path: root/sources/scalac/transformer/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 558 deletions
diff --git a/sources/scalac/transformer/ b/sources/scalac/transformer/
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index b1b05832a1..0000000000
--- a/sources/scalac/transformer/
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-/* ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ *\
-** / __// __ \/ __// __ \/ ____/ SOcos COmpiles Scala **
-** __\_ \/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ /\_ \ (c) 2002, LAMP/EPFL **
-** /_____/\____/\___/\____/____/ **
-\* */
-// $Id$
-package scalac.transformer;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import scalac.Global;
-import scalac.Phase;
-import scalac.PhaseDescriptor;
-import scalac.CompilationUnit;
-import scalac.ast.GenTransformer;
-import scalac.ast.Tree;
-import scalac.ast.Tree.Template;
-import scalac.symtab.Modifiers;
-import scalac.symtab.Scope;
-import scalac.symtab.Symbol;
-import scalac.symtab.Type;
-import scalac.util.Debug;
-import scalac.util.Name;
-import scalac.util.Names;
- * This phase does the following:
- *
- * - In every nested class, adds to each of its constructor a new
- * value parameter that contains a link to the outer class.
- *
- * - In every nested type, adds to each of its constructor a new type
- * parameter for every type parameter appearing in outer types.
- *
- * - In every class, adds a forwarding "super" method for every method
- * that is accessed via "super" in a nested class.
- *
- * - Replaces all prefixes of TypeRefs by localThisTypes.
- *
- * - Adds all missing qualifiers.
- */
-// !!! needs to be cleaned
-public class ExplicitOuterClassesPhase extends Phase {
- //########################################################################
- // Private Fields
- /** A map from constructor symbols to type transformers */
- private final Map/*<Symbol,TypeTransformer>*/ transformers = new HashMap();
- //########################################################################
- // Public Constructors
- /** Initializes this instance. */
- public ExplicitOuterClassesPhase(Global global,PhaseDescriptor descriptor){
- super(global, descriptor);
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Public Methods
- /** Applies this phase to the given compilation unit. */
- public void apply(CompilationUnit unit) {
- treeTransformer.apply(unit);
- }
- /** Applies this phase to the given type for the given symbol. */
- public Type transformInfo(Symbol symbol, Type type) {
- if (symbol.isConstructor()) {
- Symbol clasz = symbol.constructorClass();
- if (clasz.isClass() && !clasz.isCompoundSym())
- return transformInfo(clasz, symbol, type);
- }
- return getTypeTransformerFor(symbol).apply(type);
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Private Methods
- /**
- * Computes and returns the new type of the constructor. As a side
- * effect, creates and stores the type transformer corresponding
- * to this constructor.
- */
- private Type transformInfo(Symbol clasz, Symbol constructor, Type type) {
- Symbol[] tparams = type.typeParams();
- Symbol[] vparams = type.valueParams();
- int depth = getClassDepth(clasz);
- Map/*<Symbol,Type>*/ table = new HashMap();
- table.put(clasz, clasz.thisType());
- for (int i = 0; i < tparams.length; i++)
- table.put(tparams[i], tparams[i].type());
- Symbol[] owners = new Symbol[depth];
- Symbol[][] tparamss = new Symbol[depth][];
- Symbol vlink = null;
- if (depth > 0) {
- int count = depth;
- Symbol owner = clasz.owner();
- for (int i = depth - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- owners[i] = owner;
- tparamss[i] = owner.typeParams();
- count += tparamss[i].length;
- owner = owner.owner();
- }
- // create outer value link
- vparams = Symbol.cloneArray(1, vparams);
- int vflags = Modifiers.SYNTHETIC;
- Name vname = Names.OUTER(constructor);
- vlink = constructor.newVParam(constructor.pos, vflags, vname);
- vlink.setInfo(clasz.owner().thisType());
- vparams[0] = vlink;
- int o = 0;
- tparams = Symbol.cloneArray(count, tparams);
- for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
- // create new type parameters
- for (int j = 0; j < tparamss[i].length; j++) {
- Symbol oldtparam = tparamss[i][j];
- Symbol newtparam = oldtparam.cloneSymbol(constructor);
- = Names.OUTER(constructor, oldtparam);
- table.put(oldtparam, newtparam.type());
- tparams[o++] = newtparam;
- }
- // create outer type links
- int tflags = Modifiers.PARAM | Modifiers.COVARIANT | Modifiers.SYNTHETIC | Modifiers.STABLE;
- Name tname = Names.OUTER(constructor, owners[i]);
- Symbol tlink = constructor.newTParam(
- constructor.pos, tflags, tname, owners[i].typeOfThis());
- table.put(owners[i], tlink.type());
- tparams[o++] = tlink;
- }
- }
- transformers.put(constructor, new TypeTransformer(table));
- type = Type.typeRef(Type.NoPrefix, clasz, Symbol.type(tparams));
- type = Type.MethodType(vparams, type);
- if (tparams.length > 0) type = Type.PolyType(tparams, type);
- return type;
- }
- /** Returns the type transformer for the given symbol. */
- private TypeTransformer getTypeTransformerFor(Symbol symbol) {
- while (true) {
- Symbol test = symbol;
- if (test.isConstructor()) test = test.constructorClass();
- // !!! isClassType -> isClass ?
- if (test.isClassType() && !test.isCompoundSym()) break;
- symbol = symbol.owner();
- }
-// !!!
-// while (!symbol.isClassType() && !(symbol.isConstructor() && symbol.constructorClass().isClassType())) // !!! isClassType -> isClass ?
-// symbol = symbol.owner();
- if (symbol.isClassType())
- symbol = symbol.primaryConstructor();
- if (symbol.constructorClass().isPackageClass())
- return topLevelTypeTransformer;
- TypeTransformer context = (TypeTransformer)transformers.get(symbol);
- if (context == null) {
- symbol.nextInfo();
- context = (TypeTransformer)transformers.get(symbol);
- assert context != null:;
- }
- return context;
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Private Functions
- /**
- * Returns the depth of the specified class. The depth of a class
- * is:
- * - -1 for a package class
- * - 0 for a top-level class
- * - the depth of the enclosing class plus 1 for an inner class
- */
- private static int getClassDepth(Symbol clasz) {
- assert clasz.isClass() || clasz.isPackageClass():;
- int depth = -1;
- while (!clasz.isPackageClass()) { clasz = clasz.owner(); depth++; }
- return depth;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the type arguments of the flattened version of the
- * specified type reference. This functions takes and returns
- * non-transformed types.
- */
- private static Type[] getFlatArgs(Type prefix, Symbol clasz, Type[] args) {
- int depth = getClassDepth(clasz);
- if (depth <= 0) return args;
- Type[] prefixes = new Type[depth];
- Type[][] argss = new Type[depth][];
- int count = collect(prefix, clasz, prefixes, argss);
- args = Type.cloneArray(count, args);
- for (int i = 0, o = 0; i < depth; i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < argss[i].length; j++)
- args[o++] = argss[i][j];
- args[o++] = prefixes[i];
- }
- return args;
- }
- // where
- private static int collect(Type prefix, Symbol clasz, Type[] prefixes,
- Type[][] argss)
- {
- int count = prefixes.length;
- for (int i = prefixes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- prefixes[i] = prefix;
- Symbol owner = clasz.owner();
- Type base = prefix.baseType(owner);
- switch (base) {
- case TypeRef(Type type, Symbol symbol, Type[] args):
- assert symbol == owner:;
- count += args.length;
- argss[i] = args;
- prefix = type;
- clasz = owner;
- continue;
- default:
- throw Debug.abortIllegalCase(base);
- }
- }
- return count;
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Private Class - Type transformer
- /** The type transformer for top-level types */
- private static final TypeTransformer topLevelTypeTransformer =
- new TypeTransformer(Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
- /** The type transformer */
- private static final class TypeTransformer extends Type.MapOnlyTypes {
- private final Map/*<Symbol,Type>*/ tparams;
- public TypeTransformer(Map tparams) {
- this.tparams = tparams;
- }
- public Type apply(Type type) {
- switch (type) {
- case TypeRef(Type prefix, Symbol symbol, Type[] args):
- if (symbol.isParameter() && symbol.owner().isConstructor()) {
- assert prefix == Type.NoPrefix: type;
- assert args.length == 0: type;
- Object value = tparams.get(symbol);
- return value != null ? (Type)value : type;
- }
- if (symbol.isClass() && !symbol.isCompoundSym()) {
- args = map(getFlatArgs(prefix, symbol, args));
- prefix = Type.NoPrefix;
- return Type.typeRef(prefix, symbol, args);
- }
- if (symbol.isPackageClass()) {
- args = Type.EMPTY_ARRAY;
- prefix = Type.NoPrefix;
- return Type.typeRef(prefix, symbol, args);
- }
- return Type.typeRef(apply(prefix), symbol, map(args));
- case SingleType(Type prefix, Symbol symbol):
- if (symbol.owner().isPackageClass())
- return Type.singleType(Type.NoPrefix, symbol);
- return Type.singleType(apply(prefix), symbol);
- case ThisType(Symbol clasz):
- Object value = tparams.get(clasz);
- if (value != null) return (Type)value;
- assert clasz.isCompoundSym() || clasz.isPackageClass():
- return type;
- case CompoundType(Type[] parents, Scope members):
- // !!! this case should not be needed
- return Type.compoundType(map(parents), members, type.symbol());
- default:
- return map(type);
- }
- }
- }
- //########################################################################
- // Private Class - Tree transformer
- /** The tree transformer */
- private final GenTransformer treeTransformer = new GenTransformer(global) {
- /** The current context */
- private Context context;
- /** The current method */
- private Symbol method;
- /** Transforms the given type. */
- public Type transform(Type type) {
- return context.transformer.apply(type);
- }
- /** Transforms the given tree. */
- public Tree transform(Tree tree) {
- if (global.debug) global.log("transforming " + tree);//debug
- switch (tree) {
- case ClassDef(_, _, _, _, _, Template impl):
- Symbol clasz = tree.symbol();
- context = new Context(context, clasz, new HashMap(), new HashMap());
- Tree[] parents = transform(impl.parents);
- Tree[] body = transform(impl.body);
- body = Tree.concat(body, genAccessMethods(false));
- body = Tree.concat(body, genAccessMethods(true));
- if (context.vfield != null) {
- body = Tree.cloneArray(1, body);
- body[0] = gen.ValDef(
- context.vfield,
- gen.Ident(context.vfield.pos, context.vparam));
- }
- context = context.outer;
- return gen.ClassDef(clasz, parents, impl.symbol(), body);
- case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, Tree rhs):
- Symbol method = tree.symbol();
- Context backup = context;
- if (method.isConstructor())
- context = context.getConstructorContext(method);
- this.method = method;
- rhs = transform(rhs);
- this.method = null;
- context = backup;
- return gen.DefDef(method, rhs);
- case Apply(Tree vfun, Tree[] vargs):
- switch (vfun) {
- case TypeApply(Tree tfun, Tree[] targs):
- if (!tfun.symbol().isConstructor()) break;
- return transform(tree, vargs, vfun, targs, tfun);
- default:
- if (!vfun.symbol().isConstructor()) break;
- return transform(tree, vargs, vfun, Tree.EMPTY_ARRAY,vfun);
- }
- return super.transform(tree);
- case This(_):
- return genOuterRef(tree.pos, tree.symbol());
- case Select(Tree qualifier, _):
- Symbol symbol = tree.symbol();
- if (symbol.owner().isStaticOwner()) // !!! qualifier ignored
- return gen.mkGlobalRef(tree.pos, symbol);
- Symbol access;
- switch (qualifier) {
- case Super(_, _):
- Symbol clasz = qualifier.symbol();
- if (clasz == context.clasz) {
- access = symbol;
- qualifier = gen.Super(tree.pos, qualifier.symbol());
- } else {
- access = getAccessSymbol(symbol, clasz);
- qualifier = genOuterRef(qualifier.pos, clasz);
- }
- break;
- default:
- access = getAccessSymbol(symbol, null);
- qualifier = transform(qualifier);
- break;
- }
- tree = gen.Select(tree.pos, qualifier, access);
- if (access != symbol && !symbol.isMethod())
- tree = gen.mkApply__(tree);
- return tree;
- default:
- return super.transform(tree);
- }
- }
- /* Add outer type and value arguments to constructor calls. */
- private Tree transform(Tree vapply, Tree[] vargs, Tree tapply,
- Tree[] targs, Tree tree)
- {
- switch (tree) {
- case Select(Tree qualifier, _):
- Symbol symbol = tree.symbol();
- Symbol clasz = symbol.constructorClass();
- if (getClassDepth(clasz) > 0) {
- Type[] types = Tree.typeOf(targs);
- types = getFlatArgs(qualifier.type(), clasz, types);
- targs = gen.mkTypes(tapply.pos, types);
- vargs = Tree.cloneArray(1, vargs);
- vargs[0] = qualifier;
- } else {
- assert !containsValue(qualifier): tree;
- }
- tree = gen.Ident(tree.pos, symbol);
- if (targs.length != 0)
- tree = gen.TypeApply(tapply.pos, tree, transform(targs));
- return gen.Apply(vapply.pos, tree, transform(vargs));
- default:
- throw Debug.abortIllegalCase(tree);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the symbol to access the specified member from the
- * current context. If "svper" is non null, the member is
- * selected from the superclass of the specified class. The
- * returned symbol may be the same as the given one.
- */
- private Symbol getAccessSymbol(Symbol member, Symbol svper) {
- if (member.isPublic() && svper == null) return member;
- Context context = this.context;
- for (; context != null; context = context.outer)
- if (svper != null
- ? context.clasz == svper
- : member.isPrivate()
- ? context.clasz == member.owner()
- // !!! This is incorrect without static access methods
- : context.clasz.isSubClass(member.owner())) break;
- assert context != null:, member);
- if (context == this.context) return member;
- Map table = svper != null ? context.supers : context.selfs;
- Symbol access = (Symbol)table.get(member);
- if (access == null) {
- // !!! generate static access methods ?
- Name name = Names.ACCESS(member, svper != null);
- access = context.clasz.newAccessMethod(context.clasz.pos,name);
- global.nextPhase();
- Type info = member.isMethod()
- ?, access)
- : Type.MethodType(Symbol.EMPTY_ARRAY,;
- access.setInfo(info);
- global.prevPhase();
- table.put(member, access);
- context.clasz.nextInfo().members().enter(access);
- assert Debug.log("created access method: ", access);
- }
- return access;
- }
- /** Generates the trees of the access methods. */
- private Tree[] genAccessMethods(boolean withSuper) {
- Map table = withSuper ? context.supers : context.selfs;
- if (table.size() == 0) return Tree.EMPTY_ARRAY;
- Tree[] trees = new Tree[table.size()];
- Iterator entries = table.entrySet().iterator();
- for (int i = 0; i < trees.length; i++) {
- Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
- Symbol member = (Symbol)entry.getKey();
- Symbol access = (Symbol)entry.getValue();
- int pos = access.pos;
- Tree qualifier = withSuper
- ? gen.Super(pos, context.clasz)
- : gen.This(pos, context.clasz);
- Tree select = gen.Select(qualifier, member);
- Tree[] targs = gen.mkTypeRefs(pos, access.nextTypeParams());
- Tree[] vargs = gen.mkLocalRefs(pos, access.nextValueParams());
- Tree body = member.isMethod()
- ? gen.mkApplyTV(select, targs, vargs)
- : select;
- trees[i] = gen.DefDef(access, body);
- }
- return trees;
- }
- /** Returns a tree referencing the given outer class. */
- private Tree genOuterRef(int pos, Symbol clasz) {
- if (context.clasz == clasz) return gen.This(pos, clasz);
- Tree tree = method == null || method.isConstructor()
- ? gen.Ident(pos, context.vparam)
- : gen.Select(gen.This(pos, context.clasz),context.getVField());
- for (Context c = context.outer;; c = c.outer) {
- assert c != null:, context.clasz);
- if (c.clasz == clasz) return tree;
- Symbol access = getAccessSymbol(c.getVField(), null);
- tree = gen.Apply(gen.Select(tree, access));
- }
- }
- /** Tests whether the tree contains some value computation. */
- private boolean containsValue(Tree tree) {
- switch (tree) {
- case This(_):
- return !tree.symbol().isPackageClass();
- case Select(Tree qualifier, _):
- return containsValue(qualifier) || tree.symbol().isValue();
- default:
- return false;
- }
- }
- };
- //########################################################################
- // Private Class - Tree transformer context
- /** This class represents the tree transformation context. */
- private class Context {
- /** The outer context */
- public final Context outer;
- /** The context class */
- public final Symbol clasz;
- /** The context type transformer */
- public final TypeTransformer transformer;
- /** The self access methods (maps members to accessors) */
- public final Map/*<Symbol,Symbol>*/ selfs;
- /** The super access methods (maps members to accessors) */
- public final Map/*<Symbol,Symbol>*/ supers;
- /** The context outer paramater (null if none) */
- public final Symbol vparam;
- /** The context outer field (null if none or not yet used) */
- private Symbol vfield;
- /** Initializes this instance. */
- public Context(Context outer, Symbol symbol, Map selfs, Map supers) {
- this.outer = outer;
- this.clasz = symbol.constructorClass();
- this.transformer = getTypeTransformerFor(symbol);
- this.selfs = selfs;
- this.supers = supers;
- this.vparam = outer != null ? symbol.nextValueParams()[0] : null;
- }
- /** Returns a context for the given constructor. */
- public Context getConstructorContext(Symbol constructor) {
- assert constructor.constructorClass() == clasz;
- return new Context(outer, constructor, selfs, supers);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the outer value field. The field is created on the
- * fly if it does not yet exist.
- */
- private Symbol getVField() {
- assert outer != null:;
- if (vfield == null) {
- int flags =
- Modifiers.SYNTHETIC | Modifiers.PRIVATE | Modifiers.STABLE;
- vfield = clasz.newField(clasz.pos, flags, Names.OUTER(clasz));
- vfield.setInfo(outer.clasz.thisType());
- clasz.members().enterNoHide(vfield);
- }
- return vfield;
- }
- }
- //########################################################################