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+title: Expressions
+layout: default
+chapter: 6
+# Expressions
+Expr ::= (Bindings | id | `_') `=>' Expr
+ | Expr1
+Expr1 ::= `if' `(' Expr `)' {nl} Expr [[semi] `else' Expr]
+ | `while' `(' Expr `)' {nl} Expr
+ | `try' (`{' Block `}' | Expr) [`catch' `{' CaseClauses `}'] [`finally' Expr]
+ | `do' Expr [semi] `while' `(' Expr ')'
+ | `for' (`(' Enumerators `)' | `{' Enumerators `}') {nl} [`yield'] Expr
+ | `throw' Expr
+ | `return' [Expr]
+ | [SimpleExpr `.'] id `=' Expr
+ | SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs `=' Expr
+ | PostfixExpr
+ | PostfixExpr Ascription
+ | PostfixExpr `match' `{' CaseClauses `}'
+PostfixExpr ::= InfixExpr [id [nl]]
+InfixExpr ::= PrefixExpr
+ | InfixExpr id [nl] InfixExpr
+PrefixExpr ::= [`-' | `+' | `~' | `!'] SimpleExpr
+SimpleExpr ::= `new' (ClassTemplate | TemplateBody)
+ | BlockExpr
+ | SimpleExpr1 [`_']
+SimpleExpr1 ::= Literal
+ | Path
+ | `_'
+ | `(' [Exprs] `)'
+ | SimpleExpr `.' id s
+ | SimpleExpr TypeArgs
+ | SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs
+ | XmlExpr
+Exprs ::= Expr {`,' Expr}
+BlockExpr ::= ‘{’ CaseClauses ‘}’
+ | ‘{’ Block ‘}’
+Block ::= BlockStat {semi BlockStat} [ResultExpr]
+ResultExpr ::= Expr1
+ | (Bindings | ([`implicit'] id | `_') `:' CompoundType) `=>' Block
+Ascription ::= `:' InfixType
+ | `:' Annotation {Annotation}
+ | `:' `_' `*'
+Expressions are composed of operators and operands. Expression forms are
+discussed subsequently in decreasing order of precedence.
+## Expression Typing
+The typing of expressions is often relative to some _expected type_ (which might be undefined). When we write "expression $e$ is expected to conform to type $T$", we mean:
+ 1. the expected type of $e$ is $T$, and
+ 2. the type of expression $e$ must conform to $T$.
+The following skolemization rule is applied universally for every
+expression: If the type of an expression would be an existential type
+$T$, then the type of the expression is assumed instead to be a
+[skolemization](03-types.html#existential-types) of $T$.
+Skolemization is reversed by type packing. Assume an expression $e$ of
+type $T$ and let $t_1[\mathit{tps}_1] >: L_1 <: U_1 , \ldots , t_n[\mathit{tps}_n] >: L_n <: U_n$ be
+all the type variables created by skolemization of some part of $e$ which are free in $T$.
+Then the _packed type_ of $e$ is
+$T$ forSome { type $t_1[\mathit{tps}_1] >: L_1 <: U_1$; $\ldots$; type $t_n[\mathit{tps}_n] >: L_n <: U_n$ }.
+## Literals
+SimpleExpr ::= Literal
+Typing of literals is as described [here](01-lexical-syntax.html#literals); their
+evaluation is immediate.
+## The _Null_ Value
+The `null` value is of type `scala.Null`, and is thus
+compatible with every reference type. It denotes a reference value
+which refers to a special “`null`” object. This object
+implements methods in class `scala.AnyRef` as follows:
+- `eq($x\,$)` and `==($x\,$)` return `true` iff the
+ argument $x$ is also the "null" object.
+- `ne($x\,$)` and `!=($x\,$)` return true iff the
+ argument x is not also the "null" object.
+- `isInstanceOf[$T\,$]` always returns `false`.
+- `asInstanceOf[$T\,$]` returns the [default value](04-basic-declarations-and-definitions.html#value-declarations-and-definitions) of type $T$.
+- `##` returns ``0``.
+A reference to any other member of the "null" object causes a
+`NullPointerException` to be thrown.
+## Designators
+SimpleExpr ::= Path
+ | SimpleExpr `.' id
+A designator refers to a named term. It can be a _simple name_ or
+a _selection_.
+A simple name $x$ refers to a value as specified
+If $x$ is bound by a definition or declaration in an enclosing class
+or object $C$, it is taken to be equivalent to the selection
+`$C$.this.$x$` where $C$ is taken to refer to the class containing $x$
+even if the type name $C$ is [shadowed](02-identifiers-names-and-scopes.html#identifiers-names-and-scopes) at the
+occurrence of $x$.
+If $r$ is a [stable identifier](03-types.html#paths) of type $T$, the selection $r.x$ refers
+statically to a term member $m$ of $r$ that is identified in $T$ by
+the name $x$.
+<!-- There might be several such members, in which
+case overloading resolution (\sref{overloading-resolution}) is applied
+to pick a unique one.} -->
+For other expressions $e$, $e.x$ is typed as
+if it was `{ val $y$ = $e$; $y$.$x$ }`, for some fresh name
+The expected type of a designator's prefix is always undefined. The
+type of a designator is the type $T$ of the entity it refers to, with
+the following exception: The type of a [path](03-types.html#paths) $p$
+which occurs in a context where a [stable type](03-types.html#singleton-types)
+is required is the singleton type `$p$.type`.
+The contexts where a stable type is required are those that satisfy
+one of the following conditions:
+1. The path $p$ occurs as the prefix of a selection and it does not
+designate a constant, or
+1. The expected type $\mathit{pt}$ is a stable type, or
+1. The expected type $\mathit{pt}$ is an abstract type with a stable type as lower
+ bound, and the type $T$ of the entity referred to by $p$ does not
+ conform to $\mathit{pt}$, or
+1. The path $p$ designates a module.
+The selection $e.x$ is evaluated by first evaluating the qualifier
+expression $e$, which yields an object $r$, say. The selection's
+result is then the member of $r$ that is either defined by $m$ or defined
+by a definition overriding $m$.
+If that member has a type which
+conforms to `scala.NotNull`, the member's value must be initialized
+to a value different from `null`, otherwise a `scala.UnitializedError`
+is thrown.
+## This and Super
+SimpleExpr ::= [id `.'] `this'
+ | [id '.'] `super' [ClassQualifier] `.' id
+The expression `this` can appear in the statement part of a
+template or compound type. It stands for the object being defined by
+the innermost template or compound type enclosing the reference. If
+this is a compound type, the type of `this` is that compound type.
+If it is a template of a
+class or object definition with simple name $C$, the type of this
+is the same as the type of `$C$.this`.
+The expression `$C$.this` is legal in the statement part of an
+enclosing class or object definition with simple name $C$. It
+stands for the object being defined by the innermost such definition.
+If the expression's expected type is a stable type, or
+`$C$.this` occurs as the prefix of a selection, its type is
+`$C$.this.type`, otherwise it is the self type of class $C$.
+A reference `super.$m$` refers statically to a method or type $m$
+in the least proper supertype of the innermost template containing the
+reference. It evaluates to the member $m'$ in the actual supertype of
+that template which is equal to $m$ or which overrides $m$. The
+statically referenced member $m$ must be a type or a
+method. <!-- explanation: so that we need not create several fields for overriding vals -->
+If it is
+a method, it must be concrete, or the template
+containing the reference must have a member $m'$ which overrides $m$
+and which is labeled `abstract override`.
+A reference `$C$.super.$m$` refers statically to a method
+or type $m$ in the least proper supertype of the innermost enclosing class or
+object definition named $C$ which encloses the reference. It evaluates
+to the member $m'$ in the actual supertype of that class or object
+which is equal to $m$ or which overrides $m$. The
+statically referenced member $m$ must be a type or a
+method. If the statically
+referenced member $m$ is a method, it must be concrete, or the innermost enclosing
+class or object definition named $C$ must have a member $m'$ which
+overrides $m$ and which is labeled `abstract override`.
+The `super` prefix may be followed by a trait qualifier
+`[$T\,$]`, as in `$C$.super[$T\,$].$x$`. This is
+called a _static super reference_. In this case, the reference is
+to the type or method of $x$ in the parent trait of $C$ whose simple
+name is $T$. That member must be uniquely defined. If it is a method,
+it must be concrete.
+### Example
+Consider the following class definitions
+class Root { def x = "Root" }
+class A extends Root { override def x = "A" ; def superA = super.x }
+trait B extends Root { override def x = "B" ; def superB = super.x }
+class C extends Root with B {
+ override def x = "C" ; def superC = super.x
+class D extends A with B {
+ override def x = "D" ; def superD = super.x
+The linearization of class `C` is `{C, B, Root}` and
+the linearization of class `D` is `{D, B, A, Root}`.
+Then we have:
+(new A).superA == "Root",
+ (new C).superB = "Root", (new C).superC = "B",
+(new D).superA == "Root", (new D).superB = "A", (new D).superD = "B",
+Note that the `superB` function returns different results
+depending on whether `B` is mixed in with class `Root` or `A`.
+## Function Applications
+SimpleExpr ::= SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs
+ArgumentExprs ::= `(' [Exprs] `)'
+ | `(' [Exprs `,'] PostfixExpr `:' `_' `*' ')'
+ | [nl] BlockExpr
+Exprs ::= Expr {`,' Expr}
+An application `$f$($e_1 , \ldots , e_m$)` applies the
+function $f$ to the argument expressions $e_1 , \ldots , e_m$. If $f$
+has a method type `($p_1$:$T_1 , \ldots , p_n$:$T_n$)$U$`, the type of
+each argument expression $e_i$ is typed with the
+corresponding parameter type $T_i$ as expected type. Let $S_i$ be type
+type of argument $e_i$ $(i = 1 , \ldots , m)$. If $f$ is a polymorphic method,
+[local type inference](#local-type-inference) is used to determine
+type arguments for $f$. If $f$ has some value type, the application is taken to
+be equivalent to `$f$.apply($e_1 , \ldots , e_m$)`,
+i.e. the application of an `apply` method defined by $f$.
+The function $f$ must be _applicable_ to its arguments $e_1
+, \ldots , e_n$ of types $S_1 , \ldots , S_n$.
+If $f$ has a method type $(p_1:T_1 , \ldots , p_n:T_n)U$
+we say that an argument expression $e_i$ is a _named_ argument if
+it has the form $x_i=e'_i$ and $x_i$ is one of the parameter names
+$p_1 , \ldots , p_n$. The function $f$ is applicable if all of the follwing conditions
+- For every named argument $x_i=e'_i$ the type $S_i$
+ is compatible with the parameter type $T_j$ whose name $p_j$ matches $x_i$.
+- For every positional argument $e_i$ the type $S_i$
+is compatible with $T_i$.
+- If the expected type is defined, the result type $U$ is
+ compatible to it.
+If $f$ is a polymorphic method it is applicable if
+[local type inference](#local-type-inference) can
+determine type arguments so that the instantiated method is applicable. If
+$f$ has some value type it is applicable if it has a method member named
+`apply` which is applicable.
+Evaluation of `$f$($e_1 , \ldots , e_n$)` usually entails evaluation of
+$f$ and $e_1 , \ldots , e_n$ in that order. Each argument expression
+is converted to the type of its corresponding formal parameter. After
+that, the application is rewritten to the function's right hand side,
+with actual arguments substituted for formal parameters. The result
+of evaluating the rewritten right-hand side is finally converted to
+the function's declared result type, if one is given.
+The case of a formal parameter with a parameterless
+method type `=>$T$` is treated specially. In this case, the
+corresponding actual argument expression $e$ is not evaluated before the
+application. Instead, every use of the formal parameter on the
+right-hand side of the rewrite rule entails a re-evaluation of $e$.
+In other words, the evaluation order for
+`=>`-parameters is _call-by-name_ whereas the evaluation
+order for normal parameters is _call-by-value_.
+Furthermore, it is required that $e$'s [packed type](#expression-typing)
+conforms to the parameter type $T$.
+The behavior of by-name parameters is preserved if the application is
+transformed into a block due to named or default arguments. In this case,
+the local value for that parameter has the form `val $y_i$ = () => $e$`
+and the argument passed to the function is `$y_i$()`.
+The last argument in an application may be marked as a sequence
+argument, e.g. `$e$: _*`. Such an argument must correspond
+to a [repeated parameter](04-basic-declarations-and-definitions.html#repeated-parameters) of type
+`$S$*` and it must be the only argument matching this
+parameter (i.e. the number of formal parameters and actual arguments
+must be the same). Furthermore, the type of $e$ must conform to
+`scala.Seq[$T$]`, for some type $T$ which conforms to
+$S$. In this case, the argument list is transformed by replacing the
+sequence $e$ with its elements. When the application uses named
+arguments, the vararg parameter has to be specified exactly once.
+A function application usually allocates a new frame on the program's
+run-time stack. However, if a local function or a final method calls
+itself as its last action, the call is executed using the stack-frame
+of the caller.
+###### Example
+Assume the following function which computes the sum of a
+variable number of arguments:
+def sum(xs: Int*) = (0 /: xs) ((x, y) => x + y)
+sum(1, 2, 3, 4)
+sum(List(1, 2, 3, 4): _*)
+both yield `10` as result. On the other hand,
+sum(List(1, 2, 3, 4))
+would not typecheck.
+### Named and Default Arguments
+If an application might uses named arguments $p = e$ or default
+arguments, the following conditions must hold.
+- For every named argument $p_i = e_i$ which appears left of a positional argument
+ in the argument list $e_1 \ldots e_m$, the argument position $i$ coincides with
+ the position of parameter $p_i$ in the parameter list of the applied function.
+- The names $x_i$ of all named arguments are pairwise distinct and no named
+ argument defines a parameter which is already specified by a
+ positional argument.
+- Every formal parameter $p_j:T_j$ which is not specified by either a positional
+ or a named argument has a default argument.
+If the application uses named or default
+arguments the following transformation is applied to convert it into
+an application without named or default arguments.
+If the function $f$
+has the form `$p.m$[$\mathit{targs}$]` it is transformed into the
+{ val q = $p$
+ q.$m$[$\mathit{targs}$]
+If the function $f$ is itself an application expression the transformation
+is applied recursively on $f$. The result of transforming $f$ is a block of
+the form
+{ val q = $p$
+ val $x_1$ = expr$_1$
+ $\ldots$
+ val $x_k$ = expr$_k$
+ q.$m$[$\mathit{targs}$]($\mathit{args}_1$)$, \ldots ,$($\mathit{args}_l$)
+where every argument in $(\mathit{args}_1) , \ldots , (\mathit{args}_l)$ is a reference to
+one of the values $x_1 , \ldots , x_k$. To integrate the current application
+into the block, first a value definition using a fresh name $y_i$ is created
+for every argument in $e_1 , \ldots , e_m$, which is initialised to $e_i$ for
+positional arguments and to $e'_i$ for named arguments of the form
+`$x_i=e'_i$`. Then, for every parameter which is not specified
+by the argument list, a value definition using a fresh name $z_i$ is created,
+which is initialized using the method computing the
+[default argument](04-basic-declarations-and-definitions.html#function-declarations-and-definitions) of
+this parameter.
+Let $\mathit{args}$ be a permutation of the generated names $y_i$ and $z_i$ such such
+that the position of each name matches the position of its corresponding
+parameter in the method type `($p_1:T_1 , \ldots , p_n:T_n$)$U$`.
+The final result of the transformation is a block of the form
+{ val q = $p$
+ val $x_1$ = expr$_1$
+ $\ldots$
+ val $x_l$ = expr$_k$
+ val $y_1$ = $e_1$
+ $\ldots$
+ val $y_m$ = $e_m$
+ val $z_1$ = $q.m\$default\$i[\mathit{targs}](\mathit{args}_1), \ldots ,(\mathit{args}_l)$
+ $\ldots$
+ val $z_d$ = $q.m\$default\$j[\mathit{targs}](\mathit{args}_1), \ldots ,(\mathit{args}_l)$
+ q.$m$[$\mathit{targs}$]($\mathit{args}_1$)$, \ldots ,$($\mathit{args}_l$)($\mathit{args}$)
+## Method Values
+SimpleExpr ::= SimpleExpr1 `_'
+The expression `$e$ _` is well-formed if $e$ is of method
+type or if $e$ is a call-by-name parameter. If $e$ is a method with
+parameters, `$e$ _` represents $e$ converted to a function
+type by [eta expansion](#eta-expansion). If $e$ is a
+parameterless method or call-by-name parameter of type
+`=>$T$`, `$e$ _` represents the function of type
+`() => $T$`, which evaluates $e$ when it is applied to the empty
+parameterlist `()`.
+###### Example
+The method values in the left column are each equivalent to the [eta-expanded expressions](#eta-expansion) on the right.
+| placeholder syntax | eta-expansion |
+|------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------|
+|`Math.sin _` | `x => Math.sin(x)` |
+|`Array.range _` | `(x1, x2) => Array.range(x1, x2)` |
+|`map2 _` | `(x1, x2) => (x3) => map2(x1, x2)(x3)` |
+|`map2(xs, ys)_` | `{ val eta1 = xs; val eta2 = ys; x => map2(eta1, eta2)(x) }` |
+This assumes a method `def map2[A, B, C](xs: List[A], ys: List[B])(f: (A, B) => C): List[C]`.
+Note that a space is necessary between a method name and the trailing underscore
+because otherwise the underscore would be considered part of the name.
+## Type Applications
+SimpleExpr ::= SimpleExpr TypeArgs
+A type application `$e$[$T_1 , \ldots , T_n$]` instantiates
+a polymorphic value $e$ of type
+`[$a_1$ >: $L_1$ <: $U_1, \ldots , a_n$ >: $L_n$ <: $U_n$]$S$`
+with argument types
+`$T_1 , \ldots , T_n$`. Every argument type $T_i$ must obey
+the corresponding bounds $L_i$ and $U_i$. That is, for each $i = 1
+, \ldots , n$, we must have $\sigma L_i <: T_i <: \sigma
+U_i$, where $\sigma$ is the substitution $[a_1 := T_1 , \ldots , a_n
+:= T_n]$. The type of the application is $\sigma S$.
+If the function part $e$ is of some value type, the type application
+is taken to be equivalent to
+`$e$.apply[$T_1 , \ldots ,$ T$_n$]`, i.e. the application of an `apply` method defined by
+Type applications can be omitted if
+[local type inference](#local-type-inference) can infer best type parameters
+for a polymorphic functions from the types of the actual function arguments
+and the expected result type.
+## Tuples
+SimpleExpr ::= `(' [Exprs] `)'
+A tuple expression `($e_1 , \ldots , e_n$)` is an alias
+for the class instance creation
+`scala.Tuple$n$($e_1 , \ldots , e_n$)`, where $n \geq 2$.
+The empty tuple
+`()` is the unique value of type `scala.Unit`.
+## Instance Creation Expressions
+SimpleExpr ::= `new' (ClassTemplate | TemplateBody)
+A simple instance creation expression is of the form
+`new $c$`
+where $c$ is a [constructor invocation](05-classes-and-objects.html#constructor-invocations). Let $T$ be
+the type of $c$. Then $T$ must
+denote a (a type instance of) a non-abstract subclass of
+`scala.AnyRef`. Furthermore, the _concrete self type_ of the
+expression must conform to the [self type](05-classes-and-objects.html#templates) of the class denoted by
+$T$. The concrete self type is normally
+$T$, except if the expression `new $c$` appears as the
+right hand side of a value definition
+val $x$: $S$ = new $c$
+(where the type annotation `: $S$` may be missing).
+In the latter case, the concrete self type of the expression is the
+compound type `$T$ with $x$.type`.
+The expression is evaluated by creating a fresh
+object of type $T$ which is is initialized by evaluating $c$. The
+type of the expression is $T$.
+A general instance creation expression is of the form
+`new $t$` for some [class template](05-classes-and-objects.html#templates) $t$.
+Such an expression is equivalent to the block
+{ class $a$ extends $t$; new $a$ }
+where $a$ is a fresh name of an _anonymous class_ which is
+inaccessible to user programs.
+There is also a shorthand form for creating values of structural
+types: If `{$D$}` is a class body, then
+`new {$D$}` is equivalent to the general instance creation expression
+`new AnyRef{$D$}`.
+###### Example
+Consider the following structural instance creation expression:
+new { def getName() = "aaron" }
+This is a shorthand for the general instance creation expression
+new AnyRef{ def getName() = "aaron" }
+The latter is in turn a shorthand for the block
+{ class anon\$X extends AnyRef{ def getName() = "aaron" }; new anon\$X }
+where `anon\$X` is some freshly created name.
+## Blocks
+BlockExpr ::= ‘{’ CaseClauses ‘}’
+ | ‘{’ Block ‘}’
+Block ::= BlockStat {semi BlockStat} [ResultExpr]
+A block expression `{$s_1$; $\ldots$; $s_n$; $e\,$}` is
+constructed from a sequence of block statements $s_1 , \ldots , s_n$
+and a final expression $e$. The statement sequence may not contain
+two definitions or declarations that bind the same name in the same
+namespace. The final expression can be omitted, in which
+case the unit value `()` is assumed.
+The expected type of the final expression $e$ is the expected
+type of the block. The expected type of all preceding statements is
+The type of a block `$s_1$; $\ldots$; $s_n$; $e$` is
+`$T$ forSome {$\,Q\,$}`, where $T$ is the type of $e$ and $Q$
+contains [existential clauses](03-types.html#existential-types)
+for every value or type name which is free in $T$
+and which is defined locally in one of the statements $s_1 , \ldots , s_n$.
+We say the existential clause _binds_ the occurrence of the value or type name.
+- A locally defined type definition `type$\;t = T$`
+ is bound by the existential clause `type$\;t >: T <: T$`.
+ It is an error if $t$ carries type parameters.
+- A locally defined value definition `val$\;x: T = e$` is
+ bound by the existential clause `val$\;x: T$`.
+- A locally defined class definition `class$\;c$ extends$\;t$`
+ is bound by the existential clause `type$\;c <: T$` where
+ $T$ is the least class type or refinement type which is a proper
+ supertype of the type $c$. It is an error if $c$ carries type parameters.
+- A locally defined object definition `object$\;x\;$extends$\;t$`
+ is bound by the existential clause `val$\;x: T$` where
+ $T$ is the least class type or refinement type which is a proper supertype of the type
+ `$x$.type`.
+Evaluation of the block entails evaluation of its
+statement sequence, followed by an evaluation of the final expression
+$e$, which defines the result of the block.
+###### Example
+Assuming a class `Ref[T](x: T)`, the block
+{ class C extends B {$\ldots$} ; new Ref(new C) }
+has the type `Ref[_1] forSome { type _1 <: B }`.
+The block
+{ class C extends B {$\ldots$} ; new C }
+simply has type `B`, because with the rules [here](03-types.html#simplification-rules)
+the existentially quantified type
+`_1 forSome { type _1 <: B }` can be simplified to `B`.
+## Prefix, Infix, and Postfix Operations
+PostfixExpr ::= InfixExpr [id [nl]]
+InfixExpr ::= PrefixExpr
+ | InfixExpr id [nl] InfixExpr
+PrefixExpr ::= [`-' | `+' | `!' | `~'] SimpleExpr
+Expressions can be constructed from operands and operators.
+### Prefix Operations
+A prefix operation $\mathit{op};e$ consists of a prefix operator $\mathit{op}$, which
+must be one of the identifiers ‘`+`’, ‘`-`’,
+‘`!`’ or ‘`~`’. The expression $\mathit{op};e$ is
+equivalent to the postfix method application
+<!-- TODO: Generalize to arbitrary operators -->
+Prefix operators are different from normal function applications in
+that their operand expression need not be atomic. For instance, the
+input sequence `-sin(x)` is read as `-(sin(x))`, whereas the
+function application `negate sin(x)` would be parsed as the
+application of the infix operator `sin` to the operands
+`negate` and `(x)`.
+### Postfix Operations
+A postfix operator can be an arbitrary identifier. The postfix
+operation $e;\mathit{op}$ is interpreted as $e.\mathit{op}$.
+### Infix Operations
+An infix operator can be an arbitrary identifier. Infix operators have
+precedence and associativity defined as follows:
+The _precedence_ of an infix operator is determined by the operator's first
+character. Characters are listed below in increasing order of
+precedence, with characters on the same line having the same precedence.
+(all letters)
+= !
+< >
++ -
+* / %
+(all other special characters)
+That is, operators starting with a letter have lowest precedence,
+followed by operators starting with ``|`', etc.
+There's one exception to this rule, which concerns
+[_assignment operators_](#assignment-operators).
+The precedence of an assigment operator is the same as the one
+of simple assignment `(=)`. That is, it is lower than the
+precedence of any other operator.
+The _associativity_ of an operator is determined by the operator's
+last character. Operators ending in a colon ``:`' are
+right-associative. All other operators are left-associative.
+Precedence and associativity of operators determine the grouping of
+parts of an expression as follows.
+- If there are several infix operations in an
+ expression, then operators with higher precedence bind more closely
+ than operators with lower precedence.
+- If there are consecutive infix
+ operations $e_0; \mathit{op}_1; e_1; \mathit{op}_2 \ldots \mathit{op}_n; e_n$
+ with operators $\mathit{op}_1 , \ldots , \mathit{op}_n$ of the same precedence,
+ then all these operators must
+ have the same associativity. If all operators are left-associative,
+ the sequence is interpreted as
+ $(\ldots(e_0;\mathit{op}_1;e_1);\mathit{op}_2\ldots);\mathit{op}_n;e_n$.
+ Otherwise, if all operators are right-associative, the
+ sequence is interpreted as
+ $e_0;\mathit{op}_1;(e_1;\mathit{op}_2;(\ldots \mathit{op}_n;e_n)\ldots)$.
+- Postfix operators always have lower precedence than infix
+ operators. E.g. $e_1;\mathit{op}_1;e_2;\mathit{op}_2$ is always equivalent to
+ $(e_1;\mathit{op}_1;e_2);\mathit{op}_2$.
+The right-hand operand of a left-associative operator may consist of
+several arguments enclosed in parentheses, e.g. $e;\mathit{op};(e_1,\ldots,e_n)$.
+This expression is then interpreted as $e.\mathit{op}(e_1,\ldots,e_n)$.
+A left-associative binary
+operation $e_1;\mathit{op};e_2$ is interpreted as $e_1.\mathit{op}(e_2)$. If $\mathit{op}$ is
+right-associative, the same operation is interpreted as
+`{ val $x$=$e_1$; $e_2$.$\mathit{op}$($x\,$) }`, where $x$ is a fresh
+### Assignment Operators
+An assignment operator is an operator symbol (syntax category
+`op` in [Identifiers](01-lexical-syntax.html#identifiers)) that ends in an equals character
+“`=`”, with the exception of operators for which one of
+the following conditions holds:
+1. the operator also starts with an equals character, or
+1. the operator is one of `(<=)`, `(>=)`, `(!=)`.
+Assignment operators are treated specially in that they
+can be expanded to assignments if no other interpretation is valid.
+Let's consider an assignment operator such as `+=` in an infix
+operation `$l$ += $r$`, where $l$, $r$ are expressions.
+This operation can be re-interpreted as an operation which corresponds
+to the assignment
+$l$ = $l$ + $r$
+except that the operation's left-hand-side $l$ is evaluated only once.
+The re-interpretation occurs if the following two conditions are fulfilled.
+1. The left-hand-side $l$ does not have a member named
+ `+=`, and also cannot be converted by an
+ [implicit conversion](#implicit-conversions)
+ to a value with a member named `+=`.
+1. The assignment `$l$ = $l$ + $r$` is type-correct.
+ In particular this implies that $l$ refers to a variable or object
+ that can be assigned to, and that is convertible to a value with a member
+ named `+`.
+## Typed Expressions
+Expr1 ::= PostfixExpr `:' CompoundType
+The typed expression $e: T$ has type $T$. The type of
+expression $e$ is expected to conform to $T$. The result of
+the expression is the value of $e$ converted to type $T$.
+###### Example
+Here are examples of well-typed and ill-typed expressions.
+1: Int // legal, of type Int
+1: Long // legal, of type Long
+// 1: string // ***** illegal
+## Annotated Expressions
+Expr1 ::= PostfixExpr `:' Annotation {Annotation}
+An annotated expression `$e$: @$a_1$ $\ldots$ @$a_n$`
+attaches [annotations](11-user-defined-annotations.html#user-defined-annotations) $a_1 , \ldots , a_n$ to the
+expression $e$.
+## Assignments
+Expr1 ::= [SimpleExpr `.'] id `=' Expr
+ | SimpleExpr1 ArgumentExprs `=' Expr
+The interpretation of an assignment to a simple variable `$x$ = $e$`
+depends on the definition of $x$. If $x$ denotes a mutable
+variable, then the assignment changes the current value of $x$ to be
+the result of evaluating the expression $e$. The type of $e$ is
+expected to conform to the type of $x$. If $x$ is a parameterless
+function defined in some template, and the same template contains a
+setter function `$x$_=` as member, then the assignment
+`$x$ = $e$` is interpreted as the invocation
+`$x$_=($e\,$)` of that setter function. Analogously, an
+assignment `$f.x$ = $e$` to a parameterless function $x$
+is interpreted as the invocation `$f.x$_=($e\,$)`.
+An assignment `$f$($\mathit{args}\,$) = $e$` with a function application to the
+left of the ‘`=`’ operator is interpreted as
+`$f.$update($\mathit{args}$, $e\,$)`, i.e.
+the invocation of an `update` function defined by $f$.
+###### Example
+Here are some assignment expressions and their equivalent expansions.
+-------------------------- ---------------------
+`x.f = e` x.f_=(e)
+`x.f() = e` x.f.update(e)
+`x.f(i) = e` x.f.update(i, e)
+`x.f(i, j) = e` x.f.update(i, j, e)
+-------------------------- ---------------------
+### Example
+Here is the usual imperative code for matrix multiplication.
+def matmul(xss: Array[Array[Double]], yss: Array[Array[Double]]) = {
+ val zss: Array[Array[Double]] = new Array(xss.length, yss(0).length)
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < xss.length) {
+ var j = 0
+ while (j < yss(0).length) {
+ var acc = 0.0
+ var k = 0
+ while (k < yss.length) {
+ acc = acc + xss(i)(k) * yss(k)(j)
+ k += 1
+ }
+ zss(i)(j) = acc
+ j += 1
+ }
+ i += 1
+ }
+ zss
+Desugaring the array accesses and assignments yields the following
+expanded version:
+def matmul(xss: Array[Array[Double]], yss: Array[Array[Double]]) = {
+ val zss: Array[Array[Double]] = new Array(xss.length, yss.apply(0).length)
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < xss.length) {
+ var j = 0
+ while (j < yss.apply(0).length) {
+ var acc = 0.0
+ var k = 0
+ while (k < yss.length) {
+ acc = acc + xss.apply(i).apply(k) * yss.apply(k).apply(j)
+ k += 1
+ }
+ zss.apply(i).update(j, acc)
+ j += 1
+ }
+ i += 1
+ }
+ zss
+## Conditional Expressions
+Expr1 ::= `if' `(' Expr `)' {nl} Expr [[semi] `else' Expr]
+The conditional expression `if ($e_1$) $e_2$ else $e_3$` chooses
+one of the values of $e_2$ and $e_3$, depending on the
+value of $e_1$. The condition $e_1$ is expected to
+conform to type `Boolean`. The then-part $e_2$ and the
+else-part $e_3$ are both expected to conform to the expected
+type of the conditional expression. The type of the conditional
+expression is the [weak least upper bound](03-types.html#weak-conformance)
+of the types of $e_2$ and
+$e_3$. A semicolon preceding the `else` symbol of a
+conditional expression is ignored.
+The conditional expression is evaluated by evaluating first
+$e_1$. If this evaluates to `true`, the result of
+evaluating $e_2$ is returned, otherwise the result of
+evaluating $e_3$ is returned.
+A short form of the conditional expression eliminates the
+else-part. The conditional expression `if ($e_1$) $e_2$` is
+evaluated as if it was `if ($e_1$) $e_2$ else ()`.
+## While Loop Expressions
+Expr1 ::= `while' `(' Expr ')' {nl} Expr
+The while loop expression `while ($e_1$) $e_2$` is typed and
+evaluated as if it was an application of `whileLoop ($e_1$) ($e_2$)` where
+the hypothetical function `whileLoop` is defined as follows.
+def whileLoop(cond: => Boolean)(body: => Unit): Unit =
+ if (cond) { body ; whileLoop(cond)(body) } else {}
+## Do Loop Expressions
+Expr1 ::= `do' Expr [semi] `while' `(' Expr ')'
+The do loop expression `do $e_1$ while ($e_2$)` is typed and
+evaluated as if it was the expression `($e_1$ ; while ($e_2$) $e_1$)`.
+A semicolon preceding the `while` symbol of a do loop expression is ignored.
+## For Comprehensions and For Loops
+Expr1 ::= `for' (`(' Enumerators `)' | `{' Enumerators `}')
+ {nl} [`yield'] Expr
+Enumerators ::= Generator {semi Generator}
+Generator ::= Pattern1 `<-' Expr {[semi] Guard | semi Pattern1 `=' Expr}
+Guard ::= `if' PostfixExpr
+A for loop `for ($\mathit{enums}\,$) $e$` executes expression $e$
+for each binding generated by the enumerators $\mathit{enums}$. A for
+comprehension `for ($\mathit{enums}\,$) yield $e$` evaluates
+expression $e$ for each binding generated by the enumerators $\mathit{enums}$
+and collects the results. An enumerator sequence always starts with a
+generator; this can be followed by further generators, value
+definitions, or guards. A _generator_ `$p$ <- $e$`
+produces bindings from an expression $e$ which is matched in some way
+against pattern $p$. A _value definition_ `$p$ = $e$`
+binds the value name $p$ (or several names in a pattern $p$) to
+the result of evaluating the expression $e$. A _guard_
+`if $e$` contains a boolean expression which restricts
+enumerated bindings. The precise meaning of generators and guards is
+defined by translation to invocations of four methods: `map`,
+`withFilter`, `flatMap`, and `foreach`. These methods can
+be implemented in different ways for different carrier types.
+The translation scheme is as follows. In a first step, every
+generator `$p$ <- $e$`, where $p$ is not [irrefutable](08-pattern-matching.html#patterns)
+for the type of $e$ is replaced by
+$p$ <- $e$.withFilter { case $p$ => true; case _ => false }
+Then, the following rules are applied repeatedly until all
+comprehensions have been eliminated.
+ - A for comprehension
+ `for ($p$ <- $e\,$) yield $e'$`
+ is translated to
+ `$e$.map { case $p$ => $e'$ }`.
+ - A for loop
+ `for ($p$ <- $e\,$) $e'$`
+ is translated to
+ `$e$.foreach { case $p$ => $e'$ }`.
+ - A for comprehension
+ ```
+ for ($p$ <- $e$; $p'$ <- $e'; \ldots$) yield $e''$
+ ```
+ where `$\ldots$` is a (possibly empty)
+ sequence of generators, definitions, or guards,
+ is translated to
+ ```
+ $e$.flatMap { case $p$ => for ($p'$ <- $e'; \ldots$) yield $e''$ }
+ ```
+ - A for loop
+ ```
+ for ($p$ <- $e$; $p'$ <- $e'; \ldots$) $e''$
+ ```
+ where `$\ldots$` is a (possibly empty)
+ sequence of generators, definitions, or guards,
+ is translated to
+ ```
+ $e$.foreach { case $p$ => for ($p'$ <- $e'; \ldots$) $e''$ }
+ ```
+ - A generator `$p$ <- $e$` followed by a guard
+ `if $g$` is translated to a single generator
+ `$p$ <- $e$.withFilter(($x_1 , \ldots , x_n$) => $g\,$)` where
+ $x_1 , \ldots , x_n$ are the free variables of $p$.
+ - A generator `$p$ <- $e$` followed by a value definition
+ `$p'$ = $e'$` is translated to the following generator of pairs of values, where
+ $x$ and $x'$ are fresh names:
+ ```
+ ($p$, $p'$) <- for ($x @ p$ <- $e$) yield { val $x' @ p'$ = $e'$; ($x$, $x'$) }
+ ```
+###### Example
+The following code produces all pairs of numbers between $1$ and $n-1$
+whose sums are prime.
+for { i <- 1 until n
+ j <- 1 until i
+ if isPrime(i+j)
+} yield (i, j)
+The for comprehension is translated to:
+(1 until n)
+ .flatMap {
+ case i => (1 until i)
+ .withFilter { j => isPrime(i+j) }
+ .map { case j => (i, j) } }
+###### Example
+For comprehensions can be used to express vector
+and matrix algorithms concisely.
+For instance, here is a function to compute the transpose of a given matrix:
+<!-- see test/files/run/t0421.scala -->
+def transpose[A](xss: Array[Array[A]]) = {
+ for (i <- Array.range(0, xss(0).length)) yield
+ for (xs <- xss) yield xs(i)
+Here is a function to compute the scalar product of two vectors:
+def scalprod(xs: Array[Double], ys: Array[Double]) = {
+ var acc = 0.0
+ for ((x, y) <- xs zip ys) acc = acc + x * y
+ acc
+Finally, here is a function to compute the product of two matrices.
+Compare with the [imperative version](#example-imperative-matrix-multiplication).
+def matmul(xss: Array[Array[Double]], yss: Array[Array[Double]]) = {
+ val ysst = transpose(yss)
+ for (xs <- xss) yield
+ for (yst <- ysst) yield
+ scalprod(xs, yst)
+The code above makes use of the fact that `map`, `flatMap`,
+`withFilter`, and `foreach` are defined for instances of class
+## Return Expressions
+Expr1 ::= `return' [Expr]
+A return expression `return $e$` must occur inside the body of some
+enclosing named method or function. The innermost enclosing named
+method or function in a source program, $f$, must have an explicitly declared result type,
+and the type of $e$ must conform to it.
+The return expression
+evaluates the expression $e$ and returns its value as the result of
+$f$. The evaluation of any statements or
+expressions following the return expression is omitted. The type of
+a return expression is `scala.Nothing`.
+The expression $e$ may be omitted. The return expression
+`return` is type-checked and evaluated as if it was `return ()`.
+An `apply` method which is generated by the compiler as an
+expansion of an anonymous function does not count as a named function
+in the source program, and therefore is never the target of a return
+Returning from a nested anonymous function is implemented by throwing
+and catching a `scala.runtime.NonLocalReturnException`. Any
+exception catches between the point of return and the enclosing
+methods might see the exception. A key comparison makes sure that
+these exceptions are only caught by the method instance which is
+terminated by the return.
+If the return expression is itself part of an anonymous function, it
+is possible that the enclosing instance of $f$ has already returned
+before the return expression is executed. In that case, the thrown
+`scala.runtime.NonLocalReturnException` will not be caught,
+and will propagate up the call stack.
+## Throw Expressions
+Expr1 ::= `throw' Expr
+A throw expression `throw $e$` evaluates the expression
+$e$. The type of this expression must conform to
+`Throwable`. If $e$ evaluates to an exception
+reference, evaluation is aborted with the thrown exception. If $e$
+evaluates to `null`, evaluation is instead aborted with a
+`NullPointerException`. If there is an active
+[`try` expression](#try-expressions) which handles the thrown
+exception, evaluation resumes with the handler; otherwise the thread
+executing the `throw` is aborted. The type of a throw expression
+is `scala.Nothing`.
+## Try Expressions
+Expr1 ::= `try' `{' Block `}' [`catch' `{' CaseClauses `}']
+ [`finally' Expr]
+A try expression is of the form `try { $b$ } catch $h$`
+where the handler $h$ is a
+[pattern matching anonymous function](#pattern-matching-anonymous-functions)
+{ case $p_1$ => $b_1$ $\ldots$ case $p_n$ => $b_n$ }
+This expression is evaluated by evaluating the block
+$b$. If evaluation of $b$ does not cause an exception to be
+thrown, the result of $b$ is returned. Otherwise the
+handler $h$ is applied to the thrown exception.
+If the handler contains a case matching the thrown exception,
+the first such case is invoked. If the handler contains
+no case matching the thrown exception, the exception is
+Let $\mathit{pt}$ be the expected type of the try expression. The block
+$b$ is expected to conform to $\mathit{pt}$. The handler $h$
+is expected conform to type
+`scala.PartialFunction[scala.Throwable, $\mathit{pt}\,$]`. The
+type of the try expression is the [weak least upper bound](03-types.html#weak-conformance)
+of the type of $b$
+and the result type of $h$.
+A try expression `try { $b$ } finally $e$` evaluates the block
+$b$. If evaluation of $b$ does not cause an exception to be
+thrown, the expression $e$ is evaluated. If an exception is thrown
+during evaluation of $e$, the evaluation of the try expression is
+aborted with the thrown exception. If no exception is thrown during
+evaluation of $e$, the result of $b$ is returned as the
+result of the try expression.
+If an exception is thrown during evaluation of $b$, the finally block
+$e$ is also evaluated. If another exception $e$ is thrown
+during evaluation of $e$, evaluation of the try expression is
+aborted with the thrown exception. If no exception is thrown during
+evaluation of $e$, the original exception thrown in $b$ is
+re-thrown once evaluation of $e$ has completed. The block
+$b$ is expected to conform to the expected type of the try
+expression. The finally expression $e$ is expected to conform to
+type `Unit`.
+A try expression `try { $b$ } catch $e_1$ finally $e_2$`
+is a shorthand
+for `try { try { $b$ } catch $e_1$ } finally $e_2$`.
+## Anonymous Functions
+Expr ::= (Bindings | [`implicit'] id | `_') `=>' Expr
+ResultExpr ::= (Bindings | ([`implicit'] id | `_') `:' CompoundType) `=>' Block
+Bindings ::= `(' Binding {`,' Binding} `)'
+Binding ::= (id | `_') [`:' Type]
+The anonymous function `($x_1$: $T_1 , \ldots , x_n$: $T_n$) => e`
+maps parameters $x_i$ of types $T_i$ to a result given
+by expression $e$. The scope of each formal parameter
+$x_i$ is $e$. Formal parameters must have pairwise distinct names.
+If the expected type of the anonymous function is of the form
+`scala.Function$n$[$S_1 , \ldots , S_n$, $R\,$]`, the
+expected type of $e$ is $R$ and the type $T_i$ of any of the
+parameters $x_i$ can be omitted, in which
+case`$T_i$ = $S_i$` is assumed.
+If the expected type of the anonymous function is
+some other type, all formal parameter types must be explicitly given,
+and the expected type of $e$ is undefined. The type of the anonymous
+is`scala.Function$n$[$S_1 , \ldots , S_n$, $T\,$]`,
+where $T$ is the [packed type](#expression-typing)
+of $e$. $T$ must be equivalent to a
+type which does not refer to any of the formal parameters $x_i$.
+The anonymous function is evaluated as the instance creation expression
+new scala.Function$n$[$T_1 , \ldots , T_n$, $T$] {
+ def apply($x_1$: $T_1 , \ldots , x_n$: $T_n$): $T$ = $e$
+In the case of a single untyped formal parameter,
+`($x\,$) => $e$`
+can be abbreviated to `$x$ => $e$`. If an
+anonymous function `($x$: $T\,$) => $e$` with a single
+typed parameter appears as the result expression of a block, it can be
+abbreviated to `$x$: $T$ => e`.
+A formal parameter may also be a wildcard represented by an underscore `_`.
+In that case, a fresh name for the parameter is chosen arbitrarily.
+A named parameter of an anonymous function may be optionally preceded
+by an `implicit` modifier. In that case the parameter is
+labeled [`implicit`](07-implicit-parameters-and-views.html#implicit-parameters-and-views); however the
+parameter section itself does not count as an implicit parameter
+section in the sense defined [here](07-implicit-parameters-and-views.html#implicit-parameters). Hence, arguments to
+anonymous functions always have to be given explicitly.
+###### Example
+Examples of anonymous functions:
+x => x // The identity function
+f => g => x => f(g(x)) // Curried function composition
+(x: Int,y: Int) => x + y // A summation function
+() => { count += 1; count } // The function which takes an
+ // empty parameter list $()$,
+ // increments a non-local variable
+ // `count' and returns the new value.
+_ => 5 // The function that ignores its argument
+ // and always returns 5.
+### Placeholder Syntax for Anonymous Functions
+SimpleExpr1 ::= `_'
+An expression (of syntactic category `Expr`)
+may contain embedded underscore symbols `_` at places where identifiers
+are legal. Such an expression represents an anonymous function where subsequent
+occurrences of underscores denote successive parameters.
+Define an _underscore section_ to be an expression of the form
+`_:$T$` where $T$ is a type, or else of the form `_`,
+provided the underscore does not appear as the expression part of a
+type ascription `_:$T$`.
+An expression $e$ of syntactic category `Expr` _binds_ an underscore section
+$u$, if the following two conditions hold: (1) $e$ properly contains $u$, and
+(2) there is no other expression of syntactic category `Expr`
+which is properly contained in $e$ and which itself properly contains $u$.
+If an expression $e$ binds underscore sections $u_1 , \ldots , u_n$, in this order, it is equivalent to
+the anonymous function `($u'_1$, ... $u'_n$) => $e'$`
+where each $u_i'$ results from $u_i$ by replacing the underscore with a fresh identifier and
+$e'$ results from $e$ by replacing each underscore section $u_i$ by $u_i'$.
+###### Example
+The anonymous functions in the left column use placeholder
+syntax. Each of these is equivalent to the anonymous function on its right.
+| | |
+|`_ + 1` | `x => x + 1` |
+|`_ * _` | `(x1, x2) => x1 * x2` |
+|`(_: Int) * 2` | `(x: Int) => (x: Int) * 2` |
+|`if (_) x else y` | `z => if (z) x else y` |
+|`` | `x =>` |
+|` + 1)` | `x => => y + 1)` |
+## Constant Expressions
+Constant expressions are expressions that the Scala compiler can evaluate to a constant.
+The definition of "constant expression" depends on the platform, but they
+include at least the expressions of the following forms:
+- A literal of a value class, such as an integer
+- A string literal
+- A class constructed with [`Predef.classOf`](12-the-scala-standard-library.html#the-predef-object)
+- An element of an enumeration from the underlying platform
+- A literal array, of the form
+ `Array$(c_1 , \ldots , c_n)$`,
+ where all of the $c_i$'s are themselves constant expressions
+- An identifier defined by a
+ [constant value definition](04-basic-declarations-and-definitions.html#value-declarations-and-definitions).
+## Statements
+BlockStat ::= Import
+ | {Annotation} [‘implicit’ | ‘lazy’] Def
+ | {Annotation} {LocalModifier} TmplDef
+ | Expr1
+ |
+TemplateStat ::= Import
+ | {Annotation} {Modifier} Def
+ | {Annotation} {Modifier} Dcl
+ | Expr
+ |
+Statements occur as parts of blocks and templates. A statement can be
+an import, a definition or an expression, or it can be empty.
+Statements used in the template of a class definition can also be
+declarations. An expression that is used as a statement can have an
+arbitrary value type. An expression statement $e$ is evaluated by
+evaluating $e$ and discarding the result of the evaluation.
+<!-- Generalize to implicit coercion? -->
+Block statements may be definitions which bind local names in the
+block. The only modifier allowed in all block-local definitions is
+`implicit`. When prefixing a class or object definition,
+modifiers `abstract`, `final`, and `sealed` are also
+Evaluation of a statement sequence entails evaluation of the
+statements in the order they are written.
+## Implicit Conversions
+Implicit conversions can be applied to expressions whose type does not
+match their expected type, to qualifiers in selections, and to unapplied methods. The
+available implicit conversions are given in the next two sub-sections.
+We say, a type $T$ is _compatible_ to a type $U$ if $T$ weakly conforms
+to $U$ after applying [eta-expansion](#eta-expansion) and
+[view applications](07-implicit-parameters-and-views.html#views).
+### Value Conversions
+The following five implicit conversions can be applied to an
+expression $e$ which has some value type $T$ and which is type-checked with
+some expected type $\mathit{pt}$.
+#### Overloading Resolution
+If an expression denotes several possible members of a class,
+[overloading resolution](#overloading-resolution)
+is applied to pick a unique member.
+###### Type Instantiation
+An expression $e$ of polymorphic type
+[$a_1$ >: $L_1$ <: $U_1 , \ldots , a_n$ >: $L_n$ <: $U_n$]$T$
+which does not appear as the function part of
+a type application is converted to a type instance of $T$
+by determining with [local type inference](#local-type-inference)
+instance types `$T_1 , \ldots , T_n$`
+for the type variables `$a_1 , \ldots , a_n$` and
+implicitly embedding $e$ in the [type application](#type-applications)
+`$e$[$T_1 , \ldots , T_n$]`.
+###### Numeric Widening
+If $e$ has a primitive number type which [weakly conforms](03-types.html#weak-conformance)
+to the expected type, it is widened to
+the expected type using one of the numeric conversion methods
+`toShort`, `toChar`, `toInt`, `toLong`,
+`toFloat`, `toDouble` defined [here](12-the-scala-standard-library.html#numeric-value-types).
+###### Numeric Literal Narrowing
+If the expected type is `Byte`, `Short` or `Char`, and
+the expression $e$ is an integer literal fitting in the range of that
+type, it is converted to the same literal in that type.
+###### Value Discarding
+If $e$ has some value type and the expected type is `Unit`,
+$e$ is converted to the expected type by embedding it in the
+term `{ $e$; () }`.
+###### View Application
+If none of the previous conversions applies, and $e$'s type
+does not conform to the expected type $\mathit{pt}$, it is attempted to convert
+$e$ to the expected type with a [view](07-implicit-parameters-and-views.html#views).
+###### Dynamic Member Selection
+If none of the previous conversions applies, and $e$ is a prefix
+of a selection $e.x$, and $e$'s type conforms to class `scala.Dynamic`,
+then the selection is rewritten according to the rules for
+[dynamic member selection](#dynamic-member-selection).
+### Method Conversions
+The following four implicit conversions can be applied to methods
+which are not applied to some argument list.
+###### Evaluation
+A parameterless method $m$ of type `=> $T$` is always converted to
+type $T$ by evaluating the expression to which $m$ is bound.
+###### Implicit Application
+If the method takes only implicit parameters, implicit
+arguments are passed following the rules [here](07-implicit-parameters-and-views.html#implicit-parameters).
+###### Eta Expansion
+Otherwise, if the method is not a constructor,
+and the expected type $\mathit{pt}$ is a function type
+$(\mathit{Ts}') \Rightarrow T'$, [eta-expansion](#eta-expansion)
+is performed on the expression $e$.
+###### Empty Application
+Otherwise, if $e$ has method type $()T$, it is implicitly applied to the empty
+argument list, yielding $e()$.
+### Overloading Resolution
+If an identifier or selection $e$ references several members of a
+class, the context of the reference is used to identify a unique
+member. The way this is done depends on whether or not $e$ is used as
+a function. Let $\mathscr{A}$ be the set of members referenced by $e$.
+Assume first that $e$ appears as a function in an application, as in
+`$e$($e_1 , \ldots , e_m$)`.
+One first determines the set of functions that is potentially
+applicable based on the _shape_ of the arguments.
+The shape of an argument expression $e$, written $\mathit{shape}(e)$, is
+a type that is defined as follows:
+- For a function expression `($p_1$: $T_1 , \ldots , p_n$: $T_n$) => $b$`:
+ `(Any $, \ldots ,$ Any) => $\mathit{shape}(b)$`, where `Any` occurs $n$ times
+ in the argument type.
+- For a named argument `$n$ = $e$`: $\mathit{shape}(e)$.
+- For all other expressions: `Nothing`.
+Let $\mathscr{B}$ be the set of alternatives in $\mathscr{A}$ that are
+to expressions $(e_1 , \ldots , e_n)$ of types
+$(\mathit{shape}(e_1) , \ldots , \mathit{shape}(e_n))$.
+If there is precisely one
+alternative in $\mathscr{B}$, that alternative is chosen.
+Otherwise, let $S_1 , \ldots , S_m$ be the vector of types obtained by
+typing each argument with an undefined expected type. For every
+member $m$ in $\mathscr{B}$ one determines whether it is
+applicable to expressions ($e_1 , \ldots , e_m$) of types $S_1
+, \ldots , S_m$.
+It is an error if none of the members in $\mathscr{B}$ is applicable. If there is one
+single applicable alternative, that alternative is chosen. Otherwise, let $\mathscr{CC}$
+be the set of applicable alternatives which don't employ any default argument
+in the application to $e_1 , \ldots , e_m$. It is again an error if $\mathscr{CC}$ is empty.
+Otherwise, one chooses the _most specific_ alternative among the alternatives
+in $\mathscr{CC}$, according to the following definition of being "as specific as", and
+"more specific than":
+question: given
+ def f(x: Int)
+ val f: { def apply(x: Int) }
+ f(1) // the value is chosen in our current implementation
+ why?
+ - method is as specific as value, because value is applicable to method`s argument types (item 1)
+ - value is as specific as method (item 3, any other type is always as specific..)
+ so the method is not more specific than the value.
+- A parameterized method $m$ of type `($p_1:T_1, \ldots , p_n:T_n$)$U$` is _as specific as_ some other
+ member $m'$ of type $S$ if $m'$ is applicable to arguments
+ `($p_1 , \ldots , p_n\,$)` of
+ types $T_1 , \ldots , T_n$.
+- A polymorphic method of type
+ `[$a_1$ >: $L_1$ <: $U_1 , \ldots , a_n$ >: $L_n$ <: $U_n$]$T$` is
+ as specific as some other member of type $S$ if $T$ is as
+ specific as $S$ under the assumption that for
+ $i = 1 , \ldots , n$ each $a_i$ is an abstract type name
+ bounded from below by $L_i$ and from above by $U_i$.
+- A member of any other type is always as specific as a parameterized method
+ or a polymorphic method.
+- Given two members of types $T$ and $U$ which are
+ neither parameterized nor polymorphic method types, the member of type $T$ is as specific as
+ the member of type $U$ if the existential dual of $T$ conforms to the existential dual of $U$.
+ Here, the existential dual of a polymorphic type
+ `[$a_1$ >: $L_1$ <: $U_1 , \ldots , a_n$ >: $L_n$ <: $U_n$]$T$` is
+ `$T$ forSome { type $a_1$ >: $L_1$ <: $U_1$ $, \ldots ,$ type $a_n$ >: $L_n$ <: $U_n$}`.
+ The existential dual of every other type is the type itself.
+The _relative weight_ of an alternative $A$ over an alternative $B$ is a
+number from 0 to 2, defined as the sum of
+- 1 if $A$ is as specific as $B$, 0 otherwise, and
+- 1 if $A$ is defined in a class or object which is derived
+ from the class or object defining $B$, 0 otherwise.
+A class or object $C$ is _derived_ from a class or object $D$ if one of
+the following holds:
+- $C$ is a subclass of $D$, or
+- $C$ is a companion object of a class derived from $D$, or
+- $D$ is a companion object of a class from which $C$ is derived.
+An alternative $A$ is _more specific_ than an alternative $B$ if
+the relative weight of $A$ over $B$ is greater than the relative
+weight of $B$ over $A$.
+It is an error if there is no alternative in $\mathscr{CC}$ which is more
+specific than all other alternatives in $\mathscr{CC}$.
+Assume next that $e$ appears as a function in a type application, as
+in `$e$[$\mathit{targs}\,$]`. Then all alternatives in
+$\mathscr{A}$ which take the same number of type parameters as there are type
+arguments in $\mathit{targs}$ are chosen. It is an error if no such alternative exists.
+If there are several such alternatives, overloading resolution is
+applied again to the whole expression `$e$[$\mathit{targs}\,$]`.
+Assume finally that $e$ does not appear as a function in either
+an application or a type application. If an expected type is given,
+let $\mathscr{B}$ be the set of those alternatives in $\mathscr{A}$ which are
+[compatible](#implicit-conversions) to it. Otherwise, let $\mathscr{B}$ be the same
+as $\mathscr{A}$.
+We choose in this case the most specific alternative among all
+alternatives in $\mathscr{B}$. It is an error if there is no
+alternative in $\mathscr{B}$ which is more specific than all other
+alternatives in $\mathscr{B}$.
+###### Example
+Consider the following definitions:
+class A extends B {}
+def f(x: B, y: B) = $\ldots$
+def f(x: A, y: B) = $\ldots$
+val a: A
+val b: B
+Then the application `f(b, b)` refers to the first
+definition of $f$ whereas the application `f(a, a)`
+refers to the second. Assume now we add a third overloaded definition
+def f(x: B, y: A) = $\ldots$
+Then the application `f(a, a)` is rejected for being ambiguous, since
+no most specific applicable signature exists.
+### Local Type Inference
+Local type inference infers type arguments to be passed to expressions
+of polymorphic type. Say $e$ is of type [$a_1$ >: $L_1$ <: $U_1
+, \ldots , a_n$ >: $L_n$ <: $U_n$]$T$ and no explicit type parameters
+are given.
+Local type inference converts this expression to a type
+application `$e$[$T_1 , \ldots , T_n$]`. The choice of the
+type arguments $T_1 , \ldots , T_n$ depends on the context in which
+the expression appears and on the expected type $\mathit{pt}$.
+There are three cases.
+###### Case 1: Selections
+If the expression appears as the prefix of a selection with a name
+$x$, then type inference is _deferred_ to the whole expression
+$e.x$. That is, if $e.x$ has type $S$, it is now treated as having
+type [$a_1$ >: $L_1$ <: $U_1 , \ldots , a_n$ >: $L_n$ <: $U_n$]$S$,
+and local type inference is applied in turn to infer type arguments
+for $a_1 , \ldots , a_n$, using the context in which $e.x$ appears.
+###### Case 2: Values
+If the expression $e$ appears as a value without being applied to
+value arguments, the type arguments are inferred by solving a
+constraint system which relates the expression's type $T$ with the
+expected type $\mathit{pt}$. Without loss of generality we can assume that
+$T$ is a value type; if it is a method type we apply
+[eta-expansion](#eta-expansion) to convert it to a function type. Solving
+means finding a substitution $\sigma$ of types $T_i$ for the type
+parameters $a_i$ such that
+- None of inferred types $T_i$ is a [singleton type](03-types.html#singleton-types)
+- All type parameter bounds are respected, i.e.
+ $\sigma L_i <: \sigma a_i$ and $\sigma a_i <: \sigma U_i$ for $i = 1 , \ldots , n$.
+- The expression's type conforms to the expected type, i.e.
+ $\sigma T <: \sigma \mathit{pt}$.
+It is a compile time error if no such substitution exists.
+If several substitutions exist, local-type inference will choose for
+each type variable $a_i$ a minimal or maximal type $T_i$ of the
+solution space. A _maximal_ type $T_i$ will be chosen if the type
+parameter $a_i$ appears [contravariantly](04-basic-declarations-and-definitions.html#variance-annotations) in the
+type $T$ of the expression. A _minimal_ type $T_i$ will be chosen
+in all other situations, i.e. if the variable appears covariantly,
+non-variantly or not at all in the type $T$. We call such a substitution
+an _optimal solution_ of the given constraint system for the type $T$.
+###### Case 3: Methods
+The last case applies if the expression
+$e$ appears in an application $e(d_1 , \ldots , d_m)$. In that case
+$T$ is a method type $(p_1:R_1 , \ldots , p_m:R_m)T'$. Without loss of
+generality we can assume that the result type $T'$ is a value type; if
+it is a method type we apply [eta-expansion](#eta-expansion) to
+convert it to a function type. One computes first the types $S_j$ of
+the argument expressions $d_j$, using two alternative schemes. Each
+argument expression $d_j$ is typed first with the expected type $R_j$,
+in which the type parameters $a_1 , \ldots , a_n$ are taken as type
+constants. If this fails, the argument $d_j$ is typed instead with an
+expected type $R_j'$ which results from $R_j$ by replacing every type
+parameter in $a_1 , \ldots , a_n$ with _undefined_.
+In a second step, type arguments are inferred by solving a constraint
+system which relates the method's type with the expected type
+$\mathit{pt}$ and the argument types $S_1 , \ldots , S_m$. Solving the
+constraint system means
+finding a substitution $\sigma$ of types $T_i$ for the type parameters
+$a_i$ such that
+- None of inferred types $T_i$ is a [singleton type](03-types.html#singleton-types)
+- All type parameter bounds are respected, i.e. $\sigma L_i <: \sigma a_i$ and
+ $\sigma a_i <: \sigma U_i$ for $i = 1 , \ldots , n$.
+- The method's result type $T'$ conforms to the expected type, i.e. $\sigma T' <: \sigma \mathit{pt}$.
+- Each argument type [weakly conforms](03-types.html#weak-conformance)
+ to the corresponding formal parameter
+ type, i.e. $\sigma S_j <:_w \sigma R_j$ for $j = 1 , \ldots , m$.
+It is a compile time error if no such substitution exists. If several
+solutions exist, an optimal one for the type $T'$ is chosen.
+All or parts of an expected type $\mathit{pt}$ may be undefined. The rules for
+[conformance](03-types.html#conformance) are extended to this case by adding
+the rule that for any type $T$ the following two statements are always
+true: $\mathit{undefined} <: T$ and $T <: \mathit{undefined}$
+It is possible that no minimal or maximal solution for a type variable
+exists, in which case a compile-time error results. Because $<:$ is a
+pre-order, it is also possible that a solution set has several optimal
+solutions for a type. In that case, a Scala compiler is free to pick
+any one of them.
+###### Example
+Consider the two methods:
+def cons[A](x: A, xs: List[A]): List[A] = x :: xs
+def nil[B]: List[B] = Nil
+and the definition
+val xs = cons(1, nil)
+The application of `cons` is typed with an undefined expected
+type. This application is completed by local type inference to
+`cons[Int](1, nil)`.
+Here, one uses the following
+reasoning to infer the type argument `Int` for the type
+parameter `a`:
+First, the argument expressions are typed. The first argument `1`
+has type `Int` whereas the second argument `nil` is
+itself polymorphic. One tries to type-check `nil` with an
+expected type `List[a]`. This leads to the constraint system
+List[b?] <: List[a]
+where we have labeled `b?` with a question mark to indicate
+that it is a variable in the constraint system.
+Because class `List` is covariant, the optimal
+solution of this constraint is
+b = scala.Nothing
+In a second step, one solves the following constraint system for
+the type parameter `a` of `cons`:
+Int <: a?
+List[scala.Nothing] <: List[a?]
+List[a?] <: $\mathit{undefined}$
+The optimal solution of this constraint system is
+a = Int
+so `Int` is the type inferred for `a`.
+###### Example
+Consider now the definition
+val ys = cons("abc", xs)
+where `xs` is defined of type `List[Int]` as before.
+In this case local type inference proceeds as follows.
+First, the argument expressions are typed. The first argument
+`"abc"` has type `String`. The second argument `xs` is
+first tried to be typed with expected type `List[a]`. This fails,
+as `List[Int]` is not a subtype of `List[a]`. Therefore,
+the second strategy is tried; `xs` is now typed with expected type
+`List[$\mathit{undefined}$]`. This succeeds and yields the argument type
+In a second step, one solves the following constraint system for
+the type parameter `a` of `cons`:
+String <: a?
+List[Int] <: List[a?]
+List[a?] <: $\mathit{undefined}$
+The optimal solution of this constraint system is
+a = scala.Any
+so `scala.Any` is the type inferred for `a`.
+### Eta Expansion
+_Eta-expansion_ converts an expression of method type to an
+equivalent expression of function type. It proceeds in two steps.
+First, one identifes the maximal sub-expressions of $e$; let's
+say these are $e_1 , \ldots , e_m$. For each of these, one creates a
+fresh name $x_i$. Let $e'$ be the expression resulting from
+replacing every maximal subexpression $e_i$ in $e$ by the
+corresponding fresh name $x_i$. Second, one creates a fresh name $y_i$
+for every argument type $T_i$ of the method ($i = 1 , \ldots ,
+n$). The result of eta-conversion is then:
+{ val $x_1$ = $e_1$;
+ $\ldots$
+ val $x_m$ = $e_m$;
+ ($y_1: T_1 , \ldots , y_n: T_n$) => $e'$($y_1 , \ldots , y_n$)
+### Dynamic Member Selection
+The standard Scala library defines a trait `scala.Dynamic` which defines a member
+\@invokeDynamic@ as follows:
+package scala
+trait Dynamic {
+ def applyDynamic (name: String, args: Any*): Any
+ ...
+Assume a selection of the form $e.x$ where the type of $e$ conforms to `scala.Dynamic`.
+Further assuming the selection is not followed by any function arguments, such an expression can be rewitten under the conditions given [here](#implicit-conversions) to:
+If the selection is followed by some arguments, e.g. $e.x(\mathit{args})$, then that expression
+is rewritten to
+$e$.applyDynamic("$x$", $\mathit{args}$)