path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/Inliner.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/Inliner.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/Inliner.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/Inliner.scala
index 32106614e3..a0ef74b46a 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/Inliner.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/Inliner.scala
@@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ class Inliner[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
import backendUtils._
def runInliner(): Unit = {
-// rewriteFinalTraitMethodInvocations()
for (request <- collectAndOrderInlineRequests) {
val Right(callee) = request.callsite.callee // collectAndOrderInlineRequests returns callsites with a known callee
@@ -70,111 +68,6 @@ class Inliner[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
- // Rewriting final trait method callsites to the implementation class enables inlining.
- def rewriteFinalTraitMethodInvocations(): Unit = {
- // Collect callsites to rewrite before actually rewriting anything. This prevents changing the
- // `callsties` map while iterating it.
- val toRewrite = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Callsite]
- for (css <- callsites.valuesIterator; cs <- css.valuesIterator if doRewriteTraitCallsite(cs)) toRewrite += cs
- toRewrite foreach rewriteFinalTraitMethodInvocation
- }
- /**
- * True for statically resolved trait callsites that should be rewritten to the static implementation method.
- */
- def doRewriteTraitCallsite(callsite: Callsite) = callsite.callee match {
- case Right(callee) => callee.safeToRewrite
- case _ => false
- }
- /**
- * Rewrite the INVOKEINTERFACE callsite of a final trait method invocation to INVOKESTATIC of the
- * corresponding method in the implementation class. This enables inlining final trait methods.
- *
- * In a final trait method callsite, the callee is safeToInline and the callee method is abstract
- * (the receiver type is the interface, so the method is abstract).
- */
- def rewriteFinalTraitMethodInvocation(callsite: Callsite): Unit = {
- // The analyzer used below needs to have a non-null frame for the callsite instruction
- localOpt.minimalRemoveUnreachableCode(callsite.callsiteMethod, callsite.callsiteClass.internalName)
- // If the callsite was eliminated by DCE, do nothing.
- if (!callGraph.containsCallsite(callsite)) return
- val Right(Callee(callee, calleeDeclarationClass, _, _, canInlineFromSource, annotatedInline, annotatedNoInline, samParamTypes, infoWarning)) = callsite.callee
- val traitMethodArgumentTypes = asm.Type.getArgumentTypes(callee.desc)
- val implClassInternalName = calleeDeclarationClass.internalName + "$class"
- val selfParamTypeV: Either[OptimizerWarning, ClassBType] = match {
- case Some(internalName) => classBTypeFromParsedClassfile(internalName)
- case None => calleeDeclarationClass
- })
- def implClassMethodV(implMethodDescriptor: String): Either[OptimizerWarning, MethodNode] = {
- byteCodeRepository.methodNode(implClassInternalName,, implMethodDescriptor).map(_._1)
- }
- // The rewrite reading the implementation class and the implementation method from the bytecode
- // repository. If either of the two fails, the rewrite is not performed.
- val res = for {
- selfParamType <- selfParamTypeV
- implMethodDescriptor = asm.Type.getMethodDescriptor(asm.Type.getReturnType(callee.desc), selfParamType.toASMType +: traitMethodArgumentTypes: _*)
- implClassMethod <- implClassMethodV(implMethodDescriptor)
- implClassBType = classBTypeFromParsedClassfile(implClassInternalName)
- selfTypeOk <- calleeDeclarationClass.isSubtypeOf(selfParamType)
- } yield {
- // The self parameter type may be incompatible with the trait type.
- // trait T { self: S => def foo = 1 }
- // The $self parameter type of T$ is S, which may be unrelated to T. If we re-write
- // a call to to T$, we need to cast the receiver to S, otherwise we get a
- // VerifyError. We run a `SourceInterpreter` to find all producer instructions of the
- // receiver value and add a cast to the self type after each.
- if (!selfTypeOk) {
- // We don't need to worry about the method being too large for running an analysis.
- // Callsites of large methods are not added to the call graph.
- val analyzer = new AsmAnalyzer(callsite.callsiteMethod, callsite.callsiteClass.internalName, new Analyzer(new SourceInterpreter))
- val receiverValue = analyzer.frameAt(callsite.callsiteInstruction).peekStack(traitMethodArgumentTypes.length)
- for (i <- receiverValue.insns.asScala) {
- val cast = new TypeInsnNode(CHECKCAST, selfParamType.internalName)
- callsite.callsiteMethod.instructions.insert(i, cast)
- }
- }
- val newCallsiteInstruction = new MethodInsnNode(INVOKESTATIC, implClassInternalName,, implMethodDescriptor, false)
- callsite.callsiteMethod.instructions.insert(callsite.callsiteInstruction, newCallsiteInstruction)
- callsite.callsiteMethod.instructions.remove(callsite.callsiteInstruction)
- callGraph.removeCallsite(callsite.callsiteInstruction, callsite.callsiteMethod)
- val staticCallSamParamTypes = {
- if ( samParamTypes - 0
- else samParamTypes.updated(0, selfParamType)
- }
- val staticCallsite = callsite.copy(
- callsiteInstruction = newCallsiteInstruction,
- callee = Right(Callee(
- callee = implClassMethod,
- calleeDeclarationClass = implClassBType,
- safeToInline = true,
- safeToRewrite = false,
- canInlineFromSource = canInlineFromSource,
- annotatedInline = annotatedInline,
- annotatedNoInline = annotatedNoInline,
- samParamTypes = staticCallSamParamTypes,
- calleeInfoWarning = infoWarning))
- )
- callGraph.addCallsite(staticCallsite)
- }
- for (warning <- res.left) {
- val Right(callee) = callsite.callee
- val newCallee = callee.copy(calleeInfoWarning = Some(RewriteTraitCallToStaticImplMethodFailed(calleeDeclarationClass.internalName,, callee.callee.desc, warning)))
- callGraph.addCallsite(callsite.copy(callee = Right(newCallee)))
- }
- }
* Returns the callsites that can be inlined. Ensures that the returned inline request graph does
* not contain cycles.