path: root/src/actors/scala/actors/remote/Proxy.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/actors/scala/actors/remote/Proxy.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 190 deletions
diff --git a/src/actors/scala/actors/remote/Proxy.scala b/src/actors/scala/actors/remote/Proxy.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cb03544f2..0000000000
--- a/src/actors/scala/actors/remote/Proxy.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2005-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala.actors
-package remote
-import scala.collection.mutable
- * @author Philipp Haller
- */
-private[remote] class Proxy(node: Node, name: Symbol, @transient var kernel: NetKernel) extends AbstractActor with Serializable {
- import{IOException, ObjectOutputStream, ObjectInputStream}
- type Future[+P] = scala.actors.Future[P]
- @transient
- private[remote] var del: Actor = null
- startDelegate()
- @throws(classOf[IOException])
- private def writeObject(out: ObjectOutputStream) {
- out.defaultWriteObject()
- }
- @throws(classOf[ClassNotFoundException]) @throws(classOf[IOException])
- private def readObject(in: ObjectInputStream) {
- in.defaultReadObject()
- setupKernel()
- startDelegate()
- }
- private def startDelegate() {
- del = new DelegateActor(this, node, name, kernel)
- del.start()
- }
- private def setupKernel() {
- kernel = RemoteActor.someNetKernel
- kernel.registerProxy(node, name, this)
- }
- def !(msg: Any): Unit =
- del ! msg
- def send(msg: Any, replyCh: OutputChannel[Any]): Unit =
- del.send(msg, replyCh)
- def forward(msg: Any): Unit =
- del.forward(msg)
- def receiver: Actor =
- del
- def !?(msg: Any): Any =
- del !? msg
- def !?(msec: Long, msg: Any): Option[Any] =
- del !? (msec, msg)
- def !!(msg: Any): Future[Any] =
- del !! msg
- def !![A](msg: Any, f: PartialFunction[Any, A]): Future[A] =
- del !! (msg, f)
- def linkTo(to: AbstractActor): Unit =
- del ! Apply0(new LinkToFun)
- def unlinkFrom(from: AbstractActor): Unit =
- del ! Apply0(new UnlinkFromFun)
- def exit(from: AbstractActor, reason: AnyRef): Unit =
- del ! Apply0(new ExitFun(reason))
- override def toString() =
- name+"@"+node
-// Proxy is private[remote], but these classes are public and use it in a public
-// method signature. That makes the only method they have non-overridable.
-// So I made them final, which seems appropriate anyway.
-final class LinkToFun extends Function2[AbstractActor, Proxy, Unit] with Serializable {
- def apply(target: AbstractActor, creator: Proxy) {
- target.linkTo(creator)
- }
- override def toString =
- "<LinkToFun>"
-final class UnlinkFromFun extends Function2[AbstractActor, Proxy, Unit] with Serializable {
- def apply(target: AbstractActor, creator: Proxy) {
- target.unlinkFrom(creator)
- }
- override def toString =
- "<UnlinkFromFun>"
-final class ExitFun(reason: AnyRef) extends Function2[AbstractActor, Proxy, Unit] with Serializable {
- def apply(target: AbstractActor, creator: Proxy) {
- target.exit(creator, reason)
- }
- override def toString =
- "<ExitFun>("+reason.toString+")"
-private[remote] case class Apply0(rfun: Function2[AbstractActor, Proxy, Unit])
- * @author Philipp Haller
- */
-private[remote] class DelegateActor(creator: Proxy, node: Node, name: Symbol, kernel: NetKernel) extends Actor {
- var channelMap = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, OutputChannel[Any]]
- var sessionMap = new mutable.HashMap[OutputChannel[_], Symbol]
- def act() {
- Actor.loop {
- react {
- case cmd@Apply0(rfun) =>
- kernel.remoteApply(node, name, sender, rfun)
- case cmd@LocalApply0(rfun, target) =>
- rfun(target, creator)
- // Request from remote proxy.
- // `this` is local proxy.
- case cmd@SendTo(out, msg, session) =>
- if ( == "nosession") {
- // local send
- out.send(msg, this)
- } else {
- // is this an active session?
- channelMap.get(session) match {
- case None =>
- // create a new reply channel...
- val replyCh = new Channel[Any](this)
- // ...that maps to session
- sessionMap(replyCh) = session
- // local send
- out.send(msg, replyCh)
- // finishes request-reply cycle
- case Some(replyCh) =>
- channelMap -= session
- replyCh ! msg
- }
- }
- case cmd@Terminate =>
- exit()
- // local proxy receives response to
- // reply channel
- case ch ! resp =>
- // lookup session ID
- sessionMap.get(ch) match {
- case Some(sid) =>
- sessionMap -= ch
- val msg = resp.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
- // send back response
- kernel.forward(sender, node, name, msg, sid)
- case None =>
-": cannot find session for "+ch)
- }
- // remote proxy receives request
- case msg: AnyRef =>
- // find out whether it's a synchronous send
- if (sender.getClass.toString.contains("Channel")) {
- // create fresh session ID...
- val fresh = FreshNameCreator.newName(node+"@"+name)
- // ...that maps to reply channel
- channelMap(fresh) = sender
- kernel.forward(sender, node, name, msg, fresh)
- } else {
- kernel.forward(sender, node, name, msg, 'nosession)
- }
- }
- }
- }