path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/ConstantOptimization.scala
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diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/ConstantOptimization.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/ConstantOptimization.scala
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--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/ConstantOptimization.scala
+++ /dev/null
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-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author James Iry
- */
-package scala
-package tools.nsc
-package backend.opt
-import scala.annotation.tailrec
- * ConstantOptimization uses abstract interpretation to approximate for
- * each instruction what constants a variable or stack slot might hold
- * or cannot hold. From this it will eliminate unreachable conditionals
- * where only one branch is reachable, e.g. to eliminate unnecessary
- * null checks.
- *
- * With some more work it could be extended to
- * - cache stable values (final fields, modules) in locals
- * - replace the copy propagation in ClosureElimination
- * - fold constants
- * - eliminate unnecessary stores and loads
- * - propagate knowledge gathered from conditionals for further optimization
- */
-abstract class ConstantOptimization extends SubComponent {
- import global._
- import icodes._
- import icodes.opcodes._
- val phaseName = "constopt"
- /** Create a new phase */
- override def newPhase(p: Phase) = new ConstantOptimizationPhase(p)
- override val enabled: Boolean = settings.YconstOptimization
- /**
- * The constant optimization phase.
- */
- class ConstantOptimizationPhase(prev: Phase) extends ICodePhase(prev) {
- def name = phaseName
- override def apply(c: IClass) {
- if (settings.YconstOptimization) {
- val analyzer = new ConstantOptimizer
- analyzer optimizeClass c
- }
- }
- }
- class ConstantOptimizer {
- def optimizeClass(cls: IClass) {
- log(s"Analyzing ${cls.methods.size} methods in $cls.")
- cls.methods foreach { m =>
- optimizeMethod(m)
- }
- }
- def optimizeMethod(m: IMethod) {
- if (m.hasCode) {
- log(s"Analyzing ${m.symbol}")
- val replacementInstructions = interpretMethod(m)
- for (block <- m.blocks) {
- if (replacementInstructions contains block) {
- val instructions = replacementInstructions(block)
- block.replaceInstruction(block.lastInstruction, instructions)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * A single possible (or impossible) datum that can be held in Contents
- */
- private sealed abstract class Datum
- /**
- * A constant datum
- */
- private case class Const(c: Constant) extends Datum {
- def isIntAssignable = c.tag >= BooleanTag && c.tag <= IntTag
- def toInt = c.tag match {
- case BooleanTag => if (c.booleanValue) 1 else 0
- case _ => c.intValue
- }
- /**
- * True if this constant would compare to other as true under primitive eq
- */
- override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
- case oc @ Const(o) => (this eq oc) || (if (this.isIntAssignable && oc.isIntAssignable) this.toInt == oc.toInt else c.value == o.value)
- case _ => false
- }
- /**
- * Hash code consistent with equals
- */
- override def hashCode = if (this.isIntAssignable) this.toInt else c.hashCode
- }
- /**
- * A datum that has been Boxed via a BOX instruction
- */
- private case class Boxed(c: Datum) extends Datum
- /**
- * The knowledge we have about the abstract state of one location in terms
- * of what constants it might or cannot hold. Forms a lower
- * lattice where lower elements in the lattice indicate less knowledge.
- *
- * With the following partial ordering (where '>' indicates more precise knowledge)
- *
- * Possible(xs) > Possible(xs + y)
- * Possible(xs) > Impossible(ys)
- * Impossible(xs + y) > Impossible(xs)
- *
- * and the following merges, which indicate merging knowledge from two paths through
- * the code,
- *
- * // left must be 1 or 2, right must be 2 or 3 then we must have a 1, 2 or 3
- * Possible(xs) merge Possible(ys) => Possible(xs union ys)
- *
- * // Left says can't be 2 or 3, right says can't be 3 or 4
- * // then it's not 3 (it could be 2 from the right or 4 from the left)
- * Impossible(xs) merge Impossible(ys) => Impossible(xs intersect ys)
- *
- * // Left says it can't be 2 or 3, right says it must be 3 or 4, then
- * // it can't be 2 (left rules out 4 and right says 3 is possible)
- * Impossible(xs) merge Possible(ys) => Impossible(xs -- ys)
- *
- * Intuitively, Possible(empty) says that a location can't hold anything,
- * it's uninitialized. However, Possible(empty) never appears in the code.
- *
- * Conversely, Impossible(empty) says nothing is impossible, it could be
- * anything. Impossible(empty) is given a synonym UNKNOWN and is used
- * for, e.g., the result of an arbitrary method call.
- */
- private sealed abstract class Contents {
- /**
- * Join this Contents with another coming from another path. Join enforces
- * the lattice structure. It is symmetrical and never moves upward in the
- * lattice
- */
- final def merge(other: Contents): Contents = if (this eq other) this else (this, other) match {
- case (Possible(possible1), Possible(possible2)) =>
- Possible(possible1 union possible2)
- case (Impossible(impossible1), Impossible(impossible2)) =>
- Impossible(impossible1 intersect impossible2)
- case (Impossible(impossible), Possible(possible)) =>
- Impossible(impossible -- possible)
- case (Possible(possible), Impossible(impossible)) =>
- Impossible(impossible -- possible)
- }
- // TODO we could have more fine-grained knowledge, e.g. know that 0 < x < 3. But for now equality/inequality is a good start.
- def mightEqual(other: Contents): Boolean
- def mightNotEqual(other: Contents): Boolean
- }
- private def SingleImpossible(x: Datum) = new Impossible(Set(x))
- /**
- * The location is known to have one of a set of values.
- */
- private case class Possible(possible: Set[Datum]) extends Contents {
- assert(possible.nonEmpty, "Contradiction: had an empty possible set indicating an uninitialized location")
- def mightEqual(other: Contents): Boolean = (this eq other) || (other match {
- // two Possibles might be equal if they have any possible members in common
- case Possible(possible2) => (possible intersect possible2).nonEmpty
- // a possible can be equal to an impossible if the impossible doesn't rule
- // out all the possibilities
- case Impossible(possible2) => (possible -- possible2).nonEmpty
- })
- def mightNotEqual(other: Contents): Boolean = (other match {
- case Possible(possible2) =>
- // two Possibles must equal if each is known to be of the same, single value
- val mustEqual = possible.size == 1 && possible == possible2
- !mustEqual
- case Impossible(_) => true
- })
- }
- private def SinglePossible(x: Datum) = new Possible(Set(x))
- /**
- * The location is known to not have any of a set of values value (e.g null).
- */
- private case class Impossible(impossible: Set[Datum]) extends Contents {
- def mightEqual(other: Contents): Boolean = (this eq other) || (other match {
- case Possible(_) => other mightEqual this
- case _ => true
- })
- def mightNotEqual(other: Contents): Boolean = (this eq other) || (other match {
- case Possible(_) => other mightNotEqual this
- case _ => true
- })
- }
- /**
- * Our entire knowledge about the contents of all variables and the stack. It forms
- * a lattice primarily driven by the lattice structure of Contents.
- *
- * In addition to the rules of contents, State has the following properties:
- * - The merge of two sets of locals holds the merges of locals found in the intersection
- * of the two sets of locals. Locals not found in a
- * locals map are thus possibly uninitialized and attempting to load them results
- * in an error.
- * - The stack heights of two states must match otherwise it's an error to merge them
- *
- * State is immutable in order to aid in structure sharing of local maps and stacks
- */
- private case class State(locals: Map[Local, Contents], stack: List[Contents]) {
- def mergeLocals(olocals: Map[Local, Contents]): Map[Local, Contents] = if (locals eq olocals) locals else Map((for {
- key <- (locals.keySet intersect olocals.keySet).toSeq
- } yield (key, locals(key) merge olocals(key))): _*)
- def merge(other: State): State = if (this eq other) this else {
- @tailrec def mergeStacks(l: List[Contents], r: List[Contents], out: List[Contents]): List[Contents] = (l, r) match {
- case (Nil, Nil) => out.reverse
- case (l, r) if l eq r => out.reverse ++ l
- case (lhead :: ltail, rhead :: rtail) => mergeStacks(ltail, rtail, (lhead merge rhead) :: out)
- case _ => sys.error("Mismatched stack heights")
- }
- val newLocals = mergeLocals(other.locals)
- val newStack = if (stack eq other.stack) stack else mergeStacks(stack, other.stack, Nil)
- State(newLocals, newStack)
- }
- /**
- * Peek at the top of the stack without modifying it. Error if the stack is empty
- */
- def peek(n: Int): Contents = stack(n)
- /**
- * Push contents onto a stack
- */
- def push(contents: Contents): State = this copy (stack = contents :: stack)
- /**
- * Drop n elements from the stack
- */
- def drop(number: Int): State = this copy (stack = stack drop number)
- /**
- * Store the top of the stack into the specified local. An error if the stack
- * is empty
- */
- def store(variable: Local): State = {
- val contents = stack.head
- val newVariables = locals + ((variable, contents))
- new State(newVariables, stack.tail)
- }
- /**
- * Load the specified local onto the top of the stack. An error if the local is uninitialized.
- */
- def load(variable: Local): State = {
- val contents: Contents = locals.getOrElse(variable, sys.error(s"$variable is not initialized"))
- push(contents)
- }
- /**
- * A copy of this State with an empty stack
- */
- def cleanStack: State = if (stack.isEmpty) this else this copy (stack = Nil)
- }
- // some precomputed constants
- private val NULL = Const(Constant(null: Any))
- private val UNKNOWN = Impossible(Set.empty)
- private val NOT_NULL = SingleImpossible(NULL)
- private val CONST_UNIT = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(())))
- private val CONST_FALSE = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(false)))
- private val CONST_ZERO_BYTE = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0: Byte)))
- private val CONST_ZERO_SHORT = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0: Short)))
- private val CONST_ZERO_CHAR = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0: Char)))
- private val CONST_ZERO_INT = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0: Int)))
- private val CONST_ZERO_LONG = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0: Long)))
- private val CONST_ZERO_FLOAT = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0.0f)))
- private val CONST_ZERO_DOUBLE = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0.0d)))
- private val CONST_NULL = SinglePossible(NULL)
- /**
- * Given a TypeKind, figure out what '0' for it means in order to interpret CZJUMP
- */
- private def getZeroOf(k: TypeKind): Contents = k match {
- case ARRAY(_) => CONST_NULL
- case BOXED(_) => CONST_NULL
- case ConcatClass => abort("no zero of ConcatClass")
- }
- // normal locals can't be null, so we use null to mean the magic 'this' local
- private val THIS_LOCAL: Local = null
- /**
- * interpret a single instruction to find its impact on the abstract state
- */
- private def interpretInst(in: State, inst: Instruction): State = {
- // pop the consumed number of values off the `in` state's stack, producing a new state
- def dropConsumed: State = in drop inst.consumed
- inst match {
- case THIS(_) =>
- in load THIS_LOCAL
- case CONSTANT(k) =>
- // treat NaN as UNKNOWN because NaN must never equal NaN
- val const = if (k.isNaN) UNKNOWN
- else SinglePossible(Const(k))
- in push const
- dropConsumed push UNKNOWN
- case LOAD_LOCAL(local) =>
- // TODO if a local is known to hold a constant then we can replace this instruction with a push of that constant
- in load local
- case STORE_LOCAL(local) =>
- in store local
- case STORE_THIS(_) =>
- // if a local is already known to have a constant and we're replacing with the same constant then we can
- // replace this with a drop
- in store THIS_LOCAL
- case CALL_METHOD(_, _) =>
- // TODO we could special case implementations of equals that are known, e.g. String#equals
- // We could turn Possible(string constants).equals(Possible(string constants) into an eq check
- // We could turn nonConstantString.equals(constantString) into constantString.equals(nonConstantString)
- // and eliminate the null check that likely precedes this call
- val initial = dropConsumed
- (0 until inst.produced).foldLeft(initial) { case (know, _) => know push UNKNOWN }
- case BOX(_) =>
- val value = in peek 0
- // we simulate boxing by, um, boxing the possible/impossible contents
- // so if we have Possible(1,2) originally then we'll end up with
- // a Possible(Boxed(1), Boxed(2))
- // Similarly, if we know the input is not a 0 then we'll know the
- // output is not a Boxed(0)
- val newValue = value match {
- case Possible(values) => Possible(values map Boxed)
- case Impossible(values) => Impossible(values map Boxed)
- }
- dropConsumed push newValue
- case UNBOX(_) =>
- val value = in peek 0
- val newValue = value match {
- // if we have a Possible, then all the possibilities
- // should themselves be Boxes. In that
- // case we can merge them to figure out what the UNBOX will produce
- case Possible(inners) =>
- assert(inners.nonEmpty, "Empty possible set indicating an uninitialized location")
- val sanitized: Set[Contents] = (inners map {
- case Boxed(content) => SinglePossible(content)
- case _ => UNKNOWN
- })
- sanitized reduce (_ merge _)
- // if we have an impossible then the thing that's impossible
- // should be a box. We'll unbox that to see what we get
- case unknown@Impossible(inners) =>
- if (inners.isEmpty) {
- unknown
- } else {
- val sanitized: Set[Contents] = (inners map {
- case Boxed(content) => SingleImpossible(content)
- case _ => UNKNOWN
- })
- sanitized reduce (_ merge _)
- }
- }
- dropConsumed push newValue
- case LOAD_MODULE(_) | NEW(_) | LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) =>
- in push NOT_NULL
- case CREATE_ARRAY(_, _) =>
- dropConsumed push NOT_NULL
- case IS_INSTANCE(_) =>
- // TODO IS_INSTANCE is going to be followed by a C(Z)JUMP
- // and if IS_INSTANCE/C(Z)JUMP the branch for "true" can
- // know that whatever was checked was not a null
- // see the TODO on CJUMP for more information about propagating null
- // information
- // TODO if the top of stack is guaranteed null then we can eliminate this IS_INSTANCE check and
- // replace with a constant false, but how often is a knowable null checked for instanceof?
- // TODO we could track type information and statically know to eliminate IS_INSTANCE
- // which might be a nice win under specialization
- dropConsumed push UNKNOWN // it's actually a Possible(true, false) but since the following instruction
- // will be a conditional jump comparing to true or false there
- // nothing to be gained by being more precise
- case CHECK_CAST(_) =>
- // TODO we could track type information and statically know to eliminate CHECK_CAST
- // but that's probably not a huge win
- in
- case DUP(_) =>
- val value = in peek 0
- in push value
- dropConsumed
- case SCOPE_ENTER(_) | SCOPE_EXIT(_) =>
- in
- case JUMP(_) | CJUMP(_, _, _, _) | CZJUMP(_, _, _, _) | RETURN(_) | THROW(_) | SWITCH(_, _) =>
- dumpClassesAndAbort("Unexpected block ending instruction: " + inst)
- }
- }
- /**
- * interpret the last instruction of a block which will be jump, a conditional branch, a throw, or a return.
- * It will result in a map from target blocks to the input state computed for that block. It
- * also computes a replacement list of instructions
- */
- private def interpretLast(in: State, inst: Instruction): (Map[BasicBlock, State], List[Instruction]) = {
- def canSwitch(in1: Contents, tagSet: List[Int]) = {
- in1 mightEqual Possible(tagSet.toSet map { tag: Int => Const(Constant(tag)) })
- }
- /* common code for interpreting CJUMP and CZJUMP */
- def interpretConditional(kind: TypeKind, val1: Contents, val2: Contents, success: BasicBlock, failure: BasicBlock, cond: TestOp): (Map[BasicBlock, State], List[Instruction]) = {
- // TODO use reaching analysis to update the state in the two branches
- // e.g. if the comparison was checking null equality on local x
- // then the in the success branch we know x is null and
- // on the failure branch we know it is not
- // in fact, with copy propagation we could propagate that knowledge
- // back through a chain of locations
- //
- // TODO if we do all that we need to be careful in the
- // case that success and failure are the same target block
- // because we're using a Map and don't want one possible state to clobber the other
- // alternative maybe we should just replace the conditional with a jump if both targets are the same
- def mightEqual = val1 mightEqual val2
- def mightNotEqual = val1 mightNotEqual val2
- def guaranteedEqual = mightEqual && !mightNotEqual
- def succPossible = cond match {
- case EQ => mightEqual
- case NE => mightNotEqual
- case LT | GT => !guaranteedEqual // if the two are guaranteed to be equal then they can't be LT/GT
- case LE | GE => true
- }
- def failPossible = cond match {
- case EQ => mightNotEqual
- case NE => mightEqual
- case LT | GT => true
- case LE | GE => !guaranteedEqual // if the two are guaranteed to be equal then they must be LE/GE
- }
- val out = in drop inst.consumed
- var result = Map[BasicBlock, State]()
- if (succPossible) {
- result += ((success, out))
- }
- if (failPossible) {
- result += ((failure, out))
- }
- val replacements = if (result.size == 1) List.fill(inst.consumed)(DROP(kind)) :+ JUMP(result.keySet.head)
- else inst :: Nil
- (result, replacements)
- }
- inst match {
- case JUMP(whereto) =>
- (Map((whereto, in)), inst :: Nil)
- case CJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
- val in1 = in peek 0
- val in2 = in peek 1
- interpretConditional(kind, in1, in2, success, failure, cond)
- case CZJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
- val in1 = in peek 0
- val in2 = getZeroOf(kind)
- interpretConditional(kind, in1, in2, success, failure, cond)
- case SWITCH(tags, labels) =>
- val in1 = in peek 0
- val reachableNormalLabels = tags zip labels collect { case (tagSet, label) if canSwitch(in1, tagSet) => label }
- val reachableLabels = if (tags.isEmpty) {
- assert(labels.size == 1, s"When SWITCH node has empty array of tags it should have just one (default) label: $labels")
- labels
- } else if (labels.lengthCompare(tags.length) > 0) {
- // if we've got an extra label then it's the default
- val defaultLabel = labels.last
- // see if the default is reachable by seeing if the input might be out of the set
- // of all tags
- val allTags = Possible(tags.flatten.toSet map { tag: Int => Const(Constant(tag)) })
- if (in1 mightNotEqual allTags) {
- reachableNormalLabels :+ defaultLabel
- } else {
- reachableNormalLabels
- }
- } else {
- reachableNormalLabels
- }
- // TODO similar to the comment in interpretConditional, we should update our the State going into each
- // branch based on which tag is being matched. Also, just like interpretConditional, if target blocks
- // are the same we need to merge State rather than clobber
- // alternative, maybe we should simplify the SWITCH to not have same target labels
- val newState = in drop inst.consumed
- val result = Map(reachableLabels map { label => (label, newState) }: _*)
- if (reachableLabels.size == 1) (result, DROP(INT) :: JUMP(reachableLabels.head) :: Nil)
- else (result, inst :: Nil)
- // these instructions don't have target blocks
- // (exceptions are assumed to be reachable from all instructions)
- case RETURN(_) | THROW(_) =>
- (Map.empty, inst :: Nil)
- case _ =>
- dumpClassesAndAbort("Unexpected non-block ending instruction: " + inst)
- }
- }
- /**
- * Analyze a single block to find how it transforms an input state into a states for its successor blocks
- * Also computes a list of instructions to be used to replace its last instruction
- */
- private def interpretBlock(in: State, block: BasicBlock): (Map[BasicBlock, State], Map[BasicBlock, State], List[Instruction]) = {
- debuglog(s"interpreting block $block")
- // number of instructions excluding the last one
- val normalCount = block.size - 1
- var exceptionState = in.cleanStack
- var normalExitState = in
- var idx = 0
- while (idx < normalCount) {
- val inst = block(idx)
- normalExitState = interpretInst(normalExitState, inst)
- if (normalExitState.locals ne exceptionState.locals)
- exceptionState = exceptionState.copy(locals = exceptionState mergeLocals normalExitState.locals)
- idx += 1
- }
- val pairs = block.exceptionSuccessors map { b => (b, exceptionState) }
- val exceptionMap = Map(pairs: _*)
- val (normalExitMap, newInstructions) = interpretLast(normalExitState, block.lastInstruction)
- (normalExitMap, exceptionMap, newInstructions)
- }
- /**
- * Analyze a single method to find replacement instructions
- */
- private def interpretMethod(m: IMethod): Map[BasicBlock, List[Instruction]] = {
- import scala.collection.mutable.{ Set => MSet, Map => MMap }
- debuglog(s"interpreting method $m")
- var iterations = 0
- // initially we know that 'this' is not null and the params are initialized to some unknown value
- val initThis: Iterator[(Local, Contents)] = if (m.isStatic) Iterator.empty else Iterator.single((THIS_LOCAL, NOT_NULL))
- val initOtherLocals: Iterator[(Local, Contents)] = m.params.iterator map { param => (param, UNKNOWN) }
- val initialLocals: Map[Local, Contents] = Map((initThis ++ initOtherLocals).toSeq: _*)
- val initialState = State(initialLocals, Nil)
- // worklist of basic blocks to process, initially the start block
- val worklist = MSet(m.startBlock)
- // worklist of exception basic blocks. They're kept in a separate set so they can be
- // processed after normal flow basic blocks. That's because exception basic blocks
- // are more likely to have multiple predecessors and queueing them for later
- // increases the chances that they'll only need to be interpreted once
- val exceptionlist = MSet[BasicBlock]()
- // our current best guess at what the input state is for each block
- // initially we only know about the start block
- val inputState = MMap[BasicBlock, State]((m.startBlock, initialState))
- // update the inputState map based on new information from interpreting a block
- // When the input state of a block changes, add it back to the work list to be
- // reinterpreted
- def updateInputStates(outputStates: Map[BasicBlock, State], worklist: MSet[BasicBlock]) {
- for ((block, newState) <- outputStates) {
- val oldState = inputState get block
- val updatedState = oldState map (x => x merge newState) getOrElse newState
- if (oldState != Some(updatedState)) {
- worklist add block
- inputState(block) = updatedState
- }
- }
- }
- // the instructions to be used as the last instructions on each block
- val replacements = MMap[BasicBlock, List[Instruction]]()
- while (worklist.nonEmpty || exceptionlist.nonEmpty) {
- if (worklist.isEmpty) {
- // once the worklist is empty, start processing exception blocks
- val block = exceptionlist.head
- exceptionlist remove block
- worklist add block
- } else {
- iterations += 1
- val block = worklist.head
- worklist remove block
- val (normalExitMap, exceptionMap, newInstructions) = interpretBlock(inputState(block), block)
- updateInputStates(normalExitMap, worklist)
- updateInputStates(exceptionMap, exceptionlist)
- replacements(block) = newInstructions
- }
- }
- debuglog(s"method $m with ${m.blocks.size} reached fixpoint in $iterations iterations")
- replacements.toMap
- }
- }