path: root/sources/scala/tools/nsc/models/SemanticTokens.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'sources/scala/tools/nsc/models/SemanticTokens.scala')
1 files changed, 477 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/nsc/models/SemanticTokens.scala b/sources/scala/tools/nsc/models/SemanticTokens.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a4b14a3a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/tools/nsc/models/SemanticTokens.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+import{Global => Compiler};
+import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap,HashSet};
+class SemanticTokens(val compiler: Compiler) {
+ import compiler._;
+ abstract class Kind {}
+ object OBJECT extends Kind;
+ object CLASS extends Kind;
+ object DEF extends Kind;
+ object VAL extends Kind;
+ object VAR extends Kind;
+ object ARG extends Kind;
+ object TPARAM extends Kind;
+ // static constants here.
+ abstract class Token {
+ def length : Int;
+ def prev : HasNext;
+ def next : HasPrev;
+ }
+ [_trait_] abstract class HasNext extends Token {
+ var next0 : HasPrev = _;
+ def next = next0;
+ }
+ [_trait_] abstract class HasPrev extends Token {
+ var prev0 : HasNext = _;
+ def prev = prev0;
+ }
+ abstract class Actual extends HasNext with HasPrev {
+ def convertToGap : Pair[Int,Actual] = {
+ val nextGap = next.isInstanceOf[Gap];
+ val prevGap = prev.isInstanceOf[Gap];
+ if (prevGap) {
+ val ret = prev.length;
+ val gap = prev.asInstanceOf[Gap];
+ gap.setLength(gap.length + length);
+ if (nextGap) {
+ gap.setLength(gap.length + next.length);
+ gap.next0 =;
+ = gap;
+ } else {
+ gap.next0 = next;
+ next.prev0 = gap;
+ }
+ new Pair(ret,gap);
+ } else if (nextGap) {
+ val gap = next.asInstanceOf[Gap];
+ gap.setLength(gap.length + length);
+ gap.prev0 = prev;
+ prev.next0 = gap;
+ new Pair(0,gap);
+ } else {
+ prev.next0 = next;
+ next.prev0 = prev;
+ val gap = new Gap(prev);
+ gap.setLength(length);
+ new Pair(0,gap);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ final class Gap extends Actual {
+ def this(prev1 : HasNext) = {
+ this();
+ next0 =;
+ prev0 = prev1;
+ prev0.next0 = this;
+ next0.prev0 = this;
+ }
+ override def toString() = "gap-" + length;
+ var length0 : Int = -1;
+ def length : Int = length0;
+ def setLength(length1 : Int) = length0 = length1;
+ // already gap
+ override def convertToGap : Pair[Int,Actual] = new Pair(0, this);
+ }
+ val sources = new HashMap[String /* path */, Process];
+ val reverse = new HashMap[Symbol, String /* path */];
+ class Process(val unit : CompilationUnit) {
+ def source = unit.source;
+ if (sources.contains(source.path)) {
+ for (val sym : Symbol <- sources(source.path).symbols.keys; reverse(sym) == source.path)
+ reverse -= sym;
+ sources -= source.path;
+ }
+ sources.update(source.path, this);
+ val symbols = new HashMap[Symbol,Info];
+ class Info(val symbol : Symbol) {
+ var defined : Def = _;
+ val uses = new HashSet[Use];
+ symbols.update(symbol, this);
+ }
+ def info(symbol : Symbol) : Info = if (symbols.contains(symbol)) symbols(symbol) else new Info(symbol);
+ abstract class Semantic(val symbol : Symbol) extends Actual {
+ val name = NameTransformer.decode(;
+ def length = name.length();
+ def info : Info = if (symbols.contains(symbol)) symbols(symbol) else new Info(symbol);
+ def kind = {
+ val term0 = symbol;
+ if (false) null;
+ else if (term0.isVariable) VAR;
+ else if (term0.isValueParameter) ARG;
+ else if (term0.isMethod) DEF;
+ else if (term0.isClass) CLASS;
+ else if (term0.isModule) OBJECT;
+ else if (term0.isValue ) VAL;
+ else if (term0.isTypeParameter) TPARAM;
+ else {
+ System.err.println("UNRECOGNIZED SYMBOL: " + term0 + " " + name);
+ null;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ class Def(tree0 : DefTree) extends Semantic(tree0.symbol) {
+ if (info.defined != null) throw new Error("old=" + info.defined + " vs. new=" + this);
+ info.defined = this;
+ reverse.update(symbol, source.path);
+ override def toString() = "def-" + name;
+ // if (name.equals("x$0")) throw new Error("SYM=" + symbol + " TREE: " + tree0);
+ }
+ class Use(symbol0 : Symbol) extends Semantic(symbol0) {
+ info.uses += this;
+ override def toString() = "use-" + name;
+ }
+ val list = new TokenList;
+ build(unit.body);
+ // ok start building....
+ def build[T <: Tree](trees : List[T]) : Unit = for (val tree : T <- trees) build(tree);
+ def build(tree0 : Tree) : Unit = if (tree0.pos != Position.NOPOS) tree0 match {
+ case tree : ImplDef =>
+ list.put(tree.namePos(unit.source), new Def(tree));
+ tree match {
+ case cdef : ClassDef => build(cdef.tparams);
+ case _ => ;
+ }
+ build(tree.impl0.parents);
+ build(tree.impl0.body);
+ case tree : ValOrDefDef =>
+ // System.err.println("VAL: " + tree + " @ " + tree.pos);
+ if (tree.name0.toString().equals("<init>")) {
+ //System.err.println("IGNORE: " + tree.name0.toString() + " " + tree.pos);
+ } else if (tree.symbol.hasFlag(Flags.ACCESSOR)) {
+ // ignore
+ ;
+ } else {
+ val pos = tree.namePos(unit.source);
+ if (pos != Position.NOPOS) {
+ if (!tree.hasFlag(Flags.SYNTHETIC))
+ list.put(pos, new Def(tree));
+ if (tree.isInstanceOf[DefDef]) {
+ val ddef = tree.asInstanceOf[DefDef];
+ build(ddef.tparams);
+ for (val l0 <- ddef.vparamss; val arg <- l0) {
+ val pos0 = if (!unit.source.beginsWith(arg.pos, "val ")) arg.pos;
+ else unit.source.skipWhitespace(arg.pos + ("val ").length());
+ list.put(pos0, new Def(arg));
+ build(arg.tpt0);
+ }
+ }
+ build(tree.tpt0);
+ build(tree.rhs0);
+ }
+ }
+ case tree : PackageDef =>
+ val pos = tree.namePos(unit.source);
+ list.put(pos, new Def(tree));
+ build(tree.stats);
+ case tree : Function =>
+ for (val arg <- tree.vparams) if (arg.pos != Position.NOPOS) {
+ val name = arg.name0.toString().trim();
+ val pos : Int =
+ if (unit.source.beginsWith(arg.pos, "val ")) unit.source.skipWhitespace(arg.pos + ("val ").length());
+ else if (unit.source.content(arg.pos) == ':') {
+ var posx = arg.pos;
+ while (Character.isWhitespace(unit.source.content(posx - 1))) posx = posx - 1;
+ posx - name.length();
+ } else arg.pos;
+ list.put(pos, new Def(arg));
+ build(arg.tpt0);
+ }
+ build(tree.body);
+ case tree : TypeTree =>
+ val tree1 = if (tree.original != null) tree.original; else tree;
+ build(tree1, tree.tpe);
+ def build( tree : Tree, tpe : Type) : Unit = if (tree.pos != Position.NOPOS) tpe match {
+ case tpe0 : TypeRef => tree match {
+ case apt : AppliedTypeTree =>
+ buildSym(tpe0.sym, apt.tpt.pos);
+ buildTs (apt.args, tpe0.args);
+ case ident : Ident => buildSym(tpe0.sym, ident.pos);
+ case select : Select =>
+ val pos = selectPos(select);
+ buildSym(tpe0.sym, pos);
+ case tpt : TypeTree =>
+ // System.err.println("UNKNOWN TPT: " + tree + " vs. " + tpe0 + " " + tpt.original + " " + unit.source.content(tree.pos));
+ case _ => System.err.println("UNKNOWN TPE: " + tree + " vs. " + tpe0 + " " + tree.getClass() + " " + unit.source.content(tree.pos));
+ }
+ case tpe0 : MethodType => tree match {
+ case tpt: TypeTree =>
+ if (tpt.original != null) build(tpt.original, tpe);
+ else {
+ System.err.println("UNKNOWN TPT: " + tree + " vs. " + tpe0 + " " + unit.source.content(tree.pos));
+ }
+ case ident : Ident => build(ident, tpe0.resultType);
+ case select : Select => build(select, tpe0.resultType);
+ case _ => System.err.println("UNKNOWN TPE: " + tree + " vs. " + tpe0 + " " + tree.getClass());
+ }
+ case _ => System.err.println("UNKNOWN: " + tree + " " + tree.getClass() + " vs. " + tpe + " " + tpe.getClass() + " " + tree.pos);
+ };
+ def buildTs(trees : List[Tree], types : List[Type]): Unit = if (!trees.isEmpty || !types.isEmpty) {
+ build (trees.head, types.head);
+ buildTs(trees.tail, types.tail);
+ };
+ case tree : AbsTypeDef =>
+ list.put(tree.namePos, new Def(tree));
+ case tree : Bind =>
+ list.put(tree.pos, new Def(tree));
+ build(tree.body);
+ case tree : Ident => buildSym(tree.symbol, tree.pos);
+ case tree : Select =>
+ build(tree.qualifier);
+ buildSym(tree.symbol, selectPos(tree));
+ case tree : GenericApply =>
+ // System.err.println("APPLY: " + tree.fun0 + " " + tree.args0);
+ build(tree.fun0); build(tree.args0);
+ case tree : Typed => build(tree.expr); build(tree.tpt);
+ case tree : Import => build(tree.expr);
+ case tree : Block => build(tree.stats); build(tree.expr);
+ case tree : CaseDef =>
+ build(tree.pat); build(tree.guard); build(tree.body);
+ case tree : Sequence => build(tree.trees);
+ case tree : Assign => build(tree.lhs); build(tree.rhs);
+ case tree : If => build(tree.cond); build(tree.thenp); build(tree.elsep);
+ case tree : Match => build(tree.selector); build(tree.cases);
+ case tree : Return => build(tree.expr);
+ case tree : Literal => ;
+ case tree : This => ;
+ case _ => ;
+ if (tree0 != EmptyTree)
+ System.err.println("BAIL: " + tree0.pos + " " + tree0 + " " + tree0.getClass());
+ }
+ def buildSym(term : Symbol, pos : Int) : Unit = {
+ val term0 = if (term.hasFlag(Flags.ACCESSOR)) term.accessed; else term;
+ val name = NameTransformer.decode(;
+ val buf = unit.source.content;
+ val cs = name.toChars;
+ var idx = 0;
+ if (cs.length + pos > buf.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ else while (idx < cs.length)
+ if (buf(pos + idx) != cs(idx)) {
+ // System.err.println("BAD SYM: " + term + " " + term.getClass());
+ return;
+ }
+ else idx = idx + 1;
+ list.put(pos, new Use(term0));
+ }
+ def selectPos(tree : Select): Int = if (tree.pos == Position.NOPOS) Position.NOPOS else {
+ val buf = unit.source.content;
+ val pos =
+ if (buf(tree.pos) != '.') tree.pos;
+ else {
+ def f(x : Int) : Int = {
+ if (Character.isWhitespace(buf(x))) f(x + 1);
+ else x;
+ }
+ f(tree.pos + 1);
+ }
+ pos;
+ };
+ class TokenList {
+ object begin extends HasNext {
+ def prev = this;
+ def length = 0;
+ }
+ object end extends HasPrev {
+ def next = this;
+ def length = 0;
+ }
+ // initialize
+ begin.next0 = end;
+ end.prev0 = begin;
+ private var length : Int = 0;
+ def tokenAt(offset : Int) = if (offset >= length) null else {
+ //System.err.println("CURSOR-0: " + cursor.offset);
+ //System.err.println("CURSOR-1: " + cursor.offset + " " + cursor.token + " " + offset);
+ if (cursor.token.isInstanceOf[Semantic]) cursor.token.asInstanceOf[Semantic];
+ else null;
+ };
+ def put(offset : Int, tok : Semantic) = {
+ grow(offset);
+ if (offset == length) append(tok);
+ else {
+ grow(offset + tok.length);
+ assert(cursor.token.isInstanceOf[Gap]);
+ val gap = cursor.token.asInstanceOf[Gap];
+ if (!(offset - cursor.offset + tok.length <= gap.length)) {
+ System.err.println("LIST =" + this);
+ System.err.println("OFFSET=" + offset + " " + tok + " " + tok.length);
+ System.err.println(" " + cursor.offset + " " + gap.length);
+ throw new Error();
+ }
+ if (offset == cursor.offset) {
+ // replace or prepend
+ tok.prev0 = gap.prev0;
+ if (tok.length == gap.length) { // replace gap
+ tok.next0 = gap.next0;
+ } else {
+ gap.setLength(gap.length - tok.length);
+ tok.next0 = gap;
+ }
+ tok.next0.prev0 = tok;
+ tok.prev0.next0 = tok;
+ cursor.token = tok;
+ } else {
+ // append
+ val diff = (cursor.offset + gap.length) - (offset + tok.length);
+ gap.setLength(gap.length - tok.length - diff);
+ tok.prev0 = gap;
+ tok.next0 =;
+ tok.next0.prev0 = tok;
+ tok.prev0.next0 = tok;
+ if (diff != 0) {
+ val gap0 = new Gap(tok);
+ gap0.setLength(diff);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // System.err.println("PUT: " + this);
+ }
+ override def toString() = {
+ var node =;
+ var str = "";
+ while (node != end) {
+ str = str + " " + node;
+ node =;
+ }
+ str;
+ };
+ def grow(length0 : Int) = if (length0 > length) {
+ if (false) {
+ System.err.println("GROW: " + length + " -> " + length0);
+ System.err.println(" " + this);
+ }
+ assert(length < length0);
+ if (end.prev.isInstanceOf[Gap]) {
+ val gap = end.prev.asInstanceOf[Gap];
+ gap.setLength(gap.length + (length0 - length));
+ } else {
+ val gap = new Gap;
+ gap.setLength(length0 - length);
+ gap.prev0 = end.prev;
+ gap.next0 = end;
+ gap.prev0.next0 = gap;
+ end.prev0 = gap;
+ }
+ if (cursor.token == end) {
+ assert(cursor.offset == length);
+ cursor.offset = length0;
+ }
+ length = length0;
+ }
+ def append(tok : Semantic) : Unit = {
+ tok.prev0 = end.prev;
+ tok.next0 = end;
+ tok.prev0.next0 = tok;
+ end.prev0 = tok;
+ length = length + tok.length;
+ if (cursor.token == end) cursor.offset = length;
+ }
+ private object cursor {
+ var token : Token = end;
+ var offset : Int = 0;
+ def next : Unit = if (token == end) end else {
+ offset = offset + token.length;
+ token =;
+ }
+ def prev : Unit = if (token.prev == begin) token else {
+ offset = offset - token.prev.length;
+ token = token.prev;
+ }
+ def seek(soffset : Int) : Unit = if (soffset == 0) {
+ token =;
+ offset = 0;
+ } else if (soffset == length) {
+ token = end;
+ offset = length;
+ } else {
+ assert(soffset > 0);
+ assert(soffset < length);
+ while (offset > soffset) prev;
+ while (offset + token.length <= soffset) next;
+ }
+ def convertToGap = if (token.isInstanceOf[Actual]) {
+ val ret = token.asInstanceOf[Actual].convertToGap;
+ offset = offset - ret._1;
+ token = ret._2;
+ }
+ }
+ // add or delete characters
+ def adjust(offset: Int, /* where */
+ length: Int, /* how many characters are modified */
+ to : Int /* length of new string */) = {
+ cursor.convertToGap;
+ while (cursor.offset + cursor.token.length < offset + length && != end) {
+ val save = cursor.offset;
+ cursor.convertToGap;
+ assert(cursor.offset == save);
+ }
+ if (length != to) {
+ val diff = to - length;
+ val gap = cursor.token.asInstanceOf[Gap];
+ gap.setLength(gap.length + diff);
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ }