path: root/src/actors/scala/actors/remote/TcpService.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/actors/scala/actors/remote/TcpService.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 292 deletions
diff --git a/src/actors/scala/actors/remote/TcpService.scala b/src/actors/scala/actors/remote/TcpService.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 69e5c46c52..0000000000
--- a/src/actors/scala/actors/remote/TcpService.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2005-2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | **
-** |/ **
-\* */
-package scala.actors
-package remote
-import{DataInputStream, DataOutputStream, IOException}
-import java.lang.{Thread, SecurityException}
-import{InetAddress, InetSocketAddress, ServerSocket, Socket, SocketTimeoutException, UnknownHostException}
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import scala.util.Random
-/* Object TcpService.
- *
- * @version 0.9.9
- * @author Philipp Haller
- */
-@deprecated("Use the package instead. For migration from the scala.actors package refer to the Actors Migration Guide.", "2.11.0")
-object TcpService {
- private val random = new Random
- private val ports = new mutable.HashMap[Int, TcpService]
- def apply(port: Int, cl: ClassLoader): TcpService =
- ports.get(port) match {
- case Some(service) =>
- service
- case None =>
- val service = new TcpService(port, cl)
- ports(port) = service
- service.start()
-"created service at "+service.node)
- service
- }
- def generatePort: Int = {
- var portnum = 0
- try {
- portnum = 8000 + random.nextInt(500)
- val socket = new ServerSocket(portnum)
- socket.close()
- }
- catch {
- case ioe: IOException =>
- // this happens when trying to open a socket twice
- // at the same port
- // try again
- generatePort
- case se: SecurityException =>
- // do nothing
- }
- portnum
- }
- private val connectTimeoutMillis = {
- val propName = "scala.actors.tcpSocket.connectTimeoutMillis"
- val defaultTimeoutMillis = 0
- sys.props get propName flatMap {
- timeout =>
- try {
- val to = timeout.toInt
-"Using socket timeout $to")
- Some(to)
- } catch {
- case e: NumberFormatException =>
- Debug.warning(s"""Could not parse $propName = "$timeout" as an Int""")
- None
- }
- } getOrElse defaultTimeoutMillis
- }
- var BufSize: Int = 65536
-/* Class TcpService.
- *
- * @version 0.9.10
- * @author Philipp Haller
- */
-@deprecated("Use the package instead. For migration from the scala.actors package refer to the Actors Migration Guide.", "2.11.0")
-class TcpService(port: Int, cl: ClassLoader) extends Thread with Service {
- val serializer: JavaSerializer = new JavaSerializer(this, cl)
- private val internalNode = new Node(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(), port)
- def node: Node = internalNode
- private val pendingSends = new mutable.HashMap[Node, List[Array[Byte]]]
- /**
- * Sends a byte array to another node on the network.
- * If the node is not yet up, up to `TcpService.BufSize`
- * messages are buffered.
- */
- def send(node: Node, data: Array[Byte]): Unit = synchronized {
- def bufferMsg(t: Throwable) {
- // buffer message, so that it can be re-sent
- // when remote net kernel comes up
- (pendingSends.get(node): @unchecked) match {
- case None =>
- pendingSends(node) = List(data)
- case Some(msgs) if msgs.length < TcpService.BufSize =>
- pendingSends(node) = data :: msgs
- }
- }
- // retrieve worker thread (if any) that already has connection
- getConnection(node) match {
- case None =>
- // we are not connected, yet
- try {
- val newWorker = connect(node)
- // any pending sends?
- pendingSends.get(node) match {
- case None =>
- // do nothing
- case Some(msgs) =>
- msgs.reverse foreach {newWorker transmit _}
- pendingSends -= node
- }
- newWorker transmit data
- } catch {
- case uhe: UnknownHostException =>
- bufferMsg(uhe)
- case ioe: IOException =>
- bufferMsg(ioe)
- case se: SecurityException =>
- // do nothing
- }
- case Some(worker) =>
- worker transmit data
- }
- }
- def terminate() {
- shouldTerminate = true
- try {
- new Socket(internalNode.address, internalNode.port)
- } catch {
- case ce: =>
-": caught "+ce)
- }
- }
- private var shouldTerminate = false
- override def run() {
- try {
- val socket = new ServerSocket(port)
- while (!shouldTerminate) {
-": waiting for new connection on port "+port+"...")
- val nextClient = socket.accept()
- if (!shouldTerminate) {
- val worker = new TcpServiceWorker(this, nextClient)
-"Started new "+worker)
- worker.readNode
- worker.start()
- } else
- nextClient.close()
- }
- } catch {
- case e: Exception =>
-": caught "+e)
- } finally {
-": shutting down...")
- connections foreach { case (_, worker) => worker.halt }
- }
- }
- // connection management
- private val connections =
- new mutable.HashMap[Node, TcpServiceWorker]
- private[actors] def addConnection(node: Node, worker: TcpServiceWorker) = synchronized {
- connections(node) = worker
- }
- def getConnection(n: Node) = synchronized {
- connections.get(n)
- }
- def isConnected(n: Node): Boolean = synchronized {
- !connections.get(n).isEmpty
- }
- def connect(n: Node): TcpServiceWorker = synchronized {
- val socket = new Socket()
- val start = System.nanoTime
- try {
- socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(n.address, n.port), TcpService.connectTimeoutMillis)
- } catch {
- case e: SocketTimeoutException =>
- Debug.warning(f"Timed out connecting to $n after ${(System.nanoTime - start) / math.pow(10, 9)}%.3f seconds")
- throw e
- }
- val worker = new TcpServiceWorker(this, socket)
- worker.sendNode(n)
- worker.start()
- addConnection(n, worker)
- worker
- }
- def disconnectNode(n: Node) = synchronized {
- connections.get(n) match {
- case None =>
- // do nothing
- case Some(worker) =>
- connections -= n
- worker.halt
- }
- }
- def isReachable(node: Node): Boolean =
- if (isConnected(node)) true
- else try {
- connect(node)
- return true
- } catch {
- case uhe: UnknownHostException => false
- case ioe: IOException => false
- case se: SecurityException => false
- }
- def nodeDown(mnode: Node): Unit = synchronized {
- connections -= mnode
- }
-private[actors] class TcpServiceWorker(parent: TcpService, so: Socket) extends Thread {
- val datain = new DataInputStream(so.getInputStream)
- val dataout = new DataOutputStream(so.getOutputStream)
- var connectedNode: Node = _
- def sendNode(n: Node) {
- connectedNode = n
- parent.serializer.writeObject(dataout, parent.node)
- }
- def readNode() {
- val node = parent.serializer.readObject(datain)
- node match {
- case n: Node =>
- connectedNode = n
- parent.addConnection(n, this)
- }
- }
- def transmit(data: Array[Byte]): Unit = synchronized {
-": transmitting data...")
- dataout.writeInt(data.length)
- dataout.write(data)
- dataout.flush()
- }
- var running = true
- def halt() = synchronized {
- so.close()
- running = false
- }
- override def run() {
- try {
- while (running) {
- val msg = parent.serializer.readObject(datain);
- parent.kernel.processMsg(connectedNode, msg)
- }
- }
- catch {
- case ioe: IOException =>
-": caught "+ioe)
- parent nodeDown connectedNode
- case e: Exception =>
-": caught "+e)
- parent nodeDown connectedNode
- }
-": service terminated at "+parent.node)
- }