path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Linearizers.scala
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diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Linearizers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Linearizers.scala
index b8a98955c9..80477f0c6e 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Linearizers.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Linearizers.scala
@@ -197,142 +197,4 @@ trait Linearizers {
def linearize(m: IMethod): List[BasicBlock] = m.blocks
def linearizeAt(m: IMethod, start: BasicBlock): List[BasicBlock] = sys.error("not implemented")
- /** The MSIL linearizer is used only for methods with at least one exception handler.
- * It makes sure that all the blocks belonging to a `try`, `catch` or `finally` block
- * are emitted in an order that allows the lexical nesting of try-catch-finally, just
- * like in the source code.
- */
- class MSILLinearizer extends Linearizer {
- /** The MSIL linearizer first calls a NormalLInearizer. This is because the ILGenerator checks
- * the stack size before emitting instructions. For instance, to emit a `store`, there needs
- * to be some value on the stack. This can blow up in situations like this:
- * ...
- * jump 3
- * 4: store_local 0
- * jump 5
- * 3: load_value
- * jump 4
- * 5: ...
- * here, 3 must be scheduled first.
- *
- * The NormalLinearizer also removes dead blocks (blocks without predecessor). This is important
- * in the following example:
- * try { throw new Exception }
- * catch { case e => throw e }
- * which adds a dead block containing just a "throw" (which, again, would blow up code generation
- * because of the stack size; there's no value on the stack when emitting that `throw`)
- */
- val normalLinearizer = new NormalLinearizer()
- def linearize(m: IMethod): List[BasicBlock] = {
- val handlersByCovered = m.exh.groupBy(_.covered)
- // number of basic blocks covered by the entire try-catch expression
- def size(covered: scala.collection.immutable.Set[BasicBlock]) = {
- val hs = handlersByCovered(covered)
- covered.size + (hs :\ 0)((h, s) => h.blocks.length + s)
- }
- val tryBlocks = handlersByCovered.keys.toList sortBy size
- var result = normalLinearizer.linearize(m)
- val frozen = mutable.HashSet[BasicBlock](result.head)
- for (tryBlock <- tryBlocks) {
- result = groupBlocks(m, result, handlersByCovered(tryBlock), frozen)
- }
- result
- }
- /** @param handlers a list of handlers covering the same blocks (same try, multiple catches)
- * @param frozen blocks can't be moved (fist block of a method, blocks directly following a try-catch)
- */
- def groupBlocks(method: IMethod, blocks: List[BasicBlock], handlers: List[ExceptionHandler], frozen: mutable.HashSet[BasicBlock]) = {
- assert(blocks.head == method.startBlock, method)
- // blocks before the try, and blocks for the try
- val beforeAndTry = new ListBuffer[BasicBlock]()
- // blocks for the handlers
- val catches = handlers map (_ => new ListBuffer[BasicBlock]())
- // blocks to be put at the end
- val after = new ListBuffer[BasicBlock]()
- var beforeTry = true
- val head = handlers.head
- for (b <- blocks) {
- if (head covers b) {
- beforeTry = false
- beforeAndTry += b
- } else {
- val handlerIndex = handlers.indexWhere(_.blocks.contains(b))
- if (handlerIndex >= 0) {
- catches(handlerIndex) += b
- } else if (beforeTry) {
- beforeAndTry += b
- } else {
- after += b
- }
- }
- }
- // reorder the blocks in "catches" so that the "firstBlock" is actually first
- (catches, handlers).zipped foreach { (lb, handler) =>
- lb -= handler.startBlock
- handler.startBlock +=: lb
- }
- // The first block emitted after a try-catch must be the one that the try / catch
- // blocks jump to (because in msil, these jumps cannot be emitted manually)
- var firstAfter: Option[BasicBlock] = None
- // Find the (hopefully) unique successor, look at the try and all catch blocks
- var blks = head.covered.toList ::
- while (firstAfter.isEmpty && !blks.isEmpty) {
- val b = blks.head
- blks = blks.tail
- val leaving = leavingBlocks(b)
- // no leaving blocks when the try or catch ends with THROW or RET
- if (!leaving.isEmpty) {
- assert(leaving.size <= 1, leaving)
- firstAfter = Some(leaving.head)
- }
- }
- if (firstAfter.isDefined) {
- val b = firstAfter.get
- if (frozen(b)) {
- assert(after contains b, b +", "+ method)
- } else {
- frozen += b
- if (beforeAndTry contains b) {
- beforeAndTry -= b
- } else {
- assert(after contains b, after)
- after -= b
- }
- b +=: after
- }
- }
- for (lb <- catches) { beforeAndTry ++= lb }
- beforeAndTry ++= after
- beforeAndTry.toList
- }
- /** Returns all direct successors of `blocks` wich are not part
- * that list, i.e. successors outside the `blocks` list.
- */
- private def leavingBlocks(blocks: List[BasicBlock]) = {
- val res = new mutable.HashSet[BasicBlock]()
- for (b <- blocks; s <- b.directSuccessors; if (!blocks.contains(s)))
- res += s
- res
- }
- def linearizeAt(m: IMethod, start: BasicBlock): List[BasicBlock] = {
- sys.error("not implemented")
- }
- }