path: root/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/
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Diffstat (limited to 'sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/')
1 files changed, 309 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/ b/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f6e792428
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scalac/symtab/classfile/
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\
+** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala **
+** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2003, LAMP/EPFL **
+** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ **
+\* */
+// $Id$
+package scalac.symtab.classfile;
+import scalac.Global;
+import scalac.symtab.Symbol;
+import scalac.symtab.TermSymbol;
+import scalac.symtab.ClassSymbol;
+import scalac.symtab.Scope;
+import scalac.symtab.Modifiers;
+import scalac.util.Name;
+import scalac.util.Names;
+import scalac.util.Debug;
+import ch.epfl.lamp.util.Position;
+import ch.epfl.lamp.compiler.msil.*;
+public class CLRClassParser extends ClassParser {
+ protected JavaTypeFactory make;
+ protected final CLRPackageParser importer;
+ public CLRClassParser(Global global, CLRPackageParser importer) {
+ super(global);
+ this.importer = importer;
+ }
+ protected void doComplete(Symbol clazz) {
+ try { doComplete0(clazz); }
+ catch (AssertionError e) {
+ System.err.println("While processing " +;
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ protected void doComplete0(Symbol clazz) {
+ clazz.owner().initialize(); //???
+ if (make == null)
+ make = new JavaTypeCreator(global.definitions);
+ Type type = Type.GetType(clazz.fullNameString());
+// System.out.println("completing class " + clazz.fullNameString()
+// + " from type " + type);
+ clazz.flags = translateAttributes(type);
+ Type[] ifaces = type.GetInterfaces(); // FIXME: ensure only the declared interfaces are taken into account
+ scalac.symtab.Type[] baseTypes = new scalac.symtab.Type[ifaces.length+1];
+ baseTypes[0] = type.BaseType == null ? global.definitions.ANYREF_TYPE()
+ : getCLRType(type.BaseType);
+ for (int i = 0; i < ifaces.length; i++)
+ baseTypes[i + 1] = getCLRType(ifaces[i]);
+ Scope members = new Scope();
+ Scope statics = new Scope();
+ scalac.symtab.Type classType =
+ scalac.symtab.Type.compoundType(baseTypes, members, clazz);
+ clazz.setFirstInfo(classType);
+ Symbol staticsClass = clazz.module().moduleClass();
+ if (staticsClass.isModuleClass()) {
+ scalac.symtab.Type staticsInfo = scalac.symtab.Type.compoundType
+ (scalac.symtab.Type.EMPTY_ARRAY, statics, staticsClass);
+ staticsClass.setFirstInfo(staticsInfo);
+ clazz.module().setInfo(scalac.symtab.Type.TypeRef
+ (staticsClass.owner().thisType(),
+ staticsClass, scalac.symtab.Type.EMPTY_ARRAY));
+ }
+ scalac.symtab.Type ctype = clazz.typeConstructor();
+ // read field information
+ int bindingFlags = BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly
+ | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static
+ | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
+ FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(bindingFlags);
+ for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
+ int mods = translateAttributes(fields[i]);
+ Name name = Name.fromString(fields[i].Name);
+ scalac.symtab.Type fieldType = getCLRType(fields[i].FieldType);
+ Symbol owner = fields[i].IsStatic ? staticsClass : clazz;
+ Symbol field = new TermSymbol(Position.NOPOS, name, owner, mods);
+ field.setFirstInfo(fieldType);
+ (fields[i].IsStatic ? statics : members).enterOrOverload(field);
+, fields[i]);
+ }
+ PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties(bindingFlags);
+ for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
+ MethodInfo getter = props[i].GetGetMethod(true);
+ MethodInfo setter = props[i].GetSetMethod(true);
+ if (getter == null || getter.GetParameters().length > 0)
+ continue;
+ assert props[i].PropertyType == getter.ReturnType;
+ scalac.symtab.Type proptype = getCLSType(props[i].PropertyType);
+ if (proptype == null)
+ continue;
+// if (type.FullName.equals("System.Collections.ArrayList"))
+// System.out.println("getter found: " + getter);
+ Name n = Name.fromString(props[i].Name);
+ scalac.symtab.Type mtype =
+ scalac.symtab.Type.PolyType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, proptype);
+ int mods = translateAttributes(getter);
+ Symbol owner = getter.IsStatic ? staticsClass : clazz;
+ Symbol method = new TermSymbol(Position.NOPOS, n, owner, mods);
+ setParamOwners(mtype, method);
+ method.setFirstInfo(mtype);
+ (getter.IsStatic ? statics : members).enterOrOverload(method);
+, getter);
+ if (setter == null)
+ continue;
+ assert getter.IsStatic == setter.IsStatic;
+ assert setter.ReturnType == importer.VOID;
+ mtype = methodType(setter, getCLSType(importer.VOID));
+ if (mtype == null)
+ continue;
+ n = n.append(Names._EQ);
+ mods = translateAttributes(setter);
+ method = new TermSymbol(Position.NOPOS, n, owner, mods);
+ setParamOwners(mtype, method);
+ method.setFirstInfo(mtype);
+ (setter.IsStatic ? statics : members).enterOrOverload(method);
+, setter);
+ }
+ MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(bindingFlags);
+ for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
+ if (importer.getSymbol(methods[i]) != null)
+ continue;
+ scalac.symtab.Type rettype = getCLSType(methods[i].ReturnType);
+ if (rettype == null)
+ continue;
+ scalac.symtab.Type mtype = methodType(methods[i], rettype);
+ if (mtype == null)
+ continue;
+ String name = methods[i].Name;
+ Name n;
+ if (name.equals("GetHashCode")) n = Names.hashCode;
+ else if (name.equals("Equals")) n = Names.equals;
+ else if (name.equals("ToString")) n = Names.toString;
+ else n = Name.fromString(name);
+ int mods = translateAttributes(methods[i]);
+ Symbol owner = methods[i].IsStatic ? staticsClass : clazz;
+ Symbol method = new TermSymbol(Position.NOPOS, n, owner, mods);
+ setParamOwners(mtype, method);
+ method.setFirstInfo(mtype);
+ (methods[i].IsStatic ? statics : members).enterOrOverload(method);
+, methods[i]);
+ }
+ ConstructorInfo[] constrs = type.GetConstructors(bindingFlags);
+ for (int i = 0; i < constrs.length; i++) {
+ if (constrs[i].IsStatic || constrs[i].IsPrivate
+ || constrs[i].IsAssembly || constrs[i].IsFamilyAndAssembly)
+ continue;
+ scalac.symtab.Type mtype = methodType(constrs[i], ctype);
+ if (mtype == null)
+ continue;
+ Symbol constr = clazz.primaryConstructor();
+ if (constr.isInitialized()) constr = clazz.addConstructor();
+ int mods = translateAttributes(methods[i]);
+ TermSymbol.newConstructor(clazz, mods).copyTo(constr);
+ setParamOwners(mtype, constr);
+ constr.setFirstInfo(mtype);
+// System.out.println(clazz.allConstructors() + ": "
+// + clazz.allConstructors().info());
+, constrs[i]);
+ }
+ Symbol constr = clazz.primaryConstructor();
+ if (!constr.isInitialized()) {
+ constr.setFirstInfo(scalac.symtab.Type.MethodType
+ (Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY, ctype));
+ if ((clazz.flags & Modifiers.INTERFACE) == 0)
+ constr.flags |= Modifiers.PRIVATE;
+ }
+ // import nested types
+ Type[] nestedTypes = type.GetNestedTypes();
+ for (int i = 0; i < nestedTypes.length; i++) {
+ Name n = Name.fromString(nestedTypes[i].Name).toTypeName();
+ ClassSymbol nclazz = new ClassSymbol(n, clazz, this);
+ nclazz.allConstructors().setInfo(staticsParser(nclazz));
+ nclazz.module().setInfo(staticsParser(nclazz));
+ members.enter(nclazz);
+ Scope.Entry e = members.lookupEntry(clazz.module().name);
+ if (e != Scope.Entry.NONE)
+ members.unlink(e);
+ members.enter(nclazz.module());
+ }
+ }
+ /** Return a method type for */
+ protected scalac.symtab.Type methodType(MethodBase method,
+ scalac.symtab.Type rettype) {
+ ParameterInfo[] params = method.GetParameters();
+ scalac.symtab.Type[] ptypes = new scalac.symtab.Type[params.length];
+ for (int j = 0; j < params.length; j++) {
+ ptypes[j] = getCLSType(params[j].ParameterType);
+ if (ptypes[j] == null)
+ return null;
+ }
+ return make.methodType(ptypes, rettype, scalac.symtab.Type.EMPTY_ARRAY);
+ }
+ protected void setParamOwners(scalac.symtab.Type type, Symbol owner) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case PolyType(Symbol[] params, scalac.symtab.Type restype):
+ for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) params[i].setOwner(owner);
+ setParamOwners(restype, owner);
+ return;
+ case MethodType(Symbol[] params, scalac.symtab.Type restype):
+ for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) params[i].setOwner(owner);
+ setParamOwners(restype, owner);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ protected scalac.symtab.Type getClassType(Type type) {
+ assert type != null;
+ scalac.symtab.Type res = make.classType(Name.fromString(type.FullName));
+ if (res == scalac.symtab.Type.ErrorType)
+ global.error("unknown class reference " + type.FullName);
+ return res;
+ }
+ protected scalac.symtab.Type getCLSType(Type type) {
+ if (type == importer.BYTE || type == importer.USHORT
+ || type == importer.UINT || type == importer.ULONG
+ || type.IsPointer
+ || (type.IsArray && getCLSType(type.GetElementType()) == null))
+ return null;
+ return getCLRType(type);
+ }
+ protected scalac.symtab.Type getCLRType(Type type) {
+ if (type == importer.OBJECT)
+ return global.definitions.JAVA_OBJECT_TYPE();
+ if (type == importer.STRING)
+ return global.definitions.JAVA_STRING_TYPE();
+ if (type == importer.VOID)
+ return make.voidType();
+ if (type == importer.BOOLEAN)
+ return make.booleanType();
+ if (type == importer.CHAR)
+ return make.charType();
+ if (type == importer.BYTE || type == importer.UBYTE)
+ return make.byteType();
+ if (type == importer.SHORT || type == importer.USHORT)
+ return make.shortType();
+ if (type == importer.INT || type == importer.UINT)
+ return make.intType();
+ if (type == importer.LONG || type == importer.ULONG)
+ return make.longType();
+ if (type == importer.FLOAT)
+ return make.floatType();
+ if (type == importer.DOUBLE)
+ return make.doubleType();
+ if (type.IsArray)
+ return make.arrayType(getCLRType(type.GetElementType()));
+ return getClassType(type);
+ }
+ protected static int translateAttributes(Type type) {
+ int mods = 0;
+ if (type.IsNotPublic || type.IsNestedPrivate
+ || type.IsNestedAssembly || type.IsNestedFamANDAssem)
+ mods |= Modifiers.PRIVATE;
+ else if (type.IsNestedFamily || type.IsNestedFamORAssem)
+ mods |= Modifiers.PROTECTED;
+ if (type.IsAbstract)
+ mods |= Modifiers.ABSTRACT;
+ if (type.IsSealed)
+ mods |= Modifiers.FINAL;
+ if (type.IsInterface)
+ mods |= Modifiers.INTERFACE | Modifiers.TRAIT | Modifiers.ABSTRACT;
+ return mods | Modifiers.JAVA;
+ }
+ protected static int translateAttributes(FieldInfo field) {
+ int mods = 0;
+ if (field.IsPrivate || field.IsAssembly || field.IsFamilyAndAssembly)
+ mods |= Modifiers.PRIVATE;
+ else if (field.IsFamily || field.IsFamilyOrAssembly)
+ mods |= Modifiers.PROTECTED;
+ if (field.IsInitOnly)
+ mods |= Modifiers.FINAL;
+ else
+ mods |= Modifiers.MUTABLE;
+ return mods | Modifiers.JAVA;
+ }
+ protected static int translateAttributes(MethodInfo method) {
+ int mods = 0;
+ if (method.IsPrivate || method.IsAssembly || method.IsFamilyAndAssembly)
+ mods |= Modifiers.PRIVATE;
+ else if (method.IsFamily || method.IsFamilyOrAssembly)
+ mods |= Modifiers.PROTECTED;
+ if (method.IsAbstract)
+ mods |= Modifiers.DEFERRED;
+ return mods | Modifiers.JAVA;
+ }