path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/CopyProp.scala
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diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/CopyProp.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/CopyProp.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d28565b9bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/CopyProp.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005-2014 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author Martin Odersky
+ */
+package backend.jvm
+package opt
+import scala.annotation.{switch, tailrec}
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import scala.collection.convert.decorateAsScala._
+class CopyProp[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
+ import btypes._
+ import backendUtils._
+ /**
+ * For every `xLOAD n`, find all local variable slots that are aliases of `n` using an
+ * AliasingAnalyzer and change the instruction to `xLOAD m` where `m` is the smallest alias.
+ * This leaves behind potentially stale `xSTORE n` instructions, which are then eliminated
+ * by [[eliminateStaleStores]].
+ */
+ def copyPropagation(method: MethodNode, owner: InternalName): Boolean = {
+ AsmAnalyzer.sizeOKForAliasing(method) && {
+ var changed = false
+ val numParams = parametersSize(method)
+ lazy val aliasAnalysis = new AsmAnalyzer(method, owner, new AliasingAnalyzer(new BasicInterpreter))
+ // Remember locals that are used in a `LOAD` instruction. Assume a program has two LOADs:
+ //
+ // ...
+ // LOAD 3 // aliases of 3 here: <3>
+ // ...
+ // LOAD 1 // aliases of 1 here: <1, 3>
+ //
+ // In this example, we should change the second load from 1 to 3, which might render the
+ // local variable 1 unused.
+ val knownUsed = new Array[Boolean](method.maxLocals)
+ def usedOrMinAlias(it: IntIterator, init: Int): Int = {
+ if (knownUsed(init)) init
+ else {
+ var r = init
+ while (it.hasNext) {
+ val n =
+ // knownUsed.length is the number of locals, `n` may be a stack slot
+ if (n < knownUsed.length && knownUsed(n)) return n
+ if (n < r) r = n
+ }
+ r
+ }
+ }
+ val it = method.instructions.iterator
+ while (it.hasNext) match {
+ case vi: VarInsnNode if vi.`var` >= numParams && isLoad(vi) =>
+ val aliases = aliasAnalysis.frameAt(vi).asInstanceOf[AliasingFrame[_]].aliasesOf(vi.`var`)
+ if (aliases.size > 1) {
+ val alias = usedOrMinAlias(aliases.iterator, vi.`var`)
+ if (alias != -1) {
+ changed = true
+ vi.`var` = alias
+ }
+ }
+ knownUsed(vi.`var`) = true
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ changed
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Eliminate `xSTORE` instructions that have no consumer. If the instruction can be completely
+ * eliminated, it is replaced by a POP. The [[eliminatePushPop]] cleans up unnecessary POPs.
+ *
+ * Note that an `ASOTRE` can not always be eliminated: it removes a reference to the object that
+ * is currently stored in that local, which potentially frees it for GC (SI-5313). Therefore
+ * we replace such stores by `POP; ACONST_NULL; ASTORE x`.
+ */
+ def eliminateStaleStores(method: MethodNode, owner: InternalName): Boolean = {
+ AsmAnalyzer.sizeOKForSourceValue(method) && {
+ lazy val prodCons = new ProdConsAnalyzer(method, owner)
+ def hasNoCons(varIns: AbstractInsnNode, slot: Int) = prodCons.consumersOfValueAt(varIns.getNext, slot).isEmpty
+ // insns to delete: IINC that have no consumer
+ val toDelete = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[IincInsnNode]
+ // xSTORE insns to be replaced by POP or POP2
+ val storesToDrop = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[VarInsnNode]
+ // ASTORE insn that have no consumer.
+ // - if the local is not live, the store is replaced by POP
+ // - otherwise, pop the argument value and store NULL instead. Unless the boolean field is
+ // `true`: then the store argument is already known to be ACONST_NULL.
+ val toNullOut = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[(VarInsnNode, Boolean)]
+ // `true` for variables that are known to be live
+ val liveVars = new Array[Boolean](method.maxLocals)
+ val it = method.instructions.iterator
+ while (it.hasNext) match {
+ case vi: VarInsnNode if isStore(vi) && hasNoCons(vi, vi.`var`) =>
+ val canElim = vi.getOpcode != ASTORE || {
+ val currentFieldValueProds = prodCons.initialProducersForValueAt(vi, vi.`var`)
+ currentFieldValueProds.size == 1 && (currentFieldValueProds.head match {
+ case ParameterProducer(0) => !isStaticMethod(method) // current field value is `this`, which won't be gc'd anyway
+ case _: UninitializedLocalProducer => true // field is not yet initialized, so current value cannot leak
+ case _ => false
+ })
+ }
+ if (canElim) storesToDrop += vi
+ else {
+ val prods = prodCons.producersForValueAt(vi, prodCons.frameAt(vi).stackTop)
+ val isStoreNull = prods.size == 1 && prods.head.getOpcode == ACONST_NULL
+ toNullOut += ((vi, isStoreNull))
+ }
+ case ii: IincInsnNode if hasNoCons(ii, ii.`var`) =>
+ toDelete += ii
+ case vi: VarInsnNode =>
+ liveVars(vi.`var`) = true
+ case ii: IincInsnNode =>
+ liveVars(ii.`var`) = true
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ def replaceByPop(vi: VarInsnNode): Unit = {
+ val size = if (isSize2LoadOrStore(vi.getOpcode)) 2 else 1
+ method.instructions.set(vi, getPop(size))
+ }
+ toDelete foreach method.instructions.remove
+ storesToDrop foreach replaceByPop
+ for ((vi, isStoreNull) <- toNullOut) {
+ if (!liveVars(vi.`var`)) replaceByPop(vi) // can drop `ASTORE x` where x has only dead stores
+ else {
+ if (!isStoreNull) {
+ val prev = vi.getPrevious
+ method.instructions.insert(prev, new InsnNode(ACONST_NULL))
+ method.instructions.insert(prev, getPop(1))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ toDelete.nonEmpty || storesToDrop.nonEmpty || toNullOut.nonEmpty
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * When a POP instruction has a single producer, remove the POP and eliminate the producer by
+ * bubbling up the POPs. For example, given
+ * we first eliminate the POP, then the IADD, then its inputs, so the entire sequence goes away.
+ * If a producer cannot be eliminated (need to keep side-effects), a POP is inserted.
+ *
+ * A special case eliminates the creation of unused objects with side-effect-free constructors:
+ * NEW scala/Tuple1; DUP; ALOAD 0; INVOKESPECIAL scala/Tuple1.<init>; POP
+ * The POP has a single producer (the DUP), it's easy to eliminate these two. A special case
+ * is needed to eliminate the INVOKESPECIAL and NEW.
+ */
+ def eliminatePushPop(method: MethodNode, owner: InternalName): Boolean = {
+ AsmAnalyzer.sizeOKForSourceValue(method) && {
+ // A queue of instructions producing a value that has to be eliminated. If possible, the
+ // instruction (and its inputs) will be removed, otherwise a POP is inserted after
+ val queue = mutable.Queue.empty[ProducedValue]
+ // Contains constructor invocations for values that can be eliminated if unused.
+ val sideEffectFreeConstructorCalls = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[MethodInsnNode]
+ // instructions to remove (we don't change the bytecode while analyzing it. this allows
+ // running the ProdConsAnalyzer only once.)
+ val toRemove = mutable.Set.empty[AbstractInsnNode]
+ // instructions to insert before some instruction
+ val toInsertBefore = mutable.Map.empty[AbstractInsnNode, List[InsnNode]]
+ // an instruction to insert after some instruction
+ val toInsertAfter = mutable.Map.empty[AbstractInsnNode, AbstractInsnNode]
+ lazy val prodCons = new ProdConsAnalyzer(method, owner)
+ /**
+ * Returns the producers for the stack value `inputSlot` consumed by `cons`, if the consumer
+ * instruction is the only consumer for all of these producers.
+ *
+ * If a producer has multiple consumers, or the value is the caught exception in a catch
+ * block, this method returns Set.empty.
+ */
+ def producersIfSingleConsumer(cons: AbstractInsnNode, inputSlot: Int): Set[AbstractInsnNode] = {
+ /**
+ * True if the values produced by `prod` are all the same. Most instructions produce a single
+ * value. DUP and DUP2 (with a size-2 input) produce two equivalent values. However, there
+ * are some exotic instructions that produce multiple non-equal values (DUP_X1, SWAP, ...).
+ *
+ * Assume we have `DUP_X2; POP`. In order to remove the `POP` we need to change the DUP_X2
+ * into something else, which is not straightforward.
+ *
+ * Since scalac never emits any of those exotic bytecodes, we don't optimize them.
+ */
+ def producerHasSingleOutput(prod: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = prod match {
+ case _: ExceptionProducer[_] | _: UninitializedLocalProducer =>
+ // POP of an exception in a catch block cannot be removed. For an uninitialized local,
+ // there should not be a consumer. We are conservative and include it here, so the
+ // producer would not be removed.
+ false
+ case _: ParameterProducer =>
+ true
+ case _ => (prod.getOpcode: @switch) match {
+ case DUP => true
+ case DUP2 => prodCons.frameAt(prod).peekStack(0).getSize == 2
+ case _ =>, prodCons.frameAt(prod))) == 1
+ }
+ }
+ val prods = prodCons.producersForValueAt(cons, inputSlot)
+ val singleConsumer = prods forall { prod =>
+ producerHasSingleOutput(prod) && {
+ // for DUP / DUP2, we only consider the value that is actually consumed by cons
+ val conss = prodCons.consumersOfValueAt(prod.getNext, inputSlot)
+ conss.size == 1 && conss.head == cons
+ }
+ }
+ if (singleConsumer) prods else Set.empty
+ }
+ /**
+ * For a POP instruction that is the single consumer of its producers, remove the POP and
+ * enqueue the producers.
+ */
+ def handleInitialPop(pop: AbstractInsnNode): Unit = {
+ val prods = producersIfSingleConsumer(pop, prodCons.frameAt(pop).stackTop)
+ if (prods.nonEmpty) {
+ toRemove += pop
+ val size = if (pop.getOpcode == POP2) 2 else 1
+ queue ++=, size))
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Traverse the method in its initial state and collect all POP instructions and side-effect
+ * free constructor invocations that can be eliminated.
+ */
+ def collectInitialPopsAndPureConstrs(): Unit = {
+ val it = method.instructions.iterator
+ while (it.hasNext) {
+ val insn =
+ (insn.getOpcode: @switch) match {
+ case POP | POP2 =>
+ handleInitialPop(insn)
+ val mi = insn.asInstanceOf[MethodInsnNode]
+ if (isSideEffectFreeConstructorCall(mi)) sideEffectFreeConstructorCalls += mi
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Eliminate the `numArgs` inputs of the instruction `prod` (which was eliminated). Fo
+ * each input value
+ * - if the `prod` instruction is the single consumer, enqueue the producers of the input
+ * - otherwise, insert a POP instruction to POP the input value
+ */
+ def handleInputs(prod: AbstractInsnNode, numArgs: Int): Unit = {
+ val frame = prodCons.frameAt(prod)
+ val pops = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[InsnNode]
+ @tailrec def handle(stackOffset: Int): Unit = {
+ if (stackOffset >= 0) {
+ val prods = producersIfSingleConsumer(prod, frame.stackTop - stackOffset)
+ val nSize = frame.peekStack(stackOffset).getSize
+ if (prods.isEmpty) pops append getPop(nSize)
+ else queue ++=, nSize))
+ handle(stackOffset - 1)
+ }
+ }
+ handle(numArgs - 1) // handle stack offsets (numArgs - 1) to 0
+ if (pops.nonEmpty) toInsertBefore(prod) = pops.toList
+ }
+ /**
+ * Eliminate the closure value produced by `indy`. If the SAM type is known to construct
+ * without side-effects (e.g. scala/FunctionN), the `indy` and its inputs
+ * are eliminated, otherwise a POP is inserted.
+ */
+ def handleClosureInst(indy: InvokeDynamicInsnNode): Unit = {
+ if (isBuiltinFunctionType(Type.getReturnType(indy.desc).getInternalName)) {
+ toRemove += indy
+ callGraph.removeClosureInstantiation(indy, method)
+ handleInputs(indy, Type.getArgumentTypes(indy.desc).length)
+ } else {
+ toInsertAfter(indy) = getPop(1)
+ }
+ }
+ def runQueue(): Unit = while (queue.nonEmpty) {
+ val ProducedValue(prod, size) = queue.dequeue()
+ def prodString = s"Producer ${AsmUtils textify prod}@${method.instructions.indexOf(prod)}\n${AsmUtils textify method}"
+ def popAfterProd(): Unit = toInsertAfter(prod) = getPop(size)
+ (prod.getOpcode: @switch) match {
+ toRemove += prod
+ case opc @ (DUP | DUP2) =>
+ assert(opc != 2 || size == 2, s"DUP2 for two size-1 values; $prodString") // ensured in method `producerHasSingleOutput`
+ if (toRemove(prod))
+ // the DUP is already scheduled for removal because one of its consumers is a POP.
+ // now the second consumer is also a POP, so we need to eliminate the DUP's input.
+ handleInputs(prod, 1)
+ else
+ toRemove += prod
+ case DUP_X1 | DUP_X2 | DUP2_X1 | DUP2_X2 | SWAP =>
+ // these are excluded in method `producerHasSingleOutput`
+ assert(false, s"Cannot eliminate value pushed by an instruction with multiple output values; $prodString")
+ case IDIV | LDIV | IREM | LREM =>
+ popAfterProd() // keep potential division by zero
+ toRemove += prod
+ handleInputs(prod, 2)
+ case INEG | LNEG | FNEG | DNEG |
+ I2L | I2F | I2D | L2I | L2F | L2D | F2I | F2L | F2D | D2I | D2L | D2F | I2B | I2C | I2S =>
+ toRemove += prod
+ handleInputs(prod, 1)
+ // TODO eliminate side-effect free module loads (
+ if (isBoxedUnit(prod)) toRemove += prod
+ else popAfterProd() // keep potential class initialization (static field) or NPE (instance field)
+ val methodInsn = prod.asInstanceOf[MethodInsnNode]
+ if (isSideEffectFreeCall(methodInsn)) {
+ toRemove += prod
+ callGraph.removeCallsite(methodInsn, method)
+ val receiver = if (methodInsn.getOpcode == INVOKESTATIC) 0 else 1
+ handleInputs(prod, Type.getArgumentTypes(methodInsn.desc).length + receiver)
+ } else
+ popAfterProd()
+ prod match {
+ case callGraph.LambdaMetaFactoryCall(indy, _, _, _) => handleClosureInst(indy)
+ case _ => popAfterProd()
+ }
+ case NEW =>
+ if (isNewForSideEffectFreeConstructor(prod)) toRemove += prod
+ else popAfterProd()
+ case LDC => prod.asInstanceOf[LdcInsnNode].cst match {
+ case _: java.lang.Integer | _: java.lang.Float | _: java.lang.Long | _: java.lang.Double | _: String =>
+ toRemove += prod
+ case _ =>
+ // don't remove class literals, method types, method handles: keep a potential NoClassDefFoundError
+ popAfterProd()
+ }
+ toRemove += prod
+ handleInputs(prod, prod.asInstanceOf[MultiANewArrayInsnNode].dims)
+ case _ =>
+ popAfterProd()
+ }
+ }
+ // there are two cases when we can eliminate a constructor call:
+ // - NEW T; INVOKESPECIAL T.<init> -- there's no DUP, the new object is consumed only by the constructor)
+ // - NEW T; DUP; INVOKESPECIAL T.<init>, where the DUP will be removed
+ def eliminateUnusedPureConstructorCalls(): Boolean = {
+ var changed = false
+ def removeConstructorCall(mi: MethodInsnNode): Unit = {
+ toRemove += mi
+ callGraph.removeCallsite(mi, method)
+ sideEffectFreeConstructorCalls -= mi
+ changed = true
+ }
+ for (mi <- sideEffectFreeConstructorCalls.toList) { // toList to allow removing elements while traversing
+ val frame = prodCons.frameAt(mi)
+ val stackTop = frame.stackTop
+ val numArgs = Type.getArgumentTypes(mi.desc).length
+ val receiverProds = producersIfSingleConsumer(mi, stackTop - numArgs)
+ if (receiverProds.size == 1) {
+ val receiverProd = receiverProds.head
+ if (receiverProd.getOpcode == NEW) {
+ removeConstructorCall(mi)
+ handleInputs(mi, numArgs + 1) // removes the producers of args and receiver
+ } else if (receiverProd.getOpcode == DUP && toRemove.contains(receiverProd)) {
+ val dupProds = producersIfSingleConsumer(receiverProd, prodCons.frameAt(receiverProd).stackTop)
+ if (dupProds.size == 1 && dupProds.head.getOpcode == NEW) {
+ removeConstructorCall(mi)
+ handleInputs(mi, numArgs) // removes the producers of args. the producer of the receiver is DUP and already in toRemove.
+ queue += ProducedValue(dupProds.head, 1) // removes the NEW (which is NOT the producer of the receiver!)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ changed
+ }
+ collectInitialPopsAndPureConstrs()
+ // eliminating producers enables eliminating unused constructor calls (when a DUP gets removed).
+ // vice-versa, eliminating a constructor call adds producers of constructor parameters to the queue.
+ // so the two run in a loop.
+ runQueue()
+ while (eliminateUnusedPureConstructorCalls())
+ runQueue()
+ var changed = false
+ toInsertAfter foreach {
+ case (target, insn) =>
+ nextExecutableInstructionOrLabel(target) match {
+ // `insn` is of type `InsnNode`, so we only need to check the Opcode when comparing to another instruction
+ case Some(next) if next.getOpcode == insn.getOpcode && toRemove(next) =>
+ // Inserting and removing a POP at the same place should not enable `changed`. This happens
+ // when a POP directly follows a producer that cannot be eliminated, e.g. INVOKESTATIC A.m ()I; POP
+ // The POP is initially added to `toRemove`, and the `INVOKESTATIC` producer is added to the queue.
+ // Because the producer cannot be elided, a POP is added to `toInsertAfter`.
+ toRemove -= next
+ case _ =>
+ changed = true
+ method.instructions.insert(target, insn)
+ }
+ }
+ toInsertBefore foreach {
+ case (target, insns) =>
+ changed = true
+ insns.foreach(method.instructions.insertBefore(target, _))
+ }
+ toRemove foreach { insn =>
+ changed = true
+ method.instructions.remove(insn)
+ }
+ changed
+ }
+ }
+ case class ProducedValue(producer: AbstractInsnNode, size: Int) {
+ override def toString = s"<${AsmUtils textify producer}>"
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove `xSTORE n; xLOAD n` paris if
+ * - the local variable n is not used anywhere else in the method (1), and
+ * - there are no executable instructions and no live labels (jump targets) between the two (2)
+ *
+ * Note: store-load pairs that cannot be eliminated could be replaced by `DUP; xSTORE n`, but
+ * that's just cosmetic and doesn't help for anything.
+ *
+ * (1) This could be made more precise by running a prodCons analysis and checking that the load
+ * is the only user of the store. Then we could eliminate the pair even if the variable is live
+ * (except for ASTORE, SI-5313). Not needing an analyzer is more efficient, and catches most
+ * cases.
+ *
+ * (2) The implementation uses a conservative estimation for liveness (if some instruction uses
+ * local n, then n is considered live in the entire method). In return, it doesn't need to run an
+ * Analyzer on the method, making it more efficient.
+ *
+ * This method also removes `ACONST_NULL; ASTORE n` if the local n is not live. This pattern is
+ * introduced by [[eliminateStaleStores]].
+ *
+ * The implementation is a little tricky to support the following case:
+ * The outer store-load pair can be removed if two the inner pairs can be.
+ */
+ def eliminateStoreLoad(method: MethodNode): Boolean = {
+ val removePairs = mutable.Set.empty[RemovePair]
+ val liveVars = new Array[Boolean](method.maxLocals)
+ val liveLabels = mutable.Set.empty[LabelNode]
+ def mkRemovePair(store: VarInsnNode, other: AbstractInsnNode, depends: List[RemovePairDependency]): RemovePair = {
+ val r = RemovePair(store, other, depends)
+ removePairs += r
+ r
+ }
+ def registerLiveVarsLabels(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Unit = insn match {
+ case vi: VarInsnNode => liveVars(vi.`var`) = true
+ case ii: IincInsnNode => liveVars(ii.`var`) = true
+ case j: JumpInsnNode => liveLabels += j.label
+ case s: TableSwitchInsnNode => liveLabels += s.dflt; liveLabels ++= s.labels.asScala
+ case s: LookupSwitchInsnNode => liveLabels += s.dflt; liveLabels ++= s.labels.asScala
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ val pairStartStack = new mutable.Stack[(AbstractInsnNode, mutable.ListBuffer[RemovePairDependency])]
+ def push(insn: AbstractInsnNode) = {
+ pairStartStack push ((insn, mutable.ListBuffer.empty))
+ }
+ def addDepends(dependency: RemovePairDependency) = if (pairStartStack.nonEmpty) {
+ val (_, depends) =
+ depends += dependency
+ }
+ def completesStackTop(load: AbstractInsnNode) = isLoad(load) && pairStartStack.nonEmpty && {
+ match {
+ case (store: VarInsnNode, _) => store.`var` == load.asInstanceOf[VarInsnNode].`var`
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Try to pair `insn` with its correspondent on the stack
+ * - if the stack top is a store and `insn` is a corresponding load, create a pair
+ * - otherwise, check the two top stack values for `null; store`. if it matches, create
+ * a pair and continue pairing `insn` on the remaining stack
+ * - otherwise, empty the stack and mark the local variables in it live
+ */
+ def tryToPairInstruction(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Unit = {
+ @tailrec def emptyStack(): Unit = if (pairStartStack.nonEmpty) {
+ registerLiveVarsLabels(pairStartStack.pop()._1)
+ emptyStack()
+ }
+ @tailrec def tryPairing(): Unit = {
+ if (completesStackTop(insn)) {
+ val (store: VarInsnNode, depends) = pairStartStack.pop()
+ addDepends(mkRemovePair(store, insn, depends.toList))
+ } else if (pairStartStack.nonEmpty) {
+ val (top, topDepends) = pairStartStack.pop()
+ if (pairStartStack.nonEmpty) {
+ (, top) match {
+ case ((ldNull: InsnNode, depends), store: VarInsnNode) if ldNull.getOpcode == ACONST_NULL && store.getOpcode == ASTORE =>
+ pairStartStack.pop()
+ addDepends(mkRemovePair(store, ldNull, depends.toList))
+ // example: store; (null; store;) (store; load;) load
+ // s1^ ^^^^^p1^^^^^ // p1 is added to s1's depends
+ // then: store; (null; store;) load
+ // s2^ ^^^^p2^^^^^ // p1 and p2 are added to s2's depends
+ topDepends foreach addDepends
+ tryPairing()
+ case _ =>
+ // empty the stack - a non-matching insn was found, cannot create any pairs to remove
+ registerLiveVarsLabels(insn)
+ registerLiveVarsLabels(top)
+ emptyStack()
+ }
+ } else {
+ // stack only has one element
+ registerLiveVarsLabels(insn)
+ registerLiveVarsLabels(top)
+ }
+ } else {
+ // stack is empty already
+ registerLiveVarsLabels(insn)
+ }
+ }
+ tryPairing()
+ }
+ var insn = method.instructions.getFirst
+ @tailrec def advanceToNextExecutableOrLabel(): Unit = {
+ insn = insn.getNext
+ if (insn != null && !isExecutable(insn) && !insn.isInstanceOf[LabelNode]) advanceToNextExecutableOrLabel()
+ }
+ while (insn != null) {
+ insn match {
+ case _ if insn.getOpcode == ACONST_NULL => push(insn)
+ case vi: VarInsnNode if isStore(vi) => push(insn)
+ case label: LabelNode if pairStartStack.nonEmpty => addDepends(LabelNotLive(label))
+ case _ => tryToPairInstruction(insn)
+ }
+ advanceToNextExecutableOrLabel()
+ }
+ // elide RemovePairs that depend on live labels or other RemovePair that have to be elided.
+ // example: store 1; store 2; label x; load 2; load 1
+ // if x is live, the inner pair has to be elided, causing the outer pair to be elided too.
+ var doneEliding = false
+ def elide(removePair: RemovePair) = {
+ doneEliding = false
+ liveVars(`var`) = true
+ removePairs -= removePair
+ }
+ while (!doneEliding) {
+ doneEliding = true
+ for (removePair <- removePairs.toList) {
+ val slot =`var`
+ if (liveVars(slot)) elide(removePair)
+ else removePair.depends foreach {
+ case LabelNotLive(label) => if (liveLabels(label)) elide(removePair)
+ case other: RemovePair => if (!removePairs(other)) elide(removePair)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (removePair <- removePairs) {
+ method.instructions.remove(
+ method.instructions.remove(removePair.other)
+ }
+ removePairs.nonEmpty
+ }
+trait RemovePairDependency
+case class RemovePair(store: VarInsnNode, other: AbstractInsnNode, depends: List[RemovePairDependency]) extends RemovePairDependency {
+ override def toString = s"<${AsmUtils textify store},${AsmUtils textify other}> [$depends]"
+case class LabelNotLive(label: LabelNode) extends RemovePairDependency