path: root/sources/scala/tools/scalac/icode/ICode.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'sources/scala/tools/scalac/icode/ICode.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 492 deletions
diff --git a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/icode/ICode.scala b/sources/scala/tools/scalac/icode/ICode.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 514c15e0e5..0000000000
--- a/sources/scala/tools/scalac/icode/ICode.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
-/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\
-** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala **
-** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2002, LAMP/EPFL **
-** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ **
-\* */
-// $Id$
-import scalac.{Global => scalac_Global}
-import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap;
-import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet;
-import scalac.symtab._;
-import scalac.atree._;
-import scalac.util.Debug;
-package {
-/** This class represents the intermediate code of a method*/
-class ICode(label: String, global: scalac_Global) {
- //##################################################
- // Public fields
- /* The set of all blocks */
- val blocks: HashSet[IBasicBlock] = new HashSet;
- /* The start block of the method */
- var startBlock : IBasicBlock = null;
- /* The stack produced by this method */
- var producedStack : ICTypeStack = null;
- //##################################################
- // Private fields
- private var currentLabel : int = 0;
- private var aTreeLabels : HashMap[Symbol, IBasicBlock] = new HashMap;
- //##################################################
- // Constructor code
- startBlock = newBlock;
- startBlock.initStack(new ICTypeStack);
- //##################################################
- // Public methods
- /** This method produce the intermediate code for
- * the given ATree */
- def generate(acode : ACode) = {
- val ctx = gen(acode, new GenContext(startBlock, null));
- ctx.emit(RETURN()); // ??? RETURN instruction rather come from ATree
- genTypeStack;
- producedStack = ctx.currentBlock.endStack;
- }
- def icTraverse(f: IBasicBlock => unit) = icTraverseFeedBack((bb: IBasicBlock, hm: HashMap[IBasicBlock, boolean]) => f(bb));
- /* This method applies the given function to all the block */
- def icTraverseFeedBack(f: (IBasicBlock, HashMap[IBasicBlock, boolean]) => unit) = {
- // ?? Define order (actually preorder)
- val visited : HashMap[IBasicBlock, boolean] = new HashMap;
- visited ++= => Pair(x, false));
- var blockToVisit : List[IBasicBlock] = startBlock::Nil;
- while (blockToVisit != Nil) {
- blockToVisit match {
- case b::xs => {
- if (!visited(b)) {
- f(b, visited);
- blockToVisit = b.successors:::xs;
- visited += b -> true;
- } else
- blockToVisit = xs;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /** This methods returns a string representation of the ICode */
- override def toString() : String = "ICode '"+label+"'"; //
- //##################################################
- // Public method - printing (for debug use)
- /** This method print the code */
- def print() : unit = print(System.out);
- def print(out: : unit = {
- icTraverse((bb: IBasicBlock) => {
- out.println("Block #"+bb.label);
- out.println("Substituable variables : ");
- if (bb.substituteVars != null)
- bb.substituteVars.foreach(out.print);
- else
- out.println(" {Empty} ");
- out.println("Instructions:");
- bb.bbTraverse((ici: ICInstruction) =>
- out.println(" "+ici.toString()));
- out.print ("Successors: ");
- bb.successors.foreach((bb: IBasicBlock) => out.print(bb.label+", "));
- out.println (""); // ?? Del
- out.println ();
- });
- }
- def logType = {
- global.log ("// Typing "+toString());
- this.icTraverse((bb: IBasicBlock) => {
- global.log ("Typing block #"+bb.label);
- var typer = new ICTypeStack;
- bb.bbTraverse((ic: ICInstruction) => {
- typer = typer.eval(ic);
- global.log(ic.toString()+" -> "+typer.toString());
- });
- });
- }
- //##################################################
- // Private methods
- /* Compute a unique new label */
- private def nextLabel = {
- currentLabel = currentLabel + 1;
- currentLabel;
- }
- /* This method :
- * 1/ create a new block
- * 2/ add the new block to the set
- * 3/ return the new block
- */
- private def newBlock : IBasicBlock = {
- val block = new IBasicBlock(nextLabel);
- blocks += block;
- block;
- }
- /* Generate the code from a given ATree */
- private def gen(aCode: ACode, ctx: GenContext) : GenContext =
- aCode match {
- case ACode.Void => {
- global.log ("ICodeGenerator::emit: Void node found");
- ctx;
- }
- case ACode$This(clasz) =>
- ctx.emit(THIS(clasz));
- case ACode$Constant(c) =>
- ctx.emit(CONSTANT(c));
- case ACode$Load(ALocation$Module(_)) => {
- global.log ("ICodeGenerator::emit: Load(Module) node found");
- ctx;
- }
- case ACode$Load(ALocation$Field(obj, field ,isStatic)) => {
- var ctx1 = gen(obj, ctx);
- ctx.emit(LOAD_FIELD(field, isStatic));
- }
- case ACode$Load(ALocation$Local(local,isArgument)) =>
- ctx.emit(LOAD_LOCAL(local, isArgument));
- case ACode$Load(ALocation$ArrayItem(array, index)) => {
- var ctx1 = gen(array, ctx);
- ctx1 = gen(index, ctx1);
- ctx1.emit(LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM());
- }
- case ACode$Store(ALocation$Module(_),_) => {
- global.log ("ICodeGenerator::emit: Store(Module(_)) node found");
- ctx;
- }
- case ACode$Store(ALocation$Field(obj, field, isStatic), value) => {
- var ctx1 = gen(obj, ctx);
- ctx1 = gen(value, ctx1);
- ctx1.emit(STORE_FIELD(field, isStatic));
- }
- case ACode$Store(ALocation$Local(local, isArgument), value) => {
- val ctx1 = gen(value, ctx);
- ctx1.emit(STORE_LOCAL(local, isArgument));
- }
- case ACode$Store(ALocation$ArrayItem(array, index), value) => {
- var ctx1 = gen(array, ctx);
- ctx1 = gen(index, ctx1);
- ctx1 = gen(value, ctx1);
- ctx1.emit(STORE_ARRAY_ITEM());
- }
- case ACode$Apply(AFunction$Method(_,sym,AInvokeStyle.New),_,vargs) => {
- val vargs_it = Iterator.fromArray(vargs);
- // !!! Depend the backend in use
- ctx.emit(NEW(sym.owner()));
- ctx.emit(DUP(sym.owner().getType()));
- var ctx1 = ctx;
- vargs_it.foreach((varg: ACode) => ctx1 = gen(varg, ctx1));
- ctx1.emit(CALL_METHOD(sym,AInvokeStyle.StaticInstance));
- }
- case ACode$Apply(AFunction$Method(obj,sym,style),_,vargs) => {
- val vargs_it = Iterator.fromArray(vargs);
- var ctx1 = ctx;
- style match {
- case AInvokeStyle.StaticClass =>
- ; // NOP
- case _ =>
- ctx1 = gen(obj, ctx1);
- }
- vargs_it.foreach((varg: ACode) => ctx1 = gen(varg, ctx1));
- ctx1.emit(CALL_METHOD(sym,style));
- }
- case ACode$Apply(AFunction$Primitive(p),_,vargs) => {
- val vargs_it = Iterator.fromArray(vargs);
- var ctx1 = ctx;
- vargs_it.foreach((varg: ACode) => ctx1 = gen(varg, ctx1));
- ctx1.emit(CALL_PRIMITIVE(p));
- }
- case ACode$Apply(AFunction$NewArray(element),_,vargs) => {
- var ctx1 = gen(vargs(0), ctx); // The size is given as first argument
- ctx1.emit(CREATE_ARRAY(element));
- }
- case ACode$IsAs(value,typ,false) => {
- var ctx1 = gen(value, ctx);
- ctx1.emit(IS_INSTANCE(typ));
- }
- case ACode$IsAs(value,typ,true) => {
- var ctx1 = gen(value, ctx);
- ctx1.emit(CHECK_CAST(typ));
- }
- case ACode$If(test, success, failure) => {
- genAlt(test, success, failure, ctx, newBlock);
- }
- case ACode$Switch(test,tags,bodies) => {
- val switchBodies = List.fromArray(bodies, 0, bodies.length);
- var switchBlocks: List[IBasicBlock] = Nil;
- for (val i : ACode <- switchBodies) switchBlocks = newBlock::switchBlocks;
- val switchPairs =;
- val nextBlock = newBlock;
- var ctx1 = gen(test, ctx);
- ctx1.emit(SWITCH(tags, switchBlocks));
- //ctx1.currentBlock.addSuccessors(switchBlocks);
- switchPairs.foreach((p: Pair[ACode, IBasicBlock]) => {
- val code = p._1;
- val block = p._2;
- val ctx2 = gen(code, new GenContext(block, nextBlock));
- ctx2.closeBlock;
- });
- ctx1.changeBlock(nextBlock);
- }
- case ACode$Synchronized(lock, value) => {
- var ctx1 = gen(lock, ctx);
- ctx1.emit(MONITOR_ENTER());
- ctx1 = gen(value,ctx);
- ctx1 = gen(lock, ctx);
- ctx1.emit(MONITOR_EXIT());
- }
- case ACode$Block(_,statements,value) => {
- val statements_it = Iterator.fromArray(statements);
- var ctx1 = ctx;
- statements_it.foreach((st: ACode) => ctx1 = gen(st, ctx1));
- ctx1 = gen(value, ctx1);
- ctx1;
- }
- case ACode$Label(label, locals, value) => {
- global.log("Add new label: "+label);
- val loopBlock = newBlock;
- var ctx1 = ctx.changeBlock(loopBlock);
- ctx.nextBlock = loopBlock;
- ctx.closeBlock;
- aTreeLabels += label -> loopBlock;
- loopBlock.substituteVars = List.fromIterator(Iterator.fromArray(locals));
- gen(value, ctx1);
- }
- case ACode$Goto(label,vargs) => {
- val vargs_it = Iterator.fromArray(vargs);
- global.log("Current label mapping: "+aTreeLabels.keys.foreach((s: Symbol) => global.log(s.toString())));
- global.log("Looking for sym: "+label);
- val gotoBlock = aTreeLabels(label);
- var ctx1 = ctx;
- // Stack-> :
- vargs_it.foreach((varg: ACode) => ctx1 = gen(varg, ctx1));
- // Stack-> :varg0:varg1:...:vargn
- // We should have the same number of varg that substitute vars
- gotoBlock.substituteVars.reverse.foreach(
- (varg: Symbol) => ctx1.emit(STORE_LOCAL(varg, false)) // ?? false
- );
- ctx1.nextBlock = gotoBlock;
- ctx1.closeBlock;
- ctx1;
- }
- case ACode$Return(_,value) => {
- var ctx1 = gen(value, ctx);
- ctx1.emit(RETURN());
- }
- case ACode$Throw(value) => {
- var ctx1 = gen(value, ctx);
- ctx1.emit(THROW());
- }
- case ACode$Drop(value, typ) => {
- var ctx1 = gen(value, ctx);
- //global.log("Type de Drop: "+typ+" = unboxed:"+typ.unbox() );
- if (! typ.isSameAs(global.definitions.void_TYPE()))
- typ.unbox() match { // !!! Hack
- case Type$UnboxedType(TypeTags.UNIT) =>
- global.log("it matches UNIT !"); // debug ; // NOP
- case _ =>
- ctx1.emit(DROP(typ));
- }
- else
- global.log("it matches SCALAC_UNIT :-(");
- ctx1;
- }
- }
- /* This method genrates an alternative. In the case of an if instruction
- * It looks at the kind of alternatives and creates new basic blocks
- *
- * @param nextBlock : represents the block where alternatives meet again*/
- private def genAlt (cond : ACode, success: ACode, failure: ACode, ctx: GenContext, nextBlock: IBasicBlock) : GenContext = {
- val successBlock = success match {
- case ACode.Void => nextBlock;
- case ACode$If(test, innerSuccess, innerFailure) => {
- val ctx1 = new GenContext(newBlock, null);
- val ctx2 = genAlt(test, innerSuccess, innerFailure, ctx1, nextBlock);
- //ctx2.closeBlock; // or close when CJUMP is emitted
- ctx1.currentBlock;
- }
- case _ => {
- val ctx1 = new GenContext(newBlock, nextBlock);
- val ctx2 = gen(success, ctx1);
- ctx2.closeBlock;
- ctx1.currentBlock;
- }
- }
- val failureBlock = failure match {
- case ACode.Void => nextBlock;
- case ACode$If(test, innerSuccess, innerFailure) => {
- val ctx1 = new GenContext(newBlock, null);
- val ctx2 = genAlt(test, innerSuccess, innerFailure, ctx1, nextBlock);
- //ctx2.closeBlock; // or close when CJUMP is emitted
- ctx1.currentBlock;
- }
- case _ => {
- val ctx1 = new GenContext(newBlock, nextBlock);
- val ctx2 = gen(failure, ctx1);
- ctx2.closeBlock;
- ctx1.currentBlock;
- }
- }
- var ctx1 = genCond(cond, successBlock, failureBlock, ctx);
- ctx1.changeBlock(nextBlock);
- }
- /* This methods generate the test and the jump instruction */
- private def genCond(cond: ACode, successBlock: IBasicBlock, failureBlock: IBasicBlock, ctx: GenContext) : GenContext= {
- var ctx1 = ctx;
- cond match {
- case ACode$Apply(AFunction$Primitive(APrimitive$Test(op,_,zero)),_, vargs) => {
- ctx1 = gen(vargs(0),ctx1);
- if (zero)
- ctx1.emit(CZJUMP(successBlock, failureBlock, op));
- else {
- ctx1 = gen(vargs(1), ctx1);
- ctx1.emit(CJUMP(successBlock, failureBlock, op));
- }
- //ctx1.currentBlock.addSuccessors(failureBlock::successBlock::Nil);
- }
- case ACode$Apply(AFunction$Primitive(APrimitive$Negation(_)),_,vargs) =>
- ctx1 = genCond(vargs(0), failureBlock, successBlock, ctx1);
- // ??? Test with TestOp opposite ?
- case _ => {
- ctx1 = gen(cond, ctx1);
- //ctx1.emit(CONSTANT(AConstant.INT(1)));
- // We have a boolean value
- ctx1.emit(CZJUMP(successBlock, failureBlock, ATestOp.NE));
- //ctx1.currentBlock.addSuccessors(failureBlock::successBlock::Nil);
- }
- }
- ctx1;
- }
- /* This method generate the type stacks of all the blocks
- * of this method.*/
- private def genTypeStack = {
- icTraverse((bb: IBasicBlock) => {
- global.log("// Typing block #"+bb.label);
- global.log("\t-> "+bb.endStack);
- bb.typeBlock;
- // !!! Here we must test if all the meeting blocks have the
- // !!! same stack.
- bb.successors.foreach((suc: IBasicBlock) => suc.initStack(bb.endStack));
- });
- }
- /* This class represents the context of generating icode */
- class GenContext(current: IBasicBlock, next: IBasicBlock) {
- // ##################################################
- // Public fields
- /* The block in which we add instructions */
- val currentBlock = current;
- /* The block were we jump at the end of the current block
- * It can be the *null* value */
- var nextBlock = next;
- // ##################################################
- // Constructor code
- assert(current != null, "No current block");
- // ##################################################
- // Public methods
- /* append an instruction at the end of the current block */
- def emit(instr: ICInstruction) : GenContext = {
- currentBlock.emit(instr);
- this;
- }
- /* Split the current block. The next block is still the same */
- def changeBlock(bb: IBasicBlock) = {
- new GenContext(bb, next);
- }
- /* Close the current block. If there's a known next block
- * It append a jump instruction to the block.
- * This method do something only the first time it's called */
- def closeBlock = {
- if (!currentBlock.isClosedBlock) {
- if (nextBlock != null) {
- emit(JUMP(nextBlock));
- //currentBlock.addSuccessor(nextBlock);
- }
- currentBlock.close;
- }
- }
- }
-} // package