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diff --git a/sources/scala/collection/immutable/GBTree.scala b/sources/scala/collection/immutable/GBTree.scala
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..ab80c655c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/scala/collection/immutable/GBTree.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+/* __ *\
+** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
+** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003, LAMP/EPFL **
+** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
+** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
+** |/ **
+** $Id$
+** @author Erik Stenman
+** @version 1.0, 10/07/2003
+** =====================================================================*/
+/** General Balanced Trees - highly efficient functional dictionaries.
+** This is a scala version of gb_trees.erl which is
+** copyrighted (C) 1999-2001 by Sven-Olof Nyström, and Richard Carlsson
+** An efficient implementation of Prof. Arne Andersson's General
+** Balanced Trees. These have no storage overhead compared to plain
+** unbalanced binary trees, and their performance is in general better
+** than AVL trees.
+** ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+** it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+** published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+** License, or (at your option) any later version.
+** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+** Lesser General Public License for more details.
+** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+** License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+** USA
+** Author contact:
+** (,
+** ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+** - update(X, V): updates key X to value V in the tree; returns the
+** new tree. Assumes that the key is present in the tree.
+** - enter(X, V): inserts key X with value V into the tree if the key
+** is not present in the tree, otherwise updates key X to value V in
+** the tree. Returns the new tree.
+** - delete(X): removes key X from the tree; returns new tree. Assumes
+** that the key is present in the tree.
+** - delete_any(X): removes key X from the tree if the key is present
+** in the tree, otherwise does nothing; returns new tree.
+** - balance: rebalances the tree. Note that this is rarely necessary,
+** but may be motivated when a large number of entries have been
+** deleted from the tree without further insertions. Rebalancing could
+** then be forced in order to minimise lookup times, since deletion
+** only does not rebalance the tree.
+** - contains(X): returns `true' if key X is present in the tree, and
+** `false' otherwise.
+** - keys: returns an ordered list of all keys in the tree.
+** - values: returns the list of values for all keys in the tree,
+** sorted by their corresponding keys. Duplicates are not removed.
+** - to_list: returns an ordered list of Pair(Key, Value) for all
+** keys in the tree.
+** - iterator: returns an iterator that can be used for traversing
+** the entries of the tree; see `next'. The implementation of this is
+** very efficient; traversing the whole tree using `next' is only
+** slightly slower than getting the list of all elements using
+** `to_list' and traversing that. The main advantage of the iterator
+** approach is that it does not require the complete list of all
+** elements to be built in memory at one time.
+** - next: returns Tuple3(X, V, S1) where X is the smallest key referred to
+** by the iterator, and S1 is the new iterator to be used for
+** traversing the remaining entries, or the atom `none' if no entries
+** remain.
+package scala.collection.immutable;
+object GBTree {
+ def Empty[A <: Ord[A], B] = new GBTree[A, B];
+/** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+** Data structure:
+** - Size - the number of elements in the tree.
+** - Tree, which is composed of nodes of the form:
+** - Node(Key, Value, Smaller, Bigger), and the "empty tree" node:
+** - Nil.
+** I make no attempt to balance trees after deletions. Since deletions
+** don't increase the height of a tree, I figure this is OK.
+** Original balance condition h(T) <= ceil(c * log(|T|)) has been
+** changed to the similar (but not quite equivalent) condition 2 ^ h(T)
+** <= |T| ^ c. I figure this should also be OK.
+** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+class GBTree[A <: Ord[A], B]() with Map[A, B, GBTree[A,B]] {
+ type TREE = Tree[A,B];
+ /** - size: returns the number of nodes in the tree as an integer.
+ ** Returns 0 (zero) if the tree is empty.
+ **/
+ def size = 0;
+ protected val tree:TREE = Nil[A,B]();
+ /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ * Factory method to create new GB-trees.
+ */
+ private def mkGBTree[C >: A <: Ord[C],D>:B](sz:int,t:Tree[C,D]) =
+ new GBTree[A,B](){
+ override def size=sz;
+ override protected val tree:this.Tree[A,B]=t as this.Tree[A,B];
+ };
+ /* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */
+ /** Checks if the tree is empty.
+ *
+ * @returns true, iff there is no element in the tree.
+ */
+ override def isEmpty = size == 0;
+ /** Looks up the key in the tree;
+ ** @returns Option.Some(v),
+ ** or Option.None if the key is not present.
+ **
+ **/
+ def get(key:A) = get_1(key, tree);
+ /* The term order is an arithmetic total order, so we should not
+ ** test exact equality for the keys. (If we do, then it becomes
+ ** possible that neither `>', `<', nor `=:=' matches.) Testing '<'
+ ** and '>' first is statistically better than testing for
+ ** equality, and also allows us to skip the test completely in the
+ ** remaining case.
+ */
+ private def get_1(key:A,t:Tree[A,B]):Option[B] =
+ t.match {
+ case Node(key1,_,smaller,_) if (key < key1) =>
+ get_1(key, smaller);
+ case Node(key1, _, _, bigger) if (key > key1) =>
+ get_1(key, bigger);
+ case Node(_, value, _, _) => Some(value);
+ case Nil() => None;
+ }
+ /* This is a specialized version of `get'.
+ */
+ override def contains(key:A) = is_defined_1(key, tree);
+ private def is_defined_1(key:A, t:Tree[A,B]):Boolean =
+ t.match {
+ case Node(key1, _, smaller, _) if(key < key1) =>
+ is_defined_1(key, smaller);
+ case Node(key1, _, _, bigger) if(key > key1) =>
+ is_defined_1(key, bigger);
+ case Node(_, _, _, _) => true;
+ case Nil() => false
+ }
+ /** Retreives the value stored with the <code>key</code>
+ ** in the tree. Assumes that the key is present in the tree.
+ ** @returns the value stored with the <code>key</code>.
+ ** @throws "key not found".
+ **/
+ override def apply(key:A):B = apply_1(key, tree);
+ private def apply_1(key:A,t:Tree[A,B]):B =
+ t.match {
+ case Node(key1, _, smaller, _) if(key < key1) =>
+ apply_1(key, smaller);
+ case Node(key1, _, _, bigger) if(key > key1) =>
+ apply_1(key, bigger);
+ case Node(_, value, _, _) => value;
+ case Nil() => error("key not found")
+ };
+ def update(key:A, value:B):GBTree[A,B] =
+ if(contains(key)) update_1(key, value)
+ else insert(key, value);
+ private def update_1(key:A, value:B):GBTree[A,B] = {
+ val t1:Tree[A,B] = update_1(key, value, tree);
+ mkGBTree(size,t1);
+ }
+ /** See `get' for notes on the term comparison order.
+ **/
+ private def update_1(key:A, value:B, t:Tree[A,B]):Tree[A,B] =
+ t.match{
+ case Node(key1, v, smaller, bigger) if(key < key1) =>
+ Node(key1, v, update_1(key, value, smaller), bigger);
+ case Node(key1, v, smaller, bigger) if(key > key1) =>
+ Node(key1, v, smaller, update_1(key, value, bigger));
+ case Node(_, _, smaller, bigger) =>
+ Node(key, value, smaller, bigger);
+ };
+ // %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */
+ abstract class InsertTree[C <: Ord[C],D]();
+ case class ITree[C <: Ord[C],D](t:Tree[C,D]) extends InsertTree[C,D];
+ case class INode[C,D](t:Tree[A,B],height:int,size:int) extends InsertTree[A,B];
+ /** Inserts the key <code>key</code>
+ ** with value <code>value</code> into the tree; returns
+ ** the new tree.
+ ** Assumes that the key is *not* present in the tree.
+ ** @returns tree:GBTree[A,B].
+ ** @throws GBTree.KeyExists(key)
+ **/
+ def insert(key:A, value:B):GBTree[A,B] = {
+ val s1 = size+1;
+ val ITree(t1) = insert_1(key, value, tree, pow(s1, p));
+ mkGBTree(s1,t1);
+ }
+ private def insert_1(key:A,
+ value:B,
+ t0:Tree[A,B], s:int):InsertTree[A,B] = {
+ t0.match {
+ case Node(key1, v, smaller, bigger) if(key < key1) =>
+ insert_1(key, value, smaller, div2(s)).match {
+ case ITree(t1) =>
+ ITree(Node(key1, v, t1, bigger));
+ case INode(t1, h1, s1) =>
+ val t = Node(key1, v, t1, bigger);
+ val iBigger = bigger.count;
+ val h = mul2(max(h1, iBigger.height));
+ val ss = s1 + iBigger.size + 1;
+ val pp = pow(ss, p);
+ if(h > pp) ITree(balance_t(t, ss));
+ else INode(t,h,ss);
+ };
+ case Node(key1, v, smaller, bigger) if(key > key1) =>
+ insert_1(key, value, bigger, div2(s)).match {
+ case ITree(t1) =>
+ ITree(Node(key1, v, smaller, t1));
+ case INode(t1, h1, s1) =>
+ val t = Node(key1, v, smaller, t1);
+ val iSmaller = smaller.count;
+ val h = mul2(max(h1, iSmaller.height));
+ val ss = s1 + iSmaller.size + 1;
+ val pp = pow(ss, p);
+ if(h > pp) ITree(balance_t(t, ss));
+ else INode(t, h, ss);
+ };
+ case Nil() if(s == 0) =>
+ INode(Node(key, value, Nil(), Nil()), 1, 1);
+ case Nil() =>
+ ITree(Node(key, value, Nil(), Nil()));
+ case _ =>
+ (new KeyExists(key)).throw;
+ }
+ }
+ private def balance_t(t:Tree[A,B], s:int) =
+ balance_list(to_list_1(t), s);
+ def balance = mkGBTree(size,balance_t(tree,size));
+ private def balance_list(list:List[Pair[A,B]], s:int) = {
+ val Pair(t, _) = balance_list_1(list, s);
+ t;
+ }
+ private def balance_list_1(list:List[Pair[A,B]], s:int):
+ Pair[Tree[A,B],List[Pair[A,B]]] = {
+ if(s > 1) {
+ val sm = s - 1;
+ val s2 = div2(sm);
+ val s1 = sm - s2;
+ val Pair(t1,Pair(k, v)::l1) = balance_list_1(list, s1);
+ val Pair(t2, l2) = balance_list_1(l1, s2);
+ val t = Node(k, v, t1, t2);
+ Pair(t, l2);
+ } else
+ if(s == 1) {
+ val Pair(key,v) = list.head;
+ Pair(Node(key,v,Nil(),Nil()), list.tail);
+ } else
+ Pair(Nil(),list);
+ }
+ private def to_list_1(t:Tree[A,B]) = to_list(t, scala.Nil);
+ private def to_list(t:Tree[A,B], list:List[Pair[A,B]]):List[Pair[A,B]] = {
+ t.match {
+ case Node(key, value, small, big) =>
+ to_list(small, Pair(key, value)::to_list(big, list));
+ case Nil() => list;
+ }
+ }
+ override def toList =
+ to_list(tree, scala.Nil);
+ def -(key:A):GBTree[A,B] = delete_any(key);
+ // The iterator structure is really just a list corresponding to
+ // the call stack of an in-order traversal. This is quite fast.
+ //
+ // Note: The iterator has a state, i.e., it is not functional.
+ def elements:Iterator[Pair[A,B]] =
+ new Iterator[Pair[A,B]] {
+ var iter = mk_iter(tree,scala.Nil);
+ def hasNext = !iter.isEmpty;
+ def next =
+ iter.match {
+ case (Node(x,v,_,t)::iter_tail) =>
+ iter= iter_tail;
+ Pair(x,v);
+ case scala.Nil =>
+ error("next on empty iterator");
+ }
+ }
+ private def mk_iter(t:TREE,iter_tail:List[TREE]):List[TREE] = {
+ t.match {
+ case Node(_,_,Nil(),_) => t::iter_tail;
+ case Node(_,_,l,_) => mk_iter(l,t::iter_tail);
+ case Nil() => iter_tail;
+ }
+ }
+ def delete_any(key:A):GBTree[A,B] =
+ if(contains(key)) delete(key)
+ else this;
+ // delete. Assumes that key is present.
+ def delete(key:A):GBTree[A,B] =
+ mkGBTree(size - 1, delete_1(key,tree));
+ // See `get' for notes on the term comparison order.
+ def delete_1(key:A,t:TREE):TREE = {
+ t.match {
+ case Node(key1, value, smaller, larger) if key < key1 =>
+ val smaller1 = delete_1(key, smaller);
+ Node(key1, value, smaller1, larger);
+ case Node(key1, value, smaller, bigger) if key > key1 =>
+ val bigger1 = delete_1(key, bigger);
+ Node(key1, value, smaller, bigger1);
+ case Node(_,_,smaller,larger) =>
+ merge(smaller, larger)
+ }
+ }
+ private def merge(smaller:TREE,larger:TREE) = {
+ if(larger==Nil()) smaller;
+ else
+ if(smaller==Nil()) larger;
+ else {
+ val Tuple3(key,value,larger1) = take_smallest1(larger);
+ Node(key,value,smaller, larger1);
+ }
+ }
+ private def take_smallest1(t:TREE):Tuple3[A,B,TREE] = {
+ t.match {
+ case Node(key, value, Nil(), larger) =>
+ Tuple3(key, value, larger);
+ case Node(key, value, smaller, larger) =>
+ val Tuple3(key1, value1, smaller1) = take_smallest1(smaller);
+ Tuple3(key1, value1, Node(key, value, smaller1, larger));
+ }
+ }
+ abstract class Tree[A <: Ord[A],B]() {
+ def count:Info;
+ }
+ case class Node(key:A,value:B,smaller:TREE,bigger:TREE)
+ extends Tree[A,B] {
+ def count:Info = {
+ if (smaller == Nil() && bigger == Nil())
+ new Info(1,1);
+ else {
+ val sInfo = smaller.count;
+ val bInfo = bigger.count;
+ new Info(mul2(max(sInfo.height,bInfo.height)),
+ sInfo.size + bInfo.size +1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ case class Nil[A <: Ord[A],B]() extends Tree[A,B] {
+ def count = new Info(1,0);
+ }
+ class KeyExists(key:Any) extends java.lang.Exception();
+ class Info(h:int, s:int) {
+ val height = h;
+ val size = s;
+ }
+ /* -----------------------------------------------------------
+ // Some helpful definitions.
+ */
+ final val p = 2; // It seems that p = 2 is optimal for sorted keys */
+ final def pow(a:int, b:int):int =
+ a.match {
+ case 2 => a * a;
+ case 1 => a;
+ case x if x > 0 => a * pow(a, b-1);
+ };
+ final def div2(x:int) = x >> 1;
+ final def mul2(x:int) = x << 1;
+ def max(x:int, y:int) = if(x < y) y; else x;
+** - from_orddict(L): turns an ordered list L of Pair(Key, Value) pairs into
+** a tree. The list must not contain duplicate keys.
+** - smallest: returns Pair(X, V), where X is the smallest key in the tree,
+** and V is the value associated with X in the tree. Assumes that the tree
+** is nonempty.
+** - largest: returns Pair(X, V), where X is the largest key in tree the tree,
+** and V is the value associated with X in the tree. Assumes that the tree
+** is nonempty.
+** - take_smallest: returns Tuple3(X, V, T1), where X is the smallest key
+** in the tree, V is the value associated with X in the tree, and T1 is the
+** tree with key X deleted. Assumes that the tree is nonempty.
+** - take_largest: returns Tuple3(X, V, T1), where X is the largest key
+** in the tree, V is the value associated with X, and T1 is the
+** tree with key X deleted. Assumes that the tree is nonempty.
+from_orddict(L) =>
+ S = length(L),
+ {S, balance_list(L, S)}.
+take_smallest({Size, Tree}) =>
+ {Key, Value, Larger} = take_smallest1(Tree),
+ {Key, Value, {Size - 1, Larger}}.
+smallest({_, Tree}) =>
+ smallest_1(Tree).
+smallest_1({Key, Value, nil, _Larger}) =>
+ {Key, Value};
+smallest_1({_Key, _Value, Smaller, _Larger}) =>
+ smallest_1(Smaller).
+take_largest({Size, Tree}) =>
+ {Key, Value, Smaller} = take_largest1(Tree),
+ {Key, Value, {Size - 1, Smaller}}.
+take_largest1({Key, Value, Smaller, nil}) =>
+ {Key, Value, Smaller};
+take_largest1({Key, Value, Smaller, Larger}) =>
+ {Key1, Value1, Larger1} = take_largest1(Larger),
+ {Key1, Value1, {Key, Value, Smaller, Larger1}}.
+largest({_, Tree}) =>
+ largest_1(Tree).
+largest_1({Key, Value, _Smaller, nil}) =>
+ {Key, Value};
+largest_1({_Key, _Value, _Smaller, Larger}) =>
+ largest_1(Larger).