path: root/sources/scalac/atree/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sources/scalac/atree/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 557 deletions
diff --git a/sources/scalac/atree/ b/sources/scalac/atree/
deleted file mode 100644
index fb0a108a99..0000000000
--- a/sources/scalac/atree/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,557 +0,0 @@
-/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\
-** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala **
-** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2002, LAMP/EPFL **
-** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ **
-\* */
-// $Id$
-package scalac.atree;
-import ch.epfl.lamp.util.CodePrinter;
-import scalac.Global;
-import scalac.Phase;
-import scalac.CompilationUnit;
-import scalac.symtab.Type;
-import scalac.symtab.Symbol;
-import scalac.symtab.SymbolTablePrinter;
-import scalac.util.Debug;
-import scalac.util.SourceRepresentation;
-/** This class provides methods to print attributed trees. */
-public class ATreePrinter {
- //########################################################################
- // Private Fields
- /** The global environment */
- private final Global global;
- /** The underlying code printer */
- private final CodePrinter printer;
- /** The underlying symbol table printer */
- private final SymbolTablePrinter symtab;
- //########################################################################
- // Public Constructors
- /** Initalizes this instance */
- public ATreePrinter() {
- this(new CodePrinter());
- }
- /** Initalizes this instance */
- public ATreePrinter(String step) {
- this(Global.instance, new CodePrinter(step));
- }
- /** Initalizes this instance */
- public ATreePrinter(CodePrinter printer) {
- this(Global.instance, printer);
- }
- /** Initalizes this instance */
- public ATreePrinter(Global global, CodePrinter printer) {
- = global;
- this.printer = printer;
- this.symtab = new SymbolTablePrinter(global, printer);
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Public Methods - Getting & Setting
- /** Returns the underlying code printer. */
- public CodePrinter getCodePrinter() {
- return printer;
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Public Methods - Formatting
- /** Increases the indentation level by one. */
- public ATreePrinter indent() {
- printer.indent();
- return this;
- }
- /** Decreases the indentation level by one. */
- public ATreePrinter undent() {
- printer.undent();
- return this;
- }
- /** Inserts a new line. */
- public ATreePrinter line() {
- printer.line();
- return this;
- }
- /** Inserts a white space. */
- public ATreePrinter space() {
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints an opening brace followed by a new line. */
- public ATreePrinter lbrace() {
- return space().println('{').indent();
- }
- /** Prints a closing brace followed by a new line. */
- public ATreePrinter rbrace() {
- return undent().space().println('}');
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Public Methods - Printing simple values
- /** Prints a new line. */
- public ATreePrinter println() {
- printer.println();
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the boolean value followed by a new line. */
- public ATreePrinter println(boolean value) {
- printer.println(value);
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the byte value followed by a new line. */
- public ATreePrinter println(byte value) {
- printer.println(value);
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the short value followed by a new line. */
- public ATreePrinter println(short value) {
- printer.println(value);
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the char value followed by a new line. */
- public ATreePrinter println(char value) {
- printer.println(value);
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the int value followed by a new line. */
- public ATreePrinter println(int value) {
- printer.println(value);
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the long value followed by a new line. */
- public ATreePrinter println(long value) {
- printer.println(value);
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the float value followed by a new line. */
- public ATreePrinter println(float value) {
- printer.println(value);
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the double value followed by a new line. */
- public ATreePrinter println(double value) {
- printer.println(value);
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the string followed by a new line. */
- public ATreePrinter println(String value) {
- printer.println(value);
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the boolean value. */
- public ATreePrinter print(boolean value) {
- printer.print(value);
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the byte value. */
- public ATreePrinter print(byte value) {
- printer.print(value);
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the short value. */
- public ATreePrinter print(short value) {
- printer.print(value);
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the char value. */
- public ATreePrinter print(char value) {
- printer.print(value);
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the int value. */
- public ATreePrinter print(int value) {
- printer.print(value);
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the long value. */
- public ATreePrinter print(long value) {
- printer.print(value);
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the float value. */
- public ATreePrinter print(float value) {
- printer.print(value);
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the long value. */
- public ATreePrinter print(double value) {
- printer.print(value);
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the string. */
- public ATreePrinter print(String value) {
- printer.print(value);
- return this;
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Public Methods - Printing types and symbols
- /** Prints the symbol. */
- public ATreePrinter printSymbol(Symbol symbol) {
- symtab.printSymbolName(symbol);
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the type. */
- public ATreePrinter printType(Type type) {
- symtab.printType(type);
- return this;
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Public Methods - Printing trees
- /** Prints the units. */
- public ATreePrinter printUnits(CompilationUnit[] units) {
- Phase phase = global.currentPhase;
- println("[[attributed trees at "+phase+" (after "+phase.prev+")]]");
- for (int i = 0; i < units.length; i++) printUnit(units[i]);
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the unit. */
- public ATreePrinter printUnit(CompilationUnit unit) {
- println("// Scala source: " + unit.source);
- return printRepository(unit.repository);
- }
- /** Prints the repository. */
- public ATreePrinter printRepository(ARepository repository) {
- AClass[] classes = repository.classes();
- for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) printClass(classes[i]);
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the class. */
- public ATreePrinter printClass(AClass clasz) {
- printClassModifiers(clasz);
- print(clasz.isInterface() ? "interface" : "class").space();
- printSymbol(clasz.symbol());
- Symbol[] tparams = clasz.tparams();
- if (tparams.length != 0) symtab.printTypeParams(tparams);
- Symbol[] vparams = clasz.vparams();
- if (vparams.length != 0) symtab.printValueParams(vparams);
- if (clasz.symbol().typeOfThis() != clasz.symbol().thisType())
- space().print(':').printType(clasz.symbol().typeOfThis());
- space().print("extends").space();
- symtab.printTypes(clasz.parents()," with ");
- lbrace();
- printRepository(clasz);
- AField[] fields = clasz.fields();
- for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) printField(fields[i]);
- AMethod[] methods = clasz.methods();
- for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) printMethod(methods[i]);
- return rbrace();
- }
- /** Prints the class modifiers. */
- public ATreePrinter printClassModifiers(AClass clasz) {
- if (clasz.isDeprecated()) print("deprecated").space();
- if (clasz.isSynthetic()) print("synthetic").space();
- if (clasz.isPublic()) print("public").space();
- if (clasz.isPrivate()) print("private").space();
- if (clasz.isProtected()) print("protected").space();
- if (clasz.isFinal()) print("final").space();
- if (clasz.isAbstract()) print("abstract").space();
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the member modifiers. */
- public ATreePrinter printMemberModifiers(AMember member) {
- if (member.isDeprecated()) print("deprecated").space();
- if (member.isSynthetic()) print("synthetic").space();
- if (member.isPublic()) print("public").space();
- if (member.isPrivate()) print("private").space();
- if (member.isProtected()) print("protected").space();
- if (member.isStatic()) print("static").space();
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the member code. */
- public ATreePrinter printMemberCode(AMember member) {
- if (member.code() == ACode.Void) return this;
- return print('=').space().printCode(member.code());
- }
- /** Prints the field. */
- public ATreePrinter printField(AField field) {
- printFieldModifiers(field);
- symtab.printSignature(field.symbol()).space();
- return printMemberCode(field).line();
- }
- /** Prints the field modifiers. */
- public ATreePrinter printFieldModifiers(AField field) {
- printMemberModifiers(field);
- if (field.isFinal()) print("final").space();
- if (field.isVolatile()) print("volatile").space();
- if (field.isTransient()) print("transient").space();
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the method. */
- public ATreePrinter printMethod(AMethod method) {
- printMethodModifiers(method);
- symtab.printSignature(method.symbol()).space();
- return printMemberCode(method).line();
- }
- /** Prints the method modifiers. */
- public ATreePrinter printMethodModifiers(AMethod method) {
- printMemberModifiers(method);
- if (method.isFinal()) print("final").space();
- if (method.isSynchronized()) print("synchronized").space();
- if (method.isNative()) print("native").space();
- if (method.isAbstract()) print("abstract").space();
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the code. */
- public ATreePrinter printCode(ACode code) {
- switch (code) {
- case Void:
- return print("<void>");
- case This(Symbol clasz):
- return printSymbol(clasz).print('.').print("this");
- case Constant(AConstant constant):
- return printConstant(constant);
- case Load(ALocation location):
- return printLocation(location);
- case Store(ALocation location, ACode value):
- printLocation(location).space().print('=').space();
- return printCode(value);
- case Apply(AFunction function, Type[] targs, ACode[] vargs):
- printFunction(function);
- if (targs.length > 0){
- print('[');
- for (int i = 0; i < targs.length; i++)
- (i == 0 ? this : print(',').space()).printType(targs[i]);
- print(']');
- }
- print('(');
- for (int i = 0; i < vargs.length; i++)
- (i == 0 ? this : print(',').space()).printCode(vargs[i]);
- print(')');
- return this;
- case IsAs(ACode value, Type type, boolean cast):
- printCode(value).print('.').print(cast ? "as" : "is");
- return print('[').printType(type).print(']');
- case If(ACode test, ACode success, ACode failure):
- print("if").space().print('(').printCode(test).print(')').lbrace();
- printCode(success).line();
- rbrace().space().print("else").space().lbrace();
- printCode(failure).line();
- return rbrace();
- case Switch(ACode test, int[][] tags, ACode[] bodies):
- print("switch").space().print('(').printCode(test).print(')');
- lbrace();
- for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < tags[i].length; j++)
- print("case").space().print(tags[i][j]).print(':').line();
- indent().printCode(bodies[i]).undent().line();
- }
- print("case").space().print('_').print(':').line();
- indent().printCode(bodies[tags.length]).undent();
- return rbrace();
- case Synchronized(ACode lock, ACode value):
- print("synchronized").space();
- print('(').printCode(lock).print(')');
- return lbrace().printCode(value).rbrace();
- case Block(Symbol[] locals, ACode[] statements, ACode value):
- lbrace();
- for (int i = 0; i < locals.length; i++) {
- print("var").space().printSymbol(locals[i]);
- print(":").space().printType(locals[i].type());
- println(";");
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < statements.length; i++)
- printCode(statements[i]).println(';');
- return printCode(value).line().rbrace();
- case Label(Symbol label, Symbol[] locals, ACode value):
- print("label").space().printSymbol(label).print('(');
- for (int i = 0; i < locals.length; i++)
- (i == 0 ? this : print(',').space()).printSymbol(locals[i]);
- print(')').space().print('=').lbrace();
- return printCode(value).rbrace();
- case Goto(Symbol label, ACode[] vargs):
- print("goto").space().printSymbol(label).print('(');
- for (int i = 0; i < vargs.length; i++)
- (i == 0 ? this : print(',').space()).printCode(vargs[i]);
- return print(')');
- case Return(Symbol function, ACode value):
- print("return").symtab.printSymbolUniqueId(function).space();
- return printCode(value);
- case Throw(ACode value):
- return print("throw").space().printCode(value);
- case Drop(ACode value, Type type):
- print("drop").print('[').printType(type).print(']').space();
- return printCode(value);
- default:
- throw Debug.abort("unknown case", code);
- }
- }
- /** Prints the location. */
- public ATreePrinter printLocation(ALocation location) {
- switch (location) {
- case Module(Symbol module):
- return printSymbol(module);
- case Field(Void, Symbol field, true):
- return printSymbol(field.owner()).print('.').printSymbol(field);
- case Field(ACode object, Symbol field, boolean isStatic):
- printCode(object).print('.');
- if (isStatic) print("<static>").space();
- return printSymbol(field);
- case Local(Symbol local, _):
- return printSymbol(local);
- case ArrayItem(ACode array, ACode index):
- return printCode(array).print('(').printCode(index).print(')');
- default:
- throw Debug.abort("unknown case", location);
- }
- }
- /** Prints the function. */
- public ATreePrinter printFunction(AFunction function) {
- switch (function) {
- case Method(Void, Symbol method, AInvokeStyle.New):
- return print("new").space().printSymbol(method);
- case Method(Void, Symbol method, AInvokeStyle.Static(false)):
- return printSymbol(method.owner()).print('.').printSymbol(method);
- case Method(This(Symbol c), Symbol method, AInvokeStyle.Static(true)):
- printSymbol(c).print('.').print("super").print('.');
- return printSymbol(method);
- case Method(ACode object, Symbol method, AInvokeStyle style):
- printCode(object).print('.');
- if (style != AInvokeStyle.Dynamic) print("<" +style+ ">").space();
- return printSymbol(method);
- case Primitive(APrimitive primitive):
- return printPrimitive(primitive);
- case NewArray(Type element):
- return print("new").space().printType(element).print("[]");
- default:
- throw Debug.abort("unknown case", function);
- }
- }
- /** Prints the primitive. */
- public ATreePrinter printPrimitive(APrimitive primitive) {
- switch (primitive) {
- case Negation(ATypeKind kind):
- return printPrimitiveOp("NEG", kind);
- case Test(ATestOp op, ATypeKind kind, boolean zero):
- return printPrimitiveOp(op.toString() + (zero ? "Z" : ""), kind);
- case Comparison(AComparisonOp op, ATypeKind kind):
- return printPrimitiveOp(op.toString(), kind);
- case Arithmetic(AArithmeticOp op, ATypeKind kind):
- return printPrimitiveOp(op.toString(), kind);
- case Logical(ALogicalOp op, ATypeKind kind):
- return printPrimitiveOp(op.toString(), kind);
- case Shift(AShiftOp op, ATypeKind kind):
- return printPrimitiveOp(op.toString(), kind);
- case Conversion(ATypeKind src, ATypeKind dst):
- return printPrimitiveOp("CONV", src, dst);
- case ArrayLength(ATypeKind kind):
- return printPrimitiveOp("LENGTH", kind);
- case StringConcat(ATypeKind lf, ATypeKind rg):
- return printPrimitiveOp("CONCAT", lf, rg);
- default:
- throw Debug.abort("unknown case", primitive);
- }
- }
- /** Prints the primitive operation of given type kind. */
- public ATreePrinter printPrimitiveOp(String op, ATypeKind kind) {
- return printPrimitiveOp(op, kind, null);
- }
- /** Prints the primitive operation of given types. */
- public ATreePrinter printPrimitiveOp(String op, ATypeKind k1,ATypeKind k2){
- print('<').print(op).print('>');
- if (k1 != null && global.uniqid) print('#').print(k1.toString());
- if (k2 != null && global.uniqid) print(',').print(k2.toString());
- return this;
- }
- /** Prints the constant. */
- public ATreePrinter printConstant(AConstant constant) {
- switch (constant) {
- case UNIT:
- return print("()");
- case BOOLEAN(boolean value):
- return print(value);
- case BYTE(byte value):
- return print(value);
- case SHORT(short value):
- return print(value);
- case CHAR(char value):
- return print('\'').print(value).print('\'');
- case INT(int value):
- return print(value);
- case LONG(long value):
- return print(value);
- case FLOAT(float value):
- return print(value);
- case DOUBLE(double value):
- return print(value);
- case STRING(String value):
- return print('\"').print(SourceRepresentation.escape(value)).print('\"');
- case SYMBOL_NAME(Symbol value):
- return print('\"').print(SourceRepresentation.escape('\"');
- case NULL:
- return print("null");
- case ZERO:
- return print("<zero>");
- default:
- throw Debug.abort("unknown case", constant);
- }
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Public Methods - Converting
- /** Returns the string representation of this printer. */
- public String toString() {
- return printer.toString();
- }
- //########################################################################