path: root/sources/scala/tools/nsc/matching/SequenceMatchers.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'sources/scala/tools/nsc/matching/SequenceMatchers.scala')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/nsc/matching/SequenceMatchers.scala b/sources/scala/tools/nsc/matching/SequenceMatchers.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dcbd9bc1a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/tools/nsc/matching/SequenceMatchers.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+/* NSC -- new scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author buraq
+ */
+// $Id$
+import java.util._ ;
+/** constructs a matcher for a sequence pattern. plays two roles in
+ * described in design pattern Builder.
+ * is the "Director" for "Builder" class BerrySethi.
+ * is the "Builder" for "Director" class TransMatch.
+ */
+trait SequenceMatchers: TransMatcher {
+ import global._;
+ class SequenceMatcher {
+ // Console.println("CONSTR SEQUENCEMATCHER");
+ final val IGNORED = new Integer(42);
+ var _m: PartialMatcher = _;
+ var bbuild: BindingBerrySethi = null;
+ /** collects variables
+ * @return all variables bound by this binding nfa
+ */
+ def collectNfaVariables(nfa: NondetWordAutom): Set = {
+ val seqVars = new HashSet();
+ var j = 0;
+ while(j < nfa.nstates) {
+ if( nfa.qbinders( j ) != null )
+ seqVars.addAll( nfa.qbinders( j ) );
+ j = j + 1
+ }
+ seqVars;
+ }
+ /** translates the det/switching automaton to scala code
+ * precondition: pat.type() corresponds to element type
+ */
+ def addBinderToBody( pat1:Tree , body:Tree ): Tree = {
+ if( bbuild == null )
+ bbuild = new BindingBerrySethi;
+ val elementType1 = getElemType_Sequence( pat1.tpe );
+ // (a) build *binding* nfa (sequential machine)
+ val left = bbuild.automatonFrom( pat1, IGNORED );
+ val right = bbuild.revnfa;
+ // (b) determinize + translate L
+ val dLeft = new DetWordAutom( left );
+ val ltis = new LeftTracerInScala {
+ val dfa = dLeft;
+ val owner = _m.owner;
+ val selector = _m.selector;
+ val elementType = elementType1;
+ }
+ val trace = ltis.getTrace();
+ // (c) determinize + translate R
+ val dRight = new DetWordAutom( right, left, dLeft );
+ val seqVars1 = collectNfaVariables( left );
+ //System.out.println("seqVars here are:"+seqVars);
+ val rtis = new RightTracerInScala {
+ val dfa = dRight;
+ val owner = _m.owner;
+ val pat = pat1;
+ val seqVars = seqVars1;
+ val elementType = elementType1;
+ }
+ // !!! Tree stms2 = rtis.getStms( theTrace, cunit, body );
+ // !!! gen.mkBlock_( body.pos, trace, stms2 );
+ val stms2 = rtis.getStms( trace, cunit, body );
+ stms2;
+ }
+ private def buildNfas( pat:scala.List[Tree] ): Array[NondetWordAutom] = {
+ val build = new BerrySethi;
+ val manyNfa = new Array[NondetWordAutom]( pat.length );
+ var i = 0;
+ val it = pat.elements;
+ while( i < pat.length ) {
+ manyNfa( i ) = build.automatonFrom(, new Integer( i ));
+ i = i + 1;
+ //manyNfa[ i ].print();
+ }
+ manyNfa;
+ }
+ /** constructs a word recognizer from an array of patterns which
+ * should all be SequencePatterns ( no wildcard * )
+ * precondition: pat.type corresponds to element type
+ * @param _m Matcher object, holds the result
+ * @param pat the (Sequence) patterns
+ * @param body the bodies
+ * @param defaultCase code that is run when nothing matches. may be null, it
+ * becomes a ThrowMatchError then
+ * @param doBinding flasg that indicates whether variables should be bound
+ */
+ def construct(_m: PartialMatcher, pat: scala.List[Tree] , body: scala.List[Tree] , defcase1: Tree, doBinding: Boolean ): Unit = {
+ var defaultCase = defcase1;
+ this._m = _m;
+ //assert body.length == pat.length;
+ if( defaultCase == null )
+ defaultCase = ThrowMatchError( _m.pos );
+ val seqType = pat( 0 ).tpe;
+ val elementType1 = getElemType_Sequence( seqType );
+ // STEP 1 - build nfas for each pattern
+ val manyNfa = buildNfas( pat );
+ // STEP 2 - recognizing
+ // (a) merge nfas into one if necessary
+ val nfa = if(pat.length > 1)
+ new NondetWordAutom( manyNfa )
+ else
+ manyNfa( 0 );
+ //nfa.print();
+ // (b) determinize
+ val dfa1 = new DetWordAutom( nfa );
+ // (c) translate to scala code
+ val scalaAut =
+ new WordAutomInScala{
+ val dfa = dfa1;
+ val owner = _m.owner;
+ val optim = == "jvm";
+ val elementType = elementType1;
+ }
+ scalaAut.translate();
+ // STEP 3 - binding
+ var newbody: scala.List[Tree] = Nil;
+ if( !doBinding )
+ newbody = body;
+ else { // this is done in the body of the matching case
+ var i = 0;
+ while(i < body.length) {
+ if( !containsBinding( pat( i ) ) )
+ newbody = body( i ) :: newbody; // no need for binding
+ else
+ newbody = addBinderToBody( pat( i ), body( i ) ) :: newbody;
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ newbody = newbody.reverse;
+ }
+ _m.tree = scalaAut.getMatcherSwitch( _m.selector,
+ defaultCase,
+ newbody );
+ } // construct (PartialMatcher, Tree[], Tree[], Tree, boolean )
+ } // class SequenceMatcher