path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/ToolBoxes.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/ToolBoxes.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/ToolBoxes.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/ToolBoxes.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f5eefa4e62..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/ToolBoxes.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-import util.ScalaClassLoader
-trait ToolBoxes { self: Global =>
- def mkToolBox(frontEnd: FrontEnd = mkSilentFrontEnd(), options: String = "") = new ToolBox(frontEnd, options)
- class ToolBox(val frontEnd: FrontEnd, val options: String) extends AbsToolBox {
- def typeCheck(tree0: Tree, pt: Type = WildcardType, freeTypes: Map[FreeType, Type] = Map[FreeType, Type](), silent: Boolean = false, withImplicitViewsDisabled: Boolean = false, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean = false): Tree = {
- val tree = substituteFreeTypes(tree0, freeTypes)
- val currentTyper = typer
- val wrapper1 = if (!withImplicitViewsDisabled) (currentTyper.context.withImplicitsEnabled[Tree] _) else (currentTyper.context.withImplicitsDisabled[Tree] _)
- val wrapper2 = if (!withMacrosDisabled) (currentTyper.context.withMacrosEnabled[Tree] _) else (currentTyper.context.withMacrosDisabled[Tree] _)
- def wrapper (tree: => Tree) = wrapper1(wrapper2(tree))
- wrapper(currentTyper.silent(_.typed(tree, analyzer.EXPRmode, pt)) match {
- case analyzer.SilentResultValue(result) =>
- result
- case error @ analyzer.SilentTypeError(_) =>
- if (!silent) throw new ToolBoxError(this, "reflective typecheck has failed: %s".format(error.err.errMsg))
- EmptyTree
- })
- }
- def inferImplicitValue(pt: Type, silent: Boolean = true, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean = false): Tree =
- // todo. implement this
- ???
- def inferImplicitView(tree: Tree, from: Type, to: Type, silent: Boolean = true, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean = false, reportAmbiguous: Boolean = true): Tree =
- // todo. implement this
- ???
- def resetAllAttrs(tree: Tree): Tree =
- self.resetAllAttrs(tree)
- def resetLocalAttrs(tree: Tree): Tree =
- self.resetLocalAttrs(tree)
- def runExpr(tree0: Tree, freeTypes: Map[FreeType, Type] = Map[FreeType, Type]()): Any = {
- var tree = substituteFreeTypes(tree0, freeTypes)
- // need to reset the tree, otherwise toolbox will refuse to work with it
- // upd. this has to be done by the user himself, otherwise we run into troubles. see SI-5713
-// tree = resetAllAttrs(tree0.duplicate)
- val imported = importer.importTree(tree)
- val toolBox = libraryClasspathMirror.mkToolBox(frontEnd.asInstanceOf[libraryClasspathMirror.FrontEnd], options)
- try toolBox.runExpr(imported)
- catch {
- case ex: toolBox.ToolBoxError =>
- throw new ToolBoxError(this, ex.message, ex.cause)
- }
- }
- // [Eugene] how do I make this work without casts?
- // private lazy val importer = libraryClasspathMirror.mkImporter(self)
- private lazy val importer = libraryClasspathMirror.mkImporter(self).asInstanceOf[libraryClasspathMirror.Importer { val from: self.type }]
- private lazy val libraryClasspathMirror = {
- if (self.forMSIL)
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Scala reflection not available on this platform")
- val libraryClassLoader = {
- val classpath = self.classPath.asURLs
- var loader: ClassLoader = ScalaClassLoader.fromURLs(classpath, self.getClass.getClassLoader)
- // [Eugene] a heuristic to detect REPL
- if (self.settings.exposeEmptyPackage.value) {
- import
- val virtualDirectory = self.settings.outputDirs.getSingleOutput.get
- loader = new AbstractFileClassLoader(virtualDirectory, loader) {}
- }
- loader
- }
- new scala.reflect.runtime.Mirror(libraryClassLoader)
- }
- class ToolBoxError(val toolBox: ToolBox, val message: String, val cause: Throwable = null) extends Throwable(message, cause)
- object ToolBoxError extends ToolBoxErrorExtractor {
- def unapply(error: ToolBoxError): Option[(ToolBox, String)] = Some((error.toolBox, error.message))
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file