path: root/src/attic
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/attic')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 1039 deletions
diff --git a/src/attic/README b/src/attic/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fb600ae57..0000000000
--- a/src/attic/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-This is a holding area for source files which aren't used in
-trunk anymore but which we're keeping available for a time. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/attic/scala/tools/nsc/models/SemanticTokens.scala b/src/attic/scala/tools/nsc/models/SemanticTokens.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a94188a3c1..0000000000
--- a/src/attic/scala/tools/nsc/models/SemanticTokens.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,701 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package models
-import java.lang.Character.isJavaIdentifierPart
-import java.lang.Thread
-import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, HashSet}
-import{Flags, Names}
-import{BatchSourceFile, SourceFile}
-class SemanticTokens(val compiler: Global) {
- import compiler._
- object walker extends symtab.SymbolWalker {
- lazy val global : compiler.type = compiler
- }
- abstract class Kind {}
- object OBJECT extends Kind
- object CLASS extends Kind
- object TRAIT extends Kind
- object DEF extends Kind
- object VAL extends Kind
- object VAR extends Kind
- object ARG extends Kind
- object TPARAM extends Kind
- type AnyClass = Class[_]
- // static constants here
- abstract class Token {
- def length: Int
- def prev: HasNext
- def next: HasPrev
- }
- def eatKeyword(source: BatchSourceFile, pos: Int, keywords: List[String]) : Int = {
- if (keywords.isEmpty)
- pos
- else if (pos == source.length)
- -1
- else if (source.beginsWith(pos, " "))
- eatKeywords(source, pos + 1)
- else if (source.beginsWith(pos, keywords.head + " "))
- eatKeywords(source, pos + keywords.head.length + 1)
- else
- eatKeyword(source, pos, keywords.tail)
- }
- def eatKeywords(source: BatchSourceFile, pos: Int): Int = {
- val keywords =
- "package" :: "val" :: "var" :: "def" :: "class" :: "trait" :: "override" :: "case" ::
- "object" :: "sealed" :: "private" :: "protected" :: Nil
- if (pos != -1) eatKeyword(source, pos, keywords)
- else pos
- }
- trait HasNext extends Token {
- var next0: HasPrev = _
- def next = next0
- }
- trait HasPrev extends Token {
- var prev0: HasNext = _
- def prev = prev0
- }
- abstract class Actual extends HasNext with HasPrev {
- def convertToGap: (Int, Actual) = {
- val nextGap = next.isInstanceOf[Gap]
- val prevGap = prev.isInstanceOf[Gap]
- if (prevGap) {
- val ret = prev.length
- val gap = prev.asInstanceOf[Gap]
- gap.setLength(gap.length + length)
- if (nextGap) {
- gap.setLength(gap.length + next.length)
- gap.next0 =
- = gap
- } else {
- gap.next0 = next
- next.prev0 = gap
- }
- (ret, gap)
- }
- else if (nextGap) {
- val gap = next.asInstanceOf[Gap]
- gap.setLength(gap.length + length)
- gap.prev0 = prev
- prev.next0 = gap
- (0, gap)
- }
- else {
- prev.next0 = next
- next.prev0 = prev
- val gap = new Gap(prev)
- gap.setLength(length)
- (0, gap)
- }
- }
- def insert(prev1: HasNext) {
- next0 =
- prev0 = prev1
- prev0.next0 = this
- next0.prev0 = this
- }
- } // Actual
- final class Gap extends Actual {
- def this(prev1: HasNext) = {
- this()
- insert(prev1)
- }
- override def toString() = "gap-" + length
- var length0: Int = -1
- def length: Int = length0
- def setLength(length1: Int) = length0 = length1
- // already gap
- override def convertToGap: (Int, Actual) = (0, this)
- }
- def Process(unit: CompilationUnit) = new Process(unit)
- class Process(val unit: CompilationUnit) {
- private var doLog = true
- def source = unit.source
- def dbg(tree: Tree) = {
- def treePos: Position = if (tree ne null) tree.pos else NoPosition;
- (
- "TREE=" + tree +
- (if (tree ne null) (" CLASS=" + tree.getClass()) else "") +
- " SYM=" + tree.symbol +
- " POS=" +
- treePos.dbgString
- )}
- val symbols = new HashMap[Symbol, Info]
- class Info(val symbol: Symbol) {
- var defined : Def = _
- val uses = new HashSet[Use]
- symbols.update(symbol, this)
- }
- def info(symbol: Symbol): Info =
- if (symbols.contains(symbol)) symbols(symbol)
- else new Info(symbol)
- abstract class Semantic(val symbol: Symbol) extends Actual {
- val name =
- assert(symbol != NoSymbol)
- def myOuter = Process.this
- def tpe: Type = symbol.tpe
- def length = name.length()
- def info: Info = if (symbols.contains(symbol)) symbols(symbol) else new Info(symbol)
- def kind = {
- val term0 = symbol
- if (false) null
- else if (term0.isVariable) VAR
- else if (term0.isValueParameter) ARG
- else if (term0.isMethod) DEF
- else if (term0.isClass) CLASS
- else if (term0.isModule) OBJECT
- else if (term0.isValue) VAL
- else if (term0.isTypeParameter) TPARAM
- else if (term0.isType ) TPARAM
- else {
- // Console.err.println("UNRECOGNIZED SYMBOL: " + term0 + " " + name);
- null
- }
- }
- }
- class Def(symbol0: Symbol) extends Semantic(symbol0) {
- info.defined = this
- override def toString() = "def-" + name + "-" + symbol.getClass()
- }
- class Use(symbol0: Symbol, tpe0: Type) extends Semantic(symbol0) {
- info.uses += this
- override def tpe : Type = if (tpe0 ne null) tpe0 else super.tpe;
- override def toString() = "use-" + name + "-" + symbol.getClass();
- }
- val list = new TokenList
- //build(unit.body)
- val map = new scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap[Int,Symbol]
- map.clear // populate the map.
- class visitor extends walker.Visitor {
- def contains(pos : Position) = map.contains(pos.point)
- def apply(pos : Position) = map(pos.point)
- def update(pos : Position, sym : Symbol) : Unit = if (pos.isDefined) {
- val offset = pos.point
- map(offset) = sym
- val isDef = pos.point == sym.pos.point
- list.put(offset, (if (isDef) new Def(sym) else new Use(sym, NoType)));
- }
- }
- walker.walk(unit.body, new visitor)(offset => unit.source.identifier(offset, compiler))
- // ok start building....
- def build[T <: Tree](trees: List[T]) {
- for (tree <- trees) build(tree)
- }
- def build(tree0: Tree): Unit = try {
- /* if (tree0.pos != NoPosition) */ tree0 match {
- case tree: ImplDef =>
- val pos = eatKeywords(unit.source.asInstanceOf[BatchSourceFile], tree.pos.point)
- if (pos == -1) {
- } else buildDef(tree.symbol, eatKeywords(unit.source.asInstanceOf[BatchSourceFile], tree.pos.point));
- tree match {
- case cdef: ClassDef => build(cdef.tparams)
- case _ => ;
- }
- build(tree.impl.parents)
- build(tree.impl.body)
- case tree: ValOrDefDef =>
- if (!tree.symbol.hasAccessorFlag || tree.symbol.isDeferred) {
- // MO: I added !tree.symbol.hasFlag(DEFERRED) in a refactoring where
- // getters now can be abstract whereas before they could not.
- // Adding the condition thus keeps the old behavior.
- // todo: review whether this is correct, or whether abstract getters should be included.
- {
- val pos : Int = if ("<init>")) -1 else
- eatKeywords(unit.source.asInstanceOf[BatchSourceFile], tree.pos.point);
- if (false) Console.err.println("VALDEF: tree=" + tree + " sym=" + tree.symbol + " pos0=" +
- tree.symbol.pos + " alias=" + tree.symbol.alias + " pos1=" +
- pos + " pos2=" + tree.pos.dbgString + " " + tree.symbol.isSynthetic);
- if (pos != -1 && !tree.isSynthetic)
- buildDef(tree.symbol, pos);
- }
- if (tree.isInstanceOf[DefDef]) {
- val ddef = tree.asInstanceOf[DefDef];
- build(ddef.tparams);
- for (l0 <- ddef.vparamss; arg <- l0) {
- val pos0 : Int = if (!unit.source.beginsWith(arg.pos.point, "val ")) arg.pos.point;
- else unit.source.skipWhitespace(arg.pos.point + ("val ").length());
- buildDef(arg.symbol, pos0);
- build(arg.tpt);
- }
- }
- //TPT=scala.Iterator[DocGenerator.this.compiler0.CompilationUnit] 260 class$TypeTree scala.Iterator[DocGenerator.this.compiler0.CompilationUnit] class$$anon$5
- if ((tree.tpt eq null) || (tree.tpt.tpe eq null)) {
- //Console.err.println("BAD: " + tree.tpt + " in " + tree);
- } else {
- //Console.err.println("TPT=" + tree.tpt + " " + tree.tpt.pos + " " + tree.tpt.getClass() + " " + tree.tpt.tpe + " " + tree.tpt.tpe.getClass() + " " + tree.tpt.tpe.getClass().getSuperclass());
- build(tree.tpt);
- }
- //Console.err.println("RHS: " + tree.rhs + " " + tree.rhs.getClass() + " " + tree.rhs.getClass().getSuperclass());
- build(tree.rhs);
- }
- case tree: PackageDef =>
- //Console.err.println("PACKAGE: " +;
- if (false) {
- val pos = eatKeywords(unit.source.asInstanceOf[BatchSourceFile], tree.pos.pointOrElse(-1))
- if (pos != -1)
- buildDef(tree.symbol, pos)
- }
- build(tree.stats)
- case tree: Function =>
- for (arg <- tree.vparams if arg.pos != NoPosition) {
- val name =
- val pos: Int =
- if (unit.source.beginsWith(arg.pos.pointOrElse(-1), "val "))
- unit.source.skipWhitespace(arg.pos.pointOrElse(-1) + ("val ").length())
- else if (unit.source.asInstanceOf[BatchSourceFile].content(arg.pos.point) == ':') {
- var posx : Int = arg.pos.point
- while (unit.source.asInstanceOf[BatchSourceFile].content(posx - 1).isWhitespace) posx = posx - 1
- posx - name.length()
- } else arg.pos.point
- buildDef(arg.symbol, pos)
- build(arg.tpt)
- }
- build(tree.body)
- case tree : TypeTree =>
- val treex = tree
- val tree1 = if (tree.original ne null) tree.original else tree
- def classes(clazz: AnyClass): List[AnyClass] =
- if (clazz eq null) Nil
- else clazz :: classes(clazz.getSuperclass())
- if (tree.original eq null) {
- if (false) Console.err.println("NO_ORIGINAL: " + tree + " " + tree.tpe + " " + classes(tree.tpe.getClass()));
- }
- if (tree.tpe ne null) buildT(tree1, tree.tpe);
- def buildT( tree : Tree, tpe : Type) : Unit = if (tree.pos != NoPosition) tpe match {
- case tpe0 : TypeRef => tree match {
- case apt : AppliedTypeTree =>
- buildUse(tpe.typeSymbol, apt.tpt.pos.pointOrElse(-1), tpe0);
- //Console.err.println("APT: " + treex + " vs. " + treex.original);
- //Console.err.println("APT: " + treex.pos + " vs. " + treex.original.pos + " " + unit.source.dbg(treex.original.pos));
- //Console.err.println("APT: " + apt.tpt + " sym0=" + apt.tpt.symbol + " sym1=" + tpe0.sym + " apt.args=" + apt.args + " tpe0.args=" + tpe0.args);
- buildTs (apt.args, tpe0.args);
- case ident : Ident => buildUse(tpe0.sym, ident.pos.pointOrElse(-1), tpe0);
- case select : Select =>
- if (select.symbol == NoSymbol)
- try {
- // build(select);
- buildUse(tpe0.typeSymbol, selectPos(select), tpe0);
- //Console.err.println("QUALIFIER: " + select.qualifier + " " + unit.source.dbg(select.qualifier.pos) + " " + tpe0.prefix + " " + tpe0.prefix.getClass() + " " + tpe0.prefix.getClass().getSuperclass() +" " + tpe0.prefix.widen + " " + tpe0.prefix.toLongString);
- buildT(select.qualifier, tpe0.prefix);
- } catch {
- case e : Error =>
- Console.err.println("BUILD_SELECT: " + select + " @ " + tpe0 + " " + (select.pos).dbgString);
- throw e;
- }
- case tpt : TypeTree =>
- if (tpt.symbol ne null) {
- Console.err.println("SYM0 " + tpt.symbol + " " + (tpt.pos).dbgString);
- buildUse(tpt.symbol, tpt.pos.pointOrElse(-1), tpe0);
- } else if (tpe0.typeSymbol ne null) {
- //Console.err.println("TYPE_SYM1 " + tpe0.symbol + " " + unit.source.dbg(tpt.pos));
- buildUse(tpe0.typeSymbol, tpt.pos.pointOrElse(-1), tpe0);
- } else {
- Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPT0: " + (tpt.pos).dbgString + " tpt=" + tpt + " " + tpt.symbol + " tpe0="+ tpe0 + " " + tpe0.typeSymbol + " tpe0.args=" + tpe0.args);
- }
- case sft : SelectFromTypeTree =>
- build(sft.qualifier); // XXX: broken
- if (false) Console.err.println("SFTT: " + sft + " sym=" + sft.symbol + " name=" + + " qual=" + sft.qualifier + " qual.sym=" +
- sft.qualifier.symbol +
- " qual.pos=" + (sft.qualifier.pos).dbgString + " symbol=" + sft.symbol + " type=" + tpe0 +
- " type.sym=" + tpe0.typeSymbol);
- case _ => Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPT2: " + tree + " vs. " + tpe0 + " " + tree.getClass() + " " + (tree.pos).dbgString);
- }
- case tpe0 : MethodType => tree match {
- case tpt: TypeTree =>
- if (tpt.original ne null) buildT(tpt.original, tpe);
- else {
- Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPT3: " + tree + " vs. " + tpe0 + " " + (tree.pos).dbgString);
- }
- case ident : Ident => buildT(ident, tpe0.resultType);
- case select : Select => buildT(select, tpe0.resultType);
- case _ => Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPE: " + tree + " vs. " + tpe0 + " " + tree.getClass());
- }
- case tpe0 : RefinedType => tree match {
- case cpt : CompoundTypeTree =>
- buildTs(cpt.templ.parents, tpe0.parents);
- case _ : TypeTree =>
- // Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPE13: " + dbg(tree) + " tpe0=" + tpe0 + " " + tpe0.parents);
- case _ =>
- if (false) Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPE5: " + dbg(tree) + " tpe0=" + tpe0 + " " + tpe0.parents);
- }
- case tpe0 : ThisType => tree match {
- case stt : SingletonTypeTree => stt.ref match {
- case ths : This => build(ths);
- case _ => Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPE11: " + tpe0 + " " + stt + " " + stt.ref + " " + stt.ref.getClass() + " " + (tree.pos).dbgString);
- }
- case tt : This =>
- case _ : Ident =>
- case _ : Select =>
- case tt : TypeTree =>
- if (false) Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPE12: " + tpe0 + " " + tree + " " + tree.getClass() + " " + (tree.pos).dbgString);
- case _ =>
- if (false) Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPE10: " + tpe0 + " " + tree + " " + tree.getClass() + " " + (tree.pos).dbgString);
- }
- case tpe0 : SingleType => tree match {
- case ident : Ident => buildUse(tpe0.sym, ident.pos.pointOrElse(-1), tpe0);
- case select : Select =>
- buildUse(tpe0.termSymbol, selectPos(select), tpe0);
- //Console.err.println("QUALIFIER-0: " + select.qualifier + " " + unit.source.dbg(select.qualifier.pos) + " " + tpe0.prefix + " " + tpe0.prefix.getClass() + " " + tpe0.prefix.getClass().getSuperclass() +" " + tpe0.prefix.widen + " " + tpe0.prefix.toLongString);
- buildT(select.qualifier, tpe0.prefix);
- case _ =>
- if (false) Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPE8: " + tree + " " + (tree.pos).dbgString + " TPE=" + tpe0 + " PRE=" + tpe0.pre + " SYM=" + tpe0.sym);
- }
- case ctype : ConstantType =>
- case ErrorType =>
- case _ => {
- if (false) Console.err.println("UNKNOWN TPE4: " + tree + " " + tpe + " " + tpe.getClass() + " " + (tree.pos).dbgString);
- }
- };
- def buildTs(trees : List[Tree], types : List[Type]): Unit = if (!trees.isEmpty && !types.isEmpty) {
- buildT (trees.head, types.head);
- buildTs(trees.tail, types.tail);
- } else if (trees.isEmpty != types.isEmpty) {
- if (false && doLog) {
- Console.println("" + treex + " vs. " + treex.original);
- if (treex.original ne null)
- Console.println("" + treex.tpe + " vs. " + treex.original.tpe);
- logError("Tree vs. Type mismatch: " + trees + " " + types + " " + (tree.pos).dbgString, null);
- doLog = false;
- }
- };
- case tree: Bind =>
- buildDef(tree.symbol, tree.pos.pointOrElse(-1))
- build(tree.body)
- case tree: Ident =>
- buildUse(tree.symbol, tree.pos.pointOrElse(-1), tree.tpe)
- case tree: Select =>
- try {
- build(tree.qualifier)
- } catch {
- case e : Error => Console.err.println("SELECTQ: " + tree + " " + tree.qualifier + " " + (tree.qualifier.pos).dbgString); throw e;
- }
- try {
- if (tree.pos.isDefined && tree.pos.point >= unit.source.length) {
- if (false) Console.err.println("BAD_SELECT_QUALIFIER " + tree + " @ " + (tree.pos).dbgString);
- } else {
- //Console.err.println("SELECT-0: " + tree.symbol + " " + tree.pos.dbgString + " " + (tree.pos - selectPos(tree)));
- buildUse(tree.symbol, selectPos(tree), tree.tpe);
- }
- } catch {
- case e : Error => Console.err.println("SELECTU: " + tree + " " + tree.symbol + " " + tree.pos.dbgString); throw e;
- }
- case tree: TypeApply =>
- //Console.err.println("TYPE_APPLY: " + tree + " " + tree.pos.dbgString);
- if (!tree.args.isEmpty) {
- //Console.err.println("ARGS: " + unit.source.dbg(tree.args0.head.pos));
- }
- build(
- build(tree.args)
- case tree: Apply =>
- build(
- build(tree.args)
- case tree: GenericApply =>
- build(
- build(tree.args)
- case tree: Typed =>
- build(tree.expr)
- build(tree.tpt)
- case tree: Block =>
- if (false) {
- if (!tree.stats.isEmpty)
- Console.err.println("BLOCKS: " + tree.stats.head + " " + tree.stats.head.getClass());
- Console.err.println("BLOCKE: " + tree.expr + " " + tree.expr.getClass())
- }
- build(tree.stats)
- build(tree.expr)
- case tree: CaseDef =>
- build(tree.pat)
- build(tree.guard)
- build(tree.body)
- case tree : Assign => build(tree.lhs); build(tree.rhs);
- case tree : If => build(tree.cond); build(tree.thenp); build(tree.elsep);
- case tree : New =>
- //Console.err.println("NEW: " + tree.tpt + " " + tree.tpt.getClass());
- build(tree.tpt);
- case tree : Match => build(tree.selector); build(tree.cases);
- case tree : Return => build(tree.expr);
- case tree : LabelDef => build(tree.rhs);
- case tree : Throw => build(tree.expr);
- case tree : Try => build(tree.block); build(tree.catches); build(tree.finalizer);
- case tree : Alternative => build(tree.trees);
- case tree : This =>
- if (tree.symbol ne null) buildUse(tree.symbol, tree.pos.pointOrElse(-1), tree.tpe);
- //Thread.dumpStack();
- case tree : TypeDef =>
- //Console.err.println("ALIAS: " + tree);
- build(tree.rhs); build(tree.tparams); buildDef(tree.symbol, tree.pos.pointOrElse(-1));
- case tree : DocDef => build(tree.definition);
- case tree: Import => build(tree.expr)
- case tree: AppliedTypeTree => ;
- case tree: Annotated => ;
- case tree: SingletonTypeTree => ;
- case tree: Super => ;
- case tree: Literal => ;
- case EmptyTree => ;
- case _ => ;
- Console.err.println("BAIL: " + (tree0.pos) + " " + tree0 + " " + tree0.getClass());
- }
- } catch {
- case t: Throwable =>
- logError("Error occured at " + (tree0.pos), t)
- }
- def buildUse(term: Symbol, pos: Int, tpe: Type) = buildSym(term, pos, false, tpe)
- def buildDef(term: Symbol, pos: Int) = buildSym(term, pos, true, null)
- def buildSym(term: Symbol, pos: Int, isDef: Boolean, tpe: Type): Unit =
- if (term.hasAccessorFlag)
- buildSym(analyzer.underlying(term), pos, isDef, tpe)
- else if (pos == -1) {
- //Console.err.println("NOPOS: " + term)
- //Thread.dumpStack()
- }
- else if (term != NoSymbol) {
- val name =
- val buf = unit.source.asInstanceOf[BatchSourceFile].content
- val cs = name.toChars
- var idx = 0
- if (cs.length + pos > buf.length) return
- else while (idx < cs.length) {
- if (buf(pos + idx) != cs(idx)) {
- //Console.err.println("MISMATCH: " + name + "[" + idx + "] " + unit.source.dbg(pos));
- //Thread.dumpStack();
- return;
- }
- else idx = idx + 1;
- }
- if (cs.length + pos + 1 < buf.length) {
- if (isJavaIdentifierPart(buf(pos + cs.length))) {
- //Console.err.println("MISMATCH: " + name + "[last] " + unit.source.dbg(pos));
- return;
- }
- }
- try {
- list.put(pos, (if (isDef) new Def(term) else new Use(term, tpe)));
- } catch {
- case e : Error => e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- def selectPos(tree: Select): Int = if (tree.pos == NoPosition) -1 else {
- val buf = unit.source.asInstanceOf[BatchSourceFile].content
- if (tree.pos.point >= buf.length) {
- if (false) {
- Console.err.println("" + tree + "@" + tree.pos + " not in " +
- + "[" + buf.length + "]");
- Thread.dumpStack()
- abort()
- }
- return 0
- }
- val pos : Int =
- if (buf(tree.pos.point) != '.') tree.pos.point
- else {
- def f(x : Int) : Int = {
- if (buf(x).isWhitespace) f(x + 1)
- else x
- }
- f(tree.pos.point + 1)
- }
- pos
- };
- class TokenList {
- object begin extends HasNext {
- def prev = this
- def length = 0
- }
- object end extends HasPrev {
- def next = this
- def length = 0
- }
- // initialize
- begin.next0 = end
- end.prev0 = begin
- def tokenAt(offset: Int) = {
- if (cursor.token.isInstanceOf[Semantic]) cursor.token.asInstanceOf[Semantic]
- else null
- }
- def put(offset: Int, tok: Actual): Unit = tok match {
- case tok0: Semantic => put(offset, tok0)
- case gap: Gap =>
- }
- def put(offset: Int, tok: Semantic) {
- if (cursor.token == end) {
- assert(offset >= cursor.offset);
- if (offset > cursor.offset) {
- // add a gap.
- val gap = new Gap(end.prev);
- gap.setLength(offset - cursor.offset);
- cursor.offset = offset;
- }
- // append.
- tok.insert(end.prev);
- cursor.offset = cursor.offset + tok.length;
- } else if (!cursor.token.isInstanceOf[Gap]) {
- val sem = cursor.token.asInstanceOf[Semantic];
- if (sem.symbol == tok.symbol) return;
- if (sem.symbol != tok.symbol &&
- sem.symbol.getClass() == tok.symbol.getClass() &&
- sem.symbol.pos == tok.symbol.pos) return;
- } else {
- val gap = cursor.token.asInstanceOf[Gap];
- if (!(offset - cursor.offset + tok.length <= gap.length)) {
- Console.err.println("LIST =" + this);
- Console.err.println("OFFSET=" + offset + " " + tok + " " + tok.length);
- Console.err.println(" " + cursor.offset + " " + gap.length);
- gap.length0 = offset - cursor.offset + tok.length
- //abort();
- }
- if (offset == cursor.offset) {
- // replace or prepend
- tok.prev0 = gap.prev0;
- if (tok.length == gap.length) { // replace gap
- tok.next0 = gap.next0;
- } else {
- gap.setLength(gap.length - tok.length);
- tok.next0 = gap;
- }
- tok.next0.prev0 = tok;
- tok.prev0.next0 = tok;
- cursor.token = tok;
- } else {
- // append
- val diff = (cursor.offset + gap.length) - (offset + tok.length);
- gap.setLength(gap.length - tok.length - diff);
- tok.prev0 = gap;
- tok.next0 =;
- tok.next0.prev0 = tok;
- tok.prev0.next0 = tok;
- if (diff != 0) {
- val gap0 = new Gap(tok);
- gap0.setLength(diff);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- override def toString(): String = {
- var node =
- var str = ""
- while (node != end) {
- str = str + " " + node
- node =
- }
- str
- }
- object cursor {
- var token: Token = end
- var offset: Int = 0
- def next(): Unit = if (token == end) end else {
- offset = offset + token.length
- token =
- }
- def prev(): Unit = if (token.prev == begin) token else {
- offset = offset - token.prev.length
- token = token.prev
- }
- def seek(soffset: Int): Unit = if (soffset == 0) {
- token =
- offset = 0
- } else {
- assert(soffset > 0)
- while (offset > soffset) prev;
- while (offset + token.length <= soffset && token != end) {
- val len0 = offset;
- next;
- }
- }
- def convertToGap = if (token.isInstanceOf[Actual]) {
- val ret = token.asInstanceOf[Actual].convertToGap;
- offset = offset - ret._1;
- token = ret._2;
- }
- }
- // add or delete characters
- def adjust(offset: Int, /* where */
- length: Int, /* how many characters are modified */
- to : Int /* length of new string */) = {
- if (cursor.token != end) {
- cursor.convertToGap
- while (cursor.offset + cursor.token.length < offset + length && != end) {
- val save = cursor.offset
- cursor.convertToGap
- assert(cursor.offset == save)
- }
- if (length != to && cursor.token != end) {
- val diff = to - length;
- val gap = cursor.token.asInstanceOf[Gap];
- gap.setLength(gap.length + diff);
- };
- }
- }
- } // TokenList
- }
diff --git a/src/attic/scala/tools/nsc/models/Signatures.scala b/src/attic/scala/tools/nsc/models/Signatures.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a5dfce6c56..0000000000
--- a/src/attic/scala/tools/nsc/models/Signatures.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package models
-import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, HashSet}
-import{Global => Compiler}
-import{Flags, Names}
-import{ Position, SourceFile }
-/** This class ...
- *
- * @author Sean McDirmid
- * @version 1.0
- */
-class Signatures(val compiler: Compiler) {
- import compiler._
- class Signature(val name: String, val children: List[Signature]) {
- def asString: String = name + "[" + asString0(children) + "]"
- }
- def sort(sigs: List[Signature]) = sigs sortBy ( reverse
- def asString0(sigs: List[Signature]): String =
- sort(sigs) map (_.asString) mkString
- def signature(unit: CompilationUnit): String =
- asString0(signature(unit.body, Nil))
- def signature(trees: List[Tree]): List[Signature] = {
- var ret : List[Signature] = Nil
- for (tree <- trees) ret = signature(tree, ret)
- ret
- }
- /**
- * @param tree0 ...
- * @param rest ...
- * @return ...
- */
- def signature(tree0: Tree, rest: List[Signature]): List[Signature] = tree0 match {
- case tree: MemberDef => if (!tree.mods.isPrivate) {
- val name = "" + + "::" +
- (tree.mods &~ Flags.SYNTHETIC)
- val children: List[Signature] = tree match {
- case impl: ImplDef
- //if (!"$anonfun$")) =>
- if ("$anonfun$") == name.length) =>
- val supers = new Signature("$$supers", signature(impl.impl.parents))
- val body = new Signature("$$body", signature(impl.impl.body))
- val ret = supers :: body :: Nil
- impl match {
- case cdef: ClassDef =>
- new Signature("$$tparams", signature(cdef.tparams)) :: ret
- case _ =>
- ret
- }
- case vdef: ValOrDefDef =>
- val ret = signature(vdef.tpt, Nil)
- vdef match {
- case ddef : DefDef =>
- val tparams = new Signature("$$tparams", signature(ddef.tparams))
- var vparamss : List[Signature] = Nil
- for (list <- ddef.vparamss)
- vparamss = signature(list) ::: vparamss
- new Signature("$$ret", ret) :: tparams :: vparamss
- case _ =>
- ret
- }
- case pdef: PackageDef => signature(pdef.stats)
- case _ => Nil
- }
- new Signature(name, children) :: rest
- } else rest
- case tree: TypeTree => new Signature("" + tree.tpe, Nil) :: rest
- case _ => rest
- }
diff --git a/src/attic/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/SymbolWalker.scala b/src/attic/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/SymbolWalker.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 01b5c76cdc..0000000000
--- a/src/attic/scala/tools/nsc/symtab/SymbolWalker.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-package symtab
-trait SymbolWalker {
- val global : Global
- import global._
- import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet
- trait Visitor {
- def update(pos : Position, sym : Symbol) : Unit
- def contains(pos : Position) : Boolean
- def apply(pos : Position) : Symbol
- def putDef(sym : Symbol, pos : Position) : Unit = ()
- }
- /*
- implicit def map2use(map : Map[Position,Symbol]) = new Visitor {
- def update(pos : Position, sym : Symbol) : Unit = map.update(pos, sym)
- def contains(pos : Position) : Boolean = map.contains(pos)
- def apply(pos : Position) : Symbol = map.apply(pos)
- }
- */
- private def validSym(t: Tree) = t.symbol != NoSymbol && t.symbol != null
- private def validSym(tp: Type) = tp != null && tp.typeSymbol != NoSymbol && tp.typeSymbol != null
- private def notNull(tp: Type) = tp.typeSymbol != null
- private def isNoSymbol(t: Tree) = t.symbol eq NoSymbol
- def walk(tree: Tree, visitor : Visitor)(fid : (util.Position) => Option[String]) : Unit = {
- val visited = new LinkedHashSet[Tree]
- def f(t : Tree) : Unit = {
- if (visited.add(t)) return
- def fs(l: List[Tree]) = l foreach f
- def fss(l: List[List[Tree]]) = l foreach fs
- val sym = (t, t.tpe) match {
- case (Super(_,_),SuperType(_,supertp)) if validSym(supertp) => supertp.typeSymbol
- case _ if validSym(t) => t.symbol
- case (t: TypeTree, tp) if validSym(tp) => tp.typeSymbol
- case (t: TypeTree, tp) if validSym(tp.resultType) => tp.resultType.typeSymbol
- case (t, tpe: Type) if isNoSymbol(t) && tpe.termSymbol != null =>
- if (t.isTerm) tpe.termSymbol
- else t.tpe match {
- case x: TypeRef => x.sym // XXX: looks like a bug
- case _ => tpe.typeSymbol
- }
- case _ => NoSymbol
- }
- if (sym != null && sym != NoSymbol /* && !sym.hasFlag(SYNTHETIC) */) {
- var id = fid(t.pos)
- val doAdd = if (id.isDefined) {
- if (id.get.charAt(0) == '`') id = Some(id.get.substring(1, id.get.length - 1))
- val name =
- if ((name startsWith id.get) || (id.get startsWith name)) true
- else {
- false
- }
- } else false
- if (doAdd) {
- if (!visitor.contains(t.pos)) {
- visitor(t.pos) = sym
- } else {
- val existing = visitor(t.pos)
- if (sym.sourceFile != existing.sourceFile || sym.pos != existing.pos) {
- (sym,existing) match {
- case (sym,existing) if sym.pos == existing.pos =>
- case (sym : TypeSymbol ,_ : ClassSymbol) => visitor(t.pos) = sym
- case (_ : ClassSymbol,_ : TypeSymbol) => // nothing
- case _ if sym.isModule && existing.isValue => // nothing
- case _ if sym.isClass && existing.isMethod => // nothing
- case _ =>
- assert(true)
- }
- }
- }}
- }
- t match {
- case t : DefTree if t.symbol != NoSymbol =>
- if (t.pos != NoPosition)
- visitor.putDef(t.symbol, t.pos)
- if (t.symbol.isClass) {
- val factory = NoSymbol // XXX: t.symbol.caseFactory
- if (factory != NoSymbol) {
- visitor.putDef(factory, t.pos)
- }
- }
- case t : TypeBoundsTree => f(t.lo); f(t.hi)
- case t : TypeTree if t.original != null =>
- def h(original : Tree, tpe : Type): Unit = try {
- if (original.tpe == null)
- original.tpe = tpe
- (original) match {
- case (AppliedTypeTree(_,trees)) if tpe.isInstanceOf[TypeRef] =>
- val types = tpe.asInstanceOf[TypeRef].args
- case (tree,tpe) => assert(tree != null && tpe != null); h(tree, tpe)
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- if (t.original.tpe == null) {
- val dup = t.original.duplicate
- h(dup,t.tpe)
- f(dup)
- } else f(t.original)
- ()
- case _ =>
- }
- (t) match {
- case (t : MemberDef) if t.symbol != null && t.symbol != NoSymbol =>
- val annotated = if (sym.isModule) sym.moduleClass else sym
- val i = t.mods.annotations.iterator
- val j = annotated.annotations.iterator
- while (i.hasNext && j.hasNext) {
- val tree =
- val ainfo =
- val sym = ainfo.atp.typeSymbol
- tree.setType(ainfo.atp)
- tree.setSymbol(sym)
- f(tree)
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- t match {
- case tree: ImplDef =>
- fs(tree.impl.parents); f(tree.impl.self); fs(tree.impl.body)
- tree match {
- case tree : ClassDef => fs(tree.tparams)
- case _ =>
- }
- case tree: PackageDef => fs(tree.stats)
- case tree: ValOrDefDef =>
- f(tree.rhs);
- if (tree.tpt != null) {
- f(tree.tpt)
- }
- tree match {
- case tree : DefDef => fs(tree.tparams); fss(tree.vparamss)
- case _ =>
- }
- case tree: Function => fs(tree.vparams); f(tree.body)
- case tree : Bind => f(tree.body)
- case tree : Select =>
- val qualifier = if (tree.tpe != null && tree.qualifier.tpe == null) {
- val pre = tree.tpe.prefix
- val qualifier = tree.qualifier.duplicate
- qualifier.tpe = pre
- qualifier
- } else tree.qualifier
- f(qualifier)
- case tree : Annotated => f(tree.annot); f(tree.arg)
- case tree : GenericApply => f(; fs(tree.args)
- case tree : UnApply => f(; fs(tree.args)
- case tree : AppliedTypeTree =>
- if (tree.tpe != null) {
- val i = tree.tpe.typeArgs.iterator
- val j = tree.args.iterator
- while (i.hasNext && j.hasNext) {
- val tpe =
- val arg =
- if (arg.tpe == null) {
- arg.tpe = tpe
- }
- }
- if (tree.tpt.tpe == null) {
- tree.tpt.tpe = tree.tpe
- }
- }
- f(tree.tpt); fs(tree.args)
- case tree : ExistentialTypeTree=>
- if (tree.tpt.tpe == null) {
- tree.tpt.tpe = tree.tpe
- }
- f(tree.tpt)
- fs(tree.whereClauses)
- case tree : SingletonTypeTree =>
- if (tree.ref.tpe == null) {
- val dup = tree.ref.duplicate
- dup.tpe = tree.tpe
- f(dup)
- } else f(tree.ref)
- case tree : CompoundTypeTree =>
- if (tree.tpe != null && tree.tpe.typeSymbol != null && tree.tpe.typeSymbol.isRefinementClass) match {
- case tpe : RefinedType =>
- case (tpe,tree) =>
- if (tree.hasSymbol && (tree.symbol == NoSymbol || tree.symbol == null)) {
- tree.symbol = tpe.typeSymbol
- }
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- f(tree.templ)
- case tree : Template => fs(tree.parents); f(tree.self); fs(tree.body)
- case tree : SelectFromTypeTree => {
- if (tree.qualifier.tpe == null) tree.tpe match {
- case tpe : TypeRef =>
- // give it a type!
- tree.qualifier.tpe = tpe.prefix
- case _ =>
- // tree.tpe.pre
- }
- f(tree.qualifier)
- }
- case tree : Literal =>
- /*
- if (tree.tpe != null && tree.tpe.typeSymbol == definitions.ClassClass) {
- // nothing we can do without original tree.
- }
- */
- case tree : Typed => f(tree.expr); f(tree.tpt)
- case tree : Block => fs(tree.stats); f(tree.expr)
- case tree: CaseDef => f(tree.pat);f(tree.guard);f(tree.body)
- case tree : Assign => f(tree.lhs); f(tree.rhs);
- case tree : If => f(tree.cond); f(tree.thenp); f(tree.elsep);
- case tree : New => f(tree.tpt);
- case tree : Match => f(tree.selector); fs(tree.cases);
- case tree : Return => f(tree.expr);
- case tree : LabelDef => f(tree.rhs);
- case tree : Throw => f(tree.expr);
- case tree : Try => f(tree.block); fs(tree.catches); f(tree.finalizer);
- case tree : Alternative => fs(tree.trees);
- case tree : TypeDef =>
- (tree.tpe,sym) match {
- case (null,sym : TypeSymbol) if (sym.rawInfo.isComplete) =>
- if (tree.tparams.isEmpty) {
- if (tree.rhs.tpe == null) tree.rhs.tpe =
- f(tree.rhs)
- } else {
- val tree0 = AppliedTypeTree(tree.rhs, tree.tparams)
- tree0.tpe =
- f(tree0)
- }
- case _ => f(tree.rhs); fs(tree.tparams)
- }
- case tree : DocDef => f(tree.definition);
- case tree: Import => f(tree.expr)
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- f(tree)
- }