path: root/sources/scalac/atree/
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Diffstat (limited to 'sources/scalac/atree/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 314 deletions
diff --git a/sources/scalac/atree/ b/sources/scalac/atree/
deleted file mode 100644
index 06133db15f..0000000000
--- a/sources/scalac/atree/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\
-** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala **
-** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2002, LAMP/EPFL **
-** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ **
-\* */
-// $Id$
-package scalac.atree;
-import scalac.Global;
-import scalac.symtab.Definitions;
-import scalac.symtab.Modifiers;
-import scalac.symtab.Symbol;
-import scalac.symtab.Type;
-import scalac.util.Debug;
-import scalac.util.Name;
-/** This class implements an attributed tree typer. */
-public class ATreeTyper {
- //########################################################################
- // Private Fields
- /** The global environment */
- public final Global global;
- /** The global definitions */
- private final Definitions definitions;
- //########################################################################
- // Public Constructors
- /** Initializes this instance. */
- public ATreeTyper(Global global, Definitions definitions) {
- = global;
- this.definitions = definitions;
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Public Methods - Typing code
- /** Returns the types of the given codes. */
- public Type[] type(ACode[] codes) {
- Type[] types = new Type[codes.length];
- for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) types[i] = type(codes[i]);
- return types;
- }
- /** Returns the type of the given code. */
- public Type type(ACode code) {
- switch (code) {
- case Void:
- return definitions.void_TYPE();
- case This(Symbol clasz):
- return clasz.thisType();
- case Constant(AConstant constant):
- return type(constant);
- case Load(ALocation location):
- return type(location);
- case Store(_, _):
- return Type.NoType;
- case Apply(AFunction function, Type[] targs, _):
- return apply(type(function), targs).resultType();
- case IsAs(_, Type type, boolean cast):
- return cast ? type : definitions.boolean_TYPE();
- case If(_, ACode success, ACode failure):
- return Type.lub(new Type[]{type(success), type(failure)});
- case Switch(_, _, ACode[] bodies):
- return Type.lub(type(bodies));
- case Synchronized(_, ACode value):
- return type(value);
- case Block(_, _, ACode value):
- return type(value);
- case Label(Symbol label, _, _):
- return label.type().resultType();
- case Goto(_, _):
- return Type.NoType;
- case Return(_, _):
- return Type.NoType;
- case Throw(_):
- return Type.NoType;
- case Drop(_, _):
- return Type.NoType;
- default:
- throw Debug.abort("unknown case", code);
- }
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Public Methods - Typing value locations
- /** Returns the type of the given value location. */
- public Type type(ALocation location) {
- switch (location) {
- case Module(Symbol module):
- return module.thisType();
- case Field(Void, Symbol field, _):
- return field.owner().thisType().memberStabilizedType(field);
- case Field(ACode object, Symbol field, _):
- return type(object).memberStabilizedType(field);
- case Local(Symbol local, _):
- return local.type();
- case ArrayItem(ACode array, _):
- return getArrayElementType(type(array));
- default:
- throw Debug.abort("unknown case", location);
- }
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Public Methods - Typing function references
- /** Returns the type of the given function reference. */
- public Type type(AFunction function) {
- switch (function) {
- case Method(Void, Symbol method, AInvokeStyle style):
- Type type = method.owner().thisType().memberStabilizedType(method);
- if (style == AInvokeStyle.New) {
- assert method.isInitializer(): function;
- Symbol[] tparams = method.owner().typeParams();
- if (tparams.length != 0) type = Type.PolyType(tparams, type);
- }
- return type;
- case Method(ACode object, Symbol method, _):
- return type(object).memberStabilizedType(method);
- case Primitive(APrimitive primitive):
- return type(primitive);
- case NewArray(Type element):
- return definitions.array_TYPE(element);
- default:
- throw Debug.abort("unknown case", function);
- }
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Public Methods - Typing primitives
- /** Returns the type of the given primitive. */
- public Type type(APrimitive primitive) {
- switch (primitive) {
- case Negation(ATypeKind kind):
- Type type = type(kind);
- return getMethodType(type, type);
- case Test(_, ATypeKind kind, true):
- Type type = type(kind);
- return getMethodType(type, type(ATypeKind.BOOL));
- case Test(_, ATypeKind kind, false):
- Type type = type(kind);
- return getMethodType(type, type, type(ATypeKind.BOOL));
- case Comparison(_, ATypeKind kind):
- Type type = type(kind);
- return getMethodType(type, type, type(ATypeKind.I4));
- case Arithmetic(_, ATypeKind kind):
- Type type = type(kind);
- return getMethodType(type, type, type);
- case Logical(_, ATypeKind kind):
- Type type = type(kind);
- return getMethodType(type, type, type);
- case Shift(_, ATypeKind kind):
- Type type = type(kind);
- return getMethodType(type, type(ATypeKind.I4), type);
- case Conversion(ATypeKind src, ATypeKind dst):
- return getMethodType(type(src), type(dst));
- case ArrayLength(ATypeKind kind):
- Type type = definitions.array_TYPE(type(kind));
- return getMethodType(type, type(ATypeKind.I4));
- case StringConcat(ATypeKind lf, ATypeKind rg):
- return getMethodType(type(lf), type(rg), type(ATypeKind.STR));
- default:
- throw Debug.abort("unknown case", primitive);
- }
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Public Methods - Typing constants
- /** Returns the type of the given constant. */
- public Type type(AConstant constant) {
- Type base = basetype(constant);
- if ( > return base;
- return Type.ConstantType(base, constant);
- }
- /** Returns the base type of the given constant. */
- public Type basetype(AConstant constant) {
- switch (constant) {
- case UNIT : return definitions.void_TYPE(); // !!! -> UNIT_TYPE()
- case BOOLEAN(_): return definitions.boolean_TYPE();
- case BYTE(_) : return definitions.byte_TYPE();
- case SHORT(_) : return definitions.short_TYPE();
- case CHAR(_) : return definitions.char_TYPE();
- case INT(_) : return definitions.int_TYPE();
- case LONG(_) : return definitions.long_TYPE();
- case FLOAT(_) : return definitions.float_TYPE();
- case DOUBLE(_) : return definitions.double_TYPE();
- case SYMBOL_NAME(_):
- case STRING(_) : return definitions.STRING_TYPE();
- case NULL : return definitions.ALLREF_TYPE();
- case ZERO : return definitions.ALL_TYPE();
- default : throw Debug.abort("unknown case", constant);
- }
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Public Methods - Typing type kinds
- /** Returns the type of the given type kind. */
- public Type type(ATypeKind kind) {
- switch (kind) {
- case UNIT: return definitions.void_TYPE(); // !!! -> UNIT_TYPE()
- case BOOL: return definitions.boolean_TYPE();
- // !!! case U1 : return ?;
- case U2 : return definitions.char_TYPE();
- // !!! case U4 : return ?;
- // !!! case U8 : return ?;
- case I1 : return definitions.byte_TYPE();
- case I2 : return definitions.short_TYPE();
- case I4 : return definitions.int_TYPE();
- case I8 : return definitions.long_TYPE();
- case R4 : return definitions.float_TYPE();
- case R8 : return definitions.double_TYPE();
- case REF : return definitions.ANYREF_TYPE();
- case STR : return definitions.STRING_TYPE();
- case NULL: return definitions.ALLREF_TYPE();
- case ZERO: return definitions.ALL_TYPE();
- default : throw Debug.abort("unknown case", kind);
- }
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Public Methods - Aliases for scala
- public Type[] computeType(ACode[] codes) {
- return type(codes);
- }
- public Type computeType(ACode code) {
- return type(code);
- }
- public Type computeType(ALocation location) {
- return type(location);
- }
- public Type computeType(AFunction function) {
- return type(function);
- }
- public Type computeType(APrimitive primitive) {
- return type(primitive);
- }
- public Type computeType(AConstant constant) {
- return type(constant);
- }
- public Type computeType(ATypeKind kind) {
- return type(kind);
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Private Methods
- /** Returns the application of given arguments to given type. */
- private Type apply(Type type, Type[] targs) {
- switch (type) {
- case PolyType(Symbol[] tparams, Type result):
- return result.subst(tparams, targs);
- default:
- assert targs.length == 0: type + " -- " +;
- return type;
- }
- }
- /** Returns the element type of the given array type. */
- public Type getArrayElementType(Type type) { // !!! public / private
- switch (type) {
- case TypeRef(_, Symbol symbol, Type[] args):
- assert symbol == definitions.ARRAY_CLASS && args.length == 1: type;
- return args[0];
- case UnboxedArrayType(Type element):
- return element;
- default:
- throw Debug.abort("non-array type", type);
- }
- }
- /** Returns a method type with given argument and result types. */
- private Type getMethodType(Type targ1, Type result) {
- return getMethodType(new Type[]{targ1}, result);
- }
- /** Returns a method type with given argument and result types. */
- private Type getMethodType(Type targ1, Type targ2, Type result) {
- return getMethodType(new Type[]{targ1, targ2}, result);
- }
- /** Returns a method type with given argument and result types. */
- private Type getMethodType(Type[] targs, Type result) {
- Symbol[] tparams = new Symbol[targs.length];
- for (int i = 0; i < tparams.length; i++) {
- Name name = Name.fromString("v" + i);
- tparams[i] = Symbol.NONE.newTerm( // !!! should be newVParam
- Position.NOPOS, Modifiers.PARAM, name);
- tparams[i].setType(targs[i]);
- }
- return Type.MethodType(tparams, result);
- }
- //########################################################################