path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InlinerHeuristics.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InlinerHeuristics.scala')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InlinerHeuristics.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InlinerHeuristics.scala
index 79e74f3eb7..4744cb9ab1 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InlinerHeuristics.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InlinerHeuristics.scala
@@ -7,17 +7,18 @@ package
package backend.jvm
package opt
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import{MethodInsnNode, MethodNode}
+import{AbstractInsnNode, MethodInsnNode, MethodNode}
+import{CalleeNotFinal, OptimizerWarning}
class InlinerHeuristics[BT <: BTypes](val bTypes: BT) {
import bTypes._
import callGraph._
- case class InlineRequest(callsite: Callsite, post: List[InlineRequest], reason: String) {
+ final case class InlineRequest(callsite: Callsite, post: List[InlineRequest], reason: String) {
// invariant: all post inline requests denote callsites in the callee of the main callsite
for (pr <- post) assert(pr.callsite.callsiteMethod == callsite.callee.get.callee, s"Callsite method mismatch: main $callsite - post ${pr.callsite}")
@@ -41,30 +42,18 @@ class InlinerHeuristics[BT <: BTypes](val bTypes: BT) { => {
var requests = Set.empty[InlineRequest]
callGraph.callsites(methodNode).valuesIterator foreach {
- case callsite @ Callsite(_, _, _, Right(Callee(callee, calleeDeclClass, safeToInline, sourceFilePath, calleeAnnotatedInline, _, _, callsiteWarning)), _, _, _, pos, _, _) =>
+ case callsite @ Callsite(_, _, _, Right(Callee(callee, _, _, _, _, _, _, callsiteWarning)), _, _, _, pos, _, _) =>
inlineRequest(callsite, requests) match {
case Some(Right(req)) => requests += req
- case Some(Left(w)) =>
- if ((calleeAnnotatedInline && bTypes.compilerSettings.optWarningEmitAtInlineFailed) || w.emitWarning(compilerSettings)) {
- val annotWarn = if (calleeAnnotatedInline) " is annotated @inline but" else ""
- val msg = s"${BackendReporting.methodSignature(calleeDeclClass.internalName, callee)}$annotWarn could not be inlined:\n$w"
- backendReporting.inlinerWarning(callsite.callsitePosition, msg)
+ case Some(Left(w)) =>
+ if (w.emitWarning(compilerSettings)) {
+ backendReporting.inlinerWarning(callsite.callsitePosition, w.toString)
case None =>
- if (canInlineFromSource(sourceFilePath) && calleeAnnotatedInline && !callsite.annotatedNoInline && bTypes.compilerSettings.optWarningEmitAtInlineFailed) {
- // if the callsite is annotated @inline, we report an inline warning even if the underlying
- // reason is, for example, mixed compilation (which has a separate -opt-warning flag).
- def initMsg = s"${BackendReporting.methodSignature(calleeDeclClass.internalName, callee)} is annotated @inline but cannot be inlined"
- def warnMsg =" Possible reason:\n" + _).getOrElse("")
- if (!safeToInline)
- backendReporting.inlinerWarning(pos, s"$initMsg: the method is not final and may be overridden." + warnMsg)
- else
- backendReporting.inlinerWarning(pos, s"$initMsg." + warnMsg)
- } else if (callsiteWarning.isDefined && callsiteWarning.get.emitWarning(compilerSettings)) {
- // when annotatedInline is false, and there is some warning, the callsite metadata is possibly incomplete.
+ if (callsiteWarning.isDefined && callsiteWarning.get.emitWarning(compilerSettings))
backendReporting.inlinerWarning(pos, s"there was a problem determining if method ${} can be inlined: \n"+ callsiteWarning.get)
- }
case Callsite(ins, _, _, Left(warning), _, _, _, pos, _, _) =>
@@ -75,6 +64,46 @@ class InlinerHeuristics[BT <: BTypes](val bTypes: BT) {
+ private def isTraitStaticSuperAccessorName(s: String) = s.endsWith("$")
+ private def traitStaticSuperAccessorName(s: String) = s + "$"
+ private def isTraitSuperAccessor(method: MethodNode, owner: ClassBType): Boolean = {
+ owner.isInterface == Right(true) && BytecodeUtils.isStaticMethod(method) && isTraitStaticSuperAccessorName(
+ }
+ private def findSingleCall(method: MethodNode, such: MethodInsnNode => Boolean): Option[MethodInsnNode] = {
+ @tailrec def noMoreInvoke(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = {
+ insn == null || (!insn.isInstanceOf[MethodInsnNode] && noMoreInvoke(insn.getNext))
+ }
+ @tailrec def find(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Option[MethodInsnNode] = {
+ if (insn == null) None
+ else insn match {
+ case mi: MethodInsnNode =>
+ if (such(mi) && noMoreInvoke(insn.getNext)) Some(mi)
+ else None
+ case _ =>
+ find(insn.getNext)
+ }
+ }
+ find(method.instructions.getFirst)
+ }
+ private def superAccessorInvocation(method: MethodNode): Option[MethodInsnNode] =
+ findSingleCall(method, mi => mi.itf && mi.getOpcode == Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC && isTraitStaticSuperAccessorName(
+ private def isMixinForwarder(method: MethodNode, owner: ClassBType): Boolean = {
+ owner.isInterface == Right(false) &&
+ !BytecodeUtils.isStaticMethod(method) &&
+ (superAccessorInvocation(method) match {
+ case Some(mi) => == traitStaticSuperAccessorName(
+ case _ => false
+ })
+ }
+ private def isTraitSuperAccessorOrMixinForwarder(method: MethodNode, owner: ClassBType): Boolean = {
+ isTraitSuperAccessor(method, owner) || isMixinForwarder(method, owner)
+ }
* Returns the inline request for a callsite if the callsite should be inlined according to the
* current heuristics (`-Yopt-inline-heuristics`).
@@ -90,81 +119,89 @@ class InlinerHeuristics[BT <: BTypes](val bTypes: BT) {
* `Some(Right)` if the callsite should be and can be inlined
def inlineRequest(callsite: Callsite, selectedRequestsForCallee: Set[InlineRequest]): Option[Either[OptimizerWarning, InlineRequest]] = {
- val callee = callsite.callee.get
- def requestIfCanInline(callsite: Callsite, reason: String): Either[OptimizerWarning, InlineRequest] = inliner.earlyCanInlineCheck(callsite) match {
- case Some(w) => Left(w)
- case None =>
- val callee = callsite.callee.get
- val postInlineRequest: List[InlineRequest] = callee.calleeDeclarationClass.isInterface match {
- case Right(true) =>
- // Treat the pair of trait interface method and static method as one for the purposes of inlining:
- // if we inline invokeinterface, invoke the invokestatic, too.
- val calls = callee.callee.instructions.iterator().asScala.filter(BytecodeUtils.isCall).take(2).toList
- calls match {
- case List(x: MethodInsnNode) if x.getOpcode == Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC && == ( + "$") =>
- callGraph.addIfMissing(callee.callee, callee.calleeDeclarationClass)
- val maybeNodeToCallsite1 = callGraph.findCallSite(callee.callee, x)
- maybeNodeToCallsite1.toList.flatMap(x => requestIfCanInline(x, reason).right.toOption)
- case _ =>
- Nil
- }
- case _ => Nil
- }
- Right(InlineRequest(callsite, postInlineRequest, reason))
+ def requestIfCanInline(callsite: Callsite, reason: String): Option[Either[OptimizerWarning, InlineRequest]] = {
+ val callee = callsite.callee.get
+ if (!callee.safeToInline) {
+ if (callsite.isInlineAnnotated && callee.canInlineFromSource) {
+ // By default, we only emit inliner warnings for methods annotated @inline. However, we don't
+ // want to be unnecessarily noisy with `-opt-warnings:_`: for example, the inliner heuristic
+ // would attempty to inline `Function1.apply$sp$II`, as it's higher-order (the receiver is
+ // a function), and it's concrete (forwards to `apply`). But because it's non-final, it cannot
+ // be inlined. So we only create warnings here for methods annotated @inline.
+ Some(Left(CalleeNotFinal(
+ callee.calleeDeclarationClass.internalName,
+ callee.callee.desc,
+ callsite.isInlineAnnotated)))
+ } else None
+ } else inliner.earlyCanInlineCheck(callsite) match {
+ case Some(w) => Some(Left(w))
+ case None =>
+ val postInlineRequest: List[InlineRequest] = {
+ val postCall =
+ if (isTraitSuperAccessor(callee.callee, callee.calleeDeclarationClass)) {
+ // scala-dev#259: when inlining a trait super accessor, also inline the callsite to the default method
+ val implName =
+ findSingleCall(callee.callee, mi => mi.itf && mi.getOpcode == Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL && == implName)
+ } else {
+ // scala-dev#259: when inlining a mixin forwarder, also inline the callsite to the static super accessor
+ superAccessorInvocation(callee.callee)
+ }
+ postCall.flatMap(call => {
+ callGraph.addIfMissing(callee.callee, callee.calleeDeclarationClass)
+ val maybeCallsite = callGraph.findCallSite(callee.callee, call)
+ maybeCallsite.flatMap(requestIfCanInline(_, reason).flatMap(_.right.toOption))
+ }).toList
+ }
+ Some(Right(InlineRequest(callsite, postInlineRequest, reason)))
+ }
- compilerSettings.YoptInlineHeuristics.value match {
- case "everything" =>
- if (callee.safeToInline) {
+ // scala-dev#259: don't inline into static accessors and mixin forwarders
+ if (isTraitSuperAccessorOrMixinForwarder(callsite.callsiteMethod, callsite.callsiteClass)) None
+ else {
+ val callee = callsite.callee.get
+ compilerSettings.YoptInlineHeuristics.value match {
+ case "everything" =>
val reason = if (compilerSettings.YoptLogInline.isSetByUser) "the inline strategy is \"everything\"" else null
- Some(requestIfCanInline(callsite, reason))
- }
- else None
+ requestIfCanInline(callsite, reason)
- case "at-inline-annotated" =>
- if (callee.safeToInline && callee.annotatedInline) {
- val reason = if (compilerSettings.YoptLogInline.isSetByUser) {
- val what = if (callee.safeToInline) "callee" else "callsite"
+ case "at-inline-annotated" =>
+ def reason = if (!compilerSettings.YoptLogInline.isSetByUser) null else {
+ val what = if (callee.annotatedInline) "callee" else "callsite"
s"the $what is annotated `@inline`"
- } else null
- Some(requestIfCanInline(callsite, reason))
- }
- else None
+ }
+ if (callsite.isInlineAnnotated && !callsite.isNoInlineAnnotated) requestIfCanInline(callsite, reason)
+ else None
- case "default" =>
- if (callee.safeToInline && !callee.annotatedNoInline && !callsite.annotatedNoInline) {
- def shouldInlineHO = callee.samParamTypes.nonEmpty && (callee.samParamTypes exists {
- case (index, _) => callsite.argInfos.contains(index)
- })
- if (callee.annotatedInline || callsite.annotatedInline || shouldInlineHO) {
- val reason = if (compilerSettings.YoptLogInline.isSetByUser) {
- if (callee.annotatedInline || callsite.annotatedInline) {
- val what = if (callee.safeToInline) "callee" else "callsite"
- s"the $what is annotated `@inline`"
- } else {
- val paramNames = Option(callee.callee.parameters).map(
- def param(i: Int) = {
- def syn = s"<param $i>"
- paramNames.fold(syn)(v => v.applyOrElse(i, (_: Int) => syn))
- }
- def samInfo(i: Int, sam: String, arg: String) = s"the argument for parameter (${param(i)}: $sam) is a $arg"
- val argInfos = for ((i, sam) <- callee.samParamTypes; info <- callsite.argInfos.get(i)) yield {
- val argKind = info match {
- case FunctionLiteral => "function literal"
- case ForwardedParam(_) => "parameter of the callsite method"
- }
- samInfo(i, sam.internalName.split('/').last, argKind)
+ case "default" =>
+ def reason = if (!compilerSettings.YoptLogInline.isSetByUser) null else {
+ if (callsite.isInlineAnnotated) {
+ val what = if (callee.annotatedInline) "callee" else "callsite"
+ s"the $what is annotated `@inline`"
+ } else {
+ val paramNames = Option(callee.callee.parameters).map(
+ def param(i: Int) = {
+ def syn = s"<param $i>"
+ paramNames.fold(syn)(v => v.applyOrElse(i, (_: Int) => syn))
+ }
+ def samInfo(i: Int, sam: String, arg: String) = s"the argument for parameter (${param(i)}: $sam) is a $arg"
+ val argInfos = for ((i, sam) <- callee.samParamTypes; info <- callsite.argInfos.get(i)) yield {
+ val argKind = info match {
+ case FunctionLiteral => "function literal"
+ case ForwardedParam(_) => "parameter of the callsite method"
- s"the callee is a higher-order method, ${argInfos.mkString(", ")}"
+ samInfo(i, sam.internalName.split('/').last, argKind)
- } else null
- Some(requestIfCanInline(callsite, reason))
+ s"the callee is a higher-order method, ${argInfos.mkString(", ")}"
+ }
+ def shouldInlineHO = callee.samParamTypes.nonEmpty && (callee.samParamTypes exists {
+ case (index, _) => callsite.argInfos.contains(index)
+ })
+ if (!callsite.isNoInlineAnnotated && (callsite.isInlineAnnotated || shouldInlineHO)) requestIfCanInline(callsite, reason)
else None
- } else None
+ }