(publishTo in Global := Some("scala-pr-publish" at url2))
+ }
+ /** Like `Def.sequential` but accumulate all results */
+ def sequence[B](tasks: List[Def.Initialize[Task[B]]]): Def.Initialize[Task[List[B]]] = tasks match {
+ case Nil => Def.task { Nil }
+ case x :: xs => Def.taskDyn {
+ val v = x.value
+ sequence(xs).apply((t: Task[List[B]]) => => v :: l))
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/project/VersionUtil.scala b/project/VersionUtil.scala
index 71de772b08..6fe2b004f7 100644
--- a/project/VersionUtil.scala
+++ b/project/VersionUtil.scala
@@ -1,25 +1,32 @@
import sbt._
import Keys._
import java.util.Properties
+import{File, FileInputStream}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import BuildSettings.autoImport._
object VersionUtil {
lazy val copyrightString = settingKey[String]("Copyright string.")
lazy val versionProperties = settingKey[Versions]("Version properties.")
lazy val generateVersionPropertiesFile = taskKey[File]("Generating version properties file.")
+ lazy val generateBuildCharacterPropertiesFile = taskKey[File]("Generating file.")
- lazy val versionPropertiesSettings = Seq[Setting[_]](
- versionProperties := versionPropertiesImpl.value
+ lazy val globalVersionSettings = Seq[Setting[_]](
+ // Set the version properties globally (they are the same for all projects)
+ versionProperties in Global := versionPropertiesImpl.value,
+ version in Global := versionProperties.value.mavenVersion
lazy val generatePropertiesFileSettings = Seq[Setting[_]](
- copyrightString := "Copyright 2002-2015, LAMP/EPFL",
+ copyrightString := "Copyright 2002-2016, LAMP/EPFL",
resourceGenerators in Compile += => Seq(file)).taskValue,
- versionProperties := versionPropertiesImpl.value,
generateVersionPropertiesFile := generateVersionPropertiesFileImpl.value
+ lazy val generateBuildCharacterFileSettings = Seq[Setting[_]](
+ generateBuildCharacterPropertiesFile := generateBuildCharacterPropertiesFileImpl.value
+ )
case class Versions(canonicalVersion: String, mavenVersion: String, osgiVersion: String, commitSha: String, commitDate: String, isRelease: Boolean) {
val githubTree =
if(isRelease) "v" + mavenVersion
@@ -28,30 +35,36 @@ object VersionUtil {
override def toString = s"Canonical: $canonicalVersion, Maven: $mavenVersion, OSGi: $osgiVersion, github: $githubTree"
- def toProperties: Properties = {
- val props = new Properties
- props.put("version.number", canonicalVersion)
- props.put("maven.version.number", mavenVersion)
- props.put("osgi.version.number", osgiVersion)
- props
- }
+ def toMap: Map[String, String] = Map(
+ "version.number" -> canonicalVersion,
+ "maven.version.number" -> mavenVersion,
+ "osgi.version.number" -> osgiVersion
+ )
- lazy val versionPropertiesImpl: Def.Initialize[Versions] = Def.setting {
- /** Regexp that splits version number split into two parts: version and suffix.
- * Examples of how the split is performed:
- *
- * "2.11.5": ("2.11.5", null)
- * "2.11.5-acda7a": ("2.11.5", "-acda7a")
- * "2.11.5-SNAPSHOT": ("2.11.5", "-SNAPSHOT") */
- val versionSplitted = """([\w+\.]+)(-[\w+\.]+)??""".r
- val versionSplitted(ver, suffixOrNull) = version.value
- val osgiSuffix = suffixOrNull match {
- case null => "-VFINAL"
- case "-SNAPSHOT" => ""
- case suffixStr => suffixStr
+ /** Compute the canonical, Maven and OSGi version number from `baseVersion` and `baseVersionSuffix`.
+ * Examples of the generated versions:
+ *
+ * ("2.11.8", "SNAPSHOT" ) -> ("2.11.8-20151215-133023-7559aed3c5", "2.11.8-SNAPSHOT", "2.11.8.v20151215-133023-7559aed3c5")
+ * ("2.11.8", "SHA-SNAPSHOT") -> ("2.11.8-20151215-133023-7559aed3c5", "2.11.8-7559aed3c5-SNAPSHOT", "2.11.8.v20151215-133023-7559aed3c5")
+ * ("2.11.8", "" ) -> ("2.11.8", "2.11.8", "2.11.8.v20151215-133023-VFINAL-7559aed3c5")
+ * ("2.11.8", "M3" ) -> ("2.11.8-M3", "2.11.8-M3", "2.11.8.v20151215-133023-M3-7559aed3c5")
+ * ("2.11.8", "RC4" ) -> ("2.11.8-RC4", "2.11.8-RC4", "2.11.8.v20151215-133023-RC4-7559aed3c5")
+ * ("2.11.8-RC4", "SPLIT" ) -> ("2.11.8-RC4", "2.11.8-RC4", "2.11.8.v20151215-133023-RC4-7559aed3c5")
+ *
+ * A `baseVersionSuffix` of "SNAPSHOT" is the default, which is used for local snapshot builds. The PR validation
+ * job uses "SHA-SNAPSHOT". An empty suffix is used for releases. All other suffix values are treated as RC /
+ * milestone builds. The special suffix value "SPLIT" is used to split the real suffix off from `baseVersion`
+ * instead and then apply the usual logic. */
+ private lazy val versionPropertiesImpl: Def.Initialize[Versions] = Def.setting {
+ val (base, suffix) = {
+ val (b, s) = (baseVersion.value, baseVersionSuffix.value)
+ if(s == "SPLIT") {
+ val split = """([\w+\.]+)(-[\w+\.-]+)??""".r
+ val split(b2, sOrNull) = b
+ (b2, Option(sOrNull).map(_.drop(1)).getOrElse(""))
+ } else (b, s)
def executeTool(tool: String) = {
@@ -62,24 +75,31 @@ object VersionUtil {
- val commitDate = executeTool("get-scala-commit-date")
- val commitSha = executeTool("get-scala-commit-sha")
+ val date = executeTool("get-scala-commit-date")
+ val sha = executeTool("get-scala-commit-sha").substring(0, 7) // The script produces 10 digits at the moment
- Versions(
- canonicalVersion = s"$ver-$commitDate-$commitSha",
- mavenVersion = s"${version.value}",
- osgiVersion = s"$ver.v$commitDate$osgiSuffix-$commitSha",
- commitSha = commitSha,
- commitDate = commitDate,
- isRelease = !osgiSuffix.isEmpty
- )
+ val (canonicalV, mavenV, osgiV, release) = suffix match {
+ case "SNAPSHOT" => (s"$base-$date-$sha", s"$base-SNAPSHOT", s"$base.v$date-$sha", false)
+ case "SHA-SNAPSHOT" => (s"$base-$date-$sha", s"$base-$sha-SNAPSHOT", s"$base.v$date-$sha", false)
+ case "" => (s"$base", s"$base", s"$base.v$date-VFINAL-$sha", true)
+ case suffix => (s"$base-$suffix", s"$base-$suffix", s"$base.v$date-$suffix-$sha", true)
+ }
+ Versions(canonicalV, mavenV, osgiV, sha, date, release)
+ }
+ private lazy val generateVersionPropertiesFileImpl: Def.Initialize[Task[File]] = Def.task {
+ writeProps(versionProperties.value.toMap + ("copyright.string" -> copyrightString.value),
+ (resourceManaged in Compile).value / s"${}.properties")
- lazy val generateVersionPropertiesFileImpl: Def.Initialize[Task[File]] = Def.task {
- val props = versionProperties.value.toProperties
- val propFile = (resourceManaged in Compile).value / s"${}.properties"
- props.put("copyright.string", copyrightString.value)
+ private lazy val generateBuildCharacterPropertiesFileImpl: Def.Initialize[Task[File]] = Def.task {
+ writeProps(versionProperties.value.toMap ++ versionProps, (baseDirectory in ThisBuild).value / "")
+ }
+ private def writeProps(m: Map[String, String], propFile: File): File = {
+ val props = new Properties
+ m.foreach { case (k, v) => props.put(k, v) }
// unfortunately, this will write properties in arbitrary order
// this makes it harder to test for stability of generated artifacts
// consider using
@@ -94,10 +114,41 @@ object VersionUtil {
val in = new FileInputStream(file(""))
try props.load(in)
finally in.close()
- props.asScala.toMap
+ {
+ case (k, v) => (k, sys.props.getOrElse(k, v)) // allow system properties to override
+ }
/** Get a subproject version number from `versionProps` */
def versionNumber(name: String): String =
+ /** Build a dependency to a Scala module with the given group and artifact ID */
+ def scalaDep(group: String, artifact: String, versionProp: String = null, scope: String = null, compatibility: String = "binary") = {
+ val vp = if(versionProp eq null) artifact else versionProp
+ val m = group % (artifact + "_" + versionProps(s"scala.$compatibility.version")) % versionNumber(vp)
+ val m2 = if(scope eq null) m else m % scope
+ // exclusion of the scala-library transitive dependency avoids eviction warnings during `update`:
+ m2.exclude("org.scala-lang", "*")
+ }
+ private def bootstrapOrganization(path: String) =
+ "org.scala-lang.scala-sha-bootstrap." + path.replace('/', '.')
+ /** Build a dependency to a JAR file in the bootstrap repository */
+ def bootstrapDep(baseDir: File, path: String, libName: String): ModuleID = {
+ val sha = / path / s"$libName.jar.desired.sha1").split(' ')(0)
+ bootstrapOrganization(path) % libName % sha from
+ s"$sha/$path/$libName.jar"
+ }
+ /** Copy a boostrap dependency JAR that is on the classpath to a file */
+ def copyBootstrapJar(cp: Seq[Attributed[File]], baseDir: File, path: String, libName: String): Unit = {
+ val org = bootstrapOrganization(path)
+ val resolved = cp.find { a =>
+ val mod = a.get(moduleID.key)
+ == Some(org) && == Some(libName)
+ }.map(
+ IO.copyFile(resolved, baseDir / path / s"$libName.jar")
+ }
diff --git a/project/ b/project/
index 817bc38df8..43b8278c68 100644
--- a/project/
+++ b/project/
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/project/build.sbt b/project/build.sbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b19238f577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/build.sbt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Add genprod to the build; It should be moved from `src/build` to `project` once the ANT build is gone
+sources in Compile += ((baseDirectory).value.getParentFile / "src" / "build" / "genprod.scala")
diff --git a/project/plugins.sbt b/project/plugins.sbt
index 02d66a16dd..0a5b8f3dd4 100644
--- a/project/plugins.sbt
+++ b/project/plugins.sbt
@@ -1,5 +1,22 @@
+scalacOptions ++= Seq("-unchecked", "-feature", /*"-deprecation",*/
+ "-Xlint" /*, "-Xfatal-warnings"*/)
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.commons" % "commons-lang3" % "3.3.2"
-libraryDependencies += "org.pantsbuild" % "jarjar" % "1.6.0"
+libraryDependencies += "org.pantsbuild" % "jarjar" % "1.6.3"
libraryDependencies += "biz.aQute.bnd" % "biz.aQute.bnd" % "2.4.1"
+// configure sbt-buildinfo to send the externalDependencyClasspath to the main build, which allows using it for the IntelliJ project config
+lazy val buildClasspath = taskKey[String]("Colon-separated (or semicolon-separated in case of Windows) list of entries on the sbt build classpath.")
+buildClasspath := (externalDependencyClasspath in Compile)
+buildInfoKeys := Seq[BuildInfoKey](buildClasspath)
+buildInfoPackage := "scalabuild"
+libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe" %% "mima-reporter" % "0.1.8"
diff --git a/project/project/plugins.sbt b/project/project/plugins.sbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04935e4560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project/project/plugins.sbt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-buildinfo" % "0.6.1")